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氦气富集与天然气成藏差异、勘探误区 被引量:4
作者 秦胜飞 陶刚 +2 位作者 罗鑫 郭艳波 龚德瑜 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期138-151,共14页
氦气是重要的稀缺资源,应用广泛且在许多领域不可替代。由于富氦天然气是获取氦气的主要来源,很容易造成认识误区,认为只要能找到天然气自然就能找到氦气资源。但实际上氦气的富集与天然气成藏差异较大,不能用寻找天然气的理论和方法来... 氦气是重要的稀缺资源,应用广泛且在许多领域不可替代。由于富氦天然气是获取氦气的主要来源,很容易造成认识误区,认为只要能找到天然气自然就能找到氦气资源。但实际上氦气的富集与天然气成藏差异较大,不能用寻找天然气的理论和方法来寻找氦气。为此,针对氦气的富集特点,总结了氦气富集与天然气成藏的差异,系统梳理了氦气勘探中的5大误区,最后针对性地提出了氦气勘探建议。研究结果表明:①氦气的富集与天然气成藏在来源、生成机理、运聚过程(包括初次、二次运移方式)、对构造背景的要求及对地下水活跃程度的要求等诸多方面都存在较大差异。②目前的氦气勘探存在5大认识误区,即在天然气富集甜点区找氦气;富氦气藏需要更好的盖层;坐落在古老基底之上的气藏都可富氦气;在煤层气中寻找氦气;在火山岩储集层中找氦气。结论认为:①寻找富氦气资源,需要避开那些给氦气造成严重稀释的勘探区,避开天然气充注强度高值区域,避免在煤层气和火山岩气藏中找氦气;②在氦气勘探上应该摆脱油气勘探思想的束缚,根据氦气富集条件进行合理选区,氦气通常在基底断裂和古老地层水系统控制下在相同层位的构造高部位气藏中富集,符合这些条件的含气区将是氦气勘探的有利地区。 展开更多
关键词 氦气 氦气富集 天然气成藏 差异 勘探误区 盖层 构造高部位 基底断裂
新中国天然气勘探开发70年来的重大进展 被引量:65
作者 戴金星 秦胜飞 +4 位作者 胡国艺 倪云燕 甘利灯 黄士鹏 洪峰 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1037-1046,共10页
新中国成立70年来天然气勘探开发取得重大进展,从贫气国跃升为世界第6产气大国。1949年中国年产气为1117×10^4 m^3、探明天然气储量为3.85×10^8 m^3,人均年用气量和储量分别为0.0206 m^3和0.7107 m^3。至2018年,人年均国产气1... 新中国成立70年来天然气勘探开发取得重大进展,从贫气国跃升为世界第6产气大国。1949年中国年产气为1117×10^4 m^3、探明天然气储量为3.85×10^8 m^3,人均年用气量和储量分别为0.0206 m^3和0.7107 m^3。至2018年,人年均国产气114.8576 m^3,人均国内储量12011.08 m^3,70年内人年均国产气量和国内储量分别增加5575倍和16900倍。勘探开发大气田是快速发展天然气工业的主要途径。中国目前已发现大气田共72个,主要分布在四川(25个)、鄂尔多斯(13个)和塔里木(10个)3个盆地,2018年这3个盆地大气田共产气1039.26×10^8 m^3,占中国总产气量65%,至2018年底72个大气田累计探明天然气储量124504×10^8 m^3,占全国天然气储量16.7×10^12 m^3的75%。天然气新理论推动中国天然气工业更好更快发展,1979年以来煤成气新理论助力中国大批以煤系为主要烃源岩的气田的发现,2018年煤成气大气田产量分别占中国产气量和大气田产气量的50.93%和75.47%。页岩气理论推动下,本世纪发现涪陵、长宁、威远和威荣页岩气田,2018年已探明页岩气地质储量10455.67×10^8 m^3,年产气108.8×10^8 m^3,昭示了中国页岩气有较好前景。 展开更多
关键词 中国 天然气 煤成气 页岩气 产量 储量 勘探开发进展
四川盆地超深层天然气地球化学特征 被引量:51
作者 戴金星 倪云燕 +3 位作者 秦胜飞 黄士鹏 彭威龙 韩文学 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期588-597,共10页
对四川盆地38口井超深层(埋深大于6 000 m)天然气组分及其地球化学特征进行分析,以判明超深层天然气成因。四川盆地超深层天然气组分具如下特征:甲烷占绝对优势,含量最高达99.56%,平均86.67%;乙烷含量低,平均为0.13%;几乎没有丙、丁烷,... 对四川盆地38口井超深层(埋深大于6 000 m)天然气组分及其地球化学特征进行分析,以判明超深层天然气成因。四川盆地超深层天然气组分具如下特征:甲烷占绝对优势,含量最高达99.56%,平均86.67%;乙烷含量低,平均为0.13%;几乎没有丙、丁烷,为干气,属过成熟度气。硫化氢含量最高为25.21%,平均为5.45%;烷烃气碳同位素组成为:δ^(13)C_1值从-33.6‰变化至-26.7‰,δ^(13)C_2值从-32.9‰变化至-22.1‰,绝大部分没有倒转而主要为正碳同位素组成系列。烷烃气氢同位素组成为:δD_1值从-156‰变化至-113‰,少量井δD_2值从-103‰变化至-89‰。二氧化碳碳同位素组成为:δ^(13)C_(CO_2)值从-17.2‰变化至1.9‰,绝大部分在0±3‰范围。根据δ^(13)C_1-δ^(13)C_2-δ^(13)C_3鉴别图版,盆地超深层烷烃气除个别井外绝大部分为煤成气。根据二氧化碳成因鉴别图和δ^(13)C_(CO_2)值,判定除个别井外,超深层二氧化碳绝大部分为碳酸盐岩变质成因。龙岗气田和元坝气田超深层硫化氢为非生物还原型(热化学硫酸盐还原成因),双探号井的超深层硫化氢可能为裂解型(硫酸盐热裂解成因)。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 超深层 煤成气 硫化氢 地球化学 龙岗气田 元坝气田
川西北地区二叠系栖霞组超深层气藏流体演化过程与成藏模式 被引量:7
作者 李建忠 白斌 +6 位作者 白莹 鲁雪松 张本健 秦胜飞 宋金民 江青春 黄士鹏 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期627-636,共10页
综合利用普通薄片、阴极发光、包裹体测温及U-Pb同位素定年等测试数据,结合埋藏史、热史、成藏史及成岩演化序列,利用气源识别图版及成藏演化剖面,研究四川盆地西北部二叠系栖霞组超深层气藏流体演化过程及成藏模式。栖霞组海相超深层... 综合利用普通薄片、阴极发光、包裹体测温及U-Pb同位素定年等测试数据,结合埋藏史、热史、成藏史及成岩演化序列,利用气源识别图版及成藏演化剖面,研究四川盆地西北部二叠系栖霞组超深层气藏流体演化过程及成藏模式。栖霞组海相超深层气藏流体演化过程中发生了两期白云石化和1期热液作用、两期油气充注和伴生的两期埋藏溶蚀作用,成岩流体包括古海水、大气淡水、深部热液和烃类流体。两期油气充注时间分别为晚三叠世和晚侏罗世—早白垩世,中晚白垩世为原油大量裂解生气时间。川西北地区海相超深层气藏具“多元供烃、复式输导、差异成藏、晚期定型”的成藏模式,二叠系天然气主要为二叠系海相混合型烃源岩生成的原油裂解气,局部混合有来自深部震旦系原油裂解气的贡献。古油气藏的规模发育、稳定良好的保存条件是天然气规模成藏的关键。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 川西北地区 二叠系栖霞组 成藏演化 流体来源 烃类充注 天然气成藏
四川盆地中部三叠系须家河组煤成气丁烷和戊烷的异正构比与成熟度关系 被引量:4
作者 秦胜飞 黄纯虎 +2 位作者 张本健 杨雨 袁苗 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期474-481,共8页
以四川盆地中部三叠系须家河组不同地区和不同层位原生气藏为对象,采用常规天然气地球化学研究方法,探讨煤成气组分中iC_4/nC_4和iC_5/nC_5值与成熟度之间关系。通过对8个气田73个天然气样品研究发现,煤成气中iC_4/nC_4和iC_5/nC_5值具... 以四川盆地中部三叠系须家河组不同地区和不同层位原生气藏为对象,采用常规天然气地球化学研究方法,探讨煤成气组分中iC_4/nC_4和iC_5/nC_5值与成熟度之间关系。通过对8个气田73个天然气样品研究发现,煤成气中iC_4/nC_4和iC_5/nC_5值具有一致的变化规律,即呈良好的正相关关系,复相关系数大于0.8。iC_4/nC_4和iC_5/nC_5值随天然气干燥系数(C_1/C_(1+))变高、甲烷碳同位素组成变重而呈有规律地增大,它们之间具有较高的相关性。该研究揭示了煤系生成重烃异构体变化特性,提出了煤成气成熟度的新指标:iC_4/nC_4及iC_5/nC_5值与计算的Ro值之间的回归方程,为煤成气成熟度的判定、天然气运移、后期改造以及成藏等研究都提供了重要参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 三叠系 须家河组 煤成气 iC4/nC4 iC5/nC5 成熟度指标
川中须家河组致密气运移地球化学示踪 被引量:2
作者 秦胜飞 李金珊 +3 位作者 袁苗 杨春 杨雨 赵长毅 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期3178-3186,共9页
致密气成藏研究近年来备受关注,天然气在致密储集层中能否大规模运移是所关注的焦点之一。从天然气地球化学角度,以川中须家河组典型致密气藏为研究对象,用天然气组分参数对川中须家河组致密气进行地球化学示踪研究,来回答天然气能否在... 致密气成藏研究近年来备受关注,天然气在致密储集层中能否大规模运移是所关注的焦点之一。从天然气地球化学角度,以川中须家河组典型致密气藏为研究对象,用天然气组分参数对川中须家河组致密气进行地球化学示踪研究,来回答天然气能否在致密储集层中发生大规模运移的问题。川中须家河组气藏平面上大面积断续分布,纵向多个独立气藏互相叠加。研究表明,在横向上,川中须家河组相邻气田之间,相同层系的天然气组分参数有明显差异,天然气没有发生横向运移现象。在纵向上,须家河组内上、下气藏之间天然气地球化学特征具有明显差异,这种差异不符合天然气运移分馏规律,说明天然气也未发生明显的垂向运移。换言之,须家河组致密气是原地或近距离聚集成藏,天然气没有经过大规模运移。 展开更多
关键词 川中 须家河组 致密气 运移 地球化学示踪
中国含油气盆地富氦天然气藏氦气富集模式 被引量:22
作者 秦胜飞 李济远 +2 位作者 王佳美 陶刚 王晓锋 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期125-134,共10页
氦气由于其化学惰性、分子量小、低沸点、强渗透性、高导热性等特点,广泛用于航空航天、低温超导、医疗以及高科技领域,是一种不可替代的战略性稀缺资源。但关于氦气如何在天然气藏中富集的研究较为薄弱。为此,在探讨富氦气藏划分标准... 氦气由于其化学惰性、分子量小、低沸点、强渗透性、高导热性等特点,广泛用于航空航天、低温超导、医疗以及高科技领域,是一种不可替代的战略性稀缺资源。但关于氦气如何在天然气藏中富集的研究较为薄弱。为此,在探讨富氦气藏划分标准的基础上,系统剖析了典型富氦气藏氦气成因、来源及富集过程,重点突出了主力氦源对富氦气藏的贡献,并提出了中国含油气盆地富氦气藏氦气富集模式。研究结果表明:①针对中国不同含油气盆地建立了壳源富氦和壳幔混合富氦2大类,6种氦气富集模式;②富氦气藏具有供氦多元、富集模式多样的特征;无论哪种氦气富集模式,都离不开主氦源对气藏的贡献;③中西部盆地富氦气藏中的氦气以壳源氦为主,富集模式包括古老地层水沿断层上移释氦、天然气沿古老储集层运移过程中富氦、页岩气富氦模式。④东部盆地富氦气藏中氦气为壳幔混合成因,富集模式包括以烃类气为主的气藏富氦模式、以二氧化碳为主的气藏富氦模式、以氮气为主的气藏富氦模式。结论认为,中国含油气盆地富氦气藏氦气富集模式的建立,可为氦气富集规律和富集主控因素的研究提供参考和借鉴,同时,该认识对氦气有利勘探区带评价具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 含油气盆地 富氦气藏 氦气 氦源 富集模式 有利勘探区
Pool-Forming Stages and Enrichment Models of Medium- to High-Rank Coalbed Methane 被引量:4
作者 SONG Yan ZHAO Mengjun +3 位作者 HONG Feng LIU Shaobo qin shengfei WANG Hongyan 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1539-1546,共8页
The pool-forming mechanism of coalbed methane has its own characteristics.In this paper, based on studies on the typical coal-bearing basins in China,it is pointed out that the reservoir formation of medium- to high-r... The pool-forming mechanism of coalbed methane has its own characteristics.In this paper, based on studies on the typical coal-bearing basins in China,it is pointed out that the reservoir formation of medium- to high-rank coalbed methane has experienced three critical stages:the coalbed methane generation and adsorption stage,the coalbed adsorption capacity enhancement stage,and the coalbed methane desorption-diffusion and preservation stage.The regional tectonic evolution, hydrodynamic conditions and sealing conditions play important roles in the stage of coalbed methane desorption-diffusion and preservation.Medium- to high-rank coalbed methane has three types of enrichment models,that is,the most favorable,the relatively favorable,and the unfavorable enrichment models. 展开更多
关键词 coalbed methane reservoir mechanism structure HYDRODYNAMIC model
Kinetic Model of Gaseous Alkanes Formed from Coal in a Confined System and Its Application to Gas Filling History in Kuqa Depression,Tarim Basin,Northwest China 被引量:3
作者 LIU Quanyou ZHANG Tongwei +3 位作者 JIN Zhijun qin shengfei TANG Yongchun LIU Wenhui 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期911-922,共12页
Based on the pyrolysis products for the Jurassic low-mature coal under programmed temperature,and chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of natural gas from the Kuqa Depression, the genetic origin of natural gas wa... Based on the pyrolysis products for the Jurassic low-mature coal under programmed temperature,and chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of natural gas from the Kuqa Depression, the genetic origin of natural gas was determined,and then a gas filling model was established,in combination with the geological background of the Kuqa Depression.The active energy of CH_4,C_2H_6 and C_3H_8 was gotten after the data of pyrolysis gas products under different heating rates(2℃/h and 20℃/h)were fitted by the Gas Oil Ratio(GOR)Isotope Model soft.When the frequency factor(Af)was chosen as 1×10^(14),the active energy of CH_4,C_2H_6 and C_3H_8 was 58 kcal/mol,57 kcal/mol and 54 kcal/ mol,respectively.The distributive ranges of theδ^(13)C_1,δ^(13)C_2 andδ^(13)C_3 values for the pyrolysis gas products are-35.9‰to-30.7‰,-26.2‰to-21.3‰and-26.4‰to-22.7‰,respectively.All of the natural gases from the Kuqa Depression are dominated by hydrocarbon gases,with the high gas dryness(C_1/C_(1-4))at the middle and northern parts of the depression and the low values at both east and west sides and the southern part.The carbon isotopes of methane and its homologs as a typical coal-type gas are enriched in ^(13)C,and the distributive range of theδ^(13)C_1,δ^(13)C_2 andδ^(13)C_3 value is-32‰to -38‰,-22‰to-24‰and-20‰to-22‰,respectively,with the carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes being less negative with the carbon number.With the ethane being enriched in ^(13)C the increasing tendency of the geological reserve of natural gas in the Kuqa Depression is observed.This observed change is consistent with the results of pyrolysate gas yield of coal as a potential gas source in the Kuqa Depression,suggesting natural gas was thermally derived from the humic organic matters and the carbon isotopes of gaseous alkanes would coarsely predict the geological reserve of gas in the Kuqa Depression.Through the simulation of kinetic processes of gas generation for the Jurassic coal in the Kuqa Depression,the gas in the Kela 2 gas field would get the threshold of gas expulsion after 27 Ma,be expelled out of source rocks as"pulse action",and then filled in the gas reservoir.The peak gas-filling history took place during the past 2 Ma. 展开更多
关键词 natural gas gas kinetic carbon isotope gas-filling history Kuqa Depression
Fluid evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation model of ultra-deep gas reservoirs in Permian Qixia Formation of northwest Sichuan Basin,SW China 被引量:3
作者 LI Jianzhong BAI Bin +6 位作者 BAI Ying LU Xuesong ZHANG Benjian qin shengfei SONG Jinmin JIANG qingchun HUANG Shipeng 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 CSCD 2022年第4期719-730,共12页
The fluid evolution and reservoir formation model of the ultra-deep gas reservoirs in the Permian Qixia Formation of the northwestern Sichuan Basin are investigated by using thin section,cathodoluminescence,inclusion ... The fluid evolution and reservoir formation model of the ultra-deep gas reservoirs in the Permian Qixia Formation of the northwestern Sichuan Basin are investigated by using thin section,cathodoluminescence,inclusion temperature and U-Pb isotopic dating,combined with gas source identification plates and reservoir formation evolution profiles established based on burial history,thermal history,reservoir formation history and diagenetic evolution sequence.The fluid evolution of the marine ultra-deep gas reservoirs in the Qixia Formation has undergone two stages of dolomitization and one phase of hydrothermal action,two stages of oil and gas charging and two stages of associated burial dissolution.The diagenetic fluids include ancient seawater,atmospheric freshwater,deep hydrothermal fluid and hydrocarbon fluids.The two stages of hydrocarbon charging happened in the Late Triassic and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous respectively,and the Middle to Late Cretaceous is the period when the crude oil cracked massively into gas.The gas reservoirs in deep marine Permian strata of northwest Sichuan feature multiple source rocks,composite transportation,differential accumulation and late finalization.The natural gas in the Permian is mainly cracked gas from Permian marine mixed hydrocarbon source rocks,with cracked gas from crude oil in the deeper Sinian strata in local parts.The scale development of paleo-hydrocarbon reservoirs and the stable and good preservation conditions are the keys to the forming large-scale gas reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Sichuan Basin northwest Sichuan Basin Permian Qixia Formation accumulation evolution fluid sources hydrocarbon charging gas accumulation
Geochemical characteristics of ultra-deep natural gas in the Sichuan Basin, SW China 被引量:3
作者 DAI Jinxing NI Yunyan +3 位作者 qin shengfei HUANG Shipeng PENG Weilong HAN Wenxue 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 2018年第4期619-628,共10页
The natural gas components and geochemistry of 38 ultra-deep gas wells(burial depth greater than 6 000 m) in the Sichuan Basin were analyzed to determine the genesis of ultra-deep natural gas in the basin. The ultra-d... The natural gas components and geochemistry of 38 ultra-deep gas wells(burial depth greater than 6 000 m) in the Sichuan Basin were analyzed to determine the genesis of ultra-deep natural gas in the basin. The ultra-deep natural gas components of the basin have the following characteristics: Methane has an absolute advantage, which can be up to 99.56% with an average of 86.6%; ethane is low, with an average of 0.13%; there is nearly no propane and butane. So it is dry gas at over-mature thermal stage. The content of H2 S can be up to 25.21%, with an average of 5.45%. The alkane gas isotopes are: the carbon isotope varies from-32.3‰ to-26.7‰ for methane and from-32.9‰ to-22.1‰ for ethane. There is nearly no carbon isotopic reversal among methane and its homologues. Hydrogen isotope varies from-156‰ to-114‰ for methane, and from-103‰ to-89‰ for some ethane. The carbon isotope of CO_2 varies from-17.2‰ to 1.9‰ and most of them fall within the range of 0±3‰. According to the δ^(13)C_1-δ^(13)C_2-δ^(13)C_3 plot, except some wells, all other ultra-deep gas wells are dominated by coal-derived gas. Based on the CO_2 origin distinguishing plot and δ^(13)C_(CO_2), except some individual wells, most of the ultra-deep CO_2 are of carbonate metamorphic origin. H2 S in the ultra-deep layer of Longgang and Yuanba gas fields belongs to thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR), while H2 S from Well Shuangtan belongs to thermal decomposition of sulfides(TDS). 展开更多
关键词 SICHUAN Basin ultra-deep GAS coal-derived GAS H2S origin geochemistry
Major progress in the natural gas exploration and development in the past seven decades in China 被引量:1
作者 DAI Jinxing qin shengfei +4 位作者 HU Guoyi NI Yunyan GAN Lideng HUANG Shipeng HONG Feng 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 2019年第6期1100-1110,共11页
China has made significant progress in the exploration and development of natural gas in the past 70 years,from the gas-poor country to the world’s sixth largest gas production country.In 1949,the annual gas output i... China has made significant progress in the exploration and development of natural gas in the past 70 years,from the gas-poor country to the world’s sixth largest gas production country.In 1949,the annual gas output in China was 1117×104 m3,the proved gas reserves were 3.85×108 m3,and the average annual gas consumption and available reserves of per person were 0.0206 m3 and 0.7107 m3,respectively.By 2018,the average domestic annual gas production per person was 114.8576 m3 and the reserves were 12011.08 m3,and the average domestic annual gas production and reserves per person in the past 70 years increased by 5575 times and 16900 times,respectively.The exploration and development of large gas fields is the main way to rapidly develop the natural gas industry.72 large gas fields have been discovered in China so far,mainly distributed in three basins,Sichuan(25),Ordos(13)and Tarim(10).In 2018,the total gas production of the large gas fields in these three basins was 1039.26×108 m3,accounting for 65%of the total gas production in China.By the end of 2018,the cumulative proved gas reserves of the 72 large gas fields had amounted to 124504×108 m3,accounting for 75%of the total national gas reserves(16.7×1012 m3).New theories of natural gas have promoted the development of China’s natural gas industry faster.Since 1979,the new theory of coal-derived gas has boosted the discovery of gas fields mainly from coal-measure source rocks in China.In 2018,the gas production of large coal-derived gas fields in China accounted for 50.93%and 75.47%of the total national gas production and total gas production of large gas fields,respectively.Guided by shale gas theories,shale gas fields such as Fuling,Changning,Weiyuan and Weirong have been discovered.In 2018,the total proved geological reserves of shale gas were 10455.67×108 m3,and the annual gas production was 108.8×108 m3,demonstrating a good prospect of shale gas in China. 展开更多
关键词 China natural GAS coal-derived GAS SHALE GAS GAS production GAS RESERVES exploration and development PROGRESS
Relationships of the iC4/n C4 and iC5/nC5 ratios with maturity of coal-derived gases of Triassic Xujiahe Formation in central Sichuan Basin, SW China
作者 qin shengfei HUANG Chunhu +2 位作者 ZHANG Benjian YANG Yu YUAN Miao 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 2019年第3期496-503,共8页
The original gas reservoirs in different areas and different layers of the Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the central Sichuan Basin are studied to reveal the relationships of iC4/nC4 and iC5/nC5 ratios in coal-derived ... The original gas reservoirs in different areas and different layers of the Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the central Sichuan Basin are studied to reveal the relationships of iC4/nC4 and iC5/nC5 ratios in coal-derived gas components with maturity using conventional natural gas geochemical research methods. The testing results of 73 gas samples from 8 gas fields show that the iC4/nC4 and iC5/nC5 ratios in coal-derived gas have a good positive correlation, and the correlation coefficient is above 0.8. Both the iC4/nC4 and iC5/nC5 ratios become higher with the increase of natural gas dryness coefficient (C1/C1+) and the methane carbon isotope becoming less negative. These parameters are highly correlated. This study not only reveals characteristics of heavy hydrocarbon isomers generated by coal formation, but also puts forward new identification indicators reflecting the maturity of coal-derived gas, the regression between iC4/nC4, iC5/nC5 and Ro, which can provide an important reference for maturity, migration and accumulation of coal-derived gas, and late stage reformation of coal-derived gas reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 SICHUAN Basin TRIASSIC Xujiahe Formation coal-derived gas iC4/nC4 iC5/nC5 MATURITY indicator
The key stage and moment of coalbed gas reservior evolution in the Qinshui Basin,China 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Mengjun SONG Yan +4 位作者 SU Xianbo LIU Shaobo qin shengfei HONG Feng LIN Xiaoying 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第S1期92-98,共7页
The evolution of coalbed gas reservoir is characterized by coalbed gas geochemistry and gas content. On the basis of burial history and thermal history, the forming process of coalbed gas reservoir and the gas accumul... The evolution of coalbed gas reservoir is characterized by coalbed gas geochemistry and gas content. On the basis of burial history and thermal history, the forming process of coalbed gas reservoir and the gas accumulative history in the Qinshui Basin are discussed in this paper. The difference of the thermal history, geochemistry characteristic, and gas accumulative history between Yangcheng and Huozhou areas shows that the formation of coalbed gas reservoir in the Qinshui Basin is controlled by the geological process in the critical stage and the critical moment. The components and isotopes of coalbed methane are determined by the stage at which the coal maturation reaches its maximum rank. The coalbed methane accumulative history is related to the temperature and pressure of the coal burial history, because the coalbed gas is mainly in adsorptive state. It is stated that the gas content in the coal seam is controlled by the moment when the coal seam is uplifted to the shallowest position. 展开更多
关键词 BURIAL history KEY STAGE and MOMENT gas ACCUMULATIVE process Qinshui Basin.
氦气与氮气富集耦合作用及其重要意义 被引量:1
作者 秦胜飞 周国晓 +2 位作者 李济远 陶刚 赵姿卓 《天然气地球科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1981-1992,共12页
氦气是重要的稀有战略资源,目前主要来自天然气。氦气如何在气藏中富集是当前研究热点,也是氦气勘探迫切需要解决的关键问题。在柴达木盆地、四川盆地和准噶尔盆地采集天然气样品进行氦气和氮气含量测试及分析,并结合对其他国内外主要... 氦气是重要的稀有战略资源,目前主要来自天然气。氦气如何在气藏中富集是当前研究热点,也是氦气勘探迫切需要解决的关键问题。在柴达木盆地、四川盆地和准噶尔盆地采集天然气样品进行氦气和氮气含量测试及分析,并结合对其他国内外主要富氦气田天然气组分和氦气含量研究,发现富氦气田中氦气含量与氮气具有很好的相关性。不仅如此,一些贫氦气田也存在该现象。据此,提出氦气富集与氮气具有耦合作用,二者同时在天然气中富集,都与地下水有关,可能来自相同的源岩。氦气与氮气耦合关系的提出,或许能够真正找到氦气富集的奥秘,为寻找富氦资源打开新思路,为氦气富集理论提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 氦气 氮气 富集 耦合作用 来源
中国中西部富氦气藏氦气富集机理——古老地层水脱氦富集 被引量:32
作者 秦胜飞 李济远 +2 位作者 梁传国 周国晓 袁苗 《天然气地球科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期1203-1217,共15页
氦气是天然气中的伴生资源,是重要的稀缺战略物资,但对其富集机理研究却比较薄弱。针对富氦气藏中的氦气如何富集这一备受关注的难点问题,采用地球化学研究方法,在分析中国主要富氦气藏中氦气富集的基础上,认为氦气之所以在少数气藏中富... 氦气是天然气中的伴生资源,是重要的稀缺战略物资,但对其富集机理研究却比较薄弱。针对富氦气藏中的氦气如何富集这一备受关注的难点问题,采用地球化学研究方法,在分析中国主要富氦气藏中氦气富集的基础上,认为氦气之所以在少数气藏中富集,是因为气藏额外捕获了古老地层水中释放出的氦气。古老地层水溶解的氦气释放到气藏,是富氦气藏中氦气富集的主要机理。首次提出富氦气藏的形成经历过“多源供氦、主源富氦”的观点,氦源来自烃源岩、储集层中U和Th的放射性衰变,以及地层水中溶解的来自其他岩石U和Th的衰变,主源是古老地层水中溶解的氦气,来自古老地层中U和Th经长时间的衰变积累的水溶氦。当溶有氦气的古老地层水与游离气或气藏相遇,由于水中氦气的分压远高于游离气或气藏中氦气的分压,根据亨利定律,水中的氦气几乎完全可以释放到气藏中,形成富氦气藏。 展开更多
关键词 富氦气藏 氦气 富集机理 水溶气 脱气 地层水
Accumulation process and model for the Ordovician buried hill reservoir in the western Lunnan area,the Tarim Basin 被引量:6
作者 ZHAO MengJun PAN Wenqing +3 位作者 HAN JianFa LIU ShaoBo qin shengfei ZHANG BaoMin 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第A01期224-235,共12页
The Ordovician buried hill reservoir in the western Lunnan area, a type of dissolved fracture and cavernous reservoir, is mainly composed of heavy oil. The oil is the mixture sourcing from the Middle-Lower Cambrian an... The Ordovician buried hill reservoir in the western Lunnan area, a type of dissolved fracture and cavernous reservoir, is mainly composed of heavy oil. The oil is the mixture sourcing from the Middle-Lower Cambrian and Middle-Lower Ordovician, with three stages of pool forming process: (1) the destruction and parallel migration/accumulation during the late Caledonian to early Hercynian; (2) the oil and gas accumulation during the late Hercynian characterized by adjustment upward along faults and parallel migration/accumulation; (3) the formation of heavy oil during the latest Hercynian. The Ordovician buried hill reservoir is affected by the diffusion of light oil and gas but had no hydrocarbon charging during the late Yanshan period to Himalayan period, but in this period, formed the association of heavy oil and dissolved gas cracked from crude oil with dry coefficient of 0.91-0.96. The study on accumulation process of the Ordovician buried hill reservoir has important implications for the exploration potential of early oil and gas accumulation in the cratonic area of the Tarim Basin. 展开更多
关键词 原油 沥青储备 奥陶纪 充填周期
The mechanism of the flowing ground water impacting on coalbed gas content 被引量:3
作者 qin shengfei SONG Yan +1 位作者 TANG Xiuyi FU Guoyou 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第S1期118-123,共6页
The hydrogeological condition affects the coal-bed gas storage dramatically. In an area of stronger hydrodynamics, the coal has a lower gas content, while a higher gas content exists in an area of weaker hydrodynamics... The hydrogeological condition affects the coal-bed gas storage dramatically. In an area of stronger hydrodynamics, the coal has a lower gas content, while a higher gas content exists in an area of weaker hydrodynamics. Obviously, the flowing groundwater is harmful to coalbed gas preservation. But few researches focus on the mechanism of how the flowing water diminishes the coalbed gas content Based on the phenomenon that the flowing groundwater not only makes coalbed gas content lower, but also fractionates the carbon isotope, this research puts forward an idea that it is the water solution that diminishes the coalbed gas content, rather than the water-driven action or the gas dissipation through cap rocks. Only water-soluble action can both fractionate the carbon isotope and lessen the coalbed gas content, and it is an efficient way to take gas away and affect the gas content. 展开更多
Abnormal overpressure distribution and natural gas accumulation in foreland basins, Western China 被引量:3
作者 SONG Yan XIA Xinyu +2 位作者 HONG Feng qin shengfei FU Guoyou 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第S1期71-77,共7页
Abnormal overpressure occurs in the forelandbasins of Kuqa, South Junggar and West Sichuan in China.The pressure coefficients are high. Overpressure exists inwide areas and various strata. The layers of overpressureha... Abnormal overpressure occurs in the forelandbasins of Kuqa, South Junggar and West Sichuan in China.The pressure coefficients are high. Overpressure exists inwide areas and various strata. The layers of overpressurehave a very close relationship with lithology, and the area ofoverpressure is controlled by the piedmont depression. Themechanisms of overpressure formation in the Kuqa andSouth Junggar Depression include disequilibrium compac-tion and tectonic compression; the importance of these twofactors varies in different basins and in different stages of thesame basin. Different models of gas accumulation are estab-lished to explain the relationship between overpressure dis-tribution and gas pool formation, and the influence of over-pressure on the gas pools. These models include: (i) theviolent tectonic movement leads to the pool formation inoverpressure belt (Kela-2 gas field in Kuqa); (ii) the pres-sure releases at shallow part and the gas pool forms in latetime (Hutubi gas field in southern Junggar Basin); (iii)through the pressure transfer the gas migrates and accumu-lates (Xinchang gas field in Western Sichuan Basin). 展开更多
关键词 FORELAND basin ABNORMAL pressure GENESIS natural gas accumulation.
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