Acupuncture combined with triangular bandage aid on the affected limb and the motor function exercise of shoulder abduction was adopted to treat one case of weakness of the left upper arm and drop shoulder induced by ...Acupuncture combined with triangular bandage aid on the affected limb and the motor function exercise of shoulder abduction was adopted to treat one case of weakness of the left upper arm and drop shoulder induced by thoracic outlet syndrome(TOS) after childbirth. The therapeutic effects were definite and the prognosis was satisfactory.展开更多
基金Supported by National Clinical Key Specialty Construction Project:National TCM people's education(2011)No.41
文摘Acupuncture combined with triangular bandage aid on the affected limb and the motor function exercise of shoulder abduction was adopted to treat one case of weakness of the left upper arm and drop shoulder induced by thoracic outlet syndrome(TOS) after childbirth. The therapeutic effects were definite and the prognosis was satisfactory.