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Determination of the number ofψ(3686)events taken at BESⅢ
作者 M.Ablikim M.N.Achasov +660 位作者 P.Adlarson O.Afedulidis X.C.Ai R.Aliberti A.Amoroso Q.An Y.Bai O.Bakina I.Balossino Y.Ban H.-R.Bao V.Batozskaya K.Begzsuren N.Berger M.Berlowski M.Bertani D.Bettoni F.Bianchi E.Bianco A.Bortone I.Boyko R.A.Briere A.Brueggemann H.Cai X.Cai A.Calcaterra G.F.Cao N.Cao S.A.Cetin J.F.Chang G.R.Che G.Chelkov C.Chen C.H.Chen Chao Chen G.Chen H.S.Chen H.Y.Chen M.L.Chen S.J.Chen S.L.Chen S.M.Chen T.Chen X.R.Chen X.T.Chen Y.B.Chen Y.Q.Chen Z.J.Chen Z.Y.Chen S.K.Choi G.Cibinetto F.Cossio J.J.Cui H.L.Dai J.P.Dai A.Dbeyssi R.E.de Boer D.Dedovich C.Q.Deng Z.Y.Deng A.Denig I.Denysenko M.Destefanis F.De Mori B.Ding X.X.Ding Y.Ding Y.Ding J.Dong L.Y.Dong M.Y.Dong X.Dong M.C.Du S.X.Du Y.Y.Duan Z.H.Duan P.Egorov Y.H.Fan J.Fang J.Fang S.S.Fang W.X.Fang Y.Fang Y.Q.Fang R.Farinelli L.Fava F.Feldbauer G.Felici C.Q.Feng J.H.Feng Y.T.Feng M.Fritsch C.D.Fu J.L.Fu Y.W.Fu H.Gao X.B.Gao Y.N.Gao Yang Gao S.Garbolino I.Garzia L.Ge P.T.Ge Z.W.Ge C.Geng E.M.Gersabeck A.Gilman K.Goetzen L.Gong W.X.Gong W.Gradl S.Gramigna M.Greco M.H.Gu Y.T.Gu C.Y.Guan Z.L.Guan A.Q.Guo L.B.Guo M.J.Guo R.P.Guo Y.P.Guo A.Guskov J.Gutierrez K.L.Han T.T.Han F.Hanisch X.Q.Hao F.A.Harris K.K.He K.L.He F.H.Heinsius C.H.Heinz Y.K.Heng C.Herold T.Holtmann P.C.Hong G.Y.Hou X.T.Hou Y.R.Hou Z.L.Hou B.Y.Hu H.M.Hu J.F.Hu S.L.Hu T.Hu Y.Hu G.S.Huang K.X.Huang L.Q.Huang X.T.Huang Y.P.Huang T.Hussain F.Hölzken N.Hüsken N.in der Wiesche J.Jackson S.Janchiv J.H.Jeong Q.Ji Q.P.Ji W.Ji X.B.Ji X.L.Ji Y.Y.Ji X.Q.Jia Z.K.Jia D.Jiang H.B.Jiang P.C.Jiang S.S.Jiang T.J.Jiang X.S.Jiang Y.Jiang J.B.Jiao J.K.Jiao Z.Jiao S.Jin Y.Jin M.Q.Jing X.M.Jing T.Johansson S.Kabana N.Kalantar-Nayestanaki X.L.Kang X.S.Kang M.Kavatsyuk B.C.Ke V.Khachatryan A.Khoukaz R.Kiuchi O.B.Kolcu B.Kopf M.Kuessner X.Kui N.Kumar A.Kupsc W.Kühn J.J.Lane P.Larin L.Lavezzi T.T.Lei Z.H.Lei M.Lellmann T.Lenz C.Li C.Li C.H.Li Cheng Li D.M.Li F.Li G.Li H.B.Li H.J.Li H.N.Li Hui Li J.R.Li J.S.Li Ke Li L.J.Li L.K.Li Lei Li M.H.Li P.R.Li Q.M.Li Q.X.Li R.Li S.X.Li T.Li W.D.Li W.G.Li X.Li X.H.Li X.L.Li X.Z.Li Xiaoyu Li Y.G.Li Z.J.Li Z.X.Li Z.Y.Li C.Liang H.Liang H.Liang Y.F.Liang Y.T.Liang G.R.Liao L.Z.Liao Y.P.Liao J.Libby A.Limphirat C.C.Lin D.X.Lin T.Lin B.J.Liu B.X.Liu C.Liu C.X.Liu F.H.Liu Fang Liu Feng Liu G.M.Liu H.Liu H.B.Liu H.M.Liu Huanhuan Liu Huihui Liu J.B.Liu J.Y.Liu K.Liu K.Y.Liu Ke Liu L.Liu L.C.Liu Lu Liu M.H.Liu P.L.Liu Q.Liu S.B.Liu T.Liu W.K.Liu W.M.Liu X.Liu X.Liu Y.Liu Y.Liu Y.B.Liu Z.A.Liu Z.D.Liu Z.Q.Liu X.C.Lou F.X.Lu H.J.Lu J.G.Lu X.L.Lu Y.Lu Y.P.Lu Z.H.Lu C.L.Luo J.R.Luo M.X.Luo T.Luo X.L.Luo X.R.Lyu Y.F.Lyu F.C.Ma H.Ma H.L.Ma J.L.Ma L.L.Ma M.M.Ma Q.M.Ma R.Q.Ma T.Ma X.T.Ma X.Y.Ma Y.Ma Y.M.Ma F.E.Maas M.Maggiora S.Malde Y.J.Mao Z.P.Mao S.Marcello Z.X.Meng J.G.Messchendorp G.Mezzadri H.Miao T.J.Min R.E.Mitchell X.H.Mo B.Moses N.Yu.Muchnoi J.Muskalla Y.Nefedov F.Nerling L.S.Nie I.B.Nikolaev Z.Ning S.Nisar Q.L.Niu W.D.Niu Y.Niu S.L.Olsen Q.Ouyang S.Pacetti X.Pan Y.Pan A.Pathak P.Patteri Y.P.Pei M.Pelizaeus H.P.Peng Y.Y.Peng K.Peters J.L.Ping R.G.Ping S.Plura V.Prasad F.Z.Qi H.Qi H.R.Qi M.Qi T.Y.Qi S.Qian W.B.Qian C.F.Qiao X.K.Qiao J.J.Qin L.Q.Qin L.Y.Qin X.S.Qin Z.H.Qin J.F.Qiu Z.H.Qu C.F.Redmer K.J.Ren A.Rivetti M.Rolo G.Rong Ch.Rosner S.N.Ruan N.Salone A.Sarantsev Y.Schelhaas K.Schoenning M.Scodeggio K.Y.Shan W.Shan X.Y.Shan Z.J.Shang J.F.Shangguan L.G.Shao M.Shao C.P.Shen H.F.Shen W.H.Shen X.Y.Shen B.A.Shi H.Shi H.C.Shi J.L.Shi J.Y.Shi Q.Q.Shi S.Y.Shi X.Shi J.J.Song T.Z.Song W.M.Song Y.J.Song Y.X.Song S.Sosio S.Spataro F.Stieler Y.J.Su G.B.Sun G.X.Sun H.Sun H.K.Sun J.F.Sun K.Sun L.Sun S.S.Sun T.Sun W.Y.Sun Y.Sun Y.J.Sun Y.Z.Sun Z.Q.Sun Z.T.Sun C.J.Tang G.Y.Tang J.Tang M.Tang Y.A.Tang L.Y.Tao Q.T.Tao M.Tat J.X.Teng V.Thoren W.H.Tian Y.Tian Z.F.Tian I.Uman Y.Wan S.J.Wang B.Wang B.L.Wang Bo Wang D.Y.Wang F.Wang H.J.Wang j.j.wang J.P.Wang K.Wang L.L.Wang M.Wang N.Y.Wang S.Wang S.Wang T.Wang T.J.Wang W.Wang W.Wang W.P.Wang X.Wang X.F.Wang X.J.Wang X.L.Wang X.N.Wang Y.Wang Y.D.Wang Y.F.Wang Y.L.Wang Y.N.Wang Y.Q.Wang Yaqian Wang Yi Wang Z.Wang Z.L.Wang Z.Y.Wang Ziyi Wang D.H.Wei F.Weidner S.P.Wen Y.R.Wen U.Wiedner G.Wilkinson M.Wolke L.Wollenberg C.Wu J.F.Wu L.H.Wu L.J.Wu X.Wu X.H.Wu Y.Wu Y.H.Wu Y.J.Wu Z.Wu L.Xia X.M.Xian B.H.Xiang T.Xiang D.Xiao G.Y.Xiao S.Y.Xiao Y.L.Xiao Z.J.Xiao C.Xie X.H.Xie Y.Xie Y.G.Xie Y.H.Xie Z.P.Xie T.Y.Xing C.F.Xu C.J.Xu G.F.Xu H.Y.Xu M.Xu Q.J.Xu Q.N.Xu W.Xu W.L.Xu X.P.Xu Y.C.Xu Z.P.Xu Z.S.Xu F.Yan L.Yan W.B.Yan W.C.Yan X.Q.Yan H.J.Yang H.L.Yang H.X.Yang Tao Yang Y.Yang Y.F.Yang Y.X.Yang Yifan Yang Z.W.Yang Z.P.Yao M.Ye M.H.Ye J.H.Yin Z.Y.You B.X.Yu C.X.Yu G.Yu J.S.Yu T.Yu X.D.Yu Y.C.Yu C.Z.Yuan J.Yuan J.Yuan L.Yuan S.C.Yuan Y.Yuan Z.Y.Yuan C.X.Yue A.A.Zafar F.R.Zeng S.H.Zeng X.Zeng Y.Zeng Y.J.Zeng Y.J.Zeng X.Y.Zhai Y.C.Zhai Y.H.Zhan A.Q.Zhang B.L.Zhang B.X.Zhang D.H.Zhang G.Y.Zhang H.Zhang H.Zhang H.C.Zhang H.H.Zhang H.H.Zhang H.Q.Zhang H.R.Zhang H.Y.Zhang J.Zhang J.Zhang J.J.Zhang J.L.Zhang J.Q.Zhang J.S.Zhang J.W.Zhang J.X.Zhang J.Y.Zhang J.Z.Zhang Jianyu Zhang L.M.Zhang Lei Zhang P.Zhang Q.Y.Zhang R.Y.Zhang Shuihan Zhang Shulei Zhang X.D.Zhang X.M.Zhang X.Y.Zhang Y.Zhang Y.T.Zhang Y.H.Zhang Y.M.Zhang Yan Zhang Yao Zhang Z.D.Zhang Z.H.Zhang Z.L.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang Z.Y.Zhang Z.Z.Zhang G.Zhao J.Y.Zhao J.Z.Zhao Lei Zhao Ling Zhao M.G.Zhao N.Zhao R.P.Zhao S.J.Zhao Y.B.Zhao Y.X.Zhao Z.G.Zhao A.Zhemchugov B.Zheng B.M.Zheng J.P.Zheng W.J.Zheng Y.H.Zheng B.Zhong X.Zhong H.Zhou J.Y.Zhou L.P.Zhou S.Zhou X.Zhou X.K.Zhou X.R.Zhou X.Y.Zhou Y.Z.Zhou J.Zhu K.Zhu K.J.Zhu K.S.Zhu L.Zhu L.X.Zhu S.H.Zhu S.Q.Zhu T.J.Zhu W.D.Zhu Y.C.Zhu Z.A.Zhu J.H.Zou J.Zu 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期8-20,共13页
The number ofψ(3686)events collected by the BESⅢdetector during the 2021 run period is determined to be(2259.3±11.1)×10~6 by counting inclusiveψ(3686)hadronic events.The uncertainty is systematic and the ... The number ofψ(3686)events collected by the BESⅢdetector during the 2021 run period is determined to be(2259.3±11.1)×10~6 by counting inclusiveψ(3686)hadronic events.The uncertainty is systematic and the statistical uncertainty is negligible.Meanwhile,the numbers ofψ(3686)events collected during the 2009 and 2012run periods are updated to be(107.7±0.6)×10~6 and(345.4±2.6)×10~6,respectively.Both numbers are consistent with the previous measurements within one standard deviation.The total number ofψ(3686)events in the three data samples is(2712.4±14.3)×10~6. 展开更多
关键词 ψ(3686) inclusive process Hadronic events BESⅢdetector
Evolution of deformation twins with strain rate in a mediummanganese wear-resistant steel Fe-8Mn-1C-1.2Cr-0.2V 被引量:6
作者 J. Chen j.j.wang +2 位作者 H.Zhang W.G.Zhang C.M.Liu 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期983-990,共8页
Microstructure evolutions of the medium-manganese wear-resistant steel Fe-8Mn-1C-1.2Cr-0.2V (in wt.%) with stacking-fault energy of 22 mJ m-2 during deformation at strain rate ranging of 10^-2-1 s^-1 were analyzed by ... Microstructure evolutions of the medium-manganese wear-resistant steel Fe-8Mn-1C-1.2Cr-0.2V (in wt.%) with stacking-fault energy of 22 mJ m-2 during deformation at strain rate ranging of 10^-2-1 s^-1 were analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The results indicate that the twinning-induced plasticity effect is the main strengthening mechanism of the studied steel, whilst the transformation-induced plasticity effect only occurs at high strain rate. With an increase in strain rate, volume fraction of the deformation twins, in particular that of the secondary twins, increases significantly along with decreasing average size. When applied strain rate is higher than 10^-1 s^-1, the parallel deformation twins are turned into a crossing morphology, and the original straight twin boundaries exhibit a ladder feature, which is attributed to the interactions between regular dislocations and twin dislocations at the twin boundary. The critical strain, a key indicator of the initiation of deformation twin, decreases with increasing strain rate. In addition, the ductility and strength of medium-manganese wear-resistant steel Fe-8Mn-1C-1.2Cr-0.2V are mainly determined by the shape and volume fraction of deformation twins. 展开更多
关键词 Medium-manganese WEAR-RESISTANT steel STACKING fault Twinning-induced PLASTICITY effect Secondary TWIN Strain HARDENING rate
Tensile ductility and deformation mechanisms of a nanotwinned 316L austenitic stainless steel 被引量:5
作者 Y.Z.Zhang j.j.wang N.R.Tao 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期65-69,共5页
A nanotwinned 316 L austenitic stainless steel was prepared by means of surface mechanical grinding treatment.After recovery annealing,the density of dislocations decreases obviously while the average twin/matrix lame... A nanotwinned 316 L austenitic stainless steel was prepared by means of surface mechanical grinding treatment.After recovery annealing,the density of dislocations decreases obviously while the average twin/matrix lamella thickness still keeps in the nanometer scale.The annealed nanotwinned sample exhibits a high tensile yield strength of 771 MPa and a considerate uniform elongation of 8%.TEM observations showed that accommodating more dislocations and secondary twinning inside the nanotwins contribute to the enhanced ductility and work hardening rate of the annealed nanotwinned sample. 展开更多
Novel ternary Ag/CeVO_4/g-C_3N_4 nanocomposite as a highly efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst 被引量:4
作者 J.REN Y.Z.WU +7 位作者 J.M.PAN X.H.YAN M.CHEN j.j.wang D.F.WANG C.ZHOU Q.WANG X.N.CHENG 《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期50-57,共8页
The CeVO_4/graphitic C_3N_4 composites have exhibited much enhanced photocatalytic property for degrading methylene blue(MB) pollutant under visible light irradiation compared with single-phase g-C_3N_4 or CeVO_4. The... The CeVO_4/graphitic C_3N_4 composites have exhibited much enhanced photocatalytic property for degrading methylene blue(MB) pollutant under visible light irradiation compared with single-phase g-C_3N_4 or CeVO_4. The composite S5 obtained from an optimized mass ratio(5%) of CeVO_4 to dicyanamide(DCDA) exhibits the highest photocatalytic activity. Here, ternary Ag/CeVO_4/g-C_3N_4 composites denoted as X%Ag/S5 were prepared by an ultrasonic precipitation method to improve the photocatalytic property of S5. The TEM images show that CeVO_4 and Ag nanoparticles are well distributed on the layered g-C_3N_4, which agree well with the XRD results. The UV spectra show that the 7%Ag/S5 sample has the widest absorption range and the enhanced absorption intensity under visible light irradiation. The corresponding band gap of 7%Ag/S5(2.5 eV) is much lower than that of S5(2.65 eV). The corresponding k value of 7%Ag/S5 is much higher than those of g-C_3N_4 and CeVO_4. The degradation experiments for MB solution suggest that the 7%Ag/S5 sample has the optimal photocatalytic performance, which can degrade MB solution completely within 120 min. The enhanced photocatalytic property of the composites is ascribed to not only the effect of heterojunction structure, but also the surface plasma resonance effect of Ag nanoparticles. 展开更多
关键词 g-C3N4 CeVO4 AG NANOCOMPOSITES photocatalytic performance
Achieving superior mechanical properties of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg via direct aging treatment 被引量:5
作者 H.Zhang Y.Wang +4 位作者 j.j.wang D.R.Ni D.Wang B.L.Xiao Z.Y.Ma 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第13期226-235,共10页
For additive manufactured aluminum alloys,the inferior mechanical properties along the building direction have been a serious weakness.In this study,an optimized heat treatment was developed as a simple and effective ... For additive manufactured aluminum alloys,the inferior mechanical properties along the building direction have been a serious weakness.In this study,an optimized heat treatment was developed as a simple and effective solution.The effects of direct aging on microstructure and mechanical properties along the building direction of AlSi10Mg samples produced via selective laser melting(SLM)were investigated.The results showed that,compared with the conventional heat treatment at elevated temperatures,direct aging at temperatures of 130-190℃ could retain the fine grain microstructure of SLM samples and promote further precipitation of Si phase,however,the growth of pores occurred during direct aging.With increasing aging temperature,while finer cell structures were obtained,more and larger pores were developed,resulting in decreased density of the samples.Two types of pore formation mechanisms were identified.Considering the balance between the refinement of cell structure and the growth of pores,aging at 130℃ was determined as the optimized heat treatment for SLM AlSi10Mg samples.The tensile strength along the building direction of the 130℃ aged sample was increased from 403 MPa to 451 MPa,with relatively high elongation of 6.5%. 展开更多
关键词 Additive manufacturing Selective laser melting AlSi10Mg alloy Heat treatment
Multistage serrated flow behavior of a medium-manganese high-carbon steel 被引量:2
作者 J.Chen Y.Zhang +2 位作者 j.j.wang C.M.Liu S.X.Zhao 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第9期1064-1072,共9页
The deformation mechanisms and the flow stress behavior of a medium-manganese high-carbon steel during cold deformation at a strain rate of 10×5 s^-1 were explored using a universal testing machine,an X-ray diffr... The deformation mechanisms and the flow stress behavior of a medium-manganese high-carbon steel during cold deformation at a strain rate of 10×5 s^-1 were explored using a universal testing machine,an X-ray diffractometer,a field emission scanning electron microscope and a high-resolution transmission electron microscope.The results show that continuous step-up serrated flow behavior appears after the yielding point,and the true stress-strain curve is roughly divided into five stages based on distinctive densities and amplitudes of serration.The strengthening mechanisms of the experimental steel involve Cottrell atmosphere,twinning-induced plasticity(TWIP)efect and transformation-induced plasticity(TRIP)effect.TWIP effect is the dominant deformation mechanism,and deformation twins formed by TWIP effect comprise primary,secondary and nanotwins.Furthermore,TRIP effect arises in the local high-strain region.Carbon element plays a key role in the transformation of the deformation mechanism.A small amount of carbide precipitates around twin boundaries lead to the formation of local carbon-poor regions,and Md temperature and stacking fault energy of medium-manganese high-carbon steel are propitious to the occurrence of TRIP effect.In addition,the contributions of various deformation mechanisms to plasticity are calculated,and that of TWIP effect is the greatest. 展开更多
关键词 Serrated flow Deformation mechanism Deformation twin Twinning-induced plasticity Transformation-induced plasticity
Construction of hybrid Z-scheme graphitic C_(3)N_(4)/reduced TiO_(2) microsphere with visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity 被引量:2
作者 C.Zhou N.F.Ye +6 位作者 X.H.Yan j.j.wang J.M.Pan D.F.Wang Q.Wang J.X.Zu X.N.Cheng 《Journal of Materiomics》 SCIE EI 2018年第3期238-246,共9页
A novel Z-scheme graphitic C_(3)N_(4)/reduced TiO_(2)microsphere(g-C_(3)N_(4)/r-TiO_(2))has been successfully synthesized by a solvothermal method.The as-prepared samples with different contents of g-C_(3)N_(4)were ch... A novel Z-scheme graphitic C_(3)N_(4)/reduced TiO_(2)microsphere(g-C_(3)N_(4)/r-TiO_(2))has been successfully synthesized by a solvothermal method.The as-prepared samples with different contents of g-C_(3)N_(4)were characterized by X-ray diffraction,electron paramagnetic resonance,scanning electron microscope,UV evis.diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence spectra.The r-TiO_(2)microspheres are aggregated on the surface of g-C_(3)N_(4)sheets in the as-prepared g-C_(3)N_(4)/r-TiO_(2)composites.All g-C_(3)N_(4)/r-TiO_(2)catalysts show enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of rhodamine B under visible light irradiation.It could be attributed to these influences of oxygen vacancy(changing the band gap of TiO_(2)),the large specific surface area(providing much more active sites for photocatalytic reaction),and the synergetic effect between g-C_(3)N_(4)and r-TiO_(2)(promoting the separation for photoinduced electron-hole pairs).Moreover,the Z-scheme carriers transfer mechanism in the photocatalytic process has been discussed through trapping experiments of active species.The work demonstrates the strategies of the construction of Z-scheme carriers transfer system,the introduction of oxygen vacancy and structure designing are beneficial to design materials toward solar energy conversion like contaminant degradation. 展开更多
关键词 TiO_(2) C_(3)N_(4) Oxygen vacancy Z-scheme heterojunction Photocatalytic performance
Shape Memory Effect,Thermal Expansion and Damping Property of Friction Stir Processed NiTip/Al Composite 被引量:6
作者 D.R.Ni j.j.wang Z.Y.Ma 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期162-166,共5页
NiTi particles reinforced aluminum (NiTip/Al) composite was prepared via friction stir processing, elimi- nating interfacial reaction and/or elemental diffusion. The NiTip in the composite maintained the intrinsic c... NiTi particles reinforced aluminum (NiTip/Al) composite was prepared via friction stir processing, elimi- nating interfacial reaction and/or elemental diffusion. The NiTip in the composite maintained the intrinsic characteristic of a reversible thermoelastic phase transformation even after heat-treatment. The shape memory characteristic of the NiTip decreased the coefficient of thermal expansion of the Al matrix, and an apparent two-way shape memory effect was observed in the composite. The composite owned a good combination of adjustable damping and thermal physical properties. 展开更多
关键词 Metal matrix composite Shape memory alloy Interface Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)Damping
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