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作者 宋明 杜劲 +1 位作者 王力 李安庆 《教育研究前沿(中英文版)》 2024年第4期62-67,共6页
本文针对国内高等教育体系中基础性课程过于侧重理论传授而忽视实践应用的现状,引入了CDIO(构思—设计—实现—运行)产教融合实验教学模式,旨在提升学生的工程实践能力和创新思维。CDIO模式结合来自于产业一线的真实项目,以任务为导向,... 本文针对国内高等教育体系中基础性课程过于侧重理论传授而忽视实践应用的现状,引入了CDIO(构思—设计—实现—运行)产教融合实验教学模式,旨在提升学生的工程实践能力和创新思维。CDIO模式结合来自于产业一线的真实项目,以任务为导向,使学生在实践中学习并应用理论知识,同时实验内容中融入黄河文化元素,增强了教学的文化内涵和学生的文化自信。本研究还构建了多元评价体系,全面评估学生的实验成绩。经过四年的教学实践,CDIO产教融合教学模式显著提升了学生的实践能力和创新思维,取得了良好的教学效果。本研究为材料力学课程及其他基础性课程的实验教学改革提供了有益的参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 实验教学 材料力学 卓越工程师 产教融合 CDIO
2005-2020年新疆14地州市土地利用碳排放综合评价分析 被引量:2
作者 金都 刘新平 《环境监测管理与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期15-20,共6页
选取2005—2020年6期土地利用、能源消费等数据,从碳排放经济效率、能源消费结构和碳排放承载能力3个方面构建碳排放综合评价指标体系,运用改进Topsis法对新疆14地州市碳排放进行综合评价。结果表明:2005—2020年新疆碳排放总量由2735万... 选取2005—2020年6期土地利用、能源消费等数据,从碳排放经济效率、能源消费结构和碳排放承载能力3个方面构建碳排放综合评价指标体系,运用改进Topsis法对新疆14地州市碳排放进行综合评价。结果表明:2005—2020年新疆碳排放总量由2735万t增长至18499万t,在碳排放经济效率、能源消费结构和碳排放承载能力方面均有不同程度的下降或恶化;研究期间新疆14地州市中有9个城市碳排放综合评价值呈下降态势,碳排放低效型、协调型和能源结构失衡型城市数量变化不明显,碳排放压力型城市数量增加。建议从优化土地利用结构、提升碳排放经济效率、能源结构转型方面进行碳减排管理。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放 综合评价 土地利用 新疆
作者 金都 刘广忱 +4 位作者 孙博文 黄天园 张建伟 田桂珍 荆丽丽 《储能科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1911-1920,共10页
随着新能源渗透率的提高,电力系统频率稳定性问题愈加严重。本文提出一种改进飞轮储能辅助风电场一次调频的控制策略,分析风储系统的频率特性和容量配置,风电场采用虚拟惯性控制参与一次调频。由于风电场的输出功率根据自然风速随机变化... 随着新能源渗透率的提高,电力系统频率稳定性问题愈加严重。本文提出一种改进飞轮储能辅助风电场一次调频的控制策略,分析风储系统的频率特性和容量配置,风电场采用虚拟惯性控制参与一次调频。由于风电场的输出功率根据自然风速随机变化,可能会导致飞轮长期运行至较高或较低转速的状态,在风速骤变时甚至会引起飞轮转速越限。采用虚拟下垂控制结合模糊规则防止飞轮转速越限,从而弥补风电场在一次调频中的功率缺额。通过仿真分析及实验验证阶跃扰动和连续扰动的工况下的频率特性,得出改进控制策略在阶跃扰动和连续负荷扰动2种工况下最大频率偏差更小、响应速度更快的结论. 展开更多
关键词 风电场 一次调频 飞轮储能 最大频率偏差 响应速度
作者 金都 刘新平 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期4908-4916,共9页
为了分析能源消费结构转型的碳减排效应、驱动因素及探索能源结构转型的碳达峰实现路径,基于中国能源消费数据,利用清单算法估算中国2001—2022年能源消费结构转型的碳减排效应,并借助岭回归分析中国能源消费结构转型的驱动因素,进而数... 为了分析能源消费结构转型的碳减排效应、驱动因素及探索能源结构转型的碳达峰实现路径,基于中国能源消费数据,利用清单算法估算中国2001—2022年能源消费结构转型的碳减排效应,并借助岭回归分析中国能源消费结构转型的驱动因素,进而数学论证能源消费碳达峰的实现条件。结果显示:中国能源消费碳排放由期初的10.12亿t增至期末的30.76亿t,其碳排放增速分3阶段逐步减缓,分别对应能源结构高碳化减缓阶段、低碳化不稳定阶段、逐年低碳化阶段;期间能源综合碳排放系数下降了0.082 tC/tce,能源结构转型产生的碳减排效应达31.05亿t且逐年碳减排效应增加趋势明显;能源结构转型受经济规模、能源效率、科技投入、环境规制的正向驱动影响,其中科技投入与环境规制的交互作用强于单因素,碳排放强度对能源结构转型具有负向阻碍影响;地方相关部门应增加对能源结构转型有正向驱动影响因素的投入以促进能源结构转型,加快构建以能源结构转型为核心的能源消费碳达峰实现路径。研究成果为推动能源结构转型及碳减排效应核算和实现能源消费碳达峰提供了理论指导和实践借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 环境工程学 能源结构转型 碳减排效应 驱动因素 碳达峰 岭回归
艾拉莫德联合甲氨喋呤治疗类风湿关节炎的效果及对类风湿因子、红细胞沉降率、糖皮质激素受体水平的影响 被引量:15
作者 金都 梁一民 《中国临床保健杂志》 CAS 2019年第2期208-211,共4页
目的分析艾拉莫德联合甲氨喋呤治疗类风湿关节炎的效果及对类风湿因子(RF)、红细胞沉降率(ESR)、糖皮质激素受体(GR)水平的影响,以探讨临床治疗该病的最佳方案,促进患者尽早康复。方法选取92例类风湿关节炎患者,根据不同疗法将其纳入对... 目的分析艾拉莫德联合甲氨喋呤治疗类风湿关节炎的效果及对类风湿因子(RF)、红细胞沉降率(ESR)、糖皮质激素受体(GR)水平的影响,以探讨临床治疗该病的最佳方案,促进患者尽早康复。方法选取92例类风湿关节炎患者,根据不同疗法将其纳入对照组与观察组各46例。对照组给予艾拉莫德治疗,观察组给予艾拉莫德联合甲氨喋呤治疗,对比两组患者的临床疗效、症状体征变化(晨僵时间、关节压痛指数、关节肿胀指数)、实验室指标(RF、ESR、GR)以及不良反应(皮疹、口腔溃疡、恶心呕吐、肝功能异常)。结果观察组的总有效率(95. 7%)高于对照组(78. 3%),观察组治疗后的晨僵时间、关节压痛指数、关节肿胀指数[(32. 1±10. 0) min、(16. 8±5. 5)分、(5. 7±1. 3)分]均少于对照组[(76. 9±15. 2) min、(29. 5±8. 3)分、(12. 4±3. 8)分],观察组治疗后的RF、ESR、GR水平[(37. 3±6. 0) IU/mL、(15. 0±3. 8) IU/h、(47. 4±10. 1) nmol/L]均低于对照组[(56. 6±8. 3) IU/mL、(36. 5±5. 4) IU/h、(70. 5±13. 7) nmol/L],P均<0. 05。观察组的不良反应发生率(13. 0%)与对照组(10. 9%)相当,P> 0. 05。结论艾拉莫德联合甲氨喋呤治疗类风湿关节炎的疗效显著,可明显改善患者的症状体征与实验室指标,与单用艾拉莫德治疗相比未新增不良反应。 展开更多
关键词 关节炎 类风湿 甲氨喋呤 艾拉莫德 类风湿因子
美洛昔康联合甲氨蝶呤对类风湿关节炎临床症状和实验室指标的影响 被引量:12
作者 金都 梁一民 《中国临床保健杂志》 CAS 2019年第3期359-361,共3页
目的探讨美洛昔康联合甲氨蝶呤对类风湿性关节炎临床症状和实验室指标的影响。方法选取130例类风湿性关节炎患者进行研究,将患者以随机数字表法分为两组,对照组65例,采用单纯甲氨蝶呤治疗;观察组65例,采用美洛昔康联合甲氨蝶呤;比较两... 目的探讨美洛昔康联合甲氨蝶呤对类风湿性关节炎临床症状和实验室指标的影响。方法选取130例类风湿性关节炎患者进行研究,将患者以随机数字表法分为两组,对照组65例,采用单纯甲氨蝶呤治疗;观察组65例,采用美洛昔康联合甲氨蝶呤;比较两组患者的治疗效果。结果观察组患者临床总有效率明显高于对照组(P <0. 05);治疗后两组患者各症状及实验室指标比较差异均有统计学意义(P <0. 05);两组不良反应情况比较差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05)。结论以美洛昔康与甲氨蝶呤联合治疗方式对类风湿性关节炎患者实施治疗效果显著,有利于改善病情。 展开更多
关键词 关节炎 类风湿 甲氨蝶呤 美洛昔康 治疗结果
作者 唐安娜 石宜灵 +1 位作者 杜瑾 孔德明 《大学化学》 CAS 2023年第9期98-104,共7页
本文介绍了元素形态分析研究的重要意义、应用于元素形态分析的各种联用技术,及其在实际样品测定中的应用。其中涉及到多种分离技术,如:高效液相色谱、离子色谱、尺寸排阻色谱、气相色谱、毛细管电泳和多种检测方式,如:电感耦合等离子... 本文介绍了元素形态分析研究的重要意义、应用于元素形态分析的各种联用技术,及其在实际样品测定中的应用。其中涉及到多种分离技术,如:高效液相色谱、离子色谱、尺寸排阻色谱、气相色谱、毛细管电泳和多种检测方式,如:电感耦合等离子体质谱、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱、原子荧光、原子吸收。基于此开发教学实验,理论与实践相结合,进一步加深学生对知识的理解、掌握和运用。 展开更多
关键词 联用技术 形态分析 教学实验
Effects of population aging on the mortality burden of related cancers in urban and rural areas of China, 2004–2017: a population-based study 被引量:4
作者 Yali Chen Cuihong Yang +4 位作者 Ning Li Zixing Wang Peng Wu jin du jingmei Jiang 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第5期696-706,共11页
Objective:China is a developing country with urban–rural disparities and accelerating population aging.Therefore,quantifying the effects of population aging on the cancer mortality burden is urgently needed.Methods:U... Objective:China is a developing country with urban–rural disparities and accelerating population aging.Therefore,quantifying the effects of population aging on the cancer mortality burden is urgently needed.Methods:Using data from China’s death surveillance datasets(2004–2017),we decomposed and quantified the effects of population aging and factor variations on cancer mortality rates in urban and rural China during 2004–2017 through a decomposition method.R ratios were used to assess the extent of the mortality decreases attributable to factor variations offsetting the increases attributable to population aging for 4 aging-related cancers(lung,colorectal,esophageal,and stomach cancer).Results:Overall,population aging has led to continued increases in cancer mortality rates in China during 2004–2017(mortality rates attributable to population aging:8.63/100,000 for urban men,4.21/100,000 for urban women,11.95/100,000 for rural men,and 5.66/100,000 for rural women).The 4 cancers displayed 3 patterns.The mortality rates from lung cancer in rural China and from colorectal cancer nationwide increased because of both population aging and factor variations.Population aging was primarily responsible for the growing mortality due to lung cancer in urban areas.However,for esophageal and stomach cancer,the effect of population aging was not dominant,thus resulting in decreases in mortality rates.Conclusions:Health resource allocation should prioritize areas or cancers more adversely affected by population aging.The burden of cancer will continue to increase in the future,because of rapid population aging,but can still be offset or even reversed with enhanced cancer control and prevention. 展开更多
关键词 Population aging cancer MORTALITY rural-urban disparity DECOMPOSITION
Lipid metabolism of hepatocellular carcinoma impacts targeted therapy and immunotherapy 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-Chen Feng Fu-Chen Liu +2 位作者 Wu-Yu Chen jin du Hui Liu 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE 2023年第4期617-631,共15页
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is a common malignant tumor that affecting many people's lives globally.The common risk factors for HCC include being overweight and obese.The liver is the center of lipid metabolism,s... Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is a common malignant tumor that affecting many people's lives globally.The common risk factors for HCC include being overweight and obese.The liver is the center of lipid metabolism,synthesizing most cholesterol and fatty acids.Abnormal lipid metabolism is a significant feature of metabolic reprogramming in HCC and affects the prognosis of HCC patients by regulating inflammatory responses and changing the immune microenvironment.Targeted therapy and immunotherapy are being explored as the primary treatment strategies for HCC patients with unresectable tumors.Here,we detail the specific changes of lipid metabolism in HCC and its impact on both these therapies for HCC.HCC treatment strategies aimed at targeting lipid metabolism and how to integrate them with targeted therapy or immunotherapy rationally are also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Lipid metabolism Targeted therapy IMMUNOTHERAPY Drug resistance Therapeutic efficacy
Bilateral adrenocortical adenomas causing adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing's syndrome: A case report and review of the literature 被引量:3
作者 Yu-Lin Gu Wei-Jun Gu +11 位作者 jing-Tao Dou Zhao-Hui Lv Jie Li Sai-Chun Zhang Guo-Qing Yang Qing-Hua Guo Jian-Ming Ba Li Zang Nan jin jin du Yu Pei Yi-Ming Mu 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2019年第8期961-971,共11页
BACKGROUND Adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH)-independent Cushing's syndrome(CS) is mostly due to unilateral tumors, with bilateral tumors rarely reported. Its common causes include primary pigmented nodular adreno... BACKGROUND Adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH)-independent Cushing's syndrome(CS) is mostly due to unilateral tumors, with bilateral tumors rarely reported. Its common causes include primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease,ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia, and bilateral adrenocortical adenomas(BAAs) or carcinomas. BAAs causing ACTHindependent CS are rare; up to now, fewer than 40 BAA cases have been reported. The accurate diagnosis and evaluation of BAAs are critical for determining optimal treatment options. Adrenal vein sampling(AVS) is a good way to diagnose ACTH-independent CS.CASE SUMMARY A 31-year-old woman had a typical appearance of CS. The oral glucose tolerance test showed impaired glucose tolerance and obviously increased insulin and Cpeptide levels. Her baseline serum cortisol and urine free cortisol were elevated and did not show either a circadian rhythm or suppression with dexamethasone administration. The peripheral 1-deamino-8-D-arginine-vasopressin(DDVAP)stimulation test showed a delay of the peak level, which was 1.05 times as high as the baseline level. Bilateral AVS results suggested the possibility of BAAs.Abdominal computed tomography showed bilateral adrenal adenomas with atrophic adrenal glands(right: 3.1 cm × 2.0 cm × 1.9 cm; left: 2.2 cm × 1.9 cm × 2.1 cm). Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland demonstrated normal findings. A left adenomectomy by retroperitoneoscopy was performed first,followed by resection of the right-side adrenal mass 3 mo later. Biopsy results of both adenomas showed cortical tumors. Evaluations of ACTH and cortisol showed a significant decrease after left adenomectomy but could still not be suppressed, and the circadian rhythm was absent. Following bilateral adenomectomy, this patient has been administered with prednisone until now,all of her symptoms were alleviated, and she had normal blood pressure without edema in either of her lower extremities.CONCLUSION BAAs causing ACTH-independent CS are rare. AVS is of great significance for obtaining information on the functional state of BAAs before surgery. 展开更多
关键词 BILATERAL adrenocortical ADENOMAS Adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing's syndrome ADRENAL VENOUS sampling Case report
Paget’s disease of bone: Report of 11 cases 被引量:2
作者 Xin-Yu Miao Xian-Ling Wang +8 位作者 Zhao-Hui Lyu Jian-Ming Ba Yu Pei jing-Tao Dou Wei-Jun Gu jin du Qing-Hua Guo Kang Chen Yi-Ming Mu 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2021年第14期3478-3486,共9页
BACKGROUND Paget’s disease of bone(PDB)is a rare metabolic bone disease in China and is characterized by increased bone resorption and disorganized bone formation.The main clinical symptoms of PDB are focal or multip... BACKGROUND Paget’s disease of bone(PDB)is a rare metabolic bone disease in China and is characterized by increased bone resorption and disorganized bone formation.The main clinical symptoms of PDB are focal or multiple bone pain and deformity with high disability.The disease has high missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis rates.This report summarizes the clinical manifestations,imaging and pathological features,and treatments of 11 patients with PDB at our hospital from 1993 to 2020 in order to improve the recognition and prognosis of PDB.CASE SUMMARY There were eight male and three female patients whose average age was 48.7±11.0 years with a PDB course of 1-16 years.Nine patients had bone pain and bone deformities in different parts of the body,the majority of which involved the long bones.Laboratory examinations revealed elevated serum alkaline phosphatase(ALP)in all patients with an average of 618±460 IU/L(normal range 0-130 IU/L),and serum calcium and phosphorus levels were in the normal range.Imageology showed that osteolysis was usually combined with osteosclerosis and/or bone deformities in single or multiple bones.^(99m)Tc-methylene diphosphonate bone scintigraphy revealed increased radionuclide uptake in the bone lesions.Six patients underwent bone tissue biopsy,and the typical pathological changes were a mosaic structure of the bone trabeculae with irregularly arranged cement lines and multinuclear osteoclasts.Ten of the 11 patients were effectively treated with bisphosphonates.CONCLUSION Early diagnosis of the rare disease PDB can be made through elevated ALP levels and typical presentations on bone X-ray and from bone tissue biopsy. 展开更多
关键词 Paget’s disease of bone Metabolic bone diseases CHINESE Case report
作者 杜瑾 石宜灵 +1 位作者 唐安娜 孔德明 《大学化学》 CAS 2023年第10期218-224,共7页
光学活性和立体构象不同的氨基酸,具有不同的生理活性和作用,因此,实现氨基酸的有效手性分离具有重要意义。色谱法是常用的氨基酸手性分离方法,具有分离效率高、速度快、灵敏、成本低和绿色环保等特点,在氨基酸手性分离和检测领域应用... 光学活性和立体构象不同的氨基酸,具有不同的生理活性和作用,因此,实现氨基酸的有效手性分离具有重要意义。色谱法是常用的氨基酸手性分离方法,具有分离效率高、速度快、灵敏、成本低和绿色环保等特点,在氨基酸手性分离和检测领域应用广泛。本文综述了色谱法在氨基酸手性分离方面的最新进展,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 氨基酸 手性分离 色谱法
Development of the cerebellar cortex in the mouse
作者 Xiangshu Cheng jin du +5 位作者 Dongming Yu Qiying Jiang Yanqiu Hu Lei Wang Mingshan Li jinbo Deng 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期277-282,共6页
The cerebellum is a highly conserved structure in the central nervous system of vertebrates, and is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor behavior. Supporting this function, the cerebellar cortex presents a ... The cerebellum is a highly conserved structure in the central nervous system of vertebrates, and is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor behavior. Supporting this function, the cerebellar cortex presents a layered structure which requires precise spatial and temporal coordination of proliferation, migration, differentiation, and apoptosis events. The formation of the layered structure in the developing cerebellum remains unclear. The present study investigated the development of the cerebellar cortex. The results demonstrate that the primordium of the cerebellum comprises the ependymal, mantle, and marginal layers at embryonic day 12 (E12). Subsequently, the laminated cerebellar cortex undergoes cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration, and at about postnatal day 0 (P0), the cerebellar cortex presents an external granular layer, a molecular layer, a Purkinje layer, and an internal granular layer. The external granular layer is thickest at P6/7 and disappears at P20. From P0 to P30, the internal granular cells and the Purkinje cells gradually differentiate and develop until maturity. Apoptotic neurons are evident in the layered structure in the developing cerebellar cortex. The external granular layer disappears gradually because of cell migration and apoptosis. The cells of the other layers primarily undergo differentiation, development, and apoptosis. 展开更多
关键词 cerebellar cortex layered structure APOPTOSIS NEUROGENESIS MICE
不同剂量秋水仙碱对痛风急性发作患者疼痛与炎症的缓解作用比较 被引量:10
作者 金都 梁一民 牟晓月 《中华全科医学》 2020年第7期1143-1146,共4页
目的比较不同剂量秋水仙碱对痛风急性发作患者疼痛与炎症的缓解作用,探讨秋水仙碱治疗该病的最佳剂量。方法筛选出台州市第一人民医院2019年1月—2020年1月收治的94例痛风急性发作患者,按照随机数字表法将其分为A组(47例)与B组(47例),2... 目的比较不同剂量秋水仙碱对痛风急性发作患者疼痛与炎症的缓解作用,探讨秋水仙碱治疗该病的最佳剂量。方法筛选出台州市第一人民医院2019年1月—2020年1月收治的94例痛风急性发作患者,按照随机数字表法将其分为A组(47例)与B组(47例),2组均予以常规治疗以及秋水仙碱治疗,A组秋水仙碱初始剂量为1 mg,随后每小时0.5 mg或每2小时1 mg,第1日最大剂量6 mg;B组秋水仙碱初始剂量为1 mg,随后0.5 mg/次,3次/d。对比其疗效、疼痛缓解情况(VAS评分、疼痛缓解时间)、炎症缓解情况(IL-1、IL-6、CRP)以及不良反应(消化道症状、血常规异常、血压异常、肝功能损伤)。结果B组的总有效率(89.4%)与A组(93.6%)相近(P>0.05)。B组治疗后的VAS评分(2.4±0.8分)低于A组(3.2±1.1分),且疼痛缓解时间(26.1±9.7)h短于A组的(37.5±10.4)h,均P<0.05;B组治疗后血清IL-1、IL-6、CRP水平依次为:(18.2±3.7)pg/mL、(41.4±7.6)pg/mL、(6.3±2.0)mg/L,均低于A组的(26.4±4.5)pg/mL、(53.2±9.4)pg/mL、(9.4±2.6)mg/L(均P<0.05)。B组的不良反应发生率(17.0%)低于A组(36.2%),P<0.05。结论秋水仙碱小剂量给药对痛风急性发作患者疼痛与炎症的缓解作用显著,临床疗效的总有效率与大剂量给药相当,且不良反应发生率明显降低,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 不同剂量 秋水仙碱 痛风急性发作 疼痛 炎症 缓解作用
类风湿性关节炎患者血清胆红素水平的变化及临床意义 被引量:1
作者 牟晓月 金都 陶海英 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2019年第2期221-223,共3页
目的探讨类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者血清胆红素水平的变化及临床意义。方法选取RA患者180例,其中活动组101例和非活动组79例,同时选取90例健康者为正常对照组,比较各组血清胆红素水平的差异,采用Logistic回归分析血清胆红素水平与RA疾病活... 目的探讨类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者血清胆红素水平的变化及临床意义。方法选取RA患者180例,其中活动组101例和非活动组79例,同时选取90例健康者为正常对照组,比较各组血清胆红素水平的差异,采用Logistic回归分析血清胆红素水平与RA疾病活动性的关系。结果与对照组相比,RA非活动组和RA活动组血清胆红素水平降低,并且RA活动组血清胆红素水平低于RA非活动组,差异均有统计学意义(P <0. 05); Logistic回归分提示血清胆红素水平[OR=0. 408(95%CI:0. 285~0. 614),P <0. 05]是RA疾病活动的独立影响因素; ROC曲线分析发现,血清胆红素水平的曲线下面积为0. 779(95%CI:0. 709~0. 848,P <0. 01),但其最佳临界值为7. 97μmol/L时,血清胆红素水平评估RA疾病活动性的灵敏度为81. 40%,特异度为67. 50%。结论血清胆红素水平可以作为一种预测RA疾病活动的血清学指标,有一定的临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 血清胆红素水平 类风湿性关节炎 疾病活动性
作者 金都 董文明 刘新平 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期3754-3762,共9页
深入研究土地利用变化对碳排放的影响对于地区管控土地利用、制定碳减排政策意义深远。以新疆塔里木河流域内5地州2000—2020年土地利用变化为出发点,系统阐述土地利用变化、能源消耗与绿色科技对碳排放的影响机理,将土地利用变化作为... 深入研究土地利用变化对碳排放的影响对于地区管控土地利用、制定碳减排政策意义深远。以新疆塔里木河流域内5地州2000—2020年土地利用变化为出发点,系统阐述土地利用变化、能源消耗与绿色科技对碳排放的影响机理,将土地利用变化作为核心解释变量,以能源消耗为中介变量和绿色科技为调节变量,实证检验塔里木河流域土地利用变化影响碳排放的路径。结果表明:研究期内塔河流域生态用地减少7933 km^(2),建设用地增加1370 km^(2),因其面积变化产生的碳排放效应分别为13.58×10~4、1327.71×10~4 tC·a^(-1);基于模型发现生态用地增加对碳排放有抑制作用,建设用地增加对碳排放有促进作用,且后者影响程度大于前者;能源消耗在建设用地影响碳排放过程中起中介作用,其中介效应大于建设用地直接效应;绿色科技有降低能源消耗中介效应的调节作用。应构建土地—城市—科技—能源四元协同碳减排机制以促进地区土地利用低碳发展。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用 碳排放 能源消耗 绿色科技 塔里木河流域
Design, analysis and application of synthetic microbial consortia 被引量:8
作者 Xiaoqiang Jia Chang Liu +4 位作者 Hao Song Mingzhu Ding jin du Qian Ma Yingjin Yuan 《Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology》 SCIE 2016年第2期109-117,共9页
The rapid development of synthetic biology has conferred almost perfect modification on single cells,and provided methodological support for synthesizing microbial consortia,which have a much wider application potenti... The rapid development of synthetic biology has conferred almost perfect modification on single cells,and provided methodological support for synthesizing microbial consortia,which have a much wider application potential than synthetic single cells.Co-cultivating multiple cell populations with rational strategies based on interacting relationships within natural microbial consortia provides theoretical as well as experimental support for the successful obtaining of synthetic microbial consortia,promoting it into extensive research on both industrial applications in plenty of areas and also better understanding of natural microbial consortia.According to their composition complexity,synthetic microbial consortia are summarized in three aspects in this reviewand are discussed in principles of design and construction,insights and methods for analysis,and applications in energy,healthcare,etc. 展开更多
关键词 Synthetic microbial consortium Single/two/multiple species
作者 津渡 《长江文艺》 北大核心 2019年第5期110-112,共3页
关键词 模特儿
作者 津渡 《诗歌月刊》 2019年第3期5-11,4,共8页
Serologic status and safety of inactivated Covid-19 vaccine for hepatocellular carcinoma patients with cirrhosis after curative liver resection
作者 Fuchen Liu Xiaochen Feng +2 位作者 jin du Minghao Ruan Hui Liu 《Cancer Communications》 SCIE 2023年第3期409-412,共4页
Dear Editor,Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)usually have concomitant chronic liver diseases or cirrhosis,which contribute to a high risk of hepatic decompensation and increasedmortality following the corona... Dear Editor,Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)usually have concomitant chronic liver diseases or cirrhosis,which contribute to a high risk of hepatic decompensation and increasedmortality following the coronavirus disease 2019(Covid-19)infection[1–3].Worldwide,approximately 54%of HCC cases are associated with hepatitis B virus(HBV)infection[1].Cirrhotic patients after curative hepatectomy for HBV-related HCC represent a special group of patients.Although cirrhotic patients have low immunogenicity to Covid-19 vaccination and are recommended to be prioritized for it,the safety and immunogenicity have not been observed in cirrhotic patients with a history of hepatectomy for HCC[2–4].In this study,we explored the immunogenicity and safety after Covid-19 vaccination in patients with liver cirrhosis and a history of hepatectomy for HCC. 展开更多
关键词 patients cirrhosis hepatocellular
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