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The Martial Monks of Shaolin Temple 被引量:1
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2006年第5期64-67,共4页
AMONG the forest of steles in front of Shaolin Temple is that in-scribed by Li Shimin, second emperor(reigned 627-650)of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Upon succeeding his father Li Yuan as emperor, Li Shimin ushered the... AMONG the forest of steles in front of Shaolin Temple is that in-scribed by Li Shimin, second emperor(reigned 627-650)of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Upon succeeding his father Li Yuan as emperor, Li Shimin ushered the country into a period of unprec-edented prosperity. The stele commends and commemorates the 13 Shaolin monks that rescued and protected this meritorious emperor from his enemies. 展开更多
关键词 中国 少林寺 武术 和尚
Anecdotes of Horses and Their Masters
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2009年第4期68-71,共4页
DURING the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods 2,000 years ago, Chinese distinguished
关键词 主人 轶事 战国时期 大型企业 古代思想 战车 诸侯国 军事
Old Story──New Hit
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2003年第6期56-59,共4页
THE ancient Chinese tale The Zhao Family Orphan is expected to undergo a new surge of popularity this year. Both the China National Modern Drama Theater and the Beijing People's Art Theater
关键词 《赵氏孤儿》 戏剧 发展历程 元杂剧 历史记录 差别 内涵 儒家思想
Pujiu Temple de Paris and Notre Dame
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2003年第4期60-64,共5页
As the curtain lifted on the year 2003,two classic love stories were staged in China:the Peking Opera The West Chamber and French musical Notre Dame de Paris.To the throngs of theater-goers who went to these performan... As the curtain lifted on the year 2003,two classic love stories were staged in China:the Peking Opera The West Chamber and French musical Notre Dame de Paris.To the throngs of theater-goers who went to these performances,they were an aural and visual Chinese/cordon bleu feast. 展开更多
关键词 《西厢记》 《巴黎圣母院》 谱救寺 中国 山西 元稹 《莺莺传》 文学研究
The Silk Road and Tang Prosperity
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2003年第5期56-61,共6页
THE dance drama, Along theSilk Road, returned to the Beijing stage for the 2003 Chinese New Year celebrations, to as enthusiastic a receptionas when it was first performed 24years ago. Set in the heyday of theTang Dyn... THE dance drama, Along theSilk Road, returned to the Beijing stage for the 2003 Chinese New Year celebrations, to as enthusiastic a receptionas when it was first performed 24years ago. Set in the heyday of theTang Dynasty, the drama celebrates the grotto art of Dunhuang and gorgeous Tang finery. With the ancient Silk Road as a back-drop, its stories extol the love, humanity, and friendship of this essentially open era. 展开更多
关键词 中国 丝绸之路 唐朝 社会发展 经济繁荣 法显 玄奘
Ancient Chinese Beauty-Blessings and Curses
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2003年第12期58-61,共4页
CHINA has been home to a myriad of beautiful women throughout the ages, and differing standards of beauty account for its wide aesthetic scope. Some women were lauded for their dancing or singing skills, others for th... CHINA has been home to a myriad of beautiful women throughout the ages, and differing standards of beauty account for its wide aesthetic scope. Some women were lauded for their dancing or singing skills, others for their virtuous nature, and still others for their involvement in political intrigue. 展开更多
关键词 中国 古美人 西施 王昭君 貂禅 杨玉环 历史评价
Archway Anecdotes
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2009年第6期70-74,共5页
THE paifang, a stone or wooden arch, is a unique element of ancient Chinese architecture. In feudal times, it was erected as a monument in memory of anyone-dead or alive-who had rendered
关键词 轶事 古代建筑 封建时代 管理人员 纪念碑 入口
The Emperor and the Concubine——A Legendary Romance
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2007年第5期64-69,共6页
TANG women were the most fortunate of all in China’s feudal history. They lived in a period of unprecedented economic prosperity, cultural and artistic diversity and, most signi cantly, gender equality.
关键词 唐玄宗 杨贵妃 爱情传奇 开元盛世 歌舞艺术 安史之乱
Ancient Cosmetology
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2004年第11期60-63,共4页
ZHANG Chang,Western HartDynasty (206B.C.-A.D.25) high-ranking official.was probably thefirst person in China cver to behauled up on a charge of illicit cosmetology.
关键词 古代 美容术 描眉方法 化妆 图案 发型
Tang Dynasty Dances
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2003年第1期58-62,共5页
IT is A.D. 633 in Chang'an, capital of the Tang Dynasty. Brandishing their halberds, armored generals and their troops practice changes in battle formation, but in the ritualistic, graceful style of martial arts, ... IT is A.D. 633 in Chang'an, capital of the Tang Dynasty. Brandishing their halberds, armored generals and their troops practice changes in battle formation, but in the ritualistic, graceful style of martial arts, and to the accompaniment of a military refrain. This is not real war, but a dance depicting a past battle - an emperor's historical retrospect. 展开更多
关键词 唐朝 舞蹈 《秦王骑兵》 军舞 李世民 平民舞
Yungang Grottoes and Buddhist Restoration
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2007年第6期66-70,共5页
IT was in the year 453 that the monk Tan Yao hurried to Pingcheng (present-day Datong in Shanxi Province) through the barren Loess Plateau of
关键词 佛教重建 修道士 黄土高原 北魏 云冈石窟
Qu Yuan-Poet,Patriot and Thinker
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2006年第9期54-57,共4页
QU Yuan (340-278 B.C.) was born in the State of Chu, in what is present-day Zigui County, Hubei Province. He lived during the late Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) of political chaos shortly before Emperor Qin Shi... QU Yuan (340-278 B.C.) was born in the State of Chu, in what is present-day Zigui County, Hubei Province. He lived during the late Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) of political chaos shortly before Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China. Qu Yuan's academic excellence earned him a place in the court of King Huai Before long his eloquence and state administrative skills brought him a promotion to the position of zuotu- deputy prime minister, a position he used to carry out much needed reforms to the State of Chu's domestic and foreign affairs. 展开更多
关键词 中国 屈原 诗歌 思想家 爱国主义精神
The Peking Opera Aesthetic
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2005年第12期64-68,共5页
There is actual and virtual appreciation of beauty within traditional Chinese aesthetics, and the intangible aesthetic of Peking Opera is of greater
关键词 中国 京剧 表演风格 戏剧艺术 美学
Ambrosia of Ancients
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2004年第8期70-73,共4页
IN 196 B.C. a Chinese philosopher observedto his ruler: "A lord's to ppriority is the welfare of his subjects; to the peopie, eating is foremost." Chinese ancients perceived clearly the essentiality of g... IN 196 B.C. a Chinese philosopher observedto his ruler: "A lord's to ppriority is the welfare of his subjects; to the peopie, eating is foremost." Chinese ancients perceived clearly the essentiality of grain cultivation to the survival of the population and country as a whole. This is apparent in the premillennial term for "country" -sheji literally translated as god of land and grain. 展开更多
关键词 中国 饮食文化 民俗文化 饺子 食品原料
Cool Music on Ancient Instruments
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2004年第10期66-69,共4页
INCREDIBLE as it may sound,the phenomenally successful 12-Girl Band rour has had an adverse affect on China's handicraft industry by engendering more stringent customs regulations.
关键词 中国女子十二乐房乐队 民族乐器 流行音乐 古典音乐 演出形式
Emigration and Hometown Nostalgia
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2003年第3期54-57,共4页
ACCORDING toancient Chinese phi-losophy,a person’shometown is the start-ing and ending point of his or herlife.A hometown and its inhabi—tants are like the roots and leavesof a tree.Those that go awayeventually retu... ACCORDING toancient Chinese phi-losophy,a person’shometown is the start-ing and ending point of his or herlife.A hometown and its inhabi—tants are like the roots and leavesof a tree.Those that go awayeventually return,a concept spiri—tualized in the Chinese idiom.“Falling leaves settle on 展开更多
关键词 故乡 乡思 侨民 中国 历史动机
Remembering Beijing’s Moat System
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2009年第7期70-73,共4页
OVER the course of almost a millennium, Beijing served as the capital of four dynasties: the Jin (ruled by the Jurchens, 1115-1234), Yuan (the Mongol empire, 1271-1368), Ming (ruled by the Han Chinese, 1368-1644)
关键词 北京 护城河 名胜古迹 建筑物
The Story of Stones
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2009年第3期54-57,共4页
关键词 人类 历史发展 石头 生存环境
The Art of Bricks and Tile Ends
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2009年第1期64-67,共4页
关键词 艺术 壁画 秦朝 文化
China’s Ancient Towers
作者 huo jianying 《China Today》 2009年第8期66-69,共4页
WHAT the Chinese generalize as "ta," or "tower" for the convenience of cross-cultural communication, has its origins in the Indian "stupa," which means "tomb mound" in Sanskrit.
关键词 中国 建筑物 历史
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