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PP333与外源ABA对轮台白杏新梢生长及果实品质的影响 被引量:6
作者 杨文莉 周伟权 +4 位作者 曼苏尔.那斯尔 赵世荣 章世奎 阿不都.热合曼 廖康 《经济林研究》 北大核心 2018年第2期73-79,共7页
为了探明PP333与外源ABA对轮台白杏新梢生长的抑制作用及对果实品质的影响情况,从而为轮台白杏生长发育调控奠定理论基础,在轮台白杏新梢速长期喷施不同浓度的PP333与ABA,定期观测其新梢与叶片的生长变化特点,待果实成熟后测定各处理的... 为了探明PP333与外源ABA对轮台白杏新梢生长的抑制作用及对果实品质的影响情况,从而为轮台白杏生长发育调控奠定理论基础,在轮台白杏新梢速长期喷施不同浓度的PP333与ABA,定期观测其新梢与叶片的生长变化特点,待果实成熟后测定各处理的果实品质。结果表明:外施PP333与ABA均能有效抑制新梢的长度、节间长及叶面积,不同程度地增加了新梢粗度及叶绿素值;PP333处理提高了单果质量、果实硬度、总糖、糖酸比及Vc含量,降低了总酸含量;ABA处理提高了果实硬度、总糖、糖酸比及Vc含量,降低了总酸含量,浓度分别为30与60 mg·L^(-1)的ABA处理对单果质量的影响均不明显,而90 mg·L^(-1)ABA处理的单果质量却显著降低;1 000 mg·L^(-1)的PP333处理与60 mg·L^(-1)的ABA处理均能有效抑制新梢生长,并能改善果实品质,可应用于轮台白杏生长发育的调控。 展开更多
关键词 轮台白杏 PP333 ABA 新梢 果实品质
10个新疆梨品种开花生物学及果实品质特征研究 被引量:5
作者 杜润清 曼苏尔·那斯尔 +3 位作者 章世奎 周伟权 阿布来克·尼牙孜 廖康 《中国果树》 北大核心 2020年第2期10-15,共6页
了解新疆梨品种的开花生物学及果实品质特征,为其合理利用提供数据参考。在10个新疆梨品种的生殖生长期,对开花物候期、花部特性、花粉特性及果实品质特性等进行测定对比分析。结果表明:除‘艾温切克’‘库尔勒黄酸梨’外,其他8个品种... 了解新疆梨品种的开花生物学及果实品质特征,为其合理利用提供数据参考。在10个新疆梨品种的生殖生长期,对开花物候期、花部特性、花粉特性及果实品质特性等进行测定对比分析。结果表明:除‘艾温切克’‘库尔勒黄酸梨’外,其他8个品种花期一致,但果实成熟期有明显差异;‘库尔勒香梨’与其他品种的花器官特征无明显差异;‘绿梨’‘阿克苏句句梨’的花粉活力较强、单花药花粉量较多;‘艾温切克’‘绿梨’等4个品种的单果重较大,显著大于‘库尔勒香梨’;‘艾温切克’的果实硬度最小,与‘库尔勒香梨’无显著差异;‘艾温切克’‘绿梨’的可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、维生素C含量均较高,与‘库尔勒香梨’无显著差异或显著高于‘库尔勒香梨’。综上,‘绿梨’‘阿克苏句句梨’的花期与‘库尔勒香梨’重叠,花粉量较多、萌发率最高,花器官特征与‘库尔勒香梨’接近,可作‘库尔勒香梨’的备选授粉树;‘艾温切克’‘绿梨’的果实品质及口感好、果实成熟期早,且果皮颜色与其他品种有明显差异,可作为优良育种材料。 展开更多
关键词 新疆梨品种 开花物候 花部特征 花粉离体萌发 果实品质
新疆新源县野果林3种野生果树秋播更新特性 被引量:1
作者 程功 刘立强 +3 位作者 李炎艳 尤璐瑶 曼苏尔·那斯尔 廖康 《经济林研究》 北大核心 2022年第4期173-181,共9页
【目的】为人工实生更新野果林关键树种提供参考。【方法】在新源野果林原生境秋季果实成熟期,分别采集野杏、野生樱桃李、野苹果种子,播种于平地、阴坡和阳坡3种生境类型试验地,次年观测其出苗规律和成苗特性,探究新源野生果树实生更... 【目的】为人工实生更新野果林关键树种提供参考。【方法】在新源野果林原生境秋季果实成熟期,分别采集野杏、野生樱桃李、野苹果种子,播种于平地、阴坡和阳坡3种生境类型试验地,次年观测其出苗规律和成苗特性,探究新源野生果树实生更新特征。【结果】3种种子秋播后,均于次年4月中旬开始出苗,至5月上旬时可完成其总出苗数量的80%以上,平地和阴坡的出苗量多于阳坡。平地和阳坡野生樱桃李有较高的成苗率,分别为26.2%、4.2%,也有较高的保存率,分别为87.6%和52.0%;阴坡则为野杏的成苗率和保存率最好,分别为16.2%和82.1%;野苹果在3种试验地的成苗率均小于1%。野杏和野生樱桃李幼苗的生长时期集中在6月中旬—8月中旬,其中,野杏在3种试验地的生长量及生长速率由高到低依次均为平地、阴坡、阳坡,在平地和阴坡野生樱桃李的生长量大于阳坡,野苹果在整个生长季的生长量较少。3种野生果树幼苗的年生物量由高到低依次均为平地、阴坡、阳坡,野杏幼苗生物量间无显著差异。野生樱桃李的生物量在阴坡与阳坡间有显著差异。【结论】原生境秋季播种后,平地和阳坡适宜更新野生樱桃李,阴坡适宜更新野杏,野苹果不适宜秋季播种更新。提高3种野生果树种子的成苗数量是秋季播种更新的关键。 展开更多
关键词 野苹果 野杏 野生樱桃李 人工播种
作者 陈湘颖 牛莹莹 +3 位作者 丁想 曼苏尔·那斯尔 尤璐瑶 廖康 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1063-1071,共9页
【目的】沙01是库尔勒香梨芽变品种,果实品质良好但硬度较小不耐储运,从果实组织结构角度研究分析两个品种的硬度差异。【方法】在果实成熟期采用石蜡切片法,对2个梨品种果实角质膜、表皮细胞、单宁细胞、薄壁细胞、团围薄壁细胞及石细... 【目的】沙01是库尔勒香梨芽变品种,果实品质良好但硬度较小不耐储运,从果实组织结构角度研究分析两个品种的硬度差异。【方法】在果实成熟期采用石蜡切片法,对2个梨品种果实角质膜、表皮细胞、单宁细胞、薄壁细胞、团围薄壁细胞及石细胞团进行观察。【结果】沙01和库尔勒香梨的角质膜厚度分别为5.44和9.44μm;沙01的表皮细胞和单宁细胞层数较少,且纵横径比分别为0.60和0.35,细胞多表现为细长,而库尔勒香梨的细胞层数较多,且纵横径比分别为0.67和0.48,细胞多表现为短粗;沙01和库尔勒香梨果肉中的石细胞团直径分别为287.16和362.04μm,团围薄壁细胞长度分别为343.06和262.71μm。果实带皮硬度与果实角质膜厚度呈极显著正相关;果实去皮硬度与单宁细胞纵横径比、石细胞团直径以及薄壁细胞长宽比呈极显著正相关,与单宁细胞横径和团围薄壁细胞长度呈极显著负相关,与薄壁细胞宽度呈显著负相关。【结论】库尔勒香梨和沙01果皮和果肉组织均存在差异,其中果皮组织中的角质膜厚度与表皮细胞层数,果肉组织中的单宁细胞层数和形状,薄壁细胞形状和大小及石细胞团直径是影响两者果实硬度差异的主要因素。 展开更多
关键词 库尔勒香梨 沙01 芽变 硬度 果实组织结构
Effect of Salt Stress on Photosynthetic GasExchange and Chlorophyll FluorescenceParameters in Alhagi pseudalhagi 被引量:6
作者 Mahmut SHAWKAT mansur nasir +1 位作者 Qijun CHEN Halil KURBAN 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第3期411-416,423,共7页
Soil salinity is one of the most important environmental factors limiting plant growth and productivity in many regions in the world. Salt stress directly affects plant photosynthesis, which is an important physiologi... Soil salinity is one of the most important environmental factors limiting plant growth and productivity in many regions in the world. Salt stress directly affects plant photosynthesis, which is an important physiological process to limit plant growth and crop yield. But the effects of salt stress on the mechanism of the photosynthesis is still not clear. In this experiment, the salt tolerant plant Alhagi pseudalhagi was selected as the experiment material, and the salt sensitive plant Vigna radiata as the control, to explore the effects of salt stress on photosynthetic parameters of A. pseudalhagi. Plants were grown in a greenhouse,cultured with 1/2 Hoagland nutrient solution, treated by 0(control), 50, 100 or 200 s of mmol/L of NaCl solution for 12 d. Then,the chlorophyll contents, gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll a fluorescence in each treatment were measured. The results showed that under the salt stress simulated by 50 mmol/L NaCl, the net photosynthetic rate(Pn) and stomatal conductance(gs)of A. pseudalhagi were significantly increased compared with the control, while intercellular CO_2 concentration(Ci) was significantly decreased, Fv'/Fm', Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo were increased over time, but had no significant differences with the control ФPSⅡ,ETR and qP were significantly increased, and NPQ was significantly decreased. Under the salt stress simulated by 100 and 200mmol/L NaCl, Fv'/Fm', Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo, ФPSⅡ and qP of A. pseudalhagi were gradually decreased over time. In contrary, under the salt stress simulated by 50 and 100 mmol/L NaCl, the Pn, gs, Ci, Fv'/Fm', Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo, ФPSII, qP and ETR were all significantly decreased, while NPQ was significantly increased. 展开更多
作者 温玥 牛莹莹 +1 位作者 巴音达拉 曼苏尔·那斯尔 《科教文汇》 2021年第13期75-76,共2页
关键词 生物统计学 园艺专业 课程改革
Self-incompatibility Characteristics of 34 Apricot Cultivars in Xinjiang
作者 Xiaoli PENG Kang LIAO +4 位作者 mansur nasir Zhenbin JIANG Shengli DONG Runqing DU Shikui ZHANG 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2014年第6期42-46,50,共6页
[ Objective] This study aimed to explore the relationship between self-incompatibility strength and characteristics related to pollination and fertilization of different apricot varieties in Xinjiang. [ Method] The po... [ Objective] This study aimed to explore the relationship between self-incompatibility strength and characteristics related to pollination and fertilization of different apricot varieties in Xinjiang. [ Method] The pollen amount, pollen germination rate, pollen tube growth status and fruiting setting rate by self-pollina- tion of 34 apricot cultivars in Xinjiang were determined, to analyze the self-incompatibility of different apricot cultivars. [ Result] The average pollen amount per anther of 34 apricot eultivars was 1 213.7, and the average pollen germination rate was 46.0%. There were great differences in the self-incompatlbility of different cuhivars ; most pollen tubes of the euhivars with high self-incompatibility stopped elongating at 1/3 or 1/2 part of the styles, and only a few pollen tubes of the euhivars with low self-incompatibility reached the ovary, and the normal fertilization ratio was significantly lower than that in self-compatible cultivars. [ Conclusion] Among the 34 apricot cuhivars, only 6 cuhivars were self-compatible and the others exhibited gametophyte self-incompatibility. In addition, the fruit setting rate by self-pollination was low. 展开更多
Effects of Pruning Methods on the Growth and Development of New Shoots and Fruit Yield and Quality of Walnut
作者 ABDUXUKUR Yakup MUHTAR Zari mansur nasir 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2021年第5期1-4,共4页
[Objectives]This study was conducted to screen out reasonable pruning methods of walnut,and provide practical guidance for high-yield cultivation of walnut.[Methods]Xinfeng and Xinguang were used to study the effects ... [Objectives]This study was conducted to screen out reasonable pruning methods of walnut,and provide practical guidance for high-yield cultivation of walnut.[Methods]Xinfeng and Xinguang were used to study the effects of mechanical and artificial pruning methods on shoot growth,chlorophyll content in leaves,net photosynthetic rate and fruit quality.[Results]The results showed that:①the pruning method had a significant impact on the number of new shoots,and the number of new shoots of mechanical pruning was significantly higher than that of manual pruning;②the pruning method had a significant impact on the chlorophyll content,and the chlorophyll content of Xinguang of mechanical pruning was significantly higher than that of manual pruning;③the pruning method had a significant impact on the net photosynthetic rate of leaves,and the net photosynthetic rate of manual pruning was significantly higher than that of manual pruning;④Pruning methods had a significant effect on the number of walnut fruit,and the fruit trees pruned manually were significantly higher than those pruned mechanically;⑤the pruning method had no significant impact on the single fruit weight;⑥Pruning methods had a significant effect on the shell yield of a single walnut plant.The shell yield of single walnut plant pruned manually was significantly higher than that pruned mechanically;⑦pruning mode had a significant impact on the yield of walnut per plant,and the yield of artificially pruned walnut per plant was significantly higher than that of mechanical pruning;and⑧Xinfeng s chlorophyll content,net photosynthetic rate,fruit number,shell yield per plant and kernel yield per plant were all better than that of Xinguang,in addition,the growth and development of new shoots,the fruit quantity and quality of fruit also were affected by the interaction effect of genotype and pruning mode×variety.[Conclusions]It can be seen that different pruning methods have significant effects on the growth and development of new shoots and fruit yield and quality of walnut.Artificial pruning is more suitable for walnut cultivation by adjusting photosynthesis and improving the yield and quality of walnut;and Xinfeng is more suitable for popularization and production. 展开更多
关键词 WALNUT Pruning method Manual pruning Mechanical pruning
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