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作者 韩经太 《文学遗产》 北大核心 2024年第3期16-28,共13页
重塑老庄,意味着聚焦老庄思想而重新解读中国哲思美论的创造性智慧,包括三方面:其一,从中国哲思美论之主体论出发,解析老子宇宙阐释学中创生之际的“有名”“无名”之辩和庄子“与造物者游”主体自觉中的“有待”“无待”之辩,揭示老庄... 重塑老庄,意味着聚焦老庄思想而重新解读中国哲思美论的创造性智慧,包括三方面:其一,从中国哲思美论之主体论出发,解析老子宇宙阐释学中创生之际的“有名”“无名”之辩和庄子“与造物者游”主体自觉中的“有待”“无待”之辩,揭示老庄一体视域下“有无之辩”的核心精神,即相向超越的主体精神;其二,从中国哲思美论之生存论出发,解析庄子“鱼水之喻”语境下“坐忘”和“相忘”相互依存的思想观念,揭示其“相忘”论的思想内核,即与自然生态文明相互生成的社会生态文明理念;其三,从中国哲思美论之实践论出发,解析庄子技艺美境阐释中的经典寓言,揭示其挑战极限的典型人格和进技悟道的艺术哲学的实践论的核心命题,即“与忘言者言”“无厚入有间”。 展开更多
关键词 老子 庄子 哲思美论 创造性智慧
作者 韩经太 杨建国 +2 位作者 陈志刚 李双套 杨洪源 《中国文化研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期1-20,共20页
本组笔谈,从不同角度对习近平文化思想进行解读。韩经太认为,习近平总书记的一系列重要讲话展现出习近平文化思想的博大精深,从新实践自觉的角度深入领会其思想精神,明确传承中华文脉以创造现代文明的主题方向,是当前中国哲学社会科学... 本组笔谈,从不同角度对习近平文化思想进行解读。韩经太认为,习近平总书记的一系列重要讲话展现出习近平文化思想的博大精深,从新实践自觉的角度深入领会其思想精神,明确传承中华文脉以创造现代文明的主题方向,是当前中国哲学社会科学界的中心课题。杨建国从历史哲学的视角出发,阐释“文化自信”“开放包容”“守正创新”这三个习近平文化思想关键词所蕴含的丰富学理哲思。陈志刚指出“两个结合”是习近平文化思想的精髓,对其基本路径进行探析。李双套认为,作为对马克思主义中国化时代化历史经验的深刻总结和对中华文明发展规律的深刻把握,“第二个结合”为我们认识诸多文化问题提供了新视角。杨洪源聚焦作为新的文化使命的主要内容的建设中华民族现代文明,从马克思主义文化理论的相关原理、重大标识性概念的内涵、重大标识性概念之间的关系、方法论遵循等方面,尝试探讨其原理性贡献。 展开更多
关键词 习近平文化思想 两个结合 马克思主义 中华民族现代文明
“人的全面发展”与文学本质的深化认识 被引量:1
作者 韩经太 《文学遗产》 北大核心 2023年第4期6-10,共5页
习近平总书记在文化传承发展座谈会上发表重要讲话,指出:“中国式现代化是物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化,能促进全体人民精神生活共同富裕,促进人的全面发展。”(《赓续历史文脉 谱写当代华章——习近平总书记考察中国国家版本馆和... 习近平总书记在文化传承发展座谈会上发表重要讲话,指出:“中国式现代化是物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化,能促进全体人民精神生活共同富裕,促进人的全面发展。”(《赓续历史文脉 谱写当代华章——习近平总书记考察中国国家版本馆和中国历史研究院并出席文化传承发展座谈会纪实》。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 人民精神生活 促进人的全面发展 历史文脉 深化认识 文学本质 精神文明 共同富裕
走向诗性语言的深层研究——中国诗歌语言艺术原理三人谈 被引量:2
作者 韩经太 葛晓音 冯胜利 《文艺研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期92-103,共12页
中国诗歌语言艺术研究,是文学研究"回归文学本位"的重大课题。为了推动研究向深层拓展,我们特邀请在这方面有所建树的葛晓音、韩经太、冯胜利三位教授进行对话,讨论中国诗歌语言艺术研究的逻辑起点、五言诗体生成过程中节奏... 中国诗歌语言艺术研究,是文学研究"回归文学本位"的重大课题。为了推动研究向深层拓展,我们特邀请在这方面有所建树的葛晓音、韩经太、冯胜利三位教授进行对话,讨论中国诗歌语言艺术研究的逻辑起点、五言诗体生成过程中节奏与音步的对应机制、词体生成过程中齐整律与长短律的辩证关系、诗歌意境创造中富有经典意义的辨体范式和名句楷式、"超时空想象的直觉呈现"之艺术哲学原理、语言的"诗化"与诗歌的"语法"、研究应突破修辞艺术的思维定式等问题。韩经太教授主持这次对话并整理文稿。 展开更多
关键词 五言诗体 三音节 古代诗歌 时空想象 七言律诗 音系学
论中国诗学主体精神的创新建构——从元典阐释与原点问题出发的理论思考 被引量:1
作者 韩经太 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期152-161,共10页
中国诗学主体精神创新建构的原点问题是:一、创新阐释“开山的纲领”,在先秦与秦汉的大历史视域下,聚焦个性怀抱与公共关怀相互生成的机制问题,思考艺术自由的社会保障机制和个性主体的公共关怀精神;二、申论孔子“吾与点也”之意,探究... 中国诗学主体精神创新建构的原点问题是:一、创新阐释“开山的纲领”,在先秦与秦汉的大历史视域下,聚焦个性怀抱与公共关怀相互生成的机制问题,思考艺术自由的社会保障机制和个性主体的公共关怀精神;二、申论孔子“吾与点也”之意,探究程朱之阐释理路而引入孔子“尧舜其犹病诸”之批评理性,剖析苏轼“高风绝尘”之说而发掘陶渊明之典型意义,提炼农耕文明和耕读文化交织而成的田园诗情画意,以阐发“诗意栖居”之当代范式;三、推敲关乎“众妙之门”的先哲言说,通过发掘《老子》命名言说之主体智慧,确认以终极探索的深邃眼光发现生活真实之美的言说原则,从而确立旨在“人类命运共同体”话语体系的“中国言说精神”。 展开更多
关键词 中国诗学 主体精神 创新建构 元典阐释 原点问题
作者 韩经太 《中国高校社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期106-116,156,157,共13页
中国美学在汉语世界里的典型存在方式需要从总体上进行学术探索。探索的具体切入点有三:关注中国美学以“道”论建构为中心的终极追询方式,聚焦中国哲学美学之原点《老子》“五千精妙”之最具代表性的“道可道,非常道”章和“大象无形... 中国美学在汉语世界里的典型存在方式需要从总体上进行学术探索。探索的具体切入点有三:关注中国美学以“道”论建构为中心的终极追询方式,聚焦中国哲学美学之原点《老子》“五千精妙”之最具代表性的“道可道,非常道”章和“大象无形”“大音希声”章,重新解读并揭示文本的整体玄同语境所生成的玄同命题之丛集原理;关注中国美学以“人的关怀”为中心的人文关怀方式,聚焦中国文人主体的历史命运变迁和话语能力养成机制,凸显其大语言艺术自觉的本体观念以及“微言”褒贬和“景语”抒情的特殊传统;关注中国美学以“意象”范畴为中心的文艺批评传统,聚焦“意象”原生语境的文本特质和“言意之辨”的思想动因,重新认识并深化推进“言意之辨”和“意象”阐释,揭示超绝言象而又执着于言象的汉语艺术智慧。 展开更多
关键词 中国美学 汉语智慧 玄同命题 言语范式 意象美境
作者 韩经太 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期14-23,共10页
新中国七十年唐宋文学研究的总体观照,具体表现为以下三种经验范式的总结分析:一是文学思想性主导的经验范式,以建国初十七年关乎诗国“盛唐”气象的学术争鸣和有关宋诗选注标准的钱锺书话语为典型现象,启示我们深入思考文学本质规定中... 新中国七十年唐宋文学研究的总体观照,具体表现为以下三种经验范式的总结分析:一是文学思想性主导的经验范式,以建国初十七年关乎诗国“盛唐”气象的学术争鸣和有关宋诗选注标准的钱锺书话语为典型现象,启示我们深入思考文学本质规定中的政治思想问题;二是思想方法创新思潮主导的经验范式,以方法趋新和学术固本的优势互补、“宏观”研究和“微观”研究的相互生成为学术语境,启示后人注意方法创新对于文学本质发现的意义;三是学术争鸣关乎中国特色文学体系建构的经验范式,以《二十四诗品》作者问题的争鸣和中国文章学体系成立于何时的争鸣为典型现象,启示学界关注中国古典文学体系构建的文学性这一本质问题。 展开更多
关键词 时代思潮 文学本质 历史启示 经验范式
Effect of gas emissions from Tianchi volcano (NE China) on environment and its potential volcanic hazards 被引量:9
作者 GUO Zhengfu LIU Jiaqi +3 位作者 han jingtai HE Huaiyu DAI Guoliang YOU Haitao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第3期304-310,共7页
The Tianchi volcano in the Changbai Mountains is located on the boundary between China and North Korea.There are many times of eruptions of the Tianchi volcano during the Holocene.One of its large eruptions occurred a... The Tianchi volcano in the Changbai Mountains is located on the boundary between China and North Korea.There are many times of eruptions of the Tianchi volcano during the Holocene.One of its large eruptions occurred around 1000 years ago dated by ^(14)C method and historical records.Composition of products of the largest Tianchi volcanic eruption studied is characterized by comendi-tic Plinian fallout and unwelded ignimbrite,which are mainly distributed in China and North Korea.Caldera is about 4.4 km long and 3.4 km wide,which had filled with water(e.g.Tianchi Lake).The Tianchi volcanic cone is about 2700 m high above sea level.The Tianchi Lake is located on the summit of the volcanic cone,that is also highest peak of the Changbai Mountains in northeastern China.This study analyzed Cl,F,S and H_(2)O concentrations of melt inclusions in the phenocryst min-erals(anorthoclase and quartz)and co-existing matrix glasses using the electron microprobe and estimated environmental effect of Tianchi volcanic gases.The authors proposed a new method to evaluate future eruption of active volcano and estimate potential volcanic hazards based on contents of volatile emissions.Using this method,we made a perspective of future volcanic hazard in this region. 展开更多
关键词 tianchi volcano volcanic gas environmental change volcanic hazard monitoring active volcano
Study of the varve record from Erlongwan maar lake, NE China, over the last 13 ka BP 被引量:10
作者 YOU HaiTao LIU JiaQi +3 位作者 LIU Qiang CHU GuoQiang Patrick RIOUAL han jingtai 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第2期262-266,共5页
在来自跨越最后 13 ka BP 的 Erlongwan maar 湖的一个沉积序列,二种主要纹泥类型能被认出:源於生物的纹泥(从礼品到 -11.2 ka BP, 0-632 厘米) 并且碎屑状的纹泥(从 -11.2 到 -12.7 ka BP, 632-700 厘米) 。基于在沉积包含的水藻... 在来自跨越最后 13 ka BP 的 Erlongwan maar 湖的一个沉积序列,二种主要纹泥类型能被认出:源於生物的纹泥(从礼品到 -11.2 ka BP, 0-632 厘米) 并且碎屑状的纹泥(从 -11.2 到 -12.7 ka BP, 632-700 厘米) 。基于在沉积包含的水藻的主导的类型,源於生物的纹泥能被分类进 dinocyst 源於生物的纹泥(0-63 厘米) 并且混合(dinocyst 和硅藻) 源於生物的纹泥(214-632 厘米) 。在这篇论文,纹泥的形成过程和部件被描述,为纹泥在整个记录变化的类型的可能的原因被讨论,一张高分辨率的纹泥年表被建立跨越最后 13 ka BP。尽管进一步的纹泥数和错误评价被需要,这里介绍的结果为学习 Erlongwan maar 湖的 palaeoclimate 记录代表一个稳固的基础。 展开更多
关键词 生物纹泥 碎屑状纹泥 腰鞭毛虫 纹泥年代学
Geomagnetic anomalies recorded in L9 of the Songjiadian loess section in southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau 被引量:3
作者 WANG DaoJing WANG YongCheng +3 位作者 han jingtai DUAN MuGang Shan JiaZeng LIU TungSheng 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第6期520-529,共10页
Detailed magnetostratigraphic and rock magnetic investigations on L8-S12 of the Songjiadian loess section in the Sanmenxia area,southernmost margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau were conducted in this study.Matuyama/Br... Detailed magnetostratigraphic and rock magnetic investigations on L8-S12 of the Songjiadian loess section in the Sanmenxia area,southernmost margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau were conducted in this study.Matuyama/Brunhes (M/B) boundary occurred at the bottom of the loess unit L8.The top and bottom boundaries of the Jaramillo polarity subchron are found in the middle of L10 and the bottom of L12,respectively.Magnetic fabric of the loess layers maintains the original depositional features and the recorded remanent magnetization analysis indicates little post-deposition disturbance experienced.In late Matuyama chron,two anomalies of geomagnetic field have been detected in L9.Our data demonstrated that these recorded anomalies were less likely a result of remagnetization,but more possibly the signature of geomagnetic excursions occurred,named SJD1 and SJD2.It is calculated that the midpoint ages of SJD1 and SJD2 are 0.917 Ma and 0.875 Ma,respectively,and the time-interval between the two events approximates 12 ka.Chronologically,SJD1 is close to the Santa Rosa (0.922 Ma) and SJD2 corresponds to the Kamikatsura (0.886 Ma) excursions.In consistence with previous studies,the geomagnetic field was weakened during these events. 展开更多
关键词 中国黄土高原 黄土剖面 地磁异常 东南部 沉积记录 三门峡地区 地磁场 磁性地层
Chronological dating and tectonic implications of late Cenozoic volcanic rocks and lacustrine sequence in Oiyug Basin of southern Tibet 被引量:3
作者 CHEN HeHai han jingtai +2 位作者 DING ZhongLi SUN HuiGuo GUO ZhengFu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第2期275-283,共9页
Reconstruction of uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau is crucial for understanding its environmental impacts. The Oiyug Basin in southern Tibet contains multiple periods of sedimentary sequences and volcanic rocks t... Reconstruction of uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau is crucial for understanding its environmental impacts. The Oiyug Basin in southern Tibet contains multiple periods of sedimentary sequences and volcanic rocks that span much of the Cenozoic and has great potential for further studying this issue. However, these strata were poorly dated. This paper presents a chronological study of the 145 m thick and horizontally-distributed lacustrine sequence using paleomagnetic method as well as a K-Ar dating of the underlying volcanic rocks. Based on these dating results, a chronostratigraphic framework and the basin-developmental history have been established for the past 15 Ma, during which three tectonic stages are identified. The period of 15-8.1 Ma is characterized by intense volcanic activities involving at least three major eruptions. Subsequently, the basin came into a tectonically quiescent period and a lacustrine sedimentary sequence was developed. Around 2.5 Ma, an N-S fault occurred across the southern margin of the basin, leading to the disappearance of the lake environment and the development of the Oiyug River. The Gyirong basin on northern slope of the Himalayas shows a similar basin developmental history and thus there is a good agreement in tectonic activities between the Himalayan and Gangdise orogenic belts. Therefore, the tectonic evolution stages experienced by the Oiyug Basin during the past 15 Ma could have a regional significance for southern Tibet. The chronological data obtained from this study may provide some constraints for further studies with regard to the tectonic processes and environmental changes in southern Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 southern Tibet Oiyug BASIN late Cenozoic PALEOMAGNETIC DATING K-AR DATING
The impacts of ‘05.6’ extreme flood event on riverine carbon fluxes in Xijiang River 被引量:3
作者 SUN HuiGuo han jingtai +1 位作者 ZhanG ShuRong LU XiXi 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第6期805-812,共8页
An extreme flood event with a frequency of nearly 200 year occurred in June of 2005 in the Xijiang River, the main trunk stream of the Zhujiang River. Samples were systematically collected during the flood event, and ... An extreme flood event with a frequency of nearly 200 year occurred in June of 2005 in the Xijiang River, the main trunk stream of the Zhujiang River. Samples were systematically collected during the flood event, and water quality parameters, including total suspended sediment (TSS), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) were analyzed, and riverine carbon concentrations associated with its changing pattern through the flood process were discussed. These parameters reflect the changes in basin surface flow and subsurface flow dur-ing the flood. This flood event influenced annual flux estimations of POC, DOC, and DIC to great extents. Based on carbon flux estimations for the year 2005 and the flood event (June 21-28) in the Xijiang River, it was found that DIC, DOC, and POC fluxes during ‘05.6’ flood event are 1.52×106 g.km?2.a?1, 0.24×106 g.km?2.a?1, and 0.54×106 g.km?2.a?1, and account for 14.87%, 24.75% and 44.89% of the annual fluxes in 2005, respectively. The results suggested that carbon exports during extreme flood events had great contributions to the total carbon fluxes and composition of various carbon components, be-ing important for accurate estimates of annual carbon fluxes in rivers with frequent floods. 展开更多
关键词 西江 珠江 洪水 河流碳通量 碳循环
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