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2018-2020年新疆39家县域医疗机构门诊抗菌药物合理用药评价 被引量:1
作者 艾则孜江·艾尔肯 王宁宁 +5 位作者 杨瑶瑶 巩志文 海沙尔江·吾守尔 管晓东 史录文 凯赛尔·阿不都克热木 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2023年第6期820-825,共6页
目的 评价新疆39家县域医疗机构门诊抗菌药物合理使用情况。方法 收集2018-2020年新疆39家县域医疗机构门诊处方月度抽样数据,选取11项常见诊断计算抗菌药物处方率;根据药品解剖学治疗学及化学分类系统(Anatomical therapeutic chemical... 目的 评价新疆39家县域医疗机构门诊抗菌药物合理使用情况。方法 收集2018-2020年新疆39家县域医疗机构门诊处方月度抽样数据,选取11项常见诊断计算抗菌药物处方率;根据药品解剖学治疗学及化学分类系统(Anatomical therapeutic chemical, ATC)分类;采用新疆抗菌药物分级目录和WHO AWaRe分级目录分析抗菌药物使用结构。选取6项替代指标分析抗菌药物使用合理性。结果 共纳入47 211张处方,其中含抗菌药物处方7 877张。2018-2020年,处方占比前5位的类别为:青霉素(含β-内酰胺酶抑制剂)、第二代头孢菌素、第三代头孢菌素、大环内酯类和广谱青霉素类;非限制、限制、特殊使用级处方占比在二级和基层医疗机构之间使用水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);可用级和备用级处方占比在二级和基层医疗机构之间无显著差异,二级医疗机构慎用级和不推荐使用处方占比显著高于基层医疗机构,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);二级医疗机构急性上呼吸道感染等诊断抗菌药物处方率显著高于基层医疗机构,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);总抗菌药物处方的季节性变化指标由17.3%下降至-0.4%,非常规推荐抗菌药物处方率由10.4%上升到15.7%,抗菌药物联用全身用非甾体类抗炎药处方率由16.1%下降到11.9%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 近年来新疆县域医疗机构抗菌药物使用总体情况持续改善,不同级别医疗机构间差异明显,各级别医疗机构抗菌药物合理使用水平均有待进一步提高。 展开更多
关键词 新疆县域医疗机构 抗菌药物 合理用药
基于中国背景的细菌耐药所致健康和经济负担的系统评价 被引量:8
作者 周越 杨瑶瑶 +6 位作者 张翕 胡琳 杜可欣 郑波 管晓东 海沙尔江·吾守尔 史录文 《中国药房》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第20期2543-2550,共8页
目的:为我国细菌耐药所致负担的测算研究提供科学依据,为国家遏制细菌耐药的政策制定提供参考。方法:计算机检索中国知网、万方数据、维普网、PubMed、Scopus、Medline和EconoLite等数据库,收集基于中国背景的细菌耐药负担的相关研究,... 目的:为我国细菌耐药所致负担的测算研究提供科学依据,为国家遏制细菌耐药的政策制定提供参考。方法:计算机检索中国知网、万方数据、维普网、PubMed、Scopus、Medline和EconoLite等数据库,收集基于中国背景的细菌耐药负担的相关研究,检索文献的发表时间为2016年1月1日-2020年8月10日。经独立筛选文献、提取资料后,采用Newcastle-Ottawa(NOS)量表进行文献质量评价,对细菌耐药造成的健康和经济负担进行描述性分析。结果:共纳入中英文文献27篇。纳入文献的NOS评分为4~6分,均采用回顾性病例对照设计,将患者分为病例组(耐药菌感染)和对照组(敏感菌感染或无感染),研究常用测算指标包括死亡率、住院时长和诊治费用。纳入的研究中,耐药菌感染者的死亡率是敏感菌感染者的0.7~12.0倍,其总住院时长的平均值或中位数是敏感菌感染者的0.9~2.5倍,其总诊治费用的平均值或中位数是敏感菌感染者的1.0~2.7倍。上述指标在耐药菌感染者和无感染者之间的差异更大。结论:细菌耐药会增加患者的健康和经济负担。但现有相关文献质量中等,以单中心研究为主,样本代表性不足,研究设计未考虑时间依赖性偏倚且可重复性低,研究指标较单一,测算范围较局限,亟需开展更高质量、多中心的实证调查以全面测算我国细菌耐药所致的健康和经济负担。 展开更多
关键词 细菌耐药 健康负担 经济负担 文献 系统评价 中国
罗红霉素缓释胶囊治疗细菌性上呼吸道感染的安全性及经济性评价 被引量:2
作者 王春萍 海沙尔江·吾守尔 +4 位作者 周越 李薇 朱贺 韩晟 史录文 《中国药事》 CAS 2022年第8期872-878,共7页
目的:评价罗红霉素缓释胶囊治疗细菌性上呼吸道感染的安全性与经济性。方法:基于中国卫生体系角度,采用决策树模型模拟中国细菌性上呼吸道感染患者接受5种不同剂型罗红霉素治疗的直接医疗成本与临床收益。直接医疗费用为药品费用,来源... 目的:评价罗红霉素缓释胶囊治疗细菌性上呼吸道感染的安全性与经济性。方法:基于中国卫生体系角度,采用决策树模型模拟中国细菌性上呼吸道感染患者接受5种不同剂型罗红霉素治疗的直接医疗成本与临床收益。直接医疗费用为药品费用,来源于米内网。临床收益为安全性收益,不良反应发生率通过相关数据库研究测算,相关治疗成本来源于专家咨询。采用单因素敏感性分析和概率敏感性分析验证模型结果的稳健性。结果:安全性上,罗红霉素缓释胶囊总不良反应发生率最低(2.66%)。经济性上,罗红霉素缓释胶囊组相比于罗红霉素片组,成本低18.41元,净收益为7.66元,具有成本效益;罗红霉素缓释胶囊组相比于罗红霉素分散片组,成本高2.45元,净收益为45.35元,具有成本效益。罗红霉素缓释胶囊组分别与罗红霉素软胶囊组、罗红霉素胶囊组相比,干预成本分别高出10.24元、8.17元,净效益分别为3.18元、4.40元,增量效益-成本比分别为0.31、0.54,不具有成本效益。敏感性分析结果稳健。结论:常见罗红霉素剂型中,罗红霉素缓释胶囊安全性最高。在现有的模型和参数下,当罗红霉素缓释胶囊组药品成本降低幅度大于19.36%,在治疗上呼吸道感染时,相比其他常见剂型的罗红霉素均具有经济性优势。 展开更多
关键词 成本效益分析 罗红霉素缓释胶囊 剂型 安全性 上呼吸道感染
作者 秦妮平 高柳村 +2 位作者 海沙尔江·吾守尔 杨志平 樊代明 《中国临床研究》 CAS 2024年第6期968-971,共4页
药品和医疗器械上市后研究是产品全生命周期管理的重要环节。本文在文献调研和专家咨询基础上,提出药械产品上市后研究的概念体系,即什么是上市后研究(What)、为什么要开展上市后研究(Why)、谁开展上市后研究(Who)、如何开展上市后研究(... 药品和医疗器械上市后研究是产品全生命周期管理的重要环节。本文在文献调研和专家咨询基础上,提出药械产品上市后研究的概念体系,即什么是上市后研究(What)、为什么要开展上市后研究(Why)、谁开展上市后研究(Who)、如何开展上市后研究(How)、上市后研究的目的和目标(Objective)的3WHO框架。 展开更多
关键词 上市后研究 药品 医疗器械 真实世界研究 数字化
作者 杜浩鑫 保琦 +4 位作者 李黄倩玉 张逸晨 海沙尔江·吾守尔 史录文 管晓东 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2023年第9期744-754,共11页
中国癌症幸存者的数量正在不断增长,这一人群的健康问题是我国卫生系统所面临的一项严峻挑战。本研究概述了中国中老年癌症幸存者的健康状况,并探究癌症史与健康状况之间的关系。本研究基于中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据识别癌症... 中国癌症幸存者的数量正在不断增长,这一人群的健康问题是我国卫生系统所面临的一项严峻挑战。本研究概述了中国中老年癌症幸存者的健康状况,并探究癌症史与健康状况之间的关系。本研究基于中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据识别癌症幸存者和无癌症史的受访者,利用2018年的调查数据评估两组患者的自评健康状况、抑郁状况和日常生活活动能力并采用卡方检验和Logistic回归进行组间分析。本研究纳入了447名癌症幸存者和19051名没有癌症史的受访者。与无癌症史的受访者相比,癌症幸存者的自评健康状况更差、抑郁和日常生活活动能力受损的比例也更高。在调整了受访者的社会人口学特征和疾病与健康行为之后,我们发现癌症史与更糟糕的自评健康状况(OR 1.62;95%CI,1.38–1.96,P<0.001)、更高的抑郁风险(OR 1.21;95%CI,1.10–1.34,P<0.001)和日常生活活动能力受损(OR 1.43;95%CI,1.29–1.58,P<0.001)显著相关。研究表明,我国45岁以上癌症幸存者的生理和心理健康状况较差,需要为他们提供更周到的支持与照顾。 展开更多
关键词 癌症幸存者 健康状况 抑郁 中国健康与养老追踪调查
抗菌药物耐药性的经济影响研究进展 被引量:13
作者 海沙尔江.吾守尔 管晓东 史录文 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期330-334,共5页
抗菌药物耐药性问题已成为全球卫生关注的焦点,也是当今世界面临的最紧迫的公共卫生问题之一。本文通过文献检索法,收集了国内外抗菌药物耐药性造成经济负担相关文献,从测算抗菌药物耐药负担的角度出发,总结了细菌耐药对临床结果以及经... 抗菌药物耐药性问题已成为全球卫生关注的焦点,也是当今世界面临的最紧迫的公共卫生问题之一。本文通过文献检索法,收集了国内外抗菌药物耐药性造成经济负担相关文献,从测算抗菌药物耐药负担的角度出发,总结了细菌耐药对临床结果以及经济负担影响的相关研究进展,为中国进行抗菌药物耐药负担相关研究提供文献支持。抗菌药物耐药性通过影响患者临床结局加重治疗负担,并由此从不同研究角度造成不同程度的经济负担。相比国外研究,中国缺乏高质量、多中心、长时间跨度的纵向研究。由于细菌耐药会造成巨大的临床和经济负担,合理测算抗菌药物耐药对经济造成的影响是决策层合理分配卫生资源的重要基础。 展开更多
关键词 抗菌药物 耐药 经济影响
An analysis on the factors associated with reuse of insulin pen needles in type 2 diabetic patients in China 被引量:6
作者 Xiaodong Guan Lili Ma +4 位作者 Guoying Wang haishaerjiang wushouer Chunxia Man Sheng Han Luwen Shi 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2018年第1期51-58,共8页
Incorrect injection technique of insulin is a common problem worldwide,which can reduce the efficacy of insulin therapy and lead to poor glucose control.A cross-sectional,multiple-center survey from 44 hospitals was c... Incorrect injection technique of insulin is a common problem worldwide,which can reduce the efficacy of insulin therapy and lead to poor glucose control.A cross-sectional,multiple-center survey from 44 hospitals was conducted from Nov.2015 to Dec.2015.Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance and Mann-Whitney U test were used for multi-parametric analysis.Multivariable logistic regressions were performed to identify the factors associated with independent variables.Overall,a single needle was used at an average of 3.79 times,with the highest of 60 times.Analysis across all study participants showed that the frequency of a single needle was positively correlated with age(P = 0.029),duration of diabetes(P≤0.001) and number of complications(P≤0.001).Multivariable logistic regressions analysis of insulin pen needle reuse and needle compliance showed that age,income,education,marital status,duration of diabetes,quality of life and cost of drug were significantly related to needle reuse.From this survey,we found that reuse of insulin pen needle was common in China.Frequency of needle reuse was related to the patients' demographic characteristics(income level,age,region,education,employment status and self-care),health-related variables(duration of diabetes,number of complications and EQ-5 D index scores) and utilization of health services(clinical visits,hospitalization and cost of medications). 展开更多
关键词 T2D INSULIN Needle reuse Influential factors
Trends of consumption and expenditure of antibacterial traditional Chinese medicine in secondary and tertiary hospitals in China:an analysis of pharmaceutical sales data,2011–2015 被引量:4
作者 Yumiti Taxifulati Yue Zhou +7 位作者 Sheng Han Kexin Du Yaoyao Yang Lin Hu Bo Zheng Xiaodong Guan haishaerjiang wushouer Luwen Shi 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2022年第4期298-307,共10页
Traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs)are commonly used in China,and some of them have been proved to be effective against infection caused by certain pathogenic bacteria.In the present study,we aimed to describe the tre... Traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs)are commonly used in China,and some of them have been proved to be effective against infection caused by certain pathogenic bacteria.In the present study,we aimed to describe the trends of antibacterial-effect traditional Chinese medicine(AeTCM)consumption and expenditure in secondary and tertiary hospitals in China using pharmaceutical sales data from January 2011 to December 2015.Aggregated monthly surveillance data on AeTCM sales in China’s hospitals were retrospectively analyzed.Population weighted daily define doses,which are the recommended daily amounts based on dosage regimen recommended in the manufacturers’instructions,were adopted.The AeTCM consumption was expressed in DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day(DID).The AeTCM expenditure was expressed in US dollars.A compound annual growth rate(CAGR)was used to describe the growth of AeTCM consumption and expenditure.A total of 1293 AeTCMs were matched and analyzed from 468 tertiary hospitals and 114 secondary hospitals from 28 provinces.The total AeTCM consumption and expenditure demonstrated a significant upward trend during the study period from 4.07 DID to 6.82 DID with a CAGR of 13.75%,and 839.75 million US dollars to 1276.82 million US dollars with a CAGR of 11.04%,respectively.Compared with eastern provinces,the consumption of AeTCMs was higher in the central and western provinces.Parenteral AeTCMs accounted for 7.20%of the total Ae TCM consumption,but nearly 45%of the total AeTCM expenditure.The AeTCM use in China demonstrated a rapid growth,which could be the result of the substitutional effect from antimicrobial stewardship and brought a potential risk of overuse.More studies are needed to further explore the potential efficacy of AeTCMs as an alternative approach towards infection treatment and to help confine antimicrobial resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Antibacterial-effect Traditional Chinese medicine Drug consumption Drug expenditure
The impacts of national essential medicine policies on the rational use of medicines in China: A cross-sectional study in primary health care institution 被引量:3
作者 Xinpu Lu Zhigang Guo +3 位作者 Mengyuan Fu haishaerjiang wushouer Luwen Shi Xiaodong Guan 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2019年第1期49-55,共7页
Irrational use of medicines is a major problem worldwide, and it is believed there would be positive correlation between the National Essential Medicines Policies(NEMPs) and the level of rational use of medicines(RUMs... Irrational use of medicines is a major problem worldwide, and it is believed there would be positive correlation between the National Essential Medicines Policies(NEMPs) and the level of rational use of medicines(RUMs). Though there is some early evidence on the NEMPs’ effects on RUMs in China, the evidence is scarce, and conclusions vary. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the impacts of the NEMPs of China on the RUMs in the primary health care institutions(PHCs). A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2010. A total of 201 PHCs from six provinces of China were selected, and 39 181 prescriptions were extracted from January to June, 2010. Six indicators were used and tested by independent-samples T test. We found that the average number of drugs per prescription in PHCs with NEMP implementation(the treatment group) was significantly higher than that of the group without NEMP implementation(the control group)(3.37 vs. 2.83, P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the average cost per prescription(81.43 vs. 75.02). The percentage of prescriptions, including an antibiotic(53.40% vs. 36.48%, P<0.01) or an injection(40.54% vs. 27.94%, P<0.01), was higher in the treatment group, and the percentage of drugs prescribed by general name was significantly lower(83.71% vs. 93.11%, P<0.01). For the percentage of drugs prescribed from essential medicines list, the treatment group exhibited the higher ratio(76.12% vs. 53.45%, P<0.01). From this study, the NEMPs were not likely to have a positive impact on RUMs. China still needed efforts to improve the selection, the absence of physicians’ active involvement, and the patients’ habits of irrational medication use. 展开更多
关键词 Rational use of medicines Primary health care institutions National Essential Medicines Policies Health care reforms
Antimicrobial stewardship program in China’s tertiary hospitals in 2018:a nationwide cross-sectional online survey 被引量:1
作者 Yue Zhou haishaerjiang wushouer +5 位作者 Xi Zhang Jiajia Feng Likai Lin Bo Zheng Xiaodong Guan Luwen Shi 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2021年第12期994-1007,共14页
In the present study,we aimed to assess the development of the antimicrobial stewardship(AMS)program in China’s tertiary hospitals to identify the potential challenges for the AMS program and provide references and b... In the present study,we aimed to assess the development of the antimicrobial stewardship(AMS)program in China’s tertiary hospitals to identify the potential challenges for the AMS program and provide references and benchmarks for strategic policymaking.A nationwide cross-sectional study was conducted online by sending questionnaires to tertiary hospitals under China Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System(CARSS).The questionnaire included 5 sections regarding structure,technical support,antimicrobial use management,antimicrobial use surveillance,and education.Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis.Of the 1044 tertiary hospitals under CARSS,13.4%(140)hospitals participated in the study.Among them,99.3%(139/140)set up the AMS program.The hospital president(82.1%,115/140)and medical service department(59.3%,83/140)were responsible for AMS outcomes in most hospitals.Structured antimicrobial formulary restriction management was adopted by 99.3%(139/140)hospitals.Infectious disease department,infection control department,and microbiological laboratories were established in 87.1%(122/140),99.3%(139/140)and 100%(140/140)hospitals,respectively.Up to 85.6%(124/140)hospitals applied clinical pathways,and 33.6%(47/140)hospitals implemented hospital-specific guidelines for infectious diseases.Outpatient prescription auditing,inpatient prescription auditing,and prophylactic antimicrobial prescription auditing of aseptic operation were performed in 99.3%(139/140),98.6%(138/140)and 95.7%(134/140)hospitals,respectively.Up to 97.1%(136/140)hospitals participated in antimicrobial use surveillance network,and 99.3%(139/140)hospitals established the specialized management of carbapenem and tigecycline.Staff education and public education were provided with various ways and frequencies in 100%(140/140)and 90.0%(126/140)hospitals,respectively.AMS programs in China’s tertiary hospitals were primarily headed by hospital presidents and involved collaboration among various disciplines and administrative departments.More efforts should be put to further promote and strengthen the development of hospital-specific guidelines and the establishment of a progress and outcome evaluation system. 展开更多
关键词 Antimicrobial stewardship Antimicrobial resistance Tertiary hospitals China Cross-sectional online survey
The impact of the provincial reimbursement scheme on the use of targeted anticancer medications in Zhejiang,China:a controlled interrupted time-series analysis
作者 Cong Huang Carolina Oi Lam Ung +4 位作者 haishaerjiang wushouer Ziyue Xu Yichen Zhang Xiaodong Guan Luwen Shi 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2021年第7期590-597,共8页
To alleviate problems with access and affordability,six targeted anticancer medications(TAMs)were listed in the Provincial Reimbursement Drug List(PRDL)for the first time in Zhejiang,China in February 2015.In the pres... To alleviate problems with access and affordability,six targeted anticancer medications(TAMs)were listed in the Provincial Reimbursement Drug List(PRDL)for the first time in Zhejiang,China in February 2015.In the present study,we aimed to evaluate the implementation of the PRDL policy on TAMs use.Using the pharmaceutical procurement data of these six listed TAMs(study group)and four unlisted TAMs(control group)from 22 tertiary hospitals in Zhejiang,China dated between January 2014 and February 2017,interrupted time-series analysis was adopted to examine differences in the average hospital purchasing volume(HPV)and the average hospital purchasing spending(HPS)between the two groups.The average daily cost of listed TAMs in the study group was decreased after April 2015.After enlistment,the average HPV per month was significantly increased by 34.6 defined daily doses(DDDs)(P<0.001),and the average HPS per month was significantly increased by USD 6614.9(P<0.001)for the listed TAMs in the study group(n=6).Neither the average HPV nor the average HPS changed significantly for the unlisted TAMs in the control group(n=4).The PRDL policy showed positive effects on improving patients’affordability and promoting access to TAMs in Zhejiang.The government should conduct further price negotiations and include more TAMs with clinical benefits into reimbursement schemes to relieve patients’financial burden and promote access. 展开更多
关键词 Provincial reimbursement Targeted anticancer medications Interrupted time-series
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