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时空针灸灵龟八法干预乳腺癌术后化疗疲劳国际临床试验预试验方案的可行性分析 被引量:11
作者 左政 李文辉 +25 位作者 陈德滇 刘德权 聂建云 朱勉生 鞠丽雅 Jean-Pierre Armand Mahasti Saghatchian Caroline Barry Bernard Asselain 李云芬 王炜宇 刘亮先 宋冉 黄梅 包雄英 王玲玲 王英浩 严梅 李春香 王常安 刘莉娟 袁恺 马琼 马瑞敏 陈春信 Mathieu Noel 《世界中医药》 CAS 2019年第8期1950-1958,共9页
目的:乳腺癌癌因性疲乏(CRF)在乳腺癌中普遍存在,并且可以发生在乳腺癌治疗的各个阶段,对CRF进行有效干预已成为乳腺癌患者顺利进行术后化疗的重要条件。时空针灸是朱勉生教授在古代按时取穴方法基础上吸纳欧洲医学文化理念总结出来的... 目的:乳腺癌癌因性疲乏(CRF)在乳腺癌中普遍存在,并且可以发生在乳腺癌治疗的各个阶段,对CRF进行有效干预已成为乳腺癌患者顺利进行术后化疗的重要条件。时空针灸是朱勉生教授在古代按时取穴方法基础上吸纳欧洲医学文化理念总结出来的一种新针法。本预试验旨在通过法国专家设计的严格的随机对照临床试验方案探讨时空针灸灵龟八法干预乳腺癌CRF的安全性及可行性。方法:按照纳排标准入组有效病例40例,按照2∶1∶1比例随机分成3组:时空针灸灵龟八法组20例、非经非穴针灸组10例、空白对照组(单纯辅助化疗治疗)10例。在辅助化疗全过程中,针灸组每周接受一次针刺治疗。40例入组患者在T1:基线、T2:表阿霉素+环磷酰胺(EC)4个周期后、T3:紫杉醇4个周期后、T4:化疗后1个月这4个时间点进行量表测评及外周血检测。本预试验40例已全部出组。本文从试验的可行性、安全性等方面对时空针灸灵龟八法试验方案进行评价,为下一步临床试验提供经验和依据。结论:本试验方案可操作性强、安全,患者依从性好。针灸方案贯穿了中医望闻问切的诊断方法、“辨证论治”的理念、“因时、因地、因人”及“治病求本”的治疗原则,实现了中医个体化治疗同临床试验规范化要求的紧密结合。 展开更多
关键词 针灸 时空针灸灵龟八法 乳腺癌CRF 可行性分析
An international multicentric phaseⅢrandomized controlled trial of time-acupoints-space acupuncture for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced fatigue in patients with early stage breast cancer:a study protocol 被引量:2
作者 Saghachian Mahasti Barry Caroline +10 位作者 Asselain Bernard LI Yunfen NIE Jianyun LIU Dequan CHEN Dedian CHEN Chunxin Laura Estevez LI Wenhui Jean-Pierre Armand ZHU Miansheng ju liya 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期289-295,共7页
OBJECTIVE:To determine the difference in prevention of chemotherapy-induced fatigue between time-acupointsspace acupuncture(ATAS)administered weekly compared to sham acupuncture and non-acupuncture in patients with ea... OBJECTIVE:To determine the difference in prevention of chemotherapy-induced fatigue between time-acupointsspace acupuncture(ATAS)administered weekly compared to sham acupuncture and non-acupuncture in patients with early breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy by epirubicine-cyclophosphamide(EC)followed by paclitaxel,as measured by the multidimensional fatigue inventory(MFI)over the previous week and Visual Analogue Scale measuring fatigue(VAS-F),and to evaluate the effects of ATAS on selfreported neuropathy pain,sleep,anxiety and depression.METHODS:In this multicenter clinical trial,we have randomized patients into 3 groups:ATAS,Sham and nonacupuncture with an unequal randomization of 2∶1∶1.A cloud related electronical clinical report form and smartphone platform was established for data entry.Patients with a history of stageⅠ-Ⅲbreast cancer scheduled to receive adjuvant chemotherapy.Acupuncture will be delivered once a week during chemotherapy with VAS-F evaluation.In order to qualify and quantify the mechanism of fatigue induced by chemotherapy with or without acupuncture,an evaluation of immune profiling was incorporate in this study.RESULTS:The presence and seriousness of chemotherapy-induced fatigue should be considered in therapeutic programs for early breast cancer treatment.Fatigue induced by adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer remains a major concern affecting the quality of life significantly.Unfortunately,we do not have effective pharmacological interventions yet.And clinical trials of acupuncture in preventing chemotherapyinduced fatigue in patients with early breast cancer have not been reported.CONCLUSION:The findings of the trial will allow us to determine the effects of acupuncture treatment approach.We will also be able to confirm whether ATAS is better than sham acupuncture and non-acupuncture treatments. 展开更多
关键词 breast neoplasms CHEMOTHERAPY adjuvant FATIGUE immunity clinical protocols time-acupoints-space acupuncture
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