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新一代区域海-气-浪耦合台风预报系统 被引量:4
作者 雷小途 李永平 +15 位作者 于润玲 李泓 汤杰 段自强 郑运霞 方平治 赵兵科 曾智华 黄伟 鲍旭炜 喻自凤 陈国民 马雷鸣 骆婧瑶 张帅 林立旻 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期123-134,共12页
依托国家重点基础研究(973)计划项目"上层海洋对台风的响应和调制机理研究",中国气象局上海台风研究所联合国家海洋局的相关单位,通过实施近海台风的外场观测科学试验、加强台风边界层(特别是海气相互作用)物理过程诊断分析... 依托国家重点基础研究(973)计划项目"上层海洋对台风的响应和调制机理研究",中国气象局上海台风研究所联合国家海洋局的相关单位,通过实施近海台风的外场观测科学试验、加强台风边界层(特别是海气相互作用)物理过程诊断分析及参数化方案等的研究,建立并改进了台风强度预报的海-气-浪耦合预报模式系统,并在此基础上发展了台风强度的集合预报技术,在历史典型台风个例和2016—2017年台汛期的业务化测试中表现出良好的预报性能。 展开更多
关键词 台风 强度预报 海-气-浪耦合
近十年中国气象科技成果概述 被引量:3
作者 雷小途 刘伟东 +1 位作者 赵瑞 闫冠华 《气象科技进展》 2019年第6期6-11,共6页
利用中国气象局气象科技管理信息系统的信息数据,对2005-2017年我国气象领域科技成果的类别、产地、所属学科、获奖情况及资助项目来源等基本特征进行了初步分析。年均600余项科技成果的产出,充分体现了气象事业的科技型特点;科技成果... 利用中国气象局气象科技管理信息系统的信息数据,对2005-2017年我国气象领域科技成果的类别、产地、所属学科、获奖情况及资助项目来源等基本特征进行了初步分析。年均600余项科技成果的产出,充分体现了气象事业的科技型特点;科技成果认定、中试和业务准入等管理办法的相继出台,促进了近年来科技成果的爆发式增长,也凸显了加强科技成果管理的必要性和重要意义;从成果类型及获国家级科技奖情况看,加强气象学科的基础理论研究和气象科技的原始创新仍任重而道远。 展开更多
关键词 气象 科技成果 综述 转化
热带气旋路径预报“真实”误差分析 被引量:2
作者 褚萌 雷小途 陈国民 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期22-29,共8页
目前,热带气旋预报性能的检验和分析多采用各中心每年台汛后整编的最佳路径数据集(即"年鉴")资料作为真值。然而,由于年鉴资料通常在次年才能发布,所以在业务上,常以实时定位、定强资料作为"真值"进行预报性能的检... 目前,热带气旋预报性能的检验和分析多采用各中心每年台汛后整编的最佳路径数据集(即"年鉴")资料作为真值。然而,由于年鉴资料通常在次年才能发布,所以在业务上,常以实时定位、定强资料作为"真值"进行预报性能的检验,因而不同机构(口径)给出的预报性能往往不尽相同,造成了混乱。此外,实际业务预报中,因没有实时的年鉴资料,各预报方法的起报位置只能采用实时业务定位,显然不可避免地导致了误差。为分析使用实时定位和年鉴作为"真值"进行预报性能检验的差异、评估定位误差对预报性能造成的可能影响,本文首先考察最佳路径和实时/初始定位之间的差异(即定位误差)及其分布特征,然后分析采用实时/初始定位和最佳路径作为"真值"计算预报误差时的差异,最后基于最基础的气候可持续性(Climatology and Persistence,CLIPER)预报方法初步评估了预报性能对定位误差的敏感性。结果表明:以中国气象局整编的年鉴(CMA-STI的最佳路径数据集)资料为"真值",2013—2019年间国内外各主要预报机构及全球模式的定位误差平均为24.3 km;若以东京台风中心(RSMC-Tokyo)的年鉴资料为"真值",则定位误差平均为26.2 km。分析发现,定位误差与强度密切相关,热带风暴阶段的定位误差高达35.7~41.1 km,而超强台风阶段的定位误差仅为7.5~8.3 km;在96 h预报时效内,以最佳路径为"真值"计算得到的平均预报误差均略小于以实时/初始定位为"真值"的误差,但强度越强差异越小;定位误差对短时效内的预报性能有较显著的影响。 展开更多
关键词 热带气旋 定位误差 预报误差 最佳路径
气象灾害风险评估业务发展研究 被引量:16
作者 陈海燕 雷小途 +1 位作者 潘劲松 张磊 《气象科技进展》 2018年第4期15-21,共7页
根据气象灾害特点,对灾害风险评估的概念进行了再认识,分析比较了气象灾害与其他自然灾害(地震、地质灾害)风险评估的不同特点,气象灾害由于可预报性,其风险评估的应用范围更广、业务化能力相对更强;继而以浙江省为例,分析了防灾减灾以... 根据气象灾害特点,对灾害风险评估的概念进行了再认识,分析比较了气象灾害与其他自然灾害(地震、地质灾害)风险评估的不同特点,气象灾害由于可预报性,其风险评估的应用范围更广、业务化能力相对更强;继而以浙江省为例,分析了防灾减灾以及主要行业的需求,以需求为牵引,分析了气象灾害风险评估的业务分类,提出了适应气象监测预报能力的五种风险评估服务产品。针对服务产品类型、空间精度、评估精度等开展了需求调查分析,结果表明:五种风险评估产品都有需求,其中实时综合类风险评估产品需求最大,灾后评估产品需求最小;空间尺度以县(市、区)和乡镇(街道)为单位的需求最大,其次以格点为单位;目前半定量化的"等级"评估精度基本满足服务需求,尚不具有一定精度的定量风险评估需求并不大。最后根据发展目标,架构了气象灾害风险评估的科学研究框架,提出了主要研究内容,初步分析了关键技术及解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 气象灾害 风险评估 业务发展 顶层设计 浙江省
作者 顾佳楠 雷小途 赵兵科 《热带气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期731-739,共9页
台风的发展维持受制于自身(内部结构)及与下垫面间的通量传输过程,利用台风“利奇马”登陆前后的涡动相关仪观测数据,分析台风过境前后地面要素变化及动量通量特征。分析结果表明:台风过境期间,地面气象要素在短时间内出现急剧的变化,... 台风的发展维持受制于自身(内部结构)及与下垫面间的通量传输过程,利用台风“利奇马”登陆前后的涡动相关仪观测数据,分析台风过境前后地面要素变化及动量通量特征。分析结果表明:台风过境期间,地面气象要素在短时间内出现急剧的变化,动量通量在台风登陆过程中显示出“三峰”的结构,对应的摩擦速度随风速的变化以10 m/s为分界线,低风速下呈现明显的正相关性,高风速时则慢慢转为持平甚至回落;能谱分析中,峰值主要存在于0.0002 Hz和0.06 Hz的位置上,另有一位于0.001 Hz外的较弱峰值;能量贡献上,大尺度系统占据主导作用,但中尺度对流系统与湍流尺度运动在能量贡献中同样不可忽视。 展开更多
关键词 动量通量 台风“利奇马” 涡动相关仪 边界层 多尺度分析
近海台风立体协同观测科学试验 被引量:7
作者 雷小途 张雪芬 +5 位作者 段晚锁 李泓 高志球 钱传海 赵兵科 汤杰 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期671-678,共8页
缺乏足够的台风精细结构的直接观测资料,是当前制约我国台风学科发展和预报能力进一步提升的主要瓶颈。简要介绍了2019年初启动的国家重点研发计划项目"近海台风立体协同观测科学试验"的基本情况,首先围绕国家防台减灾需求说... 缺乏足够的台风精细结构的直接观测资料,是当前制约我国台风学科发展和预报能力进一步提升的主要瓶颈。简要介绍了2019年初启动的国家重点研发计划项目"近海台风立体协同观测科学试验"的基本情况,首先围绕国家防台减灾需求说明项目的重要性和必要性,然后从物理机制和预报关键技术研制及改进出发,说明外场协同观测是当前台风学科发展的难点和前沿,接着从台风直接观测平台和设备、外场观测试验及台风模式物理过程参数化改进等方面阐述相关国内外研究进展,最后给出了项目的关键科学技术问题和主要研究内容。 展开更多
关键词 台风 外场观测 协同观测 科学试验
近海台风立体协同观测科学试验进展 被引量:2
作者 赵兵科 汤杰 +8 位作者 雷小途 张雪芬 段晚锁 李泓 高志球 钱传海 鲍旭炜 骆婧瑶 张帅 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期771-785,共15页
国家重点研发计划项目“近海台风立体协同观测科学试验”(2018 YFC1506400)针对防台减灾国家需要和缺乏台风直接探测资料这一制约我国台风学科发展和业务预报能力提升的关键瓶颈而立项,经过3年(2018年12月至2021年12月)的研究,全面完成... 国家重点研发计划项目“近海台风立体协同观测科学试验”(2018 YFC1506400)针对防台减灾国家需要和缺乏台风直接探测资料这一制约我国台风学科发展和业务预报能力提升的关键瓶颈而立项,经过3年(2018年12月至2021年12月)的研究,全面完成了项目的目标任务。采用目标观测指导外场观测—基于观测资料的诊断和理论分析—数值模拟及观测资料验证—观测研究成果业务应用的技术路线,首次对近年来我国自主研发的新设备高空无人机及平流层飞艇等开展了台风探测适应性改造,完成近海台风“地—海—空—天”多基平台立体协同观测方案设计,组织实施了16个近海目标台风的多基平台协同的外场观测试验,基于多源直接观测资料的分析对台风模式物理过程参数化方案进行了改进,并应用于国家级的台风业务模式,效果显著,实现台风业务模式的路径和强度预报精度提高5%、降水预报精度提高3%~5%的预期目标。构建的台风多平台观测体系及协同观测方案,将为我国近海台风直接观测的业务建设奠定基础,并有望实现由目前的“跟跑”向“并跑”和部分“领跑”迈进。 展开更多
关键词 台风 多平台协同的外场观测试验 台风业务模式
Role of ENSO in the interannual relationship between Tibetan Plateau winter snow cover and Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone genesis frequency 被引量:6
作者 ZHAN RuiFen DING YiHui +1 位作者 WU LiGuang lei xiaotu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期2009-2021,共13页
Previous studies have revealed a significantly negative correlation between prior winter snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau (TPSC) and tropical cyclone genesis frequency (TCF) over the western North Pacific (WNP... Previous studies have revealed a significantly negative correlation between prior winter snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau (TPSC) and tropical cyclone genesis frequency (TCF) over the western North Pacific (WNP) in the following typhoon season. This study revisited this relationship based on long-term observational data. The results showed that the interannual correlation between TCF over the WNP and TPSC experienced a shift in the early 1990s. This correlation is significant during only 1993-2012 and is considerably weak during 1976-1992. The possible reasons causing the shift were examined further, and the results demonstrated that the central Pacific (CP) E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has played a vital role in intensifying the interannual relationship between TCF over the WNP and TPSC since the early 1990s. During 1993-2012, TPSC was negatively related to CP ENSO. When TPSC was higher than (lower than) normal, CP ENSO was often in its cold (warm) phase. Such a combination remarkably enhances the relationship of TPSC with the zonal land-sea thermal difference and thus with the summer monsoon over the WNE Additionally, it enhances the modulation of TPSC on the dynamical environments controlling TCF. As a result, the linkage between TPSC and TCF was significantly strengthened in this period. In sharp contrast, due to the weak relationship between TPSC and ENSO followed by the weak modulation of TPSC on the summer monsoon over the WNP and the dynamical environment during 1976-1992, the linkage between TPSC and TCF was weak during this time period. The results from additional dynamical diagnostic analyses further showed that during 1993-2012 CP ENSO modulated the barotropic energy conversion of zonal winds over the WNP, contributing to the intensified relationship between TPSC and TCF. These results will improve seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone activity over the WNP. 展开更多
关键词 Western North Pacific Tropical cyclone Snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau ENSO Interdecadal shift
作者 XU TANG lei xiaotu YU HUI 《Tropical Cyclone Research and Review》 2012年第1期66-71,共6页
The World Expo 2010 was successfully held in Shanghai from May to October 2010. Activities related to the Expo were spread out in the Eastern China. To provide a better typhoon landfall forecast service for the Expo a... The World Expo 2010 was successfully held in Shanghai from May to October 2010. Activities related to the Expo were spread out in the Eastern China. To provide a better typhoon landfall forecast service for the Expo and to demonstrate the most advanced typhoon forecast techniques in the world, the “WMO Typhoon Landfall Forecast Demonstration Project(WMO-TLFDP)” began in May 2010 and will end in December 2012. It is a component of the Shanghai Multi-Hazard Early Warning System Project. Significant progresses have been made. First, the WMO-TLFDP Training Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Forecasting was held successfully in Shanghai, China during 24-28 May, 2010. Second. a total of 13 typhoon forecast product providers have participated in the project by providing real-time forecast products. Third, typhoon track, intensity and rainfall forecasts are verified in both real time and post season manners. Fourth, products of the project are disseminated through the project’s website(http://tlfdp.typhoon.gov.cn) and the operational website of the Shanghai Typhoon Warning Center. Finally, all the data and products of named tropical cyclones since May 2010 are archived by the Regional Meteorological Center of Eastern China, which are available to research, training and capacity-building activities. It is demonstrated that current operational models are valuable in providing guidance to the forecast of not only track, but also intensity and heavy rainfall of tropical cyclones. Consensus techniques and ensemble prediction systems are promising in assisting the forecasters and decision makers to provide better tropical cyclone forecast and warning service. The WMO-TLFDP has supported effectively the forecasters and typhoon-related weather services during the World EXPO 2010, and it will continue to promote the implementation of the most advanced typhoon forecast techniques among the members of ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, which ultimately will be of benefit to other WMO Members as well. 展开更多
作者 lei xiaotu ZHOU XIAO 《Tropical Cyclone Research and Review》 2012年第1期19-25,共7页
Names have been given to tropical cyclones which raging through the western North Pacific Ocean since 1947.However,considering the disastrous impact or some extreme uniqueness quite a few typhoons have their names ret... Names have been given to tropical cyclones which raging through the western North Pacific Ocean since 1947.However,considering the disastrous impact or some extreme uniqueness quite a few typhoons have their names retired from the list.This study conducts preliminary analysis and summarizes the frequency,impact and also explains why they were retired.It shows that a total of 31 typhoons(in the western North Pacific Ocean)have been removed from the list from 1947 on,most of which retired after 2000 amounting to 20 as against 11 before 2000.Collectively,these retired typhoons have made 16843 people killed or missing and caused a heavy property loss of$45.7 billion,averaging 543 fatalities and property loss of$1.69 billion each(capping at 8000 and$10 billion respectively).Most typhoons were retired due to huge personnel and property loss.However,some others were removed for their unique feature such as developed near equator,extremely long typhoon tracks,etc.Moreover,there were some retired due to neither of the above reasons.In this connection,the study also discusses the standard of retiring typhoons. 展开更多
关键词 TYPHOONS disastrous IMPACT the standard of retiring TYPHOONS
作者 lei xiaotu 《Tropical Cyclone Research and Review》 2018年第1期4-4,共1页
To promote and coordinate the planning and implementation of measures required for minimizing the loss of life and material damage caused by typhoons in the Asia and pacific Region,the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee(TC)w... To promote and coordinate the planning and implementation of measures required for minimizing the loss of life and material damage caused by typhoons in the Asia and pacific Region,the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee(TC)was established in 1968 under the auspices of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP)and the World Meteorological Organization(WMO). 展开更多
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