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面向县级国土空间规划的自然资源综合调查与双评价——以延安市延川县为例 被引量:33
作者 张茂省 岳东霞 +5 位作者 孙萍萍 孟兴民 郭建军 王东 苗俊霞 郑续 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期281-289,共9页
围绕县级国土空间规划对自然资源与环境问题数据资料的获取与建库、资源环境承载力评价、国土空间开发适宜性评价、国土空间规划优化4个关键问题,以延安市延川县为研究区,提出了基于短板-边际-风险理论的资源环境承载力和基于负面清单... 围绕县级国土空间规划对自然资源与环境问题数据资料的获取与建库、资源环境承载力评价、国土空间开发适宜性评价、国土空间规划优化4个关键问题,以延安市延川县为研究区,提出了基于短板-边际-风险理论的资源环境承载力和基于负面清单的国土空间开发适宜性评价的理论与方法,并以土地斑块为评价单元,完成了延川县的双评价.结果显示:延川县不可接受超载区和容许超载区总面积分别为34.8、42.5 km2,分别占全县国土面积的2.14%、1.75%;水资源经济承载力已处于不可接受承载力状态;国土空间'限制、约束、影响'三级不适宜区总面积为1 262.55 km2,占全县国土空间的66.28%.依据调查和评价结果,对延川县现有'三区三线'及相关国土空间规划进行空间叠置分析、土地功能重新定位以及边界合并、调整与优化,形成了延川县新的'三区三线'边界和全类型国土空间的'一张蓝图',实现了空间上的'多规合一'. 展开更多
关键词 自然资源 环境问题 资源环境承载力 国土空间开发适宜性 国土空间规划
汶川地震扰动区文县“8·7”泥石流灾害特征分析——以洋汤沟为例 被引量:8
作者 庆丰 孟兴民 +1 位作者 郭富赟 赵岩 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期376-381,共6页
2017年8月7日,文县遭受特大暴雨袭击,暴雨中心最大降雨量109.8 mm,强降水引发群发性泥石流灾害.其中文县梨坪、天池、舍书3个乡镇受灾严重,洋汤沟泥石流因其隐蔽性是其中的典型代表.本研究以羊汤沟为例,分析汶川地震扰动区文县"8&#... 2017年8月7日,文县遭受特大暴雨袭击,暴雨中心最大降雨量109.8 mm,强降水引发群发性泥石流灾害.其中文县梨坪、天池、舍书3个乡镇受灾严重,洋汤沟泥石流因其隐蔽性是其中的典型代表.本研究以羊汤沟为例,分析汶川地震扰动区文县"8·7"泥石流灾害特征与成因,结果表明,洋汤沟泥石流属于沟谷型、低频率、稀性泥石流,流域地形陡峻,汇水面积大,动力条件好,一旦遭遇暴雨,可再次引发泥石流灾害.灾后恢复重建应充分考虑泥石流危害,提高泥石流设防标准,因地制宜采取植被恢复、水砂分离、拦挡停淤、排导引流等措施进行治理,并划定危险区,对部分居民采取避让搬迁.洋汤沟泥石流灾害趋于活跃,泥石流形成的致灾能力在不断增加,隐蔽性较强,类似灾害的提前识别是今后需要关注的重点. 展开更多
关键词 汶川地震扰动区 泥石流 灾害特征 白龙江流域
基于SBAS技术的兰州新区地面沉降监测研究 被引量:10
作者 赵富萌 陈冠 +4 位作者 张毅 孟兴民 刘义 王彪 王思源 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期707-715,共9页
利用小基线集合成孔径雷达干涉测量的方法和试验相结合的手段,获取兰州新区2015-2016年的地面沉降范围和速率情况,结合地质环境背景和人类工程活动,分析了地面沉降的发生规律.结果表明,地面沉降主要分布在新区南部、中东部和西北部,最... 利用小基线集合成孔径雷达干涉测量的方法和试验相结合的手段,获取兰州新区2015-2016年的地面沉降范围和速率情况,结合地质环境背景和人类工程活动,分析了地面沉降的发生规律.结果表明,地面沉降主要分布在新区南部、中东部和西北部,最大沉降速率达到55.0 mm/a.地面沉降与地层岩性和断层分布有密切联系,与地下水位变化呈弱相关关系,填方、建筑荷载、道路建设和农业灌溉加剧地面沉降发生;填土相对原生黄土具有更大的孔隙比和压缩系数,在水的作用下更易发生淋滤和溶蚀,发生湿陷并进一步导致不均匀沉降.建议在城市规划时要对高层建筑的施工建设(特别是填土区)进行控制,减少地面荷载和增加地面的承载力,从预防的角度减少地面沉降现象及其危害. 展开更多
关键词 小基线集技术 地面沉降 削山造地 兰州新区
活动构造断裂带巨型滑坡活动特性研究——以白龙江流域大小湾滑坡为例 被引量:9
作者 李媛茜 张毅 +9 位作者 孟兴民 陈冠 曾润强 岳东霞 郭富赟 戴霜 苏晓军 刘旺财 梁懿文 王爱杰 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期360-368,共9页
白龙江流域坪定-化马断裂带内发育大量滑坡,已发生了多起重大滑坡灾害.大小湾滑坡位于白龙江左岸,为典型的活动断裂带蠕滑型滑坡.近年来受集中降雨、构造活动等因素影响,老滑坡局部出现复活迹象,处于不稳定状态.本研究通过地表变形监测... 白龙江流域坪定-化马断裂带内发育大量滑坡,已发生了多起重大滑坡灾害.大小湾滑坡位于白龙江左岸,为典型的活动断裂带蠕滑型滑坡.近年来受集中降雨、构造活动等因素影响,老滑坡局部出现复活迹象,处于不稳定状态.本研究通过地表变形监测、野外现场调查、遥感影像解译等,对大小湾滑坡的地质环境条件、发育特征和活动特性进行研究.结果表明,滑坡活动的整体性不明显,但分块差异性活动突出.根据运动和变形特征,将滑坡分为5个区域:中部的两处次级滑块、中部次级黄土滑坡及前缘复活的两个滑块.其中,中部的次级滑块陡坎极度发育,堆积大量基岩碎石块;临江前缘活动最为强烈,坡体破碎,裂缝发育,路面鼓胀塌陷严重.在未来的变形和运动中,前缘滑块极有可能在降雨的诱发下继续发生变形,形成滑坡堵江灾害链,严重威胁滑坡上游村镇和下游舟曲县城居民的生命财产安全,灾害风险极为严峻. 展开更多
关键词 大小湾滑坡 活动特征 构造断裂带 白龙江流域
高山峡谷区滑坡-泥石流灾害链成灾模式与危险性评价——以舟曲立节为例 被引量:10
作者 种艳 陈冠 +10 位作者 孟兴民 岳东霞 张毅 郭富赟 李亚军 曾润强 赵岩 边世强 杨云鹏 金佳成 黄逢春 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期372-384,共13页
以舟曲立节滑坡-泥石流灾害链为例,在快速探测滑坡变形特征与内部结构的基础上,分析立节滑坡-泥石流的成灾模式,基于数值模拟开展不同情景下灾害链的危险性定量预测,建立“光学遥感回溯分析-地球物理快速探测-数值模型定量评价”的滑坡... 以舟曲立节滑坡-泥石流灾害链为例,在快速探测滑坡变形特征与内部结构的基础上,分析立节滑坡-泥石流的成灾模式,基于数值模拟开展不同情景下灾害链的危险性定量预测,建立“光学遥感回溯分析-地球物理快速探测-数值模型定量评价”的滑坡-泥石流灾害链危险性综合评价方法,可为青藏高原及周边地区类似灾害链风险预测与应急处置提供参考.立节滑坡是受断裂带控制的黄土-碎石土堆积层滑坡,滑坡崩解滑塌区松散滑坡体和堆积区坡面、沟道堆积物是北山沟泥石流的主要物源,被地表径流侵蚀夹带转化为泥石流,形成滑坡-泥石流灾害链,对沟口立节镇造成严重威胁.为评价可能发生的滑坡-泥石流灾害链效应,利用MassFlow与BASEMENT综合数值建模方法,对滑坡的堆积以及不同降雨情景下可能形成的泥石流的流量、流速、堆积情况进行评价预测,结果显示,假设滑坡强度降低后,有约3.52×105m3滑坡物质极易转化为泥石流,在极端降雨条件下会出现泥石流堵江灾害. 展开更多
关键词 滑坡 泥石流 灾害链 危险性预测 数值模拟
基于卷积神经网络模型的区域滑坡敏感性评价——以川藏铁路沿线为例 被引量:14
作者 蒋万钰 陈冠 +7 位作者 孟兴民 张毅 曾润强 岳东霞 周自强 赵岩 金佳成 梁懿文 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期203-211,共9页
在遥感解译、野外调查及前人研究的基础上,基于共线性诊断与极端随机数算法对13个影响因子的相关性和重要性进行评估,运用一维卷积神经网络构建川藏铁路沿线滑坡敏感性评价模型,使用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线进行精度验证.结果表明,影响... 在遥感解译、野外调查及前人研究的基础上,基于共线性诊断与极端随机数算法对13个影响因子的相关性和重要性进行评估,运用一维卷积神经网络构建川藏铁路沿线滑坡敏感性评价模型,使用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线进行精度验证.结果表明,影响该区滑坡发育的主控因子为距河流距离、道路与断层的距离以及岩性,敏感性极低、低、中、高、极高的面积分别占总面积的66.30%、10.98%、7.55%、6.91%和8.26%.敏感性高的区域主要分布在河流、道路两侧和断层发育的区域;全线滑坡敏感性高低呈分段式分布,在山南-朗县段、波密-理塘段最为严重;一维卷积神经网络的ROC曲线下覆盖的面积为0.958,能有效地进行该区域的滑坡敏感性评价. 展开更多
关键词 一维卷积神经网络 滑坡敏感性评价 深度学习 川藏铁路
基于GMS的三维地质建模与地下水数值模拟——以永靖县黑台为例 被引量:3
作者 王鸿 姚云琦 +2 位作者 马建花 孟兴民 曾润强 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期601-609,619,共10页
在总结三维地质建模与地下水数值模拟常用软件基础上,选用GMS软件,在黄土台塬灌溉典型区域甘肃省永靖县黑台,开展三维地质建模,结合研究区内部钻孔、边界高程、地层高程数据等基础资料,建立实体地层模型,利用建模结果,综合台塬水文地质... 在总结三维地质建模与地下水数值模拟常用软件基础上,选用GMS软件,在黄土台塬灌溉典型区域甘肃省永靖县黑台,开展三维地质建模,结合研究区内部钻孔、边界高程、地层高程数据等基础资料,建立实体地层模型,利用建模结果,综合台塬水文地质条件,建立水文概念模型与数学模型,使用软件内MODFLOW数值计算方法,在高密度电法反演地下水位信息验证下,获得研究区地下水数值模型.结果表明,模拟所得三维地层模型有很好的可视性,能直观展示研究区地层分布情况;地下水水位值与高密度电法反演地下水位分布在台塬中部地下水位有很好的对应关系. 展开更多
关键词 地质建模 地下水数值模拟 地下水建模系统 黑台
作者 苏晓军 孟兴民 +3 位作者 张毅 岳东霞 周自强 郭富赟 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期694-710,共17页
中巴经济走廊(CPEC)是连接中国与南亚、西亚的重要通道.CPEC北部大部为青藏高原、帕米尔高原山区,具有独特复杂的地质结构、活跃的构造运动、多样的地形地貌、多变的环境气候背景.CPEC内滑坡、泥石流及冰川跃动等相关灾害多发,影响着CPE... 中巴经济走廊(CPEC)是连接中国与南亚、西亚的重要通道.CPEC北部大部为青藏高原、帕米尔高原山区,具有独特复杂的地质结构、活跃的构造运动、多样的地形地貌、多变的环境气候背景.CPEC内滑坡、泥石流及冰川跃动等相关灾害多发,影响着CPEC的安全建设和运营,面临巨大风险和挑战,地质灾害亦给当地社会和人民带来巨大损失.本研究系统总结了CPEC滑坡、泥石流及冰川相关灾害识别编目及成因、地质灾害评价、灾害防治与减轻等方面研究现状.针对当前研究存在的5点不足:孕灾背景研究较为薄弱、灾害早期识别有待进一步加强、灾害特征与机制揭示不够深入、灾害评价及方法有待发展、地质灾害综合防治有待提升等,提出相应建议.提出三方面展望:开展CPEC环境地质普查、地质灾害详查,建立完备的地质灾害本底数据;促进建立适于CPEC的地质灾害空天地联合监测识别技术体系,促进卫星数据共享体系升级;开展系统全面的地质灾害防治、风险评价、减灾与灾后恢复研究等. 展开更多
关键词 滑坡 泥石流 冰川 地质灾害 灾害评价 防灾减灾 中巴经济走廊
Landslide mapping and analysis along the China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway based on SBAS-InSAR detection in 2017 被引量:7
作者 SU Xiao-jun ZHANG Yi +9 位作者 meng xing-min YUE Dong-xia MA Jin-hui GUO Fu-yun ZHOU Zi-qiang REHMAN Mohib Ur KHALID Zainab CHEN Guan ZENG Run-qiang ZHAO Fu-meng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第10期2540-2564,共25页
The Karakoram Highway(KKH),a part of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC),is a major highway connecting northern Pakistan to China.The inventorying and analysis of landslides along KKH are challenging because o... The Karakoram Highway(KKH),a part of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC),is a major highway connecting northern Pakistan to China.The inventorying and analysis of landslides along KKH are challenging because of poor accessibility,vast study area,limited availability of ground-based datasets,and the complexity of landslide processes in the region.In order to preserve life,property,and infrastructure,and to enable the uninterrupted and efficient operation of the KKH,it is essential to strengthen measures for the prevention and control of geological disasters.In the present study,SBASInSAR(Small Baseline Subsets-Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar)was used to process 150 scenes of Sentinel 1-A images in the year 2017 along the Karakoram Highway.A total of 762 landslides,including 57 complex landslides,126 rock falls,167 debris slides,and 412 unstable slopes,ranging in size between 0.0017 and 10.63 km2 were identified.Moreover,this study also gains an inventory of 40 active glacier movements in this region.Landslide categorization,displacements characteristics,spatial distribution,and their relationship with various contributing factors have been successfully investigated along the entire KKH using image interpretation and frequency-area statistics.The criteria adopted for landslides categorization is presented in the study.The results showed that the 2-D ground deformation derived in Hunza valley echoes well with the general regional landslides characteristics.The spatial distribution analysis revealed that there are clumped distributions of landslides in the Gaizi,Tashkurgan,and Khunjerab in China,as well as in Hunza valley,and north of Chilas city in Pakistan.Statistical results indicated that these landslides mainly occur on south-facing slopes with a slope angle of 20°–45°and elevation relief of 550–2,100 m.Landslide development is also related to low vegetation cover and weathering effects in mountain gullies.Overall,our study provides scientific data support and theoretical references for prevention,control,and mitigation of geological disasters in the Karakoram region. 展开更多
关键词 Landslides mapping Slope deformation Identification Landslide development Area development ratio SBAS-InSAR Karakoram Highway
Deformation of the Zhangjiazhuang high-speed railway tunnel: an analysis of causal mechanisms using geomorphological surveys and D-InSAR monitoring 被引量:6
作者 meng xing-min QI Tian-jun +11 位作者 ZHAO Yan DIJKSTRA Tom SHI Wei LUO Yin-fei WU Yuan-zhao SU Xiao-jun ZHAO Fu-meng MA Jin-hui ZHANG Yi CHEN Guan YUE Dong-xia ZHANG Mao-sheng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第7期1920-1936,共17页
On 18 January 2016,the Zhangjiazhuang high-speed railway tunnel in Ledu,Qinghai Province,China,underwent serious deformation and structural damage.A crack formed at the top of the tunnel and the concrete on the crown ... On 18 January 2016,the Zhangjiazhuang high-speed railway tunnel in Ledu,Qinghai Province,China,underwent serious deformation and structural damage.A crack formed at the top of the tunnel and the concrete on the crown peeled off.As a result,the tunnel could not be operated for three months.In order to determine the types and spatial distribution of the landslides in the region and the surface deformation characteristics associated with the tunnel deformation,we used field geological and geomorphological surveys,unmanned aerial vehicle image interpretation and differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar(D-In SAR) surface deformation monitoring.Nine ancient and old landslides were identified and analysed in the study area.Surface deformation monitoring and investigation of buildings in several villages on the slope front showed that the tunnel deformation was not related to deep-seated gravitational slope deformation.However,surface deformation monitoring revealed an active NEE–SWW fault in the area intersecting the tunnel at the location of the tunnel rupture.This constitutes a plausible mechanism for the deformation of the tunnel.Our study highlights the need for detailed engineering geomorphological investigations to better predict the occurrence of tunnel deformation events in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Gaojiawan Landslide group Zhangjiazhuang tunnel DEFORMATION Fault activity Irrigation infiltration
Rapid onset hazards,fault-controlled landslides and multi-method emergency decision-making 被引量:3
作者 GUO Fu-yun meng xing-min +7 位作者 QI Tian-jun DIJKSTRA Tom THORKILDSEN Jarsve Kristine YUE Dong-xia CHEN Guan ZHANG Yi DOU Xiao-dong SHI Peng-qing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第5期1357-1369,共13页
Numerous large-scale fragmented bedrock landslides developed along major fault system is a world-wide phenomenon,which are often characterized with repeated reactivation throughout histories.Due to the large-scale and... Numerous large-scale fragmented bedrock landslides developed along major fault system is a world-wide phenomenon,which are often characterized with repeated reactivation throughout histories.Due to the large-scale and deep-seated features,it is normally difficult to control such landslides,which in turn pose great threat to local residents and infrastructures.Therefore,monitoring and forecasting these gigantic landslides has become a key protocol for risk reduction.This paper introduces such a typical massive landslide,named Yahuokou landslide,besides Min River in Zhouqu County,Gansu Province,China.Reactivated on July 16,2019 with a volume of approximately 4×106 m3,moving slowly and transitionally starting from top part,its toe had partially blocked the Min River and destroyed roads and houses eventually by August 11,2019.As to emergency response for such huge slowmoving landslide,there is no standard national protocols.Therefore,how to make effective emergency decision has become a challenge.Based on previous experiences,integrated multi-methods,including UAV imagery interpretation,we applied GNSS monitoring and field investigations in the early stages of landsliding,in order to assist the decisionmaking.The results show that the movement path of the current displacement is consistent with that of the 1989 reactivation event,and the slide body was separated into three relatively independent blocks with different sliding velocities and responses to rainfall.The upper and lower blocks appeared less affected by rainfall,while the middle block responded more to the changes in precipitations.It proves that the combined approaches using a variety of monitoring techniques can play an effective role in the monitoring of rapidly deformed transitional largescale landslides,and can also provide a set of reference methods for the emergency disposal of similar landslide hazards. 展开更多
关键词 Yahuokou landslide Rapid detection Disaster pattern Movement process
Ecological risk assessment of the Gannan Plateau,northeastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:2
作者 YUE Dong-xia ZENG Jian-jun +6 位作者 YANG Chao ZOU Ming-liang LI Kai CHEN Guan-guang GUO Jian-jun Xu Xiao-feng meng xing-min 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1254-1267,共14页
Desertification, soil salinization and grassland degradation are the major environmental hazards faced by the Gannan Plateau, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological risk assessment plays an important role in formula... Desertification, soil salinization and grassland degradation are the major environmental hazards faced by the Gannan Plateau, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological risk assessment plays an important role in formulating environmental management strategies yet little attention to this region. In this study, we established an ecological risk assessment index system based on 30 evaluation indices in the categories of hydrometeorology, ecological environment, ground surface disturbance, and society and economy for the Gannan Plateau. An entropy method was used to calculate an index weight,and subsequently the matter-element method was used together with extension theory to establish a matter-element extension model of ecological risk. We assessed the ecological risk in this region by calculating the degree of association between index layer, system layer and target layer, and the cumulative ecological risk index. The degrees of ecological risk for the counties of the region were determined by using Arc GIS which would represent a spatial heterogeneity of the risk grade in production. Our results showed that the areas of high ecological risk were in Zhouqu County and Zhuoni County, and others were of low risk(Hezuo City, Diebu County, Xiahe County and Lintan County) or intermediate risk(Maqu County). The results of the assessment were in accord with the actual observed situation. Thus, our ecological risk assessment index system is appropriate for this region and suggests that high risk counties need a priori ecological protection. Such research could provide a technological support which would potentially prevent or reduce disasters by establishing an ecological barrier to promote the sustainable development of Gannan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 MATTER-ELEMENT Extension theory Ecological risk assessment ECOSYSTEM GannanPlateau
作者 乔飞宇 李亚军 +4 位作者 陈冠 孟兴民 杨云鹏 边世强 种艳 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期778-785,共8页
结合2020年构林坪溃决型泥石流模拟试验,分析泥石流堵江过程及河流侵蚀能力,提出堵江堰塞坝堵江概率判别标准,为泥石流堰塞坝工程治理提供参考.重新定义颗粒的面积相关形状系数及体积相关形状系数,可应用于各类不规则形体.从颗粒粒度角... 结合2020年构林坪溃决型泥石流模拟试验,分析泥石流堵江过程及河流侵蚀能力,提出堵江堰塞坝堵江概率判别标准,为泥石流堰塞坝工程治理提供参考.重新定义颗粒的面积相关形状系数及体积相关形状系数,可应用于各类不规则形体.从颗粒粒度角度得出泥石流堆积“粗颗粒物质快速移动沉积-细颗粒物质慢速被侵蚀”的特征;从堰塞坝堵江过程角度得出“堆积扇逐层沉积-河流薄弱侵蚀”特征;从沉积侵蚀速率角度得到构林坪流域堵江阈值,且当泥石流颗粒粒度较细时,泥石流沉积速率对该阈值的影响将显著提高,粒度较粗时,以河流侵蚀速率为主要因素. 展开更多
关键词 堰塞坝 沉积速率 侵蚀速率 堵江过程 堵江概率
Effect of rainfall on a colluvial landslide in a debris flow valley
作者 QIAO Liang meng xing-min +4 位作者 CHEN Guan ZHANG Yi GUO Peng ZENG Run-qiang LI Ya-jun 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1113-1123,共11页
A colluvial landslide in a debris flow valley is a typical phenomena and is easily influenced by rainfall. The direct destructiveness of this kind of landslide is small, however, if failure occurs the resulting blocki... A colluvial landslide in a debris flow valley is a typical phenomena and is easily influenced by rainfall. The direct destructiveness of this kind of landslide is small, however, if failure occurs the resulting blocking of the channel may lead to a series of magnified secondary hazards. For this reason it is important to investigate the potential response of this type of landslide to rainfall. In the present paper, the Goulingping landslide, one of the colluvial landslides in the Goulingping valley in the middle of the Bailong River catchment in Gansu Province, China, was chosen for the study. Electrical Resistivity Tomography(ERT), Terrestrial Laser Scanning(TLS), together with traditional monitoring methods, were used to monitor changes in water content and the deformation of the landslide caused by rainfall. ERT was used to detect changes in soil water content induced by rainfall. The most significant findings were as follows:(1) the water content in the centralupper part(0~41 m) of the landslide was greaterthan in the central-front part(41~84 m) and(2) there was a relatively high resistivity zone at depth within the sliding zone. The deformation characteristics at the surface of the landslide were monitored by TLS and the results revealed that rainstorms caused three types of deformation and failure:(1) gully erosion at the slope surface;(2) shallow sliding failure;(3) and slope foot erosion. Subsequent monitoring of continuous changes in pore-water pressure, soil pressure and displacement(using traditional methods) indicated that long duration light rainfall(average 2.22 mm/d) caused the entire landslide to enter a state of creeping deformation at the beginning of the rainy season. Shear-induced dilation occurred for the fast sliding(30.09 mm/d) during the critical failure sub-phase(EF). Pore-water pressure in the sliding zone was affected by rainfall. In addition, the sliding L1 parts of the landslide exerted a discontinuous pressure on the L2 part. Through the monitoring and analysis, we conclude that this kind of landslide may have large deformation at the beginning and the late of the rainy season. 展开更多
关键词 Colluvial landslide Debris flow Rainfall Electrical resistivity tomography Terrestrial laser scanning Electrical resistivity tomography
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