Moll Flanders is one of Daniel Defoe's masterpieces. The protagonist--Moll Flanders is a female character from lower class that Daniel Defoe first depicted in his novel. The image of Moll Flanders has attracted the a...Moll Flanders is one of Daniel Defoe's masterpieces. The protagonist--Moll Flanders is a female character from lower class that Daniel Defoe first depicted in his novel. The image of Moll Flanders has attracted the attention of many critics since it was created. Critics viewed her as a "whore", because she had been married for five times in the comparatively conservative society. This paper attempts to analyze the feminist thoughts of the protagonist--Moll Flanders and makes an exploration upon Moll Flanders' fate from the perspective of feminism so as to encourage females to pursue whatever they want in order to acquire equal rights with men.展开更多
文摘Moll Flanders is one of Daniel Defoe's masterpieces. The protagonist--Moll Flanders is a female character from lower class that Daniel Defoe first depicted in his novel. The image of Moll Flanders has attracted the attention of many critics since it was created. Critics viewed her as a "whore", because she had been married for five times in the comparatively conservative society. This paper attempts to analyze the feminist thoughts of the protagonist--Moll Flanders and makes an exploration upon Moll Flanders' fate from the perspective of feminism so as to encourage females to pursue whatever they want in order to acquire equal rights with men.