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作者 孙昱 任争争 魏琮 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期89-101,I0031-I0035,共18页
青藏高原东缘地区作为高原横向扩展的前缘过渡带,地理环境与气候条件多样,是全球生物多样性研究的一个热点地区。蝉科昆虫长期在地下营固定生活,成虫发生期短、体型硕大、飞行能力弱而难以扩散,因此适合多尺度的生物地理学和物种多样性... 青藏高原东缘地区作为高原横向扩展的前缘过渡带,地理环境与气候条件多样,是全球生物多样性研究的一个热点地区。蝉科昆虫长期在地下营固定生活,成虫发生期短、体型硕大、飞行能力弱而难以扩散,因此适合多尺度的生物地理学和物种多样性研究;但青藏高原东缘地区的蝉科昆虫区系一直缺乏研究。本研究在区系调查和系统分类研究基础上,对青藏高原东缘地区的蝉科昆虫多样性及地理分布格局进行了研究。结果表明,该地区共分布蝉科昆虫3亚科46属100种(包括2个新纪录种),分别占中国已知属、种数量的59.7%和29.1%;区系以东洋界成分为主(73种,73.0%),古北界和东洋界共有成分次之(21种,21.0%),特有成分比例较高(19种,19.0%)。该地区的10个亚区可被分为南、北2个大区,大致以秦岭及甘南山地为界。北段的黄土高原过渡区(MX+HB)、藏北过渡区(QZ)属于古北界,物种多样性较低,分布的主要是体型较小的姬蝉亚科物种。南段的东洋界各亚区由秦岭西段山地过渡区(HZⅠ+XNⅠ)、川西盆地及滇北过渡区(HZⅡ+XNⅣ)、青藏高原东南部的横断山脉“高原–山地”过渡区(XNⅡ+XNⅢ)及滇西山地过渡区(HN)组成。各亚区的物种多样性由北向南逐渐增多,四川盆地西部和横断山南部为多样性中心。在南段的各亚区中,西南亚区Ⅰ(XNⅠ)和华中亚区Ⅰ(HZⅠ)区系相似性最高,华中亚区Ⅱ(HZⅡ)和西南亚区Ⅳ(XNⅣ)区系相似性最高,它们分别聚合后再与“西南亚区Ⅱ+西南亚区Ⅲ(XNⅡ+XNⅢ)”聚合,最后与滇西的华南亚区(HN)聚合,表明滇西的华南亚区(HN)及高原东南部的横断山脉“高原–山地”过渡带(XNII、XNIII)区系相对独特。蝉科同一类群的不同物种在该地区呈现出明显的生态位分化,分别向“低山–峡谷–丘陵”生境和“亚高山–高山”生境发展。“低山–峡谷–丘陵”分布的适热物种分布区比较广泛,均在相邻的东部、南部地区有所分布;“亚高山–高山”的适冷种类则多局限分布于高海拔地带(许多都是特有种),尤其在横断山脉地区基本都呈现为小范围的斑块或点状分布,即“天空岛”分布格局。整体而言,青藏高原东缘南段的高大山体、相关地带的急剧下降地形及气候差异等对蝉科物种的扩散和分布影响更大,研究结果为青藏高原邻近地区的动物地理区划及生物多样性分化研究提供了新的信息和参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 半翅目昆虫 头喙亚目 物种多样性 地理分布格局 聚类分析
作者 徐敬坤 任珍珍 汪卫华 《核聚变与等离子体物理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期85-91,共7页
利用磁流体动理学混合模拟程序M3D-K对具有反剪切剖面下的非共振鱼骨模不稳定性进行了线性模拟。在类EAST参数下,当安全因子最小值略大于1时,捕获高能量粒子可以激发非共振鱼骨模不稳定性。详细分析了高能量粒子比压的份额βhot/βtota... 利用磁流体动理学混合模拟程序M3D-K对具有反剪切剖面下的非共振鱼骨模不稳定性进行了线性模拟。在类EAST参数下,当安全因子最小值略大于1时,捕获高能量粒子可以激发非共振鱼骨模不稳定性。详细分析了高能量粒子比压的份额βhot/βtotal、中心螺旋角、注入能量、安全因子最小值qmin及其径向位置等参数对鱼骨模的影响。当螺旋角约为0.7时,模结构表现出双模扭曲特征。当qmin大于1.08时,不稳定性从鱼骨模向β诱导的比压阿尔芬本征模转移。从螺旋角为0.7的傅里叶分析和螺旋角为0.8的绝热系数扫描结果可以看出,非共振鱼骨模和β诱导的比压阿尔芬本征模可以同时存在,模频率与安全因子剖面向右移动的关系与理论分析一致。 展开更多
关键词 鱼骨模不稳定性 反剪切剖面 捕获高能量粒子 比压阿尔芬本征模
Infection Behaviour of Melampsora larici-populina on the Leaf Surface of Populus purdomii 被引量:2
作者 YU Zhong-dong PENG Shao-bing +2 位作者 ren zheng-zheng WANG Dong-mei CAO Zhi-min 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2011年第10期1562-1569,共8页
Behaviours of urediospore germtube in Melampsora larici-populina on the leaf surface of Populus purdomii were studied by light microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM)... Behaviours of urediospore germtube in Melampsora larici-populina on the leaf surface of Populus purdomii were studied by light microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and fluorescence microscope. Crab-like fusion cells on leaf surface, intercellular hyphal cells in leaf tissues, as well as nucleus states, were observed and counted up in this study. Under unsaturated humidity, 32% of germinated tubes fused into a distinguishable swollen crab-shaped cell at the merging site, and 10.5% of observed crab-like cells had more than three nuclei. Wedge-shaped mycelia developed and then penetrated the leaf surface directly, or indirectly through stomata. Tips of germtube passed through the intercellular cells of poplar leaves directly were found in TEM. Aniline blue dyeing also showed that the infecting hyphae could invade into the cuticle and epidemic cell wall directly. For the case of infection through stomata, there were two different situations. Short branches and wedge hyphae usually penetrated the leaf surface via opened stomata, whereas, some germtube branches and wedge hyphae penetrated leaves through the guard cell walls or stoma lips. In the latter case, the stomata were always closed. The samples from wild forestlands had the same fused cells and wedge hyphae, but the occurrence rate was much higher than that in the chamber. Even under the saturated air humidity, germtubes could roll back and formed fusion structure, or merged together with their tips. The fusion cells might centralize the plasma of merged germtubes and have a strong survival capacity to protect germtubes from dying under arid circumstances, and provide a chance of genetic variation as well. 展开更多
关键词 Melampsora larici-populina germtube infection behaviour fusion cell NUCLEAR
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