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Giant Magnetoresistance in Granular Type(Co-Ag)/Ag Multilayers
作者 YOU Biao ZHOU Shi-ming +6 位作者 CHEN Liang-yao ZHAO Hong-wu XIA Ke DU Jun TONG Liu-niu lu mu ZHAI Hong-ru 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第10期778-781,共4页
The dependence of giant magnetoresistance of sputtered granular type(Co-Ag)/Ag multilayers on the thickness of Ag layers and magnetic layers with varying Co content in the magnetic layers was studied.The magnetoresist... The dependence of giant magnetoresistance of sputtered granular type(Co-Ag)/Ag multilayers on the thickness of Ag layers and magnetic layers with varying Co content in the magnetic layers was studied.The magnetoresistance ratioΔR/R was found to be enhanced by 2-7 times comparing with the single layer granular films.The enhancement was explained by the antiferromagnetic coupling due to magnetostatic interaction between the Co clusters in neighboring magnetic layers. 展开更多
A RKKY Model Fitting of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of ^(63)Cu in Fe/Cu Multilayers
作者 ZHAI Ya ZHU Xiaobing +3 位作者 HU Chen ZHU Jiangang lu mu ZHAI Hongru 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第4期237-240,共4页
In this letter,a theoretical fit of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of ^(63)Cu in Cu layers of Fe/Cu multilayers is given based on RKKY theory.The values of exchange field and additional Knight shift are fitted,whi... In this letter,a theoretical fit of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of ^(63)Cu in Cu layers of Fe/Cu multilayers is given based on RKKY theory.The values of exchange field and additional Knight shift are fitted,which agree approximately with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 theory. Fe/Cu RKKY
短线法预制节段梁匹配线形控制测量技术研究 被引量:1
作者 俞科峰 吕牧 +1 位作者 束国强 王芮文 《广东交通职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期23-27,共5页
短线匹配法节段梁预制线形控制是悬臂拼装桥梁成桥线形满足设计要求的先决条件。施工时,梁体因几何尺寸、高程等变化而发生角度偏转,导致竖向及水平线形偏离设计要求。通过对节段梁线形控制理论和空间坐标转换方式的研究,给出了节段梁... 短线匹配法节段梁预制线形控制是悬臂拼装桥梁成桥线形满足设计要求的先决条件。施工时,梁体因几何尺寸、高程等变化而发生角度偏转,导致竖向及水平线形偏离设计要求。通过对节段梁线形控制理论和空间坐标转换方式的研究,给出了节段梁匹配调节精准控制方法和误差分析方法,实现相邻节段之间空间坐标的精准匹配。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁工程 预制施工 节段梁 匹配调节 测量方法
一种新型提高HDR效率的 CRISPR/Cas9-Gal4BD 供体适配基因编辑系统 被引量:4
作者 张潇筠 徐坤 +7 位作者 沈俊岑 穆璐 钱泓润 崔婕妤 马宝霞 陈知龙 张智英 魏泽辉 《遗传》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期708-719,共12页
近年来,CRISPR基因编辑及衍生技术迅速发展,在生命科学、生物医学研究以及动植物育种领域得到了广泛应用。基于DNA双链断裂(double-stranded break,DSB)同源指导修复(homology-directed repair,HDR)机制的基因敲入和点编辑是基因编辑的... 近年来,CRISPR基因编辑及衍生技术迅速发展,在生命科学、生物医学研究以及动植物育种领域得到了广泛应用。基于DNA双链断裂(double-stranded break,DSB)同源指导修复(homology-directed repair,HDR)机制的基因敲入和点编辑是基因编辑的重要策略,但效率偏低亟待提高。本文提出了驱动供体DNA富集至DSB处以提高HDR效率的新策略,并设计了一套CRISPR/Cas9-Gal4BD供体适配基因编辑系统(donor adapting system,DAS)。该系统主要利用Gal4 DNA结合域(Gal4 binding domain,Gal4BD)作为配体蛋白与Cas9融合表达,将Gal4BD结合序列(Gal4 binding sequence,Gal4BS)作为受体序列与双链DNA(double-stranded DNA,dsDNA)供体结合,以期提高HDR效率。使用HEK293T-HDR.GFP报告细胞系的初步研究结果表明当dsDNA供体同源臂在一定长度(100~60 bp)时该系统能够提高HDR效率2~4倍。进一步的优化研究表明,融合端口和融合使用连接子(linker)的选择会影响Cas9表达效果及活性,而GGS5作为Cas9-Gal4BD融合的连接子则影响较小。同时,本研究还发现Gal4BS-dsDNA供体的差异化设计也会影响HDR效率,将Gal4BS添加到dsDNA供体5′-端的效果最佳。综上所述,本研究利用CRISPR/Cas9-Gal4BD DAS在AAVS1和EMX1位点上实现了HDR编辑效率的提高,为进一步利用该系统进行动物分子设计育种研究提供了参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 CRISPR/Cas9 基因编辑 供体DNA 供体适配 同源指导修复
冠心病患者心外膜脂肪组织和血浆中脂联素相关miR-371b-5p表达及其对脂肪细胞因子分泌的影响 被引量:19
作者 杜雅彦 刘洋 +3 位作者 卢沐 怀施涛 吕作利 魏育涛 《吉林大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期643-650,I0006,共9页
目的:探讨冠心病(CAD)患者心外膜脂肪组织(EAT)和血浆中脂联素(APN,又称ADIPOQ相关差异表达miR-371b-5p对脂肪细胞因子APN、Kruppel样因子4 (KLF4)、白细胞介素6 (IL-6)和单核细胞因子趋化蛋白1 (MCP-1)分泌的影响,阐明miR-371b-5p在CA... 目的:探讨冠心病(CAD)患者心外膜脂肪组织(EAT)和血浆中脂联素(APN,又称ADIPOQ相关差异表达miR-371b-5p对脂肪细胞因子APN、Kruppel样因子4 (KLF4)、白细胞介素6 (IL-6)和单核细胞因子趋化蛋白1 (MCP-1)分泌的影响,阐明miR-371b-5p在CAD中的作用机制。方法:收集CAD (CAD组,n=34)和非CAD (non-CAD组,n=16)患者的EAT和血液标本,采用实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)法检测2组患者EAT和血浆中miR-371b-5p的表达水平。将诱导成功的3T3-L1前体脂肪细胞分为空白对照组(不做任何处理)、miR-371b-5p过表达组(转染miR-371b-5p模拟物)和miR-371b-5p抑制剂组(转染miR-371b-5p抑制剂)。qRT-PCR法检测转染24h后各组3T3-L1前脂肪细胞中APN、KLF4、IL-6和MCP-1mRNA表达水平,并对miR-371b-5p进行生物信息学分析。结果:与non-CAD组比较,CAD组患者EAT和血浆中miR-371b-5p表达水平均升高(P<0.01)。与空白对照组比较,miR-371b-5p过表达组3T3-L1前脂肪细胞中APN和KLF4mRNA表达水平降低(P=0.043,P=0.045),IL-6和MCP-1mRNA表达水平升高(P=0.037,P=0.041);miR-371b-5p抑制剂组3T3-L1前脂肪细胞中APN和KLF4mRNA表达水平升高(P=0.025,P=0.027),IL-6和MCP-1mRNA表达水平降低(P=0.039,P=0.041)。miR-371b-5p预测靶基因富集于多个生物学功能及过程,KEGG通路主要富集于脂肪细胞因子等信号通路;蛋白互作,miR-371b-5p预测靶基因APN、瘦素(LEP)和AKT1编码蛋白位于互作网络中核心位置。结论:CAD患者EAT中过表达miR-371b-5p转染成熟的3T3-L1脂肪细胞后可使细胞的抗炎因子表达水平降低,炎性因子表达水平升高,miR-371b-5p有望成为CAD治疗的新靶点。 展开更多
关键词 冠心病 心外膜脂肪组织 微小RNA 脂肪细胞因子 生物信息学分析
基于遗传算法的5G车联网的数据协作分发策略研究 被引量:4
作者 戚艾林 李旭杰 +1 位作者 陆睦 花思洋 《国外电子测量技术》 2019年第1期33-37,共5页
近年来,5G车联网相关问题日益受到关注,由于车辆的快速移动性导致在基站覆盖范围内与之通信的时间很短,从而获得的数据有限。针对这一问题,在采用5G通信技术中的D2D来实现车辆间灵活的终端通信的车联网环境下,提出了一种基于遗传算法的... 近年来,5G车联网相关问题日益受到关注,由于车辆的快速移动性导致在基站覆盖范围内与之通信的时间很短,从而获得的数据有限。针对这一问题,在采用5G通信技术中的D2D来实现车辆间灵活的终端通信的车联网环境下,提出了一种基于遗传算法的数据协作分发方案,通过二进制编码来表现车辆是否被选择作为协作分发数据的车辆,寻找最优的协作分发方案来实现优化请求车辆能效的目标。仿真结果表明,相较于常规的随机方案,所提出的方案表现出较强的全局寻优能力,能够有效提高请求车辆的能效,实现接收数据的最大化。 展开更多
关键词 5G车联网 数据协作分发 遗传算法
后疫情时期家庭体育对于保障全生命周期健康的价值、使命与担当 被引量:18
作者 张世杰 王洪鹏 +1 位作者 鲁沐 张迈文 《南京体育学院学报》 2020年第11期12-16,共5页
后疫情时期家庭体育如何应对疫情、保障人民生命健康成为家庭体育发展的重要课题。研究认为,家庭体育对于应对疫情来说具有保障身体健康的物质手段、促进社会和谐的精神手段、协调全民抗疫的辅助手段等重要价值;家庭体育要践行保障人民... 后疫情时期家庭体育如何应对疫情、保障人民生命健康成为家庭体育发展的重要课题。研究认为,家庭体育对于应对疫情来说具有保障身体健康的物质手段、促进社会和谐的精神手段、协调全民抗疫的辅助手段等重要价值;家庭体育要践行保障人民生命健康、促进体育融合发展、加快体医融合进程等特殊使命;家庭体育应积极践行数据共享、提升家庭体育质量,组织协调、保证家庭体育开展,家庭连接、促进融合发展等担当。 展开更多
关键词 后疫情时代 家庭体育 全生命周期 健康
基于PLC的南水北调中线西黑山排冰闸自控系统研究 被引量:2
作者 王培坤 吕睦 +1 位作者 闫浩 宋彦兵 《水电站机电技术》 2019年第4期18-21,共4页
南水北调中线西黑山排冰闸为单孔平板工作闸门,双缸启闭。本文主要阐述了以PLC控制器为核心,通过比例流量阀纠偏达到对双缸液压闸门同步控制的原理,针对黑山排冰闸门运行过程中控制精度差等问题进行了分析,并做出改进措施。此外,就进一... 南水北调中线西黑山排冰闸为单孔平板工作闸门,双缸启闭。本文主要阐述了以PLC控制器为核心,通过比例流量阀纠偏达到对双缸液压闸门同步控制的原理,针对黑山排冰闸门运行过程中控制精度差等问题进行了分析,并做出改进措施。此外,就进一步提高闸门的运行稳定性提出了合理化建议。 展开更多
关键词 南水北调中线工程 PLC控制器 液压启闭机 排冰闸
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Sputtered Bi_(2)DyFe_(5)O_(12) Films
作者 GU Benxi ZHANG Hongyan +2 位作者 ZHAI Hongru lu mu MIAO Yongzhi 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期61-64,共4页
The effects of the annealing temperature and time on the structure and magnetic properties of the sputtered BiDy-iron garnet films were investigated.X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the as-sputtered films are amo... The effects of the annealing temperature and time on the structure and magnetic properties of the sputtered BiDy-iron garnet films were investigated.X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the as-sputtered films are amorphous.After annealing at about 550℃,amorphous films crystallize into the garnet phase and an unknown phase.The intensity of the unknown phase decreases with increasing annealing temperature and time and vanishes at 650℃for 30min.It is found that the unknown phase has a large influence on the half-width of the(420)x-ray diffraction peak.The as-sputtered films have a very small magnetization of about 1 emu/g at room temperature.When films are annealed above 570℃,the magnetization increases rapidly with increasing annealing temperature and time. 展开更多
关键词 temperature. ANNEALING AMORPHOUS
Spin Wave Resonance in Fe/Cu Compositionally Modulated Films
作者 JIN Qingyuan XU Yongbing +4 位作者 ZHAI Ya lu mu BIE Qingshan JIANG Shulin ZHAI Hongru 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期53-56,共4页
Fe/Cu compositionally modulated films made by rf sputtering were investigated with ferromagnetic resonance.Spin wave resonances related to interlayer exchange coupling were observed and the phase change of the spin wa... Fe/Cu compositionally modulated films made by rf sputtering were investigated with ferromagnetic resonance.Spin wave resonances related to interlayer exchange coupling were observed and the phase change of the spin wave was shared by both the Fe and Cu sublayers.The effective spin wave dispersion coefficient was found to increase with increasing thickness of Cu sublayers. 展开更多
Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect of Compositionally Modulated Co/Pt Films
作者 ZHOU Shiming ZHAI Hongru +3 位作者 SONG Jingtao ZHANG Hongyan lu mu JIANG Shulian 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第7期379-382,共4页
In this paper the magneto-optical polar Kerr rotation spectra of composition-ally modulated films(CMF)Co/Pt are calculated by using Fresnel’s equations.For CMF Co/Pt with d_(Co)/d_(pt)=1/2,1 and 2 the magneto-optical... In this paper the magneto-optical polar Kerr rotation spectra of composition-ally modulated films(CMF)Co/Pt are calculated by using Fresnel’s equations.For CMF Co/Pt with d_(Co)/d_(pt)=1/2,1 and 2 the magneto-optical Kerr rotation at any wavelength increases with the increasing modulation wavelength in the wavelength region from 200 to 800nm.For CMF Co/Pt of constant d_(pt) the Kerr rotation increases with d_(Co) increasing while of constant d_(Co) the Kerr rotation increases with d_(pt) decreasing.From numerical calculations it is suggested that for CMF Co/Pt with small d_(pt) the Pt sublayer is polarized and has a positive contribution to the Kerr rotation of CMF Co/Pt. 展开更多
Memory Effect in Ceramic Superconductors
作者 JIN Xin ZHANG Yitong +4 位作者 YAN Yong JI Helin lu Ruixi lu mu YAO Xixian 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1991年第11期585-588,共4页
We measured the time decay of the magnetic moment of high Tc supercon-ductors YBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7-δ);ceranic samples and found the memory effect which has hitherto been reported ouly in single crystals.The temperature ... We measured the time decay of the magnetic moment of high Tc supercon-ductors YBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7-δ);ceranic samples and found the memory effect which has hitherto been reported ouly in single crystals.The temperature and feld ranges,especialy the memory time are diferent from those of the latter.We believed that the memory phenomenon in ceramic samples at liquid nitrogen temperature can only be understood in a combined picture of both fux creep and glass behaviour. 展开更多
Magneto-optical Kerr Effect of NdFe Films and NdFe/ Cu(A1) Bilayers
作者 ZHOU Shiming lu mu +3 位作者 ZHAI Hongru WANG Hao XU Yongbing Huang Haibo 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1991年第8期424-427,共4页
In this paper single layer NdFe film,bilayer NdFe/Cu and NdFe/Al films made by vacuum evaporation were studied.The magneto-optical Kerr effect(MOKE)and reflectivity spectra were measured.The following results were fou... In this paper single layer NdFe film,bilayer NdFe/Cu and NdFe/Al films made by vacuum evaporation were studied.The magneto-optical Kerr effect(MOKE)and reflectivity spectra were measured.The following results were found:the contribution of Nd to MOKE is mainly at short wavelengths,for NdFe/Al the MOKE enhancement locates in the short wavelength range and for NdFe/Cu the enhancement peak locates near the absorption edge of reflector Cu,and in the MOKE spectra of bilayer NdFe/Cu film with some compositions,sign reversals were observed. 展开更多
作者 XU Yongbing lu mu +4 位作者 ZHAI Hongru MIAO Yongzhi WANG Hao ZHOU Shiming CAI Jianwang 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1990年第8期377-380,共4页
The magneto-optical Kerr rotation spectra in the region 400-700nm is studied for single layer Fe films.Experimental and theoretical calculation show that in the whole measurement wavelength range an enhancement of Ker... The magneto-optical Kerr rotation spectra in the region 400-700nm is studied for single layer Fe films.Experimental and theoretical calculation show that in the whole measurement wavelength range an enhancement of Kerr rotation occurs when the thickness of Fe is smaller than about 150Å.The thickness dependence of Kerr rotation of single layer Fe and Fe/Cu bilayer is compared.It is concluded that the Kerr rotation is dependent sensitively on the optical constants of underlying materials and the thickness of magnetic layer. 展开更多
Analyzing the cellular and molecular atlas of ovarian mesenchymal cells provides a strategy against female reproductive aging 被引量:4
作者 Longzhong Jia Wenji Wang +15 位作者 Jing Liang Shudong Niu Yibo Wang Jian Yang Lingyu Li Ge Wang Xueqiang Xu lu mu Kaixin Cheng Xuebing Yang Yijing Wang Haoshu luo Guoliang Xia Yuwen Ke Yan Zhang Hua Zhang 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第12期2818-2836,共19页
Ovarian mesenchymal cells(oMCs)constitute a distinct microenvironment that supports folliculogenesis under physiological conditions.Supplementation of exogenous non-ovarian mesenchymal-related cells has been reported ... Ovarian mesenchymal cells(oMCs)constitute a distinct microenvironment that supports folliculogenesis under physiological conditions.Supplementation of exogenous non-ovarian mesenchymal-related cells has been reported to be an efficient approach to improve ovarian functions.However,the development and cellular and molecular characteristics of endogenous oMCs remain largely unexplored.In this study,we surveyed the single-cell transcriptomic landscape to dissect the cellular and molecular changes associated with the aging of oMCs in mice.Our results showed that the oMCs were composed of five ovarian differentiatedMC(odMC)populations and one ovarian mesenchymal progenitor(oMP)cell population.These cells could differentiate into various odMCs via an oMP-derived route to construct the ovarian stroma structures.Comparative analysis revealed that ovarian aging was associated with decreased quantity of oMP cells and reduced quality of odMCs.Based on the findings of bioinformatics analysis,we designed different strategies involving supplementation with young oMCs to examine their effects on female fertility and health.Our functional investigations revealed that oMCs supplementation prior to ovarian senescence was the optimal method to improve female fertility and extend the reproductive lifespan of aged females in the longterm. 展开更多
关键词 single-cell analysis OVARY mesenchyma mesenchymal progenitor cells aging INFERTILITY
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