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作者 王钰如 牛富俊 +1 位作者 刘明浩 王子一 《地基处理》 2024年第S01期7-14,共8页
多年冻土退化导致路基融化夹层(SSLT)数量增加、范围扩大、埋深加剧,其含水量高、压缩性大、承载力低的特点,威胁多年冻土区基础设施安全运行。因此,开展融化夹层的处置研究工作,对寒区基础设施的维护和修复至关重要。为此,本文提出借... 多年冻土退化导致路基融化夹层(SSLT)数量增加、范围扩大、埋深加剧,其含水量高、压缩性大、承载力低的特点,威胁多年冻土区基础设施安全运行。因此,开展融化夹层的处置研究工作,对寒区基础设施的维护和修复至关重要。为此,本文提出借鉴软土加固技术对其进行加固,采用亲水性聚氨酯(WPU)及改性水泥基地聚物材料(PUC)为固化剂,研究对SSLT的加固效果。结果表明,WPU固化SSLT试样呈弹性特征,压缩强度随WPU掺量增加而增大;当SSLT含水量分别为35%、40%和50%时,WPU最佳掺量分别为6%、10%和15%;冻融循环降低固化土无侧限抗压强度,冻融循环15次,掺入WPU和未掺入WPU固化土强度损失率分别为43.11%和49.38%;微观分析表明,PUC固化剂固化SSLT强度的增加,一部分是WPU充填、包裹、胶结土颗粒增加土体密实度,一部分来自水泥水化过程。本文为寒区老旧路基改造及提高其安全稳定运营提供一种新的解决思路。 展开更多
关键词 多年冻土 融化夹层 路基加固 亲水性聚氨酯 无侧限抗压强度 冻融循环
酸碱污染Q3黄土的一维压缩特征试验研究 被引量:4
作者 刘华 张硕成 +3 位作者 牛富俊 邵珠山 牛泽林 鲁洁 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第A01期210-216,共7页
随着黄土地区工业化和城镇化的不断发展,工业废水和生活污水中酸、碱以及pH值发生改变的雨水对土壤的污染问题日渐突出,地基土体受污染后在地表建筑物荷载的作用下会发生不同程度的二次沉降次生灾害。为研究酸碱污染对Q3黄土在不同压力... 随着黄土地区工业化和城镇化的不断发展,工业废水和生活污水中酸、碱以及pH值发生改变的雨水对土壤的污染问题日渐突出,地基土体受污染后在地表建筑物荷载的作用下会发生不同程度的二次沉降次生灾害。为研究酸碱污染对Q3黄土在不同压力区间内压缩指标的变化特征,对经过不同浓度污染后的土样进行标准固结试验。试验结果表明,对比孔隙水为蒸馏水的工况,酸污染土的总变形量增大,且最大压缩变形压力段下降;碱污染土的总变形量减小,且最大压缩变形压力段上升;土样经过酸污染后压缩系数增大,中压缩性变为高压缩性,但碱污染后的压缩系数却有不同程度的降低;酸污染土的压缩系数、压缩模量、体积压缩系数和压缩指数等压缩指标在小于400 kPa的中、低压力区间更敏感,碱污染土在大于400kPa的高压力区更敏感。在该基础上对侧限条件下的应力-应变关系进行分析,发现在不同污染情况下污染黄土的应力-应变曲线较好的符合Guanry关系。 展开更多
关键词 Q3黄土 酸碱污染 压力敏感区间 压缩指标
冻融条件下加筋碎石桩复合地基路堤性状研究 被引量:7
作者 陈建峰 顾子昂 +3 位作者 王兴涛 牛富俊 叶观宝 冯守中 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1393-1400,共8页
制作了一套加筋碎石桩复合地基冷冻试验系统,开展了1组加筋碎石桩复合地基路堤冻融离心模型试验和1组未冻融的对比试验,以研究加筋碎石桩复合地基经历季节性冻土后填筑的路堤在冻融条件下的性状。研究结果表明:冻融条件下加筋碎石桩复... 制作了一套加筋碎石桩复合地基冷冻试验系统,开展了1组加筋碎石桩复合地基路堤冻融离心模型试验和1组未冻融的对比试验,以研究加筋碎石桩复合地基经历季节性冻土后填筑的路堤在冻融条件下的性状。研究结果表明:冻融条件下加筋碎石桩复合地基在地基土未融化前,其桩顶和桩间土沉降基本一致,而在地基土全部融化后,桩间土沉降显著增大;冻融条件下路堤边坡基本保持初始坡度,路堤下地基沉降比较均匀,而未冻融组路堤边坡明显变缓,路堤下地基不均匀沉降明显;在复合地基和桩体均处于冰冻状态时,其桩顶和桩间土应力一致,当桩体先于桩间土融化后,桩顶应力减小而桩间土应力增大,而当地基土开始全部融化后,桩间土应力快速下降而桩顶应力快速增大,冻融条件下复合地基沉降稳定时的桩土应力比是未冻融条件下桩土应力比的2/3左右;冻融条件下由于路堤加载过程中桩顶周围土体处于冰冻状态,限制了桩顶侧向位移,而冻土层以下土体推动下部桩体向外位移,使得靠近路堤边坡下的桩体向路堤内弯曲,但弯曲变形量较小,而未冻融条件下的桩体则向路堤外弯曲且弯曲变形量较大;加筋碎石桩适合用于季节性冻土区湿地软土地基处理,其复合地基经历季节性冻土后填筑的路堤整体性能较好。 展开更多
关键词 路堤 加筋碎石桩 复合地基 冻融 离心模型试验 沉降 桩土应力比
游离氧化铁对红黏土力学特性的影响 被引量:8
作者 刘莉 颜荣涛 +2 位作者 牛富俊 颜梦秋 徐玉博 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期810-816,共7页
游离氧化铁对红黏土力学特性存在显著影响,为分析其影响机理,采用柠檬酸钠、碳酸氢钠和连二亚硫酸钠的混合溶液(DCB法)去除红黏土中游离氧化铁,以去除和未去除游离氧化铁红黏土为研究对象,通过室内试验研究了两种试样的土水特征曲线、... 游离氧化铁对红黏土力学特性存在显著影响,为分析其影响机理,采用柠檬酸钠、碳酸氢钠和连二亚硫酸钠的混合溶液(DCB法)去除红黏土中游离氧化铁,以去除和未去除游离氧化铁红黏土为研究对象,通过室内试验研究了两种试样的土水特征曲线、不同含水率条件下的抗剪强度和失水收缩特性。结果表明:吸力在较高范围内,同一含水率时去铁红黏土的基质吸力和总吸力整体高于未去铁红黏土的基质吸力和总吸力;红黏土无论在去游离氧化铁还是未去游离氧化铁时其试样的渗透吸力都很小,几乎可以忽略;基质吸力的影响导致红黏土抗剪强度随含水率增大而降低,去铁过程减小土颗粒胶结效应引起红黏土抗剪强度明显下降,主要表现为有效黏聚力的下降。去铁后红黏土收缩率明显高于未去铁红黏土,主要归结于游离氧化铁胶结土颗粒作用抑制其收缩。 展开更多
关键词 红黏土 游离氧化铁 基质吸力 抗剪强度 收缩特性
中国寒区粗粒土力学研究现状与进展 被引量:1
作者 屈永龙 倪万魁 +3 位作者 牛富俊 穆彦虎 张猛 金鑫 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第8期2979-2992,共14页
在寒冷地区,粗粒土是路基、土石坝等工程主要填料,也在高寒山区斜坡上广泛分布。寒区高铁路基冬季冻胀病害和高海拔斜坡春季滑塌灾害等的防治与评价,均与冻融作用下粗粒土的力学特性密切相关。在查阅大量中外文献的基础上,从本构关系、... 在寒冷地区,粗粒土是路基、土石坝等工程主要填料,也在高寒山区斜坡上广泛分布。寒区高铁路基冬季冻胀病害和高海拔斜坡春季滑塌灾害等的防治与评价,均与冻融作用下粗粒土的力学特性密切相关。在查阅大量中外文献的基础上,从本构关系、物理特性、力学性质和界面问题等方面对寒区粗粒土力学理论的研究现状进行综述。通过引入不同新理论建立了考虑剪胀性、颗粒破碎性、非线性和冻融效应等粗粒土特殊性的本构模型;明确了粗粒土的基本物理性质、水理性、热物理和电学特性;基于大型直剪试验、大型三轴试验、数值模拟以及理论分析等手段深入研究了不同因素水平和应力条件下常温和冻融粗粒土的抗剪强度、变形规律以及作用机制;探讨了粗粒土-结构界面、冻-融界面的剪切力学特性及其与斜坡稳定性的关系;并且针对目前研究现状,对寒区粗粒土力学特性研究进行展望分析。 展开更多
关键词 寒冷地区 粗粒土 本构模型 力学性质 界面特性
基于冻融交界面直剪试验的冻土斜坡失稳过程研究 被引量:15
作者 高樯 温智 +3 位作者 王大雁 牛富俊 谢艳丽 苟廷韬 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期2814-2822,共9页
为了探讨多年冻土区自然斜坡失稳机制,开展了不同含水率黏土、粉土、砂土的土-冰交界面直接剪切试验和相应融土的直接剪切试验。结果表明,砂土和砂土-冰冻融交界面剪切应力-变形特性主要表现为弹性变形,且剪应力存在明显峰值;粉土、黏... 为了探讨多年冻土区自然斜坡失稳机制,开展了不同含水率黏土、粉土、砂土的土-冰交界面直接剪切试验和相应融土的直接剪切试验。结果表明,砂土和砂土-冰冻融交界面剪切应力-变形特性主要表现为弹性变形,且剪应力存在明显峰值;粉土、黏土及相应的冻融交界面在很小的变形范围内表现为塑性变形,且剪应力无峰值。水分对砂土活动层抗剪强度影响较弱,表现为水分增高,内摩擦角小幅降低。水分对粉黏土活动层抗剪强度影响剧烈,表现为水分增高,粉黏土黏聚力急剧减小。研究发现,冻土区斜坡失稳更易发生于细颗粒粉黏土中。相对于粉土,粉土-冰冻融交界面抵抗剪切变形的能力更强,粉土斜坡潜在滑动面更易发育在冻融交界面上层附近;相对于黏土,黏土-冰冻融交界面抵抗剪切变形的能力更弱,黏土斜坡更易在冻融交界面处发生滑动。同时,细粒土斜坡极易在达到最大融化深度前提前失稳,斜坡坡度越高,失稳时间越提前。融化期活动层水分增多导致潜在滑动面黏聚力降低是细粒土冻土斜坡失稳的最主要原因,孔隙水压对冻土斜坡具有一定影响,在稳定性评价时要考虑活动层水位的影响。 展开更多
关键词 斜坡失稳 冻融交界面 直剪试验 滑动面 多年冻土
冻融循环作用下高寒地区粗粒土的力学和电学特性 被引量:11
作者 屈永龙 倪万魁 +3 位作者 牛富俊 穆彦虎 陈国良 罗京 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期853-866,共14页
为评价冻融影响下高寒地区粗粒土的工程特性,对不同干密度(ρd=1.90 g/cm^3,2.00 g/cm^3,2.15 g/cm^3)、不同含水率(w=9.0%,11.5%,14.0%)的粗粒土在不同冻融循环(C=0~20次)下电学和单轴力学特性进行试验研究。结果表明,循环冻融作用下,... 为评价冻融影响下高寒地区粗粒土的工程特性,对不同干密度(ρd=1.90 g/cm^3,2.00 g/cm^3,2.15 g/cm^3)、不同含水率(w=9.0%,11.5%,14.0%)的粗粒土在不同冻融循环(C=0~20次)下电学和单轴力学特性进行试验研究。结果表明,循环冻融作用下,低密度、高含水(ρd=1.9 g/cm^3,w=14.0%)试样的应力-应变关系从应变硬化型向软化型过渡。随着冻融循环次数的增加,试样的电阻率(ρ)呈增长趋势,而单轴力学特性(单轴抗压强度qu、变形模量E)和脆性指标(IB)均显著衰减,在7~9次循环后趋于稳定。此外,冻融循环对试样的影响还受干密度和含水率的交互作用。采用图像法深入分析了冻融作用下粗粒土的剪切破坏和孔隙结构特征。在修正的Archie模型的基础上,提出了考虑冻融影响的非饱和含粘粒粗粒土的电阻率模型来评价试样电学特性的冻融效应。最后,建立了冻融粗粒土的单轴抗压强度、变形模量和电阻率的关系,对基于无损的电阻率法评价冻融粗粒土力学特性具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 粗粒土 冻融循环 单轴抗压强度 电阻率 电阻率模型
Porosity of crushed rock layer and its impact on thermal regime of Qinghai-Tibet Railway embankment 被引量:6
作者 刘明浩 李国玉 +2 位作者 牛富俊 林战举 商允虎 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第4期977-987,共11页
It has been proven that crushed rock layers used in roadbed construction in permafrost regions have a cooling effect. The main reason is the existence of large porosity of the rock layers. However, due to the strong w... It has been proven that crushed rock layers used in roadbed construction in permafrost regions have a cooling effect. The main reason is the existence of large porosity of the rock layers. However, due to the strong winds, cold and high radiation conditions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP), both wind-blown sand and/or weathered rock debris blockage might reduce the porosity of the rock layers, resulting in weakening the cooling effect of the crushed rock layer(CRL) in the crushed rock embankment(CRE) of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway(QTR) in the permafrost regions. Such a process might warm the underlying permafrost, and further lead to potential threat to the QTR's integrity and stability. The different porosities corresponding to the different equivalent rock diameters were measured in the laboratory using water saturation method, and an empirical exponential equation between porosity and equivalent rock diameter was proposed based on the measured experimental data and an important finding is observed in our and other experiments that the larger size crushed rock tends to lead to the larger porosity when arbitrarily packing. Numerical tests were carried out to study impacts of porosity on permafrost degradation and differential thaw depths between the sunny and shady shoulders. The results show that the decrease in porosity due to wind-blown sand or weathered rock debris clogging can worsen the permafrost degradation and lead to the asymmetric thermal regime. In the traditional embankment(without the CRL within it), the largest differential thaw depth can reach up to 3.1 m. The optimized porosity appears in a range from 34% to 42% corresponding to equivalent rock diameter from 10 to 20.5 cm. The CRE with the optimized porosities can make underlying permafrost stable and 0 ℃ isotherms symmetric in the coming 50 years, even under the condition that the climate warming can lead to permafrost degradation under the CRE and the traditional embankment. Some practical implications were proposed to benefit the future design, construction and maintenance of CRE in permafrost regions. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai-Tibet Railway crushed rock embankment POROSITY wind-blown sand permafrost degradation
Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on uniaxial mechanical properties of cohesive coarse-grained soils 被引量:4
作者 QU Yong-long CHEN Guo-liang +3 位作者 niu fu-jun NI Wan-kui MU Yan-hu LUO Jing 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第9期2159-2170,共12页
Freeze-thaw cycles are closely related to the slope instability in high-altitude mountain regions. In this study, cohesive coarse-grained soils were collected from a high-altitude slope in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau t... Freeze-thaw cycles are closely related to the slope instability in high-altitude mountain regions. In this study, cohesive coarse-grained soils were collected from a high-altitude slope in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau to study the effect of cyclic freeze-thaw on their uniaxial mechanical properties. The soil specimens were remolded with three dry densities and three moisture contents. Then, after performing a series of freeze-thaw tests in a closed system without water supply, the soil specimens were subjected to a uniaxial compression test. The results showed that the stress-strain curves of the tested soils mainly performed as strain-softening. The softening feature intensified with the increasing dry density but weakened with an increase in freeze-thaw cycles and moisture content. The uniaxial compressive strength, resilient modulus, residual strength and softening modulus decreased considerably with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles. After more than nine freeze-thaw cycles, these four parameters tended to be stable. These parameters increased with the increase of dry density and decreased with the increasing moisture content, except for the residual strength which did not exhibit any clear variation with an increase in moisture content. The residual strength, however, generally increased with an increase in dry density. The soil structural damage caused by frozen water expansion during the freeze-thaw is the major cause for the changes in mechanical behaviors of cohesive coarse-grained soils. With results in this study, the deterioration effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the mechanical properties of soils should be considered during the slope stability analysis in high-altitude mountain regions. 展开更多
泛北极多年冻土及重大线性工程稳定性状况 被引量:4
作者 牛富俊 程国栋 +2 位作者 石亚亚 尹国安 罗京 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期587-603,共17页
泛北极是中国“一带一路”倡议的主要合作示范区域,已有的重大线性工程及新的基础设施建设均面临着与多年冻土相关的冻融灾害及工程病害问题。在全球气候变暖及人类活动增强的背景下,泛北极多年冻土主要呈现地温升高、活动层厚度增加趋... 泛北极是中国“一带一路”倡议的主要合作示范区域,已有的重大线性工程及新的基础设施建设均面临着与多年冻土相关的冻融灾害及工程病害问题。在全球气候变暖及人类活动增强的背景下,泛北极多年冻土主要呈现地温升高、活动层厚度增加趋势,且低温多年冻土地温升高更加明显,20世纪70年代以来年平均地温(MAGT)升温最高可达3℃;自北向南多年冻土活动层厚度增加,且增厚趋势趋于明显,在俄蒙边境地区活动层厚度增速为3~5 cm·年-1。多年冻土退化诱发系列与热喀斯特过程相关的地质灾害,主要包括热喀斯特滑坡与热喀斯特湖,且灾害数量急剧增加,如加拿大Banks Island地区1984~2015年热喀斯特滑坡数量增加了约60倍。在多年冻土退化、热稳定性降低的背景下,泛北极铁路、公路和管道等重大线性工程出现了沉陷、裂缝等不同类型、不同程度的病害,整体上多年冻土区道路工程病害率大于30%。热融灾害及工程病害的发育均与气候及岩土、冻土条件相关,但工程病害还与工程运营期限、工程结构形式密切关联。对比泛北极道路、管道等线性工程状况及其与工程结构的关系,以及病害特征和防治措施效果,表明基于保护冻土的“主动冷却”设计原则依然是多年冻土区工程设计的主导思想。 展开更多
关键词 多年冻土 稳定性 热融灾害 线性工程 铁路 公路 管道 泛北极
Variations in the northern permafrost boundary over the last four decades in the Xidatan region, Qinghai–Tibet Plateau 被引量:4
作者 LUO Jing niu fu-jun +2 位作者 LIN Zhan-ju LIU Ming-hao YIN Guo-an 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期765-778,共14页
The distribution and variations of permafrost in the Xidatan region, the northern permafrost boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, were examined and analyzed using ground penetrating radar(GPR), borehole drilling, an... The distribution and variations of permafrost in the Xidatan region, the northern permafrost boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, were examined and analyzed using ground penetrating radar(GPR), borehole drilling, and thermal monitoring data. Results from GPR profiles together with borehole verification indicate that the lowest elevation limit of permafrost occurrence is 4369 m above sea level in 2012. Compared to previous studies, the maximal rise of permafrost limit is 28 m from 1975 to 2012. The total area of permafrost in the study region has been decreased by 13.8%. One of the two previously existed permafrost islands has disappeared and second one has reduced by 76% in area during the past ~40 years. In addition, the ground temperature in the Xidatan region has increased from 2012 to 2016, with a mean warming rate of ~0.004℃ a^(-1) and ~0.003℃ a^(-1) at the depths of 6 and 15 m, respectively. The rising of permafrost limit in the Xidatan region is mainly due to globalwarming. However, some non-climatic factors such as hydrologic processes and anthropic disturbances have also induced permafrost degradation. If the air temperature continues to increase, the northern permafrost boundary in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau may continue rising in the future. 展开更多
关键词 永久冻土 西藏高原 边界 空气温度 GPR 地上 海水 上升
Performance comparison of permafrost models in Wudaoliang Basin,Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China 被引量:3
作者 YIN Guo-an niu fu-jun +2 位作者 LIN Zhan-ju LUO Jing LIU Ming-hao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期1162-1173,共12页
Knowledge of the spatial distribution of permafrost and the effects of climate on ground temperature are important for land use and infrastructure development on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP). Different permafrost mo... Knowledge of the spatial distribution of permafrost and the effects of climate on ground temperature are important for land use and infrastructure development on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP). Different permafrost models have been developed to simulate the ground temperature and active layer thickness(ALT). In this study, Temperature at Top of Permafrost(TTOP) model, Kudryavtsev model and modified Stefan solution were evaluated against detailed field measurements at four distinct field sites in the Wudaoliang Basin to better understand the applicability of permafrost models. Field data from 2012 to 2014 showed that there were notable differences in observed ground temperatures and ALTs within and among the sites. The TTOP model is relatively simple, however, when driven by averaged input values, it produced more accurate permafrost surface temperature(Tps) than the Kudryavtsev model. The modified Stefan solution resulted in a satisfactory accuracy of 90%, which was better than the Kudryavtsev model for estimating ALTs. The modified Stefan solution had the potential of being applied to climate-change studies in the future. Furthermore, additional field investigations over longer periods focusing on hydrology, which has significant influence on permafrost thaw, are necessary. These efforts should employ advanced measurement techniques to obtain adequate and extensive local parameters that will help improve model accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 西藏高原 土模型 性能比较 盆地 青海 中国 地面温度 多年冻土
Cryostructures and ground ice content in ice-rich permafrost area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with Computed Tomography Scanning 被引量:1
作者 FAN Xing-wen LIN Zhan-ju +6 位作者 GAO Ze-yong MENG Xiang-lian niu fu-jun LUO Jing YIN Guo-an ZHOU fu-jun LAN Ai-yu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第5期1208-1221,共14页
Permafrost is an important part of the cryosphere,playing an integral role in the hydrologic cycle,ecology,and influencing human activity.Melting of ground ice can drastically change landscapes and associated thaw sub... Permafrost is an important part of the cryosphere,playing an integral role in the hydrologic cycle,ecology,and influencing human activity.Melting of ground ice can drastically change landscapes and associated thaw subsidence may induce instability of infrastructure.The terrain conditions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are complex,and the spatial distribution of ground ice is highly variable,so knowledge of its abundance and variability is required for impact assessments relating to the degradation of permafrost.This study examined 55 permafrost samples from warm,ice-rich permafrost region in Beiluhe Basin,Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The samples were examined using Computed Tomography scanning,and the ice content and cryostructure were determined.The results indicated that:1)variation in volumetric ice content was considerable(0%-70%),with a mean value of 17%;2)seven cryostructures were identified,including crustal,vein,lenticular,ataxitic,reticulate and layered cryostructure;3)volumetric ice content varied by cryostructure,with the highest associated with layered and ataxitic cryostructures.Volumetric ice contents were lowest for samples with pore and lenticular cryostructures.This work provides detailed ground ice content and will be helpful for assessing thaw subsidence and infrastructure stability on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau PERMAFROST CT scanning Volumetric ice content Cryostructure
作者 武立波 刘惠阳 +2 位作者 牛富俊 林占举 商允虎 《公路》 北大核心 2024年第5期65-75,共11页
为更好地解决季节冻土山区突出的软基冻害难题,提出在弃渣碎石换填层上铺设保温板的“保温换填法”。基于工程实例,运用带冰水相变的考虑路基阴阳坡效应的有限元数值解法,模拟分析XPS保温板在不同的埋深、厚度,以及考虑冻融循环作用和... 为更好地解决季节冻土山区突出的软基冻害难题,提出在弃渣碎石换填层上铺设保温板的“保温换填法”。基于工程实例,运用带冰水相变的考虑路基阴阳坡效应的有限元数值解法,模拟分析XPS保温板在不同的埋深、厚度,以及考虑冻融循环作用和地下水对XPS保温板导热系数不利影响(最不利工况)的条件下,路基不同部位最大季节冻深和路基阴、阳坡路肩横向热差异在30年内随时间的变化。结果表明:“保温换填法”在抬升路基不同部位的最大季节冻深和控制路基阴、阳坡路肩横向热差异方面都具有良好的效果,但具体效果与路堤高度有关,路堤高度越小效果越好;综合考虑经济性和长期保温效果,路面下0.8 m是XPS保温板合理的埋设深度,8 cm厚是合理的铺设厚度,按《公路路基设计手册》公式确定的6 cm厚在季节冻土山区路基中偏于不安全;同时,“保温换填法”也适用于季节冻土山区地下水位埋深浅的地段。 展开更多
关键词 季节冻土山区 软基冻害 弃渣换填 保温法 合理埋设深度 合理厚度 阴阳坡
换填与降排水措施对寒区沟谷软弱路基冻结特征的影响 被引量:4
作者 武立波 牛富俊 +2 位作者 林战举 祁伟 冯文杰 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期22-33,共12页
基于甘肃南部宕昌-迭部二级公路,选取了2个典型寒区沟谷软土路基试验段,监测了2个冻融期内路基温度、含水量、变形以及地下水位,分析了弃渣换填深度与降排水措施对路基冻结特征的影响。分析结果表明:在监测的2个冻结期内,换填深度为2.0... 基于甘肃南部宕昌-迭部二级公路,选取了2个典型寒区沟谷软土路基试验段,监测了2个冻融期内路基温度、含水量、变形以及地下水位,分析了弃渣换填深度与降排水措施对路基冻结特征的影响。分析结果表明:在监测的2个冻结期内,换填深度为2.0m的试验段K18+180的冻结深度比换填深度为1.0m的试验段K18+330的冻结深度大0.12~0.16m,说明换填深度越大,冻结深度越大;K18+330段初始地下水位为3.4m,仅设置地表排水沟时,冻结期间地下水位稳定在3.4m左右,距冻结面的最小距离为1.7m,说明设置排水沟时地下水位在冻结期间基本没有变化;K18+180段初始地下水位是1.3m,在设置了渗沟降水措施后,冻结期间地下水位稳定在2.0m左右,距冻结面的最小距离为0.2m,地下水位降低了约0.7m,因此,渗沟降水可以降低地下水位,防止路基冻胀;K18+180段路基中心2个周期监测的最大冻胀分别为3.4、4.2mm,而K18+330段相应位置的最大冻胀分别为10.7、14.0mm,后者均是前者的3倍多,说明换填深度越大路基冻胀越小;《公路路基设计规范》(JTG D30—2015)规定的二级公路容许冻胀为50mm,软土路基容许工后沉降为500mm,K18+180、K18+330段路基的最大沉降分别为1.5、1.8mm,最大冻胀分别为4.2、14.0mm,远远小于规范值,表明试验段路基的稳定性良好,采用换填与降排水措施能有效控制路基冻胀。 展开更多
关键词 路基工程 山区沟谷 软弱路基 冻结特征 冻胀变形 现场试验 弃渣碎石土 换填 降排水措施
Data-driven spatiotemporal projections of shallow permafrost based on CMIP6 across the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau at 1 km^(2) scale 被引量:3
作者 YIN Guo-An niu fu-jun +2 位作者 LIN Zhan-Ju LUO Jing LIU Ming-Hao 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第6期814-827,共14页
The degradation of near-surface permafrost under ongoing climate change on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau (QTP) is of growing concern due to its impacts on geomorphological and ecological processes, as well as human activi... The degradation of near-surface permafrost under ongoing climate change on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau (QTP) is of growing concern due to its impacts on geomorphological and ecological processes, as well as human activities. There is an increased need for an in-depth understanding of the evolution of permafrost temperature (Ttop) and active-layer thickness (ALT) at a fine scale on the QTP under climate change. This study evaluated the permafrost thermal development over the QTP for the period 1980–2100 at a 1 km^(2) scale using a physically analytical model accounting for both climatic and local environmental factors based on multi-source data. The model results were validated against thermal borehole measurements and baseline maps. The modeled current (2001–2018) permafrost area (Ttop ≤ 0 ℃) covers 1.42 × 10^(6) km^(2) (ca. 56.1% of the QTP land area), 10.1% of which thawed over the historical period 1981–2000. To assess how the ground thermal regime could develop in the future, we utilized the multi-model ensemble mean of downscaled outputs from eight climate models under three Shared Socio-economic Pathways (i.e., SSP126, 245, and 585) in CMIP6 to force the permafrost model. Model results suggest that the current (2001–2018) permafrost extent is likely to dramatically contract in the future period (2021–2100), as indicated by consistent Ttop warming and ALT increasing due to climate changing. About 26.9%, 59.9%, 80.1% of the current permafrost is likely to disappear by the end of the 21st century under SSP126, SSP245, and SSP585 scenarios, respectively. The simulation results may further provide new opportunities to assess the future impacts of climate warming on environments and engineering development over the QTP. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Analytical model Permafrost degradation Active-layer CMIP6 Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau(QTP)
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