To understand the response of transparent exopolymer particles(TEP)to the changes in phytoplankton communities caused by melting sea ice,we collected samples from the polynya and open ocean affected by the Antarctic c...To understand the response of transparent exopolymer particles(TEP)to the changes in phytoplankton communities caused by melting sea ice,we collected samples from the polynya and open ocean affected by the Antarctic circumpolar current in the Amundsen Sea.TEP,pigments,and other environmental factors were analyzed.The results showed that high TEP content was mainly found in the polynya,and was higher in the surface layer than in the deep layer.The main factor that affected TEP distribution was the phytoplankton community.In the polynya area,the phytoplankton were dominated by low-iron Haptophyta.In the Antarctic circumpolar current region affected by ice-melting water,the dominant species was diatom type II.Our results revealed that low-iron Haptophyta may be the main contributors to TEP content.展开更多
By using the multi-tube sediment samples collected from NB01 station in the Bering Sea during the period of the fourth Chinese Arctic research expedition in 2010,as well as the dating technique of radioisotope ^(210)P...By using the multi-tube sediment samples collected from NB01 station in the Bering Sea during the period of the fourth Chinese Arctic research expedition in 2010,as well as the dating technique of radioisotope ^(210)Pb in sedimentary strata,based on the exponential decay trend of ^(210)Pb exwith the column sample depth,relative stable modern sedimentary environment in the investigation area was reflected. The results show that the deposition rate of modern marine sediment S was 0. 27 cm/a,and correlation coefficient R was 0. 96( n = 17),while time span was 107 a(1903-2010). Meanwhile,carbon,nitrogen and isotopes were used to trace the sources of materials in the Bering Sea. It is found that the content of organic carbon and nitrogen in the column samples from NB01 station in the Bering Sea was 1. 18%-1. 80% and 0. 16%-0. 28% respectively,and C/N ratio ranged from 5. 13 to 8. 31. Total organic carbon( TOC) and total organic nitrogen( TON) were preserved well in sedimentary strata and had good consistency,showing that sources of organic matter were consistent. Moreover,their changes positively correlated with^(210)Pb. Organic carbon isotope( δ13 C) ranged from-22. 45‰ to-21. 82‰,and its changing trend was similar to that of C/N ratio; organic nitrogen isotope(δ15 N) varied from 7. 53‰ to 8. 54‰,indicating that organic matter was mainly from remaining marine organisms after being decomposed,into which a certain quantity of terrigenous materials were mixed. In the 100 years,the overall trend of terrigenous materials became increasingly obvious,showing that the input and burial of organic carbon from seas and land in the Bering Sea were changing. According to the burial rate of surface sediment and content of organic carbon,the apparent burial flux of sedimentary organic carbon in the column sample from NB01 station in the Bering Sea was estimated,about 1 450 mmol C/( m^2·a). It is suggested that the high burial flux of sedimentary organic carbon in the regions was mainly related to the high primary productivity of the water body,the high output efficiency of organic carbon in the photic zone,favorable preservation and metabolic mechanism of organic matter,and high deposition rate.展开更多
A biostratigraphic study on calcareous nannofossils from the CM3D06 Co-rich ferromanganese crust from the Magellan seamounts in the northwestern Pacific enabled estimation of depositional age. The bio-imprinting of ca...A biostratigraphic study on calcareous nannofossils from the CM3D06 Co-rich ferromanganese crust from the Magellan seamounts in the northwestern Pacific enabled estimation of depositional age. The bio-imprinting of calcareous nannofossils and other fossil species suggests six age ranges for the nannofossils: late Cretaceous, late Paleocene, (early, middle, late) Eocene, middle Miocene, late Pliocene, and Pleistocene. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to test the Co-rich crusts, and a variety of molecular fossils were detected, such as chloroform bituminous "A" , n-alkane, isoprenoid and sterol. Peak carbon and molecular indices (such as C23-/C24+, CPI, Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17, Ph/nCxs and j13C) indicate that the parent organic matter is dominated by marine phytoplankton and thallogen whereas there is little input of terrestrial organic matter. Researches on calcareous nannofossils, molecular fossils and molecular organic geochemistry data reveal that the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) global event is recorded in the cobalt- rich crusts from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. A succession of biomes can be observed near the 85 mm boundary (about 55 Ma), i.e., the disappearance of the late Cretaceous Watznaueria barnesae and Zigodicus spiralis, and Broisonia parka microbiotas above the P/E boundary, and the bloom of Coccolithus formosus, Discoaster multiradiatus, Discoaster mohleri and Discoaster sp. below the boundary. Typical parameters of molecular fossils, such as saturated hydrocarbon components and carbon-number maxima, Pr/Ph, Pr/C17, Ph/C18, distribution types of sterols, Ts/Tm ratios and bacterial hopane, also exhibit dramatic changes near the P/E boundary. These integrated results illustrate that the biome succession of calcareous nannofossils, relative content of molecular fossils and molecular indices in the cobalt-rich crusts near the 85 mm boundary faithfully record the P/E global event.展开更多
Sea ice melt water and circumpolar deep water(CDW)intrusion have important impacts on the ecosystem of the Amundsen Sea.In this study,samples of nutrients and phytoplankton pigments from nine stations in the eastern A...Sea ice melt water and circumpolar deep water(CDW)intrusion have important impacts on the ecosystem of the Amundsen Sea.In this study,samples of nutrients and phytoplankton pigments from nine stations in the eastern Amundsen Sea were collected during the austral summer.Based on in-situ hydrological observations,sea ice density data from satellite remote sensing,and chemical taxonomy calculations,the relationships between environmental factors and phytoplankton biomass and community structure were studied.The results showed that with increasing latitude,the contribution of sea ice melt water(MW%)and the stability of the water body increased,and the depth of the mixed layer(MLD)decreased.The integrated concentration of chlorophyll a(Chl-a)ranged from 21.4 mg·m^(−2) to 148.4 mg·m^(−2)(the average value was 35.7±53.4 mg·m^(−2)).Diatoms(diatoms-A[Fragilariopsis spp.,Chaetoceros spp.,and Proboscia spp.]and diatoms-B[Pseudonitzschia spp.])and Phaeocystis antarctica were the two most widely distributed phytoplankton groups and contributed 32%±16%and 28%±11%,respectively,of the total biomass.The contributions of Dinoflagellates,Chlorophytes,Cryptophytes,the high-iron group of P.antarctica,and Diatom group A were approximately 17%±8%,15%±13%,9%±6%,5%±9%,and 3%±7%,respectively.The area with the highest phytoplankton biomass was located near the ice-edge region,with a short time lag(T_(lag))between sampling and complete sea ice melt and a high MW%,while the area with the second-highest Chl-a concentration was located in the area affected by the upwelling of CDW,with thorough water mixing.Vertically,in the area with a short T_(lag) and a shallow MLD,the phytoplankton biomass and proportion of diatoms decreased rapidly with increasing water depth.In contrast,in the region with a long T_(lag) and limited CDW upwelling,the phytoplankton community was dominated by a relatively constant and high proportion of micro phytoplankton,and the phytoplankton biomass was low and relatively stable vertically.Generally,the phytoplankton community structure and biomass in the study area showed high spatial variation and were sensitive to environmental changes.展开更多
The study provides one of the first lines of evidence showing linkages between Antarctic phytoplankton abundance and composition in response to ENSO, based on historical reconstruction of sediment biomarkers. In addit...The study provides one of the first lines of evidence showing linkages between Antarctic phytoplankton abundance and composition in response to ENSO, based on historical reconstruction of sediment biomarkers. In addition to sediment biomarkers, field measured and remote sensing data of phytoplankton abundance were also recorded from Prydz Bay, Eastern Antarctica. Com-munity structure of field measured phytoplankton showed significant El Ni?o/La Ni?a-related succession during 1990 to 2002. In general, the number of algae species decreased during El Ni?o and La Ni?a years compared to normal years. Austral summer monthly variation of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), and sea surface temperature (SST) indicated that ENSO impacted the timing of phytoplankton blooms during 2007 to 2011. Phytoplankton blooms (indicated by Chl-a and POC) preceded the increases in SST during El Ni?o years, and lagged behind the SST increases during La Ni?a years. Stratigraphic record of marine sedimentary lipid (brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenones) biomarkers inferred that the proportions of different algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates and haptophytes) changed significantly between El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. The relative proportion of diatoms increased, with that of dinoflagellates being decreased during El Ni?o years, while it was reversed during La Ni?a years.展开更多
Molecular biomarkers(e.g.,isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(iGDGTs)and proxies,such as di-unsaturated to tri-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoids(D/T)ratio,total organic carbon,δ^(13)C and ice-rafte...Molecular biomarkers(e.g.,isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(iGDGTs)and proxies,such as di-unsaturated to tri-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoids(D/T)ratio,total organic carbon,δ^(13)C and ice-rafted debris(IRD))were used to reconstruct the dominant phytoplankton(diatoms,dinoflagellates and coccolithophores),phytoplankton and zooplankton productivity,biological pump structure,and archaea assemblage(Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota)from a marine sediment core(D5-6)dated with^(210)Pb(1922–2012).We characterized the environmental response to sea ice variations/global warming off the eastern Antarctic Peninsula.The results showed that(1)the biomarkers brassicasterol(average=519.79 ng·g^(-1)),dinosterol(average=129.68 ng·g^(-1))and C37 alkenones(average=40.53 ng·g^(-1))reconstructed phytoplankton(average=690.00 ng·g^(-1))and zooplankton(cholesterol average=669.25 ng·g^(-1))productivity.The relative contribution to productivity by different phytoplankton groups was diatoms>dinoflagellates>coccolithophores.This is consistent with field surveys showing that diatoms dominate the phytoplankton in waters adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula.(2)The relative abundances of different highly branched isoprenoids reflected the contributions of sea ice algae and open water phytoplankton(D/T=1.2–30.15).Phytoplankton productivity and sea ice showed a good linear relationship with a negative correlation,indicating that more open water during periods of warming and reduced sea ice cover led to an enhanced biological pump.(3)Over the past 100 years,phytoplankton productivity and zooplankton biomass increased.This trend was particularly evident in the last 50 years,corresponding to increased global warming,and showed a negative correlation with IRD and D/T.This suggests that with decreasing sea ice coverage in a warming climate,diatom biomass greatly increased.Coccolithophore/diatom values and the ratio of C37 alkenones to total phytoplankton productivity decreased,indicating the proportion of coccolithophores in the phytoplankton community decreased.The reduction in coccolithophores changes the phytoplankton assemblage and affects the overall efficiency of the biological pump and carbon storage.(4)The results also showed that the abundance of iGDGTs and archaea phyla(Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota)showed consistent changes over the past 100 years in response to global warming.Since 1972,trends in archaea,phytoplankton and zooplankton showed variations but a consistent decline.Whether their response to the changing climate off the Antarctic Peninsula involves interactions and influence among different marine biological groups remains an open question.As a result of global warming and reductions in Antarctic sea ice,the relative effectiveness of the Antarctic biological pump can significantly affect global ocean carbon storage.展开更多
To study effects of variations in climate-marine environment in the Arctic Ocean on ecology,based on the actual and reestablished data by biomarkers of algae in sediment in 1997,1999,2003,2008,and 2010,the interannual...To study effects of variations in climate-marine environment in the Arctic Ocean on ecology,based on the actual and reestablished data by biomarkers of algae in sediment in 1997,1999,2003,2008,and 2010,the interannual and spatial variations of phytoplankton,zooplankton and chlorophyll a concentration in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea as well as their relations to El Nino-Southern Oscillation( ENSO) and Arctic Oscillation( AO) were analyzed. The results show that there were spatial and temporal anomalies in the phytoplankton community structure reestablished by biomarkers of algae in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea in 1999 and 2010. The total content of biomarkers( brassicasterol,dinosterol,C37 alkenones and chlesterol) in sediment collected in 2010 was far lower than that in 1999,but brassicasterol was dominant in the two years,that is,diatom was dominant,which was consistent with the actual structure and distribution of phytoplankton community in 1999 and 2010; there were great changes in the dominant species of plankton in the two seas in 1999 and 2010,which could be regarded as the ecological response of the North Pole under the background of global warming. Chlorophyll a concentration in the water of the Bering Sea was 0. 720 μg/dm^3 at 0 m and 0. 765μg/dm^3 at 10 m in 1997 and 0. 723 μg/dm^3 at 0 m and 0. 731 μg/dm^3 at 10 m in 2003,and the concentration was very close to each other,which was affected by El Ni1 o and the negative phase of AO. It was 0. 395 μg/dm^3 at 0 m in 1999 and 0. 399 μg/dm^3 at 0 m and 0. 357 μg/dm^3 at 10 m in 2008,which was influenced by La Ni1 a and the positive phase of AO. The phases and intensity of AO and ENSO had various effects on the quantity and dominant species of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea. During the period of AO with positive or negative phase and El Ni1o( in 1997 and 2003),their combination was favorable to the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton,while the combination of negative phase of AO and La Nina( in 2010) had adverse effects on the growth of phytoplankton. The combination of AO with positive phase and strong La Nina( in 1999 and 2008) had small effects on phytoplankton community.展开更多
Concentrations ofbiogenic barium were investigated in surface sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the 21st and 27th CHINARE cruises. Factors controlling the observed distribution are explored. Biogenic barium c...Concentrations ofbiogenic barium were investigated in surface sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the 21st and 27th CHINARE cruises. Factors controlling the observed distribution are explored. Biogenic barium concentrations obtained from a sequential extraction procedure are compared with total concentrations obtained from the normative calculation based on a total digestion, and differences in the results are examined. Concentrations of biogenic barium, calculated by the normative calculation, were much higher than the concentrations obtained through sequential extraction; this discrepancy is the result of the occurrence of barium associated with Mn/Fe oxides, which represents an important component of total barium in these sediments. Concentrations of biogenic barium obtained from the sequential extraction range from 104 to 445 ktg.g1, and the average concentration was 227 p.g.g-~. The highest concentrations of biogenic barium occur in the central area of the bay, where the seawater is more stable, while lower values occur in the bank and the ice shelf. Biogenic barium is significantly linearly correlated with biogenic barium and organic carbon, and similar in distribution of Chl a, which may indicate that primary productivity of phytoplankton in the surface water column is the main environmental factor regulating barium concentration and distribution.展开更多
Knowledge about organic carbon loadings(ratio of sedimentary organic carbon(SOC)content to specific surface area(SSA))and the fate of organic carbon(OC)is critical to understand the marine carbon cycle.We investigated...Knowledge about organic carbon loadings(ratio of sedimentary organic carbon(SOC)content to specific surface area(SSA))and the fate of organic carbon(OC)is critical to understand the marine carbon cycle.We investigated the variations in the patterns of OC loadings and the preservation capacities of sedimentary OC in the Yap Trench and other marine environments.The average OC loading in sediment cores from various marine environments decreases with increasing water depth at a rate of^0.06 mg OC/(m^2·km)(R^2=0.23,P<0.01).Distinct low OC loadings(0.09±0.04 mg OC/m^2)were observed in the Yap Trench,with the lowest values as^0.02 mg OC/m^2.A further comparative analysis indicated that OC/SSA=0.2 mg OC/m^2 is a good indicator to distinguish between oxic deep-sea regions and suboxic energetic deltaic areas.Regression analysis between OC loading and bulk carbon isotope compositions indicates that marine OC(δ13C^-20.4‰to-18.6‰)dominates the lost OC within the Yap Trench and does not differ from that of the abyssal zone.In contrast,terrestrial OC withδ13C values of approximately-27.4‰to-20.5‰was the major source of remineralized OC in the sublittoral zone.The ratios of OC loadings in the bottom layer relative to those in the top layers of sediment cores indicate that the preservation capacities of hadal trenches are much lower than those of other environments,and only approximately 30%of the SOC deposited in hadal trenches is finally buried.The value is equivalent to 0.066%of the primary production-derived OC and much lower than the global ocean average(~0.3%).Overall,the hadal zone exhibits the lowest OC loading and preservation capacity of SOC of the different marine environments investigated,despite the occurrence of a notable funneling effect.展开更多
The historical data of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a(Chl a)(1990–2002)obtained during the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHINARE)in the Prydz Bay have been integrated.The results showed that the tem...The historical data of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a(Chl a)(1990–2002)obtained during the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHINARE)in the Prydz Bay have been integrated.The results showed that the temperature,salinity,nutrients,and oxygen of seawater changed when El Nino/La Nina occurred.The variation of biological communities reflected the response of ecosystem to environmental changes.During El Ni?o period,Chl a concentration and phytoplankton community structure changed significantly,and the relative proportion of diatoms increased while dinoflagellates decreased.During La Ni?a period,the proportion of diatoms decreased,but the golden-brown algae and blue-green algae increased significantly.The variation of phytoplankton population directly affected the biodiversity of the bay,which were also quite sensitive to the marine environment changes.Meanwhile,the satellite remote sensing data of 2002–2011(December–March)have been used to study the temporal connection change of Chl a and phytoplankton in the Prydz Bay.We found that there were significant differences in the monthly variation characteristics of satellite remote sensing Chl a and sea surface temperature(SST),which had some links with sea ice melting and El Ni?o/La Ni?a events.We found that the start time of bloom advanced,lagged or synchronized with the changes of the SST,and we also found the occurrence time of phytoplankton bloom corresponded with the sea ice melting inner bay.To some extent,this study will help us understand the relationships between ENSO events and the phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean.展开更多
Two records of the crust laminae from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts and the Magellan Seamount were biostratigraphically studied. Based on biological imprints of the calcareous nannofossils, the geological ages of the two ...Two records of the crust laminae from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts and the Magellan Seamount were biostratigraphically studied. Based on biological imprints of the calcareous nannofossils, the geological ages of the two records were determined, with CM1D03 from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts being of late Paleocene to Pleistocene and CM3D06 from the Magellan Seamount of Late Cretaceous (more than 70.0 Ma). There are the obvious temporal-spatial differences in the initial formation period and enrichment characteristics of the cobalt-rich crusts of the two seamount chains and differences in the combination and distribution of microfossils in the inner crust layers between the seamounts. These differences are due to the adaptabilities of oceanic species in different environments. Ecological research was carried out in terms of population size of the calcareous nannofossi|s preserved in the crustal layers to discern the relation of the geological events at the Eocene-Oligocene (E/O) tran- sition. The results show the transitions and recombination of species in the biotic community during the E/O transition obvi- ously corresponded to 25 mm depth in the CM1D03 crust and 58 mm depth in the CM3D06 crust. The changes in biological species and the formation of particular ecological structures indicate the adaptive response of the paleo-biological community in the western Pacific Ocean to the global cold-climate events and the close correlation between the formation of the crust and the global climate change.展开更多
基金financially supported by National Polar Special Program “Impact and Response of Antarctic Seas to Climate Change” (Grant nos. IRASCC 02-02-01, 02-02-03, 02-02-04, and 02-02-05)。
文摘To understand the response of transparent exopolymer particles(TEP)to the changes in phytoplankton communities caused by melting sea ice,we collected samples from the polynya and open ocean affected by the Antarctic circumpolar current in the Amundsen Sea.TEP,pigments,and other environmental factors were analyzed.The results showed that high TEP content was mainly found in the polynya,and was higher in the surface layer than in the deep layer.The main factor that affected TEP distribution was the phytoplankton community.In the polynya area,the phytoplankton were dominated by low-iron Haptophyta.In the Antarctic circumpolar current region affected by ice-melting water,the dominant species was diatom type II.Our results revealed that low-iron Haptophyta may be the main contributors to TEP content.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(4127-6199)Chinese Projects for Investigations and Assessments of the Arctic and Antarctic(CHINARE 2012-2016 for 03-04 and 04-03)
文摘By using the multi-tube sediment samples collected from NB01 station in the Bering Sea during the period of the fourth Chinese Arctic research expedition in 2010,as well as the dating technique of radioisotope ^(210)Pb in sedimentary strata,based on the exponential decay trend of ^(210)Pb exwith the column sample depth,relative stable modern sedimentary environment in the investigation area was reflected. The results show that the deposition rate of modern marine sediment S was 0. 27 cm/a,and correlation coefficient R was 0. 96( n = 17),while time span was 107 a(1903-2010). Meanwhile,carbon,nitrogen and isotopes were used to trace the sources of materials in the Bering Sea. It is found that the content of organic carbon and nitrogen in the column samples from NB01 station in the Bering Sea was 1. 18%-1. 80% and 0. 16%-0. 28% respectively,and C/N ratio ranged from 5. 13 to 8. 31. Total organic carbon( TOC) and total organic nitrogen( TON) were preserved well in sedimentary strata and had good consistency,showing that sources of organic matter were consistent. Moreover,their changes positively correlated with^(210)Pb. Organic carbon isotope( δ13 C) ranged from-22. 45‰ to-21. 82‰,and its changing trend was similar to that of C/N ratio; organic nitrogen isotope(δ15 N) varied from 7. 53‰ to 8. 54‰,indicating that organic matter was mainly from remaining marine organisms after being decomposed,into which a certain quantity of terrigenous materials were mixed. In the 100 years,the overall trend of terrigenous materials became increasingly obvious,showing that the input and burial of organic carbon from seas and land in the Bering Sea were changing. According to the burial rate of surface sediment and content of organic carbon,the apparent burial flux of sedimentary organic carbon in the column sample from NB01 station in the Bering Sea was estimated,about 1 450 mmol C/( m^2·a). It is suggested that the high burial flux of sedimentary organic carbon in the regions was mainly related to the high primary productivity of the water body,the high output efficiency of organic carbon in the photic zone,favorable preservation and metabolic mechanism of organic matter,and high deposition rate.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41076072 and 40676025)
文摘A biostratigraphic study on calcareous nannofossils from the CM3D06 Co-rich ferromanganese crust from the Magellan seamounts in the northwestern Pacific enabled estimation of depositional age. The bio-imprinting of calcareous nannofossils and other fossil species suggests six age ranges for the nannofossils: late Cretaceous, late Paleocene, (early, middle, late) Eocene, middle Miocene, late Pliocene, and Pleistocene. Gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to test the Co-rich crusts, and a variety of molecular fossils were detected, such as chloroform bituminous "A" , n-alkane, isoprenoid and sterol. Peak carbon and molecular indices (such as C23-/C24+, CPI, Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17, Ph/nCxs and j13C) indicate that the parent organic matter is dominated by marine phytoplankton and thallogen whereas there is little input of terrestrial organic matter. Researches on calcareous nannofossils, molecular fossils and molecular organic geochemistry data reveal that the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) global event is recorded in the cobalt- rich crusts from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. A succession of biomes can be observed near the 85 mm boundary (about 55 Ma), i.e., the disappearance of the late Cretaceous Watznaueria barnesae and Zigodicus spiralis, and Broisonia parka microbiotas above the P/E boundary, and the bloom of Coccolithus formosus, Discoaster multiradiatus, Discoaster mohleri and Discoaster sp. below the boundary. Typical parameters of molecular fossils, such as saturated hydrocarbon components and carbon-number maxima, Pr/Ph, Pr/C17, Ph/C18, distribution types of sterols, Ts/Tm ratios and bacterial hopane, also exhibit dramatic changes near the P/E boundary. These integrated results illustrate that the biome succession of calcareous nannofossils, relative content of molecular fossils and molecular indices in the cobalt-rich crusts near the 85 mm boundary faithfully record the P/E global event.
基金financially supported by National Polar Special Program “Impact and Response of Antarctic Seas to Climate Change” (Grant nos. IRASCC 02-02, 01-01-02)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 41976228, 41976227, 41506223)the Scientific Research Fund of the Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR (Grant nos. JG1805, JG2011, JG2013)。
文摘Sea ice melt water and circumpolar deep water(CDW)intrusion have important impacts on the ecosystem of the Amundsen Sea.In this study,samples of nutrients and phytoplankton pigments from nine stations in the eastern Amundsen Sea were collected during the austral summer.Based on in-situ hydrological observations,sea ice density data from satellite remote sensing,and chemical taxonomy calculations,the relationships between environmental factors and phytoplankton biomass and community structure were studied.The results showed that with increasing latitude,the contribution of sea ice melt water(MW%)and the stability of the water body increased,and the depth of the mixed layer(MLD)decreased.The integrated concentration of chlorophyll a(Chl-a)ranged from 21.4 mg·m^(−2) to 148.4 mg·m^(−2)(the average value was 35.7±53.4 mg·m^(−2)).Diatoms(diatoms-A[Fragilariopsis spp.,Chaetoceros spp.,and Proboscia spp.]and diatoms-B[Pseudonitzschia spp.])and Phaeocystis antarctica were the two most widely distributed phytoplankton groups and contributed 32%±16%and 28%±11%,respectively,of the total biomass.The contributions of Dinoflagellates,Chlorophytes,Cryptophytes,the high-iron group of P.antarctica,and Diatom group A were approximately 17%±8%,15%±13%,9%±6%,5%±9%,and 3%±7%,respectively.The area with the highest phytoplankton biomass was located near the ice-edge region,with a short time lag(T_(lag))between sampling and complete sea ice melt and a high MW%,while the area with the second-highest Chl-a concentration was located in the area affected by the upwelling of CDW,with thorough water mixing.Vertically,in the area with a short T_(lag) and a shallow MLD,the phytoplankton biomass and proportion of diatoms decreased rapidly with increasing water depth.In contrast,in the region with a long T_(lag) and limited CDW upwelling,the phytoplankton community was dominated by a relatively constant and high proportion of micro phytoplankton,and the phytoplankton biomass was low and relatively stable vertically.Generally,the phytoplankton community structure and biomass in the study area showed high spatial variation and were sensitive to environmental changes.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (40876104, 41306202, 41376193, 41076134 and 41006118)the scientific research fund of Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA (JT1208 and JG1218)+1 种基金Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration Foundation (20110208)the special fund for polar environment comprehensive investigation and assessment (CHINARE 2014-04-04, 2014-01-04 and 2014-04-01)
文摘The study provides one of the first lines of evidence showing linkages between Antarctic phytoplankton abundance and composition in response to ENSO, based on historical reconstruction of sediment biomarkers. In addition to sediment biomarkers, field measured and remote sensing data of phytoplankton abundance were also recorded from Prydz Bay, Eastern Antarctica. Com-munity structure of field measured phytoplankton showed significant El Ni?o/La Ni?a-related succession during 1990 to 2002. In general, the number of algae species decreased during El Ni?o and La Ni?a years compared to normal years. Austral summer monthly variation of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), and sea surface temperature (SST) indicated that ENSO impacted the timing of phytoplankton blooms during 2007 to 2011. Phytoplankton blooms (indicated by Chl-a and POC) preceded the increases in SST during El Ni?o years, and lagged behind the SST increases during La Ni?a years. Stratigraphic record of marine sedimentary lipid (brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenones) biomarkers inferred that the proportions of different algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates and haptophytes) changed significantly between El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. The relative proportion of diatoms increased, with that of dinoflagellates being decreased during El Ni?o years, while it was reversed during La Ni?a years.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant nos.42076243,41976227 and 41576186)Chinese Polar Environment Comprehensive Investigation&Assessment Programs.
文摘Molecular biomarkers(e.g.,isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers(iGDGTs)and proxies,such as di-unsaturated to tri-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoids(D/T)ratio,total organic carbon,δ^(13)C and ice-rafted debris(IRD))were used to reconstruct the dominant phytoplankton(diatoms,dinoflagellates and coccolithophores),phytoplankton and zooplankton productivity,biological pump structure,and archaea assemblage(Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota)from a marine sediment core(D5-6)dated with^(210)Pb(1922–2012).We characterized the environmental response to sea ice variations/global warming off the eastern Antarctic Peninsula.The results showed that(1)the biomarkers brassicasterol(average=519.79 ng·g^(-1)),dinosterol(average=129.68 ng·g^(-1))and C37 alkenones(average=40.53 ng·g^(-1))reconstructed phytoplankton(average=690.00 ng·g^(-1))and zooplankton(cholesterol average=669.25 ng·g^(-1))productivity.The relative contribution to productivity by different phytoplankton groups was diatoms>dinoflagellates>coccolithophores.This is consistent with field surveys showing that diatoms dominate the phytoplankton in waters adjacent to the Antarctic Peninsula.(2)The relative abundances of different highly branched isoprenoids reflected the contributions of sea ice algae and open water phytoplankton(D/T=1.2–30.15).Phytoplankton productivity and sea ice showed a good linear relationship with a negative correlation,indicating that more open water during periods of warming and reduced sea ice cover led to an enhanced biological pump.(3)Over the past 100 years,phytoplankton productivity and zooplankton biomass increased.This trend was particularly evident in the last 50 years,corresponding to increased global warming,and showed a negative correlation with IRD and D/T.This suggests that with decreasing sea ice coverage in a warming climate,diatom biomass greatly increased.Coccolithophore/diatom values and the ratio of C37 alkenones to total phytoplankton productivity decreased,indicating the proportion of coccolithophores in the phytoplankton community decreased.The reduction in coccolithophores changes the phytoplankton assemblage and affects the overall efficiency of the biological pump and carbon storage.(4)The results also showed that the abundance of iGDGTs and archaea phyla(Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota)showed consistent changes over the past 100 years in response to global warming.Since 1972,trends in archaea,phytoplankton and zooplankton showed variations but a consistent decline.Whether their response to the changing climate off the Antarctic Peninsula involves interactions and influence among different marine biological groups remains an open question.As a result of global warming and reductions in Antarctic sea ice,the relative effectiveness of the Antarctic biological pump can significantly affect global ocean carbon storage.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 41276199)Chinese Projects for Investigations and Assessments of the Arctic and Antarctic ( CHINARE 2012 - 2016 for 03-04 and 04-03)
文摘To study effects of variations in climate-marine environment in the Arctic Ocean on ecology,based on the actual and reestablished data by biomarkers of algae in sediment in 1997,1999,2003,2008,and 2010,the interannual and spatial variations of phytoplankton,zooplankton and chlorophyll a concentration in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea as well as their relations to El Nino-Southern Oscillation( ENSO) and Arctic Oscillation( AO) were analyzed. The results show that there were spatial and temporal anomalies in the phytoplankton community structure reestablished by biomarkers of algae in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea in 1999 and 2010. The total content of biomarkers( brassicasterol,dinosterol,C37 alkenones and chlesterol) in sediment collected in 2010 was far lower than that in 1999,but brassicasterol was dominant in the two years,that is,diatom was dominant,which was consistent with the actual structure and distribution of phytoplankton community in 1999 and 2010; there were great changes in the dominant species of plankton in the two seas in 1999 and 2010,which could be regarded as the ecological response of the North Pole under the background of global warming. Chlorophyll a concentration in the water of the Bering Sea was 0. 720 μg/dm^3 at 0 m and 0. 765μg/dm^3 at 10 m in 1997 and 0. 723 μg/dm^3 at 0 m and 0. 731 μg/dm^3 at 10 m in 2003,and the concentration was very close to each other,which was affected by El Ni1 o and the negative phase of AO. It was 0. 395 μg/dm^3 at 0 m in 1999 and 0. 399 μg/dm^3 at 0 m and 0. 357 μg/dm^3 at 10 m in 2008,which was influenced by La Ni1 a and the positive phase of AO. The phases and intensity of AO and ENSO had various effects on the quantity and dominant species of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea. During the period of AO with positive or negative phase and El Ni1o( in 1997 and 2003),their combination was favorable to the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton,while the combination of negative phase of AO and La Nina( in 2010) had adverse effects on the growth of phytoplankton. The combination of AO with positive phase and strong La Nina( in 1999 and 2008) had small effects on phytoplankton community.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant nos.41006118 and 41076134)the Chinese Polar Environment Comprehensive Investigation & Assessment Programmes(Grant no.CHINARE2012-04-04)
文摘Concentrations ofbiogenic barium were investigated in surface sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the 21st and 27th CHINARE cruises. Factors controlling the observed distribution are explored. Biogenic barium concentrations obtained from a sequential extraction procedure are compared with total concentrations obtained from the normative calculation based on a total digestion, and differences in the results are examined. Concentrations of biogenic barium, calculated by the normative calculation, were much higher than the concentrations obtained through sequential extraction; this discrepancy is the result of the occurrence of barium associated with Mn/Fe oxides, which represents an important component of total barium in these sediments. Concentrations of biogenic barium obtained from the sequential extraction range from 104 to 445 ktg.g1, and the average concentration was 227 p.g.g-~. The highest concentrations of biogenic barium occur in the central area of the bay, where the seawater is more stable, while lower values occur in the bank and the ice shelf. Biogenic barium is significantly linearly correlated with biogenic barium and organic carbon, and similar in distribution of Chl a, which may indicate that primary productivity of phytoplankton in the surface water column is the main environmental factor regulating barium concentration and distribution.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41606090)the National Key Basic Research and Development Project of China(No.2015CB755904)the Scientifi c Research Fund of the Second Institute of Oceanography(MNR)(Nos.JG1624,JG1516)。
文摘Knowledge about organic carbon loadings(ratio of sedimentary organic carbon(SOC)content to specific surface area(SSA))and the fate of organic carbon(OC)is critical to understand the marine carbon cycle.We investigated the variations in the patterns of OC loadings and the preservation capacities of sedimentary OC in the Yap Trench and other marine environments.The average OC loading in sediment cores from various marine environments decreases with increasing water depth at a rate of^0.06 mg OC/(m^2·km)(R^2=0.23,P<0.01).Distinct low OC loadings(0.09±0.04 mg OC/m^2)were observed in the Yap Trench,with the lowest values as^0.02 mg OC/m^2.A further comparative analysis indicated that OC/SSA=0.2 mg OC/m^2 is a good indicator to distinguish between oxic deep-sea regions and suboxic energetic deltaic areas.Regression analysis between OC loading and bulk carbon isotope compositions indicates that marine OC(δ13C^-20.4‰to-18.6‰)dominates the lost OC within the Yap Trench and does not differ from that of the abyssal zone.In contrast,terrestrial OC withδ13C values of approximately-27.4‰to-20.5‰was the major source of remineralized OC in the sublittoral zone.The ratios of OC loadings in the bottom layer relative to those in the top layers of sediment cores indicate that the preservation capacities of hadal trenches are much lower than those of other environments,and only approximately 30%of the SOC deposited in hadal trenches is finally buried.The value is equivalent to 0.066%of the primary production-derived OC and much lower than the global ocean average(~0.3%).Overall,the hadal zone exhibits the lowest OC loading and preservation capacity of SOC of the different marine environments investigated,despite the occurrence of a notable funneling effect.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40876104,41076134,41306202,and 41376193)the Scientific Research Fund of the Second Institute,SOA(Grant Nos.JT1208,JG1217 and JG1218)
文摘The historical data of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a(Chl a)(1990–2002)obtained during the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHINARE)in the Prydz Bay have been integrated.The results showed that the temperature,salinity,nutrients,and oxygen of seawater changed when El Nino/La Nina occurred.The variation of biological communities reflected the response of ecosystem to environmental changes.During El Ni?o period,Chl a concentration and phytoplankton community structure changed significantly,and the relative proportion of diatoms increased while dinoflagellates decreased.During La Ni?a period,the proportion of diatoms decreased,but the golden-brown algae and blue-green algae increased significantly.The variation of phytoplankton population directly affected the biodiversity of the bay,which were also quite sensitive to the marine environment changes.Meanwhile,the satellite remote sensing data of 2002–2011(December–March)have been used to study the temporal connection change of Chl a and phytoplankton in the Prydz Bay.We found that there were significant differences in the monthly variation characteristics of satellite remote sensing Chl a and sea surface temperature(SST),which had some links with sea ice melting and El Ni?o/La Ni?a events.We found that the start time of bloom advanced,lagged or synchronized with the changes of the SST,and we also found the occurrence time of phytoplankton bloom corresponded with the sea ice melting inner bay.To some extent,this study will help us understand the relationships between ENSO events and the phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41076072 and 40676025)
文摘Two records of the crust laminae from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts and the Magellan Seamount were biostratigraphically studied. Based on biological imprints of the calcareous nannofossils, the geological ages of the two records were determined, with CM1D03 from the Marcus-Wake Seamounts being of late Paleocene to Pleistocene and CM3D06 from the Magellan Seamount of Late Cretaceous (more than 70.0 Ma). There are the obvious temporal-spatial differences in the initial formation period and enrichment characteristics of the cobalt-rich crusts of the two seamount chains and differences in the combination and distribution of microfossils in the inner crust layers between the seamounts. These differences are due to the adaptabilities of oceanic species in different environments. Ecological research was carried out in terms of population size of the calcareous nannofossi|s preserved in the crustal layers to discern the relation of the geological events at the Eocene-Oligocene (E/O) tran- sition. The results show the transitions and recombination of species in the biotic community during the E/O transition obvi- ously corresponded to 25 mm depth in the CM1D03 crust and 58 mm depth in the CM3D06 crust. The changes in biological species and the formation of particular ecological structures indicate the adaptive response of the paleo-biological community in the western Pacific Ocean to the global cold-climate events and the close correlation between the formation of the crust and the global climate change.