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基层保健研究中的半结构化访谈:关系与严谨的平衡 被引量:5
作者 melissa dejonckheere Lisa M Vaughn +3 位作者 赵新月(译) 韩建军 许岩丽 杨辉(审校) 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第23期2786-2792,共7页
半结构化深度访谈常用于定性研究,是健康服务研究中最常见的定性数据来源。这种方法通常包括研究者和参与者之间的对话,在可灵活调整的访谈协议框架下,辅以后续问题、调查和评价。该方法允许研究者收集开放式数据,探索参与者对某一特定... 半结构化深度访谈常用于定性研究,是健康服务研究中最常见的定性数据来源。这种方法通常包括研究者和参与者之间的对话,在可灵活调整的访谈协议框架下,辅以后续问题、调查和评价。该方法允许研究者收集开放式数据,探索参与者对某一特定主题的想法、感受和信念,深入研究个人问题,有时是敏感问题。本文旨在确定和描述在家庭医学和基层保健研究环境中设计和进行半结构化访谈的基本技能。本文回顾了有关半结构化访谈的文献,以确定在家庭医学和基层保健研究环境中使用这种方法的关键技能和内容。总的来说,半结构化访谈既需要关注关系,也需要促进技能的实践。技能包括:(1)确定研究的目的和范围;(2)确定参与者;(3)考虑道德伦理问题;(4)规划后勤方面;(5)制定访谈指南;(6)建立信任和融洽关系;(7)进行访谈;(8)记录和反思;(9)分析数据;(10)证明研究的可信程度;(11)在论文或者报告中展示研究结果。半结构化访谈为家庭医生在基层保健研究环境中进行研究提供了一种有效、可行的研究方法。采用半结构化访谈进行数据收集的研究者应关注关系,并注意访谈技能,以确保质量。半结构化访谈可以成为家庭医生、基层保健从业人员和其他卫生服务研究者用来了解个人想法、信念和经验的一个强有力工具。尽管如此,对于不熟悉定性方法的研究者来说,半结构化访谈可能让人感到害怕,颇具挑战。为了阐明这一方法,本文为研究者(包括新手和资源较少的研究者)提供了实践指导,使其能够运用半结构化访谈来进行数据收集。为了在家庭医学和基层保健研究环境中更好地实施半结构化访谈,本文给出了必要步骤的建议。 展开更多
关键词 初级卫生保健 研究方法 半结构化访谈 家庭医学 全科医学 卫生服务研究
Semistructured interviewing in primary care research:a balance of relationship and rigour 被引量:10
作者 melissa dejonckheere Lisa M Vaughn 《Family Medicine and Community Health》 2019年第2期30-37,共8页
Semistructured in-depth interviews are commonly used in qualitative research and are the most frequent qualitative data source in health services research.This method typically consists of a dialogue between researche... Semistructured in-depth interviews are commonly used in qualitative research and are the most frequent qualitative data source in health services research.This method typically consists of a dialogue between researcher and participant,guided by a flexible interview protocol and supplemented by follow-up questions,probes and comments.The method allows the researcher to collect open-ended data,to explore participant thoughts,feelings and beliefs about a particular topic and to delve deeply into personal and sometimes sensitive issues.The purpose of this article was to identify and describe the essential skills to designing and conducting semistructured interviews in family medicine and primary care research settings.We reviewed the literature on semistructured interviewing to identify key skills and components for using this method in family medicine and primary care research settings.Overall,semistructured interviewing requires both a relational focus and practice in the skills of facilitation.Skills include:(1)determining the purpose and scope of the study;(2)identifying participants;(3)considering ethical issues;(4)planning logistical aspects;(5)developing the interview guide;(6)establishing trust and rapport;(7)conducting the interview;(8)memoing and reflection;(9)analysing the data;(10)demonstrating the trustworthiness of the research;and(11)presenting findings in a paper or report.Semistructured interviews provide an effective and feasible research method for family physicians to conduct in primary care research settings.Researchers using semistructured interviews for data collection should take on a relational focus and consider the skills of interviewing to ensure quality.Semistructured interviewing can be a powerful tool for family physicians,primary care providers and other health services researchers to use to understand the thoughts,beliefs and experiences of individuals.Despite the utility,semistructured interviews can be intimidating and challenging for researchers not familiar with qualitative approaches.In order to elucidate this method,we provide practical guidance for researchers,including novice researchers and those with few resources,to use semistructured interviewing as a data collection strategy.We provide recommendations for the essential steps to follow in order to best implement semistructured interviews in family medicine and primary care research settings. 展开更多
关键词 INTERVIEW qualitative THOUGHTS
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