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观赏鸡中禽白血病病毒分离鉴定及全基因测序分析 被引量:1
作者 刘福林 曹红 +7 位作者 王亚楠 武沛泽 海伟 王宏钧 李三 余德海 陈福勇 常建宇 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第1期18-21,25,共5页
为了解观赏禽元宝鸡中禽白血病病毒(ALV)的流行特点,通过接种DF-1细胞、ELISA和PCR检测,从元宝鸡中分离并鉴定出1株禽白血病病毒,命名为BJ1401。经PCR扩增、测序获得BJ1401的全基因序列。序列比对分析发现,病毒株BJ1401基因全长7 503 bp... 为了解观赏禽元宝鸡中禽白血病病毒(ALV)的流行特点,通过接种DF-1细胞、ELISA和PCR检测,从元宝鸡中分离并鉴定出1株禽白血病病毒,命名为BJ1401。经PCR扩增、测序获得BJ1401的全基因序列。序列比对分析发现,病毒株BJ1401基因全长7 503 bp,其中,gp85基因核苷酸序列与C亚群同源性最高(91.6%),gp37、LTR与E亚群相应核苷酸序列同源性最高,分别为98.2%、91.6%。进化分析显示,gp85与C亚群代表株Prague C亲缘关系最近,gp37、LTR与E亚群代表株ev-1和SD0501处在同一进化分支上。表明观赏性元宝鸡中分离的禽白血病病毒BJ1401可能是C亚型与E型禽白血病病毒的重组病毒。 展开更多
关键词 观赏鸡 禽白血病病毒 基因重组
电网线路故障处置智能调度机器人研究及应用 被引量:12
作者 王福贺 海威 +2 位作者 张越 吕宏伟 赵刚 《电气自动化》 2021年第3期1-3,23,共4页
随着特高压交直流混联大电网的迅速发展,电网调控业务复杂程度及调控人员工作量日益增加。针对电网线路故障处置需求,结合人工智能和电力系统理论,研究了电网线路故障处置智能调控机器人。故障处置机器人能够实时感知线路故障信息,匹配... 随着特高压交直流混联大电网的迅速发展,电网调控业务复杂程度及调控人员工作量日益增加。针对电网线路故障处置需求,结合人工智能和电力系统理论,研究了电网线路故障处置智能调控机器人。故障处置机器人能够实时感知线路故障信息,匹配所建立的知识图谱自动驱动故障处置流程,实现了人机语音交互、故障处置信息协同传递和自动记录。通过实际电网验证,所研制的智能调控机器人缩短了故障处置时间,可以更及时地阻断电网单一故障,提高电网安全运行稳定性,同时减轻了调度员的工作负担,将复杂调度规程知识化,进行重复使用。 展开更多
关键词 智能调度 线路故障 知识图谱 实时感知 机器人
A new species of Leptobrachella(Anura:Megophryidae)from central Guangxi,China 被引量:2
作者 wei-Cai Chen Gui-Dong Yu +4 位作者 Zhi-Ying Cheng Tao Meng hai wei Guang-Yong Zhou Yan-Wu Lu 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期783-788,共6页
A new species of the genus Leptobrachella,Leptobrachella damingshanensis sp.nov.is described from central Guangxi,China,based on morphological,molecular,and acoustic data.Phylogenetic analyses using a 16S rRNA gene fr... A new species of the genus Leptobrachella,Leptobrachella damingshanensis sp.nov.is described from central Guangxi,China,based on morphological,molecular,and acoustic data.Phylogenetic analyses using a 16S rRNA gene fragment indicated that the new species formed an independent clade close to L.nahangensis and L.nyx.However,the new species differs from all known congeners based on a combination of the following characters:medium size(snout-vent length(SVL)33.6–34.4 mm in males);pair of distinct jacinth humeral glands on proximal thigh area;rough dorsal skin with sparse jacinth tubercles and several short longitudinal ridges;creamy white ventral surface with small,creamy white glands on throat,chest,belly,and ventral surfaces of thighs,becoming more concentrated near lateral margin;webbing and lateral fringes absent on fingers,toes with rudimentary webbing and narrow lateral fringes;flanks with small irregular black spots;iris bicolored,upper half copper,fading to silver in lower half.Uncorrected p-distances were greater than 4.7%between Leptobrachella damingshanensis sp.nov.and all homologous DNA sequences available for the 16S rRNA gene.The new species is only known to occur in the Damingshan National Nature Reserve,where it inhabits montane evergreen forests between 1000–1200 m a.s.l. 展开更多
中宁盆地地下水水质评价 被引量:3
作者 马永祥 马林军 +1 位作者 海玮 苗刚 《中国煤炭地质》 2019年第9期60-65,共6页
中宁盆地位于西北干旱半干旱地带,地下水中硫酸盐、溶解性总固体、总硬度等背景值偏高,造成水资源不能直接利用。采用中宁县水务局于2016-2017年完成的8个勘探钻孔为水质采样点,选取单因子指数法、综合指数法、模糊评价法对中宁盆地水... 中宁盆地位于西北干旱半干旱地带,地下水中硫酸盐、溶解性总固体、总硬度等背景值偏高,造成水资源不能直接利用。采用中宁县水务局于2016-2017年完成的8个勘探钻孔为水质采样点,选取单因子指数法、综合指数法、模糊评价法对中宁盆地水质进行评价分析研究,结果表明:1、2、5、6、7、8号钻孔水质类别属于Ⅵ-Ⅴ类水,3、4号钻孔地下水水质类型为Ⅱ-Ⅲ类水,符合中宁盆地水质实际情况,评价结果可以作为区内地下水开发利用的依据。 展开更多
关键词 水质分析 单一指数法 综合指数法 模糊评价法
苯丙乳胶耐水白性能影响因素研究 被引量:2
作者 海伟 梁健津 +1 位作者 宋高占 何美娟 《中国涂料》 CAS 2020年第2期60-62,73,共4页
以丙烯酸丁酯、苯乙烯、丙烯酸、丙烯酰胺、有机硅共聚制备耐水性能优异的苯丙乳胶;重点考察了乳化剂用量、引发剂用量、有机硅用量、核壳段丙烯酸比例对涂膜耐水白性的影响。结果表明:乳化剂为2.5%(质量分数,后同)、引发剂为0.35%、有... 以丙烯酸丁酯、苯乙烯、丙烯酸、丙烯酰胺、有机硅共聚制备耐水性能优异的苯丙乳胶;重点考察了乳化剂用量、引发剂用量、有机硅用量、核壳段丙烯酸比例对涂膜耐水白性的影响。结果表明:乳化剂为2.5%(质量分数,后同)、引发剂为0.35%、有机硅含量为1%、核壳段的丙烯酸比例为1∶2时,苯丙乳胶的耐水白性最好。 展开更多
关键词 苯丙乳胶 耐水白性 核壳段丙烯酸比例
“双碳”环境下基于铁路生产管控平台的郑州南站智慧照明控制系统研究 被引量:7
作者 海伟 高延峰 +1 位作者 岳保忠 王二永 《电气应用》 2022年第7期66-73,共8页
高铁车站是铁路运输的关键节点,是国铁集团“十四五”建设的重要内容,同时也是能源消耗重点用户。控制高铁车站在使用中能源的消耗,正是呼应“双碳”的重要举措之一。以郑州南站为案例,重点阐述了智慧照明控制系统的构成及控制策略,详... 高铁车站是铁路运输的关键节点,是国铁集团“十四五”建设的重要内容,同时也是能源消耗重点用户。控制高铁车站在使用中能源的消耗,正是呼应“双碳”的重要举措之一。以郑州南站为案例,重点阐述了智慧照明控制系统的构成及控制策略,详细介绍了郑州南站各区域智慧照明控制设计内容,最后描述了郑州南站智慧照明控制系统在实际运行中的节能数据及对减少碳排放的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 智慧照明控制系统 生产管控平台 双碳
基于关联分析的电网状态估计数据含坏点自动辨识 被引量:1
作者 海威 高博 +2 位作者 王晓光 邹大云 袁飞飞 《自动化技术与应用》 2021年第10期108-111,185,共5页
进行电网状态估计数据含坏点辨识时,测量权值存在误差,得到辨识结果与实际结果不符,存在辨识效率低的问题。因此将关联分析方法引入电网状态估计数据含坏点的辨识过程中,提出基于关联分析的电网状态估计数据含坏点自动辨识方法,实验结... 进行电网状态估计数据含坏点辨识时,测量权值存在误差,得到辨识结果与实际结果不符,存在辨识效率低的问题。因此将关联分析方法引入电网状态估计数据含坏点的辨识过程中,提出基于关联分析的电网状态估计数据含坏点自动辨识方法,实验结果表明,所提方法的辨识效率得到保证,正确率较高。 展开更多
关键词 关联分析 电网状态 数据含坏点 广域搜索模型
花生荚果干燥技术研究现状与发展趋势 被引量:2
作者 王伯凯 谢焕雄 +3 位作者 孙昀璟 颜建春 魏海 吴惠昌 《智能化农业装备学报(中英文)》 2021年第2期51-56,70,共7页
为探究花生荚果干燥技术研究现状,在综合对比国内外花生荚果干燥技术模式的基础上,综述国内外花生荚果干燥技术的研究现状,归纳总结现有干燥模式类型、特点,从干燥装备、干燥工艺两个方面对干燥技术的发展进行展望,提出适用于我国国情... 为探究花生荚果干燥技术研究现状,在综合对比国内外花生荚果干燥技术模式的基础上,综述国内外花生荚果干燥技术的研究现状,归纳总结现有干燥模式类型、特点,从干燥装备、干燥工艺两个方面对干燥技术的发展进行展望,提出适用于我国国情的花生干燥技术发展方向,以期为花生荚果干燥技术装备的研发与应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 产后加工 花生荚果 干燥装备 干燥工艺 干燥模式
作者 宋高占 梁健津 +4 位作者 海伟 李浩龙 陶柱 罗志宏 刘燕 《中国涂料》 CAS 2020年第2期63-66,共4页
关键词 乳液聚合 乳胶 电解质 粒径分布 稳定性 真石漆
作者 宋高占 梁健津 +2 位作者 海伟 何美娟 刘燕 《中国涂料》 CAS 2019年第10期55-58,共4页
关键词 苯丙乳胶 真石漆 自清洁 亲水性 涂膜高硬度 涂膜致密性
Food-derived exosomes as the future of drug delivery
作者 Bin Yang Miao Zhang +5 位作者 Lixia Yue Ning Zhang hai wei Hongyu Zhang Bing Wang Peifeng Liu 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第11期9865-9886,共22页
Exosomes are a kind of nanoscale membrane vesicles that can be secreted by many types of cells in both normal and pathological states and play a very important role in intercellular information exchange and transmissi... Exosomes are a kind of nanoscale membrane vesicles that can be secreted by many types of cells in both normal and pathological states and play a very important role in intercellular information exchange and transmission by transporting proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and other biologically active substances to act on the receptor cells. Recent studies have shown that exosomes from some plants, animals, microorganisms, and other food sources can also be extracted like the structure of exosomes secreted by mammalian cells, which are named food-derived exosomes (FDEs) and can be absorbed by intestinal cells and further transported to other organs through blood circulation. With the advantages of high biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, low toxicity, high cargo capacity, and the ability to cross biological barriers, FDEs can be involved in a variety of applications such as immune response, cell migration, and tumor invasion, and have attracted a lot of attention as biotherapeutic agents and drug delivery carriers in the treatment of human diseases. This article reviews the classification, preparation characterization, physiological processes in the human body, biological functions, and application prospects of FDEs. It aims to provide a reference for the research and application of FDEs in disease treatment. 展开更多
关键词 NANOVESICLES EXOSOMES food-derived exosomes delivery vehicles disease treatment
Chlorogenic acid prevents acetaminophen-induced liver injury: the involvement of CYP450 metabolic enzymes and some antioxidant signals 被引量:7
作者 Chun PANG Yu-chen SHENG +2 位作者 Ping JIANG hai wei Li-li JI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第7期602-610,共9页
Chlorogenic acid(CGA), a polyphenolic compound, is abundant in fruits, dietary vegetables, and some medicinal herbs. This study investigated the prevention of CGA against acetaminophen(AP)-induced hepatotoxicity a... Chlorogenic acid(CGA), a polyphenolic compound, is abundant in fruits, dietary vegetables, and some medicinal herbs. This study investigated the prevention of CGA against acetaminophen(AP)-induced hepatotoxicity and its engaged mechanisms. CGA reversed the decreased cell viability induced by AP in L-02 cells in vitro. In addition, CGA reduced the AP-induced increased serum levels of alanine/aspartate aminotransferase(ALT/AST) in vivo. The effect of CGA on cytochrome P450(CYP) enzymatic(CYP2E1, CYP1A2, and CYP3A4) activities showed that CGA caused very little inhibition on CYP2E1 and CYP1A2 enzymatic activities, but not CYP3A4. The measurement of liver malondialdehyde(MDA), reactive oxygen species(ROS), and glutathione(GSH) levels showed that CGA prevented AP-induced liver oxidative stress injury. Further, CGA increased the AP-induced decreased m RNA expression of peroxiredoxin(Prx) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, epoxide hydrolase(Ephx) 2, and polymerase(RNA) II(DNA directed) polypeptide K(Polr2k), and nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2(Nrf2). In summary, CGA ameliorates the AP-induced liver injury probably by slightly inhibiting CYP2E1 and CYP1A2 enzymatic properties. In addition, cellular important antioxidant signals such as Prx1, 2, 3, 5, 6, Ephx2, Polr2 k, and Nrf2 also contributed to the protection of CGA against AP-induced oxidative stress injury. 展开更多
关键词 Chlorogenic acid ACETAMINOPHEN CYP450 Oxidative stress injury
Unfolded protein response activation compensates endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation deficiency in Arabidopsis 被引量:3
作者 Qingliang Li hai wei +3 位作者 Lijing Liu Xiaoyuan Yang Xiansheng Zhang Qi Xie 《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第7期506-521,共16页
Abiotic stresses often disrupt protein folding and induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. There is a sophisticated ER quality control (ERQC) system to mitigate the effects of malfunctioning proteins and maintai... Abiotic stresses often disrupt protein folding and induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. There is a sophisticated ER quality control (ERQC) system to mitigate the effects of malfunctioning proteins and maintain ER homeostasis. The accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER activates the unfolded protein response (UPR) to enhance ER protein folding and the degradation of misfolded proteins mediate by ER- associated degradation (ERAD). That ERQC reduces abiotic stress damage has been well studied in mammals and yeast. However, in plants, both ERAD and UPR have been studied separately and found to be critical for plant abiotic stress tolerance. In this study, we discovered that UPR-associated transcription factors AtbZlP17, AtbZIP28 and AtbZIP60 responded to tunicamycin (TM) and NaCl induced ER stress and subsequently enhanced Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress tolerance. They regulated the expression level of ER chaperones and the HRD1-complex components. Moreover, overexpression of AtbZIP17, AtbZIP28 and AtbZIP60 could restore stress tolerance via ERAD in the HRD1-complex mutant hrd3a-2, which suggested that UPR and ERAD have an interactive mechanism in Arabidopsts. 展开更多
关键词 ZIP ERAD HRD in of UPR
Optimization and experiment of key components in pneumatic peanut pod conveyor 被引量:3
作者 Xuemei Gao Huanxiong Xie +4 位作者 Fengwei Gu hai wei Minji Liu Jianchun Yan Zhichao Hu 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2020年第3期100-107,共8页
Research interest in pneumatic conveying technologies in processes such as peanut harvesting and shelling has grown rapidly in recent years.However,the use of pneumatic conveyors in this application suffers from high ... Research interest in pneumatic conveying technologies in processes such as peanut harvesting and shelling has grown rapidly in recent years.However,the use of pneumatic conveyors in this application suffers from high pod damage rates and duct obstruction.To address these issues,we analyzed the critical speed of pneumatic transport for conveying the peanut pods and measured the angle of friction and coefficient of restitution of peanut pods on a variety of material surfaces.Based on the results of these tests,optimizations and improvements were made to the separator bowl,air supply duct,and conveying duct.A pneumatic conveying experiment was then performed using peanut pods.In the factorial experiment,it was found that increases in fan speed increase the pod damage rate and transport efficiency,while increases in the thickness of the cushioning/anti-obstruction layer decrease the rate of pod damage and transport efficiency.Pod damage rates were significantly affected by fan speed,the thickness of the cushioning/obstruction prevention layer,and interaction between these factors,while transport efficiency was only significantly affected by fan speed.It is proved by the machine verification test,the optimal parameters for the pneumatic transport of Baisha peanut pods with a moisture content of 7.24%was a fan speed of 2700 r/min and a cushioning/anti-obstruction layer thickness of 6 mm.A pod damage rate of 5.19%and transport efficiency of 92.03%were achieved using these parameters,which are sufficient for meeting the requirements of industrial applications. 展开更多
关键词 pneumatic transport material properties of peanut pods damage rate transport efficiency
Optimizing the drying parameters of a fixed bed with reversing ventilation for peanut using computer simulation 被引量:2
作者 Jianchun Yan Huanxiong Xie +2 位作者 hai wei Huichang Wu Zhaoyan You 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS 2021年第5期255-266,共12页
To obtain the optimal operation parameters of fixed-bed reversing ventilation drying of peanuts,a set of partial differential equations indicating the heat and mass transfer relationships between the peanut pods and a... To obtain the optimal operation parameters of fixed-bed reversing ventilation drying of peanuts,a set of partial differential equations indicating the heat and mass transfer relationships between the peanut pods and air during drying was proposed.Then,a series of discretized models were established for simulation,and the time consumed,unevenness,and energy consumption for batch drying were calculated.The results showed that reversing ventilation and segmented drying was helpful to these issues for high drying ability.The optimal operation parameters were determined by uniform design experimentation of mathematical simulation.The result showed that when the moisture content(wet basis)was above 22%,a ventilation velocity of 0.46 m/s was optimal;when the moisture content was between 8%and 22%,a ventilation velocity of 0.20 m/s was optimal.Using the optimal parameters,the computer simulating result was compared with the experimental results.The correlation coefficients between the simulating and the experimental values for the temperature and moisture content were all above 0.98 and the quality of dried peanuts was close to that of natural sun-dried ones,which indicates that the optimization results of the drying parameters are highly reliable. 展开更多
关键词 PEANUT fix bed drying reversing ventilation SIMULATION OPTIMIZATION
Optical experimental solution for the multiway number partitioning problem and its application to computing power scheduling 被引量:1
作者 Jingwei Wen Zhenming Wang +7 位作者 Zhiguo Huang Dunbo Cai Bingjie Jia Chongyu Cao Yin Ma hai wei Kai Wen Ling Qian 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第9期15-22,共8页
Quantum computing is an emerging technology that is expected to realize an exponential increase in computing power. Recently,its theoretical foundation and application scenarios have been extensively researched and ex... Quantum computing is an emerging technology that is expected to realize an exponential increase in computing power. Recently,its theoretical foundation and application scenarios have been extensively researched and explored. In this work, we propose efficient quantum algorithms suitable for solving computing power scheduling problems in the cloud-rendering domain, which can be viewed mathematically as a generalized form of a typical NP-complete problem, i.e., a multiway number partitioning problem.In our algorithm, the matching pattern between tasks and computing resources with the shortest completion time or optimal load balancing is encoded into the ground state of the Hamiltonian;it is then solved using the optical coherent Ising machine, a practical quantum computing device with at least 100 qubits. The experimental results show that the proposed quantum scheme can achieve significant acceleration and save 97% of the time required to solve combinatorial optimization problems compared with classical algorithms. This demonstrates the computational advantages of optical quantum devices in solving combinatorial optimization problems. Our algorithmic and experimental work will advance the utilization of quantum computers to solve specific NP problems and will broaden the range of possible applications. 展开更多
关键词 quantum algorithm coherent Ising machine multiway number partitioning problem
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