The load and corrosion caused by the harsh marine environment lead to the severe degradation of offshore equipment and to their compromised security and reliability. In the quantitative risk analysis, the failure mode...The load and corrosion caused by the harsh marine environment lead to the severe degradation of offshore equipment and to their compromised security and reliability. In the quantitative risk analysis, the failure models are difficult to establish through traditional statistical methods. Hence, the calculation of the occurrence probability of small sample events is often met with great uncertainty. In this study, the Bayesian statistical method is implemented to analyze the oil and gas leakages of FPSO internal turret, which is a typical small sample risk but could lead to severe losses.According to the corresponding failure mechanism, two Bayesian statistical models using the Weibull distribution and logarithmic normal distribution as the population distribution are established, and the posterior distribution of the corresponding parameters is calculated. The optimal Bayesian statistical model is determined according to the Bayesian information criterion and Akaike criterion. On the basis of the determined optimal model, the corresponding reliability index is solved to provide basic data for the subsequent risk assessments of FPSO systems.展开更多
This is a continuity of a series of taxonomic and phylogenetic papers on the fungi where materials were collected from many countries,examined and described.In addition to extensive morphological descriptions and appr...This is a continuity of a series of taxonomic and phylogenetic papers on the fungi where materials were collected from many countries,examined and described.In addition to extensive morphological descriptions and appropriate asexual and sexual connections,DNA sequence data are also analysed from concatenated datasets to infer phylogenetic relationships and substantiate systematic positions of taxa within appropriate ranks.Wherever new species or combinations are proposed,we apply an integrative approach using morphological and molecular data as well as ecological features wherever applicable.Notes on 112 fungal taxa are compiled in this paper including Biatriosporaceae and Roussoellaceae,Didysimulans gen.nov.,81 new species,18 new host records and new country records,five reference specimens,two new combinations,and three sexual and asexual morph reports.The new species are Amanita cornelii,A.emodotrygon,Angustimassarina alni,A.arezzoensis,A.italica,A.lonicerae,A.premilcurensis,Ascochyta italica,A.rosae,Austroboletus appendiculatus,Barriopsis thailandica,Berkleasmium ariense,Calophoma petasitis,Camarosporium laburnicola,C.moricola,C.grisea,C.ossea,C.paraincrustata,Colletotrichum sambucicola,Coprinopsis cerkezii,Cytospora gelida,Dacrymyces chiangraiensis,Didysimulans italica,D.mezzanensis,Entodesmium italica,Entoloma magnum,Evlachovaea indica,Exophiala italica,Favolus gracilisporus,Femsjonia monospora,Fomitopsis flabellata,F.roseoalba,Gongronella brasiliensis,Helvella crispoides,Hermatomyces chiangmaiensis,H.chromolaenae,Hysterium centramurum,Inflatispora caryotae,Inocybe brunneosquamulosa,I.luteobrunnea,I.rubrobrunnea,Keissleriella cirsii,Lepiota cylindrocystidia,L.flavocarpa,L.maerimensis,Lophiotrema guttulata,Marasmius luculentus,Morenoina calamicola,Moelleriella thanathonensis,Mucor stercorarius,Myrmecridium fluviae,Myrothecium septentrionale,Neosetophoma garethjonesii,Nigrograna cangshanensis,Nodulosphaeria guttulatum,N.multiseptata,N.sambuci,Panus subfasciatus,Paraleptosphaeria padi,Paraphaeosphaeria viciae,Parathyridaria robiniae,Penicillium punicae,Phaeosphaeria calamicola,Phaeosphaeriopsis yuccae,Pleurophoma italica,Polyporus brevibasidiosus,P.koreanus,P.orientivarius,P.parvovarius,P.subdictyopus,P.ulleungus,Pseudoasteromassaria spadicea,Rosellinia mearnsii,Rubroboletus demonensis,Russula yanheensis,Sigarispora muriformis,Sillia italica,Stagonosporopsis ailanthicola,Strobilomyces longistipitatus,Subplenodomus galicola and Wolfiporia pseudococos.The new combinations are Melanomma populina and Rubroboletus eastwoodiae.The reference specimens are Cookeina tricholoma,Gnomoniopsis sanguisorbae,Helvella costifera,Polythrincium trifolii and Russula virescens.The new host records and country records are Ascochyta medicaginicola,Boletellus emodensis,Cyptotrama asprata,Cytospora ceratosperma,Favolaschia auriscalpium,F.manipularis,Hysterobrevium mori,Lentinus sajor-caju,L.squarrosulus,L.velutinus,Leucocoprinus cretaceus,Lophiotrema vagabundum,Nothophoma quercina,Platystomum rosae,Pseudodidymosphaeria phlei,Tremella fuciformis,Truncatella spartii and Vaginatispora appendiculata and three sexual and asexual morphs are Aposphaeria corallinolutea, Dothiorabuxi and Hypocrella calendulina.展开更多
基金financially supported by the National International Science and Technology Cooperation Specific Projectthe Development of Risk Assessment Software for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine(Grant No.2013DFE73060)the Development of Failure Database and Risk Assessment System for FPSO(Grant No.G014614002)
文摘The load and corrosion caused by the harsh marine environment lead to the severe degradation of offshore equipment and to their compromised security and reliability. In the quantitative risk analysis, the failure models are difficult to establish through traditional statistical methods. Hence, the calculation of the occurrence probability of small sample events is often met with great uncertainty. In this study, the Bayesian statistical method is implemented to analyze the oil and gas leakages of FPSO internal turret, which is a typical small sample risk but could lead to severe losses.According to the corresponding failure mechanism, two Bayesian statistical models using the Weibull distribution and logarithmic normal distribution as the population distribution are established, and the posterior distribution of the corresponding parameters is calculated. The optimal Bayesian statistical model is determined according to the Bayesian information criterion and Akaike criterion. On the basis of the determined optimal model, the corresponding reliability index is solved to provide basic data for the subsequent risk assessments of FPSO systems.
基金Saowaluck Tibpromma would like to thank the Molecular Biology Experimental Center at Kunming Institute of Botany for facilities for molecular work,the Mushroom Research Foundation(MRF)Chiang Rai,Thailand for the financial support of her study and Shaun Pennycook is thanked for nomenclatural advice.K.D.Hyde would like to thank the Thailand Research Fund Grant No.RSA5980068 entitled“Biodiversity,phylogeny and role of fungal endophytes on above parts of Rhizophora apiculata and Nypa fruticans”+21 种基金the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Project Number 2013T2S0030for the award of Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists at Kunming Institute of Botany and National Research Council of Thailand(Mae Fah Luang University)for a grants“Biodiversity,phylogeny and role of fungal endophytes of Pandanaceae”(Grant No.:592010200112)“Diseases of mangrove trees and maintenance of good forestry practice”(Grant No.:60201000201)for supporting this study.S.C.Karunarathna,P.E.Mortimer and J.C.Xu would like to thank the World Agroforestry Centre,East and Central Asia OfficeKey Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia,Kunming Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciencethe ChineseMinistry of Science and Technology,under the 12th 5-year National Key Technology Support Program(NKTSP)2013 BAB07B06 integration and comprehensive demonstration of key technologies on Green Phosphate-mountaion Construction and the CGIAR Research Program 6:Forest,Trees and Agroforestry for partial funding.The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this research group NO(RG-1436-025)Financial support by the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD)and the Thai Royal Golden Ph.D.Jubilee-Industry program(RGJ)for a joint TRFDAAD PPP(2012-2014)academic exchange grant to K.D.Hyde and M.Stadler,and the RGJ for a personal grant to B.Thongbai(No.Ph.D/0138/2553 in 4.S.MF/53/A.3)is gratefully acknowledged.Chayanard Phukhamsakda(PHD/0020/2557)acknowledges the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D.Program under the Thailand Research Fund.Mingkwan Doilom acknowledges the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D.Program(PHD./0072/2553 in 4.S.M.F./53/A.2)under the Thailand Research Fund.Ausana Mapook is grateful to Research and Researchers for Industries(RRI)PHD57I0012.Rungtiwa Phookamsak expresses sincere appreciation to The CAS President’s International Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers(Project No.2017PB0072)Qi Zhao thanks the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31360015)the CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams,and the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.KSCX2-EW-Z-9 and KIB2016002).Andre´Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago,Carlos Alberto Fragoso de Souza,Diogo Xavier Lima,Rafael Jose´Vilela de Oliveira and Gladstone Alves da Silva would like to thank the Coordenac¸a˜o de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de Nı´vel Superior(Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)(CAPES)and the Fundac¸a˜o de Amparo a`Cieˆncia e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco(Foundation for the support of Science and Technology of the state of Pernambuco)(FACEPE)for the postgraduate scholarships awarded to Diogo X.Lima and Carlos Souza,respectively.We would also like to thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico(National Council for Scientific and Technological Development)(CNPq)and FACEPE for financial support through the projects:‘Mucoromycotina in upland forests in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco’(CNPq-458391/2014-0)‘Diversity of Mucoromycotina in different ecosystems of the Pernambuco Atlantic Rainforest’(FACEPE-APQ 0842-2.12/14).H.B.Lee was supported by the Graduate Program for the Undiscovered Taxa of Korea,and by the Project on Survey and Discovery of Indigenous Fungal Species of Korea funded by NIBR and Project on Discovery of Fungi from Freshwater and Collection of Fungarium funded by NNIBR of the Ministry of Environment(MOE)and in part by a fund from National Institute of Animal Science under Rural Development Administration,Republic of Korea.Z.L Luo and H.Y Su would like to thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Project ID:31460015)for financial support on Study of the distribution pattern and driving factors of aquatic fungal diversity in the region of Three Parallel Rivers.Saranyaphat Boonmee thanks the National Research Council of Thailand,project number 2560A30702021the Thailand Research Fund,project number TRG5880152 for providing financial support.C.G.Lin and Y.Wang thank the grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.NSFC 31560489)Fundamental Research on Science and Technology,Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2014FY120100)Mr.Jingzu Sun thank for the National Natural Science Foundations of China(No.31600024)Wei Dong thanks the for National Natural Science Foundation of China(Project ID:NSF 31500017 to Huang Zhang)P.N.Singh,A.Baghela,S.K.Singh,and S.Aamir thank the Director,MACS’Agharkar Research Institute,Pune,India for providing facilities and Rajendra Singh(Department of Zoology,DDU Gorakhpur University,UP,India)for identification of insect-host.Saisamorn Lumyong and Rene K.Schumacher are thanked for valuable suggestions and collecting specimens.K.N.A.Raj acknowledges support from the University Grants Commission(UGC)India,in the form of a Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship(Grant No.F.14-2(SC)/2009(SA-III))K.N.A.Raj also acknowledges the permissions given to him for collecting agaric specimens from the forests of Kerala by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,Government of Kerala(WL12-4042/2009 dated 5 August 2009).K.P.D.Latha acknowledges the financial support from the Kerala State Council for Science,Technology and Environment(KSCSTE)in the form of a PhD fellowship(Grant No.001/FSHP/2011/CSTE)K.P.D.Latha also acknowledges the permission(No.WL10-4937/2012,dated 3-10-2013)given to her by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,Government of Kerala,to collect agaric specimens from the forests of Kerala.Zdenko Tkalcec has been partially supported by Croatian Science Foundation under the project HRZZ-IP-11-2013-2202(ACCTA)is grateful to Milan Cerkez for his great contribution to the study of coprinoid and coprophilous fungi in Croatia.Vladimir Antonı´n thank the Moravian Museum by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as part of its long-term conceptual development programme for research institutions(DKRVO,ref.MK000094862)T.C.Wen,Y.P.Xiao,C.Norphanphoun and K.K.Hapuarachchi are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31460012)and the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province(No.[2016]2863)Y.W.Lim would like to thanks NIBR supporting the Project on Survey and Discovery of Indigenous Fungal Species of Korea.Kanad Das and Dyutiparna Chakraborty are thankful to the Director,Botanical Survey of India(BSI)and Scientist-in-Charge,BSI,Gangtok for providing facilities during this study.Sinchan Adhikari,Joydeep Karmakar and Tapas Kumar Bandyopadhyay would like to acknowledge DST-PURSE and DST-FIST for providing central instrumentation facilities and Alan JL Phillips acknowledges the Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute(BioISI,FCT/UID/Multi/04046/2013).
文摘This is a continuity of a series of taxonomic and phylogenetic papers on the fungi where materials were collected from many countries,examined and described.In addition to extensive morphological descriptions and appropriate asexual and sexual connections,DNA sequence data are also analysed from concatenated datasets to infer phylogenetic relationships and substantiate systematic positions of taxa within appropriate ranks.Wherever new species or combinations are proposed,we apply an integrative approach using morphological and molecular data as well as ecological features wherever applicable.Notes on 112 fungal taxa are compiled in this paper including Biatriosporaceae and Roussoellaceae,Didysimulans gen.nov.,81 new species,18 new host records and new country records,five reference specimens,two new combinations,and three sexual and asexual morph reports.The new species are Amanita cornelii,A.emodotrygon,Angustimassarina alni,A.arezzoensis,A.italica,A.lonicerae,A.premilcurensis,Ascochyta italica,A.rosae,Austroboletus appendiculatus,Barriopsis thailandica,Berkleasmium ariense,Calophoma petasitis,Camarosporium laburnicola,C.moricola,C.grisea,C.ossea,C.paraincrustata,Colletotrichum sambucicola,Coprinopsis cerkezii,Cytospora gelida,Dacrymyces chiangraiensis,Didysimulans italica,D.mezzanensis,Entodesmium italica,Entoloma magnum,Evlachovaea indica,Exophiala italica,Favolus gracilisporus,Femsjonia monospora,Fomitopsis flabellata,F.roseoalba,Gongronella brasiliensis,Helvella crispoides,Hermatomyces chiangmaiensis,H.chromolaenae,Hysterium centramurum,Inflatispora caryotae,Inocybe brunneosquamulosa,I.luteobrunnea,I.rubrobrunnea,Keissleriella cirsii,Lepiota cylindrocystidia,L.flavocarpa,L.maerimensis,Lophiotrema guttulata,Marasmius luculentus,Morenoina calamicola,Moelleriella thanathonensis,Mucor stercorarius,Myrmecridium fluviae,Myrothecium septentrionale,Neosetophoma garethjonesii,Nigrograna cangshanensis,Nodulosphaeria guttulatum,N.multiseptata,N.sambuci,Panus subfasciatus,Paraleptosphaeria padi,Paraphaeosphaeria viciae,Parathyridaria robiniae,Penicillium punicae,Phaeosphaeria calamicola,Phaeosphaeriopsis yuccae,Pleurophoma italica,Polyporus brevibasidiosus,P.koreanus,P.orientivarius,P.parvovarius,P.subdictyopus,P.ulleungus,Pseudoasteromassaria spadicea,Rosellinia mearnsii,Rubroboletus demonensis,Russula yanheensis,Sigarispora muriformis,Sillia italica,Stagonosporopsis ailanthicola,Strobilomyces longistipitatus,Subplenodomus galicola and Wolfiporia pseudococos.The new combinations are Melanomma populina and Rubroboletus eastwoodiae.The reference specimens are Cookeina tricholoma,Gnomoniopsis sanguisorbae,Helvella costifera,Polythrincium trifolii and Russula virescens.The new host records and country records are Ascochyta medicaginicola,Boletellus emodensis,Cyptotrama asprata,Cytospora ceratosperma,Favolaschia auriscalpium,F.manipularis,Hysterobrevium mori,Lentinus sajor-caju,L.squarrosulus,L.velutinus,Leucocoprinus cretaceus,Lophiotrema vagabundum,Nothophoma quercina,Platystomum rosae,Pseudodidymosphaeria phlei,Tremella fuciformis,Truncatella spartii and Vaginatispora appendiculata and three sexual and asexual morphs are Aposphaeria corallinolutea, Dothiorabuxi and Hypocrella calendulina.