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作者 唐南军 任荣彩 +1 位作者 祝传栋 吴国雄 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期967-986,共20页
夏季南亚高压的“双模态”分布对应着其中心位置在10~20天准双周时间尺度上的东—西振荡,对青藏高原及周边上对流层的水汽分布和传输有显著影响。本文利用夏季7~8月逐日的ERAI再分析资料,通过基于南亚高压东—西振荡指数的位相合成分析... 夏季南亚高压的“双模态”分布对应着其中心位置在10~20天准双周时间尺度上的东—西振荡,对青藏高原及周边上对流层的水汽分布和传输有显著影响。本文利用夏季7~8月逐日的ERAI再分析资料,通过基于南亚高压东—西振荡指数的位相合成分析发现,当南亚高压呈青藏高原模态时,青藏高原(伊朗高原)地区上对流层水汽含量异常偏高(低),伊朗高原模态时则相反;伴随南亚高压中心位置由青藏高原向西移至伊朗高原上空,上对流层水汽含量正异常中心亦自青藏高原东侧向西逐渐传播到伊朗高原以西地区。进一步诊断表明,除了在青藏高原北侧和南侧水汽经向绝热输送异常有抵消作用外,两高原地区上对流层水汽倾向异常主要由水汽纬向绝热输送异常及其辐合辐散异常所贡献,而青藏高原地区对流活动引起的垂直非绝热输送异常在上对流层则主要与剩余项(水汽的凝结和蒸发)相抵消。因此,青藏高原(伊朗高原)上对流层为水汽含量正异常时对应着青藏高原上空的对流活动异常偏弱(强)。而南亚高压中心位置和上对流层水汽含量正异常中心自青藏高原向伊朗高原移动的过程,对应着青藏高原地区的对流活动异常和垂直向上的水汽非绝热输送异常不断增强,同时上对流层水汽凝结异常也不断增强。此外,南亚高压向西移动过程中,上对流层水汽绝热辐合(辐散)异常主要发生在其西(东)侧,这是造成水汽含量异常中心纬向传播的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 南亚高压东—西振荡 青藏高原周边 上对流层水汽 分布与传输
作者 李亚飞 任荣彩 +1 位作者 虞越越 CAI Ming 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期875-892,共18页
本文利用1979~2020年ERA5逐日再分析数据,分析了在平流层北半球环状模(NAM)正负事件中,阻塞高压(简称阻高)发生及其调制地面温度异常型的统计特征。结果表明,北半球的四个阻高系统分别趋于在NAM事件的不同阶段发生,其中格陵兰阻高(GB)... 本文利用1979~2020年ERA5逐日再分析数据,分析了在平流层北半球环状模(NAM)正负事件中,阻塞高压(简称阻高)发生及其调制地面温度异常型的统计特征。结果表明,北半球的四个阻高系统分别趋于在NAM事件的不同阶段发生,其中格陵兰阻高(GB)和北太平洋阻高(NPB)更趋于出现在正NAM事件的发展阶段和负NAM事件的衰减阶段,乌拉尔山阻高(UB)多出现在正NAM事件的衰减阶段和负NAM事件的发展阶段,而大西洋–欧洲阻高(AEB)则多发生在正、负NAM事件的衰减阶段。尽管NAM事件过程中有阻高发生的天数远少于无阻高发生的天数,但阻高的存在对平流层NAM影响下的地面温度异常空间型有显著的调制作用,特别是在正NAM事件中,GB的出现可导致欧亚大陆从整体偏暖或北暖—南冷型变为北冷—南暖型,同时导致北美大陆从整体偏冷或北冷—南暖型变为北暖—南冷型;此外在负NAM事件衰减阶段出现的UB,不仅可导致欧亚大陆的北冷—南暖型反转为北暖—南冷型,亦可使北美大陆由北暖—南冷型转为南暖—北冷型。相比之下,AEB和NPB两阻高发生时地面温度异常型多由平流层NAM的影响所主导,即阻高的调制作用并不显著。在NAM影响以及各阻高的协同作用下,从正NAM事件峰值至负NAM事件发展阶段,整个中纬度地区欧亚大陆偏冷、北美偏暖;从负NAM事件衰减阶段至正NAM事件的初始阶段则相反;两大陆地区的温度异常多呈中—高纬南北反位相变化特征。本文进一步通过蒙特卡洛随机取样检验,证实了上述关于阻高调制地面温度异常型的结论。 展开更多
关键词 平流层北半球环状模 阻塞高压 地面温度异常 调制
夏季青藏高原地区水汽向平流层的等熵绝热和非绝热传输的气候学特征及其与落基山地区的对比 被引量:3
作者 唐南军 任荣彩 +1 位作者 邹晓蕾 吴国雄 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期183-201,共19页
夏季亚洲季风区是对流层向平流层物质输送的主要通道,其对平流层水汽的变化有重要贡献。以往的研究表明亚洲季风区向平流层的水汽传输主要在青藏高原及周边地区。本文利用多年平均的逐日ERAi、MERRA再分析数据和微波临边观测仪(Microwav... 夏季亚洲季风区是对流层向平流层物质输送的主要通道,其对平流层水汽的变化有重要贡献。以往的研究表明亚洲季风区向平流层的水汽传输主要在青藏高原及周边地区。本文利用多年平均的逐日ERAi、MERRA再分析数据和微波临边观测仪(Microwave Limb Sounder,MLS)数据,首先对比分析夏季青藏高原周边上空水汽的分布特征,再利用再分析资料分析了对流层—平流层水汽传输的特征。结果表明:青藏高原周边特定的等熵面和对流层顶结构分布有利于水汽向平流层的绝热输送;在南亚高压的东北侧,从青藏高原到中太平洋地区,340~360 K层次存在最为显著的水汽向平流层的纬向等熵绝热输送通道,7~8月平均输送强度可达约7×103 kg s-1。此外,在伊朗高原及南亚高压的西部,350~360 K层次也存在一支水汽向平流层的经向等熵绝热输送通道,但强度相对较弱(约2.5×103kgs-1)。在青藏高原南侧370~380K层次存在强的水汽向平流层的非绝热输送,主要由深对流和大尺度上升运动引起,7~8月平均输送强度约0.4×103 kg s-1。落基山以东到大西洋西部,350~360 K层次存在水汽向平流层的纬向等熵绝热输送通道,但强度也弱得多(约2.5×103 kg s-1)。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 水汽传输 绝热和非绝热
青藏高原及周边UTLS水汽时空特征的多源资料对比 被引量:5
作者 唐南军 任荣彩 吴国雄 《大气科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期275-286,共12页
利用Aura卫星微波临边观测仪(Microwave Limb Sounder,MLS)数据,评估了ERA-I、MERRA、JRA-55、CFSR和NCEP2等5套再分析资料的水汽数据在青藏高原及周边上对流层-下平流层(Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere,UTLS)的质量,然后选... 利用Aura卫星微波临边观测仪(Microwave Limb Sounder,MLS)数据,评估了ERA-I、MERRA、JRA-55、CFSR和NCEP2等5套再分析资料的水汽数据在青藏高原及周边上对流层-下平流层(Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere,UTLS)的质量,然后选取其中质量较好的两套水汽数据,分析它们对青藏高原及周边UTLS水汽的时空分布和演变的表征能力。结果表明,与MLS数据相比,5套再分析资料中在UTLS普遍偏湿,最大偏湿在上对流层215 hPa,约为165%,而在下平流层,ERA-I和MERRA与MLS的差异相对较小。总的来看,ERA-I和MERRA表征的水汽与MLS更为接近。进一步的对比表明,ERA-I和MERRA中青藏高原及周边水汽含量的时空分布与MLS较为接近,夏季能够表征青藏高原在纬向和经向上的水汽高值区,冬季能够表征对流层顶、西风急流中心附近的水汽梯度带,而且MERRA的结果要好于ERA-I。ERA-I、MERRA和MLS中青藏高原地区的水汽季节演变都表现为冬季1-2月水汽含量低,夏季7-8月水汽含量高,水汽的季节变化在200~300 hPa最大。MLS资料显示,在青藏高原地区对流层顶附近,存在随时间向上向极的水汽传输信号。相较而言,ERA-I对向上水汽传输信号的表征更好,而MERRA对下平流层(100 hPa)向极水汽传输信号的表征更好。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 上对流层-下平流层 水汽 对比分析
夏季青藏高原及周边上对流层水汽质量及其向平流层传输年际异常.Ⅰ:水汽质量异常主导型 被引量:3
作者 唐南军 任荣彩 +1 位作者 吴国雄 虞越越 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期239-256,共18页
本文利用逐年7~8月平均的ERA-Interim再分析资料并结合SWOOSH(Stratospheric water and ozone satellite homogenized)水汽数据,分析了青藏高原及周边地区330~360 K层次水汽质量分布的年际异常特征及其成因。结果表明,水汽质量分布异常... 本文利用逐年7~8月平均的ERA-Interim再分析资料并结合SWOOSH(Stratospheric water and ozone satellite homogenized)水汽数据,分析了青藏高原及周边地区330~360 K层次水汽质量分布的年际异常特征及其成因。结果表明,水汽质量分布异常表现为整体异常型、东西偶极异常型和南北偶极异常型三个主导分布型。整体异常型在水汽质量整体偏多时,青藏高原地区对流和垂直向上的水汽质量非绝热传输偏强,上对流层为异常偏强的水汽质量非绝热辐合;此时对应南亚高压偏强,青藏高原地区上对流层的水汽质量绝热辐散和高原以西地区的水汽质量绝热辐合都异常偏强,水汽质量整体偏少时则相反。东西偶极异常型水汽质量呈西多/东少分布时,青藏高原西部(中东部)对流和垂直向上的水汽质量非绝热传输异常偏强(弱),上对流层的水汽质量非绝热辐合和水汽质量绝热辐散也异常偏强(偏弱);同时对应南亚高压偏西,青藏高原以西到伊朗高原的上对流层有异常的自东向西的水汽质量绝热输送和水汽质量绝热辐合。水汽质量呈西少/东多分布时则有相反的结果。南北偶极异常型水汽质量呈北多/南少分布时,对应南亚高压偏北,青藏高原北部的上对流层有异常自南向北的水汽质量绝热输送所造成的水汽质量辐合,同时该地区低层异常偏强的自下向上的水汽质量非绝热输送也加强水汽质量辐合,而青藏高原南侧上对流层则为异常偏弱的水汽质量绝热辐散和水汽质量非绝热辐合,水汽质量呈北少/南多分布时相反。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 水汽质量分布 年际异常 绝热和非绝热
夏季青藏高原及周边上对流层水汽质量及其向平流层传输年际异常.Ⅱ:向平流层的绝热和非绝热传输 被引量:1
作者 唐南军 任荣彩 +1 位作者 吴国雄 虞越越 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期503-518,共16页
夏季7~8月青藏高原及周边地区上对流层水汽质量的年际异常分布为整体异常型和东西偶极异常型所主导。本文基于ERA-Interim再分析资料并利用HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)轨迹模式,分析了两个主导... 夏季7~8月青藏高原及周边地区上对流层水汽质量的年际异常分布为整体异常型和东西偶极异常型所主导。本文基于ERA-Interim再分析资料并利用HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)轨迹模式,分析了两个主导分布型对应的水汽质量向平流层绝热和非绝热传输的异常特征,结果表明:青藏高原上空水汽质量整体偏多(少)时,对应南亚高压和青藏高原地区垂直向上的水汽质量非绝热输送偏强(弱),青藏高原及周边水汽质量向平流层的绝热和非绝热传输均偏强(弱)。水汽质量整体偏多与偏少年,水汽质量向平流层绝热和非绝热传输的主要区域和层次相近,只是水汽质量整体偏多年,水汽质量向平流层非绝热传输的层次略高。当青藏高原上空水汽质量呈西多/东少分布时,对应南亚高压偏西,青藏高原西北、东北侧水汽质量向中纬度平流层的绝热传输偏强,青藏高原南侧高层水汽质量向热带平流层的经向绝热传输也偏强,而青藏高原北侧水汽质量向中纬度平流层的经向绝热传输明显减弱。同时青藏高原主体上空水汽质量向平流层的非绝热传输偏强,而青藏高原南侧高层和北侧低层水汽质量向平流层的非绝热传输偏弱。水汽质量呈西少/东多分布时有相反的结果。轨迹模式模拟的结果证实了水汽质量整体偏多年,青藏高原及周边地区绝热进入平流层的轨迹频次偏多;也证实了水汽质量呈西多/东少分布时,青藏高原西北、东北和南侧绝热进入平流层的轨迹频次偏多,而青藏高原北侧绝热进入平流层的轨迹频次偏少。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原 水汽质量传输 绝热和非绝热 HYSPLIT轨迹模式
Parallel Comparison of the Northern Winter Stratospheric Circulation in Reanalysis and in CMIP5 Models 被引量:7
作者 RAO Jian ren rongcai YANG Yang 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第7期952-966,共15页
A parallel comparison is made of the circulation climatology and the leading oscillation mode of the northern winter stratosphere among six reanalysis products and 24 CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phas... A parallel comparison is made of the circulation climatology and the leading oscillation mode of the northern winter stratosphere among six reanalysis products and 24 CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models. The results reveal that the NCEP/NCAR, NECP/DOE, ERA40, ERA-Interim and JRA25 reanalyses are quite consistent in describ- ing the climatology and annual cycle of the stratospheric circulation. The 20CR reanalysis, however, exhibits a remarkable "cold pole" bias accompanied by a much stronger stratospheric polar jet, similar as in some CMIP5 models. Compared to the 1-2 month seasonal drift in most coupled general circulation models (GCMs), the seasonal cycle of the stratospheric zonal wind in most earth system models (ESMs) agrees very well with reanalysis. Similar to the climatology, the amplitude of Polar Vortex Oscillation (PVO) events also varies among CMIP5 models. The P^O amplitude in most GCMs is relatively weaker than in reanalysis, while that in most of the ESMs is more realistic. In relation to the "cold pole" bias and the weaker oscillation in some CMIP5 GCMs, the frequency of PVO events is significantly underestimated by CMIP5 GCMs; while in most ESMs, it is comparable to that in reanalysis. The PVO events in reanalysis (except in 20CR) mainly occur from mid-winter to early spring (January-March); but in some of the CMIP5 models, a l-2 month delay exists, especially in most of the CMIP5 GCMs. The long-term trend of the PVO time series does not correspond to long-term changes in the frequency of PVO events in most of the CMIP5 models. 展开更多
关键词 CMIP5 northern winter stratospheric circulation Polar Vortex Oscillation
Attributing Analysis on the Model Bias in Surface Temperature in the Climate System Model FGOALS-s2 through a Process-Based Decomposition Method 被引量:4
作者 YANG Yang ren rongcai +1 位作者 Ming CAI RAO Jian 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期457-469,共13页
This study uses the coupled atmosphere–surface climate feedback–response analysis method(CFRAM) to analyze the surface temperature biases in the Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System model, spectral versi... This study uses the coupled atmosphere–surface climate feedback–response analysis method(CFRAM) to analyze the surface temperature biases in the Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System model, spectral version 2(FGOALS-s2)in January and July. The process-based decomposition of the surface temperature biases, defined as the difference between the model and ERA-Interim during 1979–2005, enables us to attribute the model surface temperature biases to individual radiative processes including ozone, water vapor, cloud, and surface albedo; and non-radiative processes including surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, and dynamic processes at the surface and in the atmosphere. The results show that significant model surface temperature biases are almost globally present, are generally larger over land than over oceans, and are relatively larger in summer than in winter. Relative to the model biases in non-radiative processes, which tend to dominate the surface temperature biases in most parts of the world, biases in radiative processes are much smaller, except in the sub-polar Antarctic region where the cold biases from the much overestimated surface albedo are compensated for by the warm biases from nonradiative processes. The larger biases in non-radiative processes mainly lie in surface heat fluxes and in surface dynamics,which are twice as large in the Southern Hemisphere as in the Northern Hemisphere and always tend to compensate for each other. In particular, the upward/downward heat fluxes are systematically underestimated/overestimated in most parts of the world, and are mainly compensated for by surface dynamic processes including the increased heat storage in deep oceans across the globe. 展开更多
关键词 ATTRIBUTION model bias surface temperature FGOALS-s2 CFRAM
Advances in Researches on the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in 2008-2010 被引量:2
作者 Chen Zeyu Chen Hongbin +6 位作者 Lue Daren Xu Jiyao Chen Wen Tian Wenshou ren rongcai Hu Yongyun Huang Kaiming 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期456-463,共8页
This paper summarizes the results of the researches on the middle and upper atmosphere obtained by Chinese scientists in 2008-2010.The focuses are specifically placed on the researches being associated with ground-bas... This paper summarizes the results of the researches on the middle and upper atmosphere obtained by Chinese scientists in 2008-2010.The focuses are specifically placed on the researches being associated with ground-based observation capability development,dynamical processes,the property of atmospheric circulation and the chemistry-climate coupling of the middle atmospheric layers. 展开更多
关键词 中高层大气 中国科学家 观测能力 动力过程 大气化学 大气环流 气候
Advances in the Researches of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in China in 2012–2014 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Zeyu CHEN Hongbin +11 位作者 XU Jiyao BIAN Jianchun QIE Xiushu Lü Daren CHEN Wen ren rongcai ZHANG Shaodong DOU Xiankang LI Tao HU Xiong HU Yongyun TIAN Wenshou 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期669-687,共19页
In this report we summarize the research results by Chinese scientists in 2012–2014. The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere, specifically the researches related to ground-based ob... In this report we summarize the research results by Chinese scientists in 2012–2014. The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere, specifically the researches related to ground-based observation capability development, dynamical processes, the property of circulation and chemistry-climate coupling of the middle atmospheric layers. 展开更多
关键词 MIDDLE and UPPER ATMOSPHERE Composition Structure Dynamics INFRASTRUCTURE Monitoring CAMPAIGN
作者 虞越越 李亚飞 +1 位作者 任荣彩 崔正飞 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1484-1504,共21页
平流层爆发性增温(SSW)超前于对流层环流异常,是延长冬季寒潮低温预报时效的重要途径之一。然而强SSW事件前后地面温度响应的区域和时间存在不确定性,其中涉及的平流层—对流层耦合过程和机理也不十分清楚。本文采用1979~2021年ERA5再... 平流层爆发性增温(SSW)超前于对流层环流异常,是延长冬季寒潮低温预报时效的重要途径之一。然而强SSW事件前后地面温度响应的区域和时间存在不确定性,其中涉及的平流层—对流层耦合过程和机理也不十分清楚。本文采用1979~2021年ERA5再分析数据集,研究了2020/2021年冬季“偏心型”强SSW事件前后中高纬度地区地面温度异常的演变特征,并分析了其与等熵大气经向质量环流平流层—对流层分支的耦合演变模态的动力联系。结果表明,伴随此次强SSW事件,亚洲和北美中纬度地区的寒潮低温事件分别在绕极西风反转为东风之前和再次恢复为西风之后发生。SSW前后大气经向质量环流的平流层向极地暖支与对流层高层向极暖支、低层向赤道冷支之间呈现出三个阶段的耦合演变模态:同位相“加强—加强”、反位相“加强—减弱”以及反位相“减弱—加强”。加强的质量环流对流层向赤道冷支是SSW前后寒潮低温事件的主要原因,而加强的向极地平流层暖支是SSW发生及其伴随的北极涛动负位相持续加强的主要原因。大气经向质量环流不同的垂直耦合模态取决于行星波槽脊在对流层顶和对流层中低层两个关键等熵面上的西倾角异常。西倾角异常表征大气波动的斜压性,主要通过影响关键等熵面以上向极地的净质量输送和其下向赤道的净质量输送进行调控。尤其在SSW发生后的极涡恢复期,对流层顶处异常偏弱的斜压性会加强对流层向极地暖支,进而加强向赤道冷支,有利于寒潮低温的发生。本次SSW事件前后大气经向质量环流三支的耦合演变模态,与历年平流层北半球环状模(NAM)负事件中极区平流层温度异常信号下传滞后的平流层—对流层耦合演变类型相一致,其在波动尺度方面也存在共同特征,即SSW事件或NAM负事件前期对流层一波加强且上传,后期对流层二波加强但较难上传。 展开更多
关键词 平流层爆发性增温 寒潮低温 等熵大气经向质量环流 平流层—对流层耦合
Dynamical role of the Rocky Mountain controlled by East Asian topographies in modulating the tropospheric westerly jet in northern winter 被引量:1
作者 XIA Xin ren rongcai YU Yueyue 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第1期66-72,共7页
本文通过数值模拟,研究了有无东亚地形存在时,落基山地形作用对冬季北半球副热带西风急流的影响,分析了东亚大地形对落基山地形的调制作用。结果表明,东亚地形的存在能够完全抑制落基山地形对太平洋副热带急流的加强作用,使得落基山地... 本文通过数值模拟,研究了有无东亚地形存在时,落基山地形作用对冬季北半球副热带西风急流的影响,分析了东亚大地形对落基山地形的调制作用。结果表明,东亚地形的存在能够完全抑制落基山地形对太平洋副热带急流的加强作用,使得落基山地形作用仅能加强其下游的大西洋副热带急流。主要原因是东亚大地形可抑制落基山地形北侧反气旋环流的发展,进而抑制中纬度太平洋地区经向温度梯度的加强。该结果有助于我们进一步理解北半球大地形强迫作用,及其相互调制作用对对流层天气和环流结构的影响。 展开更多
关键词 落基山 东亚大地形 地形强迫 副热带急流
Advances in the Researches of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in China in 2014-2016
作者 CHEN Zeyu XU Jiyao +8 位作者 HU Xiong CHEN Hongbin CHEN Wen WEI Ke BIAN Jianchun TIAN Wenshou ZHANG Shaodong ren rongcai DOU Xiankang 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期738-752,共15页
In this report the research results by Chinese scientists in 2014—2016 are summarized.The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere,specifically the researches associated with ground-bas... In this report the research results by Chinese scientists in 2014—2016 are summarized.The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere,specifically the researches associated with ground-based observation capabihty development,dynamical processes,and properties of circulation and chemistry-climate coupling of the middle atmospheric layers. 展开更多
关键词 中高层大气 中国科学家 研究成果 观察能力 耦合特性 大气化学 中间层 气候
Advances in the Researches of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere in China in 2020-2022
作者 CHEN Zeyu XU Jiyao +14 位作者 CHEN Hongbin CHEN Wen ren rongcai HU Xiong ZHU Yajun XUE Xianghui LU Gaopeng ZHANG Shaodong HUANG Kaiming TIAN Wenshou ZHANG Jiankai HU Dingzhu RAO Jian HU Yongyun XIA Yan 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期684-711,共28页
This report reviews the researches for the middle and upper atmosphere in 2020-2022 by Chinese scientists.The report consists of five parts introducing primarily the results from the aspects of the development of infr... This report reviews the researches for the middle and upper atmosphere in 2020-2022 by Chinese scientists.The report consists of five parts introducing primarily the results from the aspects of the development of infrastructure,the structure and composition,the climate and modeling,the dynamics for the middle and upper atmosphere,and Coupling between Stratosphere and Troposphere,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Middle and upper atmosphere Structure and composition CLIMATE DYNAMICS
The Rossby wave train patterns forced by shallower and deeper Tibetan Plateau atmospheric heat-source in summer in a linear baroclinic model
作者 ZHU Chuandong ren rongcai 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2019年第1期35-40,共6页
观测结果表明,在夏季青藏高原高层大气热源(TPUHS)的发展和衰减阶段(高原热源由浅向深发展),北半球的环流异常表现出不同的Rossby波列型。本研究利用线性斜压模式LBM来探究深浅TPUHS的波列效应。模拟结果表明,深浅TPUHS能强迫出不同的Ro... 观测结果表明,在夏季青藏高原高层大气热源(TPUHS)的发展和衰减阶段(高原热源由浅向深发展),北半球的环流异常表现出不同的Rossby波列型。本研究利用线性斜压模式LBM来探究深浅TPUHS的波列效应。模拟结果表明,深浅TPUHS能强迫出不同的Rossby波列型,而且波列型与观测结果相似。对应浅的TPUHS,Rossby波列型从青藏高原延伸至美国西海岸;而对应深的TPUHS,Rossby波列型从青藏高原延伸至阿拉斯加。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原高层大气热源 深浅热源 Rossby波列型
Seasonal timing of stratospheric final warming associated with the intensity of stratospheric sudden warming in preceding winter 被引量:4
作者 HU JingGao ren rongcai +1 位作者 XU HaiMing YANG ShuangYan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期615-627,共13页
The association of seasonal timing of stratospheric final warming events(SFWs) in spring and the occurrence of major and minor stratospheric sudden warming events(SSWs) in midwinter were investigated through statistic... The association of seasonal timing of stratospheric final warming events(SFWs) in spring and the occurrence of major and minor stratospheric sudden warming events(SSWs) in midwinter were investigated through statistical analysis, parallel comparison, and composite analysis, based on the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis dataset covering 1958–2012. It was found that the intensity and occurrence of winter SSW events can largely affect the timing of spring SFWs. Specifically, the SFW onset dates tend to be later(earlier) after the occurrence(absence) of winter major SSWs. However, the occurrence or absence of minor SSWs does not change the frequency of early and late SFWs. A parallel comparison of the temporal evolution of the anomalous circulation and planetary-waves between major SSW and minor SSW winters indicates that the stratospheric polar vortex(polar jet) will keep being anomalously stronger 30 days after major SSW onset. And the associated significant negative Eliassen-Palm(EP) flux anomalies can persist for as long as 45 days after major SSW events. In contrast, the circulation anomalies around the occurrence of minor SSW events can last only a few days. To further verify the possible influence of the occurrence of major SSWs on the seasonal timing of SFWs, composite analysis was performed respectively for the 21 major-SSW years, 15 minor-SSW years, and the 15 non-SSW years. Generally, planetary-wave activity in the extratropical stratosphere tends to be stronger(weaker) and the westerly polar jet is anomalously weaker(stronger) in major-SSW(non-SSW) winters. But in the following spring, the planetary-wave activity is weaker(stronger) accompanied with an anomalously stronger(weaker) stratospheric polar vortex. In spring after minor-SSW years, however, the stratospheric polar vortex and the westerly polar jet exhibit a state close to climatology with relatively gentle variations. 展开更多
关键词 平流层 季节性 冬季 环流异常 时序 强度 NCEP 行星波
The boreal spring stratospheric final warming and its interannual and interdecadal variability 被引量:4
作者 HU JingGao ren rongcai +1 位作者 YU YueYue XU HaiMing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期710-718,共9页
Based on the daily NCEP/DOE reanalysis II data,dates of the boreal spring Stratospheric Final Warming(SFW) events during 1979–2010 are defined as the time when the zonal-mean zonal wind at the central latitudes(65... Based on the daily NCEP/DOE reanalysis II data,dates of the boreal spring Stratospheric Final Warming(SFW) events during 1979–2010 are defined as the time when the zonal-mean zonal wind at the central latitudes(65°–75°N) of the westerly polar jet drops below zero and never recovers until the subsequent autumn.It is found that the SFW events occur successively from the mid to the lower stratosphere and averagely from the mid to late April with a temporal lag of about 13 days from 10 to 50 hPa.Over the past 32 years,the earliest SFW occurs in mid March whereas the latest SFW happens in late May,showing a clear interannual variability of the time of SFW.Accompanying the SFW onset,the stratospheric circulation transits from a winter dynamical regime to a summertime state,and the maximum negative tendency of zonal wind and the strongest convergence of planetary-wave are observed.Composite results show that the early/late SFW events in boreal spring correspond to a quicker/slower transition of the stratospheric circulation,with the zonal-mean zonal wind reducing about 20/5 m s-1 at 30 hPa within 10 days around the onset date.Meanwhile,the planetary wave activities are relatively strong/weak associating with an out-of-/in-phase circumpolar circulation anomaly before and after the SFW events in the stratosphere.All these results indicate that,the earlier breakdown of the stratospheric polar vortex(SPV),as for the winter stratospheric sudden warming(SSW) events is driven mainly by wave forcing;and in contrast,the later breakdown of the SPV exhibits more characteristics of its seasonal evolution.Nevertheless,after the breakdown of SPV,the polar temperature anomalies always exhibit an out-of-phase relationship between the stratosphere and the troposphere for both the early and late SFW events,which implies an intimate stratosphere–troposphere dynamical coupling in spring.In addition,there exists a remarkable interdecadal change of the onset time of SFW in the mid 1990s.On average,the SFW onset time before the mid 1990s is 11 days earlier than that afterwards,corresponding to the increased/decreased planetary wave activities in late winter-early spring before/after the 1990s. 展开更多
关键词 年代际变化 平流层 年际变化 北半球 变暖 事件驱动 时间滞后 大气环流
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