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反应型离子液体辅助合成钒酸铁介孔纳米棒及其增强可见光光催化活性(英文) 被引量:2
作者 陈翰祥 曾洁 +5 位作者 陈敏东 陈志刚 季梦夏 赵君泽 夏杰祥 李华明 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期744-754,共11页
近年来,环境污染与能源短缺已经成为人类需解决的问题,因此新型绿色能源的开发显得尤为重要.在众多新型能源当中,太阳能由于其安全无害、无二次污染、应用前景广泛等优点而备受关注.半导体光催化技术作为一项可以直接将太阳能转化为化... 近年来,环境污染与能源短缺已经成为人类需解决的问题,因此新型绿色能源的开发显得尤为重要.在众多新型能源当中,太阳能由于其安全无害、无二次污染、应用前景广泛等优点而备受关注.半导体光催化技术作为一项可以直接将太阳能转化为化学能的新兴技术,可以有效地利用太阳光实现环境治理和能源转化的目的,已被应用于光催化分解水、光催化合成氨、光催化二氧化碳还原以及光催化降解有机污染物等不同研究领域.然而传统的光催化剂材料TiO_2对太阳光的利用效率较低,大大限制了光催化技术的广泛应用.因此,研发新型高效光催化半导体材料成为人们的研究热点.相比于普通的体材料,低维和小尺寸纳米材料往往具备更为优良的物化特性.一维尺寸的三元钒酸盐材料作为一类极具前景的多功能纳米材料,在光学设备、光催化降解、电极材料以及电化学传感器等诸多领域都具有广泛应用.其中,钒酸铁材料作为钒酸盐系列中的一员,其有着合适的带隙且能响应可见光,是一种具有研究前景的光催化材料.三斜相的钒酸铁具有层状结构,这有利于光生载流子在层间进行有效的分离和迁移,从而提高光催化降解性能.同时,离子液体作为一种结构高度可调的绿色有机盐,在微纳米材料的可控制备方面起着关键作用.本文选取1-辛基-3-甲基咪唑氯盐作为反应铁源,利用离子液体辅助溶剂热法合成了钒酸铁前驱体材料FeVO_4·1.1H_2O.通过调控煅烧温度,可控制备了尺寸均一的介孔钒酸铁纳米棒材料.同时,选取无机盐氯化铁作反应铁源制备了钒酸铁纳米棒作为对比.根据X射线粉末衍射图谱可知,当煅烧温度升到400°C时,前驱体材料的晶相转变为过渡相;当煅烧温度升到500°C时,出现了清晰的归属于钒酸铁的特征衍射峰,表明钒酸铁结构形成.从扫描电镜图可以清楚地观察到所制备的前驱体材料为结构均一且表面光滑的纳米棒结构,其长度为2–3μm.经过煅烧处理后,在钒酸铁纳米棒表面形成孔径为5–20 nm的介孔结构,这可能是由于煅烧过程中前驱体材料发生脱水重结晶.结合X射线衍射图谱,确定了介孔钒酸铁纳米棒的形成过程.此外,通过氮气吸附-脱附等温线得到了介孔钒酸铁材料的比表面积.在光催化降解过程中,大的催化剂比表面积可以为反应基质提供充分的吸附位点和反应活性位点,从而有利于提高光催化反应活性.选取抗生素四环素作为目标污染物分别考察了在无机盐(FeVO_4-FC)和离子液体(FeVO_4-IL)条件下制备的钒酸铁材料的催化性能.其中,四环素的自降解作用可以忽略.在加入H_2O_2光照120 min后,FeVO_4-IL表现出比Fe VO_4-FC更高的光催化性能.此外,采用染料罗丹明B进一步确定所制备材料的光催化性能.结果表明,在相同的光照时间后,FeVO_4-IL有着更高的催化降解活性.对介孔纳米棒进行了稳定性测试,在四次循环后,未发现其光催化活性有明显降低,其结构也保持不变.电化学阻抗测试结果显示,相比于FeVO_4-FC材料,FeVO_4-IL有着更小的阻值,表明离子液体可控合成的介孔纳米棒材料更有利于光生电荷的传输,从而增强了光催化降解活性.基于一系列表征结果,我们提出了多孔钒酸铁纳米棒可能的光催化降解机制. 展开更多
关键词 钒酸铁 可见光 光催化降解 离子液体
作者 林军奇 马宝春 +1 位作者 陈敏东 丁勇 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期463-471,共9页
化石燃料的大量使用已经带来了一系列的环境问题,开发和使用可再生的清洁能源十分有必要.氢能可以作为传统化石燃料的理想替代品,因为它不但清洁而且热值高.受光合作用启发的水裂解反应被认为是一种将太阳能转化为氢能的理想途径.水裂... 化石燃料的大量使用已经带来了一系列的环境问题,开发和使用可再生的清洁能源十分有必要.氢能可以作为传统化石燃料的理想替代品,因为它不但清洁而且热值高.受光合作用启发的水裂解反应被认为是一种将太阳能转化为氢能的理想途径.水裂解包括两个半反应,即水的氧化(2H_2O→4H^++O_2+4e~–)和质子的还原(4H^++4e~–→2H_2).水氧化反应需要高的活化能,因此它也被认为是水裂解反应的瓶颈步骤.为了提高水氧化反应的效率,已经有很多关于水氧化催化剂的研究工作被开展.然而,迄今为止,寻找高效的水氧化催化剂仍然是巨大挑战.考虑到成本以及丰度的因素,基于第一过渡系金属的水氧化催化剂日益受人关注.相比于多相水氧化催化剂,均相的水氧化催化剂,特别是基于有机配合物的均相催化剂,在结构调变,机理研究方面更具有优势.均相的水氧化催化剂主要分两类:无机的多金属氧酸盐和基于有机配体的配合物.在所有的均相的水氧化催化剂中,含钴的配合物被广泛研究,因为在光驱动水氧化反应中它们通常能表现出来较好的活性.很多研究工作都集中于研究多核的含钴的均相催化剂,特别是具有Co_4O_4框架立方烷结构的配合物,因为它们具有类似于自然界光合作用光系统Ⅱ活性中心Mn4CaO_5簇的结构.例如,Co_4O_4(Ac)_4(py)_4簇以及相关衍生物曾被报道过用于水氧化反应,然而Nocera等人发现该化合物本身没有活性(J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2014,136,17681–17688),表观的活性来源于催化剂合成过程中引入的二价钴离子.2014年,一个具有双核钴核心结构的多吡啶配合物[(TPA)Co~Ⅲ(μ-OH)(μ-O_2)Co~Ⅲ(TPA)](ClO_4)_3被报道具有催化光驱动水氧化反应的能力.然而随后的研究工作(ACS Catal.,2016,6,5062-5068)表明其表观活性也是来自于自由钴离子杂质,纯的化合物是没有活性的.在检查一个均相分子水氧化催化剂的时候,应当进行充分的实验,特别是对于钴基的水氧化催化剂.因为在合成含钴配合物的过程中可能引入杂质钴离子,杂质钴离子在反应过程中会转化为CoO_x,它本身就是很常见的高效的水氧化催化剂.在定性一个真正的均相的钴基水氧化催化剂之前,这一可能性必须要被排除.在这里我们报道了另外一个同样以双三价钴离子为核心的,具有μ-OH,μ-O_2结构的基于多吡啶配体的均相配合物.我们通过一系列的实验验证了它催化光驱动水氧化反应的能力.实验证明,该化合物没有催化活性,表观活性依然是来自于合成过程中引入的杂质钴离子.这一结果与之前的报道相比,既是进一步的探索,也是一个很好的补充.结合前人的工作,我们发现并总结了一个规律:以双核三价钴为核心的,拥有μ-OH,μ-O_2核心结构的基于多吡啶配体的配合物不适合被选用于催化光驱动水氧化反应.这一发现能为高效水氧化催化剂的开发设计提供见解与指导. 展开更多
关键词 水氧化 光催化 催化能力 钴氧化物 配合物
可见光照射下具有增强光催化活性的Bi_2WO_6量子点-超薄纳米片(0D/2D)同质结结构(英文) 被引量:1
作者 徐晶晶 岳俊鹏 +2 位作者 牛军峰 陈敏东 滕飞 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期1910-1918,共9页
随着工业的快速发展,环境污染问题成为全球性的挑战.为了解决这些问题,迫切需要开发用于环境污染治理的环保、可再生技术.在各种提出的技术中,基于半导体的光催化引起广泛关注.我们在前期研究中通过简单的水热法成功制备了新型可见光响... 随着工业的快速发展,环境污染问题成为全球性的挑战.为了解决这些问题,迫切需要开发用于环境污染治理的环保、可再生技术.在各种提出的技术中,基于半导体的光催化引起广泛关注.我们在前期研究中通过简单的水热法成功制备了新型可见光响应Bi_2WO_6量子点(QDs-BWO)/Bi_2WO_6纳米片(N-BWO)同质结催化剂,并以可见光照射下4-氯苯酚(4-CP)和罗丹明B(Rh B)的降解实验研究了QDs/N-BWO材料的光催化性能.结果表明,相比纯QDs-BWO和纯N-BWO,我们制备的QDs/N-BWO同质结材料具有更高的光催化活性.然而,QDs/N-BWO催化剂光催化性能提高的原因尚不清楚.本文在上述研究的基础上,采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、N_2吸附-脱附实验、电子自旋共振(ESR)、荧光分光光度计(PL)和电化学实验等表征手段研究了QDs/N-BWO同质结催化剂光催化性能提高的原因.TEM测试结果表明,大量的QDs-BWO均匀附着在N-BWO表面,意味着成功形成了0D/2D同质结结构.同质结结构可促进电子-空穴对的分离,提高光催化性能. N_2吸附-脱附实验结果表明,在将QDs-BWO沉积到N-BWO上之后, BET比表面积增加.BET表面积的增加有利于更多污染物分子在材料表面上吸附,从而改善了光催化活性.此外,ESR测试结果表明,相同条件下,QDs/BWO同质结催化剂产生了更多的超氧自由基(·O_2~–)和羟基自由基(·OH),这也表明QDs-BWO和N-BWO之间形成的同质结有助于减少光生电子-空穴对的复合.荧光分光光度计和电化学实验的测试结果也充分验证了这一点.另外,为了研究光催化过程中的主要活性自由基,我们进行了捕获实验.结果表明,超氧自由基和空穴在Rh B光催化降解中起主要作用,这与之前报道的结果一致.总之,我们成功制备了QDs/N-BWO(0D/2D)同质结光催化剂.QDs/N-BWO同质结光催化剂的光催化性能在可见光照射下显著提高.量子点和纳米片之间形成的同质结显著提高了电子-空穴对的分离效率,提高了光催化性能. 展开更多
关键词 钨酸铋 量子点 纳米片 光催化 同质结
2015~2020年我国主要城市PM_(2.5)和O_(3)污染时空变化趋势和影响因素 被引量:17
作者 张运江 雷若媛 +3 位作者 崔世杰 王红丽 陈敏东 盖鑫磊 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第18期2029-2042,共14页
近些年,我国已采取了系列严格的减排措施,旨在治理大气细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))和臭氧(O_(3))污染.本文基于国家空气环境监测网络地面观测数据,侧重分析了我国主要城市PM_(2.5)和O_(3)时空变化趋势以及影响因素.2015~2020年PM_(2.5)整体呈逐... 近些年,我国已采取了系列严格的减排措施,旨在治理大气细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))和臭氧(O_(3))污染.本文基于国家空气环境监测网络地面观测数据,侧重分析了我国主要城市PM_(2.5)和O_(3)时空变化趋势以及影响因素.2015~2020年PM_(2.5)整体呈逐步下降趋势,而O_(3)在2015~2019年呈整体上升趋势,但在2020年部分地区有下降趋势.结合气象要素数据,利用KZ(Kolmogorov-Zurbenko)滤波耦合逐步多元线性回归,分析了排放与气象条件影响因素对典型城市PM_(2.5)和O_(3)长期分量趋势的贡献,其中排放对二者的贡献分别约为63%~93%和40%~80%.冬季PM_(2.5)/CO与NO_(2)/SO_(2)由负转为正比例关系,表明在当前的减排情景下,氮氧化物对该季节PM_(2.5)主要二次组分形成的贡献潜势可能在增加.O_(3)与PM_(2.5)相关性系数呈现明显的季节性和空间分布特征,例如夏季普遍高于其他季节,东南部和中东部明显高于西北部地区.此外,二者间的相关性系数与拟合斜率呈正比例关系,其比值在夏季整体呈逐年增加的趋势.这些结果表明,受减排的影响,在PM_(2.5)-O_(3)相互作用机制中PM_(2.5)对O_(3)生成的抑制作用可能在呈逐年减弱的趋势.在夏季大气光化学过程较强时段,典型城市O_(3)与NO_(2)的拟合曲线在2020年呈现明显的左下偏移,可能反映出本年减排对O_(3)下降有不可忽略的作用. 展开更多
关键词 细颗粒物 臭氧 时空趋势 减排 协同治理
Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filters prepared by a novel method for simultaneous removal of particulates and NO 被引量:11
作者 Bo Yang Qiong Huang +2 位作者 mindong chen Yuesong Shen Shemin Zhu 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期273-281,共9页
The Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filter for removal of particulates and NO simultaneous was prepared by a novel method(foam coating method). The process parameters including the concentrations of PTFE emulsion, particle... The Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filter for removal of particulates and NO simultaneous was prepared by a novel method(foam coating method). The process parameters including the concentrations of PTFE emulsion, particle size of catalyst and calcination temperature for preparation of catalytic filters were analyzed. In addition, the physical properties and performance for removal of NO(NH_3-SCR) and particulates of Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filter prepared under the optimized parameters, were also systematic studied. Results show that the process parameters had significant influences on stability and performance of catalytic filter, The Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filter prepared by foam coating method under the optimized parameters, has satisfactory physical properties and catalytic performance for removal of NO and particulates at 140-220 ℃. The NO removal efficiency of catalytic filter can reach95.3% at 200 ℃ as the catalyst loading amount is 450 g/m^2, Moreover,the dust removal efficiency of MnGe-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filter reaches as high as 99.98%, and the PM2.5 removal efficiency also reaches99.98%. The anti-sulfur performance of Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x catalytic filter is also attractive, after injecting150 ppm SO_2, the NO removal efficiency still retains up to 85%. It is indicated that the foam coating method can not only make a bond of high strength between catalyst and filter, but also make the catalytic filter possessing an excellent and stable performance for removal of NO and particulates. 展开更多
关键词 Foam coating METHOD Simultaneous removal Mn-Ce-Nb-O_x/P84 catalytic filters NO PARTICULATES Preparation METHOD
Data mining to effect of key alloying elements on corrosion resistance of low alloy steels in Sanya seawater environmentAlloying Elements 被引量:11
作者 Xin Wei Dongmei Fu +3 位作者 mindong chen Wei Wu Dequan Wu Chao Liu 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期222-232,共11页
In this paper,the relationship model between seawater environment,chemical composition and corrosion potential of low alloy steel is established and the distribution of corrosion potential of low alloy steel with chan... In this paper,the relationship model between seawater environment,chemical composition and corrosion potential of low alloy steel is established and the distribution of corrosion potential of low alloy steel with changes in key alloying elements is excavated.The research was carried out with the following steps:Firstly,the relationship model between corrosion potential of low alloy steel and its influencing factors was established by data dimension reduction and artificial neural network(ANN).Secondly,key alloying elements of experimental steels were selected out by Pearson correlation analysis,then the corrosion resistance element model was visualized to show the effect of key alloying elements on corrosion potential of low alloy steel.Finally,corrosion potential of low alloy steel with the change of key alloying elements was classified and visualized by classification method.The mining results can reflect the validity of the proposed mining methods to a certain extent and provide an intuitive data basis for the development of high-quality and low-cost low alloy steels. 展开更多
关键词 Low alloy steel Corrosion potential Key alloying elements Corrosion-resistant alloy Artificial neural network Data-driven model
Synergetic catalytic removal of chlorobenzene and NOχfrom waste incineration exhaust over MnNb0.4Ce0.2Oχcatalysts:Performance and mechanism study 被引量:10
作者 Bo Yang Qijie Jin +6 位作者 Qiong Huang mindong chen Leilei Xu Yuesong Shen Haitao Xu Shemin Zhu Xiujun Li 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期1178-1189,I0002,共13页
Nb doped MnCe0.2Ox complex oxides catalysts prepared via a homogeneous precipitation method were investigated for synergistic catalytic removal of NOx and chlorobenzene(CB)at low temperatures.The MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox cataly... Nb doped MnCe0.2Ox complex oxides catalysts prepared via a homogeneous precipitation method were investigated for synergistic catalytic removal of NOx and chlorobenzene(CB)at low temperatures.The MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox catalyst with a molar ratio of Nb/Mn=0.4 exhibits excellent activity and the NOx and CB removal efficiency reaches 94.5%and 96%at 220℃,respectively.Furthermore,the NOx and CB removal efficiency of MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox still remains above 80%after injecting 300 ppm SO2 and 7 vol%H2 O for 36 h.In addition,the presence of CB and NOx+NH3 can improve the NOx and CB removal efficiency of MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox,respectively.The analysis results from N2-BET,Py-IR,H2-TPR and NH3-TPD reveal that the introduction of Nb increases the average pore size,pore volume and surface area,promoted the growth of Lewis acid amount obviously,and enhances redox ability of MnCe0.2Ox at 100-250℃.Moreover,the molecular migration process of NOx,NH3,CB and SO2 in NH3-SCR and CB oxidation reaction over MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox catalysts were systematically studied.In situ DRIFTS,FT-IR and XPS also confirm that the adsorption of sulfate species and SO2 on the surface of MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox is inhibited effectively by the introduction of Nb in the presence of SO2 and H2 O.Moreover,Nb additives also enhance the structural stability of MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox,due to the interactions among Mn,Nb and Ce.The NH3-TPD,H2-TPR and in situ DRIFTS results also confirm that the MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox still retains abundant acid sites and high redox ability in the presence of SO2 and H2O.In summary,MnNb0.4Ce0.2Ox catalysts represent a promising and effective candidate for controlling NOx and CB at low temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Synergistic catalytic removal Nitrogen oxides(NOx) Chlorobenzene(CB) Hydrothermal stability Removal mechanism Rare earths
An intensive study on aerosol optical properties and affecting factors in Nanjing,China 被引量:6
作者 Fenping Cui mindong chen +5 位作者 Yao Ma Jun Zheng Zhou Yaoyao Shizheng Li Lu Qi Li Wang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期35-43,共9页
The optical properties of aerosol as well as their impacting factors were investigated at a suburb site in Nanjing during autumn from 14 to 28 November 2012. More severe pollution was found together with lower visibil... The optical properties of aerosol as well as their impacting factors were investigated at a suburb site in Nanjing during autumn from 14 to 28 November 2012. More severe pollution was found together with lower visibility. The average scattering and absorption coefficients(B sca and B abs) were 375.7 ± 209.5 and 41.6 ± 18.7 Mm^(-1), respectively. Higher ?ngstr?m absorption and scattering exponents were attributed to the presence of more aged aerosol with smaller particles. Relative humidity(RH) was a key factor affecting aerosol extinction. High RH resulted in the impairment of visibility, with hygroscopic growth being independent of the dry extinction coefficient. The hygroscopic growth factor was 1.8 ± 1.2 with RH from 19% to 85%.Light absorption was enhanced by organic carbon(OC), elemental carbon(EC) and EC coatings,with contributions of 26%, 44% and 75%(532 nm), respectively. The B sca and B abs increased with increasing N_(100)(number concentration of PM_(2.5)with diameter above 100 nm), PM_1 surface concentration and PM_(2.5)mass concentration with good correlation. 展开更多
关键词 Aerosol optical properties Single scattering albedo Angstrom exponent Hygroscopic growth factor
Characteristics of atmospheric single particles during haze periods in a typical urban area of Beijing:A case study in October,2014 被引量:19
作者 Lang Liu Yanli Wang +7 位作者 Shiyong Du Wenjie Zhang Lujian Hou Sverre Vedal Bin Han Wen Yang mindong chen Zhipeng Bai 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期145-153,共9页
To investigate the composition and possible sources of particles, especially during heavy haze pollution, a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer(SPAMS) was deployed to measure the changes of single particle spe... To investigate the composition and possible sources of particles, especially during heavy haze pollution, a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer(SPAMS) was deployed to measure the changes of single particle species and sizes during October of 2014, in Beijing. A total of 2,871,431 particles with both positive and negative spectra were collected and characterized in combination with the adaptive resonance theory neural network algorithm(ART-2a). Eight types of particles were classified: dust particles(dust, 8.1%), elemental carbon(EC, 29.0%), organic carbon(OC, 18.0%), EC and OC combined particles(ECOC, 9.5%),Na-K containing particles(Na K, 7.9%), K-containing particles(K, 21.8%), organic nitrogen and potassium containing particles(KCN, 2.3%), and metal-containing particles(metal,3.6%). Three haze pollution events(P1, P2, P3) and one clean period(clean) were analyzed,based on the mass and number concentration of PM_(2.5)and the back trajectory results from the hybrid single particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory model(Hysplit-4 model). Results showed that EC, OC and K were the major components of single particles during the three haze pollution periods, which showed clearly increased ratios compared with those in the clean period. Results from the mixing state of secondary species of different types of particles showed that sulfate and nitrate were more readily mixed with carbon-containing particles during haze pollution episodes than in clean periods. 展开更多
关键词 Single particle mass spectrometry Haze pollution Mixing state
Gravimetric analysis for PM_(2.5) mass concentration based on year-round monitoring at an urban site in Beijing 被引量:5
作者 Yanli Wang Wen Yang +3 位作者 Bin Han Wenjie Zhang mindong chen Zhipeng Bai 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期154-160,共7页
Daily PM_(2.5)(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of below 2.5 μm) mass concentrations were measured by gravimetric analysis in Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences(CRAES), in the nor... Daily PM_(2.5)(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of below 2.5 μm) mass concentrations were measured by gravimetric analysis in Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences(CRAES), in the northern part of the Beijing urban area, from December 2013 to April 2015. Two pairs of Teflon(T1/T2) and Quartz(Q1/Q2) samples were obtained, for a total number of 1352 valid filters. Results showed elevated pollution in Beijing,with an annual mean PM_(2.5)mass concentration of 102 μg/m^3. According to the calculated PM_(2.5)mass concentration, 50% of our sampling days were acceptable(PM_(2.5)〈 75 μg/m^3), 30% had slight/medium pollution(75–150 μg/m^3), and 7% had severe pollution(〉 250 μg/m^3). Sampling interruption occurred frequently for the Teflon filter group(75%) in severe pollution periods,resulting in important data being missing. Further analysis showed that high PM_(2.5)combined with high relative humidity(RH) gave rise to the interruptions. The seasonal variation of PM_(2.5)was presented, with higher monthly average mass concentrations in winter(peak value in February, 422 μg/m^3), and lower in summer(7 μg/m^3 in June). From May to August, the typical summer period, least severe pollution events were observed, with high precipitation levels accelerating the process of wet deposition to remove PM_(2.5). The case of February presented the most serious pollution, with monthly averaged PM_(2.5)of 181 μg/m^3 and 32% of days with severe pollution. The abundance of PM_(2.5)in winter could be related to increased coal consumption for heating needs. 展开更多
关键词 PM_(2.5) Gravimetric analysis Sampling interruption Pollution level Relative humidity(RH) Seasonal variation
Application of MnCeO_(x)supported on palygorskite and Al(OH)_(3)for HCHO oxidation:Catalytic performance and stability
作者 Qiong Huang Lirui Xu +6 位作者 Yao Xiao Jie Zhu Guofang An Peiyang Li Bo Yang mindong chen Hong Yang 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期1860-1869,I0002,共11页
Indoor formaldehyde(HCHO)is an important air pollutant,while it is very difficult to reduce HCHO to low-level(e.g.<0.08 mg/m^(3)).Catalytic oxidation at ambient temperature has been increasingly recognized as one o... Indoor formaldehyde(HCHO)is an important air pollutant,while it is very difficult to reduce HCHO to low-level(e.g.<0.08 mg/m^(3)).Catalytic oxidation at ambient temperature has been increasingly recognized as one of the important methods to mitigate HCHO pollution due to its good effectiveness,stability,and recyclability.To further improve the activity of catalytic oxidation,this study develops the integrated MnCeO_(x)catalysts supported on palygorskite(Pal)and aluminium hydroxide(Al(OH)_(3)).Our results indicate that the synergistic interaction in MnCeO_(x)through the oxygen transfer mechanism from the oxygen reservoir CeO_(2)to MnOxsignificantly improves the activity.Pal,Al(OH)_(3),etc.were applied as the supports with a focus on their dispersion,microstructure,strength,and relative role.MnCeO_(x)can be anchored on the surface of Al(OH)_(3)with high dispersion.With the integrated catalyst,HCHO concentration decreases from 1.012 to 0.086 mg/m^(3)within 48 h.Higher oxidation activity of MnCeO_(x)powder may be ascribed to the amount of active components on the surface.The incorporation of ZSM-5 and activated carbon can improve the adsorption of HCHO,and all integrated catalysts exhibit stronger activities,with HCHO being degraded to the level lower than 0.08 mg/m^(3).Meantime,the samples exhibit good stability and strength(20.2 MPa)without obvious decrease over five consecutive stability experiments. 展开更多
关键词 MnCeOx Integrated catalysts Catalytic oxidation HCHO Ambient temperature Rare earths
Rationally designed/constructed MnO_x/WO_3 anode for photoelectrochemical water oxidation
作者 Xiaohu Cao Xiangyu Zang +2 位作者 Xichen Zhou mindong chen Yong Ding 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期811-814,共4页
Photoelectrocatalytic water splitting is an effective way to utilize the solar energy to solve the energy shortage. The valence band edge of WO3 located at 3V vs. normal hydrogen electrode(NHE), which can offer enou... Photoelectrocatalytic water splitting is an effective way to utilize the solar energy to solve the energy shortage. The valence band edge of WO3 located at 3V vs. normal hydrogen electrode(NHE), which can offer enough potential to kinetically oxidize water for oxygen evolution reaction. However, water oxidation reaction kinetics is sluggish when only WO3 is used as the photoanode. It is highly desirable to use cocatalyst to promote the kinetics. Mn Oxloaded on the WO3 photoanode through photodeposition methods improves the photoelectrochemical water oxidation performance. A maximum photocurrent density of composite photoanode is achieved with a deposition time of 3 min, which is higher than that of pristine WO3 photoanode around 40%. Mn O2 is not only a cocatalyst for water splitting but also for improving oxidation selectivity. We tried to use two means to load Mn Oxon WO3 photoanode material. It is observed that loading a moderate amount of Mn Oxon the WO3 by photodeposition can promote the performance of the WO3 photoanode. 展开更多
关键词 Photoelectrochemical water oxidation Tungsten oxide Manganese oxide PHOTODEPOSITION Hydrothermal method
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