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作者 姚婧鑫 魏新广 +6 位作者 王小龙 李勇男 龙村 林栓同 梁影 姜福清 管玉龙 《北京生物医学工程》 2018年第2期164-170,共7页
目的建立幼猪体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)模型,观察CPB灌注流量发生改变期间,脑灌注流量和局部脑氧饱和度(regional cerebral oxygen saturation,rSO_2)的变化,从而探索CPB灌注流量对脑血流量自我调节的影响,以期为婴幼儿CPB... 目的建立幼猪体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)模型,观察CPB灌注流量发生改变期间,脑灌注流量和局部脑氧饱和度(regional cerebral oxygen saturation,rSO_2)的变化,从而探索CPB灌注流量对脑血流量自我调节的影响,以期为婴幼儿CPB合理的灌注管理、预防脑缺血提供理论依据。方法 12只幼猪按照随机表分为3组,对照组、高流量组(H组)、低流量组(L组)。建立单泵双管CPB灌注模型,用血流检测仪直接检测灌注管路流量反映不同流量下脑动脉内血液灌注的变化,并采用近红外分光广度检测技术(near infrared reflectance spectroscopy,NIRS)监测幼猪CPB模型中rSO_2的变化。在CPB开始前10 min、CPB开始后10 min、升主动脉阻断后30 min和升主动脉开放后10 min 4个时间点检测血清S100钙结合蛋白B(S100 B)浓度。分别进行苏木精-伊红(HE)染色、尼氏染色观察海马CA区组织学变化。结果在主动脉阻断期间,H组脑灌注流量[(30.8±9.9)mL/(kg·min)]较L组[(19.0±7.4)mL/(kg·min)]有增高趋势但无统计学差异(P=0.072),且该时间点H组rSO_2值(52.65%±3.1%)显著高于L组(47.3%±3.3%)(P<0.05)。海马组织学变化及血清S100 B蛋白水平无组间差异。结论在小型猪体外循环灌注模型中,脑动脉内流量及局部脑氧饱和度监测提示脑血流压力/血流自我调节减弱,高流量组脑灌注效果优于低流量灌注。 展开更多
关键词 脑血流量自我调节 局部脑血氧饱和度 体外循环 脑灌注 血压 血流量
作者 姚婧鑫 魏新广 +6 位作者 王小龙 李勇男 龙村 林栓同 梁影 姜福清 管玉龙 《心肺血管病杂志》 2018年第3期235-243,共9页
目的:本研究拟通过构建幼猪体外循环(CPB)脑灌注血流/压力动物模型,探讨CPB期间动脉血压、灌注流量对脑血流自动调节的影响。方法:20只,幼猪,随机分五组:对照组、高血压高流量组、高血压低流量组、低血压高流量组、低血压低流量组。在CP... 目的:本研究拟通过构建幼猪体外循环(CPB)脑灌注血流/压力动物模型,探讨CPB期间动脉血压、灌注流量对脑血流自动调节的影响。方法:20只,幼猪,随机分五组:对照组、高血压高流量组、高血压低流量组、低血压高流量组、低血压低流量组。在CPB开始前10min、CPB开始后10min、升主动脉阻断后30min和升主动脉开放后10min 4个时间点检测血清S100钙结合蛋白B(S100 B)和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)浓度。免疫组织化学检测大脑海马组织缺氧诱导因子-1α(HIF-1α)、凋亡诱导因子(AIF)和Caspase-3的表达。结果:在升主动脉阻断期间,低流量灌注动物脑灌注流量远远低于高流量组(P=0.009),低流量低血压组r SO2低于其他各组r SO2值(P<0.05),血清S100B水平显著高于高血压低流量组(P=0.032)。海马组织HIF-1α、AIF和Caspase-3的表达无组间差异。结论:低CPB血流可以造成全身和脑灌注不足,脑血管自我调节机制不能抵消低流量造成的脑灌注不足损伤。维持较高的动脉灌注压力,有助于在一定程度上代偿脑灌注不足引起的缺氧状况。 展开更多
关键词 脑血流自我调节 局部脑血氧饱和度 体外循环 脑灌注
220 ka以来西菲律宾海黏土矿物输入变化及其控制因素
作者 蒋富清 周晓静 李传顺 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期85-95,共11页
为揭示晚更新世以来西太平洋暖池黏土矿物输入变化的控制因素,对采自西菲律宾海本哈姆隆起上的Ph05-5孔沉积物中的黏土矿物组成、来源和堆积速率进行了分析。结果表明,220 ka以来,该孔沉积物中的黏土矿物主要以伊利石(13%)和蒙皂石(8%)... 为揭示晚更新世以来西太平洋暖池黏土矿物输入变化的控制因素,对采自西菲律宾海本哈姆隆起上的Ph05-5孔沉积物中的黏土矿物组成、来源和堆积速率进行了分析。结果表明,220 ka以来,该孔沉积物中的黏土矿物主要以伊利石(13%)和蒙皂石(8%)为主,其次为绿泥石(6%)和高岭石(2%)。伊利石和绿泥石主要来源于亚洲大陆,蒙皂石主要源于菲律宾海周围岛屿的火山物质在海底遭受海水侵蚀后形成的自生Fe-蒙皂石和西菲律宾海周围岛屿上的物质风化后形成的他生Al-蒙皂石。220 ka以来,伊利石和绿泥石的堆积速率表现出明显的冰期高-间冰期低的旋回变化,与该孔总的风尘堆积速率、亚洲风尘和北太平洋风尘堆积速率一致。冰期/间冰期太阳辐射降低/增强、亚洲内陆干旱程度加强/减弱,是导致伊利石等源于亚洲内陆的黏土矿物向菲律宾海输入增加/减少的主控因素。Ph05-5孔蒙皂石的堆积速率同样表现出明显的冰期高-间冰期低的特征,与该孔总的火山物质堆积速率一致。蒙皂石在轨道尺度的变化,主要受到海平面变化和热带类ENSO过程影响的降雨过程控制。冰期低海平面,菲律宾岛和海水的混合作用加强,使得蒙皂石的输入增加。此外,冰期在热带太平洋类拉尼娜较强,降雨量增加,导致向菲律宾海输入的火山物质(蒙皂石)增加,间冰期则相反,由于类厄尔尼诺增强,菲律宾岛区域干旱,火山物质(蒙皂石)向菲律宾海的输入减少。 展开更多
关键词 黏土矿物 堆积速率 晚更新世 西菲律宾海
近2.1 Ma以来帕里西维拉海盆黏土矿物输入变化及其对中更新世气候转型的响应 被引量:3
作者 颜钰 蒋富清 +1 位作者 曾志刚 郑昊 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期150-161,共12页
对帕里西维拉海盆PV090102孔2.1 Ma以来沉积物中黏土矿物的含量、特征参数和形貌特征进行了分析,结果表明,黏土矿物以伊利石(48%)和蒙皂石(34%)为主,绿泥石(13%)和高岭石(6%)含量较低。伊利石结晶度平均为0.29°△2θ,表明其形成于... 对帕里西维拉海盆PV090102孔2.1 Ma以来沉积物中黏土矿物的含量、特征参数和形貌特征进行了分析,结果表明,黏土矿物以伊利石(48%)和蒙皂石(34%)为主,绿泥石(13%)和高岭石(6%)含量较低。伊利石结晶度平均为0.29°△2θ,表明其形成于气候寒冷且水解作用弱的陆地源区;伊利石化学指数平均为0.32,表明该孔伊利石为富Fe-Mg伊利石,且经历了较强的物理风化。黏土矿物的组合特征和形貌特征表明,蒙皂石主要来源于周围火山岛弧,伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石主要来源于亚洲大陆风尘。在中更新世气候转型期,伊利石通量、绿泥石通量和高岭石通量均呈增加趋势,这与该孔总的风尘通量和风尘石英通量的变化趋势一致,且与亚洲大陆干旱化一致,表明其响应了中更新世气候转型期亚洲内陆的干旱变化,因而可以作为亚洲内陆干湿变化的示踪指标。此外,第四纪以来PV090102孔蒙皂石通量的变化与该孔火山物质通量的变化趋势具有很好的一致性,因而可以作为火山物质输入西菲律宾海的替代指标。 展开更多
关键词 黏土矿物 源区 中更新世 帕里西维拉海盆
上新世以来伊豆-小笠原海脊黏土矿物的来源与古气候意义 被引量:3
作者 杨佳毅 蒋富清 +2 位作者 颜钰 郑昊 常凤鸣 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期73-83,共11页
对伊豆小笠原海脊(ODP 782A孔)上新世以来沉积物中黏土矿物的组成、含量及矿物学特征进行了分析,结果表明:黏土矿物以伊利石(42%)和蒙皂石(42%)为主,绿泥石的平均含量为14%,高岭石的含量最低,平均仅为2%。伊利石的结晶度较好,平均为0.25... 对伊豆小笠原海脊(ODP 782A孔)上新世以来沉积物中黏土矿物的组成、含量及矿物学特征进行了分析,结果表明:黏土矿物以伊利石(42%)和蒙皂石(42%)为主,绿泥石的平均含量为14%,高岭石的含量最低,平均仅为2%。伊利石的结晶度较好,平均为0.25°Δ2θ;化学指数较低,平均为0.31;表明伊利石主要形成于干冷的气候环境。通过将ODP 782A孔黏土矿物组合特征和含量与周边可能源区对比,并结合伊利石和蒙皂石的矿物学参数特征,我们认为蒙皂石主要来源于伊豆小笠原海脊周边岛弧火山物质;伊利石、绿泥石和高岭石主要来自亚洲大陆风尘。上新世以来(伊利石+绿泥石)/蒙皂石比值总体上呈增加的趋势,并且在5.3~3.6、3.6~1.6、1.6~0 Ma的三个阶段表现出不同的变化特征,该比值与全球深海δ^(18)O值所记录的全球变冷、北太平洋ODP 885/886孔风尘通量和灵台黄土沉积速率,以及日本海U1430站伊利石/蒙皂石比值所指示的亚洲内陆干旱变化的总体变化趋势和阶段性变化的时间点大致同步,表明该比值敏感地响应了全球变冷和亚洲内陆的干旱。上新世以来(伊利石+绿泥石)/高岭石比值表现为高/低交替变化,分别与中国灵台黄土磁化率高/低变化相对应,由于黄土磁化率记录了亚洲内陆干/湿变化,因此该黏土矿物比值敏感地响应了亚洲内陆的古气候变化,因而可以作为可靠的亚洲大陆干/湿变化示踪指标。 展开更多
关键词 伊豆小笠原海脊 黏土矿物 物源 上新世
长期植入式心室辅助装置成功救治急性心梗心源性休克合并心包填塞1例 被引量:1
作者 陈海波 杨晓涵 +4 位作者 王现强 杜娟 江勇 姜福清 胡盛寿 《实用器官移植电子杂志》 2023年第3期231-236,共6页
目的 探讨长期可植入式心室辅助救治急性心梗难治性心源性休克的可行性经验。方法 中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院2019年11月对1例急性心梗心源性休克合并心包填塞进行卵圆孔未闭修补术、冠状动脉旁路移植术和心室辅助装置CH-VAD血泵... 目的 探讨长期可植入式心室辅助救治急性心梗难治性心源性休克的可行性经验。方法 中国医学科学院阜外医院深圳医院2019年11月对1例急性心梗心源性休克合并心包填塞进行卵圆孔未闭修补术、冠状动脉旁路移植术和心室辅助装置CH-VAD血泵植入术治疗,术后早期观察血流动力学和器官灌注监测指标。出院后长期随访,应用经胸超声心动图、NYHA心功能分级、6分钟步行距离、心肺运动试验来评估心脏和活动耐量康复过程。结果 术中切开心包后有暗红色血性心包积液150 ml,左心室心尖部显著变薄,周围组织水肿,3点位置有陈旧性血栓形成。手术体外循环时间为120 min,主动脉阻断时间为55 min,主动脉侧壁阻断时间为10 min。术后早期CH-VAD血泵转速在2500~2900 r/min调整,流量为3.5~4.5 L/min,有创平均动脉压为65~75 mm Hg (1 mm Hg=0.133 k Pa),血乳酸、c Tn I和c Tn T分别术后当天和第7天恢复至正常水平。术后26 h拔除气管插管,术后第7~15天出现反复短阵室速和室颤,期间反复非同步除颤100~200 J,术后第8天再次气管插管,术后90 d顺利携带CH-VAD血泵出院,泵转速为2800 r/min,流量为3.9 L/min。患者术后12个月超声提示:LVEDD为60 mm,LVEF为29%,主动脉瓣与心动周期开放比恢复到1:1, NYHAⅠ级,6分钟步行距离为490 m。驱动线缆伤口每天换药1次,无伤口红肿、积液、脓性分泌物等异常。目前已携带CH-VAD血泵生存32个月,生活质量良好。结论 长期可植入式VAD对于急性心肌梗死合并难治性心源性休克患者是一种有效治疗策略,应尽早考虑。 展开更多
关键词 心室辅助装置 急性心梗 心源性休克 血泵
作者 颜钰 蒋富清 曾志刚 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期148-159,共12页
从沉积物中提取示踪指标是研究西太平洋暖池区古环境和古气候演化的有效途径之一,而准确识别沉积物的源区是其中的关键。目前已通过不同的物源示踪指标,如黏土矿物、石英单矿物、常量元素、稀土元素以及碎屑组分的放射性成因Sr-Nd同位素... 从沉积物中提取示踪指标是研究西太平洋暖池区古环境和古气候演化的有效途径之一,而准确识别沉积物的源区是其中的关键。目前已通过不同的物源示踪指标,如黏土矿物、石英单矿物、常量元素、稀土元素以及碎屑组分的放射性成因Sr-Nd同位素等,对西太平洋暖池北部和西部第四纪以来的沉积物来源进行了研究,结果表明暖池区沉积物主要来源于亚洲大陆和火山岛弧,部分来源于澳大利亚和/或新几内亚。本文系统归纳和总结了上述示踪指标在西太平洋暖池区的物源研究进展和成果,以及研究中存在的问题,并对西太平洋暖池沉积物源研究提出了几点建议。 展开更多
关键词 源区 沉积物 物源示踪 西太平洋暖池
A preliminary study on fingerprinting approach in marine sediment dynamics with the rare earth elements 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Xiaojing LI Anchun +1 位作者 jiang fuqing MENG Qingyong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期62-77,共16页
Locating the quantitized natural sediment fingerprints is an important work for marine sediment dynamics study.The total of 146 sediment samples were collected from the Shelf of the East China Sea and five rivers,incl... Locating the quantitized natural sediment fingerprints is an important work for marine sediment dynamics study.The total of 146 sediment samples were collected from the Shelf of the East China Sea and five rivers,including Huanghe (Yellow),Changjiang (Yangtze),Qiantang,Ou and Min River.The sediment grain size and the contents of rare earth elements (REEs) were measured with laser particle size analyzer and ICP-MS technology.The results show that absolute REE content (ΣREE) and the concentration ratio of light REEs to heavy REEs (L/HREE) are different in the sediments among those rivers.There are higher REE contents in being less than 2 m and 2–31 μm fractions in the Changjiang Estuary surface sediments.The REE contents of bulk sediment are dominated by the corresponding values of those leading size-fractions.REE of sediment is higher close to the estuaries and declines seaward on the inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS).The L/HREE ratio has a tendency of increase southward from 28 ? N.Hydrodynamic conditions plays a predominate role on spacial distributions of the surficial sediment’s REE parameters.In some situations,the currents tend to remove the coarser light grains from initial populations,as well as the deposit of the finer heavy mineral grains.In other situations,the currents will change the ratio of sediment constituents,such as ratio between silts and clays in the sediments.As a result,the various values of REE or L/HREE ratio in different bulk sediments are more affected by the change of size-fractions than source location.Under the long-term stable hydrodynamic environment,i.e.,the East China Sea Shelf,new sediment transport model based on the size and density gradation concept may help to understand the spatial distribution patterns of REE parameters. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth elements FINGERPRINTS East China Sea Shelf sediment transport
Sea-level changes controlled detrital sediment inputs to the Bicol Shelf in the western Philippine Sea since 150 ka 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Zhishun jiang fuqing +7 位作者 LI Tiegang YANG Dezhou ZHOU Xiaojing XIONG Zhifang QIU Xiaohua JIA Qi YAN Yu FENG Xuguang 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期1153-1168,共16页
Detrital sediments derived from the Philippine Islands are one of the main sources of deep-sea sediments in the western Philippine Sea.However,systematic research on their characteristics and transport mechanisms are ... Detrital sediments derived from the Philippine Islands are one of the main sources of deep-sea sediments in the western Philippine Sea.However,systematic research on their characteristics and transport mechanisms are lacking.We used parametric end-member analysis to quantitatively partition the grain size of detrital sediments in core MD06-3052 from the Bicol Shelf in the western Philippine Sea;three endmembers EMI,EM2,and EM3,whose respective modes were at 2,10,and 45 μm,were separated.We also measured the Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of different size fractions(<4 and >20 μm) of the detrital sediments and the results showed that the detrital sediments mainly originate from the Philippine Islands.Components EMI and EM2 are transported to the Bicol Shelf mainly by surface and bottom currents from the islands,and component EM3 is delivered by gravity flow from the exposed shelf during low sea-level stands.The content of the total detrital fraction and the three end-members,as well as the mass accumulation rates(MARs) of the coarse detritus(EM2 and EM3),were considerably higher during glacial periods(40-14 ka and 150-130 ka) than during other intervals;the glacials corresponded to a low sea level,while the MAR of the fine detritus(EMI) did not increase remarkably during 40-14 ka.We therefore concluded that the input of coarse detritus to the Bicol Shelf from the islands was mainly controlled by sea-level change.Variations of the input of fine-grained detritus(EM1) was influenced not only by sea level but also by ocean currents and regional precipitation.Overall,our results help understand "source-to-sink" processes in the western Pacific marginal seas and their response to global change. 展开更多
关键词 Bicol Shelf late Pleistocene grain size sea level change
机场工程建设安全管理模式研究 被引量:3
作者 姜福庆 乔奇 《江西建材》 2021年第1期240-240,242,共2页
关键词 机场建设 安全管理 管理模式
固溶-时效对新型高强高淬透性热挤压Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr合金组织与性能的影响 被引量:13
作者 江福清 黄继武 +1 位作者 刘赟 尹志民 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期86-90,共5页
采用力学性能测试、金相观察(OM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微分析(TEM)研究了固溶-时效工艺对Al-6. 6Zn-1. 8Mg-0. 24Cu-0. 23Mn-0. 21Zr(wt%,7046A)合金挤压板带显微组织与力学性能的影响。结果表明:合金适宜的固溶-时效工艺为470... 采用力学性能测试、金相观察(OM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、透射电子显微分析(TEM)研究了固溶-时效工艺对Al-6. 6Zn-1. 8Mg-0. 24Cu-0. 23Mn-0. 21Zr(wt%,7046A)合金挤压板带显微组织与力学性能的影响。结果表明:合金适宜的固溶-时效工艺为470℃×1 h固溶随后120℃×24 h人工时效。在此条件下,合金的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别为570 MPa、532 MPa和10. 9%。T6态合金的物相组成为Al基固溶体、含Mn和Zr的初晶相以及3~5 nm的η'(MgZn_2)析出相,与此同时,晶界上析出η(MgZn_2)平衡相。合金的强化机制为固溶强化、亚结构强化和时效强化。 展开更多
关键词 7046A铝合金 固溶-时效工艺 拉伸性能 显微组织 时效强化
Zn含量和Zn/Mg比对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu铝合金拉伸性能和淬透性的影响 被引量:3
作者 王奋翔 徐国富 +2 位作者 江福清 黄继武 尹志民 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期49-53,共5页
采用水冷铁模铸造-铸锭均匀化-挤压-固溶时效处理制备了3种成分不同的Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金棒材,研究了不同处理状态合金的拉伸性能、淬透性能、显微组织结构及其变化。结果表明:时效态合金拉伸性能与Zn含量和Zn/Mg相关,强度的变化是固溶强... 采用水冷铁模铸造-铸锭均匀化-挤压-固溶时效处理制备了3种成分不同的Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金棒材,研究了不同处理状态合金的拉伸性能、淬透性能、显微组织结构及其变化。结果表明:时效态合金拉伸性能与Zn含量和Zn/Mg相关,强度的变化是固溶强化和η'亚稳相析出强化综合作用的结果,3种合金中Al-8.01Zn-1.13Mg-1.16Cu-0.05Cr-0.13Zr-0.05Ti合金的抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别达到614 MPa、577 MPa和12.6%,端淬深度≥150 mm。η'(MgZn2)中Zn/Mg质量百分比为5.379,在试验合金Zn/Mg比都高于5.379的情况下,试验合金的淬透性与端淬态的铝基体晶格畸变度以及T6时效态η'亚稳相质量百分数正向相关,即Mg含量高的合金淬透性低,这是因为淬火态的铝基体晶格畸变愈大、T6时效态η'亚稳相质量百分数愈高,铝基过饱和固溶体愈不稳定、淬火过程中愈容易分解,合金的淬透特性就愈低。 展开更多
关键词 AL-ZN-MG-CU合金 Zn含量 Zn/Mg比 拉伸性能 淬透性 JmatPro软件模拟
钪锆复合添加对Al-Zn-Mg合金淬火敏感性的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘贇 黄继武 +2 位作者 邓英 江福清 王英君 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期20-25,共6页
以Al-5. 7Zn-2. 0Mg和Al-5. 7Zn-2. 0Mg-0. 10Sc-0. 10Zr(wt%)合金为研究对象,通过分级淬火方法,获得两种合金的时间-温度-性能(TTP)曲线,结合淬火因子分析法及电子显微分析技术,对比研究了钪锆复合添加对铝锌镁合金淬火敏感性的影... 以Al-5. 7Zn-2. 0Mg和Al-5. 7Zn-2. 0Mg-0. 10Sc-0. 10Zr(wt%)合金为研究对象,通过分级淬火方法,获得两种合金的时间-温度-性能(TTP)曲线,结合淬火因子分析法及电子显微分析技术,对比研究了钪锆复合添加对铝锌镁合金淬火敏感性的影响。结果表明:Al-Zn-Mg和Al-Zn-Mg-Sc-Zr合金的鼻尖温度分别为300℃和290℃,淬火敏感区间分别为230~350℃和170~380℃,临界淬火速率分别为2℃/s和8℃/s。钪锆添加提高铝锌镁合金淬火敏感性的原因主要为:在淬火连续冷却过程中,当淬火冷却速度较慢时,Al-Zn-Mg-Sc-Zr合金存在的纳米级Al3(Sc,Zr)粒子会成为粗大时效相η(MgZn2)的异质形核中心,降低了过饱和固溶体的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 AL-ZN-MG合金 TTP曲线 淬火因子分析法 Al3(Sc Zr)粒子
时效处理对Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-Mo合金组织演变和力学性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 江海洋 江福清 +2 位作者 王冰 徐斌 孙明月 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期2002-2009,共8页
为了解不同时效参数对Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-Mo(Ti6321)合金组织和力学性能影响的根本原因,通过光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)和力学性能测试,研究了不同时效条件(500~650℃,3~24 h)下的显微组织和力学性能。结果表明,次生相... 为了解不同时效参数对Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-Mo(Ti6321)合金组织和力学性能影响的根本原因,通过光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)和力学性能测试,研究了不同时效条件(500~650℃,3~24 h)下的显微组织和力学性能。结果表明,次生相α(α_(s))比初生相α(α_(p))对时效参数更为敏感。此外,α_(s)相的厚度与时效温度和时效时间呈正相关。随着时效温度和时效时间的增加,Ti和Al元素在β_(t)相中的偏析明显,α_(s)相由细针状转变为长棒状。当合金在600℃时效12 h时,合金表现出较好的综合力学性能。抗拉伸强度、屈服强度和伸长率分别为907 MPa、796 MPa和16%,冲击功为55 J。 展开更多
关键词 Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-Mo钛合金 时效处理 微观结构演化 力学性能
体外心肺复苏的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 梁影 姜福清 管玉龙 《中国胸心血管外科临床杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期1107-1113,共7页
体外心肺复苏(extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation,ECPR)是指在传统心肺复苏后仍未恢复持续自主循环的心脏骤停患者中应用体外膜肺氧合技术,以提供更高的心输出量及有效气体交换,保证器官灌注。近年来ECPR在患者救治过程中... 体外心肺复苏(extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation,ECPR)是指在传统心肺复苏后仍未恢复持续自主循环的心脏骤停患者中应用体外膜肺氧合技术,以提供更高的心输出量及有效气体交换,保证器官灌注。近年来ECPR在患者救治过程中取得了良好效果。ECPR常见适应证包括年龄<70岁,有可电复律的初始心律,有目击者的心脏骤停,5 min内旁观者心肺复苏,心肺复苏后15 min内未恢复持续自主循环。准确判断ECPR应用指征、迅速安装体外生命支持设备以及高质量管理是改善预后的关键。本文就ECPR的开始时机和患者选择、近期结果、影响因素及并发症进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 心肺复苏 体外心肺复苏 心脏骤停 体外膜肺氧合 并发症 综述
体外膜肺氧合在心源性休克救治中的应用 被引量:2
作者 梁影 姜福清 黑飞龙 《中国胸心血管外科临床杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1365-1370,共6页
心源性休克是由于左、右或双心室衰竭导致低心输出量引起循环的衰竭状态,致死率极高。近年来,体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)因其便携、辅助流量大、专家熟悉度高、可同时提供心肺支持等优点,成为维持心源性... 心源性休克是由于左、右或双心室衰竭导致低心输出量引起循环的衰竭状态,致死率极高。近年来,体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)因其便携、辅助流量大、专家熟悉度高、可同时提供心肺支持等优点,成为维持心源性休克短期血流动力学稳定的首选设备,帮助器官渡过恢复期以及移植等待期或作为进一步决策的桥梁。本文就ECMO在心源性休克治疗中的适应证、管理策略及未来应用领域进行综述,为临床实践提供相关参考。 展开更多
关键词 体外膜肺氧合 心源性休克 急性心肌梗死 心脏移植 心脏手术 体外心肺复苏 新型冠状病毒肺炎
Quantitatively distinguishing sediments from the Yangtze River and the Yellow River using δEu_N-ΣREEs plot 被引量:15
作者 jiang fuqing ZHOU XiaoJing +1 位作者 LI AnChun LI TieGang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第2期232-241,共10页
Sediment samples were collected from the lower channel of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River and the contents of rare earth elements (REEs) were measured. In addition, some historical REEs data were collected from... Sediment samples were collected from the lower channel of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River and the contents of rare earth elements (REEs) were measured. In addition, some historical REEs data were collected from published literatures. Based on the δEuN-ΣREEs plot, a clear boundary was found be-tween the sediments from the two rivers. The boundary can be described as an orthogonal polynomial equation by ordinary linear regression with sediments from the Yangtze River located above the curve and sediments from the Yellow River located below the curve. To validate this method, the REEs con-tents of sediments collected from the estuaries of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River were meas-ured. In addition, the REEs data of sediment Core 255 from the Yangtze River and Core YA01 from the Yellow River were collected. Results show that the samples from the Yangtze River estuary and Core 255 almost are above the curve and most samples from the Yellow River estuary and Core YA01 are below the curve in the δEuN-ΣREEs plot. The plot and the regression equation can be used to distin-guish sediments from the Yangtze River and the Yellow River intuitively and quantitatively, and to trace the sediment provenance of the eastern seas of China. The difference between the sediments from two rivers in the δEuN-ΣREEs plot is caused by different mineral compositions and regional climate patterns of the source areas. The relationship between δEuN and ΣREEs is changed little during the transport from the source area to the river, and from river to the sea. Thus the original information on mineral compositions and climate of the source area was preserved. 展开更多
关键词 sediment provenance Yangtze RIVER Yellow RIVER δEuN-ΣREEs PLOT
Geochemistry of rare earth elements in the mid-late Quaternary sediments of the western Philippine Sea and their paleoenvironmental significance 被引量:10
作者 XU ZhaoKai LI TieGang +5 位作者 WAN ShiMing YIN XueBo jiang fuqing SUN HanJie JinYong CHOI DhongIl LIM 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期802-812,共11页
Based on a δ180 chronology, rare earth elements (REE) and other typical elements in sediments from core MD06-3047 in the western Philippine Sea were analyzed to constrain the provenances of the sediments and invest... Based on a δ180 chronology, rare earth elements (REE) and other typical elements in sediments from core MD06-3047 in the western Philippine Sea were analyzed to constrain the provenances of the sediments and investigate quantitative changes in the Asian eolian input to the study area over the last 700 ka. Among the competing processes that might affect REE compositions, sediment provenance is the most important one. Provenance analysis suggests that the study sediments have two provenance end-members; local volcanic sources are dominant, and eolian dust from the Asian continent has a smaller contribution. During glacial periods, eolian input to the western Philippine Sea was enhanced. In contrast, material supply from local volcanics in- creased during interglacial periods. Changes in eolian input to the study area were probably related to the strength of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) as well as aridity in the Asian continent on an orbital time scale, and were partly influenced by local control factors on shorter time scales. Therefore, we propose that the present study expands the application of the REE-based method for quantitatively estimating the eolian component from the mid-latitude northern Pacific to the low-latitude western Pacific. Additionally, the study preliminarily confirms the influence of EAWM-transported eolian materi- al on sedimentation in the western Philippine Sea since 700 ka. 展开更多
关键词 eolian dust sediment provenance rare earth elements East Asian winter monsoon glacial/interglacial cycle western Philippine Sea
Sedimentation rates and provenance analysis in the Southwestern Okinawa Trough since the mid-Holocene 被引量:7
作者 LI ChuanShun jiang Bo +2 位作者 LI AnChun LI TieGang jiang fuqing 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第7期1234-1242,共9页
As a high-sedimentation rate depocenter along the path of the Kuroshio Current, the southwesternmost part of the Okinawa Trough is a key area to understand the Kuroshio history and sediments transpor-tation. A 34.17-m... As a high-sedimentation rate depocenter along the path of the Kuroshio Current, the southwesternmost part of the Okinawa Trough is a key area to understand the Kuroshio history and sediments transpor-tation. A 34.17-m-long sediment core was obtained by the advanced piston corer of Marco Polo/IMAGES XII MARION DUFRESNE during the May 2005 from the Southern Okinawa Trough at site MD05-2908. The recovered sediments were analyzed by AMS 14C dating, coarse size fraction (>63 μm) extraction and moisture content determination in order to study its sedimentation flux and provenance. The depth-age relationship of core MD05-2908 was well constrained by 17 14C dating points. The sediments span across the mid-Holocene (6.8 ka B.P.) and have remarkablely high sedimentation rates between 1.8 and 21.2 m ka?1, which is well consistent with the modern observations from sediment traps. We identified five 70―200 a periods of abnormally rapid sedimentation events at 6790―6600 a B.P., 5690―5600 a B.P., 4820―4720 a B.P., 1090―880 a B.P., and 260―190 a B.P., during which the highest sedimentation rate is up to 21.2 m/ka. In general, the lithology of the sediments were dominated by silt and clay, associated with less than 5% coarse size fraction (>63 μm). As the most significant sediment source, the Lanyang River in northeastern Taiwan annually deliver about 10Mt materials to the coastal and offshore region of northeast Taiwan, a portion of which could be carried northward by currents toward the study area. Therefore, we concluded that the 5 abnormally rapid sedimentation events may be related to intensified rainfall in Taiwan and thus increased materials to our study area at that time. However, a few extreme-rapid sedimentation events cannot be explained by normal river runoff alone. The large earth-quakes or typhoons induced hyperpycnal discharge of fluvial sediment to the ocean may also act as a potential source supply to the Okinawa Trough. 展开更多
关键词 南冲绳海槽 沉积速率 河流沉积物 异常事件 中期 西南 泥沙来源 马可波罗
Paleoenvironment evolution of the East Philippine Sea recorded in the new-type ferromanganese crust since the terminal Late Miocene 被引量:4
作者 XU ZhaoKai LI AnChun +3 位作者 jiang fuqing LI TieGang MENG QingYong JIN Ning 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第8期1179-1188,共10页
From systemic research of microstructure, geochemistry, uranium-series and 10Be isotope dating on a new-type deepwater ferromanganese crust from the East Philippine Sea, the paleoenvironment evolu-tion of the target a... From systemic research of microstructure, geochemistry, uranium-series and 10Be isotope dating on a new-type deepwater ferromanganese crust from the East Philippine Sea, the paleoenvironment evolu-tion of the target area since the terminal Late Miocene was recovered. The vertical section changes of microstructure and chemical composition are consistent in the studied crust, which indicate three major accretion periods and corresponding paleoenvironment evolution of the crust. The bottom crust zone was formed in the terminal Late Miocene (5.6 Ma) with loose microstructure, high detritus content and high growth rate. Reductions of mineral element content, accretion rate and positive Ce-anomaly degree at 4.6 Ma indicate temporal warming, which went against the crust accretion and finally formed an accretion gap in the terminal Middle Pliocene (2.8―2.7 Ma). The more active Antarctic bottom sea-waters in the Late Pliocene (2.7 Ma) facilitated the fast transfer to the top pure crust zone. Hereafter, with the further apart of volcanic source and the keeping increase of eolian material (1.0 Ma), although surrounding conditions were still favorable, mineral element content still shows an obvious reducing trend. It thereby offers new carrier and data for the unclear paleoceanographic research of the target area since the terminal Late Miocene. 展开更多
关键词 new-type ferromanganese crust record paleoenvironment evolution uranium-series dating 10Be isotope dating East Philippine Sea
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