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Modified Raman Response Model and Supercontinuum Generation in Flat Dispersion Photonic Crystal Fiber with Two-Zero Dispersion Wavelengths
作者 WANG He-Lin YANG Ai-Jun +1 位作者 leng yu-xin WANG Cheng 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期93-96,共4页
The generation mechanisms of supercontinuum(SC)and the effect of the modified Raman model on SC are further analyzed in a flat dispersion photonic crystal fiber(PCF)with two-zero dispersion wavelengths(TZDWs)by introd... The generation mechanisms of supercontinuum(SC)and the effect of the modified Raman model on SC are further analyzed in a flat dispersion photonic crystal fiber(PCF)with two-zero dispersion wavelengths(TZDWs)by introducing an accurate Raman response function in the scalar nonlinear Scho?dinger equation.The results show that the introduction of Boson peak in the modified Raman gain model not only results in much rapider broadening of SC but also promotes more pump pulse energy transferred to the short wavelength region,which is related to stimulated Raman scattering.Moreover,SC generated from the PCF splits into two spectral bands,and their spectral peaks rapidly separate and broaden with the increase of incidcnt power.Double-band central wavelengths are finally located at about 850 nm and 1220 nm.The pumping energy depletion phenomenon occurs.The simulated results from the modified Raman model are in better agreement with the experimental results than that from the single-Lorentzian moder. 展开更多
国产大尺寸钛宝石晶体助力世界最强脉冲激光放大输出 被引量:5
作者 杭寅 徐民 +9 位作者 张连翰 何明珠 蔡双 李善明 李晓清 梁晓燕 冷雨欣 李儒新 潘世烈 张方方 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期809-811,共3页
自主研发成功热交换法生长大尺寸钛宝石晶体设备,生长出完整无开裂的钛宝石激光晶体毛坯,经加工获得尺寸达φ235mm×72mm的晶体元件。在180mm口径范围内,晶体光学均匀性达到5.52×10^-5,晶体应力双折射为5.0nm/cm。大尺寸钛宝... 自主研发成功热交换法生长大尺寸钛宝石晶体设备,生长出完整无开裂的钛宝石激光晶体毛坯,经加工获得尺寸达φ235mm×72mm的晶体元件。在180mm口径范围内,晶体光学均匀性达到5.52×10^-5,晶体应力双折射为5.0nm/cm。大尺寸钛宝石晶体应用于上海超强超短激光实验装置,获得339J激光脉冲能量输出,峰值功率达10.3PW。 展开更多
关键词 钛宝石晶体 热交换法 超强超短激光 十拍瓦
强场太赫兹光源及其物质调控研究(特邀) 被引量:6
作者 田野 郭丝霖 +3 位作者 曾雨珊 宋立伟 冷雨欣 李儒新 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期3-25,共23页
介绍了基于超快激光的强场太赫兹波产生技术、探测技术及其在物质调控研究中的应用.强场太赫兹波的产生机制主要包括:晶体非线性效应、激光等离子体相互作用、太赫兹自由电子激光等.太赫兹波的探测技术包括:电光采样探测、空气偏压相干... 介绍了基于超快激光的强场太赫兹波产生技术、探测技术及其在物质调控研究中的应用.强场太赫兹波的产生机制主要包括:晶体非线性效应、激光等离子体相互作用、太赫兹自由电子激光等.太赫兹波的探测技术包括:电光采样探测、空气偏压相干探测和单发探测等.最后介绍了强场太赫兹光源在物质调控研究中的应用,特别指出将强场太赫兹光源与第四代X射线光源相结合,在物性表征和调控方面具有广阔的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 超快激光 强场太赫兹波 太赫兹波的产生和探测 物质调控
Ni60/WC涂层表面圆凹坑皮秒激光加工关键参数研究 被引量:2
作者 钟林 王紫萱 +8 位作者 阎永宏 廖洋 谢少明 冷雨欣 王国荣 罗敏敏 魏刚 敬佳佳 龚银春 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期348-357,443,共11页
目的优化激光路径填充方式以减少皮秒加工圆凹坑底部的堆积现象,并探究基于该激光路径填充方式的皮秒激光关键参数对Ni60/WC涂层表面圆形凹坑形貌参数的影响规律。方法采用搭建的紫外皮秒激光微加工平台在Ni60/WC涂层表面加工预先规划... 目的优化激光路径填充方式以减少皮秒加工圆凹坑底部的堆积现象,并探究基于该激光路径填充方式的皮秒激光关键参数对Ni60/WC涂层表面圆形凹坑形貌参数的影响规律。方法采用搭建的紫外皮秒激光微加工平台在Ni60/WC涂层表面加工预先规划的直径为230μm的圆凹坑,通过白光干涉仪测试加工所得圆凹坑的整体三维形貌对圆凹坑底部形貌进行表征。采用同心圆网格复合激光路径填充方式对圆凹坑底部堆积现象进行优化,并通过单因素法分析该路径下皮秒激光关键参数,即加工功率、扫描次数、扫描速度对圆形凹坑深度、直径和圆度系数的影响规律。结果通过优化的同心圆网格复合激光路径填充方式加工所得圆凹坑材料去除体积为7.59×106μm3,轮廓算术平均高度为21.37μm,对比原始的网格激光路径填充方式,加工的圆凹坑底部无明显堆积;基于此激光路径填充方式,在测试工艺参数范围内,圆凹坑深度、直径和圆度系数随激光功率的增大呈二次函数增大;随着扫描速度的增大,圆凹坑深度、直径呈线性减小,圆度系数呈线性增大;圆凹坑深度、直径和圆度系数随扫描次数的增加均呈线性增大。结论同心圆网格复合激光路径填充方式可以有效改善Ni60/WC涂层表面皮秒加工圆凹坑底部堆积现象,针对直径(230±5)μm、深度(30±5)μm的圆凹坑,优选出的皮秒激光加工参数范围为:激光功率6~7 W,扫描速度6000~8000 mm/s,扫描次数1~2次。 展开更多
关键词 Ni60/WC涂层 圆凹坑 皮秒激光 激光路径填充方式 金属堆积 加工关键参数
切比雪夫雾霾粒子的紫外光散射偏振特性研究 被引量:7
作者 赵太飞 王婵 +1 位作者 冷昱欣 宋鹏 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期2149-2156,共8页
雾霾天气已严重影响人们的日常生活,通过检测雾霾粒子的紫外光散射偏振特性可以有效分析雾霾成因。矿物粒子、灰尘粒子等雾霾颗粒均有小规模表面粗糙度的形态学特征,因此可用切比雪夫粒子作为模型分析。"日盲"紫外光与切比雪... 雾霾天气已严重影响人们的日常生活,通过检测雾霾粒子的紫外光散射偏振特性可以有效分析雾霾成因。矿物粒子、灰尘粒子等雾霾颗粒均有小规模表面粗糙度的形态学特征,因此可用切比雪夫粒子作为模型分析。"日盲"紫外光与切比雪夫雾霾粒子相互作用发生散射,散射光偏振特性可反演切比雪夫雾霾颗粒物理性质(如粒子尺寸参数、复杂折射率、粒子形变、波纹参数)。采用紫外光单次散射模型和T矩阵方法,仿真分析切比雪夫雾霾粒子物理参数与散射光偏振特性(Stokes矢量和偏振度)之间的关系,结果表明:粒径对散射光Stokes矢量Is和Qs随散射角的变化趋势影响很大,粒子的粒径和复杂折射率虚部的变化会造成散射光偏振度随散射角的变化趋势的改变;具体分析散射角度为10°时,得到粒径对Is和Qs的数值影响最大,当粒径r<1μm时,Is随粒径呈现抛物线趋势;切比雪夫粒子形变的增大,Is呈现先增大后减小的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 切比雪夫雾霾粒子 日盲紫外光 偏振 T矩阵
雾霾粒子的紫外光散射特性研究 被引量:10
作者 赵太飞 冷昱欣 +1 位作者 赵思婷 宋鹏 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期837-843,共7页
紫外光与雾霾粒子发生散射后,其散射信道特性能够反映雾霾粒子的相关物理信息,利用无线紫外光单次和多次散射信道模型,采用Mie散射和T矩阵理论分析了霾粒子在不同形态和浓度下的紫外光散射信道特性,以及散射角对散射光强的影响,并完成... 紫外光与雾霾粒子发生散射后,其散射信道特性能够反映雾霾粒子的相关物理信息,利用无线紫外光单次和多次散射信道模型,采用Mie散射和T矩阵理论分析了霾粒子在不同形态和浓度下的紫外光散射信道特性,以及散射角对散射光强的影响,并完成了紫外光在雾霾环境下的实测。通过理论及仿真分析,得到了不同霾粒子形态下的紫外光通信路径损耗以及光强分布。结果表明:紫外光直视通信方式下,路径损耗随着霾粒子浓度的增大而增大,且通信质量差于晴朗天。非直视通信方式中,在短距离通信时,高霾浓度下的路径损耗小于中低霾浓度,然而随着通信距离的继续增大,高雾霾浓度下的通信质量急剧下降,低霾浓度下通信质量最终达到最优,且距离为200m时通信质量能优于晴朗环境。当通信距离相同时,三种雾霾浓度下的紫外光散射光强分布均随着散射角的增大而减小,当散射角继续增大并超过90°时,低霾浓度下的散射光强最大。主要原因是虽然散射角继续增大,但是有效散射体体积逐渐减小,因此低霾浓度下的散射光强较大。且当粒子粒径相同时,球形粒子的衰减较非球形粒子大。雾霾环境下实测结果与仿真结果相类似,证明了仿真结果的正确性,并在一定程度上证明了实际大气中雾霾非球形粒子多于球形粒子。 展开更多
关键词 紫外光 雾霾粒子 散射光强 路径损耗
Double Grating Expanders for Fourth-Order Dispersion Compensation in Chirped Pulse Amplifiers 被引量:1
作者 WANG Cheng leng yu-xin 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期99-101,共3页
A scheme of double grating expanders is first proposed for high energy chirped pulse amplifiers.It is demonstrated that they can compensate for the amplifier's material dispersion up to the fourth-order,together w... A scheme of double grating expanders is first proposed for high energy chirped pulse amplifiers.It is demonstrated that they can compensate for the amplifier's material dispersion up to the fourth-order,together with a suitable grating compressor.The scheme makes it possible that the pulse expansion in Chirped pulse amplifiers(CPAs)is no longer restricted by the material dispersion,and the corresponding grating compressor can be independently optimized according to the available gratings'size and damage threshold. 展开更多
关键词 amplifier COMPRESSOR dispersion
Efficient Spherical Wavefront Correction near the Focus for the 0.89 PW/29.0 fs Ti:Sapphire Laser Beam
作者 REN Zhi-Jun LIANG Xiao-Yan +4 位作者 YU Liang-Hong LU Xiao-Ming leng yu-xin LI Ru-Xin XU Zhi-Zhan 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期85-88,共4页
We demonstrate a new loop system of the spherical wavefront(SW)correction near the beam focus to effectively improve the focusability of 0.89 PW/29.0 fs Ti:sapphire chirped pulse amplification laser.After wavefront co... We demonstrate a new loop system of the spherical wavefront(SW)correction near the beam focus to effectively improve the focusability of 0.89 PW/29.0 fs Ti:sapphire chirped pulse amplification laser.After wavefront correction,the Strehl ratio is improved to reach 0.91,and the focal spot size using the f/4 off-axis parabola is reduced to 6.34 x 6.94μm^(2)(corresponding to 1.63 x 1.78 times diffraction limitation).With full peak power of 0.89 PW,the peak intensity of 2.59 x 10^(21)W/cm^(2)is obtained.The experimental results show that the SW correction scheme near the beam focus is comparatively simple,economic and high-efficient. 展开更多
Broadening and Amplification of an Infrared Femtosecond Pulse for Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplification
作者 WANG He-Lin YANG Ai-Jun leng yu-xin 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第10期99-102,共4页
A high-average-power diode-pumped narrowband regenerative chirped pulse amplifier is developed using the thin-rod Nd:YAG laser architecture for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification(OPCPA).The effect of the e... A high-average-power diode-pumped narrowband regenerative chirped pulse amplifier is developed using the thin-rod Nd:YAG laser architecture for optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification(OPCPA).The effect of the etalons on the amplified pulse in the regenerative cavity is studied experimentally and theoretically.By inserting glass etalons of thickness 1 mm and 5 mm into the regenerative cavity,the pre-stretching pulse from anÖffner stretcher is further broadened to above 200 ps,which matches the amplification windows of the signal pulses in OPCPA and is suitable for use as a pump source in the OPCPA system.The bandwidth of the amplified pulse is 1.5 nm,and an output energy of 2 mJ is achieved at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. 展开更多
Alteration of cholinergic and peptidergic neurotransmitters in rat ileum induced by acute stress following transient intestinal infection is mast cell dependent 被引量:6
作者 leng yu-xin WEI Yan-yu +3 位作者 CHEN Hong ZHOU Shu-pei YANG Yan-lin DUAN Li-ping 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期227-233,共7页
Background Mast cells are implicated in the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is associated with the activation of the "neural-immune" system. The aim of this study was to investigate the role o... Background Mast cells are implicated in the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is associated with the activation of the "neural-immune" system. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of mast cells in the remodeling of cholinergic and peptidergic neurotransmitters induced by acute cold restriction stress (ACRS) post infection (PI) using mast cell deficient rats (Ws/Ws) and their wild-type controls (+/+). Methods Transient intestinal infection was initiated by giving 1500 Trichinella spiralis (T.S.) larvae by gavage. ACRS was induced for 2 hours at day 100 PI. Samples of terminal ilea were prepared for H&E staining, mast cell counting and activation and assessment of IL-113 and IL-10. Results When infected, both strains of rats experienced an acute infectious stage followed by a recovery. Histological scores were significantly higher in infected rats compared with those of the non-infected controls at day 10 PI (10 day-PI vs. control: +/+: 2.75±0.17 vs. 0.42±0.09; Ws/Ws: 2.67±0.67 vs. 0.50±0.34; P 〈0.01). In +/+ rats, post-infection ACRS induced the formation of low-grade inflammation, represented by the imbalance of IL-1β and IL-10 (IL-1β: PI+ACRS vs. control: (1812.24±561.61) vs. (1275.97±410.21) pg/g, P 〈0.05; IL-10: PI+ACRS vs. control: (251.9±39.8) vs. (255.3±24.7) pg/g, P 〉0.05), accompanied by hyperplasia and activation of mast cells (PI+ACRS vs. control: 58.8±19.2 vs. 28.0±7.6; P 〈0.01). The balance between acetylcholine (ACh) and substance P (SP) was also disturbed (ACh: PI+ACRS vs. control: (743.94±238.72) vs. (1065.68±256.46) pg/g, P 〈0.05; SP: PI+ACRS vs. control: (892.60±231.12) vs. (696.61±148.61) pg/g, P 〈0.05). Nevertheless, similar changes of IL-1β/IL-10 and ACh/SP were not detected in Ws/Ws rats. Conclusion The imbalance of ACh/SP, together with the activation of mucosal immunity induced by post-infection ACRS were lacking in mast cell deficient rats, which supports the premise that mast cells play an important role in cholinergic and peptidergic remodeling in the ileum of rats. 展开更多
关键词 mast cells transient infection acute cold restriction stress ACETYLCHOLINE substance P
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