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基于无人机多光谱影像的寒地水稻品质估测 被引量:1
作者 彭显龙 武文宇 +5 位作者 董强 李鹏飞 朱美瑞 刘东晖 刘智蕾 于彩莲 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期12-26,共15页
【目的】在稻谷收获前准确估测稻米品质,为改善水稻养分管理、实现优质优价提供参考。【方法】试验在黑龙江省佳木斯市大兴农场和青龙山农场进行,两个地点土壤肥力具有较大差异。每个农场选择一块稻田,以20 m×20 m间隔采集土壤样... 【目的】在稻谷收获前准确估测稻米品质,为改善水稻养分管理、实现优质优价提供参考。【方法】试验在黑龙江省佳木斯市大兴农场和青龙山农场进行,两个地点土壤肥力具有较大差异。每个农场选择一块稻田,以20 m×20 m间隔采集土壤样品分析碱解氮含量,通过变量施氮形成产量水平、长势差异明显的水稻群体。利用大疆精灵4四旋翼多光谱无人机获取水稻分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期冠层多光谱数据。成熟期采集长势具有明显差异的水稻样品和对应的土壤样品,测定土壤有机质和速效氮、磷、钾含量,水稻籽粒蛋白质和直链淀粉含量,产量和食味值,随机选择其中67%的数据通过逐步多元线性回归构建不同生育时期的品质估算模型,其余33%的数据用于模型的验证。【结果】大兴农场水稻成熟期土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量的变异系数分别为11.65%、14.44%、37.66%和11.60%,青龙山农场分别为14.45%、14.32%、36.37%和28.51%。成熟期两个地点水稻产量和食味值的变异系数均大于10%,青龙山农场水稻蛋白质含量变异系数也超过10%,而两地稻米直链淀粉含量的变异系数仅为1.11%~1.83%,因此,水稻直链淀粉含量不适合用于后续的品质估测分析。分蘖期至抽穗期,大兴农场和青龙山农场水稻蛋白质多元回归模型的R~2和RMSE分别为0.262~0.794和0.259~0.686,食味值多元回归模型的R~2和RMSE分别为0.240~0.755和4.211~7.588,估测效果不理想。成熟期,大兴农场和青龙山农场水稻蛋白质多元回归模型的R~2和RMSE分别为0.791~0.874和0.166~0.365,食味值多元回归模型的R~2和RMSE分别为0.786~0.852和2.836~4.039。成熟期基于植被指数的蛋白质和食味值估测精确度优于抽穗期。在抽穗期,将土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾等指标与植被指数一起建立与蛋白质和食味值的多元回归模型,大兴农场水稻蛋白质模型的R~2由0.585提高到0.720,RMSE由0.301降低至0.247;两农场食味值模型的R~2由0.565~0.755提高到0.706~0.787,RMSE由4.318~4.854降低至3.993~4.029,基本可以满足对稻米品质估测的精度,而在成熟期加入上述土壤指标提升精度不明显。【结论】水稻成熟期利用多光谱无人机对稻米品质进行原位估测的精度较高,如果将估测时期提前到抽穗期,除植被指数外,还需配合土壤有机质和速效养分含量数据来提高多光谱无人机预测稻米品质的精度。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 多光谱影像 植被指数 食味值 蛋白质 直链淀粉
作者 谈永旭 彭先龙 《制造业自动化》 2024年第11期101-108,共8页
为减小机床几何位姿误差对车齿加工精度的影响,提出一种基于齿面法向误差建立敏感矩阵方程的误差修正方法。基于交错轴啮合原理,对面齿轮的车齿加工过程进行解析,求解刀具切削刃双自由度包络面齿轮齿面的啮合条件式;根据机床结构预设机... 为减小机床几何位姿误差对车齿加工精度的影响,提出一种基于齿面法向误差建立敏感矩阵方程的误差修正方法。基于交错轴啮合原理,对面齿轮的车齿加工过程进行解析,求解刀具切削刃双自由度包络面齿轮齿面的啮合条件式;根据机床结构预设机床几何位姿误差,分析法向齿面误差对各项几何位姿误差的敏感性,得到敏感误差项;通过建立机床各数控轴运动多项式系数,以及系数增量影响齿面误差变化的敏感矩阵;通过齿面法向误差反求多项式系数增量,完成齿面修正。研究结果表明:该方法使右齿面误差减少98.3%;左齿面误差减少97.4%,可有效修正机床几何位姿误差所导致的加工误差,提高加工精度。 展开更多
关键词 面齿轮 车齿加工 啮合条件式 齿面法向误差 误差修正
确定经济合理施氮量的新方法:基于施氮量与稻米产量效应函数 被引量:5
作者 彭显龙 车俊杰 +4 位作者 宋聪 齐文晶 李鹏飞 刘智蕾 于彩莲 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1182-1193,共12页
【目的】探究实现水稻高产、优质和氮肥高效的密度与施氮量协同组合。【方法】于2018—2019年,在黑龙江省五常市龙凤山乡辉煌村进行田间试验。采用裂区试验方法,以‘五优稻4号’为供试品种。以密度为主区,设置15穴/m2(D1)和24穴/m2(D2)... 【目的】探究实现水稻高产、优质和氮肥高效的密度与施氮量协同组合。【方法】于2018—2019年,在黑龙江省五常市龙凤山乡辉煌村进行田间试验。采用裂区试验方法,以‘五优稻4号’为供试品种。以密度为主区,设置15穴/m2(D1)和24穴/m2(D2);以施氮量为副区,设施氮(N)量为0、75、105、135 kg/hm^(2)4个水平,分别表示为N0、N75、N105、N135处理。在水稻成熟期,测定了植株地上部干物重、稻谷产量、精米产量、精米率、蛋白质含量、直链淀粉含量、食味值等指标;比较了稻谷产量与精米产量确定的施氮量差异。【结果】在D1、D2两个密度下,随着施氮量的增加,稻谷产量、地上部干物重、精米产量都呈先升高后降低的趋势,均在N105达到最大值。除D1密度下N105处理的稻谷产量与N135处理差异不显著外,其余均显著高于其他处理,而N135处理的稻谷产量与N75处理无显著差异,但2018年地上部干物重却显著高于N75处理。随着施氮量的提高,精米蛋白质含量呈现增加趋势,精米率和食味值却呈降低趋势。与N0相比,N135处理精米蛋白质含量平均提高了7.58%,精米率和食味值分别平均降低了8.81%和10.24%。N105处理的氮素回收率显著高于N75和N135处理,农学效率、氮肥生理利用率和偏生产力均显著高于N135处理。D2密度下精米蛋白质含量低于D1密度处理,而精米率和食味品质高于D1密度处理,D2密度下的稻谷产量、氮积累量和精米产量均高于D1密度处理,氮积累量和氮肥偏生产力比D1处理平均提高了40.35%和40.31%,两个密度间氮肥回收率、农学效率和氮肥生理利用率无明显差异。农户直接出售优质米使经济效益提高了7428元/hm^(2),D2密度使经济效益额外增加了4229元/hm^(2)。施氮量与稻谷产量、精米产量均呈二次曲线关系,依据施氮量与稻谷产量效应函数,确定经济最佳施氮量为96.4~123.7 kg/hm^(2);依据施氮量与精米产量效应函数,确定的适宜施氮量为76.2~105.9 kg/hm^(2)。【结论】适度密植(24穴/m2)有利于稻谷产量、氮素吸收量的提高,而不影响食味值和精米率。在本试验水稻适宜密植条件下,基于施氮量和精米产量效应函数确定的适宜施氮量为76.2~105.9 kg/hm^(2),该施氮量的确定方法有利于协同实现稻米高产优质和氮肥减施增效。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 密度 施氮量 产量 品质 氮素利用效率
面齿轮传动系统点蚀故障动态响应分析 被引量:1
作者 彭先龙 周健 +1 位作者 徐磊 阚琛 《制造业自动化》 北大核心 2023年第3期15-20,共6页
为揭示面齿轮传动系统在齿面点蚀条件下的动态特性,提出了基于面齿轮理论齿面的点蚀齿面表达方法,建立点蚀面齿轮有限元模型,采用有限元法计算面齿轮副啮合刚度,研究了点蚀面积对啮合刚度的影响规律。建立面齿轮传动系统动力学模型,从... 为揭示面齿轮传动系统在齿面点蚀条件下的动态特性,提出了基于面齿轮理论齿面的点蚀齿面表达方法,建立点蚀面齿轮有限元模型,采用有限元法计算面齿轮副啮合刚度,研究了点蚀面积对啮合刚度的影响规律。建立面齿轮传动系统动力学模型,从时域、频域及时频域角度分析了不同点蚀面积下传动系统的动态响应。结果表明:齿轮副啮合刚度随点蚀面积增大而减小,当多个轮齿出现点蚀,啮合刚度降低速率增大;圆柱齿轮加速度响应有明显的周期性冲击现象,故障振动信号的频谱中出现了以啮合频率为中心的调制边频带,通过时频谱推导出含点蚀轮齿的位置范围,信号的脉冲因子及裕度因子的增长速率较大,对点蚀故障敏感;研究结果为含早期微小点蚀面齿轮传动系统的故障诊断提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 面齿轮 点蚀 有限元模型 啮合刚度 动态响应 统计指标
Optimizing integrative cultivation management improves grain quality while increasing yield and nitrogen use efficiency in rice 被引量:24
作者 ZHANG Hao HOU Dan-ping +8 位作者 peng xian-long MA Bing-ju SHAO Shi-mei JING Wen-jiang GU Jun-fei LIU Li-jun WANG Zhi-qin LIU Yuan-ying YANG Jian-chang 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第12期2716-2731,共16页
A major challenge in rice(Oryza sativa L.)production is to cope with increasing grain yield and fertilizer use efficiency without compromising grain quality.This study was designed to determine if optimizing integrati... A major challenge in rice(Oryza sativa L.)production is to cope with increasing grain yield and fertilizer use efficiency without compromising grain quality.This study was designed to determine if optimizing integrative cultivation management in rice could improve grain quality while increase yield and nitrogen use efficiency(NUE).An indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivar and a japonica rice cultivar were grown in the field,with five cultivation managements including no N application(0 N),local farmer's practice(LFP),and three optimizi ng in teg rati ve cultivati on managements,reducing N rate and increasi ng plant density(ND),ND+alternate wetting and moderate soil drying irrigation(NDW),and NDW+applying rapeseed cake fertilizer(NDWR).The results showed that the optimizi ng integrative cultivati on man ageme nts could not only in crease grain yield,but also enhance NUE compared to LFP.Compared to LFP,NDWR sign ifica ntly in creased brow n,milled,head milled rice rate,ratio of the kern el le ngth to breadth and breakdown value of starch,whereas decreased amylose content,gel consiste ncy,prolamin con tent,setback value,perce ntage of chalky kern els,and chalki ness.The three optimizing in tegrative cultivation managements increased con tents of total protei ns,albumin and glutelin,activities of the key enzymes involved in the sucrose-starch con version in grains,root oxidati on activity,and malic and succinic acid concentrations in root exudates during the grain-filling period.The results suggested that optimizing integrative cultivation managements could improve grain quality meanwhile increase grain yield and NUE by enhancing physiological activities of rice plants. 展开更多
关键词 RICE INTEGRATIVE CULTIVATION MANAGEMENT YIELD grain quality nitrogen use efficiency
Effects of Boron, Zinc, and Iron on the Gentiopicroside Content and Yield of Gentian 被引量:9
作者 YU Cai-Lian LUO Sheng-Guo +1 位作者 peng xian-long LIU Yuan-Ying 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期210-214,共5页
A field experiment of 2-year-old gentian (Gentiana manshurica Kitag.) with application of boron (B), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) in Taikang County, Heilongjiang Province, was conducted to study the effects of the... A field experiment of 2-year-old gentian (Gentiana manshurica Kitag.) with application of boron (B), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) in Taikang County, Heilongjiang Province, was conducted to study the effects of the three microelements on gentiopicroside content in the roots of gentian, uptake of these elements, and root dry weight as well as the ratio of root dry weight to fresh weight. Zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and borax were split sprinkled on 2-year-old gentian on June 26, July 18, and August 25, 2002, with sprinkling water taken as a control. Compared with the control, applying B significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) the gentiopicroside content by 7.9%, and there was a highly significant increase of 22.4% (P 〈 0.01) in the root dry weight. Meanwhile, B content in the shoots of gentian gradually increased from the vegetative to the harvesting period, while Fe decreased at first and then increased. Fc treatment increased the gentiopicroside content only by 4.0% and the content was slightly decreased by the Zn treatment (3.1%) as compared to the control. The three microelements had different effects on the gentiopicroside content and appropriate microelement application could increase active ingredient content of gentian. 展开更多
Effects of Nitrogen Management on the Yield of Winter Wheat in Cold Area of Northeastern China 被引量:10
作者 LI Lian-peng LIU Yuan-ying +1 位作者 LUO Sheng-guo peng xian-long 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第6期1020-1025,共6页
A plot experiment including four treatments, CK (N 105 kg ha-1 as urea, including a basal N application of 35 kg ha-I and a topdressing N 70 kg ha-1 at turned green stage) and optimized N management (OPT1, OPT2 and... A plot experiment including four treatments, CK (N 105 kg ha-1 as urea, including a basal N application of 35 kg ha-I and a topdressing N 70 kg ha-1 at turned green stage) and optimized N management (OPT1, OPT2 and OPT3, applied two-thirds, one-third and two-fifths N at jointing stage, respectively, total N 60 kg ha-l), was conducted to evaluate the effects of nitrogen management on growth and N uptake of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), Dongnong 1, which is the first highly cold tolerant winter wheat in China. Index of population quality, N uptake and yield were determined. The ear-bearing tiller rate was increased by above 12%, and the leaf area index, biomass and N uptake were significantly decreased (P〈O.05) at jointing stage. OPT treatments increased the grain to leaf area ratio at heading stage, the dry matter weight and N uptake after heading by 14.3-27.9%, 11.6-28.7% and 118.1-161.8 %, respectively. The yield of the OPT treatments was increased by 14.2-37.5% compared with CK, and there was a significant difference (P〈0.05) between CK and OPT1 treatments. Harvest index and N partial factor productivity (PFP, kg grain yield per kg N applied) was clearly enhanced from 0.4 and 35.6 kg, respectively for CK to an average of 0.48 (P〈0.05) and 77.6 kg (P〈0.05) in the OPT treatments. These results indicated that the optimized N management increased the harvest index, yield and N use efficiency by decreasing the N application rate and postponing N application time, improved wheat population quality, controlled excessive growth in the vegetative stages and increased dry matter and N accumulation rates after heading. 展开更多
关键词 cold area winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) N management population quality YIELD
Effects of Site-Specific Nitrogen Management on Yield and Dry Matter Accumulation of Rice from Cold Areas of Northeastern China 被引量:7
作者 peng xian-long LIU Yuan-ying +3 位作者 LUO Sheng-guo FAN Li-chun SONG Tian-xing GUO Yan-wen 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2007年第6期715-723,共9页
The effects of yield increase and mechanism of site-specific nitrogen management (SSNM) in five rice varieties from cold areas of northeastern China were studied. Plot experiment for critical SPAD value and experime... The effects of yield increase and mechanism of site-specific nitrogen management (SSNM) in five rice varieties from cold areas of northeastern China were studied. Plot experiment for critical SPAD value and experiments of two fertilization methods, SSNM and farmer's fertilization practice (FFP) were conducted to study their effects on the quality and dry matter accumulation of rice population, as well as N uptake. Compared with FFP, SSNM significantly decreased the average N rate by 33.8%, significantly increased average ear-bearing tiller rate and LAI for grain-filling stage by 12.3% and 14.1-27.6%, correspondingly, improved dry matter weight and N uptake after heading period by 4.3-29.1% and 11.8-55.1% (P 〈 0.05), and heightened recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency by 38.5-133.4% (P 〈 0.05) and 39.8-194.3% (P 〈 0.05), respectively, as well as increased the average yield by 9.8% in 2004 and 2005. The results indicated that the accumulation rate of dry matter and N increased the rice yield and N use efficiency, because of improving rice population quality and increasing LAI after heading period. 展开更多
关键词 cold areas RICE site-specific nitrogen management YIELD dry matter N use efficiency
Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Additions on Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Enzyme Activities Under Rice Straw Returning 被引量:1
作者 Dai Jian-jun Liu Li-zhi +4 位作者 Wang Xiao-chun Fang Qiu-na Cheng Ye-ru Wang Dan-ni peng xian-long 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2021年第3期21-30,共10页
The effects of different amounts of carbon and nitrogen sources on the soil microbial biomass carbon,dissolved organic carbon and related enzyme activities were studied by the simulation experiment of rice straw retur... The effects of different amounts of carbon and nitrogen sources on the soil microbial biomass carbon,dissolved organic carbon and related enzyme activities were studied by the simulation experiment of rice straw returning to the field,and the mechanism of the decomposition of rice straw returning to the field was discussed.Completely randomized experiment of the two factors of the three levels was designed,and a total of nine treatments of indoor soil incubation tests were conducted.Full amount of rice straw was applied to the soil in this simulation experiment and different amounts of brown sugar and urea were added in the three levels of 0(no carbon source and nitrogen source),1(low levels of carbon and nitrogen sources)and 2(high levels of carbon and nitrogen sources),respectively.The results showed that the addition of different amounts of carbon and nitrogen sources to the rice straw could increase the soil carbon content.Compared with T0N0,the microbial biomass carbon of T2N2 was increased significantly by 170.48%;the dissolved organic carbon content of T1N2 was significantly increased by 58.14%and the free humic acid carbon contents of T0N2,T1N1 and T2N0 were significantly increased by 56.16%and 45.55%and 47.80%,respectively;however,there were no significant differences among those of treatments at later incubation periods.The addition of different carbon and nitrogen sources could promote the soil enzyme activities.During the incubation period,all of the soil enzyme activities of adding sugar and urea were higher than those of T0N0 treatment.Therefore,the addition of different amounts of carbon and nitrogen sources to rice straw returning could improve soil microbial biomass carbon content,dissolved organic carbon and soil enzyme activities. 展开更多
关键词 rice straw returning carbon and nitrogen sources microbial biomass carbon dissolved organic carbon soil enzyme activity
Fate of fertilizer nitrogen and residual nitrogen in paddy soil in Northeast China
作者 BI Shi-ting LUO Xiang-yu +4 位作者 ZHANG Chen LI peng-fei YU Cai-lian LIU Zhi-lei peng xian-long 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第11期3535-3548,共14页
The relationship between the fate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and the N application rate in paddy fields in Northeast China is unclear,as is the fate of residual N.To clarify these issues,paddy field and15N microplot e... The relationship between the fate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and the N application rate in paddy fields in Northeast China is unclear,as is the fate of residual N.To clarify these issues,paddy field and15N microplot experiments were carried out in 2017 and 2018,with N applications at five levels:0,75,105,135 and 165 kg N ha–1(N0,N75,N105,N135 and N165,respectively).15N-labeled urea was applied to the microplots in 2017,and the same amount of unlabeled urea was applied in 2018.Ammonia (NH3) volatilization,leaching,surface runoff,rice yield,the N contents and15N abundances of both plants and soil were analyzed.The results indicated a linear platform model for rice yield and the application rate of N fertilizer,and the optimal rate was 135 kg N ha–1.N uptake increased with an increasing N rate,and the recovery efficiency of applied N (REN) values of the difference subtraction method were 45.23 and 56.98%on average in 2017and 2018,respectively.The RENwas the highest at the N rate of 135 kg ha–1in 2017 and it was insignificantly affected by the N application rate in 2018,while the agronomic efficiency of applied N (AEN) and physiological efficiency of applied N (PEN) decreased significantly when excessive N was applied.N loss through NH3volatilization,leaching and surface runoff was low in the paddy fields in Northeast China.NH3volatilization accounted for 0.81 and 2.99%of the total N application in 2017 and 2018,respectively.On average,the leaching and surface runoff rates were 4.45% and less than 1.05%,respectively,but the apparent denitrification loss was approximately 42.63%.The residual N fertilizer in the soil layer (0–40 cm) was 18.37–31.81 kg N ha–1in 2017,and the residual rate was 19.28–24.50%.Residual15N from fertilizer in the soil increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer,which was mainly concentrated in the 0–10 cm soil layer,accounting for 58.45–83.54% of the total residual N,and decreased with increasing depth.While the ratio of residual N in the 0–10 cm soil layer to that in the 0–40 cm soil layer was decreased with increasing N application.Furthermore,of the residual N,approximately 5.4%was taken up on average in the following season and 50.2%was lost,but 44.4%remained in the soil.Hence,the amount of applied N fertilizer should be reduced appropriately due to the high residual N in paddy fields in Northeast China.The appropriate N fertilizer rate in the northern fields in China was determined to be 105–135 kg N ha–1in order to achieve a balance between rice yield and high N fertilizer uptake. 展开更多
关键词 fate of N fertilizer NH_(3) volatilization leaching surface runoff residual nitrogen yield
协调水稻产量和品质的植株临界氮浓度的确定 被引量:5
作者 彭显龙 匡旭 +3 位作者 李鹏飞 车俊杰 刘智蕾 于彩莲 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期109-116,共8页
根据植株氮营养状况指导优质米生产具有重要意义。试验以五优稻4号为供试材料,以密度为主区(密度分别为每平方米18穴和25穴),氮量为副区(氮量分别为0、75、105、135 kg hm^(-2)),测定水稻植株全氮、籽粒无机氮含量、水稻产量和品质等指... 根据植株氮营养状况指导优质米生产具有重要意义。试验以五优稻4号为供试材料,以密度为主区(密度分别为每平方米18穴和25穴),氮量为副区(氮量分别为0、75、105、135 kg hm^(-2)),测定水稻植株全氮、籽粒无机氮含量、水稻产量和品质等指标,以期为实现水稻丰产优质提供理论依据。结果表明:施氮量和水稻产量呈2次曲线关系,最高产量施氮量为113~126kg hm^(-2),经济合理施氮量为110~125 kg hm^(-2);随着施氮量增加,各个时期水稻植株含氮量,收获期籽粒铵态氮和硝态氮含量显著提高,N105处理与N0处理间上述指标差异均显著(P<0.05),而N105和N135处理间只有籽粒无机氮含量差异显著;施氮后籽粒蛋白质含量有增加趋势,随着施氮量增加稻米食味值下降,N135处理食味降低超过10%(P<0.05),其他处理间差异不显著。密度增加,水稻氮素积累量增加,产量提高了11.4%;稀植有利于提高地上部含氮量、籽粒铵态氮和硝态氮含量;稀植出米率提高了4.77个百分点(P<0.05),食味值有降低趋势。根据肥料效应函数以及施氮量和植株含氮量关系函数,拔节期和抽穗期,D1密度下植株临界氮浓度分别为15.18~16.41g kg^(-1)和21.72~25.82 g kg^(-1),D2密度下对应值分别为11.71~12.94 g kg^(-1)和20.73~23.24 g kg^(-1)。上述结果表明,合理密植有利于水稻高产,氮量过高不利于水稻高产和优质。在水稻丰产和优质的情况下,氮肥用量在91~104 kg hm^(-2)比较合适,抽穗期叶片含氮量23.72~25.82 g kg^(-1)(D1)和22.18~23.24 g kg^(-1)(D2)可以作为协同实现水稻丰产优质的诊断指标。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 密度 产量 品质
我国典型森林土壤微生物驱动的氮代谢途径特征解析 被引量:7
作者 吕雪丽 赵永鹏 +3 位作者 林清火 彭显龙 尹云锋 蒋先军 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期4951-4958,共8页
微生物介导的氮代谢途径对生态系统结构和功能稳定性的维持起着重要作用,阐明微生物群落与氮代谢途径之间的关系可以从微观水平上扩展对氮代谢途径的理解.然而,微生物的基因水平转移使得基于分类学的方法并不能说明两者之间的关系.有研... 微生物介导的氮代谢途径对生态系统结构和功能稳定性的维持起着重要作用,阐明微生物群落与氮代谢途径之间的关系可以从微观水平上扩展对氮代谢途径的理解.然而,微生物的基因水平转移使得基于分类学的方法并不能说明两者之间的关系.有研究表明,功能性状影响着群落构建和生态系统功能,将基于功能性状的研究方法应用于土壤微生物能更好地说明氮代谢途径的特征.因此,本文选择5种我国典型森林土壤,包括黑土(黑龙江哈尔滨)、暗棕壤(吉林长白山)、黄棕壤(湖北武汉)、红壤(福建福州)和砖红壤(海南乐东),利用可以量化微生物功能性状的宏基因组技术对不同森林土的氮代谢途径特征进行了研究,主要包括氨同化、硝酸盐异化还原、硝酸盐同化还原、反硝化、硝化、固氮和厌氧氨氧化过程.结果表明,细菌序列在宏基因组文库中占主导位置,占所有序列的98.02%,且所涉及的几种氮代谢途径在细菌中都被检测到.5种森林土有着相同的氮代谢途径特征,即氨同化是细菌中检出频率最高的氮代谢途径,每百万个带注释的细菌序列平均检测到2830个氨同化途径的功能基因,固氮和厌氧氨氧化代谢途径检出频率较低,每百万个序列分别只检测到28.3和10.7个功能基因.不同森林土壤中同一氮代谢过程可由不同的微生物参与,且负责整个氮代谢途径的微生物的群落结构不完全相同. 展开更多
关键词 森林土 氮代谢途径 微生物群落结构 功能性状 宏基因组
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