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作者 洪仲思 董文晓 +8 位作者 段思雨 李珂楠 林敏怡 陈洁花 赵国桢 李颖 胡晶 李博 刘清泉 《北京中医药》 2024年第12期1437-1440,共4页
目的观察分析珠海市感染奥密克戎(Omicron)变异株BA.2亚型、BA.5亚型儿童的临床症状及中医证候分布特点。方法选择2022年1—7月珠海市中山大学附属第五医院收治的Omicron变异株感染患儿70例,根据毒株亚型分为BA.2亚型组19例、BA.5亚型... 目的观察分析珠海市感染奥密克戎(Omicron)变异株BA.2亚型、BA.5亚型儿童的临床症状及中医证候分布特点。方法选择2022年1—7月珠海市中山大学附属第五医院收治的Omicron变异株感染患儿70例,根据毒株亚型分为BA.2亚型组19例、BA.5亚型组51例,统计并分析其临床特点和中医证候规律。结果BA.5亚型组的基线病毒载量均高于BA.2亚型组。BA.2亚型组入院时症状主要是咳嗽(78.9%)、流涕(63.2%)、鼻塞(52.6%)、发热(26.3%)、咽痛(15.8%)和咳黄痰(15.7%),中医证候以风寒束肺(31.6%)和风热犯肺(21.1%)最为多见,有部分患者邪入气分,病变在肺,因此辨证亦有湿毒郁肺证或寒湿阻肺;BA.5亚型组入院时的症状主要是发热(70.5%)、咳嗽(41.1%)、流涕(21.5%)、鼻塞(17.6%)、乏力(11.7%)和咳白痰(11.7%),中医证候以风邪挟湿、挟热、挟寒为主。结论Omicron变异株亚型感染患儿多见BA.5亚型,肺部症状和影像学改变较轻,治则当以疏风解表、宣肺止咳为主。 展开更多
关键词 Omicron变异株 BA.5亚型 BA.2亚型 中医证候
作者 高山青 李波 《教育与考试》 2024年第6期83-88,共6页
当今世界,以信息技术为基础的数字化、智能化浪潮席卷而来,高校的思政教育工作也迎来了千载难逢的发展机遇。新时期推动数字赋能高校思政课教学,要立足于梳理数字赋能高校思政课教学的价值旨归、现实困境、基本遵循和未来设计的四重维度... 当今世界,以信息技术为基础的数字化、智能化浪潮席卷而来,高校的思政教育工作也迎来了千载难逢的发展机遇。新时期推动数字赋能高校思政课教学,要立足于梳理数字赋能高校思政课教学的价值旨归、现实困境、基本遵循和未来设计的四重维度,探讨数字赋能高校思政课教学发展的逻辑和走向,从而更好地推进数智时代下高校思政课教学的高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 数字赋能 思政课教学 现实困境 路径选择
造林密度对欧美杨3品种在东北地区生长及材性的影响 被引量:6
作者 刘宁 丁昌俊 +3 位作者 李波 丁密 苏晓华 黄秦军 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期9-18,共10页
[目的 ]为了探讨我国欧美杨速生丰产林良种选育及栽培环节存在的关键共性技术问题,在我国东北地区大凌河流域平原开展栽植密度对欧美杨品种的影响试验,为欧美杨纸浆材人工林优良品种的早期选育及推广栽培提供一定的理论依据。[方法 ]试... [目的 ]为了探讨我国欧美杨速生丰产林良种选育及栽培环节存在的关键共性技术问题,在我国东北地区大凌河流域平原开展栽植密度对欧美杨品种的影响试验,为欧美杨纸浆材人工林优良品种的早期选育及推广栽培提供一定的理论依据。[方法 ]试验材料为京2杨、渤丰1号杨和渤丰3号杨3个欧美杨品种,设计2 m×3m、2 m×4 m、2 m×5 m和2 m×6 m四种造林密度。测量第2至8年的胸径,统计第1至8年的保存率,测定第1至8年的木材物理性质、第2、4、6、8年的木材解剖性质,测定总体的木材化学成分;整理并绘制保存率连年变化图,利用双因素方差分析逐年评价品种、造林密度以及品种与造林密度的交互作用对欧美杨胸径的效应,并对各性状进行多重比较。[结果 ]品种和造林密度对胸径生长均有极显著的影响(p <0.01);造林密度与品种的互作效应在第1至6年均是显著的(p <0.05),第7、8年则没有出现显著性(p>0.05)的互作效应。各造林密度中京2杨的保存率呈逐年较大幅度下降的形式,在第8年其各密度胸径和保存率最差,保存率最高的是2 m×6 m造林密度中的渤丰1号杨;胸径最大的是2 m×6 m造林密度中的渤丰3号杨。较大造林密度(2 m×3 m和2 m×4 m)会在生长初期使欧美杨的保存率较大幅度下降,而较小的造林密度(2 m×5 m和2 m×6 m)保存率下降平缓。对木材性质进行的多重比较结果表明:造林密度对木材性质影响不显著(p>0.05)的影响。木材的纤维长宽比、总木素含量随造林密度的增加而增大;而较小的造林密度会增加木材的微纤丝角、纤维素含量、综纤维素含量。[结论 ]3个欧美杨品种的适应性存在差异,渤丰1号杨和渤丰3号杨优于京2杨。较大的造林密度对3品种的保存率、胸径、木材性质均有抑制作用,而较小的造林密度欧美杨的保存率高。随林龄的增长,欧美杨的木材基本密度、纤维长、纤维长宽比显著性(p <0.05)增大,而木材的微纤丝角、木纤维组织比量显著(p <0.05)减小,纤维宽的变异较小。造林密度与品种的互作效应对胸径的影响随林龄的增长而减弱。在营造纸浆材欧美杨人工林时,初植密度最少不能小于2 m×6 m,且应当做到适地适树以优化生产。试验中欧美杨的木材性质均适宜营造纸浆林,高保存率的渤丰1号杨适合纸浆材人工林的营造,而渤丰3号杨有发展大径材人工林的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 造林密度 欧美杨品种 保存率 胸径 木材性质
lncRNASOX2-OT调节miR-215-5p/ZEB2轴抑制人前列腺癌细胞系增殖和上皮间质转化研究 被引量:1
作者 史春辉 李波 +1 位作者 朱星宇 何仲琴 《中国性科学》 2023年第12期24-32,共9页
目的探讨长非编码RNA SRY盒转录因子2重叠转录本(lncRNA SOX2-OT)调节miR-215-5p/E盒结合锌指蛋白2(ZEB2)轴对前列腺癌细胞增殖和上皮间质转化(EMT)的影响。方法将PC-3细胞分为对照组、si-SOX2-OT组、si-NC组、si-SOX2-OT+anti-miR-215... 目的探讨长非编码RNA SRY盒转录因子2重叠转录本(lncRNA SOX2-OT)调节miR-215-5p/E盒结合锌指蛋白2(ZEB2)轴对前列腺癌细胞增殖和上皮间质转化(EMT)的影响。方法将PC-3细胞分为对照组、si-SOX2-OT组、si-NC组、si-SOX2-OT+anti-miR-215-5p组,实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(qRT-PCR)检测细胞中SOX2-OT、miR-215-5p与ZEB2表达。细胞计数试剂盒-8(CCK-8)及5-乙炔基-2′脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(EdU)染色法检测PC-3细胞增殖;流式细胞术检测PC-3细胞凋亡率;Transwell检测PC-3细胞迁移、侵袭;qRT-PCR检测PC-3细胞miR-215-5p、ZEB2 mRNA、凋亡蛋白与EMT标志蛋白转录表达;Western blot检测PC-3细胞ZEB2、凋亡蛋白与EMT标志蛋白表达;双荧光素酶报告基因实验验证PC-3细胞中SOX2-OT对miR-215-5p及miR-215-5p对ZEB2的靶向调节作用。结果与人前列腺上皮细胞相比,人前列腺癌组织源细胞和人前列腺癌细胞株PC-3、DU 145、22RV1中SOX2-OT、ZEB2 mRNA表达升高,miR-215-5p表达降低(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,si-SOX2-OT组细胞活力、EdU阳性率、迁移细胞数、侵袭细胞数、细胞ZEB2、B淋巴细胞瘤-2基因(Bcl-2)及Vimentin mRNA和蛋白表达均降低,细胞凋亡率、miR-215-5p及Bcl-2相关X基因(Bax)、E-cadherin mRNA和蛋白表达均升高(P<0.05)。下调miR-215-5p表达可减弱敲低SOX2-OT对PC-3细胞的影响。结论敲低SOX2-OT可通过促进miR-215-5p表达而下调ZEB2的表达,从而抑制前列腺癌细胞增殖、迁移、侵袭和EMT,并诱导细胞凋亡。 展开更多
关键词 长非编码RNA SRY盒转录因子2重叠转录本 miR-215-5p/E盒结合锌指蛋白2轴 前列腺癌 增殖
弱视眼视网膜改变的研究进展 被引量:3
作者 李博 王星 +1 位作者 尹曦敏 邹云春 《广西医学》 CAS 2019年第1期83-85,89,共4页
近年对弱视病理学改变的认识逐步细化到细胞学和分子生物学层面,但其众多神经机制和细微结构变化仍不明确。随着科技进步,学者们已证实弱视的发生发展与视觉系统的发育紧密联系,视网膜、外侧膝状体和视皮层的异常改变都会导致弱视的产... 近年对弱视病理学改变的认识逐步细化到细胞学和分子生物学层面,但其众多神经机制和细微结构变化仍不明确。随着科技进步,学者们已证实弱视的发生发展与视觉系统的发育紧密联系,视网膜、外侧膝状体和视皮层的异常改变都会导致弱视的产生。本文将从黄斑、神经纤维层、神经节细胞复合体、脉络膜的形态学改变及视网膜上物质含量的变化对弱视眼视网膜的相关改变进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 弱视 视网膜改变 综述
作者 libo ZHONGYang +1 位作者 NAKAGOSHINobukazu CHENJia-kuan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期151-156,共6页
Shanghai is a coastal metropolitan city with various types of natural wetlands, which account for 23.5% of its total area. According to the definition of wetland in Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, the wetlands of Shang... Shanghai is a coastal metropolitan city with various types of natural wetlands, which account for 23.5% of its total area. According to the definition of wetland in Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, the wetlands of Shanghai were classified into 4 types: coastal, riverine, lacustrine, and reservoir and pond wetlands. In order to examine the roles of wetlands in the life-support system of Shanghai, we calculated the area of each type of the wetlands using GIS technique, and then measured the ecological service values of different ecosystems in Shanghai based on the classification of ecosystem services proposed by COSTANZA et al. (1997). The estimated annual value of ecosystem services in the study area was 7.3×109US$/a for the total area of 1 356 700ha, among which about 97% was provided by the wetlands. Effective conservation and management of wetlands are therefore crucial to Shanghai’s sustainable development. The limitations of the evaluation method for ecosystem service value were also discussed in the present paper. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem service ecological service value GIS SHANGHAI
WISE EXPLOITATION OF NEWLY GROWING LAND RESOURCES——An Assessment on Land-use Change of Chongming Island Using GIS 被引量:11
作者 ZHAOBin libo +2 位作者 MAZhi-jun CHENJia-kuan NAKAGOSHINobukazu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第2期134-141,共8页
Chongming Island, the third largest island in China and the largest alluvialisland in the world, is situated in the north of Shanghai Municipality at the mouth of theChangjiang (Yangtze) River. Along the fertile and p... Chongming Island, the third largest island in China and the largest alluvialisland in the world, is situated in the north of Shanghai Municipality at the mouth of theChangjiang (Yangtze) River. Along the fertile and prosperous sea coast there are a total area ofover 120 x 10~3ha, with a population of 735 000, accruing some 500ha of new tidal land resourcescome from silt, sand and mud carried by the Changjiang River every year, extending about 140m peryear. This dynamic process of alluvial growth has run for some 1500 years. Mudflat on ChongmingIsland at the mouth of the Changjiang River is a resting ground for migratory birds and host morethan a hundred species, including rare cranes and geese. But the local people keep reclaiming thetidal land for economic development. Obviously, it is crucial to have a well-concerted plan forfuture exploitation. In this study, we attempted to investigate the status changes of land use andwild life habitats on Chongming Island in recent 10 years, and then analyzed different humanactivities and their effects on wild life habitats using satellite image data (1990, 1997 and 2000)as well as field survey. Based on the analysis, this study explored the relationships between islandgrowth and land use/cover change (LUCC), predicted what the habitat would be like in the future andtried to find more effective use of this new growing resource. At last, this study provided somepreliminary management plans for Chongming Island that will coordinate the development of localeconomies and the conservation of wild life and their habitats. 展开更多
关键词 RECLAMATION land use/cover change markov model biodiversityconservation chongming island
Effects of quenching speed and Joule heating on the magnetic properties of Nd_9Fe_(86)B_5 ribbons 被引量:1
作者 ANKang HUJifan +5 位作者 WANGDongling QINHongwei SUNGuangfei CHENJufang YUXiaojun libo 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期157-160,共4页
The influences of quenching speed and current annealing on the magnetic properties of Nd9Fe86B5 ribbons were investigated. There is an optimum quenching speed (v ≈ 15 m/s) for preparing hard magnetic ribbons, where t... The influences of quenching speed and current annealing on the magnetic properties of Nd9Fe86B5 ribbons were investigated. There is an optimum quenching speed (v ≈ 15 m/s) for preparing hard magnetic ribbons, where the remanence of 1.22 T, the intrinsic coercivity of 521 kA?m?1 and the energy products of 150 kJ?m?3 are obtained. After annealing ribbons prepared with v = 20 m/s at a dc current of 0.85 A, the remanence reaches a quite large value of 1.47 T, which attributes to the strong exchange coupling interactions between the fine grains of Nd2Fe14B and α-Fe. 展开更多
关键词 NDFEB melt-spun ribbon dc current annealing exchange coupling
Vertical characteristics of ozone variation over the Arctic Chukchi Sea region in 1999 被引量:3
作者 Zhou libo +6 位作者 (周立波) Liu Yu (刘宇) Zou Han (邹捍) 《Chinese Journal of Polar Science》 2002年第1期75-82,共8页
In 1999 summer, Chinese Arctic Research Expedition operated the Chukchi Sea. On Chinese icebreaker Xuelong, we made many high resolution ozonesonds measurements. During the period from August 18 to 24, a synoptic sca... In 1999 summer, Chinese Arctic Research Expedition operated the Chukchi Sea. On Chinese icebreaker Xuelong, we made many high resolution ozonesonds measurements. During the period from August 18 to 24, a synoptic scale observation was taken at 75°N, 160°W. Using the above data, together with TOMS total ozone and NCEP circulation data, we showed that atmospheric ozone amount experienced a high low high variation, with low high low tropopause altitude. Correlation analysis showed a close relation between the total ozone and ozone below 13 km, while the variation of the maximum concentration at about 20 km didn't show any relation to the column ozone. In 500 hPa height maps, there was also the weak strong weak southwesterly pattern. Therefore we suggested that the synoptic system might be responsible to a low ozone advection during this ozone variation. 展开更多
关键词 ozonesonds TOMS TROPOPAUSE synoptic system.
核电站电气二次系统信息安全防护策略研究 被引量:3
作者 孙娅苹 李强 +3 位作者 罗成 刘晓曼 杜霖 李博 《电信网技术》 2017年第4期18-21,共4页
分析了当前我国在建和已投运的核电站电气二次系统的安全现状和存在的问题;之后给出亟需采取的安全防护策略;最后立足于未来两化融合不断推进趋势下核电站电气二次系统的信息安全防护形势,提出建立核电电气二次系统信息安全纵深防御体... 分析了当前我国在建和已投运的核电站电气二次系统的安全现状和存在的问题;之后给出亟需采取的安全防护策略;最后立足于未来两化融合不断推进趋势下核电站电气二次系统的信息安全防护形势,提出建立核电电气二次系统信息安全纵深防御体系、建立专用统一的信息安全监管平台,以及转变被动防御体系为综合立体防御体系的防护对策和建议,以确保核电站电气二次系统的安全稳定。 展开更多
关键词 电气二次系统 信息安全防护 纵深防御 综合立体防御
散射线对GIS设备数字射线检测的影响与防治措施 被引量:2
作者 李波 谢百明 +2 位作者 毛进 樊磊 何锦航 《电力大数据》 2018年第8期69-72,共4页
由于散射线是射线与物质作用的必然产物,散射线不可避免的会导致图像的对比度和清晰度降低,因此只能控制使其对灵敏度的影响降到最低。文章对数字射线检测过程中产生散射线的原因进行了深入分析,并且详细阐述了散射线特性及其在GIS设备... 由于散射线是射线与物质作用的必然产物,散射线不可避免的会导致图像的对比度和清晰度降低,因此只能控制使其对灵敏度的影响降到最低。文章对数字射线检测过程中产生散射线的原因进行了深入分析,并且详细阐述了散射线特性及其在GIS设备数字射线检测图像质量的影响原理,通过对原有的X射线检测装置进行改进,增加了小型化、轻型化的针对不同型号规格GIS设备数字射线检测的不同材质、不同厚度滤板,实现了检测现场快速更换,并对检测工艺参数进行优化,有效减少了散射线对GIS设备数字射线检测的影响。在GIS设备现场实际检测过程中进行了多次运用,和不使用滤板装置进行比较成像质量提高显著,图像分辨能力和细节表现力的提高使得图像更加清晰。 展开更多
关键词 散射线 GIS设备 数字射线检测
铁路集装箱运输管理优化措施 被引量:1
作者 邵军 王宴平 +2 位作者 李波 程龙 张明明 《集装箱化》 2020年第9期6-8,共3页
我国集装箱运输起步较晚但发展较快,近年来保持平均两位数的增长速度,具有较强的国际竞争力。随着集装箱运输相关设施的逐渐完善及市场化进程的加快,我国铁路集装箱运输规模也相应扩大,服务质量不断提升。在铁路集装箱运输快速发展的过... 我国集装箱运输起步较晚但发展较快,近年来保持平均两位数的增长速度,具有较强的国际竞争力。随着集装箱运输相关设施的逐渐完善及市场化进程的加快,我国铁路集装箱运输规模也相应扩大,服务质量不断提升。在铁路集装箱运输快速发展的过程中,集装箱超偏载、集装箱清理不彻底等问题凸显,给集装箱运输安全带来不利影响。本文以中国铁路上海局集团有限公司合肥货运中心(以下简称"合肥货运中心")为例,分析铁路集装箱运输管理存在的问题,并提出优化措施,以期提升铁路集装箱运输管理水平,保障铁路集装箱运输安全。 展开更多
关键词 铁路集装箱运输 货运中心 市场化进程 集装箱 增长速度 国际竞争力 超偏载 服务质量
Giant magnetoimpedance effect in Fe-Zr-Nb-Cu-B nanocrystalline ribbons
作者 ANKang HUJifan +4 位作者 QINHongwei HANTao WANGYizhong YUXiaojun libo 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期235-240,共6页
The giant magnetoimpedance effect of the nanocrystalline ribbonFe_(84)Zr_(2.08)Nb_(1.92)Cu_1B_(11) (atom fraction in %) was investigated. There is an optimumannealing temperature (T_A≈ 998 K) for obtaining the larges... The giant magnetoimpedance effect of the nanocrystalline ribbonFe_(84)Zr_(2.08)Nb_(1.92)Cu_1B_(11) (atom fraction in %) was investigated. There is an optimumannealing temperature (T_A≈ 998 K) for obtaining the largest GMI (giant magneto-impedance) effectin the ribbon Fe_(84)Zr_(2.08)Nb_(1.92)Cu_1B_(11). The ribbon with longer ribbon length has strongerGMI effect, which may be connected with the demagnetization effect of samples. The frequencyf_(max), where the maximum magnetoimpedance GMI(Z)_(max) = [(Z(H) - Z(0))/Z(0)]_(max) occurs, isnear the intersecting frequency f_i of the curves of GMI(R), GMI(X), and GMI(Z) versus frequency.The magnetoreactance GMI(X) decreases monotonically with increasing frequency, which may be due tothe decrease of permeability. In contrast, with the AC (alternating current) frequency increasing,the inagnetore-sistance GMI(R) increases at first, undergoes a peak, and under then drops. Theincrease of the magnetoresistance may result from the enhancement of the skin effect with frequency.The maximum magnetoimpedance value GMI(Z)_(max) under H = 7.2 kA/m is about -56.18% at f= 0.3 MHzfor the nanocrystalline ribbon Fe_(84)Zr_(2.08)Nb_(1.92)Cu_1B_(11) with the annealing temperatureT_A= 998 K and the ribbon length L = 6 cm. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic materials nanocrystalline ribbon giant magnetoimpedance effect PERMEABILITY ANNEALING
The metabolomics variations among rice, brown rice, wet germinated brown rice, and processed wet germinated brown rice
作者 REN Chuan-ying LU Shu-wen +6 位作者 GUAN Lijun HONG Bin ZHANG Ying-lei HUANG Wen-gong libo LIU Wei LU Wei-hong 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第9期2767-2776,共10页
Germination and processing are always accompanied by significant changes in the metabolic compositions of rice. In this study, polished rice(rice), brown rice, wet germinated brown rice(WGBR), high temperature and pre... Germination and processing are always accompanied by significant changes in the metabolic compositions of rice. In this study, polished rice(rice), brown rice, wet germinated brown rice(WGBR), high temperature and pressure-treated WGBR(WGBR-HTP), and low temperature-treated WGBR(WGBR-T18) were enrolled. An untargeted metabolomics assay isolated 6 122 positive ions and 4 224 negative ions(multiple difference ≥1.2 or ≤0.8333, P<0.05, and VIP≥1) by liquid chromatography-mass spectrum. These identified ions were mainly classified into three categories, including the compounds with biological roles, lipids, and phytochemical compounds. In addition to WGBR-T18 vs. WGBR, massive differential positive and negative ions were revealed between rice of different forms. Flavonoids, fatty acids, carboxylic acids, and organoxygen compounds were the dominant differential metabolites. Based on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) database, there 7 metabolic pathways(phenylalanine/tyrosine/tryptophan biosynthesis, histidine metabolism, betalain biosynthesis, C5-branched dibasic acid metabolism, purine metabolism, zeatin biosynthesis, and carbon metabolism) were determined between brown rice and rice. Germination changed the metabolic pathways of porphyrin and chlorophyll, pyrimidine, and purine metabolisms in brown rice. In addition, phosphonate and phosphinate metabolism, and arachidonic acid metabolism were differential metabolic pathways between WGBR-HTP and WGBR-T18. To sum up, there were obvious variations in metabolic compositions of rice, brown rice, WGBR, and WGBR-HTP. The changes of specific metabolites, such as flavonoids contributed to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immunomodulatory effects of GBR. HTP may further improve the nutrition and storage of GBR through influencing specific metabolites, such as flavonoids and fatty acids. 展开更多
关键词 brown rice GERMINATION metabolomics metabolic pathway high temperature and pressure
Giant magneto-impedance and permeability in Fe_(89)Zr_6Hf_1B_4 ribbons
作者 YUXiaojun HUJifan +3 位作者 libo QINHongwei WANGDonglin LIWei 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期174-177,共4页
The giant magneto-impedance (GMI) effect associated with the variation of transverse permeability for the ribbons Fe89Zr6Hf1B4 with different annealing temperatures T-A = 793, 823, 893, 923, 993, and 1033 K was invest... The giant magneto-impedance (GMI) effect associated with the variation of transverse permeability for the ribbons Fe89Zr6Hf1B4 with different annealing temperatures T-A = 793, 823, 893, 923, 993, and 1033 K was investigated. There is an optimum annealing temperature TA = 993 K for obtaining the largest GMI effect for the ribbons Fe89Zr6Hf1B4. The magneto-impedance GMI (Z) = (Z(H) - Z(0))/Z(0) for the ribbon with T-A = 993 K can reach -55.09% at a frequency f = 900 kHz under H = 7162 A/m. The relative changes of the real part of transverse permeability Delta mu'/mu'(0) = (mu'(H)- mu'(0))/mu'(0) under H = 7162 A center dot m(-1) at f = 1 MHz are -78.83%, -89.98% and -94.77 % for Fe89Zr6Hf1B4 ribbons with T-A = 823, 893, and 993 K, respectively. The strong GMI effect is accompanied by the large change of transverse permeability. A large magnetoreaetance GMI(X) = (X (H) - X (0))/X (0) of -81.09% can be obtained at f = 100 kHz under H = 7162 A/m for the ribbon with T-A = 993 K. Meanwhile, this present result gave an experimental support to the previous concept / assumption that the positive peak in the field dependence of magneto-impedance is connected to the peak of transverse permeability with varying fields. 展开更多
关键词 giant magneto-impedance PERMEABILITY Fe89Zr6Hf1B4 ribbons annealing temperature
Investigation of the coercivity mechanism for Nd-Fe-B based magnets prepared by a new technique of strip casting
作者 libo HUJifan +2 位作者 WANGDongling GUOBinglin WANGXinlin 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第2期152-156,共5页
The coercivity mechanism of Nd-Fe-B based magnets prepared by a new techniqueof strip casting was investigated. Different from the traditional magnets, α-Fe phases aredifficult to be found in Nd-Fe-B magnets prepared... The coercivity mechanism of Nd-Fe-B based magnets prepared by a new techniqueof strip casting was investigated. Different from the traditional magnets, α-Fe phases aredifficult to be found in Nd-Fe-B magnets prepared by strip casting. Meanwhile, the rich-Nd phasesoccur not only near the grain boundaries of main phases, but also within the main-phase grains.Investigation on the magnetizing field dependence of the coercivity for the(Nd_(0.935)Dy_(0.065))_(14.5)Fe_(79.4)B_(6.1) magnet and the temperature dependence of thecoercivity for the Nd_(14.5)Fe_(79.4)B_(6.1) magnet hav been done. Results show that coercivitiesfor strip casting magnets are controlled by the nucleation mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 NdFeB magnet coercivity mechanism nucleation mechanism strip casting
Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect of As-Spun Nanocrystalline Ribbon of FeZrBCu Alloy
作者 libo HUJi-fan +3 位作者 QINHong-wei MANuo ANKang WANGXin-lin 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期55-57,共3页
The melt-spun nanocrystalline ribbons of Fe86.5Zr7B4Cu2.5 alloy were prepared by single wheel technique with wheel surface velocity of 37 m/s.It is found that there appears a lot ofα-Fe nanoparticles with sizes of 5-... The melt-spun nanocrystalline ribbons of Fe86.5Zr7B4Cu2.5 alloy were prepared by single wheel technique with wheel surface velocity of 37 m/s.It is found that there appears a lot ofα-Fe nanoparticles with sizes of 5-10 nm in as-spun nanocystalline ribbons which exhibit giant magnetoimpedance(GMI)effect.The GMI ratio up to 33.69% at frequency f=1MHz under a DC field of 5 172A/m can be obtained. 展开更多
关键词 as-spun ribbon NANOCRYSTALLINE giant magnetoimpedance effect
作者 陈阳 李波 +1 位作者 白世达 李万金 《高原地震》 2022年第2期1-8,33,共9页
采用个旧地震台2016~2017年记录到的2次朝鲜核试验及2次韩国天然地震的波形和背景噪声记录,通过运用测震学分析并结合频谱分析方法,对核试验、天然地震在震相、频谱方面的区别进行了研究。研究结果表明,相近地区的核试验波形与天然地震... 采用个旧地震台2016~2017年记录到的2次朝鲜核试验及2次韩国天然地震的波形和背景噪声记录,通过运用测震学分析并结合频谱分析方法,对核试验、天然地震在震相、频谱方面的区别进行了研究。研究结果表明,相近地区的核试验波形与天然地震事件相比,二者在震相、面波、持续时间等方面差异较大;受震中距较大及震级较小影响,所选核试验波形与天然地震在时频特征上无明显差异,与背景噪声相比有一定区别。 展开更多
关键词 核试验 地震 频谱
作者 libo 《网络与信息》 2002年第8期79-79,共1页
关键词 电脑游戏 游戏软件 《倚天》
Thermal Conductivity of Ce Doped Bi-2212 Superconductors
作者 libo WUBai-Mei M.Ausloos 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第7期1337-1339,共3页
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