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天然生物质材料的制备、性质与应用(Ⅰ)——自然界唯一的碱性多糖:甲壳素/壳聚糖 被引量:13
作者 隋振全 毛金超 +1 位作者 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第1期7-14,共8页
甲壳素是自然界除纤维素之外的第二大天然生物材料,也是自然界唯一的碱性多糖。甲壳素及其脱乙酰基衍生物壳聚糖因为分子结构中存在着氨基、羟基、乙酰氨基、糖苷键等多种活性基团,可发生多种化学反应以制得具有特定性质和用途的功能材... 甲壳素是自然界除纤维素之外的第二大天然生物材料,也是自然界唯一的碱性多糖。甲壳素及其脱乙酰基衍生物壳聚糖因为分子结构中存在着氨基、羟基、乙酰氨基、糖苷键等多种活性基团,可发生多种化学反应以制得具有特定性质和用途的功能材料,在医药卫生、环境保护、纺织印染、造纸、食品及日用化工等多个行业中得到广泛应用。本文阐述了甲壳素、壳聚糖的名称、结构和来源,以及常规生产方法、理化性质和近期的应用进展情况,并指出了甲壳素、壳聚糖及其衍生物当前存在的问题和发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 甲壳素 壳聚糖 碱性多糖 衍生物 制备 性质 应用
天然生物质材料的制备、性质与应用(Ⅱ)——pH敏感型功能海洋多糖:海藻酸钠 被引量:12
作者 毛金超 隋振全 +1 位作者 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第2期124-133,共10页
海藻酸钠是一种提取自海藻的pH敏感型多功能海洋多糖。因具有无毒、水溶、生物相容、可生物降解、成膜、胶凝、增稠、抗过敏、絮凝、螯合、促植物生长、阻燃等优良特性,且分子结构中含有可进行化学改性的羟基、羧基、糖苷键等活性基团,... 海藻酸钠是一种提取自海藻的pH敏感型多功能海洋多糖。因具有无毒、水溶、生物相容、可生物降解、成膜、胶凝、增稠、抗过敏、絮凝、螯合、促植物生长、阻燃等优良特性,且分子结构中含有可进行化学改性的羟基、羧基、糖苷键等活性基团,使得海藻酸钠及其衍生物、复合物、掺混物在食品、医药、化妆品、纺织印染、水处理、农业和功能材料等多个行业领域得到广泛关注与应用。本文阐述了海藻酸钠的名称、来源和结构,以及理化性质、制备方法和近期的应用进展情况,并指出了这种天然海洋生物质材料的发展方向和前景。 展开更多
关键词 海藻酸钠 海洋多糖 天然生物质材料 制备 性质 应用
天然生物质材料的制备、性质与应用(Ⅲ)——医护两用的糖胺聚糖:透明质酸 被引量:7
作者 石晶 冯云 +3 位作者 包杰 樊建茹 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第3期237-244,共8页
透明质酸是一种广泛存在于生物体内的糖胺聚糖,具有保湿、抗菌消炎、抗氧化、抗衰老、润滑关节、调节渗透压等多种生理功能。天然无毒、生物相容性优异、可生物降解的透明质酸具有独特的螺旋柱分子构型,且分子结构中含有可进行分子修饰... 透明质酸是一种广泛存在于生物体内的糖胺聚糖,具有保湿、抗菌消炎、抗氧化、抗衰老、润滑关节、调节渗透压等多种生理功能。天然无毒、生物相容性优异、可生物降解的透明质酸具有独特的螺旋柱分子构型,且分子结构中含有可进行分子修饰并赋予其更多更强功能性质的羟基、酰胺基、糖苷键等活性位点,作为一类重要生物活性物质,透明质酸及其衍生物、复合物、掺混物在医疗、化妆品、食品等领域已得到广泛应用。本文阐述了透明质酸的名称、结构和来源,以及理化性质、生理功能、制备方法和近期的应用进展情况,并指出了透明质酸的发展前景和研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 透明质酸 糖胺聚糖 天然生物质材料 制备 性质 应用 化妆品
天然生物质材料的制备、性质与应用(Ⅳ)——胶凝稳定的多用途海藻胶:琼脂 被引量:4
作者 亓玺 樊建茹 +2 位作者 冯云 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期355-362,共8页
琼脂是从红藻中提取的一种海藻多糖,是世界上应用最广泛的海藻胶之一。因具有胶凝、无毒、稳定、增稠、透明、助悬、赋型等优良特性,且利用其分子结构中的羟基、糖苷键等活性基团进行降解、氧化、羧烷基化、羟烷基化及疏水化等改性方法... 琼脂是从红藻中提取的一种海藻多糖,是世界上应用最广泛的海藻胶之一。因具有胶凝、无毒、稳定、增稠、透明、助悬、赋型等优良特性,且利用其分子结构中的羟基、糖苷键等活性基团进行降解、氧化、羧烷基化、羟烷基化及疏水化等改性方法可赋予其更多更强的功能性质,琼脂及其改性产物在食品、生物、医药、化妆品、农业等多个领域得到广泛应用。本文阐述了琼脂的名称、来源和结构,以及物理性质、生产方法、改性技术和近期的应用进展情况,并指出了琼脂及其改性产物当前存在的问题和发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 琼脂 琼脂糖 琼胶寡糖 提取 改性 性质 应用
常用化妆品成型技术(Ⅴ)--仿生物膜:脂质体 被引量:4
作者 石晶 冯云 +2 位作者 亓玺 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第11期1162-1168,共7页
脂质体是由磷脂等双亲性物质形成的内部为水相、具有类细胞膜结构的双分子层闭合囊泡,可同时将脂溶性活性物和水溶性活性物分别包封于脂质双层膜及内部的水相中。脂质体作为一种与生物膜结构高度相似,具有良好生物相容性、生物体内可降... 脂质体是由磷脂等双亲性物质形成的内部为水相、具有类细胞膜结构的双分子层闭合囊泡,可同时将脂溶性活性物和水溶性活性物分别包封于脂质双层膜及内部的水相中。脂质体作为一种与生物膜结构高度相似,具有良好生物相容性、生物体内可降解、无毒、无免疫原性、副作用低、靶向输送、缓释控释等多种优良特性的一类功效成分载体,已在医药、食品、化妆品等多个行业领域中得到广泛研究和应用。本文介绍了脂质体的组成、结构、分类、理化性质和制备方法,并简析了脂质体剂型的特点及与药品、化妆品应用密切相关的透皮吸收机理,同时对脂质体在医疗、食品、化妆品中的应用情况及未来研发方向做了简要概述。 展开更多
关键词 脂质体 性质 制备 应用 化妆品 制剂
常用化妆品成型技术(Ⅲ)——液固飞扬:气雾剂和喷雾剂 被引量:3
作者 于昕琪 隋振全 +1 位作者 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第9期930-936,共7页
气雾剂和喷雾剂是一类使用方便、应用范围广泛、发展前景广阔的精细化工产品制剂,通过压力装置使液(固)态功效成分分散为分散度高、表面积巨大的细小液滴(颗粒),使功效成分均匀地分布在应用场所的立体空间里或作用对象的表面上以充分发... 气雾剂和喷雾剂是一类使用方便、应用范围广泛、发展前景广阔的精细化工产品制剂,通过压力装置使液(固)态功效成分分散为分散度高、表面积巨大的细小液滴(颗粒),使功效成分均匀地分布在应用场所的立体空间里或作用对象的表面上以充分发挥其功能效用。本文介绍了气雾剂和喷雾剂的发展历程、产品特性、工作原理、装置构件、关键材料、制备方法和使用注意事项,有选择地介绍了近年来气雾剂和喷雾剂在个人护理、卫生保健、家用清洁和生物药剂等方面的典型应用情况,并简析了气雾剂和喷雾剂未来的研发重点和发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 气雾剂 喷雾剂 制剂 制备 化妆品 应用
天然生物质材料的制备、性质与应用(Ⅴ)——生物相容性良好的功能蛋白质材料:胶原蛋白 被引量:2
作者 樊建茹 亓玺 +3 位作者 郝旸 王长运 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第5期476-485,共10页
胶原蛋白是一类从动物组织中提取的兼具营养和生理调节功能的多肽混合物。因具有低免疫原性、生物相容性、生物可降解性等特性以及保湿、美白、抗皱防衰等美容功能和降血脂、补钙等保健功能,而且可以通过物理、化学和与高分子材料共混... 胶原蛋白是一类从动物组织中提取的兼具营养和生理调节功能的多肽混合物。因具有低免疫原性、生物相容性、生物可降解性等特性以及保湿、美白、抗皱防衰等美容功能和降血脂、补钙等保健功能,而且可以通过物理、化学和与高分子材料共混等改性方法赋予其特定功能性质,胶原蛋白在医学生物、化妆品、保健品和食品等多个领域得到广泛应用。本文阐述了胶原蛋白的来源、类型和结构,以及理化性质、制备方法、改性技术及其典型功能与应用情况,并展望了胶原蛋白今后的研究开发方向。 展开更多
关键词 胶原蛋白 胶原 结构 性质 制备 改性 应用
常用化妆品成型技术(Ⅰ)——油水一家:乳剂 被引量:1
作者 冯云 石晶 +3 位作者 包杰 郝旸 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第7期696-703,共8页
乳剂一般是指一种或一种以上液体以小液滴的形式分散在另一种与之不相混溶的液体连续相中所构成的一类不均匀分散体系的液体剂型,常被用作活性及功能成分的载体或基质,已广泛应用于日化、纺织、皮革、造纸、采油、农药、高分子合成、食... 乳剂一般是指一种或一种以上液体以小液滴的形式分散在另一种与之不相混溶的液体连续相中所构成的一类不均匀分散体系的液体剂型,常被用作活性及功能成分的载体或基质,已广泛应用于日化、纺织、皮革、造纸、采油、农药、高分子合成、食品、医药等多个行业领域。随着人们环境、生态观念的提升和对高品质健康生活的需求,生物相容性良好、可生物降解的环境友好型特色乳剂越来越受到关注。本文介绍了乳剂的组成和种类、乳化剂的选择原则和方法、乳剂的形成原理和制备影响因素,并有选择地介绍了近年来乳剂在化妆品及日化相关领域中比较有特色的应用情况。 展开更多
关键词 乳剂 微乳液 化妆品 制备 应用
作者 王长运 郝旸 +3 位作者 樊建茹 唐文俊 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期585-593,共9页
淀粉是自然界中的植物储能多糖,由两种分子结构的高分子——直链淀粉和支链淀粉组成,具有天然无毒、可再生、来源广泛、可生物降解等特点,已广泛应用于食品、医药、造纸、化妆品等不同行业领域。但天然原淀粉自身的结构特点和性质也在... 淀粉是自然界中的植物储能多糖,由两种分子结构的高分子——直链淀粉和支链淀粉组成,具有天然无毒、可再生、来源广泛、可生物降解等特点,已广泛应用于食品、医药、造纸、化妆品等不同行业领域。但天然原淀粉自身的结构特点和性质也在一定程度上限制了其开发和应用,物理、化学和生物技术改性可赋予淀粉更丰富的分子结构和更多样的功能性质,能极大地提高其应用性能、拓展其应用范围。本文阐述了淀粉的结构、来源以及理化性质、生产方法、改性手段和近期的应用进展情况,并展望了淀粉未来的研究开发方向。 展开更多
关键词 淀粉 改性淀粉 来源 结构 制备 性质 应用
作者 郝旸 王长运 +4 位作者 樊建茹 冯云 黎振球 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第8期805-811,共7页
微胶囊是用可成膜材料包覆气体、液体或固体而形成的一种微小“壁-芯”物料结构,可有效降低外界环境对被包覆成分的影响,提高其稳定性,并能通过机械、加热或化学等方法有针对性地控制被包覆材料的释放,改善其使用性能。类型多样、性能... 微胶囊是用可成膜材料包覆气体、液体或固体而形成的一种微小“壁-芯”物料结构,可有效降低外界环境对被包覆成分的影响,提高其稳定性,并能通过机械、加热或化学等方法有针对性地控制被包覆材料的释放,改善其使用性能。类型多样、性能可控的微胶囊已在化妆品、香精、食品、医药、农药、阻燃剂、造纸、纺织染整等多个行业领域中得到广泛应用。本文介绍了微胶囊技术的发展、微胶囊的基本性质和壁材选择、微胶囊化方法及其功能特性,有选择地介绍了近年来微胶囊在化妆品及日化相关领域中的典型应用情况,并指出了微胶囊技术的研发方向。 展开更多
关键词 微胶囊 壁材 控制释放 化妆品 制剂 应用
作者 包杰 冯云 +3 位作者 樊建茹 石晶 徐桂云 范金石 《日用化学工业(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第10期1049-1054,共6页
粉剂是指外观呈粉状或粉质块状的干剂,通常是将功效成分、辅料及适当助剂一起混合粉碎得到的,广泛应用于化妆品、口腔卫生用品及医药、农药化肥、军工、油墨、印刷、化工、材料、建筑、饲料等多个行业领域。粉剂的性能主要由功效成分的... 粉剂是指外观呈粉状或粉质块状的干剂,通常是将功效成分、辅料及适当助剂一起混合粉碎得到的,广泛应用于化妆品、口腔卫生用品及医药、农药化肥、军工、油墨、印刷、化工、材料、建筑、饲料等多个行业领域。粉剂的性能主要由功效成分的性质决定,但也与粉剂的颗粒大小与形状、比表面积、密度、吸湿性、流动性等特性密切相关。本文介绍了粉剂的特性、生产设备、生产工艺,并着重介绍了粉剂在美容、美白、防晒化妆品及面膜、药妆和口腔卫生用品方面的应用情况,并简析了粉剂当前存在的问题、未来研发重点和发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 化妆品 粉剂 制剂 特性 制备 应用
作者 唐文俊 王长运 +2 位作者 徐桂云 牛千雪 范金石 《日用化学工业(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第12期1278-1285,共8页
半固体是自然界中天然存在的一种物质形态,也是一类极其重要的产品剂型。兼具固体和液体特性的半固体属于浓分散体系,具有非牛顿流体的流变特性。半固体一般是由有效成分和适宜基质经均匀混合而得的具有适当稠度的膏状制剂,在医药、化... 半固体是自然界中天然存在的一种物质形态,也是一类极其重要的产品剂型。兼具固体和液体特性的半固体属于浓分散体系,具有非牛顿流体的流变特性。半固体一般是由有效成分和适宜基质经均匀混合而得的具有适当稠度的膏状制剂,在医药、化妆品、日用化工、食品、农业、造纸、纺织、印染、材料等诸多行业领域中得到了广泛应用。半固体作为一类极其重要的化妆品制剂,具有品类丰富、制作简单、便于使用、产品稳定、功能多样等优点。本文介绍了半固体的组成和流变性能、半固体的基质和有效成分、半固体的制备基本要求和制备方法以及几类典型半固体化妆品的性能、组成和应用,并简析了半固体化妆品的研发应持续关注的方面和重点。 展开更多
关键词 半固体 流变学 化妆品 制备 应用
Transcriptome responses to heat stress in hypothalamus of a meat-type chicken 被引量:3
作者 Hongyan Sun Runshen Jiang +4 位作者 Shengyou xu Zebin Zhang guiyun xu Jiangxia Zheng Lujiang Qu 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期291-302,共12页
Background: Heat stress has resulted in great losses in poultry production. To address this issue, we systematically analyzed chicken hypothalamus transcriptome responses to thermal stress using a 44 k chicken Agilen... Background: Heat stress has resulted in great losses in poultry production. To address this issue, we systematically analyzed chicken hypothalamus transcriptome responses to thermal stress using a 44 k chicken Agilent microarray, Methods: Hypothalamus samples were collected from a control group reared at 25℃, a heat-stress group treated at 34℃ for 24 h, and a temperature-recovery group reared at 25℃ for 24 h following a heat-stress treatment. We compared the expression profiles between each pair of the three groups using microarray data. Results: A total of 1,967 probe sets were found to be differentially expressed in the three comparisons with P 〈 0.05 and a fold change (FC) higher than 1.5, and the genes were mainly involved in self-regulation and compensation required to maintain homeostasis. Consistent expression results were found for 11 selected genes by quantitative real-time PCR. Thirty-eight interesting differential expression genes were found from GO term annotation and those genes were related to meat quality, growth, and crucial enzymes. Using these genes for genetic network analysis, we obtained three genetic networks. Moreover, the transcripts of heat-shock protein, including Hsp 40 and Hsp 90, were significantly altered in response to thermal stress. Conclusions: This study provides a broader understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying stress response in chickens and discovery of novel genes that are regulated in a specific thermal-stress manner. 展开更多
关键词 CHICKEN Heat shock protein Heat stress HYPOTHALAMUS MICROARRAY Transcription
The cost of obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD) in China: a multi- center cross- sectional survey based on hospitals 被引量:6
作者 Weili Yang Zhen Tang +12 位作者 Xijin Wang Xiancang Ma Yuqi Cheng Bin Wang Ping Sun Wenxin Tang Jia Luo Changhong Wang Ping Li guiyun xu Jun Yan Vlasios Brakoulias Zhen Wang 《General Psychiatry》 CSCD 2021年第6期34-41,共8页
Background Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD)is considered a very debilitating disorder with severe loss of quality of life and income.Aims This study estimates the quality of life and economic consequences of OCD in ... Background Obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD)is considered a very debilitating disorder with severe loss of quality of life and income.Aims This study estimates the quality of life and economic consequences of OCD in China.Methods The research team interviewed 639 patients with OCD in 13 hospitals in 12 cities in China.The direct method was used to get the direct cost of OCD.Indirect costs associated with OCD were estimated using the human capital approach.Linear regression analysis was conducted for quality of life and generalised linear model analysis was conducted for total cost.Sensitivity analysis was used to analyse the uncertainty of total cost.Results The mean quality of life score for OCD was 52.78(20.46).The annual total cost of OCD per capita was 24503.78(95%CI:22621.53 to 26386.03)renminbi(RMB)(US$3465.88(95%CI:US$3199.65 to US$3732.11)).The annual cost of OCD in China was estimated to be 37.74 billion(95%CI:34.95 billion to 40.53 billion)RMB(equal to US$5.34 billion(95%CI:US$4.94 billion to US$5.73 billion)).Sensitivity analysis showed that the total annual cost of OCD in China was between 23.15 billion RMB(US$3.27 billion)and 370.00 billion RMB(US$52.33 billion).Worse social function status,more psychiatric symptoms and higher Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale(Y-BOCS)score were associated with worse quality of life.The numbers of clinic visits and hospitalisations,socioeconomic status,education,Y-BOCS scores and age were found to be significantly associated with total cost.Conclusions OCD is associated with low quality of life and high costs in China.The findings call for concerted efforts to improve services for patients with OCD.Improvements may include early detection and diagnosis,the provision of evidence-based treatments and relapse prevention strategies. 展开更多
Genetic basis of negative heterosis for growth traits in chickens revealed by genome-wide gene expression pattern analysis 被引量:3
作者 Chunning Mai Chaoliang Wen +5 位作者 Zhiyuan xu guiyun xu Sirui Chen Jiangxia Zheng Congjiao Sun Ning Yang 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1267-1280,共14页
Background:Heterosis is an important biological phenomenon that has been extensively utilized in agricultural breeding.However,negative heterosis is also pervasively observed in nature,which can cause unfavorable impa... Background:Heterosis is an important biological phenomenon that has been extensively utilized in agricultural breeding.However,negative heterosis is also pervasively observed in nature,which can cause unfavorable impacts on production performance.Compared with systematic studies of positive heterosis,the phenomenon of negative heterosis has been largely ignored in genetic studies and breeding programs,and the genetic mechanism of this phenomenon has not been thoroughly elucidated to date.Here,we used chickens,the most common agricultural animals worldwide,to determine the genetic and molecular mechanisms of negative heterosis.Results:We performed reciprocal crossing experiments with two distinct chicken lines and found that the body weight presented widely negative heterosis in the early growth of chickens.Negative heterosis of carcass traits was more common than positive heterosis,especially breast muscle mass,which was over−40%in reciprocal progenies.Genome-wide gene expression pattern analyses of breast muscle tissues revealed that nonadditivity,including dominance and overdominace,was the major gene inheritance pattern.Nonadditive genes,including a substantial number of genes encoding ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase,accounted for more than 68%of differentially expressed genes in reciprocal crosses(4257 of 5587 and 3617 of 5243,respectively).Moreover,nonadditive genes were significantly associated with the biological process of oxidative phosphorylation,which is the major metabolic pathway for energy release and animal growth and development.The detection of ATP content and ATPase activity for purebred and crossbred progenies further confirmed that chickens with lower muscle yield had lower ATP concentrations but higher hydrolysis activity,which supported the important role of oxidative phosphorylation in negative heterosis for growth traits in chickens.Conclusions:These findings revealed that nonadditive genes and their related oxidative phosphorylation were the major genetic and molecular factors in the negative heterosis of growth in chickens,which would be beneficial to future breeding strategies. 展开更多
关键词 CHICKEN Growth Gene expression patterns HETEROSIS Oxidative phosphorylation
The influences of SE infection on layers' production performance,egg quality and blood biochemical indicators 被引量:3
作者 Shijie Fan Jiangxia Zheng +2 位作者 Zhongyi Duan Ning Yang guiyun xu 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期365-370,共6页
Background: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), as a major cause of foodborn illness, infects humans mainly through the egg. However, the symptom of laying hens usually is not typical and hard to diagnosi... Background: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), as a major cause of foodborn illness, infects humans mainly through the egg. However, the symptom of laying hens usually is not typical and hard to diagnosis. In the present study, it is studied that the influences of SE infection on layers' performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indicators. It will help us to improve the strategy to control SE infection in commercial layers. One hundred layers at 20 wk of age were divided into 2 groups, 60 hens for experiment and others for control. The experiment group was fed with the dosage of 108 CFU SE per hen. The specific PCR was used to detect the deposition of SE. On the 8 d after SE infection, 10 hens from the control group and 30 hens from the experimenta group were slaughtered to detect the SE colonization. The production performance, egg quality and blood biochemical indices were also analyzed. Results: The results showed that the colonization rate of SE was highest in caecum contents (55.17%) and lowest in vagina (17.24%). For the eggs the detection rate of SE was highest on the eggshell (80.00%) and lowest in yolk (18.81%). SE infection had no significant influence on production performance and egg qualities (P 〉 0.05). The difference of laying rate between the experimental and control groups was less than 0.30%, and both were approximately equal to 82.00%. The blood analysis showed that the aspartic aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) of experimental group was significantly higher than those of control group (P 〈 0.05). For experimental and control groups AST values were 236.22 U/I and 211.84 U/I respectively, and ALT values were 32.19 U/I and 24.55 U/I. All of coefficients were less than 20%. The colonization of SE in organs increases the enzyme activities of AST and ALT in blood. Conclusions: SE in feed could invade the oviduct and infect the forming eggs. It significantly increased the concentration of ALT and AST in blood. However,SE infection was hard to be observed from the appearances of layer and egg. It might be a dangerous risk to human health. 展开更多
关键词 Blood biochemical indicators CHICKEN Egg quality Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis
Correlation analysis of the total IgY level in hen serum, egg yolk and offspring serum 被引量:1
作者 Hancong Sun Sirui Chen +2 位作者 Xia Cai guiyun xu Lujiang Qu 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第4期253-256,共4页
The correlation between IgY levels of the serum and the yolk has been well documented in wild and domestic birds. The levels of total yolk IgY can be an index of the general health status of birds and may contribute t... The correlation between IgY levels of the serum and the yolk has been well documented in wild and domestic birds. The levels of total yolk IgY can be an index of the general health status of birds and may contribute to breeding programs when fitness of the offspring is a concern. We measured the levels of total serum IgY and yolk IgY in three different breeds (White Leghorn, Silkie and Dongxiang blue-shell) using indirect ELISA, and found that there was a significantly positive correlation between the levels of total serum IgY and total yolk IgY in all three breeds (White Leghorn: r = 0.404, P 〈 0.001, n = 100; Silkie: r = 0.561, P 〈 0.001, n = 70; Dongxiang blue-shell: r = 0.619, P 〈 0.001, n = 30). We also measured the total serum IgY levels in the 3-day-old offspring hatched from the Silkie hens and results were significantly correlated for serum IgY levels (r = 0.535, P 〈 0.001, n = 70) and the yolk IgY levels (r = 0.481, P 〈 0.001, n = 70). The regression analysis showed simple linear regression between IgY levels in hen serum, yolk and offspring serum. Our results suggest that total IgY level could be used as an index for chicken fitness. 展开更多
关键词 CHICKEN Correlation Indirect ELISA Total Ig~
FMO3 deficiency of duck leads to decreased lipid deposition and increased antibacterial activity
作者 Xingzheng Li Jianlou Song +6 位作者 xuefeng Shi Mingyi Huang Lei Liu Guoqiang Yi Ning Yang guiyun xu Jiangxia Zheng 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第2期546-563,共18页
Background:Most duck eggs possess a fishy odor,indicating that ducks generally exhibit impaired trimethylamine(TMA)metabolism.TMA accumulation is responsible for this unpleasant odor,and TMA metabolism plays an essen-... Background:Most duck eggs possess a fishy odor,indicating that ducks generally exhibit impaired trimethylamine(TMA)metabolism.TMA accumulation is responsible for this unpleasant odor,and TMA metabolism plays an essen-tial role in trimethylaminuria(TMAU),also known as fish odor syndrome.In this study,we focused on the unusual TMA metabolism mechanism in ducks,and further explored the unclear reasons leading to the debilitating TMA metabolism.Methods:To achieve this,transcriptome,proteome,and metagenome analyses were first integrated based on the constructed duck populations with high and low TMA metabolism abilities.Additionally,further experiments were conducted to validate the hypothesis regarding the limited flavin-containing monooxygenase 3(FMO3)metabolism ability of ducks.Results:The study demonstrated that liver FMO3 and cecal microbes,including Akkermansia and Mucispirillum,par-ticipated in TMA metabolism in ducks.The limited oxidation ability of FMO3 explains the weakening of TMA metabo-lism in ducks.Nevertheless,it decreases lipid deposition and increases antibacterial activity,contributing to its survival and reproduction during the evolutionary adaptation process.Conclusions:This study demonstrated the function of FMO3 and intestinal microbes in regulating TMA metabolism and illustrated the biological significance of FMO3 impairment in ducks. 展开更多
关键词 Antibacterial Cardiovascular disease(CVD) DUCK Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3(FMO3) METAGENOME PROTEOME Transcriptome Trimethylamine(TMA)
Visible-light-induced regioselective cross-dehydrogenative coupling of 2-isothiocyanatonaphthalenes with amines using molecular oxygen 被引量:2
作者 Ziyu Gan Guoqing Li +5 位作者 Xiaobo Yang Qiuli Yan guiyun xu Gaoyang Li Yuan-Ye Jiang Daoshan Yang 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期1652-1658,共7页
An efficient and eco-friendly protocol for the construction of naphtho[2,1-d]thiazol-2-amines through visible-light photoredox-catalyzed C(sp2)–H/S–H cross-dehydrogenative coupling reactions between 2-isothiocyanato... An efficient and eco-friendly protocol for the construction of naphtho[2,1-d]thiazol-2-amines through visible-light photoredox-catalyzed C(sp2)–H/S–H cross-dehydrogenative coupling reactions between 2-isothiocyanatonaphthalenes and amines was established.In this reaction,the new C–N and C–S bonds are formed simultaneously in a single step.This new method provides a straightforward approach for constructing valuable sulfur-containing compounds. 展开更多
关键词 visible light cross-dehydrogenative coupling C-S bond synthetic methods METAL-FREE
Fabrication of nanocomposite electrochemical sensors with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)conductive polymer and Au nanoparticles adsorbed on carboxylated nanocrystalline cellulose
作者 Jinshi Fan Shaoping Liang +1 位作者 Mingming Zhang guiyun xu 《Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts》 EI 2018年第1期30-34,共5页
Au nanoparticles(AuNPs)were prepared by reducing HAuCl4 with NaBH4,and then adsorbed uniformly on the surface of carboxylated nanocrystalline cellulose(CNCC).The obtained AuNPs/CNCC particles were doped into a conduct... Au nanoparticles(AuNPs)were prepared by reducing HAuCl4 with NaBH4,and then adsorbed uniformly on the surface of carboxylated nanocrystalline cellulose(CNCC).The obtained AuNPs/CNCC particles were doped into a conductive polymer of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)(PEDOT)to yield a highly conductive nanocomposite,which was deposited onto a glassy carbon electrode(GCE)by an electrochemical method.The PEDOT/AuNPs/CNCC nanocomposite showed low electrochemical impedance and good electrocatalytic activity toward ascorbic acid.Based on this novel nanocomposite material,an amperometric sensor was developed for the detection of ascorbic acid with a detection limit as low as 0.29μM.When operated at-0.15 V,the sensor detected ascorbic acid in the range of 0.88μM to 15000μM. 展开更多
关键词 Carboxylated nanocrystalline cellulose Au nanoparticles Poly(3 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Amperometric sensor Ascorbic acid
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