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南海外海大洋性渔业资源调查评估进展 被引量:26
作者 张俊 邱永松 +6 位作者 陈作志 张鹏 张魁 范江涛 陈国宝 蔡研聪 孙铭帅 《南方水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期118-127,共10页
南海深水区蕴藏着丰富的大洋性渔业资源。当前,南海北部近海渔业资源被过度捕捞,外海大洋性渔业资源却尚未充分利用,南海大洋性渔业资源评估资料不足成为限制外海渔业研究和合理利用的瓶颈之一。为进一步掌握南海外海渔业资源潜力、渔... 南海深水区蕴藏着丰富的大洋性渔业资源。当前,南海北部近海渔业资源被过度捕捞,外海大洋性渔业资源却尚未充分利用,南海大洋性渔业资源评估资料不足成为限制外海渔业研究和合理利用的瓶颈之一。为进一步掌握南海外海渔业资源潜力、渔场和渔汛等信息,2011年以来,中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所对南海大洋性渔业资源作了持续调查,获得了大量基础资料、重要研究结果和重大发现,首次采用渔业声学并结合灯光罩网同步开展大洋性中上层鱼类资源调查,基于渔业声学-灯光罩网方法评估了主要大洋性渔业类群的资源量和分布,探捕到多处大型渔场并证实了南海大洋性渔业资源巨大的开发潜力等。文章主要报道了近年来中国在南海外海大洋性渔业资源调查评估领域的最新阶段性研究成果,总结了存在的问题和未来的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 大洋性渔业资源 渔业声学 灯光罩网 资源评估 南海
作者 邱永松 陈乾 《电工材料》 CAS 2023年第3期56-59,共4页
针对隐身材料技术方面的问题,提出一种基于数字编码超材料技术,使物体实时自适应隐身的方法,且由于数字编码超材料具有可共形、低剖面、可设计频段宽等特点,在电子对抗、电磁隐身等领域应用前景广阔,是近年来国内外科研工作者研究隐身... 针对隐身材料技术方面的问题,提出一种基于数字编码超材料技术,使物体实时自适应隐身的方法,且由于数字编码超材料具有可共形、低剖面、可设计频段宽等特点,在电子对抗、电磁隐身等领域应用前景广阔,是近年来国内外科研工作者研究隐身技术的热点和方向。 展开更多
关键词 数字编码超材料 实时自适应隐身 电磁隐身
南海海域鸢乌贼中型群与微型群渔业生物学比较 被引量:8
作者 江艳娥 陈作志 +3 位作者 林昭进 邱永松 张鹏 方展强 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期454-466,共13页
根据2012年9—10月采集的780尾鸢乌贼样本,对比研究了中型群和微型群两个种群的渔业生物学特征,为南海海域鸢乌贼渔业资源的管理、保护等提供基础资料。按海洋调查规范测定样本的胴长、体质量、性腺指数和摄食指数等生物学指标,通过磨... 根据2012年9—10月采集的780尾鸢乌贼样本,对比研究了中型群和微型群两个种群的渔业生物学特征,为南海海域鸢乌贼渔业资源的管理、保护等提供基础资料。按海洋调查规范测定样本的胴长、体质量、性腺指数和摄食指数等生物学指标,通过磨片测定耳石生长纹数。结果显示,中型群胴长范围79~266 mm,优势胴长为111~145 mm,平均胴长随纬度的变化不明显;微型群胴长范围56~118 mm,优势胴长为66~95 mm,平均胴长随纬度的升高略呈上升趋势。中型群体质量分布范围17.47~957.20 g,优势体质量为45.01~120.00 g;微型群体质量分布范围5.81~76.56 g,优势体质量为5.01~50.00 g;中型群和微型群平均体质量随纬度的升高均有上升的趋势。中型群和微型群两个群体雌性和雄性样本的胴长和体质量之间的关系均适合幂函数。中型群雌雄比例为0.80∶1,未成熟与成熟个体比例为1.12∶1;微型群雌雄比例为3∶1,未成熟与成熟个体比例为0.83∶1。中型群雌性的性腺指数为1.71,雄性为3.31;微型群雌性的性腺指数为4.07,雄性为4.11。中型群雌性的摄食指数为5.07,雄性为3.54;微型群雌性的摄食指数为1.89,雄性为2.75。中型群耳石日龄范围为30~135 d,微型群耳石日龄范围为44~81 d。根据样本捕捞日期,推测微型群和中型群的产卵高峰分别为7月和8月。南海海域鸢乌贼秋季样本中型群个体规格大于微型群个体,2个群体的性成熟和孵化存在错峰现象,微型群雌性性成熟和产卵略早于中型群的雌性。推断7°、14°和16°N海域是鸢乌贼群体在南海的摄食场。 展开更多
关键词 鸢乌贼 渔业生物学 日龄 孵化 南海
基于DNA条形码研究中国枪乌贼和鸢乌贼的食物种类组成 被引量:5
作者 刘梦娜 徐磊 +7 位作者 王雪辉 刘玉 王淼娣 邱永松 朱江峰 何映霖 贝伟烈 杜飞雁 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期61-69,共9页
中国枪乌贼(Uroteuthis chinensis)和鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)作为中国南海头足类的关键种,对海洋生态系统的物质流动与能量循环具有重要影响,其摄食生态的研究将对海洋食物网的构建具有重要意义。由于传统胃含物分析法难以... 中国枪乌贼(Uroteuthis chinensis)和鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)作为中国南海头足类的关键种,对海洋生态系统的物质流动与能量循环具有重要影响,其摄食生态的研究将对海洋食物网的构建具有重要意义。由于传统胃含物分析法难以准确鉴定糜状饵料生物的组成,本研究利用DNA条码技术,针对中国枪乌贼和鸢乌贼不可辨认的食物糜提取组织DNA,选用线粒体基因细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I(Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I, COI)作为分子标记,获得的序列在Genbank中进行比对分析,并使用GMYC(Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent)模型进行物种界定和构建系统进化关系。结果成功鉴定出中国枪乌贼饵料物种有13种,鸢乌贼饵料物种有8种,共20种(其中1种为共有饵料)。比较发现,汕头-台湾浅滩渔场的中国枪乌贼主要摄食鱼类、甲壳类和头足类,而南海中部海域鸢乌贼则主要摄食鱼类和头足类。两物种均存在同类相食现象,但鸢乌贼表现更明显。 展开更多
关键词 中国枪乌贼 鸢乌贼 摄食 COI基因 DNA条形码 南海 汕头-台湾浅滩渔场
珠江河口棘头梅童鱼生物学特征的年代际变化 被引量:4
作者 熊朋莉 陈作志 +4 位作者 侯刚 张帅 邱永松 范江涛 徐姗楠 《南方水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期31-38,共8页
文章根据1986—1987年和2018—2019年珠江河口棘头梅童鱼(Collichthy lucidus)的调查数据,对其群体结构、生长、摄食等主要生物学特征的年代际变化进行了研究。结果表明,这2个调查时间段内棘头梅童鱼群体优势体长组均为90~110 mm,平均... 文章根据1986—1987年和2018—2019年珠江河口棘头梅童鱼(Collichthy lucidus)的调查数据,对其群体结构、生长、摄食等主要生物学特征的年代际变化进行了研究。结果表明,这2个调查时间段内棘头梅童鱼群体优势体长组均为90~110 mm,平均体长分别为(95±13)mm和(93±18)mm。2个年代际的平均体长无显著差异(P>0.05),但优势体长组个体数占比降低(P<0.05);50%性成熟体长明显缩短。1986—1987年棘头梅童鱼雌性群体初次性成熟体长为112 mm,2018—2019年缩短至88 mm;肥满度、摄食等级、产卵群体中雄性占比均呈上升的趋势。2018—2019年棘头梅童鱼群体、雌性、雄性平均肥满度以及平均摄食等级均高于1986—1987年(P<0.05)。1986—1987年棘头梅童鱼雌、雄个体平均摄食等级差异显著(P<0.05),春、冬季群体平均摄食等级无显著差异(P>0.05),平均肥满度无显著差异(P>0.05)。2018—2019年棘头梅童鱼雌、雄个体的平均肥满度和平均摄食等级均存在显著差异(P<0.05),群体平均摄食等级在春、冬季有显著差异,且冬季的平均摄食等级高于春季(P<0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 棘头梅童鱼 生物学特征 年代际变化 珠江河口
基于北斗船位数据的南海大型灯光罩网渔业研究 被引量:1
作者 钱静 李佳俊 +4 位作者 陈作志 马胜伟 张鹏 邱永松 蔡研聪 《南方水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1-9,共9页
基于北斗船位数据的渔船监测系统可通过船位特征反映渔船作业特点,为渔业资源的开发管理提供科学依据。对2018年南海外海大型灯光罩网渔业进行了分析。结果显示,北斗船位监控系统共记录来自广东、广西、海南三省区的121艘大型灯光罩网... 基于北斗船位数据的渔船监测系统可通过船位特征反映渔船作业特点,为渔业资源的开发管理提供科学依据。对2018年南海外海大型灯光罩网渔业进行了分析。结果显示,北斗船位监控系统共记录来自广东、广西、海南三省区的121艘大型灯光罩网渔船的8821681条船位记录,平均每天每艘船406条。北斗船位监控系统记录船位信息的频次在省份间存在差异,且外海明显多于近岸。根据船位数据可判断大型灯光罩网的作业天数及位置变化。其中渔船春季主要在南沙海区作业,夏季主要在珠江口外海作业,秋冬季在北部湾和中、西沙海区作业;2018年共作业19986 d,作业天数从高到低依次为春季7768 d(38.87%)、秋季4738 d(23.71%)、冬季4406 d(22.04%)、夏季3074 d(15.38%)。此外,还探讨了应用北斗船位监控系统监测大型灯光罩网渔船的优势与不足,得出利用北斗船位监控系统对南海大型灯光罩网渔船进行监测,可以快速、全面地掌握南海大型灯光罩网渔业的空间分布和动态变化。 展开更多
关键词 大型灯光罩网 北斗渔船监测系统 船位数据 南海
Population parameters and dynamic pool models of commercial fishes in the Beibu Gulf, northern South China Sea 被引量:13
作者 WANG Xuehui qiu yongsong +3 位作者 DU Feiyan LIN Zhaojin SUN Dianrong HUANG Shuolin 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期105-117,共13页
Length-frequency data of eight commercial fish species in the Beibu Gulf (Golf of Tonkin), northern South China Sea, were collected during 2006-2007. Length-weight relationships and growth and mortality parameters w... Length-frequency data of eight commercial fish species in the Beibu Gulf (Golf of Tonkin), northern South China Sea, were collected during 2006-2007. Length-weight relationships and growth and mortality parameters were analyzed using FiSAT II software. Five species had isometric growth, two species had negative allometric growth, and one species had positive allometric growth. Overall, the exploitation rates of the eight species were lower in 2006 2007 than in 1997-1999: for four species (Saurida tumbil, Saurida undosquamis, Argyrosomus macrocephalus, and Nemipterus virgatus) it was lower in 2006-2007 than in 1997 1999, for two species (Parargyrops edita and Trichiurus haumela) it remained the same, and for the other two species (Trachurus japonicus and Decapterus maruadsi) it was higher in 2006~007 than in 1997-1999. The exploitation rates might have declined because of the decline in fishing intensity caused by high crude oil prices. The optimum exploitation rate, estimated using Beverton-Holt dynamic pool models, indicated that although fishes in the Beibu Gulf could sustain high exploitation rates, the under-size fishes at first capture resulted in low yields. To increase the yield per recruitment, it is more effective to increase the size at first capture than to control fishing effort. 展开更多
关键词 commercial fish population parameters dynamic pool model stock status Beibu Gulf northern South China Sea
Quantitative model of trophic interactions in Beibu Gulf ecosystem in the northern South China Sea 被引量:5
作者 CHEN Zuozhi qiu yongsong JIA Xiaoping 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期116-124,共9页
A mass-balanced model was constructed to determine the flow-energy in a community of fishes and invertebrates in the Beibu Gulf, northern South China Sea using Ecopath and Ecosim software. Input parameters were taken ... A mass-balanced model was constructed to determine the flow-energy in a community of fishes and invertebrates in the Beibu Gulf, northern South China Sea using Ecopath and Ecosim software. Input parameters were taken from the literature, except for the biomass of fish groups which was obtained from trawl surveys during October 1997 to May 1999 in the study area. The model consisted of 16 functional groups (boxes), including one marine mammal and seabirds, each representing organisms with a similar role in the food web, and only covered the main trophic flow in the Beibu Gulf ecosystem. The results showed that the food web of Beibu Gulf was dominated by the detrital path and benthic invertebrates played a significant role in transferring energy from the detritus to higher trophic levels; phytoplankton was a primary producer and most utilized as a food source. Fractional trophic levels ranged from 1.0 to 4.08 with marine mammals occupying the highest trophic level. Using network analysis, the system network was mapped into a linear food chain and six discrete trophic levels were found with a mean transfer efficiency of 16.7% from the detritus, 16.2% from the primary producer within the ecosystem. The biomass density of the commercially utilized species estimated by the model is 8.46 t/km^2, only O. 48% of the net primary production. 展开更多
关键词 trophic dynamics modeling energy flow network analysis Beibu Gulf ecosystem
锂离子电池双壳硅基复合负极材料制备及性能 被引量:1
作者 邱永松 李丽 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第12期1537-1539,共3页
针对硅基负极材料在体积膨胀、HF腐蚀、SEI膜不稳定、电导率低等问题,降低了其材料的稳定性和实用性,基于此,提出了一种基于硅纳米核颗粒与碳化层构筑核壳型硅碳为内核即内壳,通过化学或机械方法,在其内壳表面包覆纳米级纤维状多孔氧化... 针对硅基负极材料在体积膨胀、HF腐蚀、SEI膜不稳定、电导率低等问题,降低了其材料的稳定性和实用性,基于此,提出了一种基于硅纳米核颗粒与碳化层构筑核壳型硅碳为内核即内壳,通过化学或机械方法,在其内壳表面包覆纳米级纤维状多孔氧化锡层、HF隔绝层和最外层人造SEI膜功能Li+导体层为外壳,制备得到一种多层包覆硅基核壳结构的双壳结构锂离子电池负极材料。实验结果表明,该双壳硅基负极材料首次效率高达98.8%,300次循环后容量保持率仍有96.4%。实验结果验证了该双壳结构不但可以弥补硅基内核与包覆材料各自的缺陷,而且通过协同作用大幅提升了硅基负极材料在首次效率、容量保持率、高能量密度、高稳定性和循环寿命等方面的性能。 展开更多
关键词 锂离子电池 双壳结构 多层包覆 多孔氧化锡 负极材料
Statolith Morphology of the Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in the Central South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 Jiang Yan'e Chen Zuozhi +3 位作者 Zhang Peng Lin Zhaojin qiu yongsong Fang Zhanqiang 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2015年第5期284-289,共6页
The morphology, microstructure and demographic parameters of statolith of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis were studied from 90 individuals captured in the central South China Sea in September and October, 2012. The marphol... The morphology, microstructure and demographic parameters of statolith of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis were studied from 90 individuals captured in the central South China Sea in September and October, 2012. The marphologic results showed that the statolith has great lateral dome and wing dome, small dorsal dome, and long narrow rostrum dome. S. Oualaniensis could be divided into three populations by statolith morphology in the central South China Sea. Five most important featured parameters including total statolith length (TSL), wing length (WL), maximum width (MW) were described by logarithmic functions with mental length (ML) (P 〈 0.05 ) ; rostnnn length ( RSL), dorsolateral length (DLL) were described by linear functions with ML( P 〈 0.05 ). With the squid growth, the size of statolith gradually develops, while the ratio of each featured parameter to ML slowly decreases, the ratio of DLL, LDL, RSL and WL to TSL almost remain the same level, corresponding to 48.05%, 60.05%, 35.44%, 67.59%, and the ratio of LDL and WL to SL show little higher. 展开更多
关键词 Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis STATOLITH MORPHOLOGY South China Sea
Review on the Biology of Purpleback Flying Squid in South China Sea
作者 Fan Jiangtao Feng Xue +2 位作者 qiu yongsong Huang Zirong Chen Guobao 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2015年第2期119-125,共7页
Purpleback flying squid (Sthenoeuthis oualaniensis) is an important marine economic species, studying its biological characteristics is very important for the resource assessment and management. This paper summed up... Purpleback flying squid (Sthenoeuthis oualaniensis) is an important marine economic species, studying its biological characteristics is very important for the resource assessment and management. This paper summed up domestic and international information of squid biology, and showed some details on this subject. According to the squid life history :egg, larvae, juveniles and adult fish stage, it summarized from the age of growth, population structure, migration, spawning, vertical distribution, habitat, and status of resources. There is little research on the squid larvae and the signs of juveniles period ended are not clear. Adult fish is divided into four main populations and two minor popular ons, the large group, medium-sized group, small group and mini-group, while medium-sized groups can be divided into medium uniaxial group and medium-sized biaxial according to the characteristics of the inner shell. The distribution of purpleback flying squid has the "island correlation", it usually ascend to the surface at night and drop to the deep-water during the daytime. Purpleback flying squid plays an important role in the ecosystem. It is the main food of many fish, and marine mammals ; also it is the predators of crustaceans and small fish. It has the self-feed characteristics. Purpleback flying squid widely distributes in the 38 °N to 40°S tropical and subtropical waters, especially in the South China Sea, the catchability is (130 -200)×10^4 tons in one year. 展开更多
关键词 Purpleback flying squid BIOLOGY South China Sea
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