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作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2019年第3期6-7,共2页
肖勇是江西省于都县济元堂中医馆的一名医生。由于母亲生他时难产,肖勇运动中枢受到损伤,自呱呱落地那刻起便落下了残疾。然而,肖勇并没有气馁。通过努力,2015年他获得了江西中医药大学中医学专业的硕士学位,并于同年通过了执业医师资... 肖勇是江西省于都县济元堂中医馆的一名医生。由于母亲生他时难产,肖勇运动中枢受到损伤,自呱呱落地那刻起便落下了残疾。然而,肖勇并没有气馁。通过努力,2015年他获得了江西中医药大学中医学专业的硕士学位,并于同年通过了执业医师资格考试,取得了执业医师资格证书和中药师证书。 展开更多
关键词 执业医师资格考试 中医学专业 医者 资格证书 中医药大学 运动中枢 硕士学位 江西省
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2018年第10期10-11,共2页
被列为广西壮族自治区成立60周年大庆重大民生工程之一的广西国际壮医医院已经落成并将于近日正式运营.医院建筑总面积18.75万平方米,设床位1000张,设置近100个民族医诊室,民族诊疗服务区域达9000多平方米,有壮医经筋推拿科、壮医风湿... 被列为广西壮族自治区成立60周年大庆重大民生工程之一的广西国际壮医医院已经落成并将于近日正式运营.医院建筑总面积18.75万平方米,设床位1000张,设置近100个民族医诊室,民族诊疗服务区域达9000多平方米,有壮医经筋推拿科、壮医风湿科、壮医康复科、壮医妇科、壮医皮肤科等。 展开更多
关键词 广西壮族自治区 医院建筑 壮医 国际 诊疗服务 推拿科 风湿科 康复科
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2017年第7期10-11,共2页
今年52岁的杨亨华是重庆市巫山县竹贤乡下庄村唯一的一名医生。他16岁初中毕业后,就开始跟随身为村医的父亲学医。19岁时,“子承父业”的他成为一名赤脚医生,一干就是30多年。杨亨华所在的下庄村是一个四周环山、坐落在“天坑”里的... 今年52岁的杨亨华是重庆市巫山县竹贤乡下庄村唯一的一名医生。他16岁初中毕业后,就开始跟随身为村医的父亲学医。19岁时,“子承父业”的他成为一名赤脚医生,一干就是30多年。杨亨华所在的下庄村是一个四周环山、坐落在“天坑”里的村庄,400多名村民分散居住在大山深处,出一趟山都很不容易。在村民眼里,杨亨华就是他们的健康“守护神”。无论白天黑夜、刮风下雨,只要患者需要,他便以最快的速度赶到患者家中。杨亨华说:“只要我还能走动,我就会一直坚守村医这份工作。” 展开更多
关键词 村民 健康 赤脚医生 巫山县 重庆市 毕业后 村医 患者
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2016年第11期8-8,共1页
今年4月,西藏自治区拉萨市曲水县建立了人口健康综合管理信息平台,组织召开村民健康例会、乡村医生例会,以了解村民健康状况。基于健康数据分析,曲水县政府在县域内筛查眼疾患者,选择适合做手术的白内障患者,并由武警总医院的眼... 今年4月,西藏自治区拉萨市曲水县建立了人口健康综合管理信息平台,组织召开村民健康例会、乡村医生例会,以了解村民健康状况。基于健康数据分析,曲水县政府在县域内筛查眼疾患者,选择适合做手术的白内障患者,并由武警总医院的眼科专家为其施行免费手术。图为一名白内障患者走下手术台。 展开更多
关键词 村民健康 西藏自治区 白内障患者 村级 免费手术 武警总医院 信息平台 人口健康
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2016年第11期8-8,共1页
上海市长宁区江苏路街道的“颐家”社区老年人医养结合护理站近日正式启用。社区老年人在护理站不仅可获得社区卫生中心提供的专业诊疗,还能获得所需的基础医疗护理、康复指导、生活照料等综合服务,相关诊疗费用可直接由医保支付,实现... 上海市长宁区江苏路街道的“颐家”社区老年人医养结合护理站近日正式启用。社区老年人在护理站不仅可获得社区卫生中心提供的专业诊疗,还能获得所需的基础医疗护理、康复指导、生活照料等综合服务,相关诊疗费用可直接由医保支付,实现“医、养、护”在社区养老服务上的一体化模式。 展开更多
关键词 社区养老服务 护理站 基础医疗 诊疗费用 上海市长宁区 江苏路街道 一体化模式 一体化服务
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2018年第7期10-11,共2页
59岁的梁春荣是辽宁省阜新市彰武县阿尔乡镇的一名乡村医生。行医20多年,他身背药箱行走田间地头,跋涉沙漠沟壑,被乡亲们亲切地称为“大漠村医”。梁春荣先后获得“全国优秀乡村医生”“辽宁好人”“阜新市道德模范”等荣誉称号。有行... 59岁的梁春荣是辽宁省阜新市彰武县阿尔乡镇的一名乡村医生。行医20多年,他身背药箱行走田间地头,跋涉沙漠沟壑,被乡亲们亲切地称为“大漠村医”。梁春荣先后获得“全国优秀乡村医生”“辽宁好人”“阜新市道德模范”等荣誉称号。有行动不便的患者,他总是背起药箱,赶去为他们看病。而对于家庭生活困难的患者,他从没收过一分钱。有人心里过意不去就写了欠条,多年下来竟记满了几个账本。对此,梁春荣总是说:“还要啥钱?家里有一个患者,全家都受拖累,我能帮就帮吧。” 展开更多
关键词 乡村医生 生活困难 阜新市 辽宁省 彰武县 患者 药箱
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2016年第11期9-9,共1页
关键词 广西壮族自治区 家庭医生 贫困户 健康档案 乡村医生 贫困患者
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2018年第11期10-11,共2页
关键词 医学影像 专家 塞舌尔 卫生部 医疗队
作者 photomall 《中国卫生人才》 2016年第11期9-9,共1页
关键词 家庭医生
作者 photomall 李敬臣 李刚 《轻兵器》 2007年第01X期F0004-F0004,共1页
“友谊-2006”中巴联合反恐军演于2006年12月11日开始,18日结束,共分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为装备展示和技战术训练交流,主要进行武器装备和单兵,班组山地作战,反恐作战技战术展示,相互学习交流。第二阶段为实兵联合演习,演练... “友谊-2006”中巴联合反恐军演于2006年12月11日开始,18日结束,共分两个阶段进行。第一阶段为装备展示和技战术训练交流,主要进行武器装备和单兵,班组山地作战,反恐作战技战术展示,相互学习交流。第二阶段为实兵联合演习,演练营指挥所组织战斗和战斗实施,主要包括组织协同,设卡联检以及伏击,巡逻,搜剿,围歼等战斗行动。 展开更多
关键词 反恐作战 战术训练 武器装备 战斗 指挥所 交流 组织 单兵
SPEEDING UP 'Fuxing' Bullet Trains, Developed Railways Facilitate Travel Across China
作者 LI WENJIE YE SHAN +3 位作者 MENG QIN FAN WENJUN VCG photomall 《Women of China》 2019年第2期20-35,共16页
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Xi Jinping, has spoken highly of the development of "Fuxing" bullet trains. China's railway system has undergone signific... General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Xi Jinping, has spoken highly of the development of "Fuxing" bullet trains. China's railway system has undergone significant development and innovation since the country implemented its reform and opening-up policy four decades ago. China-developed bullet trains have resulted in the so-called ”China speed," which has been appreciated by people from around the world. From slow-speed green trains to today's "Fuxing” bullet trains, the development of China's railway system has made a leap forward in recent years. In this edition, Women of China highlights stories of people, especially women, who have made contributions to the development of China's railway system, and who have provided top-quality services on "Fuxing” bullet trains. 展开更多
关键词 中国铁路 跨越式发展 突破创新 改革开放 高速列车 无私奉献 家国情怀 世界
First China-Born Director of Pixar Short Talks of Creating‘Bao’
作者 WANG SHASHA photomall 《Women of China》 2019年第5期54-55,共2页
The animated short film,Bao,was selected Best Animated Short during the 91st Academy Awards,or the Oscars,at the Dolby Theatre,in Los Angeles,the United States,in February.Bao was written and directed by Domee Shi,a C... The animated short film,Bao,was selected Best Animated Short during the 91st Academy Awards,or the Oscars,at the Dolby Theatre,in Los Angeles,the United States,in February.Bao was written and directed by Domee Shi,a China-born Canadian director,and it was produced by Pixar Animation Studios.The video explains the relationship between Chinese culture and family affection,and it touches the hearts of international viewers. 展开更多
关键词 宝宝 中国味 奥斯卡金像奖 动画短片 中国文化 女导演 工作室 皮克斯
American Professor Depicts China's'Dramatic Changes'Through Music,Literature
作者 CHEN YU Chinadaily.com.cn photomall 《Women of China》 2019年第3期48-50,共3页
Musician,writer,traveler.those are the most commonly mentioned words when journalists describe Mark Levine.Levine,from the United States,currently works as a professor in the English department of Minzu University of ... Musician,writer,traveler.those are the most commonly mentioned words when journalists describe Mark Levine.Levine,from the United States,currently works as a professor in the English department of Minzu University of China.He is also a recipient of the Chinese Friendship Award,the highest award for foreigners in Beijing who have made great contributions to promoting friendly exchanges between China and other countries.Since he moved to China,in early 2005,Levine has visited 28 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions.During his trips,Levine has taken photos,written articles and composed songs that depict China's economic development,innovation and remarkable changes in people's lives. 展开更多
关键词 中国故事 中央民族大学 媒体报道 经济发展 歌曲创作 科技进步 生活方式 音乐人
Guardian of Dreams Devoted Teacher Cares About Children's Lives, Education
作者 WANG SHASHA ZHANG JIAMIN photomall 《Women of China》 2019年第4期20-21,共2页
Gesang Deji, of the Menba ethnic group, is deputy headmaster of Wanquan Primary School, in Motuo County, in Nyingchi, in Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. She has been dedicated to educating children for ... Gesang Deji, of the Menba ethnic group, is deputy headmaster of Wanquan Primary School, in Motuo County, in Nyingchi, in Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. She has been dedicated to educating children for the past 17 years. In the Tibetan language, her name literally means nliving a happy life in a good era."She is referred to as Ma guardian of dreams of the Menba people" by the locals. 展开更多
关键词 教育教学 格桑 人生 个人 西藏自治区 工作岗位 教书育人 副校长
New Journey Under Way Chinese Women Inspired by Stories of Outstanding Awards Winners千
作者 FAN WENJUN photomall VCG 《Women of China》 2019年第4期22-31,共10页
An award ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, on March 6, 2019. During the event, honorable titles and awards were presented, by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), to 10 National Ma... An award ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, on March 6, 2019. During the event, honorable titles and awards were presented, by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), to 10 National March 8th Red-banner Pacesetters, 300 National March 8th Red-banner Holders, 200 March 8th Red-banner Collectives, 1,986 National Women Achievement Makers Posts, 1,000 National Women Achievement Makers Pacesetters and 490 National Women Achievement Makers Collectives. In this edition, Women of China highlights the stories of four awards winners. Inspired by their stories, Chinese women, from all walks of life, realize they can fulfill their dreams and goals as long as they work hard. 展开更多
关键词 巾帼建功标兵 故事 北京人民大会堂 “三八”国际妇女节 三八红旗手 先进集体 建功立业 表彰
Braving the Tide,Displaying Glamor Interviewing Outstanding Women to Commemorate 40th Anniversary of China's Reform,Opening-Up
作者 LI WEN JIE FAN WENJUN +1 位作者 VCG photomall 《Women of China》 2018年第12期24-41,共18页
This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up.During the past four decades,Chinese people have made,under CPC (Communist Party of China)'s leadership,continuous efforts to deepen China&... This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up.During the past four decades,Chinese people have made,under CPC (Communist Party of China)'s leadership,continuous efforts to deepen China's political,social,economic and cultural reforms.As a result,dramatic social and economic changes have taken place in the country.As China is becoming increasingly prosperous,many outstanding Chinese women,who have made great contributions to promote China's reform and opening-up,have caught the attention of numerous people around the world.By promoting the reforms and using their wisdom to develop their careers,the women have been integrating their individual ideals in the realization of the Chinese Dream.The women,who have showed the spirit of independence,self-esteem,self-confidence and self-improvement,have created tremendous social and economic benefits throughout China. 展开更多
关键词 改革开放 巾帼 策划 经济体制改革 传统性别观念 “四自”精神 现代女性 中国梦
Going All Out for Success Women Volleyball Players Inspire Chinese to Promote Realization of Nation's Great Rejuvenation
作者 LI WENJIE YE SHAN +2 位作者 FAN WENJUN LI XUETONG photomall 《Women of China》 2020年第1期20-29,共10页
During the past four decades,China1 s national women's volleyball team has won many international championships.Numerous people around the world have been impressed by the team's miraculous "feats."&... During the past four decades,China1 s national women's volleyball team has won many international championships.Numerous people around the world have been impressed by the team's miraculous "feats.""The people love the Chinese women's volleyball team,not only because you have won the championships,but also because you have displayed the spirit of putting the motherland first,through unity,cooperation,tenacity and nevet giving up" said Chinese President Xi Jinping. 展开更多
关键词 中国女排 五连冠 世界杯 女排精神 精神面貌 团结协作 激情燃烧
A Taste of China, in New York
作者 WANG SHASHA photomall 《Women of China》 2019年第6期53-55,共3页
While walking along the bustling street in midtown Manhattan, the United States, one surely wouldn't notice Cafe China if not for so many people outside the cafe waiting for seats. Michelin (which provides star ra... While walking along the bustling street in midtown Manhattan, the United States, one surely wouldn't notice Cafe China if not for so many people outside the cafe waiting for seats. Michelin (which provides star ratings for hotels and restaurants) designated Cafe China a one-star cafe for six consecutive years, from 2012 to 2017. 展开更多
关键词 中餐厅 米其林 纽约 曼哈顿 街市 名气
Keketuohai Renowned for Beautiful Landscape,Amazing Landform
作者 FAN WENJUN Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark +1 位作者 VCG photomall 《Women of China》 2019年第2期60-62,共3页
Keketuohai is a town situated in Fuyun, a county in Altay, a prefecture in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Keketuohai has rich mineral resources and breathtaking natural scenery. One must-se... Keketuohai is a town situated in Fuyun, a county in Altay, a prefecture in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Keketuohai has rich mineral resources and breathtaking natural scenery. One must-see site is Keketuohai UNESCO Global Geopark, which attracts many tourists. 展开更多
关键词 可可 轻灵 高洁 自然奇观 质朴 山水
作者 袁景智 photomall 《轻兵器》 2007年第04S期26-27,共2页
关键词 反恐演练 轻武器 民营企业 79式 95式 西安特警
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