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黔西南Au-As-Hg-Tl矿化区毒害金属元素的水地球化学 被引量:28
作者 肖唐付 洪业汤 +3 位作者 郑宝山 洪冰 Dan Boyle jayanta guha 《地球化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期571-577,共7页
研究了黔西南典型 Au-As-Hg-Tl矿化区内毒害金属元素在采矿活动和自然状态影响下的水地球化学特征及其环境效应。结果表明,已开采的 Hg-Tl矿区地下水和地表水中均有很高的毒害金属元素,煤采区地下水中亦表现出类似的特征,而 Hg-Tl矿... 研究了黔西南典型 Au-As-Hg-Tl矿化区内毒害金属元素在采矿活动和自然状态影响下的水地球化学特征及其环境效应。结果表明,已开采的 Hg-Tl矿区地下水和地表水中均有很高的毒害金属元素,煤采区地下水中亦表现出类似的特征,而 Hg-Tl矿区外围地下水中金属元素保持在较低的水平。 Hg-Tl矿区地表水中 As和 Tl的分布模式表明,其含量的变化受矿区地下水排泄和尾矿淋滤作用的控制。在尚未开采的金矿区,浅层地下水中金属元素的含量没有明显的富集,尚未构成环境问题。采矿活动扰动下的地下水和暴露于地表的尾矿及矿山废物是水中毒害金属元素的主要来源,水环境研究对采矿活动造成的环境影响具有良好的指示效果。 展开更多
关键词 水地球化学 毒害金属元素 贵州 矿化区
加拿大Abitibi绿岩带Donalda金矿近水平含金石英脉的显微构造分析及其对成矿流体动力学的指示 被引量:6
作者 池国祥 jayanta guha 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期43-54,共12页
位于加拿大Abitibi绿岩带南部的Donalda金矿床主要由近水平的、与剪切带近垂直的含金石英脉组成,矿脉厚度0.3~0.5m,含大量与脉壁平行的条带,指示多期次裂隙扩张和矿物沉淀。原生石英c-轴方位测量显示石英生长方向垂直于脉壁,指示断裂... 位于加拿大Abitibi绿岩带南部的Donalda金矿床主要由近水平的、与剪切带近垂直的含金石英脉组成,矿脉厚度0.3~0.5m,含大量与脉壁平行的条带,指示多期次裂隙扩张和矿物沉淀。原生石英c-轴方位测量显示石英生长方向垂直于脉壁,指示断裂属张性,矿物沉淀属空间充填。显微裂隙、细脉及流体包裹体面(FIPs)的方位测量指示原生矿物受到了近直立的最大主压应力(σ1)作用,与区域性的、近水平的南北向挤压应力不符。这一矛盾现象可用流体压力在超静岩和静水压力之间周期性变化及近水平断裂的周期性张开与闭合来解释。当流体压力大于静岩压力时,断裂张开,原生矿物沉淀,而当流体压力减小时,断裂上盘往下垮,两盘突出的矿物碰撞、碾压形成与脉壁平行的变形条带。由于断裂两盘岩石不是沿整条断裂都互相接触,两盘相顶部分承受的垂直应力大于水平方向的挤压应力,这就解释了为什么显微构造指示近直立的最大主压应力(σ1)。这个流体-构造模式支持断层阀模式,并且无须改变区域应力场就可解释脉体内局部主压应力的变化。 展开更多
关键词 流体动力学 流体-构造关系 造山型金矿 流体包裹体面 显微构造
Microstructural analysis of a subhorizontal gold-quartz vein deposit at Donalda,Abitibi greenstone belt,Canada:Implications for hydrodynamic regime and fluid-structural relationship 被引量:3
作者 Guoxiang Chi jayanta guha 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期529-538,共10页
The Donalda gold deposit in the southern part of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt consists mainly of a subhonzontal gold-quartz vein perpendicular to subvertical shear zones.The 0.3—0.5 m thick vein is characteriz... The Donalda gold deposit in the southern part of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt consists mainly of a subhonzontal gold-quartz vein perpendicular to subvertical shear zones.The 0.3—0.5 m thick vein is characterized by vein-parallel banding structures indicating multiple episodes of fracture opening and mineral precipitation.Measurement of the c-axis of primary growth quartz indicates that quartz preferentially grew perpendicular to the fracture,suggesting open space filling and/or extensional nature of the fracture.Measurement of the orientations of microfractures,veinlets and fluid—inclusion planes(FIPs) crosscutting primary growth quartz indicates that the vein minerals were subject to a vertical maximum principal stress(σ_1),which is inconsistent with the subhorizontalσ_1 inferred from the regional stress field with N—S shortening.This apparent discrepancy is explained by invoking episodic fluid pressure fluctuation between supralithostatic and hydrostatic regimes accompanied by episodic opening and closing of the sub-horizontal fracture.When fluid pressure was higher than the lithostatic value,the fracture was opened and primary growth minerals were precipitated,whereas when fluid pressure decreased toward the hydrostatic value,the hanging wall of the fracture collapsed,causing collision of protruding primary growth minerals from both sides of the fracture and resulting in formation of vein-parallel deformation bands.The columns where the two facing sides of the fracture collided were subject to higher-than-lithostatic stress due to the bridging effect and reduced support surface area,explaining the development of verticalσ_1.This hypothesis is consistent the fault-valve model,and explains the flipping ofσ_1 without having to change the regional stress field. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrodynamics Fluid-structural relationship Gold deposit Fluid inclusion planes Microstructural Subhorizontal veins
象牙海岸Issia地区铌钽砂矿的研究(英文) 被引量:3
作者 Benjamin A ALLOU Huanzhang LU +1 位作者 jayanta guha Jacques CARIGNAN 《大地构造与成矿学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期195-211,共17页
在西非的象牙海岸Issia地区分布着许多铌钽矿床,包括原生矿和砂矿。原生矿产在分带很好的伟晶岩中。这个地区发育着许多花岗岩和花岗伟晶岩。伟晶岩可分为:(1)分异不好的伟晶岩,无矿化;(2)含Be伟晶岩,分带较好,见绿柱石;(3)含Be-Nb-Ta... 在西非的象牙海岸Issia地区分布着许多铌钽矿床,包括原生矿和砂矿。原生矿产在分带很好的伟晶岩中。这个地区发育着许多花岗岩和花岗伟晶岩。伟晶岩可分为:(1)分异不好的伟晶岩,无矿化;(2)含Be伟晶岩,分带较好,见绿柱石;(3)含Be-Nb-Ta的伟晶岩,分带很好,是矿体;(4)Be-Nb-Ta-Li伟晶岩,分带很好,是矿体。除了10多个原生矿外,还有许多砂矿。砂矿有两种类型:一种近原生矿的坡积砂矿,另一种是经河流冲刷搬运后的冲积砂矿。我们选择了Etienne-Meguhe砂矿作为近原生矿的坡积砂矿的代表,Bemadi矿作为河流冲积型的砂矿的代表,对这两种类型的砂矿的风化、搬运、沉积机理进行了比较研究。研究发现不同的搬运距离和搬运模式对铌钽砂矿的主要矿物——铌钽铁矿的化学性质没有什么影响,而其物理形态则发生了变化。坡积型砂矿的铌钽铁矿常与石英、长石等矿物连生,其颗粒大小与原生的Nb-Ta伟晶岩中的铌钽铁矿一致;经河流冲积而形成的砂矿中,铌钽铁矿颗粒变小、轮廓变得圆滑,几乎无连生矿物,但矿体集中,常在河流的冲积扇中分布,易开采。 展开更多
关键词 铌钽砂矿 坡积砂矿 冲积砂矿 象牙海岸
Metallogeny of the Lannigou Sedimentary Rock-hosted Disseminated Gold Deposit in Southwestern Guizhou Province,China 被引量:2
作者 BAO Zhiwei jayanta guha 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期121-134,共14页
The Lannigou deposit is a large-sized sedimentary rock-hosted disseminated gold (SRHDG) deposit located in the Youjiang Basin. It is hosted by the Middle Triassic turbidite. Wall rock alterations, including silicifi... The Lannigou deposit is a large-sized sedimentary rock-hosted disseminated gold (SRHDG) deposit located in the Youjiang Basin. It is hosted by the Middle Triassic turbidite. Wall rock alterations, including silicification, pyritization, arsenopyritization, carbonatization and argillization, commonly occur along fractures. PGE study demonstrates that either Permian basalts or Triassic ultrabasic intrnsives are unlikely to be the main source of gold mineralization. Coupled with the lack of other nmgmatic activity in the vicinity of the mining area, an amagmatic origin is proposed. Organic matter compositions and GC-MS analysis of the ores and host rocks show that the organics in the ores and the host rocks have a common source; the organic matter in the ores was mainly indigenous. The positive correlation between S2 and Au contents, along with the common occurrence of organic inclusions, suggest involvement of organic matter in the ore-forming process in terms of promoting Au leaching from the source rocks, making colloidal Au migration possible, as well as hydrocarbon reduction of sulphate. Geological and geochemical characteristics of the Lannigou deposit suggest that it was formed through circulation of meteoric water and probably less importantly organic bearing formation water driven by high geothermal gradient caused by late Yanshanian extension, which leached Au from the source bed, and then migrated as Au-bisnlfides and colloidal Au, culminating in deposition by reduction-adsorption and surface complexation of gold onto the growth surface of arsenlan pyrite. 展开更多
关键词 sedimentary rock-hosted disseminated gold deposit METALLOGENY Lannigou Guizhou
Environmental exposure of thallium and potential health risk in the areas of high natural concentrations of thallium: Southwest Guizhou, China
作者 Tangfu XIAO jayanta guha 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2006年第B08期22-22,共1页
关键词 环境暴露 贵州 浓聚物 矿化作用
Mathematical Invariant and Quantitative Estimation on Element Migration of Hydrothermal Wall-Rock Alteration--With an Example of Application in the Hetai Gold Field, Guangdong Province, China 被引量:1
作者 周永章 涂光炽 +2 位作者 Edward H. Chown jayanta guha 卢焕章 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1994年第19期1638-1643,共6页
Hydrothermal wall-rock alteration is the interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the wall rock, causing changes or redistribution of chemical compositions of initial wall rocks.The study of hydrothermal alteration may... Hydrothermal wall-rock alteration is the interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the wall rock, causing changes or redistribution of chemical compositions of initial wall rocks.The study of hydrothermal alteration may enrich the understanding of hydrothermal solutions,and guide future exploration of mineral resources. 展开更多
关键词 constant SUM constraint CONSERVED ELEMENT balance estimation of mass ELEMENT migration.
Tendency and Fractal Pattern of Migration of Trace Elements in Source Rocks During Thermal Event 被引量:1
作者 周永章 Edward H. Chown +1 位作者 jayanta guha 卢焕章 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 1994年第6期744-757,共14页
The reactivation of trace elements in source rocks is fundamental in the formation of many economic deposits. Although transport by fluid flow and infiltration is very effective along visible fractures, the migration ... The reactivation of trace elements in source rocks is fundamental in the formation of many economic deposits. Although transport by fluid flow and infiltration is very effective along visible fractures, the migration of trace elements from the inner part of solid cells to the weaknesses is much less efficient, and so becomes the bottleneck in the migration of these elements from their initial positions in the source rock to the final deposition site in an ore body. Diffusion may play a key role in the reactivation of trace elements. The overall migration pattern of trace elements in source rocks is characterized by an embedded sink mosaic structure, which possesses the self-similarity of a fractal. There are two general migration tendencies of trace elements. One is from within solid cells, such as mineral grains, toward the sink, consisting of weaknesses in the source rock. The other is from high-temperature fields toward low-temperature ones. High temperature favors the realization of these two tendencies. Conjugate geochemical anomalies are the inevitable result of a closed system. 展开更多
关键词 MIGRATION trace element fractal embedded SINK MOSAIC structure.
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