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作者 李花园 李春 +3 位作者 刘君伟 王亭 李龙 武永利 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第8期1618-1625,共8页
背景:研究发现慢性疲劳综合征患者线粒体的功能异常,给予辅酶后可改善症状,温针灸是治疗该病的重要方法之一,但其作用机制尚不明确。目的:采用温针灸干预慢性疲劳综合征大鼠骨骼肌PINK1/Parkin通路,明确温针灸对慢性疲劳综合征的治疗机... 背景:研究发现慢性疲劳综合征患者线粒体的功能异常,给予辅酶后可改善症状,温针灸是治疗该病的重要方法之一,但其作用机制尚不明确。目的:采用温针灸干预慢性疲劳综合征大鼠骨骼肌PINK1/Parkin通路,明确温针灸对慢性疲劳综合征的治疗机制。方法:将32只雄性SD大鼠适应性喂养3 d后随机分为正常组、模型组、温针灸组和辅酶组,每组各8只,除正常组外,其余各组大鼠以游泳力竭、慢性束缚及禁食多因素方法制备慢性疲劳综合征模型。造模成功后正常组、模型组大鼠采取相同固定及灌胃操作,温针灸组大鼠选用关元、中脘、足三里(双)穴进行治疗,1次/d,进针后将艾柱置于针柄点燃,每次治疗3壮,共15 min;辅酶组按照1 mg/kg进行灌胃,1次/d,共治疗14 d。记录实验期间各组大鼠体质量、力竭游泳时间及治疗期间的食物利用率。治疗结束后,取各组大鼠双侧腓肠肌,苏木精-伊红染色法观察各组大鼠腓肠肌病理形态,透射电镜观察各组大鼠腓肠肌线粒体形态结构及自噬体,免疫组化法检测各组大鼠骨骼肌中微管相关蛋白1轻链3(microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3,LC3)Ⅱ蛋白表达水平,Western blot法检测各组骨骼肌中PINK1、Parkin、LC3蛋白的表达。结果与结论:①与正常组相比,模型组腓肠肌细胞核固缩、凝聚,数目增多,细胞排列紊乱,腓肠肌纤维排列紧密;温针灸组和辅酶组腓肠肌纤维排列间隙较模型组增加,细胞核减少,细胞排列较模型组整齐。②与正常组比较,模型组骨骼肌线粒体肿胀、融合及空泡化,线粒体膜断裂,基质较多溶解,嵴断裂、消失;存在自噬现象。与模型组比较,温针灸组及辅酶组线粒体数量增多,排列相对整齐,线粒体空泡化及线粒体嵴断裂情况改善,膜结构相对完整;存在自噬现象。③与正常组相比,模型组骨骼肌中PINK1蛋白表达上调(P<0.05)、而Parkin、LC3Ⅱ、LC3Ⅱ/Ⅰ蛋白的表达稍有上调(P>0.05);与模型组相比,温针灸组和辅酶组骨骼肌中PINK1、Parkin、LC3Ⅱ、LC3Ⅱ/Ⅰ蛋白表达明显上调(P<0.05),温针灸组蛋白表达上调更为显著。④结果说明,温针灸可能通过激活PINK1/Parkin通路,上调LC3Ⅱ表达,形成线粒体自噬体,促进降解受损线粒体的相关内容物,改善线粒体质量,从而发挥治疗慢性疲劳综合征的作用。 展开更多
关键词 温针灸 慢性疲劳综合征 骨骼肌 PINK1/Parkin通路 线粒体自噬
Ultrastructure of junction areas between neurons and astrocytes in rat supraoptic nuclei 被引量:16
作者 LiDuan huayuan +2 位作者 Chang-JunSu Ying-YingLiu Zhi-RenRao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期117-121,共5页
AIM: To determine the ultrastructure of junction areas between neurons and astrocytes of supraoptic nuclei in rats orally administered 30 g/L NaCI solution for 5 days. METHODS: The anti-connexin (CX) 43 and anti-CX32 ... AIM: To determine the ultrastructure of junction areas between neurons and astrocytes of supraoptic nuclei in rats orally administered 30 g/L NaCI solution for 5 days. METHODS: The anti-connexin (CX) 43 and anti-CX32 double immunoelectromicroscopic labeled method, and anti-Fos or anti-glial fibdllary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry were used to detect changes in the junctional area between neurons and astrocytes in supraoptic nuclei of 5 rats after 30 g/L NaCL solution was given for 5days. RESULTS: A heterotypic connexin32/connexin43 gapjunction (HGJ) between neurons and astrocytes (AS) in rat supraoptic nuclei was observed, which was characterized by the thickening and dark staining of cytomembranes with a narrow cleft between them. The number of HGJs and Fos like immunoreactive (-LI) cells was significantly increased following hyperosmotic stimuli, that is, the rats were administered 30 g/L NaCI solution orally or 90 g/L NaCI solution intravenously. HGJs could be blocked with carbenoxolone (CBX), a gap junction blocker, and the number of Fos-LI neurons was significantly decreased compared with that in rats without CBX injection, while Fos-LI ASs were not affected. CONCLUSION: HGJ may be a rapid adaptive signal structure between neurons and ASs in response to stimulation. 展开更多
关键词 视神经束 超微结构 神经元 星形胶质细胞 细胞因子
The changes of NOS positive cells and astrocyte in the memorydeficits rat induced by β-amyloid peptide fragmant 25~35
作者 YanwuLing huayuan +1 位作者 PeichunLi BingpuChen 《中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期365-365,共1页
关键词 阿耳茨海默氏病 星形细胞 记忆减退 大鼠 淀粉样多肽断片
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