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作者 Hon-Wah Chan Wal-Kwong Chan +5 位作者 Stephen Lee llnda lam Ching-Wah lam Chiu-Sun Yue Taan-Fal Chan Man-Hong Jim 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 1998年第4期191-191,共1页
Introduction Thltreport review*ourrecentexperienceofImplentatlon of me newer generation Implentsble cerdloverter-deflbrlllator (ICD) in two (ooal cardiology oantnis.Pram January 1998, 11 patients (0 mete, maan aga ... Introduction Thltreport review*ourrecentexperienceofImplentatlon of me newer generation Implentsble cerdloverter-deflbrlllator (ICD) in two (ooal cardiology oantnis.Pram January 1998, 11 patients (0 mete, maan aga 80.8 yeira) received iCOe. 6 had dilated cardtomyopathy, 4 feohamic heart disease and 2 hypertrophlc cardlomyopathy. The presentations war* palpitations with documented ventricular tachycardia or ventricular flfriflatfon (VT/VF) (n fl). non-sustained VT (N 3) and history of unexplained recurrent syncope (n*1). All patlenta had etoctrophyvloloQtcal atudles (ventrlculer tachycardia tndudble In 8. ventricular flutter In 2. One patient who presented with non- utta(ned vT and recurrent synoopa and Indudble ventricular flutter wa treated directly with ICD Implant without prior madteatlonr Tha r malnln0 10 oetei had felled medloal treatment Tha prooadure w § carriad out In the cardiac catheterizatlen laboratory under con*cloir tadatlon and local anaestheele. All patlentt tolerated the prooadura wall. &ubmu cuiar Impfantatlon was performed In a and aubcuteneout In 3. Slnplo lead ICD wltti algorithm for supraventrioulerteohycardle discrimination were used In 10 patients end duet chamber ICO was Implanted in 1. The precedura was uncomplicated In all petlents. All patients had a deflbrillatlon threshold testing (DFT) of more then 10J safety margin. All patlenta ware re-examined one day liter the procedure on their recapitulation of the procedure and assessment with coring system over prosanoo of mnolB, recall of the procedure and the severity of pain during dft testing. Upon a mean follow-up of 1 to 8 months, there was appropriate shocks In 4, recognition of atrial arrhythmia In 1 {with the dual chamber ICD) wtth no therapy given. There were 2 Inappropriate shocks but upon reprognsmmlng or the SVT dliorlm’naBon algorithm, thera was no recurrence,Conclusion : Newer generation pectoral (CDs with its smalter alee end SVT discrimination algorithm have significant adventage over the older generations ICD In that they could be Implanted under local anaesthesia with less patient discomfort and have a low Incidence of Inappropriate ahooke. 展开更多
关键词 TACHYCARDIA SYNCOPE discrimination DILATED ARRHYTHMIA sustained chamber UNEXPLAINED recurrence older
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