研究全新世典型气候突变事件的内部结构及区域特征,有助于明晰季风气候突变事件的成因机制。通过对贵州七星洞石笋14个高精度^(230)Th定年和779个氧同位素数据的分析,重建了过去6380~2700 yr B.P.时段平均分辨率达4.7年的东亚夏季风演...研究全新世典型气候突变事件的内部结构及区域特征,有助于明晰季风气候突变事件的成因机制。通过对贵州七星洞石笋14个高精度^(230)Th定年和779个氧同位素数据的分析,重建了过去6380~2700 yr B.P.时段平均分辨率达4.7年的东亚夏季风演化序列。该石笋δ^(18)O值整体上呈逐渐偏正的特征,指示中晚全新世以来东亚夏季风持续变弱的趋势。叠加在此长期季风减弱变化趋势上,最为显著的百年尺度振荡主要发生在4548~3715 yr B.P.时段,对应于4.2 kyr B.P.事件。该记录与同区域董哥洞石笋δ^(18)O记录一致,均显示在此事件内部并非持续干旱,而是具有两次显著的季风强降雨期。相似的季风强降雨期在我国北方气候记录中也有体现。在更大的空间尺度上,这种4.2 kyr B.P.事件的内部结构特征与澳洲—印度尼西亚(澳—印)季风区的石笋记录结构相对应,但呈显著的反相位耦合关系,证实了亚洲与澳—印季风间的动力学联系。此外,该事件结构与ENSO记录的耦合暗示了4.2 kyr B.P.事件的发生可能与热带太平洋密切相关。展开更多
One-year-resolved and annually-counted stalagmite multi-proxies (j180, ~13C, and layer width) from Daoguan Cave, Guizhou Province revealed detailed variability regarding the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and local hu...One-year-resolved and annually-counted stalagmite multi-proxies (j180, ~13C, and layer width) from Daoguan Cave, Guizhou Province revealed detailed variability regarding the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and local humidity across Bond events (BE) in the PreboreaL During BEs 8 and 7, 1.5%o enrichments in jlSo values were generally consistent with high- to low-latitude climate changes. In detail, the decadal-scale minor j180 oscillations in BE8 were broadly less than the mean value, in contrast to the significant changes in local soil moisture derived from the j13C values and layer records. In the mid-BE7, jlSo variability was generally above the average level, and higher- amplitude variations were observed in the three proxy indicators. Wavelet analysis on the total jlSo time series and across the specific time windows of BEs 8 and 7 identified periodicities of about 130, 60, and 20-a, respectively. Exceptionally strong in BE7, the 60-a cycle, pervasively observed in instrumental studies, became prominent starting at 11.4 kaBP. Thus, glacial background conditions are important for suppressing the ASM intensity in BE8, while during BE7, tropical hydrological circulations were potentially actively involved. Consequently, climate internal oscillations, analogous to modern conditions, might have occurred in the distant past once the link between the tropical ocean and atmosphere was established as occurs today.展开更多
基金supported by grants of National Key R&D Program of China(No.2016YFA0600401)National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.41672161)+1 种基金Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD)(164320H116)Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,and Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment(Nanjing Normal University)
文摘One-year-resolved and annually-counted stalagmite multi-proxies (j180, ~13C, and layer width) from Daoguan Cave, Guizhou Province revealed detailed variability regarding the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and local humidity across Bond events (BE) in the PreboreaL During BEs 8 and 7, 1.5%o enrichments in jlSo values were generally consistent with high- to low-latitude climate changes. In detail, the decadal-scale minor j180 oscillations in BE8 were broadly less than the mean value, in contrast to the significant changes in local soil moisture derived from the j13C values and layer records. In the mid-BE7, jlSo variability was generally above the average level, and higher- amplitude variations were observed in the three proxy indicators. Wavelet analysis on the total jlSo time series and across the specific time windows of BEs 8 and 7 identified periodicities of about 130, 60, and 20-a, respectively. Exceptionally strong in BE7, the 60-a cycle, pervasively observed in instrumental studies, became prominent starting at 11.4 kaBP. Thus, glacial background conditions are important for suppressing the ASM intensity in BE8, while during BE7, tropical hydrological circulations were potentially actively involved. Consequently, climate internal oscillations, analogous to modern conditions, might have occurred in the distant past once the link between the tropical ocean and atmosphere was established as occurs today.