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作者 刘超强 谢宗瑜 +3 位作者 张晓泳 严红革 周科朝 宋旼 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第5期1425-1436,共12页
为了阐明具有双态和单相组织Ti-5Al-5Mo-1Fe-1Cr(质量分数,%)合金的力学性能及变形行为,系统研究具有这两种组织合金的力学性能和变形模式。研究结果表明:双态组织合金的拉伸屈服强度为886 MPa,极限抗拉强度为1075 MPa,伸长率为21.5%;单... 为了阐明具有双态和单相组织Ti-5Al-5Mo-1Fe-1Cr(质量分数,%)合金的力学性能及变形行为,系统研究具有这两种组织合金的力学性能和变形模式。研究结果表明:双态组织合金的拉伸屈服强度为886 MPa,极限抗拉强度为1075 MPa,伸长率为21.5%;单相(β)组织合金的强度稍低于双态合金的,但其伸长率与双态合金的类似。双态合金在拉伸过程中具有韧性断裂的特征,其主要变形模式为位错滑移,位错滑移可发生于β基体和球/片状α相,β基体中的滑移系为{112}_(β)<111>_(β),α相中的滑移系为{2233}_(α)<1123>_(α)和{1010}_(α)<1210>_(α)。相对地,单相合金具有解理断裂特征,变形模式包括位错滑移和应力诱导α"马氏体相变,其滑移系包括{110}_(β)<111>_(β)和{112}_(β)<111>_(β)。 展开更多
关键词 近Β钛合金 力学性能 变形行为 位错滑移 应力诱导马氏体相变
抗菌仿生多孔钛植入体的成骨性能(英文) 被引量:2
作者 王国慧 付华 +2 位作者 赵颜忠 周科朝 朱晒红 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期2007-2014,共8页
采用冷冻铸造和热氧化法制备一种新型兼具抗菌功能和良好骨整合性能的表面改性仿生多孔钛植入体。通过细胞增殖实验、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性水平测定实验、X线检测及骨硬组织切片等体内外成骨实验方法评价多孔钛植入体的骨整合性能。结果... 采用冷冻铸造和热氧化法制备一种新型兼具抗菌功能和良好骨整合性能的表面改性仿生多孔钛植入体。通过细胞增殖实验、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性水平测定实验、X线检测及骨硬组织切片等体内外成骨实验方法评价多孔钛植入体的骨整合性能。结果显示,随着植入体与体外细胞共培养时间的延长,表面纳米改性后多孔钛实验组的体外细胞增殖、分化活性水平较未表面纳米改性的多孔钛和致密钛对照组明显升高(P<0.05);随着在动物体内植入时间的延长,处理和未处理多孔钛实验组孔隙中有骨长入和成骨现象,而且成骨细胞在处理组孔隙中分化程度更加成熟。抗菌仿生多孔钛植入体能与骨组织形成牢固的生物性骨嵌合,具有良好的骨整合性能。 展开更多
关键词 抗菌功能 表面改性 多孔钛植入体 骨整合 冷冻铸造
Tb/Mg掺杂对羟基磷灰石纳米颗粒基因载体理化特性的影响(英文) 被引量:2
作者 陈良建 陈恬 +4 位作者 曹君 刘蓓蕾 邵春生 周科朝 张斗 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期125-136,共12页
羟基磷灰石纳米颗粒(HAnps)基因载体的转染效率与粒径、形貌、表面电荷、表面改性等有关。本研究通过水热合成法制备掺杂Tb/Mg的HAnps,观察Tb/Mg掺杂量对HAnps形貌、粒径、表面电荷、成分和细胞胞吞作用的影响。结果表明,掺Mg组的分散... 羟基磷灰石纳米颗粒(HAnps)基因载体的转染效率与粒径、形貌、表面电荷、表面改性等有关。本研究通过水热合成法制备掺杂Tb/Mg的HAnps,观察Tb/Mg掺杂量对HAnps形貌、粒径、表面电荷、成分和细胞胞吞作用的影响。结果表明,掺Mg组的分散性优于掺Tb组的分散性。增加掺杂量使Tb-HAnps的粒径增大,而Mg-HAnps的粒径减小。掺Mg组的粒径及zeta电位均低于掺Tb组的。掺Mg量为7.5%的HAnps平均粒径约30 nm,呈相对均匀的细长杆状,而掺Mg量为10%的HAnps易于团聚。被胞吞入MG63细胞的Mg-HAnps-GFP呈点状分布于核周区域并形成荧光圈,而Tb-HAnps易于团聚。因此,作为基因载体,Mg-HAnps明显优于Tb-HAnps。 展开更多
关键词 羟基磷灰石纳米颗粒 基因载体 胞吞作用 掺杂 荧光标记
纳米针状表面改性的仿生多孔钛植入体及体外成骨性能(英文) 被引量:1
作者 王国慧 付华 +2 位作者 周科朝 赵颜忠 朱晒红 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1815-1821,共7页
通过冷冻铸造和热氧化法制备一种新型兼具抗菌功能和良好骨整合性能的纳米针状表面改性仿生多孔钛植入体。分析和表征仿生多孔钛植入体的孔隙形貌和尺寸、力学性能和体外成骨性能。结果表明:当控制冷冻铸造工艺中浆料中钛粉体积比为10%... 通过冷冻铸造和热氧化法制备一种新型兼具抗菌功能和良好骨整合性能的纳米针状表面改性仿生多孔钛植入体。分析和表征仿生多孔钛植入体的孔隙形貌和尺寸、力学性能和体外成骨性能。结果表明:当控制冷冻铸造工艺中浆料中钛粉体积比为10%时,多孔试样的孔隙度为(58.32±1.08)%、孔径为(126.17±18.64)μm、压缩强度为(58.51±20.38)MPa、弹性模量为(1.70±0.52)GPa。在1200°C烧结1 h,多孔试样的孔隙度为(58.24±1.50)%、孔径为(124.16±13.64)μm、压缩强度为(54.77±27.55)MPa、弹性模量为(1.63±0.30)GPa。通过热氧化方法在多孔钛植入体试样的孔隙表面制备出均匀分布的纳米针状结构。通过对工艺的优化,制备出具有良好孔隙形貌和尺寸,同时具备良好力学性能和体外成骨性能的纳米针状表面改性仿生多孔钛植入体,具有重要的临床应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 纳米针状表面改性 仿生多孔钛 成骨性能 冷冻铸造 热氧化法
粉末冶金法结合热挤压制备Cu-15Ni-8Sn-0.3Nb合金的时效硬化行为与显微组织(英文) 被引量:9
作者 欧阳亦 甘雪萍 +4 位作者 张世忠 李周 周科朝 姜业欣 张县委 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期1947-1955,共9页
采用粉末冶金法结合热挤压制备Cu-15Ni-8Sn-0.3Nb合金棒材。利用电子探针获得的元素分布图显示,在合金基体中生成了分布在晶界与晶内的富Nb析出相。透射电镜分析表明,富Nb析出相与合金基体之间无明确位向关系。合金在400°C时效早... 采用粉末冶金法结合热挤压制备Cu-15Ni-8Sn-0.3Nb合金棒材。利用电子探针获得的元素分布图显示,在合金基体中生成了分布在晶界与晶内的富Nb析出相。透射电镜分析表明,富Nb析出相与合金基体之间无明确位向关系。合金在400°C时效早期发生调幅分解和有序化,使其强度迅速升高。Cu-15Ni-8Sn-0.3Nb合金比Cu-15Ni-8Sn合金具有更高的强度(抗拉强度>1030 MPa)和更好的延性(伸长率>9.1%),这是由于添加Nb元素后生成的富Nb析出相能细化合金组织,抑制时效过程中的胞状析出。 展开更多
关键词 Cu-15Ni-8Sn-0.3Nb合金 粉末冶金法 热挤压 时效处理 调幅分解 显微组织 力学性能
球形石墨增强银-石墨复合材料的摩擦学行为 被引量:3
作者 孙阳 王艳 +2 位作者 李云 周科朝 张雷 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第8期2177-2187,共11页
采用粉末冶金技术分别制备球形石墨(SG)和鳞片石墨(FG)增强的银-石墨复合材料。并用销-盘式摩擦磨损仪在大气环境和3.0N的载荷下研究石墨形貌对银-石墨复合材料(Ag-SG和Ag-FG)摩擦学行为的影响。结果显示,Ag-FG的最低磨损率为3.5×1... 采用粉末冶金技术分别制备球形石墨(SG)和鳞片石墨(FG)增强的银-石墨复合材料。并用销-盘式摩擦磨损仪在大气环境和3.0N的载荷下研究石墨形貌对银-石墨复合材料(Ag-SG和Ag-FG)摩擦学行为的影响。结果显示,Ag-FG的最低磨损率为3.5×10^-5mm^3/(N·m),而Ag-SG的最低磨损率比Ag-FG低一个数量级,为1.6×10^-6mm^3/(N·m)。Ag-SG和Ag-FG显著不同的摩擦学行为与亚表面裂纹的形成有关。在摩擦过程中,片状石墨的边缘容易发生应力集中,导致Ag-FG亚表面产生裂纹和严重的剥层磨损。然而,在Ag-SG中,球形石墨能有效抑制裂纹的萌生和扩展,从而使银-石墨复合材料具有优异的耐磨性能。 展开更多
关键词 银-石墨复合材料 石墨形貌 磨损性能 显微组织 磨损机制
New high-strength Ti–Al–V–Mo alloy: from high-throughput composition design to mechanical properties 被引量:2
作者 Di Wu Wan-lin Wang +3 位作者 Li-gang Zhang Zhen-yu Wang ke-chao zhou Li-bin Liu 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期1151-1165,共15页
The high-throughput diffusion-multiple technique and thermodynamics databases were used to design new high-strength Ti alloys. The composition–microstructure–property relationships of the Ti64–xMo alloys were obtai... The high-throughput diffusion-multiple technique and thermodynamics databases were used to design new high-strength Ti alloys. The composition–microstructure–property relationships of the Ti64–xMo alloys were obtained. The phase fraction and composition of the α and β phases of the Ti64–xMo alloys were calculated using the Thermo-Calc software. After aging at 600℃, the Ti64–6 Mo alloy precipitated ultrafine α phases. This phenomenon was explained on the basis of the pseudo-spinodal mechanism by calculating the Gibbs energy curves of the α and β phases of the Ti64–xMo alloys at 600℃. Bulk forged Ti64–6 Mo alloy exhibited high strength and moderate plasticity after α/β-phase-field solution treatment plus aging. The tensile properties of the alloy were determined by the size and morphology of the primary and secondary α phases and by the β grain size. 展开更多
关键词 HIGH-STRENGTH TITANIUM ALLOY Ti–6Al–4V–xMo diffusion multiple THERMO-CALC microstructure and mechanical properties
Erratum to: New high-strength Ti–Al–V–Mo alloy: from high-throughput composition design to mechanical properties 被引量:1
作者 Di Wu Wan-lin Wang +3 位作者 Li-gang Zhang Zhen-yu Wang ke-chao zhou Li-bin Liu 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第1期129-129,共1页
Erratum to:International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 26, Number 9, September 2019, Page 1151https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-019-1854-1The original version of this article unfortunately containe... Erratum to:International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 26, Number 9, September 2019, Page 1151https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-019-1854-1The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The presentation of Fig. 11 was incorrect. The correct version is given below: 展开更多
关键词 Mo alloy Al Erratum to New high-strength Ti from high-throughput composition design to mechanical properties
First-principles study of the(Cu_xNi_(1-x))_3 Sn precipitations with different structures in Cu–Ni–Sn alloys 被引量:1
作者 彭广威 甘雪萍 +1 位作者 李周 周科朝 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期423-433,共11页
The structural parameters, the formation energies, and the elastic and thermodynamic properties of the (CuxNi1-x)3Sn phase with different structures are studied by the virtual crystal approximation (VCA) and super... The structural parameters, the formation energies, and the elastic and thermodynamic properties of the (CuxNi1-x)3Sn phase with different structures are studied by the virtual crystal approximation (VCA) and super-cell (SC) methods. The lattice constants, formation energies, and elastic constants obtained by SC and VCA are generally consistent with each other. It can be inferred that ttle VCA method is suitable for (CuxNil ,)3Sn ordered phase calculation. The calculated results show that the equilibrium structures of Cu3Sn and Ni3Sn are D0a and D019 respectively. (CuxNi1-x)3Sn D03 with various components are the mctastable phase at temperature of 0 K, just as D022 and L I2. With the temperature increase, tile free energy of the D03 is lower than those of D022 and L12, and D022 and L12 eventually turn into D03 in tile aging process. The (CuxNi1-x)3Sn D022 is first precipitated in a solid solution because its structure and cell volume are most similar to Ihose of a solid solution matrix. The LI2 and the D022 possess better mechanical stability than the D03. Also, they may play a more important role in the strengthening of Cu-Ni-Sn alloys. This study is valuable lk)r further research on Cu-Ni-Sn alloys. 展开更多
关键词 (CuxNi1-x)3Sn first-principle virtual crystal approximation super-cell
LiNi_(0.7)Co_(0.15)Mn_(0.15)O_2 microspheres as high-performance cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries 被引量:3
作者 zhou-Guang Lu Xin-Xin Tan +1 位作者 You-Gen Tang ke-chao zhou 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期608-614,共7页
Advanced uniform LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2 microspheres were successfully synthesized and examined as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The structure,morphology, and electrochemical performance of LiNi0.7-Co0.1... Advanced uniform LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2 microspheres were successfully synthesized and examined as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The structure,morphology, and electrochemical performance of LiNi0.7-Co0.15Mn0.15O2 calcined at different temperatures ranging from 650 to 900 °C were systematically investigated. The XRD results show that the material has a well-ordered layered structure with small amount of cation mixing. A distinct spherical morphology of the obtained powders prepared at different temperatures can be seen from the SEM images. The as-synthesized LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2 powders have a very high-tap density of about 2.37 g·cm^-3. Among all the samples,the sample calcined at 750 °C exhibits the best electrochemical performance with an initial discharge capacity of185.2 mAh·g^-1(3.0–4.3 V, 0.2C rate) and capacity retention〉94.77 %after50cycles.Moreover,thismaterialshowshighspecific capacity and good cycling stability. The LiNi0.7-Co0.15Mn0.15O2 microspheres with high-specific capacity and high-tap density are promising to use as cathode materials for next-generation high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium-ion batteries High-energy density MICROSPHERES LiNi0.7Co0.15Mn0.15O2 Co-precipitation method
Microstructure and properties of ultrafine WC-Co-VC cemented carbides with different Co contents 被引量:3
作者 Kai-HuaShi ke-chao zhou +3 位作者 Zhi-You Li Xiu-Qi Zan Kai-Lin Dong Qing Jiang 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第6期1955-1960,共6页
Ultrafine WC-Co-VC cemented carbides are used extensively in a variety of industrial environments due to their excellent mechanical properties and outstanding wear resistance.Co content affects the service performance... Ultrafine WC-Co-VC cemented carbides are used extensively in a variety of industrial environments due to their excellent mechanical properties and outstanding wear resistance.Co content affects the service performance of the cemented carbides.In the present study,the influ-ences of Co content on microstructure,physical,and mechanical properties were investigated systematically.Ultrafine WC-Co-VC cemented carbides with Co content varying from 4 wt%and 7 wt%and assistance of VC(0.35 wt%)as inhibitor of WC grain growth were prepared.The physical and mechanical properties were tested and the microstructure characteristics were observed by optical microscope(OM)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).From the results,it is found that with Co content increasing,both the cobalt magnetism and bending strength increase,while the coercive force,Rockwell hardness,density,and abrasive wear resistance decrease.In addition,the OM and SEM results show that the increase of Co content in WC-Co-VC cemented carbides tends to reduce the quantity and size of micro-pores,and make the fracture mode change from brittle fracture to ductile fracture. 展开更多
Micro-scratch behavior of WC particle-reinforced copper matrix composites 被引量:2
作者 ke-chao zhou Hai-Long Pei +1 位作者 Jin-Kun Xiao Lei Zhang 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2337-2342,共6页
The WC particle-reinforced copper matrix composites with WC content in the range of 5 vol%-30 vol%were prepared and investigated by micro-scratch tests under the loads of 1-4 N.The influences of normal load and WC con... The WC particle-reinforced copper matrix composites with WC content in the range of 5 vol%-30 vol%were prepared and investigated by micro-scratch tests under the loads of 1-4 N.The influences of normal load and WC content on friction coefficient and wear volume of the composites were studied.The hardness and scratch resistance of the composites are greatly improved by the addition of WC.The penetrate depth and residual depth increase near-linearly with normal load increasing and decrease with WC content increasing,and the friction coefficient of the composites also shows the same variation trend.The valid material removal mechanism is found to transform from micro-plowing to micro-cutting as the normal load increases. 展开更多
关键词 Metal matrix composite Micro-scratch Wear resistance FRICTION
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