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作者 周迪 张兴彬 +1 位作者 郭同庆 陆志良 《强度与环境》 CSCD 2024年第1期50-58,共9页
发展一种考虑气动弹性效应的CFD/CSD耦合计算方法,对翼面抖振响应进行了数值模拟研究。针对抖振的发生往往伴随着较大尺度分离流动,采用脱体涡模拟方法提高湍流模拟的保真度。针对抖振响应模拟时间历程长、计算量大的特点,基于自主发展... 发展一种考虑气动弹性效应的CFD/CSD耦合计算方法,对翼面抖振响应进行了数值模拟研究。针对抖振的发生往往伴随着较大尺度分离流动,采用脱体涡模拟方法提高湍流模拟的保真度。针对抖振响应模拟时间历程长、计算量大的特点,基于自主发展的动态网格自动化生成方法以及非定常流动和气动弹性高效求解技术,从而提高响应计算效率。分别对大迎角三角翼和超临界机翼进行了抖振响应模拟研究,通过与文献或试验结果的比较以及时频特性分析,验证了所发展方法在大迎角抖振和跨声速抖振响应预测中的可靠性和精确性。 展开更多
关键词 翼面 抖振 气动弹性 计算流体力学
作者 郭同庆 张骞 +4 位作者 王循刚 刘宏金 胡林勇 赵娜 徐世晓 《草业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期3006-3015,共10页
肠道微生物在维持能量代谢和宿主健康等方面发挥着重要作用,而对于牦牛肠道微生物对青藏高原物候期牧草的响应机制尚不明确。本试验选择3岁、平均体重为122.60 kg的公牦牛15头,依据青藏高原地区牧草物候期特点,等分为3组,即返青期组、... 肠道微生物在维持能量代谢和宿主健康等方面发挥着重要作用,而对于牦牛肠道微生物对青藏高原物候期牧草的响应机制尚不明确。本试验选择3岁、平均体重为122.60 kg的公牦牛15头,依据青藏高原地区牧草物候期特点,等分为3组,即返青期组、盛草期组和枯草期组,分别在不同物候期采集粪便和血液样品,并进行高通量测序和血清生化指标测定,旨在研究肠道微生物和血清生化指标与不同物候期牧草之间的关系,揭示牦牛肠道微生物变化差异。结果表明,肠道微生物均匀度指数Pielou_e、多样性指数Simpson和Shannon在返青期组和盛草期组中显著升高(P<0.05);门水平上,优势菌群为厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门和变形菌门。科水平上,与枯草期组相比,返青期组与盛草期组理研菌科相对丰度存在升高的趋势(P=0.052),而消化链球菌科相对丰度在枯草期组中较高(P=0.008),微球菌科相对丰度存在升高的趋势(P=0.055);属水平上,盛草期组中理研菌科RC9肠道群属相对丰度高于枯草期组(P=0.045),但枯草期组罗姆布茨菌属相对丰度较高(P=0.008);盛草期组牦牛血清白蛋白含量、尿酸、胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白浓度高于枯草期组(P<0.01);与盛草期相比,尿素氮浓度(P<0.001)在返青期组中较高,而肌酐浓度在枯草期组中较高(P<0.001)。综上所述,牦牛肠道菌群和血清生化指标受不同物候期牧草营养品质的影响而呈现季节性变化。 展开更多
关键词 放牧牦牛 天然牧草 物候期 肠道微生物 血清生化 青藏高原
作者 李娜 郭同庆 +2 位作者 张骞 徐田伟 徐世晓 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2024年第5期1-7,共7页
青藏高原拥有世界上最广阔的高寒草地,以及长达数千年的悠久放牧历史。独特的高寒环境条件使这里对外界干扰更加敏感。尽管已经进行了很多青藏高原高寒草地生态系统碳平衡的相关研究,但放牧,尤其是放牧强度如何影响高寒草地碳平衡仍待... 青藏高原拥有世界上最广阔的高寒草地,以及长达数千年的悠久放牧历史。独特的高寒环境条件使这里对外界干扰更加敏感。尽管已经进行了很多青藏高原高寒草地生态系统碳平衡的相关研究,但放牧,尤其是放牧强度如何影响高寒草地碳平衡仍待进一步研究与明确。论文以围栏禁牧、轻度放牧、中度放牧、重度放牧4种放牧强度为基础,综述了青藏高原高寒草地生态系统碳平衡对不同放牧强度的响应。放牧强度变化通过干扰植物-土壤界面从而对碳输入和输出过程产生间接作用,最终影响高寒草地生态系统碳平衡。由于受到放牧历史、气候条件、草地类型等其他条件的干扰,高寒草地生态系统碳平衡对放牧强度的响应是复杂多样的,因此需要对放牧管理采取更加灵活、具体、有针对性的措施,这对于制定合理的草地管理决策、稳定青藏高原高寒草地生态系统碳平衡具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 碳平衡 放牧强度 草地退化 土壤碳库 高寒草地生态系统
利用体外发酵法研究蜜蜂肽对瘤胃发酵参数及甲烷气体排放量的影响 被引量:3
作者 李世易 郭同庆 +5 位作者 刘鑫 武刚 李飞 牛骁麟 张智安 李发弟 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期941-947,共7页
本研究旨在通过体外发酵试验研究蜜蜂肽对瘤胃发酵参数及甲烷气体排放量的影响。本试验选用健康、体重[(40±3)kg]相近的高山美利奴羊(n=4)作为瘤胃液供体。试验采用单因子试验设计,共3个处理,在每千克干物质基础上,分别添加0、0.75... 本研究旨在通过体外发酵试验研究蜜蜂肽对瘤胃发酵参数及甲烷气体排放量的影响。本试验选用健康、体重[(40±3)kg]相近的高山美利奴羊(n=4)作为瘤胃液供体。试验采用单因子试验设计,共3个处理,在每千克干物质基础上,分别添加0、0.75、1.50 mg的蜜蜂肽,每个处理7个重复。发酵24 h后,冰水终止发酵,收集产气和发酵液,测定瘤胃发酵液pH,确定蜜蜂肽对发酵液气体产量、挥发性脂肪酸浓度以及部分微生物数量的影响。结果表明:体外发酵24 h,与不添加蜜蜂肽相比,添加0.75 mg蜜蜂肽能显著提高瘤胃内乙酸比例和乙酸/丙酸(P<0.05),显著降低丙酸比例(P<0.05),显著提高甲烷产量(P<0.05),有提高瘤胃pH(P=0.080)和普雷沃氏菌数量(P=0.078)的趋势。综上所述,在体外发酵24 h条件下,蜜蜂肽对绵羊瘤胃发酵有一定影响,能够调节绵羊瘤胃发酵模式。 展开更多
关键词 体外发酵 蜜蜂肽 瘤胃发酵 甲烷
考虑空腔的高超声速多流动区域同步数值模拟 被引量:1
作者 沈恩楠 陆志良 +1 位作者 郭同庆 周迪 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期931-937,共7页
先进的高超声速飞行器具有薄壁空腔结构,在飞行过程中受热会产生空腔内气体流动现象,从而影响流场和结构的温度分布。采用数值方法准确模拟高超声速流场、结构温度场和空腔内流动对热结构分析是很有必要的。以研究空腔流动对结构温度分... 先进的高超声速飞行器具有薄壁空腔结构,在飞行过程中受热会产生空腔内气体流动现象,从而影响流场和结构的温度分布。采用数值方法准确模拟高超声速流场、结构温度场和空腔内流动对热结构分析是很有必要的。以研究空腔流动对结构温度分布影响为目的,发展了一种适用于多流动区域流场/结构温度场耦合问题的同步计算方法,并以高超声速带空腔结构物体为例,数值研究了其外部气动热/结构热传导引起的空腔热对流问题。以已发展的高超声速外流场/结构温度场同步计算方法为基础,为了进一步考虑空腔内低速流场,采用了预处理矩阵方法。在流场与结构温度场的交界面两侧分别引入虚拟单元,从而高效地实现相邻场之间物理信息交换。首先通过标准算例验证了方法在求解单独气动热/结构热传导问题以及空腔自然对流问题中的准确性。进而对封闭和带有开孔的两种高超声速运动圆环分别进行多流动区域同步数值模拟。计算结果表明,由于结构温度不均匀引起的空腔内热对流反之也会对结构温度场分布产生轻微的影响。在空腔内气体流动的影响下,封闭圆环的前缘温度在35 s内最多下降0.8%左右。对于带开孔空腔的圆环,其孔壁周边温度在0.5 s内能够超过外流前缘驻点温度。 展开更多
关键词 高超声速 气动热 结构热传导 空腔流动 多区域 同步数值模拟
基于速度分裂法的翼型阵风响应及减缓数值模拟 被引量:1
作者 高坤 郭同庆 +2 位作者 纪哲翰 周迪 陆志良 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期84-95,I0002,共13页
国内现阶段飞行器阵风响应CFD模拟通常采用网格速度法(FVM),而近年提出的更为准确的速度分裂法(SVM)目前主要针对刚性飞行器阵风响应分析。本文将SVM拓展至弹性翼型的One-Minus-Cosine阵风响应计算和减缓研究。基于动态网格系统非定常Na... 国内现阶段飞行器阵风响应CFD模拟通常采用网格速度法(FVM),而近年提出的更为准确的速度分裂法(SVM)目前主要针对刚性飞行器阵风响应分析。本文将SVM拓展至弹性翼型的One-Minus-Cosine阵风响应计算和减缓研究。基于动态网格系统非定常Navier-Stokes方程,将阵风条件下的速度场分解为阵风速度与背景速度的叠加,理论推导出SVM阵风模拟控制方程,结果表明,FVM是SVM忽略源项后的一种近似方法。进一步建立起弹性翼型阵风响应预测的CFD/CSD时域耦合算法和基于俯仰控制的阵风响应减缓数值模拟方法。算例分析了NACA0012刚性及弹性翼型的One-Minus-Cosine阵风响应,计算结果与文献数据一致,在此基础上分析了阵风尺度、黏性和结构弹性对阵风响应的影响。开展了NACA64A010弹性翼型One-Minus-Cosine阵风减缓模拟,结果表明:单一的沉浮速度控制输入量更有利于减缓阵风载荷峰值,而沉浮速度、俯仰角相结合的控制输入量则能同时减缓翼型的沉浮和俯仰运动。本文工作可为三维飞行器阵风响应和减缓研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 阵风响应 网格速度法 速度分裂法 气动弹性 载荷减缓
A New D-GCL for Unidirectional Motion with Large Displacement
作者 Zhu Yixi Lu Zhiliang guo tongqing 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2018年第1期154-161,共8页
Numerical simulations of unsteady flow problems with moving boundaries commonly require the use of geometric conservation law(GCL).However,in cases of unidirectional large mesh deformation,the cumulative error caused ... Numerical simulations of unsteady flow problems with moving boundaries commonly require the use of geometric conservation law(GCL).However,in cases of unidirectional large mesh deformation,the cumulative error caused by the discrete procedure in GCL can significantly increase,and a direct consequence is that the calculated cell volume may become negative.To control the cumulative error,a new discrete GCL(D-GCL)is proposed.Unlike the original D-GCL,the proposed method uses the control volume analytically evaluated according to the grid motion at the time level n,instead of using the calculated value from the D-GCL itself.Error analysis indicates that the truncation error of the numerical scheme is guaranteed to be the same order as that obtained from the original D-GCL,while the accumulated error is greatly reduced.For validation,two challenging large deformation cases including a rotating circular cylinder case and a descending GAW-(1)two-element airfoil case are selected to be investigated.Good agreements are found between the calculated results and some other literature data,demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed D-GCL for unidirectional motions with large displacements. 展开更多
关键词 CUMULATIVE error control geometric conservation law(GCL) UNSTEADY flow UNIDIRECTIONAL MOTION large mesh deformation
Development of a Synchronization Method for Fluid-Thermal Study of Hypersonic Flow
作者 ShenEnnan Lu Zhiliang +1 位作者 Zhou Di guo tongqing 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2018年第6期973-985,共13页
A synchronization method is developed for the fluid-thermal study of hypersonic flow.Different from conventional loosely/tightly coupled methods which separately deal with the flow field and the structure temperature ... A synchronization method is developed for the fluid-thermal study of hypersonic flow.Different from conventional loosely/tightly coupled methods which separately deal with the flow field and the structure temperature field,the presented method expresses the governing equations in a unified framework so that the two fields can be calculated simultaneously.For efficiently solving the unified equations,the finite volume method together with the dual-time stepping approach is employed.Like in the flow field,the local time step is also used in the temperature field,which is determined from thermal conductivity spectral radii.In order to treat the fluid-structure interface more conveniently,an expanded virtual boundary is introduced.For validation,several fluid-thermal hypersonic flow problems are simulated.The computed results are compared with those obtained from the coupled methods and the experiment.In the continuous heating problems,the stagnation temperatures predicted by both the coupled and synchronization methods are in good agreements with the experimental data.In the unsteady flowthermal hypersonic flows,the stagnation heat fluxes predicted by the presented method and tightly coupled method are basically the same,which agree better with the experimental data than those predicted by the loosely coupled method.In terms of prediction of the stagnation temperature,the synchronization method shows better accuracy than the tightly coupled method. 展开更多
CFD-Based Load Calculation Method for Monopile Support Configuration of Offshore Wind Turbine
作者 guo tongqing Tong Xiaolong Lu Zhiliang 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2016年第1期88-94,共7页
An unsteady load calculation method for the support configuration of a monopile-supported offshore wind turbine is developed based on the Fluent software platform.Firstly,the water wave is generated by imposing the in... An unsteady load calculation method for the support configuration of a monopile-supported offshore wind turbine is developed based on the Fluent software platform.Firstly,the water wave is generated by imposing the inlet boundary conditions according to the exact potential flow solution.Then the wave evolution is simulated by solving the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes(N-S)equations coupled with the volume of fluid method.For the small amplitude wave with reasonable wave parameters,the numerical wave result agrees well with that of the given wave model.Finally,a monopile support configuration is introduced and a CFD-based load calculation method is established to accurately calculate the unsteady load under the combined action of wave and wind.The computed unsteady wave load on a small-size monopile support located in the small amplitude wave flow coincides with that of the Morison formula.The load calculations are also performed on a large-size monopile support and a monopile-supported offshore wind turbine under the combined action of small amplitude wave and wind. 展开更多
关键词 monopile-supported offshore wind turbine Navier-Stokes(N-S)equations volume of fluid(VOF) method small amplitude wave unsteady load
高超声速全动翼面全时域耦合分析方法及应用 被引量:3
作者 沈恩楠 郭同庆 +2 位作者 吴江鹏 胡家亮 张桂江 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期192-205,共14页
在流场-结构温度场同步计算方法的基础上,建立了多物理场全时域耦合分析方法,将方法应用于沿轨道运动的高超声速全动翼面热气动弹性稳定性分析。采用基于有限体积模型的CFD同步计算方法求解高超声速流场和结构温度场,建立映射关系实现... 在流场-结构温度场同步计算方法的基础上,建立了多物理场全时域耦合分析方法,将方法应用于沿轨道运动的高超声速全动翼面热气动弹性稳定性分析。采用基于有限体积模型的CFD同步计算方法求解高超声速流场和结构温度场,建立映射关系实现结构有限元模型气动载荷加载和温度场赋值。采用移动坐标系和动网格相结合的方式描述变速度飞行和翼面偏转过程。通过坐标系变换将翼面偏转过程和振动过程的网格变形量叠加,考虑翼面振动和偏转的耦合非定常效应。针对沿轨道运动的高超声速飞行器,建立了同步计算方法与全时域耦合分析方法相结合的热气动弹性稳定性分析流程。研究发现,与同步计算方法相比,全时域耦合分析方法能够模拟结构振动对流场和结构温度场的影响,计算得到的监测点热流密度波动幅值占热流峰值的10%左右,而温度变化并不明显,相比于刚体模型,监测点温度只下降了0.3%左右。全时域耦合热气动弹性分析方法得到的颤振临界点在4-5号状态点之间,颤振形式为铰链扭转模态与一阶弯曲模态的耦合颤振,与"冻结"模态的热颤振方法结果一致。 展开更多
关键词 高超声速 全动翼面 全时域 热气动弹性 非定常 颤振
A CFD/CSD model for aeroelastic calculations of large-scale wind turbines 被引量:11
作者 guo tongqing LU ZhiLiang +2 位作者 TANG Di WANG TongGuang DONG Lu 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期205-211,共7页
In this paper,a CFD/CSD model coupling N-S equations and structural equations of motion in the time domain is described for aeroelastic analysis of large wind turbines.The structural modes of blades are analyzed with ... In this paper,a CFD/CSD model coupling N-S equations and structural equations of motion in the time domain is described for aeroelastic analysis of large wind turbines.The structural modes of blades are analyzed with one-dimensional beam models.By combining point matched sliding grid for wind turbine rotation and deforming grid for structural vibrations,a hybrid dynamic grid strategy is designed for the multi-block structured grid system of a wind turbine.The dual time-stepping approach and finite volume scheme are applied to the three-dimensional unsteady preconditioned N-S equations,and DES approach is employed to simulate the unsteady massively separated flows.A modal approach is adopted to calculate the structural response,and a predictor-corrector scheme is used to solve the structural equations of motion.CFD and CSD solvers are tightly coupled via successive iterations within each physical time step.As a result,a time-domain CFD/CSD model for aeroelastic analysis of a large wind turbine is achieved.The presented method is applied to the NH1500 large wind turbine under the rated condition,and the calculated aeroelastic characteristics agree well with those of the prescribed vortex wake method. 展开更多
关键词 Large wind turbine aeroelastics time-domain method multi-block grid N-S equations structural equations of motion
Numerical method of static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design for large airliners 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Wei LU ZhiLiang +2 位作者 guo tongqing XUE Fei ZHANG Miao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期2447-2452,共6页
In this paper,a coupled CFD-CSD method based on N-S equations is described for static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design of large airliners.The wing structural flexibility matrix is analyzed by a finite eleme... In this paper,a coupled CFD-CSD method based on N-S equations is described for static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design of large airliners.The wing structural flexibility matrix is analyzed by a finite element method with a double-beam model.The viscous multi-block structured grid is used in aerodynamic calculations.Flexibility matrix interpolation is fulfilled by use of a surface spline method.The load distributions on wing surface are evaluated by solving N-S equations with a parallel algorithm.A flexibility approach is employed to calculate the structural deformations.By successive iterations between steady aerodynamic forces and structural deformations,a coupled CFD-CSD method is achieved for the static aeroelastic correction and jig-shape design of a large airliner.The present method is applied to the static aeroelastic analysis and jig-shape design for a typical large airliner with engine nacelle and winglet.The numerical results indicate that calculations of static aeroelastic correction should employ tightly coupled CFD-CSD iterations,and that on a given cruise shape only one round of iterative design is needed to obtain the jig-shape meeting design requirements. 展开更多
关键词 N-S equations large airliner static aeroelasticity flexibility matrix jig-shape
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