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作者 曹姚佳妮 王雪君 +6 位作者 孔谐和 韩榕 卢云琼 刘力 李红娜 赵越 马晓芃 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2023年第6期77-83,共7页
目的 探讨针灸防控儿童青少年近视临床选穴规律、穴位属性、针灸处方、疗效评价指标的临床应用规律,为针灸防控儿童青少年近视提供依据。方法 检索国家知识资源总库(CNKI)、中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)、中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、中国生... 目的 探讨针灸防控儿童青少年近视临床选穴规律、穴位属性、针灸处方、疗效评价指标的临床应用规律,为针灸防控儿童青少年近视提供依据。方法 检索国家知识资源总库(CNKI)、中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)、中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、中医针灸信息库、PubMed数据库、Embase数据库、Web of Science数据库、SpringerLink数据库、Cochrane Library数据库中2012年1月1日-2022年7月1日针灸防控儿童青少年近视的文献,对纳入文献的穴位、干预方法、效应指标等进行频次统计,采用SPSS21.0软件对高频穴位进行系统聚类分析,采用SPSS Modeler 18.0软件进行关联规则分析。结果 共纳入文献175篇,涉及腧穴59个,高频腧穴为攒竹、睛明、四白、太阳、风池、合谷、鱼腰、丝竹空、承泣和光明。聚类分析显示,腧穴有效聚类为攒竹-睛明-四白-太阳、合谷-鱼腰-丝竹空。关联较强的是攒竹-睛明、攒竹-四白、睛明-四白等10个穴对。涉及耳穴25个,高频耳穴为眼、肝、肾、屏间前、屏间后、心、神门、脾、皮质下和交感。聚类分析显示,耳穴有效聚类为眼-肝-肾、屏间前-屏间后、心-神门-脾、交感-皮质下。关联较强的是眼-肝、眼-肾、肝-肾等9个穴对。针灸干预方法以耳穴压籽和针刺为主。视力和屈光度为常用的疗效评价指标。结论 针灸防控儿童青少年近视以局部选穴为主,攒竹、睛明、四白、太阳可作为主要腧穴,眼、肝、肾、屏间前、屏间后可作为主要耳穴。 展开更多
关键词 针灸疗法 近视防控 数据挖掘 临床试验 文献研究
针灸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征临床应用规律探析 被引量:11
作者 杨光 黄琴峰 +5 位作者 孔谐和 谢晨 杨延婷 李茜莹 洪珏 马晓芃 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2020年第4期170-175,共6页
目的回顾1956-2018年科技期刊发表的针灸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征的临床研究文献,总结归纳临床应用规律。方法检索《中医针灸信息库》、中国期刊全文数据库、维普、万方中的电子文献,按照纳入和排除标准筛选针灸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综... 目的回顾1956-2018年科技期刊发表的针灸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征的临床研究文献,总结归纳临床应用规律。方法检索《中医针灸信息库》、中国期刊全文数据库、维普、万方中的电子文献,按照纳入和排除标准筛选针灸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征的临床研究文献,应用《中医针灸信息库》、SPSS 21.0、Clementine 12.0进行计量分析、聚类分析及关联性分析。结果应用频次最多的穴位依次为下关、合谷、颊车、听宫、阿是穴,穴位选取集中于面部阳经经穴;应用频次最高的经络为足阳明胃经;治疗方法以针刺、灸法、TDP(特定电磁波谱)及电针为主。聚类分析得到有效聚类为下关-颊车-合谷,阿是穴单独归为一类。关联性分析发现:(1)规则支持度最高的穴对为颊车-下关;(2)局部取穴关联性最强的穴对为上关-下关;(3)远近配穴关联性最强的穴位组合为翳风、合谷-下关。结论针灸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征的选穴以局部取穴为主(选取面部阳经经穴,注重阿是穴),辅以循经远道取穴。建议将下关、颊车、合谷、阿是穴作为针灸基础方,听宫、翳风、上关、足三里作为配穴。 展开更多
关键词 针灸疗法 颞下颌关节紊乱综合征 中医药信息数据库 数据挖掘 文献计量学 聚类分析 关联性分析
艾灸治疗失眠的临床应用规律分析 被引量:17
作者 董小庆 黄琴峰 +7 位作者 谢晨 杨延婷 韩榕 李茜莹 孔谐和 杨光 吴焕淦 马晓芃 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期1615-1621,共7页
目的回顾1959年至2018年发表的灸法治疗失眠的临床文献,总结归纳灸法治疗失眠的临床应用规律。方法检索《中医针灸信息库》、中国期刊全文数据库(清华同方)、万方数字化期刊(万方)、中文科技期刊全文数据库(维普),按照纳入和排除标准筛... 目的回顾1959年至2018年发表的灸法治疗失眠的临床文献,总结归纳灸法治疗失眠的临床应用规律。方法检索《中医针灸信息库》、中国期刊全文数据库(清华同方)、万方数字化期刊(万方)、中文科技期刊全文数据库(维普),按照纳入和排除标准筛选灸法治疗失眠的临床研究文献,进行计量分析、聚类分析和关联性分析。结果艾灸治疗失眠应用频次较高的穴位依次为百会、三阴交、神门、足三里;足太阳膀胱经穴应用频次最高,其次是督脉穴和肾经穴。下肢部的腧穴使用频次最高,其次为头面部、背部。关联性较高的穴对为内关、足三里、神门、百会和三阴交,关联性较高的治疗方法为艾条灸配合针刺。灸法配合中药的总有效率最高,其次为灸法配合针刺,疗效均优于单纯灸法(均P<0.05)。对比灸法、灸药并用、灸刺并用疗法治疗前后的PSQI评分,灸法与灸药并用疗法比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),与灸刺并用比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论灸法治疗失眠的组方中主要穴对为内关、足三里、神门、百会和三阴交。配合疗法中灸刺结合的使用频率最高,但灸法配合中药疗法的有效率最高,对于PSQI评分的改善程度亦最大。 展开更多
关键词 灸法 针灸疗法 失眠症 匹兹堡睡眠指数 中医药信息数据库 文献计量学 数据挖掘
针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍临床规律分析 被引量:20
作者 韩榕 黄琴峰 +7 位作者 李茜莹 董小庆 杨延婷 杨光 孔谐和 张丹 谢晨 马晓芃 《针灸临床杂志》 2020年第5期48-55,共8页
目的:回顾1963—2018年针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍的临床文献,归纳总结针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍的临床应用规律。方法:在《中国针灸信息库》、中国知网、万方全文数据库和重庆维普数据库中检索针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍的相关文献,按照纳入和... 目的:回顾1963—2018年针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍的临床文献,归纳总结针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍的临床应用规律。方法:在《中国针灸信息库》、中国知网、万方全文数据库和重庆维普数据库中检索针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍的相关文献,按照纳入和排除标准筛选文献,应用《中国针灸信息库》内相关分析软件、SPSS 21.0和Clementine 12.0软件进行计量分析、关联性分析及聚类分析。结果:应用频次最高的穴位依次是廉泉、风池、金津、玉液、翳风;应用频次最高的经络为足少阳胆经,以头颈部取穴为主。特定穴中以交会穴最为常用。关联性分析和聚类分析的结果显示,关联性最高的是风池、廉泉、金津与玉液穴对,在聚类分析中被聚为同一类;翳风、完骨、足三里、丰隆及三阴交等穴被聚为另一类。最常选用的治疗方法为针刺、针药结合及针刺结合功能训练。刺血疗法、药物治疗和针刺治疗的关联性最强。效应指标中最常选用洼田饮水试验、电视透视造影吞咽检查(VFSS)及标准吞咽功能评定(SSA)。结论:针灸治疗中风后吞咽障碍以局部取穴为主,辅以近部或远道取穴。主穴多取廉泉、风池、金津及玉液,配穴建议从内关、水沟、翳风、完骨、太冲、丰隆、足三里、三阴交、合谷及风府中选取。治疗时针刺疗法常与药物治疗、功能训练相结合。效应指标建议选用VFSS或用洼田饮水试验和SSA联合评价疗效和误吸情况。 展开更多
关键词 针灸疗法 中风 吞咽障碍 计量分析 关联性分析 聚类分析
耳穴治疗近视的临床应用规律分析 被引量:2
作者 韩榕 孔谐和 +3 位作者 赵峰 杨光 赵越 马晓芃 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2022年第9期691-696,共6页
目的分析总结耳穴治疗近视的临床应用规律。方法检索从建库到2019年12月31日国内外数据库中耳穴治疗近视的临床文献,按照纳入和排除标准筛选文献并应用Excel 2019、SPSS 21.0和Clementine 12.0软件进行数据分析。结果(1)常用耳穴频次:... 目的分析总结耳穴治疗近视的临床应用规律。方法检索从建库到2019年12月31日国内外数据库中耳穴治疗近视的临床文献,按照纳入和排除标准筛选文献并应用Excel 2019、SPSS 21.0和Clementine 12.0软件进行数据分析。结果(1)常用耳穴频次:共纳入文献254篇,应用频次前10位的耳穴依次是眼(LO_(5))、肝(CO_(12))、肾(CO_(10))、屏间后(AT_(11))、屏间前(TG_(21))、心(CO_(15))、神门(TF_(4))、脾(CO_(13))、皮质下(AT_(4))、交感(AH_(6a)),穴位主要分布在耳甲区。(2)关联性分析和聚类分析:眼(LO_(5))、肝(CO_(12))、肾(CO_(10))、屏间前(TG_(21))、屏间后(AT_(11))具有较强的关联性,并在聚类分析中被聚为一类;心(CO_(15))、神门(TF_(4))、脾(CO_(13))、皮质下(AT_(4))、交感(AH_(6a))等穴被聚为另一类。单纯耳穴疗法、耳穴结合推拿为主要治疗方法,王不留行是最常用的贴压药物。每日按压5次以内是最常见的刺激频率,最常用的按压刺激量是每穴10~50次或每次按压总时间1~5 min。治疗时间多在3个月以内,视力是最常用的疗效指标。结论耳穴治疗近视取穴以眼(LO_(5))、肝(CO_(12))、肾(CO_(10))、屏间前(TG_(21))、屏间后(AT_(11))为主,可将耳穴压籽法作为主要干预手段,并应用视力、屈光度及其他眼部参数等多个指标综合评价疗效。 展开更多
关键词 耳穴疗法 近视 文献研究 计量分析
艾灸“天枢”穴对溃疡性结肠炎模型大鼠结肠组织铁死亡及氧化损伤的影响 被引量:4
作者 刘力 卢云琼 +7 位作者 曹姚佳妮 李红娜 金悠悠 孔谐和 樊晓鹏 洪珏 马晓芃 张丹 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第15期1576-1584,共9页
目的 探讨艾灸天枢穴治疗溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的可能作用机制。方法 将42只SD大鼠随机分为正常组9只和造模组33只。造模组采用自由饮用3.5%葡聚糖硫酸钠盐(DSS)溶液7天制备UC大鼠模型。32只造模成功,将其随机分为模型组、艾灸组、铁死亡抑... 目的 探讨艾灸天枢穴治疗溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的可能作用机制。方法 将42只SD大鼠随机分为正常组9只和造模组33只。造模组采用自由饮用3.5%葡聚糖硫酸钠盐(DSS)溶液7天制备UC大鼠模型。32只造模成功,将其随机分为模型组、艾灸组、铁死亡抑制剂组、溶媒对照组,每组8只。正常组和模型组只做与干预组相同的抓取固定;艾灸组取“天枢穴”(双侧)进行温和灸,每次每穴10 min;铁死亡抑制剂组采用浓度为6 mg/ml的铁死亡抑制剂利普司他丁-1 (Liproxstatin-1)以10 mg/kg腹腔注射;溶媒对照组给予5%二甲基亚砜(DMSO) 1.67 ml/kg腹腔注射。各组均每日1次,连续8天。干预后进行结肠大体形态损伤指数(CMDI)评分,HE染色观察大鼠结肠组织形态结构变化,酶联免疫吸附测定法检测血清二胺氧化酶(DAO)表达,微板法检测血清D-乳酸(D-LA)含量,TUNEL染色观察结肠细胞死亡情况,免疫荧光法检测结肠组织活性氧(ROS)表达,比色法检测结肠铁离子的含量,免疫组织化学法检测结肠谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶4 (GPX4)表达。结果 与正常组比较,模型组与溶媒对照组大鼠结肠结构破坏严重,CMDI评分升高(P<0.01),HE染色可见浅表性溃疡,黏膜层破坏明显,黏膜下层大量炎性细胞浸润和水肿,结肠细胞死亡数增多,血清DAO、D-LA及结肠组织铁离子、ROS含量均增多,结肠组织GPX4蛋白表达减少(P<0.05或P<0.01)。与模型组比较,艾灸组、铁死亡抑制剂组大鼠结肠黏膜、腺体有不同程度修复,肠道炎症减轻,细胞死亡数显著减少,CMDI评分明显降低,血清DAO、D-LA及结肠组织ROS、铁离子含量均明显减少,结肠组织GPX4蛋白表达增多(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论 艾灸“天枢穴”能降低结肠组织铁离子和ROS含量,上调GPX4蛋白表达,抑制铁死亡,可能是其促进UC结肠黏膜愈合、治疗UC的作用机制之一。 展开更多
关键词 溃疡性结肠炎 艾灸 天枢穴 铁死亡 氧化损伤
针刺治疗儿童调节性近视的临床观察 被引量:1
作者 张小芃 韩榕 +6 位作者 邱晓頔 孔谐和 曹姚佳妮 王雪君 赵越 赵峰 马晓芃 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CAS CSCD 2023年第3期224-228,共5页
目的:观察针刺治疗儿童调节性近视的疗效。方法:将76例符合入组标准的调节性近视儿童根据随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,每组38例。对照组予以健康用眼宣教,试验组在对照组干预基础上加用针刺治疗,每周2次,共治疗2个月。于治疗开始前... 目的:观察针刺治疗儿童调节性近视的疗效。方法:将76例符合入组标准的调节性近视儿童根据随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,每组38例。对照组予以健康用眼宣教,试验组在对照组干预基础上加用针刺治疗,每周2次,共治疗2个月。于治疗开始前、治疗1个月及治疗2个月后检测患者的裸眼远视力(UCVA)、屈光度及眼轴长度(AL)。结果:治疗1个月后,两组UCVA比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗2个月后,试验组UCVA优于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗1个月和2个月后,两组屈光度与治疗前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗1个月和2个月后,对照组AL较治疗前增加(P<0.05),试验组无明显变化(P>0.05),组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:针刺治疗能提高调节性近视儿童UCVA。 展开更多
关键词 针刺疗法 视力 轴长度 近视 屈光不正 随机对照试验
Influence of buccal acupuncture on analgesic effect,immune indicators,and expression of Survivin and Livin proteins in patients with advanced-stage primary liver cancer 被引量:3
作者 LIN Zhiguang SU Shengxian +3 位作者 XIE Xiaoli YANG Yuanfeng DONG Qinglong kong xiehe 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第5期383-391,共9页
Objective To investigate the effects of buccal acupuncture on analgesia,immune indicators,and expression levels of Survivin and Livin proteins in patients with advanced-stage primary liver cancer.Methods Eighty patien... Objective To investigate the effects of buccal acupuncture on analgesia,immune indicators,and expression levels of Survivin and Livin proteins in patients with advanced-stage primary liver cancer.Methods Eighty patients with advanced-stage primary liver cancer were selected and divided into control and treatment groups according to the difference in treatment modalities,with 40 patients in each group.The control group received transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE),and the treatment group received buccal acupuncture in addition to TACE.The recent efficacy,analgesic effect,liver function,serum tumor markers,Survivin and Livin protein expression levels in liver cancer tissue,and immune indexes were analyzed and compared between the two groups.Results The objective response rate(ORR)and disease control rate(DCR)of the treatment group were 37.5%and 77.5%,respectively,which were significantly higher than those of the control group(22.5%and 52.5%),and the recent efficacy of the treatment group was significantly better than that of the control group(P<0.05).The onset of analgesia in the treatment group was significantly faster than that in the control group(P<0.05),the duration of analgesia was significantly longer than that in the control group(P<0.05),and the numeric rating scale(NRS)score of pain after treatment was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).In the treatment group,the aspartate aminotransferase(AST),alanine aminotransferase(ALT),and albumin/globulin(A/G)were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05),and the serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein(AFP),alpha-L-fucosidase(AFU),and carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA)were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05),and the expression levels of Survivin and Livin in liver cancer tissue were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05);CD4^(+)and CD4^(+)/CD8+in the treatment group were significantly higher than those in the control group,and CD8+was significantly lower than that in the control group after treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion Buccal acupuncture can reduce the degree of pain and liver function damage in patients with advanced-stage primary liver cancer and lower the serum tumor marker levels,and its mechanism of action may be related to the down-regulation of Survivin and Livin protein expression levels in the liver cancer tissue and the regulation of the immune function. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Buccal Acupuncture Liver Neoplasms Acupuncture Analgesia Immune Function Liver Function Tests Biomarkers Tumor SURVIVIN
Clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture in controlling myopia in children and its influence on retinal blood flow 被引量:3
作者 HAN Rong WANG Xuejun +7 位作者 kong xiehe ZHANG Xiaopeng CAO Yaojiani LU Yunqiong LIU Li ZHOU Xingtao ZHAO Feng MA Xiaopeng 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第3期229-235,共7页
Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture(EA)in controlling myopia in children and its effect on retinal blood flow.Methods:Sixty-eight myopic children were randomly divided into an observation ... Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture(EA)in controlling myopia in children and its effect on retinal blood flow.Methods:Sixty-eight myopic children were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group,with 34 cases in each group.The control group was given auricular acupressure treatment alone,and the observation group was treated with EA once a week in addition to the treatment used in the control group.The spherical equivalent refraction(SER)and axial length(AL)were measured at baseline,and after 3 months and 6 months of treatment.Optical coherence tomography angiography was used to measure the vessel density(VD)and perfusion density(PD)in the surface layer of the retina.Results:After 3 months and 6 months of treatment,the changes in SER between the two groups were not statistically significant(P>0.05).After 3 months of treatment,the changes in AL between the two groups were not statistically significant(P>0.05);after 6 months of treatment,the change amount of AL in the observation group was smaller than that in the control group(P<0.05);after 3 months and 6 months of treatment,the changes in VD and PD in the surface layer of the retina in the observation group were significantly greater than those in the control group(P<0.01).Conclusion:EA treatment once a week for 6 months can delay the increase of AL and improve the retinal surface blood flow in myopic children. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Auricular Acupressure Axial Length Eye RETINA MICROCIRCULATION MYOPIA
Clinical study of acupuncture plus Dang Gui Bu Xue Qu Feng Tang for benign essential blepharospasm 被引量:1
作者 ZOU Yuelan kong xiehe +7 位作者 GUO Xiaocong WANG Xuejun LI Xiaoying HAN Rong ZHANG Xiaopeng YANG Guang YANG Yanting MA Xiaopeng 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第1期79-86,共8页
Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture plus Dang Gui Bu Xue Qu Feng Tang for benign essential blepharospasm(BEB).Methods:A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed.A total of 105 pa... Objective:To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of acupuncture plus Dang Gui Bu Xue Qu Feng Tang for benign essential blepharospasm(BEB).Methods:A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed.A total of 105 participants were randomized 1:1:1 into an acupuncture group,a herbal medicine group and an acupuncture plus herbal medicine group.Participants in the acupuncture group received manual acupuncture treatment,twice a week.Participants in the herbal medicine group received Dang Gui Bu Xue Qu Feng Tang,oral administration,once a day.Participants in the acupuncture plus herbal medicine group received both treatments.The therapeutic effects of the three groups were evaluated after four weeks of treatment.The primary outcome was the Jankovic rating scale(JRS)score,and the secondary outcome was the blepharospasm disability index(BSDI)score.Results:After four weeks of treatment,the JRS total scores significantly decreased in all three groups versus baseline(P<0.05).A greater reduction in the JRS total score was reported in participants in the acupuncture plus herbal medicine group(P<0.05),but there was no significant difference between the acupuncture group and the herbal medicine group(P>0.05).The acupuncture plus herbal medicine group had a greater decrease in the JRS severity score than the herbal medicine group(P<0.05).The reduction in the JRS frequency score was not significantly different among the three groups(P>0.05).The BSDI scores significantly decreased in all three groups versus baseline(P<0.05),but the reduction in the BSDI score was insignificantly different among the three groups(P>0.05).Conclusion:It is effective in the treatment of BEB either to use acupuncture and Dang Gui Bu Xue Qu Feng Tang alone or in combination.The combination therapy shows a more significant effect than either of the treatment alone. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Acupuncture Medication Combined Chinese Herbal Drugs Dang Gui Bu Xue Qu Feng Tang BLEPHAROSPASM Clinical Trial
Observation of the efficacy and safety of the Song-Relaxing and Zhen-Vibrating abdomen manipulation for patients with prediabetes
作者 LI Min PENG Na +4 位作者 ZENG Jiaofei ZHOU Ying DENG Yihui HE Qinghu kong xiehe 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第1期58-64,共7页
Objective:To observe the safety of the Song-Relaxing and Zhen-Vibrating abdomen manipulation in treating patients with prediabetes and its effects on blood glucose and lipid metabolism.Methods:One hundred and two pati... Objective:To observe the safety of the Song-Relaxing and Zhen-Vibrating abdomen manipulation in treating patients with prediabetes and its effects on blood glucose and lipid metabolism.Methods:One hundred and two patients with prediabetes were divided into a manipulation group and a control group according to the random number table method,with 51 cases in each group.All patients received the general behavioral intervention for prediabetes,with additional Song-Relaxing and Zhen-Vibrating abdomen manipulation in the manipulation group and oral metformin hydrochloride tablets in the control group.Both groups received the intervention for six months.Results:Fourteen patients dropped out during the treatment,and a total of 88 patients completed the trial,including 45 cases in the manipulation group and 43 cases in the control group.After the treatment,the prediabetes control rate was 93.3%in the manipulation group and 74.4%in the control group,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05);no patient in the manipulation group progressed to diabetes,while the rate of conversion to diabetes in the control group was 6.9%,with a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).After the treatment,the body mass index(BMI),glycosylated hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c),fasting plasma glucose(FPG),2-hour postload plasma glucose(2hPG)level during an oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT),fasting insulin(FINS),homeostasis model assessment-2 of insulin resistance(HOMA2-IR),total cholesterol(TC),and triglycerides(TG)decreased in both groups versus baseline,with significant differences within the groups;the levels of all indicators were lower in the manipulation group than in the control group(P<0.05),and the differences between the two groups were more prominent at the sixth month(P<0.01).At the sixth month,the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C)in the manipulation group was increased,while there was no significant change in the control group.In the control group,three patients reported mild gastrointestinal reactions at the initial dosing,which improved after medication adjustment.No other adverse events were observed in either group.Conclusion:Both metformin hydrochloride tablets and the Song-Relaxing and Zhen-Vibrating abdomen manipulation can improve blood glucose and lipid metabolism and reduce insulin resistance and clinical discomfort in patients with prediabetes,but the Song-Relaxing and Zhen-Vibrating abdomen manipulation has higher efficacy and safety. 展开更多
关键词 TUINA MASSAGE Manual Therapies Zhen-Vibrating Manipulation Prediabetic State Blood Glucose Lipid Metabolism Insulin Resistance
Efficacy of mild moxibustion combined with surgery for meniscal injury and its effect on TGF-β1 and PDGF levels in the fluid of knee joint
作者 LU Fangqin MAO Zhijuan +2 位作者 CHEN Lijuan CHEN Xuexian kong xiehe 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2022年第5期406-411,共6页
Objective To observe the efficacy of mild moxibustion combined with arthroscopic meniscal repair in the treatment of meniscal injury and to explore its action mechanism.Methods Ninety-eight patients with meniscal inju... Objective To observe the efficacy of mild moxibustion combined with arthroscopic meniscal repair in the treatment of meniscal injury and to explore its action mechanism.Methods Ninety-eight patients with meniscal injury were divided into a surgery group and a moxibustion plus surgery group by the random number table method,with 49 cases in each group.Both groups received arthroscopic meniscal repair,and the moxibustion plus surgery group was treated with add-on mild moxibustion.The Lysholm score,visual analog scale(VAS)score,and mobility of the affected knee were measured before and after treatment,and transforming growth factor(TGF)-β1 and platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF)levels were measured in the fluid of the affected knee joint.The healing of the meniscus was recorded at a follow-up visit 3 months after the surgery.Results After treatment,the Lysholm score increased,the VAS score decreased in both groups,and the intra-group differences in both groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).The Lysholm score was higher in the moxibustion plus surgery group than in the surgery group,and the VAS score was lower in the moxibustion plus surgery group than in the surgery group.The differences between groups in both scores were statistically significant(P<0.05).The mobility of the affected knee joint increased in both groups(P<0.05),and it was greater in the moxibustion plus surgery group than in the surgery group(P<0.05).When compared with pretreatment,the levels of TGF-β1 and PDGF in the fluid of the knee joint increased in both groups(P<0.05),and the levels of TGF-β1 and PDGF in the fluid of the affected knee joint were higher in the moxibustion plus surgery group than in the surgery group(P<0.05).The healing of the meniscus in the moxibustion plus surgery group was significantly better than that in the surgery group at the follow-up visit 3 months after the surgery(P<0.05).Conclusion The effect of mild moxibustion combined with arthroscopic meniscal repair is better than the surgery alone in improving knee function,relieving pain,increasing mobility of the affected knee,and promoting meniscal healing,which may be related to the up-regulation of TGF-β1 and PDGF levels in the fluid of knee joint. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Therapy Moxa Stick Moxibustion Arthroscopic Surgery Meniscus Injuries Pain Measurement Visual Analog Scale Transforming Growth Factor Beta1 Platelet-derived Growth Factor
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