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基于水流特性的桥区船舶通航风险分析 被引量:1
作者 耿艳芬 郭梦雅 +1 位作者 陈会 郭华强 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期717-723,共7页
为评估桥区船舶通航风险,构建考虑船舶运动特性的三维流场模型,研究水流影响下船舶过桥行为的偏航特性和受力特性.确定桥梁和船舶的通航风险评估分级标准,建立了基于模糊逻辑的船舶顺流通航风险评估模型.结果表明,桥墩间距风险等级划分... 为评估桥区船舶通航风险,构建考虑船舶运动特性的三维流场模型,研究水流影响下船舶过桥行为的偏航特性和受力特性.确定桥梁和船舶的通航风险评估分级标准,建立了基于模糊逻辑的船舶顺流通航风险评估模型.结果表明,桥墩间距风险等级划分临界值为40和60 m,具体分级标准因水期的不同而异.船速在枯水期、中水期和洪水期的低风险范围分别为1.6~2.5、2.0~2.5和1.6~2.0 m/s.洪水期通航风险高于其他时期,主要表现为通航尺度受限时的撞桥事故.相比于传统评估模型,所提模型根据船舶直接受力与运动表现来确定桥梁、水流和船速等因素分级标准,简化了评价指标体系,降低了模型主观性. 展开更多
关键词 桥区水域 通航风险 水动力模拟 水流特性
基于广义垂线坐标系的三维非结构数学模型及其在珠江口的应用 被引量:2
作者 王志力 耿艳芬 +2 位作者 陆永军 莫思平 季荣耀 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期882-891,共10页
基于广义垂线坐标变换,构建了非结构网格的三维水动力数学模型。模型采用半隐式有限体积法对控制方程进行数值离散,其中半隐式法用于水位梯度和垂向紊动扩散以及垂向对流项的离散,显式控制体积分法用于水平对流项等的离散。广义垂线坐... 基于广义垂线坐标变换,构建了非结构网格的三维水动力数学模型。模型采用半隐式有限体积法对控制方程进行数值离散,其中半隐式法用于水位梯度和垂向紊动扩散以及垂向对流项的离散,显式控制体积分法用于水平对流项等的离散。广义垂线坐标系使得模型能够灵活地对垂向网格进行布置,平面非结构网格使得模型能够适应河口海岸复杂的岸线,并可对局部进行网格加密。模型通过具有解析解的风生流和异重流对模型进行检验,应用模型模拟了珠江口的三维潮流过程,计算结果与实测水文数据的比较表明,模型能够较好地模拟珠江河口的盐水楔和三维分层水动力过程。 展开更多
关键词 广义垂线坐标系 非结构网格 三维模型 半隐式模式 珠江口
桥墩绕流特性对船舶运动受力的影响 被引量:7
作者 耿艳芬 郭华强 +1 位作者 柯兴 马耀鲁 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期153-160,共8页
为了揭示桥墩绕流特性对船舶运动受力的影响,基于三维Navier-Stokes方程,通过求解6DOF方程,结合虚拟单元浸入边界法和水平集法构建被动型动船模型,模拟分析在高雷诺数下船墩间距、船速与流速对船舶运动状态和受力的影响.分析结果表明:... 为了揭示桥墩绕流特性对船舶运动受力的影响,基于三维Navier-Stokes方程,通过求解6DOF方程,结合虚拟单元浸入边界法和水平集法构建被动型动船模型,模拟分析在高雷诺数下船墩间距、船速与流速对船舶运动状态和受力的影响.分析结果表明:船墩间距的增大促使船舶艏摇力矩值迅速减小;船速变化对最大负艏摇力矩值的影响不明显,而船速减小会使偏航角度增大,船速增大使船舶横漂距离增大;流速的增大将促使船舶艏摇力矩值增大,且在船舶经过桥墩中部时所受负艏摇力矩增量最为显著.研究结果对于桥区船舶的安全通航问题具有一定的参考价值. 展开更多
关键词 桥区 桥墩 动船模型 艏摇力矩
基于一维二维耦合模型的衢州城市洪涝演进分析 被引量:5
作者 耿艳芬 郑鑫 柯兴 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期1005-1010,共6页
为准确模拟城市洪涝演进,建立一维河网和二维水深平均浅水模型.采用Preissmann隐式差分格式离散圣维南方程,并用三级联解法求解一维河网水系;采用四边形和三角形混合的非结构网格有限体积法离散二维浅水方程,并用Roe格式的近似黎曼解法... 为准确模拟城市洪涝演进,建立一维河网和二维水深平均浅水模型.采用Preissmann隐式差分格式离散圣维南方程,并用三级联解法求解一维河网水系;采用四边形和三角形混合的非结构网格有限体积法离散二维浅水方程,并用Roe格式的近似黎曼解法求解界面通量.模型采用衢州市2011年的实测洪涝淹没事件进行验证,验证结果显示模型具有较好的模拟效果.用该模型模拟4种不同重现期降雨量下的衢州市城区淹没情况,结果显示城区极端淹没深度超过3m,但超过95%区域淹没深度小于0.5m.此外,不同深度的淹没区域演进过程在同一降雨条件下呈现不同趋势.该模型能运用于具有复杂地形的沿江河城市洪涝数值模拟,亦能为城市防洪减灾研究和城市防洪规划提供精确数据. 展开更多
关键词 耦合模型 二维浅水方程 城市洪涝 演进过程
基于时空关联的京杭运河苏北段通行状态研究 被引量:3
作者 耿艳芬 郭华强 +1 位作者 刘轰 郭梦雅 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期859-865,共7页
基于船岸时空关联特性与模糊综合评价理论,对京杭运河苏北段不同航段通行状态进行研究.以2019—2020年京杭运河苏北段数据为基础,综合时间尺度与空间尺度分析交通流单因素时间与空间特征;以交通流与航道基础设施为一级指标,结合多因素... 基于船岸时空关联特性与模糊综合评价理论,对京杭运河苏北段不同航段通行状态进行研究.以2019—2020年京杭运河苏北段数据为基础,综合时间尺度与空间尺度分析交通流单因素时间与空间特征;以交通流与航道基础设施为一级指标,结合多因素综合评判各航段的通行状态.结果表明:京杭运河苏北段航道在空间尺度上具有明显区域相似性,从北至南通行流量逐渐增加,通行压力增大;时间尺度上以2月为突变点,夏季交通运输繁忙,其他时间呈平稳震荡分布;苏北段航道通行状态整体饱和.研究结果能够有效反映京杭运河苏北段航道时空状况,在宏观交通通行状态判别、水上交通规划和通航调运管理等方面具有实际应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 航道交通流 时空关联 通行状态 模糊综合评价
内涝过程中超载节点水流结构及水头损失分析 被引量:1
作者 耿艳芬 朱保航 钟颖萌 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期52-60,共9页
为探究处于内涝过程超载状态节点的水流结构及水头损失,基于室内管道节点模型进行了87组不同边界条件的三维构造模型模拟,完成了室内试验与数值模拟的对比验证;采用定性定量分析、数据相关性拟合和π理论研究了孔径比(节点直径Φ_(m)和... 为探究处于内涝过程超载状态节点的水流结构及水头损失,基于室内管道节点模型进行了87组不同边界条件的三维构造模型模拟,完成了室内试验与数值模拟的对比验证;采用定性定量分析、数据相关性拟合和π理论研究了孔径比(节点直径Φ_(m)和管道直径Φ_(p)的比值)、管道坡度、承压水头对节点内水流结构和水头损失的影响。研究结果表明:节点出口处的水量交互是产生水头损失的主要原因;局部水头损失系数K随孔径比的增大而增大,随超载水深、承压水头的增大而减小;通过π理论提出K=f(Re)的求解思路是可行的;两种孔径比节点的K值对坡度变化的响应不同,管道坡度的设计需要考虑节点孔径比的影响。研究成果补充了雨洪耦合模型中的节点水流结构,可为一维管网在节点处的水头损失计算提供经验数值和参考。 展开更多
关键词 管网节点 水流结构 局部水头损失 经验公式
A three-dimensional semi-implicit unstructured grid finite volume ocean model 被引量:10
作者 WANG Zhili geng yanfen 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期68-78,共11页
A new three-dimensional semi-implicit finite-volume ocean model has been developed for simulating the coastal ocean circulation, which is based on the staggered C-unstructured non-orthogonal grid in the hor- izontal d... A new three-dimensional semi-implicit finite-volume ocean model has been developed for simulating the coastal ocean circulation, which is based on the staggered C-unstructured non-orthogonal grid in the hor- izontal direction and z-level grid in the vertical direction. The three-dimensional model is discretized by the semi-implicit finite-volume method, in that the free-surface and the vertical diffusion are semi-implicit, thereby removing stability limitations associated with the surface gravity wave and vertical diffusion terms. The remaining terms in the momentum equations are discretized explicitly by an integral method. The partial cell method is used for resolving topography, which enables the model to better represent irregular topography. The model has been tested against analytical cases for wind and tidal oscillation circulation, and is applied to simulating the tidal flow in the Bohal Sea. The results are in good agreement both with the analytical solutions and measurement results. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional model finite volume unstructured grid SEMI-IMPLICIT z-level grid
Prediction for asphalt pavement water film thickness based on artificial neural network 被引量:4
作者 Ma Yaolu geng yanfen +1 位作者 Chen Xianhua Lu Yankun 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第4期490-495,共6页
In order to study the variation o f the asphalt pavement water film thickness influenced by multi-factors,anew method for predicting water film thickness was developed by the combination o f the artificial neural netw... In order to study the variation o f the asphalt pavement water film thickness influenced by multi-factors,anew method for predicting water film thickness was developed by the combination o f the artificial neural network(ANN)a d two-dimensional shallow water equations based on hydrodynamic theory.Multi-factors included the rainfall intensity,pavement width,cross slope,longitudinal slope a d pavement roughness coefficient.The two-dimensional hydrodynamic method was validated by a natural rainfall event.Based on the design scheme o f Shen-Sha expressway engineering project,the limited training data obtained by the two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation model was used to predict water film thickness.Furthermore,the distribution of the water film thickness influenced by multi-factors on the pavement was analyzed.The accuracy o f the ANN model was verified by the18sets o f data with a precision o f0.991.The simulation results indicate that the water film thickness increases from the median strip to the edge o f the pavement.The water film thickness variation is obviously influenced by rainfall intensity.Under the condition that the pavement width is20m and t e rainfall intensity is3m m/h,t e water film thickness is below10mm in the fast lane and20mm in t e lateral lane.Athough there is fluctuation due to the amount oftraining data,compared with the calculation on the basis o f the existing criterion and theory,t e ANN model exhibits a better performance for depicting the macroscopic distribution of the asphalt pavement water film. 展开更多
关键词 pavement engineering water film thickness artificial neural network hydrodynamic method prediction analysis
Analysis of interaction between surface and sewer pipe system based on computational fluid dynamics 被引量:2
作者 geng yanfen Mao Jiandong +1 位作者 Wang Zhili Guo Huaqiang 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2020年第2期198-205,共8页
To verify the accuracy of weir and orifice formula and analyze the hydraulic characteristics of exchange flow in a manhole,a three-dimensional numerical model was proposed to assess the exchange flow rate between the ... To verify the accuracy of weir and orifice formula and analyze the hydraulic characteristics of exchange flow in a manhole,a three-dimensional numerical model was proposed to assess the exchange flow rate between the surface and sewer pipe systems based on the real-world scale model.The hydrodynamic model is based on the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations including the standard k-εmodel for turbulence processes,and the volume of fluid(VOF)method for capturing the free surface.The results of the computational fluid dynamics(CFD)simulation are compared with the conventional overflow equations,showing that the weir and orifice formula is appropriate to determine the exchange flow rate between two systems in this specific study case.Streamlines and velocity contours at the center profile under both the inflow and surcharge conditions show that the exchange flow is directly related to the water level on the surface and the junction area between the manhole and right pipe.The results demonstrate the potential application of CFD in analyzing the interaction of urban flood flows,which can provide much clearer details of the interaction process. 展开更多
关键词 computational fluid dynamics(CFD) exchange flow rate urban flood model weir and orifice formula
Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of bridge deck runoff
作者 geng yanfen Ke Xing Zheng Xin 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2018年第4期517-523,共7页
The spatiotemporal characteristics of bridge deck runoff under a natural rainfall event are explored. The Taizhou Bridge is taken as a study case,and a hydrodynamic model based on the two-dimensional shallow water equ... The spatiotemporal characteristics of bridge deck runoff under a natural rainfall event are explored. The Taizhou Bridge is taken as a study case,and a hydrodynamic model based on the two-dimensional shallow water equations is used to analyze the runoff characteristics. The results indicate that the runoff velocity rate and depth are positively related to rainfall intensity,yet they have different response degrees to it. The inlet’s effect degree on lane water film has a positive relationship with rainfall intensity. A natural logarithm function( R^2= 0.706) can illustrate this relationship. However,the inlet’s effect degree on ponding at the curb shows a negative relationship with the rainfall intensity. A negative exponential function( R^2= 0.824) can reveal this relationship. With the decrease in the longitudinal slope SL,the ponding depth at the curb increases significantly at the bridge approach slab,whereas the lane water film thickness( WFT) is almost unchanged,but the lane WFT increases greatly at the location with the minimum longitudinal slope. It is concluded that the characteristics of the bridge deck runoff present apparent spatiotemporal differences,the inlet ’s effects on bridge deck runoff are quantitatively correlated with rainfall intensity, and the effective drainage measures are necessary for the bridge approach slab. 展开更多
关键词 two-dimensional shallow water equations bridge deck runoff spatiotemporal characteristics ponding depth water film thickness
路面工程中的车-路相互作用研究进展 被引量:8
作者 陈先华 马耀鲁 +1 位作者 耿艳芬 杨军 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期18-30,共13页
作为路面工程中的核心科学问题,车-路相互作用是评估车辆在道路上的行驶安全性与舒适性、理解路表特性及路面病害的发展演化等问题的关键。由路面不平度引起的车辆振动会影响行车安全性与驾驶舒适性,而车辆对路面会造成不同程度的破坏,... 作为路面工程中的核心科学问题,车-路相互作用是评估车辆在道路上的行驶安全性与舒适性、理解路表特性及路面病害的发展演化等问题的关键。由路面不平度引起的车辆振动会影响行车安全性与驾驶舒适性,而车辆对路面会造成不同程度的破坏,车-胎-路是一个相互作用的耦合系统。由于问题本身的复杂性与其影响因素的随机性,相对独立的多尺度研究方法之间缺乏数据的有效交互,导致不同指标间的适用性不理想。因此,结合现有路面工程中的车-路相互作用所涉及到的路面宏观力学响应、路表纹理的多尺度表征、考虑胎面细观花纹的路表抗滑评估等方面的研究现状,对车-路相互作用过程中的路表纹理的时间演化过程、路面滑水现象导致的车辆失稳判定、沥青混合料的细观接触特性等关键问题进行归纳,参考已有研究成果提出现有车-路相互作用的评价指标,最后从路面工程角度对车-路相互作用问题研究的未来发展方向进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 车-路相互作用 车路耦合 影响因素 评价指标
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