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作者 podlinski k. Porsch B. +2 位作者 krüssel J.S. M.W.Beckmann 张丽娟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期33-34,共2页
Purpose:The EGOC(European Group of Contraception)initiated an international survey o n the use of contracep-tives.The survey was designed to assess the knowledge about contraception of women in the r eproductive age.T... Purpose:The EGOC(European Group of Contraception)initiated an international survey o n the use of contracep-tives.The survey was designed to assess the knowledge about contraception of women in the r eproductive age.Thisarticle presents survey findings wi th regard to the following:first use of contraceptives,first s exual intercourse,first pregnancy,as well as the extent of kn owledge of the women in regard to different methods of con traception.Material and Methods:The EGOC questionnaire was translated,revised and supplemented.The survey took place between August 2000and December 2002.1330w omen were ad-mitted in the age span of 11-49.Resul ts:More than86%of thewomen considered themselv es to be suffi -ciently or very well informed about c ontraceptives.76%of the women named their gynaecologist as the main source of information,followed by 57%,who re ceived their infor-mation from magazines,and 48%from f riends.Women were better able to evaluate the safe ty of well -known as compared lesser -known or new forms o f contraception:82%of the women considered oral cont raceptives safe,74%the IUD,whereas depot injection s were considered safe by only 63%of the women surveyed.The subjects were insecure and uninformed about t he safety of the morning -after pill.Condoms were considered very safe by65%,whereas 10%considered the IUDs and 17%the depot injection as completely unsafe.4%of the women judged coitus interruptus as a safem ethod and 5%of the-women had used it as a method of contra ception during their first sexual intercourse.Con clusion:Although the knowledge on contraceptives of the e valuated women women is generally high,there were inform ation deficits in many areas.Additional sexual education,especially regarding modern contraceptive methods,shou ld be able to fill knowledge gaps,above all in very you ng women. 展开更多
关键词 避孕知识 调查研究结果 避孕方法 避孕剂 宫内避孕器 避孕针 口服避孕药 避孕措施 问卷表 妇科医生
作者 Porsch B. podlinski k. +2 位作者 Bender H.G. M.W.Beckmann 张丽娟 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》 2005年第2期34-34,共1页
Purpose:Aim of the survey was to analyze the prevalence of unintended pregnancies,induced abortions and their association with determinants e.g.contraception,emer-gency contraception(EC),and socio -demographic data in... Purpose:Aim of the survey was to analyze the prevalence of unintended pregnancies,induced abortions and their association with determinants e.g.contraception,emer-gency contraception(EC),and socio -demographic data in Germanwomen.Material and Method s:A German ver-sion of a modified questionnaire on c ontraception designed by the European Group of Contracepti on was applied.Anonymized data sheets encompassin g 1217women aged15-45years recruited from gynaecological services in D¨usseldorf and Regensburg were analy zed usingχ2-test and age -adjusted logistic regression a nalysis.Results:51%of first pregnancies were unplanned and 37%of all preg-nancies were unwanted.Induced abortion of this subgroup was observed in 35%and 55%,resp.Overall,7.9%of all participants reported at least o ne abortion resulting in193abortions per 1000births.There was a clear age -dependent correlation with 1.4%abortions among women aged 15-19and 21.1%among those aged40-45years.This corresponds to 0.5and 1.0abortion per 100fertile years,resp.EC was applied at least o nce by 19%of all participants.EC was significantly more frequently used by women with unintended pregnancies(26%)or abortions(28%)as compared to the other participant s(14%and19%,resp.;p <0.01).The amount of contraceptive means ever used could be identified a s an important indi-cator for a history of induced aborti on and EC,resp.(oddsratio95%confidence interval:3.51.8-6.9and10.46.5-16.,resp.).Occupation,marital status,level of urbanisation and religious affiliation were identified as further determinants.Conclusio n:Women with in-creased risk for abortions and EC can be more selectively identified by their lifetime pattern of contraception and so-ciodemographic data.Medical atten dance and devices for women of increased risk should in particular focus on the necessity to use an effective contra ceptive and the im-provement of patients’compliance. 展开更多
关键词 紧急避孕 EGOC 意外妊娠 调查研究结果 初次妊娠 避孕方式 流产率 避孕措施 统计学资料 服务中心
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