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胡萝卜根色及其色素组分的遗传和育种研究进展 被引量:2
作者 刘星 黄建新 +3 位作者 欧承刚 赵志伟 李成江 庄飞云 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1241-1248,共8页
胡萝卜作为世界十大蔬菜作物之一,是人类重要的维生素A源。我国是胡萝卜主要生产国,拥有丰富的地方胡萝卜种质资源,包含橘色、红色、黄色和紫色等不同类型。多样根色的胡萝卜种质不仅是研究类胡萝卜素、花青素等合成与代谢调控的有利材... 胡萝卜作为世界十大蔬菜作物之一,是人类重要的维生素A源。我国是胡萝卜主要生产国,拥有丰富的地方胡萝卜种质资源,包含橘色、红色、黄色和紫色等不同类型。多样根色的胡萝卜种质不仅是研究类胡萝卜素、花青素等合成与代谢调控的有利材料,也是胡萝卜起源和驯化研究的重要资源。本文梳理了不同根色胡萝卜的驯化历史和主要色素组分,综述了调控胡萝卜肉质根中类胡萝卜素、花青素积累的遗传位点、基因及其功能研究进展,介绍了不同根色品种的用途和选育方法,并对胡萝卜根色性状今后的研究内容和方向作了展望,以期为胡萝卜根色的调控机理研究和不同根色品种的选育提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 胡萝卜 根色 类胡萝卜素 花青素 遗传调控
胡萝卜黑斑病抗性的动态遗传分析 被引量:2
作者 欧承刚 曹琼文 +3 位作者 赵志伟 任怀富 李成江 庄飞云 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2019年第4期34-39,共6页
采用加性-显性遗传模型,利用19份橘色胡萝卜试材配制63个杂交组合,研究3个发病时期下黑斑病抗性的动态遗传规律。结果表明,各时期的遗传效应以加性效应为主,在发病中期和晚期(V_A=0.656和0.551)达到显著水平,并且在发病中期显著增加,说... 采用加性-显性遗传模型,利用19份橘色胡萝卜试材配制63个杂交组合,研究3个发病时期下黑斑病抗性的动态遗传规律。结果表明,各时期的遗传效应以加性效应为主,在发病中期和晚期(V_A=0.656和0.551)达到显著水平,并且在发病中期显著增加,说明该时期是挖掘相关抗病基因的适宜时期;显性效应在发病晚期显著增加,达到最高值(V_D=0.311)。黑斑病抗性存在显著的狭义遗传率和广义遗传率,最高为0.574和0.827,说明通过选择抗性亲本可以提高后代的抗病性。获得5份可以显著增加后代黑斑病抗性的亲本材料P12、P14、P15、P16、P17。 展开更多
关键词 胡萝卜 黑斑病 抗性 遗传分析
不同种类生物炭对植烟土壤微生物及根茎病害发生的影响 被引量:29
作者 李成江 李大肥 +3 位作者 周桂夙 许龙 徐天养 赵正雄 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期289-296,共8页
采用田间试验研究了稻壳炭、木屑炭对烤烟根区土壤微生物、根茎病害发生以及烟叶产量的影响。结果表明,生物炭施用明显影响着烤烟根区土壤微生物数量及其对碳源的利用,进而影响着青枯病、黑胫病的发生情况和烟叶的产量、产值,但其效果... 采用田间试验研究了稻壳炭、木屑炭对烤烟根区土壤微生物、根茎病害发生以及烟叶产量的影响。结果表明,生物炭施用明显影响着烤烟根区土壤微生物数量及其对碳源的利用,进而影响着青枯病、黑胫病的发生情况和烟叶的产量、产值,但其效果因生物炭种类而异。木屑炭处理烤烟旺长期细菌和采烤前放线菌的数量明显比对照增加了11.7%和12.8%,而稻壳炭处理旺长和初烤时的真菌数量显著增加。植烟土壤中青枯菌和黑胫病菌的数量及其占微生物总量的百分比也以施用生物炭处理显著低于对照,而烤烟旺长期根区微生物对碳源的利用能力则相反;到烟叶采烤前,根区微生物对酚酸类和胺类的利用以生物炭处理相对最低;上述情况以木屑炭处理较稻壳炭处理更为明显。与对照相比,木屑炭处理青枯病的发病率和病情指数降低了24.3%和33.3%,黑胫病的发病率和病情指数降低了23.9%和14.9%,产量和产值增加了4.7%和21.1%;稻壳炭处理青枯病发病率和病情指数降低了18.1%和23.9%,黑胫病的发病率和病情指数降低了15.9%和6.0%,产量和产值增加了2.2%和12.0%。综合而言,施用生物炭能较好地改善土壤微生物状况及其对碳源的利用,减少青枯病和黑胫病的发生,增加烟叶的产量和产值;其中以木屑炭处理效果更佳。 展开更多
关键词 生物炭 烤烟 土壤微生物 青枯病 黑胫病 产量 产值
羽毛酶解氨基酸肥对小麦根系形态及抗性酶活的影响 被引量:6
作者 李成江 谢小林 +4 位作者 周莲 陈猛 陈美标 姚青 朱红惠 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期127-132,共6页
为废弃羽毛资源化利用及作物优质高产提供理论依据和技术支持,以中麦9号为研究对象,通过盆栽试验研究废弃羽毛酶解氨基酸肥(FEAF)对小麦根系形态、抗性酶活及单穗重的影响,并与海鱼酶解氨基酸肥(SFAF)和矿物源黄腐酸钾肥(BSFA)比较。结... 为废弃羽毛资源化利用及作物优质高产提供理论依据和技术支持,以中麦9号为研究对象,通过盆栽试验研究废弃羽毛酶解氨基酸肥(FEAF)对小麦根系形态、抗性酶活及单穗重的影响,并与海鱼酶解氨基酸肥(SFAF)和矿物源黄腐酸钾肥(BSFA)比较。结果表明:与不施液体肥(CK)相比,FEAF处理显著增加了小麦根系的主根数、根体积、根鲜重、根干重和根系活力,分别较CK增加25.00%、167.00%、111.00%、95.50%和51.57%。在抗性酶活方面,FEAF处理显著降低了小麦根系的丙二醛含量,增加了超氧化物歧化酶活、过氧化氢酶活和总抗氧化能力,其中丙二醛含量较CK降低20.47%,超氧化物歧化酶活、过氧化氢酶活和总抗氧化能力分别较CK提高36.57%、260.18%和219.77%。植株干物质积累和单穗重在FEAF处理下较CK分别增加95.45%和140.00%。与SFAF处理相比,FEAF处理的小麦根体积、根鲜重、根干重、过氧化氢酶活、总抗氧化能力和单穗重均显著增加,其中单穗重较SFAF处理增加30.43%,处理间差异达到显著水平。而与BSFA处理相比,FEAF处理的小麦根系上述指标和单穗重差异不明显。综上,增施羽毛酶解氨基酸肥能显著改善小麦的根系形态,提高根系活力及抗性相关酶活,促进植株生长,进而增加单穗重,其作用效果与矿物源黄腐酸钾肥相近,但显著优于海鱼酶解氨基酸肥。 展开更多
关键词 羽毛 氨基酸肥 根系形态 抗性酶活 小麦
胡萝卜种质资源的农艺性状及黑斑病抗性研究 被引量:2
作者 曹琼文 付玲 +5 位作者 李成江 欧承刚 刘波 赵志伟 任怀富 庄飞云 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2018年第11期53-59,共7页
在安徽萧县多年连作基地对160份国内外胡萝卜种质资源进行主要农艺性状及3个时期(T1、T2、T3,分别为播种后70、90、110 d)的黑斑病病级指数调查。结果表明:黑斑病病级指数随着胡萝卜生长而逐渐增加,3个时期的平均病级指数之间存在显著差... 在安徽萧县多年连作基地对160份国内外胡萝卜种质资源进行主要农艺性状及3个时期(T1、T2、T3,分别为播种后70、90、110 d)的黑斑病病级指数调查。结果表明:黑斑病病级指数随着胡萝卜生长而逐渐增加,3个时期的平均病级指数之间存在显著差异,分别为0.9、1.8、2.1。基于T3时期的病级指数,160份材料共分为5类,其中第Ⅰ类材料抗性最强,病级指数为0.25~0.75,共21份,其地上部的主要农艺性状指标显著优于其他类群。 展开更多
关键词 胡萝卜 种质资源 农艺性状 黑斑病 抗性
Comparison of HbAlc in Chinese patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes randomized to twice daily insulin lispro low mix 25 or twice daily human insulin mix 30/70 被引量:6
作者 li Yan li Qiang +4 位作者 li cheng-jiang WANG Chang-jiang ZHENG Yi-man Maher Issa ZHANG Jia 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2540-2546,共7页
Background Glycemic control prevents onset and progression of diabetes-related long-term complications. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that twice daily insulin lispro low mix 25 is noninferior to twice... Background Glycemic control prevents onset and progression of diabetes-related long-term complications. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that twice daily insulin lispro low mix 25 is noninferior to twice daily human insulin mix 30/70 in achieving glycemic control as measured by hemoglobin Alc (HbAlc), from baseline to endpoint, in patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Methods In this phase IV, crossover, open-label, multicenter study, 117 Chinese patients with diabetes were randomly assigned to one of two treatment sequence groups. One group received 12-week treatment with twice daily human insulin mix 30/70 followed by 12-week treatment with twice daily insulin lispro low mix 25, while the other group received the reverse treatment sequence. HbAlc, baseline-to-endpoint change in HbAlc, proportion of patients achieving target HbAlc ≤ 7% and 〈 6.5%, fasting blood glucose, and daily insulin doses were measured for each period. Safety and tolerability were also assessed. Results A statistically significant reduction (P≤0.0001) of HbAlc was achieved after each treatment (human insulin mix 30/70: mean HbA1c=7.91% (95% CI: 7,67%, 8.15%); insulin lispro low mix 25: mean HbA1c=7.96% (95% CI: 7.72%, 8.20%)). The 95% Cl (-0.20, 0.10) of the difference between the two treatments satisfied the prespecified noninferiority margin of 0.3% (lower limit of 95% CI 〉 -0.3%). No statistically significant differences between treatments were observed for any of the secondary efficacy measures. The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events and hypoglycemia between the two treatments and treatment sequence groups was similar. Three serious adverse events were reported (human insulin mix 30/70 group: 2 patients (1.7%, hypoglycemic coma and cardiac failure); insulin lispro low mix 25 group: 1 patient (0.9%, stroke)). All serious adverse events were resolved and no patients died during the study. Conclusion The results support noninferiority of twice daily insulin lispro low mix 25 versus twice daily human insulin mix 30/70 in HbAlc control in Chinese patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese patient diabetes mellitus hemoglobin Al c protein human INSULIN
作者 王康 李成江 +1 位作者 李靖 王路军 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期74-78,共5页
以邢台隆尧东方食品城雨水泵站为例,介绍大型雨水泵站设计规模和水泵机组配置的优化设计方法。基于鸿业暴雨排水及低影响开发模拟系统(HY-SWMM),构建雨水管网的水力模型,并采用传统推理法进行水力计算校核;水泵配置对比了大小泵搭配、... 以邢台隆尧东方食品城雨水泵站为例,介绍大型雨水泵站设计规模和水泵机组配置的优化设计方法。基于鸿业暴雨排水及低影响开发模拟系统(HY-SWMM),构建雨水管网的水力模型,并采用传统推理法进行水力计算校核;水泵配置对比了大小泵搭配、高低液位启动、等差和不等差分集水池有效水深等方案。结果表明,采用模型法计算所得大汇水面积雨水泵站的设计规模较推理法可减少约20%;简单地将水泵流量按泵站规模均分、采用等差水位启动水泵是不科学的,需要采用大小泵搭配和适当高液位、不等差水位启动来避免水泵频繁启停。 展开更多
关键词 雨水泵站 HY-SWMM系统 水力模型 水泵配置优化 启泵液位
Comparison of parathyroid hormone (1-34) and elcatonin in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: an 18-month randomized, multicenter controlled trial in China 被引量:24
作者 li Ying XUAN Miao +14 位作者 WANG Bo YANG Jun ZHANG Hong ZHANG Xiu-zhen GUO Xiao-hui Lü Xiao-feng XUE Qing-yun YANG Gang-yi JI Qiu-he liU Zhi-min li cheng-jiang WU Tian-feng SHENG Zheng-yan li Peng-qiu TONG Jiu-cui 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期457-463,共7页
Background Recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-34) (rhPTH (1-34)) is the first agent in a unique class of anabolic therapies acting on the skeleton. The efficacy and safety of long-term administration of rh... Background Recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-34) (rhPTH (1-34)) is the first agent in a unique class of anabolic therapies acting on the skeleton. The efficacy and safety of long-term administration of rhPTH (1-34) in Chinese postmenopausal women had not been evaluated. This study compared the clinical efficacy and safety of rhPTH (1-34) with elcatonin for treating postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in 11 urban areas of China. Methods A total of 453 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were enrolled in an 18-month, multi-center, randomized, controlled study. They were randomized to receive either rhPTH (1-34) 20 μg (200 U) daily for 18 months, or elcatonin 20 U weekly for 12 months. Lumbar spine (L1-4) and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD), fracture rate, back pain as well as biochemical markers of bone turnover were measured. Adverse events were recorded. Results rhPTH (1-34) increased lumbar BMD significantly more than did elcatonin after 6, 12, and 18 months of treatment (4.3% vs. 1.9%, 6.8% vs. 2.7%, 9.5% vs. 2.9%, P 〈0.01). There was only a small but significant increase of femoral neck BMD after 18 months (2.6%, P 〈0.01) in rhPTH groups. There were larger increases in bone turnover markers in the rhPTH (1-34) group than those in the elcatonin group after 6, 12, and 18 months (serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP) 93.7% vs. -3.6%; 117.8% vs. -4.1%; 49.2% vs. -5.8%, P 〈0.01; urinary C-telopeptide/creatinine (CTX/Cr) 250.0% vs. -29.5%; 330.0% vs. -41.4%, 273.0% vs. -10.6%, P 〈0.01). rhPTH (1-34) showed similar effect of pain relief as elcatonin. The incidence of clinical fractures was 5.36% (6/112) in elcatonin group and 3.2% (11/341)in rhPTH (1-34)group (P=0.303). Both treatments were well tolerated. Hypercaluria (9.4%) and hypercalcemia (7.0%) in rhPTH (1-34) group were transient and caused no clinical symptoms. Pruritus (8.2% vs. 2.7%, P=0.044) and redness of injection site (4.4% vs. 0,P=0.024) were more frequent in rhPTH (1-34). Nausea/vomiting (16.1% vs. 6.2%, P=0.001) and hot flushes (7.1% vs. 0.6%, P 〈0.001) were more common in elcatonin group. Conclusions rhPTH (1-34) was associated with greater increases in lumbar spine BMD and bone formation markers. It could increase femoral BMD after 18 months of treatment, rhPTH could improve back pain effectively. The results of the present study indicate that rhPTH (1-34) is an effective, safe agent in treating Chinese postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. (ChiCTR- TRC-10000924) 展开更多
关键词 recombinant human parathyroid hormone ELCATONIN OSTEOPOROSIS bone mineral density fraeture
A randomized, multicenter controlled trial to compare the efficacy of recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-34) with elcatonin in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in China 被引量:12
作者 ZHANG Xiu-zhen WANG Bo +14 位作者 YANG Jun XUAN Miao SONG li-ge li Hong GUO Xiao-hui LU Xiao-feng XUE Qing-yun YANG Gang-yi JI Qiu-he SHEN Jie liU Zhi-min li cheng-jiang WU Tian-feng TONG Xiao-cui JIA Yuan 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第24期2933-2938,共6页
Background Recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-34) (rhPTH (1-34)) given by injection is a new seventh class drug of biological products, which is prepared by adopting gene recombination technique, rhPTH (1... Background Recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-34) (rhPTH (1-34)) given by injection is a new seventh class drug of biological products, which is prepared by adopting gene recombination technique, rhPTH (1-34) is mainly used to treat osteoporosis, especially for postmenopausal women. This study compared the clinical efficacy and safety of rhPTH (1-34) with elcatonin for treating postmenopausal women with osteoporosis in 11 urban areas of China. Methods Two hundred and five women with osteoporosis were enrolled in a 6-month, multicenter, randomized, controlled study. They were randomized to receive either rhPTH (1-34) 20 ug (200 U) daily or elcatonin 20 U weekly. Lumbar spine (L1-4) and femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD), as well as biochemical markers of bone turnover were measured. Adverse events were recorded. Results rhPTH (1-34) increased lumbar BMD significantly more than did elcatonin at 3 months and 6 months (2.38% vs 0.59%, P 〈0.05; 5.51% vs 1.55%, P 〈0.01), but there were no significant increases of BMD in these two groups at femoral neck. There were larger mean increases in bone markers in the rhPTH (1-34) group than in the elcatonin group at 3 months and 6 months (serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP) 36.79% vs 0.31%; 92.42% vs -0.17%; urinary N-telopeptide/creatinine (NTX/Cr) 48.91% vs -5.32%; 68.82% vs -10.86%). Both treatments were well tolerated and there were no significant differences detected between the two groups in the proportion of any adverse events and any serious adverse events (67.0% vs 59.0%; 0 vs 0). Conclusions rhPTH (1-34) has more positive effects on bone formation, as shown by the larger increments of lumbar BMD and bone formation markers, than elcatonin, with only mild adverse events and no significant change in the liver, kidney or hematological indices. 展开更多
关键词 recombinant human parathyroid hormone ELCATONIN OSTEOPOROSIS bone mineral density
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