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转型理论视域下未就业大学毕业生的就业心态与生活状态分析 被引量:4
作者 刘保中 臧小森 《中国青年研究》 北大核心 2023年第9期51-60,24,共11页
本文以转型理论为切入点,将毕业后尚未就业的大学生划分为“备考族”“求职族”“躺平族”三类典型群体,并利用“中国大学生追踪调查”数据对他们的就业心态与生活状态进行了比较分析。调查数据显示,毕业后准备升学、证书等考试的“备... 本文以转型理论为切入点,将毕业后尚未就业的大学生划分为“备考族”“求职族”“躺平族”三类典型群体,并利用“中国大学生追踪调查”数据对他们的就业心态与生活状态进行了比较分析。调查数据显示,毕业后准备升学、证书等考试的“备考族”和继续找工作的“求职族”比例远远高于无所事事的“躺平族”。通过回归分析还发现,人力资本状况更差、家庭背景更不好的大学生,在毕业后更可能成为“躺平族”。本文的研究结论具有一定的政策启示意义,提醒我们在实践中应根据不同类型的未就业大学毕业生制定针对性服务措施。 展开更多
关键词 大学毕业生 转型 就业心态 生活状态
作者 刘保忠 巩天真 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第6期180-182,共3页
研究了研制的复合外掺料添加含量对机制砂混凝土工作性能和力学性能的影响,并对比了同比例含量下复合外掺料与粉煤灰对混凝土性能的影响。试验结果表明,采用复合外掺料配制混凝土的工作性能和力学性能要优于粉煤灰混凝土,且混凝土的工... 研究了研制的复合外掺料添加含量对机制砂混凝土工作性能和力学性能的影响,并对比了同比例含量下复合外掺料与粉煤灰对混凝土性能的影响。试验结果表明,采用复合外掺料配制混凝土的工作性能和力学性能要优于粉煤灰混凝土,且混凝土的工作性能和力学性能随着复合外掺料含量的增加而逐渐增大,至15%添加含量时接近饱和,继续增加含量,力学性能略有降低。 展开更多
关键词 复合外掺料 混凝土 坍落度 抗压强度 抗折强度
作者 刘宝忠 郭勇 +2 位作者 张丽娜 马名杰 范燕平 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第2期166-174,共9页
氨硼烷(AB)因储氢容量高成为理想的储氢材料之一,但在温和条件下水解产氢性能仍有待提高,因此开发加速水解过程的催化剂至关重要。为了更好地开发高活性、高稳定性的AB水解产氢催化剂,对近年来非贵金属基氨硼烷水解产氢催化剂的研究现... 氨硼烷(AB)因储氢容量高成为理想的储氢材料之一,但在温和条件下水解产氢性能仍有待提高,因此开发加速水解过程的催化剂至关重要。为了更好地开发高活性、高稳定性的AB水解产氢催化剂,对近年来非贵金属基氨硼烷水解产氢催化剂的研究现状进行了归纳总结,包括纯金属催化剂、金属化合物催化剂(硼化物、磷化物、氧化物)、金属/金属化合物催化剂等。本文主要对催化剂的发展、不同催化剂的制备方法以及不同调控方式(微观结构、比表面积、粒径大小、pH、组分以及配体和载体等)对催化剂的催化活性和稳定性的影响进行总结,同时对近年来非贵金属基氨硼烷水解产氢催化剂面临的一些挑战(如催化机理不明、催化剂稳定性不足、AB再生困难等)进行讨论,并依据现有研究提出未来的努力方向。 展开更多
关键词 氨硼烷 非贵金属基材料 催化活性 稳定性 催化机理
新冠肺炎疫情对大学毕业生就业质量的影响——基于疫情前后全国19所高校的调查对比分析 被引量:26
作者 刘保中 郭亚平 敖妮花 《中国青年研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第10期110-119,共10页
新冠肺炎疫情对我国高校毕业生就业造成突发性、累积性和叠加性的影响。基于“中国大学生追踪调查”数据,文章对比分析了疫情前后2018—2021届四届应届高校毕业生的就业质量。从分析结果看,在疫情影响下,大学生就业质量体现出“变”与... 新冠肺炎疫情对我国高校毕业生就业造成突发性、累积性和叠加性的影响。基于“中国大学生追踪调查”数据,文章对比分析了疫情前后2018—2021届四届应届高校毕业生的就业质量。从分析结果看,在疫情影响下,大学生就业质量体现出“变”与“不变”的双重特征。疫情前后大学生毕业去向落实率和工作收入总体上都保持了稳定,并未出现明显变动。但在就业流向、工作满意度上变化明显。此外,随着疫情的持续,大学毕业生的就业稳定性变得更差、失业担忧情绪增长。对不同类型高校进行比较发现,双一流本科院校毕业生是受疫情影响最小的就业群体;高职院校毕业生升学比例增长最为明显,毕业去向落实率最高,但其就业质量总体堪忧;非双一流本科院校毕业生是受疫情冲击最大的就业群体,这一群体的毕业去向落实率最低,就业满意度的下降程度最大,失业担忧情绪上升最为明显。 展开更多
关键词 新冠肺炎疫情 大学生 就业质量 中国大学生追踪调查
时代变迁与就业选择:新时代大学生就业意愿的新特征 被引量:25
作者 刘保中 《青年探索》 2020年第1期15-24,共10页
就业意愿是大学生择业就业的"风向标",也是影响国家就业导向和就业政策的重要因素。我国社会结构的深刻变动与社会流动的加速,使得青年人就业意愿也处于不断流变的过程中。本文使用"中国大学生追踪调查"(PSCUS)数据... 就业意愿是大学生择业就业的"风向标",也是影响国家就业导向和就业政策的重要因素。我国社会结构的深刻变动与社会流动的加速,使得青年人就业意愿也处于不断流变的过程中。本文使用"中国大学生追踪调查"(PSCUS)数据,呈现了新时代大学生就业意愿"变"与"不变"的双重特征:具有比较明显的"体制内偏好"和"地域偏好",但是偏好的内部结构正在发生变化。本文建立了就业意愿的多维解释框架,从制度、学校、家庭、个体等多个方面分析影响大学生就业意愿的因素,并提出了制度分割、职业收益与机会成本的理论解释。把握大学生就业意愿转变的新特点,有助于更全面、更深入地了解当前大学生在就业意愿上反映出的新问题,并进一步分析影响大学生就业的因素,为大学生就业提供更有效的指导。 展开更多
关键词 青年 大学生 时代变迁 就业意愿
新中国成立70年我国城乡结构的历史演变与现实挑战 被引量:16
作者 刘保中 邱晔 《长白学刊》 北大核心 2019年第5期39-47,共9页
我国社会结构转型的关键是城乡二元结构的转变。新中国成立70年来,我国城乡结构变迁呈现:从城乡二元体制的形成和巩固到城乡二元体制的松动和转型,再到城乡统筹和融合的历史轨迹。随着我国城乡发展战略的根本改变以及国家一系列惠农政... 我国社会结构转型的关键是城乡二元结构的转变。新中国成立70年来,我国城乡结构变迁呈现:从城乡二元体制的形成和巩固到城乡二元体制的松动和转型,再到城乡统筹和融合的历史轨迹。随着我国城乡发展战略的根本改变以及国家一系列惠农政策的实施,由城乡二元体制导致的城乡不平衡已经得到很大程度的扭转。但总体上看,我国城乡结构仍然处于失衡的状态,面临着城乡社会经济发展差距显著、户籍人口城镇化率偏低、农民工市民化进程缓慢、制度壁垒依然严重等发展问题。解决深层次的制度难题是未来城乡结构调整的基础和关键。为此,应从制度改革入手,消除制约城乡融合发展的体制机制障碍,同时要加快实现基本公共服务均等化、农民工市民化进程,促进城乡二元结构向城乡一体化的结构转变。 展开更多
关键词 新中国成立70年 城乡二元结构 城乡一体化 城乡融合发展
多层堆叠式永磁动力减振刀杆设计与仿真分析 被引量:1
作者 王民 刘保钟 +1 位作者 秦鹏 孙铁伟 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期8-17,共10页
针对大长径比刀杆中传统动力减振器的橡胶疲劳老化、阻尼液易泄露、刚度和阻尼难以精准设计等问题,设计了一种利用磁刚度和电涡流阻尼提供刚度和阻尼的多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器,实现了刚度和阻尼的独立精准设计。独特的堆叠式结构可以... 针对大长径比刀杆中传统动力减振器的橡胶疲劳老化、阻尼液易泄露、刚度和阻尼难以精准设计等问题,设计了一种利用磁刚度和电涡流阻尼提供刚度和阻尼的多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器,实现了刚度和阻尼的独立精准设计。独特的堆叠式结构可以在相同体积下提供更大的磁刚度和电涡流阻尼,保证多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器达到最优减振条件。分别建立了多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器中磁刚度和电涡流阻尼的理论计算模型,并利用MATLAB软件和Maxwell电磁仿真软件分别探究了磁刚度和电涡流阻尼与多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器各部分尺寸参数之间的关系。最后利用MATLAB软件分别对安装多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器的刀杆和等尺寸实心刀杆进行仿真分析。结果表明,安装多层堆叠式永磁动力减振器后刀杆的频响函数幅值最大值下降91.1%。 展开更多
关键词 动力吸振 电涡流阻尼 有限元 磁刚度
二氧化碳混相压裂吞吐实验 被引量:4
作者 吴俊峰 刘宝忠 +3 位作者 刘道杰 王长权 李迎辉 刘国华 《特种油气藏》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期126-131,共6页
针对南堡凹陷高5断块V油组常规水力压裂开发效果不佳的问题,通过开展PVT和岩心混相吞吐实验,明确CO_(2)混相压裂吞吐提高采收率作用机理,并利用矿场试验进一步验证技术有效性。研究结果表明:在目前地层压力(33.00 MPa)下,CO_(2)与原油... 针对南堡凹陷高5断块V油组常规水力压裂开发效果不佳的问题,通过开展PVT和岩心混相吞吐实验,明确CO_(2)混相压裂吞吐提高采收率作用机理,并利用矿场试验进一步验证技术有效性。研究结果表明:在目前地层压力(33.00 MPa)下,CO_(2)与原油可实现混相,且注入摩尔分数为60%的CO_(2)后原油体积膨胀41.01%,黏度降低33.08%,密度增加7.28%,表明CO_(2)对原油具有较好的增溶、膨胀、降黏作用;CO_(2)混相压裂吞吐采出程度可达到60%以上。试验井CO_(2)混相压裂吞吐后稳定生产26个月,累计增油2200 t,原油重质组分得到了有效动用。该研究为低渗及致密油藏效益开发提供了有效技术途径。 展开更多
关键词 低渗透油藏 CO_(2)混相压裂吞吐 提高采收率 最小混相压力 南堡凹陷
一种改进的非局部均值超声图像降噪算法 被引量:9
作者 刘保中 刘建宾 《北京信息科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第5期54-59,共6页
针对传统图像降噪算法对超声图像进行降噪时效果不佳的问题,提出了一种改进的超声图像降噪方法。利用伽玛分布噪声模型和图像块匹配思想对非局部均值滤波算法进行改进,从而得到更好的降噪效果。通过与高斯滤波算法、中值滤波算法、双边... 针对传统图像降噪算法对超声图像进行降噪时效果不佳的问题,提出了一种改进的超声图像降噪方法。利用伽玛分布噪声模型和图像块匹配思想对非局部均值滤波算法进行改进,从而得到更好的降噪效果。通过与高斯滤波算法、中值滤波算法、双边滤波算法进行对比,证实改进算法的降噪效果较传统方法更优,与早期非局部均值算法相比在峰值信噪比、均方误差方面性能更优。 展开更多
关键词 非局部均值 超声图像 图像降噪 伽玛分布噪声模型
钾离子掺杂提高锂离子电池正极锰酸锂性能的微观机制 被引量:1
作者 王洋 范广新 +4 位作者 刘培 尹金佩 刘宝忠 朱林剑 罗成果 《无机材料学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1023-1029,I0010,I0011,共9页
改善尖晶石锰酸锂的大倍率性能是目前锂离子电池的重点研究方向之一。本研究用高温固相法合成掺K^(+)的尖晶石锰酸锂,研究K^(+)提高锰酸锂倍率性能的微观机制。结果表明,尽管随着电流密度增大,电极的放电比容量下降,但掺K^(+)提高材料... 改善尖晶石锰酸锂的大倍率性能是目前锂离子电池的重点研究方向之一。本研究用高温固相法合成掺K^(+)的尖晶石锰酸锂,研究K^(+)提高锰酸锂倍率性能的微观机制。结果表明,尽管随着电流密度增大,电极的放电比容量下降,但掺K^(+)提高材料的大倍率性能效果显著,如最佳掺K^(+)量(物质的量分数)1.0%时,在10C (1C=150 mA·g^(-1))下比容量提高了一倍,远高于0.5C下的1.9%。原因在于掺K^(+)后,首先,锰酸锂的晶胞体积扩大,Li–O键变长,Li、Mn阳离子混排程度降低,载流子(Mn^(3+))量增多;其次,电极极化和电荷迁移阻抗降低,提高了材料的充放电可逆性、导电性及锂离子扩散能力;再者,[Mn_(2)]O_(4)骨架更稳定,减小了电化学过程中内应力变化,抑制了晶体结构变化和颗粒破碎;最后,钾离子掺杂使制备过程中材料团聚,从而减小电解液与电极的接触面积,减轻电解液的侵蚀,抑制锰的溶解。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 正极材料 钾离子掺杂 微观机制 倍率性能
Phase structure and hydrogen storage properties of LaMg_(3.70)Ni_(1.18) alloy 被引量:4
作者 LI Jinhua liu baozhong +3 位作者 HAN Shumin HU Lin ZHAO Xin WANG Mingzhi 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期458-463,共6页
The phase structure and hydrogen storage properties of LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy were investigated. The LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy consists of main LaMg 2 Ni phase, minor La 2 Mg 17 and LaMg 3 phases. The alloy can be acti... The phase structure and hydrogen storage properties of LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy were investigated. The LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy consists of main LaMg 2 Ni phase, minor La 2 Mg 17 and LaMg 3 phases. The alloy can be activated in the first hydriding/dehydriding process, and initial LaMg 2 Ni, La 2 Mg 17 , and LaMg 3 phases transfer to LaH 2.34 , Mg, and Mg 2 Ni phases after activation. The reversible hydrogen storage capacity of the LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy is 2.47 wt.% at 558 K, which is higher than that of the LaMg 2 Ni alloy. The pressure-composition-temperature (PCT) curves display two hydriding plateaus, corresponding to the formation of MgH 2 and Mg 2 NiH 4 . However, only one dehydriding plateau is observed, owing to the synergetic effect of hydrogen desorption between MgH 2 and Mg 2 NiH 4 . The uptake time for hydrogen content to reach 99% of saturated state is less than 250 s, and 90% hydrogen can be released in 1200 s in the experimental conditions, showing fast kinetics in hydriding and dehydriding. The activation energies of the LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy are –51.5 ± 1.1 kJ/mol and –57.0 ± 0.6 kJ/mol for hydriding and dehydriding, respectively. The hydriding/dehydriding kinetics of the LaMg 3.70 Ni 1.18 alloy is better than that of the Mg 2 Ni alloy, owing to the lower activation energy values. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen storage alloys multiphase structure hydrogen storage properties rare earths
Heritability of resistance-related gene expression traits and their correlation with body size of clam Meretrix petechialis 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Fengjuan YUE Xin +4 位作者 ZHANG Shujing YU Jiajia WANG Rui liu baozhong WANG Hongxia 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第2期571-578,共8页
Gene expression variation can be considered as a phenotype,and it plays an important role in both acclimation and adaption.However,genetic variation of gene expression received much less attention than traditional com... Gene expression variation can be considered as a phenotype,and it plays an important role in both acclimation and adaption.However,genetic variation of gene expression received much less attention than traditional commercial traits in aquaculture.To estimate the genetic variation and heritability of gene transcription in clam Meretrix petechialis,five Vibrio resistance-related genes were selected for gene expression analysis in the digestive gland,and an animal linear model was used to analyze data from quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR).Among the five genes,BIRC7 showed significant additive genetic variations,the heritability of this gene of 12-month-and 15-month-old clams were 0.84±0.32 and 0.91±0.34,respectively.The heritability of other four genes(Bax,NFIL3,Big-Def,and CTL9)expression were low-tomoderate but not significantly expressed.Additionally,no significant phenotypic and genetic correlations between the BIRC7 transcription trait and body size were detected.This study highlights that certain gene expression variation is heritable and provides a reference for indirect selection of M.petechialis with high Vibrio resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Meretrix petechialis transcription trait body size HERITABILITY genetic correlation
Crystallographic and electrochemical characteristics of melt-spun Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu alloys 被引量:1
作者 liu baozhong WU Yaoming WANG Limin 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第5期440-444,共5页
Ti44Zr32Ni22Cu2 and Ti41Zr29Ni28Cu2 alloys were prepared by the melt-spinning method. The phase structure was analyzed by X-ray diffraction,and the electrochemical performances of the melt-spun alloys were investigate... Ti44Zr32Ni22Cu2 and Ti41Zr29Ni28Cu2 alloys were prepared by the melt-spinning method. The phase structure was analyzed by X-ray diffraction,and the electrochemical performances of the melt-spun alloys were investigated. The results indicated that the Ti44Zr32Ni22Cu2 alloy was composed of the icosahedral quasicrystals and amorphous phases,and the Ti41Zr29Ni28Cu2 alloy comprised icosahedral quasicrystals,amorphous,and Laves phases. The maximum discharge capacity was 141 mAh/g for the Ti44Zr32Ni22Cu2 alloy and 181 mAh/g for the Ti41Zr29Ni28Cu2 alloy,respectively. The Ti41Zr29Ni28Cu2 alloy also showed a better high-rate dischargeability and cycling stability. The better electrochemical properties should be ascribed to the high content of Ni,which was beneficial to the electrochemical kinetic properties and made the alloy more resistant to oxidation,as well as to the Laves phase in the Ti41Zr29Ni28Cu2 alloy,which could work as the electro-catalyst and the micro-current collector. 展开更多
关键词 metal-hydride electrodes electrochemical properties icosahedral quasicrystal Ti-Zr-Ni-Cu alloy
Combining ability and heterosis analysis over two environments in a diallel cross of three families of the clam Meretrix meretrix 被引量:2
作者 DAI Ping WANG Hongxia +1 位作者 XIAO Guoqiang liu baozhong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第10期37-42,共6页
A 3×3 complete diallel cross comprising three families of the clam Meretrix meretrix(P1, P2 and P3) was used to determine the combining ability of parental families and heterosis of F1 under indoor and openair ... A 3×3 complete diallel cross comprising three families of the clam Meretrix meretrix(P1, P2 and P3) was used to determine the combining ability of parental families and heterosis of F1 under indoor and openair environments for growth traits. Analysis of variance for shell length and whole body weight indicated highly significant cross effects, environment effects and the interaction of cross by environment. General combining ability(GCA) and specific combing ability exhibited great variation among crosses and between two environments. Pooled over environments, P2 was the top combiner among the three parental families for both traits studied. The cross of P1 and P3 had the highest SCA. Additionally, significant reciprocal effects were observed. For individual environment, about half of the crossbred combinations showed favorable Mid-parent heterosis(MPH)(〉1%) for the shell length and whole body weight. Our data has shown that non-additive genetic and reciprocal effects constituted the major sources of genetic variation for both shell length and whole body weight, which indicates that crossbreeding among selective families could further explore the heterotic effects. 展开更多
关键词 Meretrix meretrix general and specific combining ability reciprocal effects heterosis diallel cross
作者 刘宝中 杨夏 +1 位作者 周其显 王华 《现代制造技术与装备》 2022年第3期104-106,116,共4页
针对传统轨道车辆压缩空气管路设备维护检修过程中测试诊断操作不便、智能化程度不高的问题,提出了一种便携手持式压力在线测试诊断仪。基于Arduino开发平台,将测试单元、采集单元、处理单元及显示单元高度集成在一个方便携带的手持式... 针对传统轨道车辆压缩空气管路设备维护检修过程中测试诊断操作不便、智能化程度不高的问题,提出了一种便携手持式压力在线测试诊断仪。基于Arduino开发平台,将测试单元、采集单元、处理单元及显示单元高度集成在一个方便携带的手持式仪表中,并可定制开发上位机软件,实现对压缩空气管路设备的气密性测试、压力变化测试、压力损失测试、再生转换周期测试等在线快速测量,同时具备初级自诊断及状态预警功能,从而实现设备全生命周期内的智能化运维目标。 展开更多
关键词 轨道车辆 便携式 ARDUINO 压缩空气 测控技术
Influence of parental sample sizes on the estimating genetic parameters in cultured clam Meretrix meretrix based on factorial mating designs
作者 LIANG Bingbing YUE Xin +1 位作者 WANG Hongxia liu baozhong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第6期42-49,共8页
The precise and accurate knowledge of genetic parameters is a prerequisite for making efficient selection strategies in breeding programs.A number of estimators of heritability about important economic traits in many ... The precise and accurate knowledge of genetic parameters is a prerequisite for making efficient selection strategies in breeding programs.A number of estimators of heritability about important economic traits in many marine mollusks are available in the literature,however very few research have evaluated about the accuracy of genetic parameters estimated with different family structures.Thus,in the present study,the effect of parent sample size for estimating the precision of genetic parameters of four growth traits in clam M.meretrix by factorial designs were analyzed through restricted maximum likelihood(REML) and Bayesian.The results showed that the average estimated heritabilities of growth traits obtained from REML were 0.23-0.32 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.19-0.22 for 25 full-sib families.When using Bayesian inference,the average estimated heritabilities were0.11-0.12 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.13-0.16 for 25 full-sib families.Compared with REML,Bayesian got lower heritabilities,but still remained at a medium level.When the number of parents increased from 6 to 10,the estimated heritabilities were more closed to 0.20 in REML and 0.12 in Bayesian inference.Genetic correlations among traits were positive and high and had no significant difference between different sizes of designs.The accuracies of estimated breeding values from the 9 and 16 families were less precise than those from 25 families.Our results provide a basic genetic evaluation for growth traits and should be useful for the design and operation of a practical selective breeding program in the clam M.meretrix. 展开更多
关键词 Meretrix meretrix parental sample sizes genetic parameter factorial design restricted maximum likelihood Bayesian inference
Effect of La on the crystalline and electrochemical properties of Ti-Zr-Ni melt-spun alloys
作者 liu baozhong WANG Libo +2 位作者 ZHANG Zhi WU Yaoming WANG Limin 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期333-337,共5页
关键词 icosahedral quasicrystal Ti-Zr-Ni alloy La addition electrochemical property metal-hydride electrodes
Grain refinement and mechanism of CAl_(0.5)W_(0.5) compound in Mg-Al alloys
作者 liu baozhong FAN Yanping +2 位作者 PENG Qiuming MI Guofa WANG Limin 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第6期630-634,共5页
The effect of CAl0.5W0.5(CAW) compound on the grain refinement of Mg-Al based alloys was investigated.The results show that CAW compound is an effective and active grain refiner.The grain size of binary Mg-Al alloys... The effect of CAl0.5W0.5(CAW) compound on the grain refinement of Mg-Al based alloys was investigated.The results show that CAW compound is an effective and active grain refiner.The grain size of binary Mg-Al alloys is more than 500 μm,and it is changed to about 110 μm with a 1 wt.% CAW addition.The hardness increased with the decease of grain size monotonously.The mechanical properties are improved by the addition.The fine grain size is mainly ascribed to the dispersed Al2CO particles,which are very potent nucleating substrates for Mg-Al alloys.The nucleation cores formed by chemical reaction directly are well-distributed in the matrix. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloys grain refinement REFINER MECHANISM mechanical properties
Growth performance of the clam, Meretrix meretrix, breeding-selection populations cultured in different conditions
作者 WANG Chao CHAI Xueliang +2 位作者 WANG Hongxia TANG Baojun liu baozhong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第10期82-87,共6页
A breeding-selection program for the clam, Meretrix meretrix, was conducted since 2004. Two of the selec- tion populations were generated with the shell color pattern as an additional selection criterion and named as ... A breeding-selection program for the clam, Meretrix meretrix, was conducted since 2004. Two of the selec- tion populations were generated with the shell color pattern as an additional selection criterion and named as SP (purple stripes) population and SB (black dots) population. The third-generation SP and SB popula- tions (08G3SP and 08G3SB, respectively) were cultured at two commercial clam farms and a nursery pond and their shell lengths were compared. 08G3SB clams had significantly larger sizes than 08G3SP clams at commercial clam farms (p 〈 0.05), yet 08G3SB individuals were significantly smaller than 08G3SP individ- uals at the nursery pond (p 〈 0.05). Then, we examined the growth of the fourth-generation SP and SB populations (10G4SP and 10G4SB, respectively) at a commercial farm, and found that the shell lengths of the 10G4SB clams increased at a significantly higher growth rate than the 10G4SP clams (p 〈 0.05) from May to September, when the water temperature was between 24.2-27.5℃, while 10G4SB lost the growth advantage in the other months. These results indicated that SP and SB populations responded differently to environmental factors, so it is beneficial for the clam farmers to select a suitable population according to the culture environment. Furthermore, a diallel mating of the SB and SP populations was designed to investigate whether their hybrid population would show heterosis. However, the heterosis was not shown in this study, which might result from the slight genetic divergence between SB and SP populations. 展开更多
关键词 Meretrix meretrix mass selection shell color patterns growth analysis
Phase structure and hydrogen storage properties of REMg8.35Ni2.18Al0.21 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) hydrogen storage alloys 被引量:3
作者 liu Yanqing HAN Shumin +3 位作者 HU Lin liu baozhong ZHAO Xin JIA Yanhong 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期784-789,共6页
REMg8.35Ni2.18Al0.21 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) alloys were prepared by induction melting and following annealing. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results showed that the alloys were ... REMg8.35Ni2.18Al0.21 (RE=La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) alloys were prepared by induction melting and following annealing. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results showed that the alloys were composed of Mg2Ni, (La, Pr, Nd)MgzNi, (La, Ce)2MgxT, (Ce, Pr, Nd)Mg12 and Ce2Ni7 phases. The above phases were disproportioned into Mg2NiH4, MgH2 and REHx (x=2.5 1 or 3) phases in hydriding. CEH2.51 phase transformed into CEH2.29 phase in dehydriding, whereas LaH3, PrH3 and NdH3 phases re- mained unchanged. The PrMg8.41Ni2.14Al0.20 alloy had the fastest hydriding kinetics and the highest dehydriding plateau pressure while the CeMg8.35Ni2.18Al0.21 alloy presented the best hydriding/dehydriding reversibility. The onset hydrogen desorption tempera- ture of the CeMg8.35Ni2.18Al0.21 hydride decreased remarkably owing to the phase transformation between the Cell2.51 and the CEH2.29. 展开更多
关键词 rare earth hydrogen storage alloy Mg-based alloys phase structure hydriding kinetics
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