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部分十字花科植物花粉形态特征比较 被引量:6
作者 陈相洁 毛礼米 +1 位作者 潘昱安 王英浩 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期13-20,共8页
为了更好地比较十字花科(Brassicaceae)植物花粉的形态特征,使用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察诸葛菜〔Orychophragmus violaceus(Linn.)O.E.Schulz〕、芸薹(Brassica campestris Linn.)、欧洲油菜(B.napus Linn.)2个品种(叶缘具锯齿和叶缘... 为了更好地比较十字花科(Brassicaceae)植物花粉的形态特征,使用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察诸葛菜〔Orychophragmus violaceus(Linn.)O.E.Schulz〕、芸薹(Brassica campestris Linn.)、欧洲油菜(B.napus Linn.)2个品种(叶缘具锯齿和叶缘无锯齿)、芥菜〔B.juncea(Linn.)Czern.〕和萝卜(Raphanus sativus Linn.)的花粉形态,并比较6个材料花粉的几何形态参数差异。结果表明:6个材料花粉的极面观为三裂圆形,欧洲油菜(叶缘具锯齿)和芥菜花粉的赤道面观为椭球形,其余4个材料花粉的赤道面观为长椭球形,并且6个材料花粉均具三沟;极轴长和赤道轴长分别为22.44~28.19和19.09~24.25μm,极轴长与赤道轴长的比值为1.07~1.18;赤道面直径和极面直径分别为20.78~26.15和18.93~25.21μm;除诸葛菜花粉外壁具2层结构(即外壁外层和基层)外,其余材料花粉外壁均具3层结构(即外壁外层、基层和外壁内层),厚度1.84~2.46μm;极面弧形弯曲率为0.34~0.39。诸葛菜花粉网眼内无疣状结构,其余材料花粉网眼内均有疣状结构,其中,芸薹花粉网眼内的疣状结构最明显,芥菜花粉网眼内的疣状结构最不明显;6个材料花粉的网眼密度为0.3~0.9μm^(-2),网眼直径为0.86~1.44μm。根据上述花粉形态特征,6个材料可分成2个大类,其中,诸葛菜单独为一类,其花粉赤道面观为长椭球形,外壁较薄,网眼内无疣状结构,且网眼直径小、密度大;其余材料为另一类,其花粉赤道面观为椭球形或长椭球形,外壁较厚,网眼内有疣状结构,且网眼直径大、密度小。研究结果显示:6个材料花粉的形状和大小、外壁层次结构和厚度、极面弧形弯曲率、网眼内的疣状结构及网眼密度和大小存在一定差异。花粉网眼内的疣状结构及部分花粉几何形态参数差异可用于区分诸葛菜与其他5个材料,但光学显微镜下的花粉外壁层次结构不宜作为十字花科植物花粉鉴别的依据。 展开更多
关键词 十字花科 花粉形态 几何形态参数 疣状结构
A Whole Plant Herbaceous Angiosperm from the Middle Jurassic of China 被引量:2
作者 HAN Gang LIU Zhongjian +3 位作者 LIU Xueling mao limi Frederic M.B. JACQUES WANG Xin 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期19-29,共11页
In contrast to woody habit with secondary growth, truthful herbaceous habit lacking secondary growth is restricted to angiosperms among seed plants. Although angiosperms might have occurred as early as in the Triassic... In contrast to woody habit with secondary growth, truthful herbaceous habit lacking secondary growth is restricted to angiosperms among seed plants. Although angiosperms might have occurred as early as in the Triassic and herbaceous habit theoretically may have been well adopted by pioneer angiosperms, pre-Cretaceous herbs are missing hitherto, leaving the origin of herbs and evolution of herbaceous angiosperms mysterious. Here we report Juraherba bodae gen. et sp. nov, a whole plant herbaceous angiosperm, from the Middle Jurassic (〉164 Ma) at Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China, a fossil Lagerst^itten that is worldwide famous for various fossil finds. The angiospermous affinity of Juraherba is ensured by its enclosed ovules/seeds. The plant is small but complete, with physically connected hairy root, stem, leaves, and fructifications. The Middle Jurassic age recommends Juraherba as the earliest record of herbaceous seed plants, demanding a refresh look at the evolutionary history of angiosperms. 展开更多
关键词 seed plant JURASSIC HERBACEOUS whole plant angiosperm.
作者 李超 王开发 +1 位作者 姜立征 毛礼米 《历史地理》 1999年第1期144-152,共9页
上海奉贤江海遗址位于奉贤县南桥镇西南2公里处(图1)。该遗址最初于1994年修筑上海环郊区公路时被发现。上海市文物管理委员会,上海博物馆考古部分别于1996年5月和11月先后对遗址进行了探掘,揭开面积300多平方米(图2),发现了良渚文化红... 上海奉贤江海遗址位于奉贤县南桥镇西南2公里处(图1)。该遗址最初于1994年修筑上海环郊区公路时被发现。上海市文物管理委员会,上海博物馆考古部分别于1996年5月和11月先后对遗址进行了探掘,揭开面积300多平方米(图2),发现了良渚文化红烧土遗迹,良渚文化墓葬一座,马桥文化陶窑一座,共出土玉石陶器七十余件。 展开更多
关键词 良渚文化 马桥文化 上海博物馆 红烧土 上海奉贤 江海 南桥镇 陶窑
大兴安岭地区新仙女木事件的表现特征 被引量:4
作者 伍婧 刘强 +4 位作者 毛礼米 朱泽阳 旺罗 储国强 刘嘉麒 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期985-993,共9页
新仙女木事件是末次冰消期期间发生的一次气候转冷事件,该事件对整个北半球的中高纬度地区的气候变化有明显的影响.然而,在该事件造成东亚中高纬地区温度下降的统一认识下,对于其季节性特征仍较为缺乏认识.本文用大兴安岭中部月亮湖末... 新仙女木事件是末次冰消期期间发生的一次气候转冷事件,该事件对整个北半球的中高纬度地区的气候变化有明显的影响.然而,在该事件造成东亚中高纬地区温度下降的统一认识下,对于其季节性特征仍较为缺乏认识.本文用大兴安岭中部月亮湖末次冰消期多指标记录,揭示了大兴安岭地区在新仙女木事件期间植被中的北方针叶林成分增加、森林发育、冬季温度下降、东亚冬季风明显增强. 展开更多
关键词 新仙女木事件 东亚冬季风 植被 大兴安岭地区
Palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental significance of someimportant spores and micro-algae in Quaternary deposits 被引量:11
作者 TANG LingYu mao limi +5 位作者 Lü XinMiao MA QingFeng ZHOU ZhongZe YANG ChunLei KONG ZhaoChen BATTEN David J 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第25期3125-3139,共15页
Spores of ferns and allied plants, and micro-algae frequently occur in abundance in Quaternary deposits, but their palaeoenvironmental significance is seldom evaluated. This paper presents morphological descriptions o... Spores of ferns and allied plants, and micro-algae frequently occur in abundance in Quaternary deposits, but their palaeoenvironmental significance is seldom evaluated. This paper presents morphological descriptions of spores of Selaginella sinensis (Desv.) Spring, 1843 (Selaginellaceae) and Ceratopteris cf. thalictroides (L.) Brongniart, 1821 (Parkeriaceae) and the algae Pediastrum boryanum (Turpin) Meneghini, 1840, P. simplex Meyen, 1829, P. integrum N geli, 1849 (all Hydrodictyaceae), Spiniferites Mantell, 1850, emend. Sarjeant, 1970 (Spiniferitaceae) and Concentricystes Rossignal, 1962, emend. Jiabo, 1978 (systematic position unclear), and discusses their occurrence in mostly Quaternary sedimentary successions. All are closely associated with aquatic habitats. Extant Selaginella sinensis often colonizes fairly wet hillsides and gaps between rocks, and shady sides of ravines and slopes; it is also found within thickets of trees and shrubs (boscages) and in forests with calcareous soils. Ceratopteris thalictroides, Pediastrum and Concentricystes inhabit freshwater lakes and both natural and artificial wetlands, such as paddy fields and ditches. Spiniferites is a salt-water genus and usually associated with the marine realm. Fossil and subfossil representatives of all of these taxa can be useful proxies of biodiversity and, therefore, also important for determining environmental conditions during the Quaternary period. 展开更多
关键词 第四纪沉积物 古环境意义 微型藻类 孢子形态 古生态 蕨类植物 石灰性土壤 生物多样性
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