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作者 pieter bottelier 杨宁宁 《WTO经济导刊》 2005年第4期23-23,共1页
美国参议员CharlesSchumer近日提出一项提案,建议美国国会以立法形式规定,如中国不在6个月内调整人民币汇率,将对来自中国的进口产品额外征收27.5%的惩罚性关税。对此,美国约翰·霍普金斯大学PieterBottelier教授2月8日在美国《财... 美国参议员CharlesSchumer近日提出一项提案,建议美国国会以立法形式规定,如中国不在6个月内调整人民币汇率,将对来自中国的进口产品额外征收27.5%的惩罚性关税。对此,美国约翰·霍普金斯大学PieterBottelier教授2月8日在美国《财经时报》发表文章,对该措施将给美经济利益和就业形势带来的影响进行了分析,并随后进一步援引当前国际经济贸易的客观数据和事实,从经济学角度论证了中国并非是导致美国贸易赤字的原因。文章最后认为,美国参议员关于对中国出口产品额外征收惩罚性关税的提案将只能使美国利益受损。文章全文如下: 展开更多
关键词 中国 惩罚性关税 自虐 国际经济贸易 人民币汇率 经济学角度 立法形式 美国国会 进口产品 霍普金斯 就业形势 经济利益 贸易赤字 美国利益 出口产品 参议员 文章 提案 征收 约翰 财经 援引
What India Can Learn from China and Vice Versa 被引量:1
作者 pieter bottelier 《China & World Economy》 SCIE 2007年第3期52-69,共18页
A partial convergence of the Indian and Chinese growth models is likely. Judging from China's experience, sustaining India's impressive economic performance of recent years will require a significant further opening... A partial convergence of the Indian and Chinese growth models is likely. Judging from China's experience, sustaining India's impressive economic performance of recent years will require a significant further opening of its economy (externally and internally), higher savings and investments, especially in physical infrastructure and social services, and stronger labor absorption in the modern sectors. The base of India's current economic boom - software, IT-related services and high-end manufacturing - is narrow compared to China 's. Poor performance in agriculture is responsible for still significant poverty in many parts of rural lndia. Bilateral lndia-China ties, including trade and investment, are increasing rapidly and could help to bring about the structural economic changes India needs. Through its exports to China, lndia is becoming linked to global supply chains centered on China. The notion that India-China relations are, or are bound to become, fundamentally antagonistic, held by many in the USA, is mistaken and potentially dangerous. 展开更多
关键词 comparative development economic liberalization India and China sustainable growth urban infrastructure.
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