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中国需要构建怎样的周边 被引量:25
作者 ruan zongze 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期11-26,143-144,共16页
中国需要经略和平发展的周边,周边同样需要和平繁荣的中国。当前中国周边环境正经历新的大变革,西太平洋地区出现以中国和美国为核心的双中心格局,矛盾增多。中国周边外交着眼于为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,塑造友善的国际环境... 中国需要经略和平发展的周边,周边同样需要和平繁荣的中国。当前中国周边环境正经历新的大变革,西太平洋地区出现以中国和美国为核心的双中心格局,矛盾增多。中国周边外交着眼于为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,塑造友善的国际环境,具体路径是:大国当先,良性互动;一带一路,大鹏展翅;完善体制,提升效率;排除干扰,坚持走和平发展道路。 展开更多
关键词 周边外交 中国梦 一带一路
一个世界 两种秩序 被引量:6
作者 阮宗泽 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期44-49,共6页
大危机、大分化、大调整,世界处于历史的十字路口。新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,催化百年未有之大变局与世界秩序的交叠碰撞,一个世界、两种秩序初露端倪。在病毒面前,所有人都是受害者,惟有同舟共济方能战而胜之,全球治理呼唤全球智慧与全球... 大危机、大分化、大调整,世界处于历史的十字路口。新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,催化百年未有之大变局与世界秩序的交叠碰撞,一个世界、两种秩序初露端倪。在病毒面前,所有人都是受害者,惟有同舟共济方能战而胜之,全球治理呼唤全球智慧与全球责任。然而,多边主义秩序与单边主义秩序的角力有增无减。大国合作步履艰难,中美关系渐行渐远。大疫当前,加强国际合作,维护人类健康福祉刻不容缓。国际社会期待联合国安理会五大常任理事国向全球发出共同抗击疫情的倡议,共克时艰。 展开更多
关键词 联合国安理会 全球治理 多边主义 单边主义 中美关系 世界秩序 社会期待 大国合作
深刻领会习近平外交思想的理论与实践意义 被引量:14
作者 阮宗泽 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期12-30,137,138,共21页
作为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,习近平外交思想是新中国外交理论建设具有划时代意义的重大成果,是百年未有之大变局下实现中华民族伟大复兴、推进中国特色大国外交的根本遵循和行动指南。习近平外交思想理论深邃... 作为习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要组成部分,习近平外交思想是新中国外交理论建设具有划时代意义的重大成果,是百年未有之大变局下实现中华民族伟大复兴、推进中国特色大国外交的根本遵循和行动指南。习近平外交思想理论深邃、实践丰富、意义重大,体现在对百年未有之大变局与中国战略机遇期的辩证把握;中华民族伟大复兴与构建人类命运共同体和合共生;以元首外交与主场外交为引领,扎实推进中国外交议程;完善和深化全方位外交布局,共建“一带一路”,积极参与全球治理体系改革和建设;超越权力转移范式误区,推动构建合作共赢的中美关系。 展开更多
关键词 习近平外交思想 人类命运共同体 中国特色大国外交
“一带一路”:塑造共享的21世纪 被引量:4
作者 阮宗泽 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期6-21,137-138,共17页
大变局呼唤大思路。作为21世纪的"凿空之旅","一带一路"倡议从蓝图到实践,从愿景到现实,开辟了合作共赢新天地。共建"一带一路"是习近平外交思想的重要内容,是新时代全面推进中国特色大国外交的重要举措... 大变局呼唤大思路。作为21世纪的"凿空之旅","一带一路"倡议从蓝图到实践,从愿景到现实,开辟了合作共赢新天地。共建"一带一路"是习近平外交思想的重要内容,是新时代全面推进中国特色大国外交的重要举措,必将书写新时代促进人类共同发展繁荣的精彩故事。"一带一路"既非对外援助计划,也非地缘政治工具,更不是零和博弈的战场,而是合作共赢的机会。作为改善全球治理的重要载体,"一带一路"将对标高质量发展,推动构建新型国际关系和人类命运共同体,塑造共享的21世纪。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路” 高质量发展 构建新型国际关系
“两个确立”是中国外交再创辉煌的根本保障 被引量:1
作者 阮宗泽 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期35-51,129,共18页
“两个确立”是中国共产党在团结带领全国各族人民迈向中华民族伟大复兴新征程上取得的重大成果,对推进中华民族伟大复兴历史进程具有决定性意义。就中国特色大国外交而言,“两个确立”不仅是中国外交守正创新,科学把握世界格局演变趋... “两个确立”是中国共产党在团结带领全国各族人民迈向中华民族伟大复兴新征程上取得的重大成果,对推进中华民族伟大复兴历史进程具有决定性意义。就中国特色大国外交而言,“两个确立”不仅是中国外交守正创新,科学把握世界格局演变趋势、破解时代难题的宝贵经验,而且是新征程上中国外交继往开来再出发,为贯彻新发展理念构建新发展格局营造有利国际环境,在变乱交织的国际形势下保持战略主动、引领全球变革、创造更大辉煌的根本保障。 展开更多
关键词 两个确立 大变局中开新局 新发展格局 全球变革
Building a Community with a Shared Future:Meliorating the Era of Strategic Opportunity in China 被引量:1
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2018年第2期5-27,共23页
The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has become the symbol of the Xi Jinping Diplomatic Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.As the transformation of the international... The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind has become the symbol of the Xi Jinping Diplomatic Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.As the transformation of the international order speeds up,the joint construction of the community will bring about an era of enhanced strategic opportunity for China. 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党 社区 瓷器
作者 阮宗泽 《当代世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期17-23,共7页
"建设什么样的世界,如何建设这个世界"是人类社会一直在思考并不断探索的重大命题。作为一个科学的理论体系,构建人类命运共同体对这一重大命题进行了回应。在百年未有之大变局下,构建人类命运共同体具有更加重要的现实意义... "建设什么样的世界,如何建设这个世界"是人类社会一直在思考并不断探索的重大命题。作为一个科学的理论体系,构建人类命运共同体对这一重大命题进行了回应。在百年未有之大变局下,构建人类命运共同体具有更加重要的现实意义。新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,是对构建人类命运共同体的严峻考验。同时,疫情增强了各国团结合作、共克时艰的动力,拓展了合作共赢的前景,也让构建人类命运共同体理念更加深入人心。中国秉持构建人类命运共同体理念,倡导构建人类卫生健康共同体,引领全球治理体系变革,推进"一带一路"国际合作。中国特色的现代化破除了"现代化即西方化"的神话,将对广大发展中国家产生巨大的示范意义。 展开更多
关键词 百年大变局 人类命运共同体 人类卫生健康共同体 “一带一路” 全球治理
Significance of Chinese Viewing Themselves as Equals of Any Other in the World
作者 ruan zongze 《Contemporary International Relations》 2021年第5期40-63,共24页
A resurgent China contributes to the world. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the issues of the times and analyzes the development direction of humankind from the perspective and method of Marx... A resurgent China contributes to the world. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the issues of the times and analyzes the development direction of humankind from the perspective and method of Marxism. Further, he indicates that we must base ourselves on the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the significant changes occurring in the world that have not been seen in a century and makes a major judgment that the timing and international situation are favorable to China. Inevitably, Chinese now view themselves as equals of any other in the world, reflecting a historic change in the relations between China and the remaining world. In other words, no country can dictate terms to China. Building a powerful modern socialist country is a great goal set by the Communist Party of China(CPC). To build a great country and achieve a great cause, we must go through enormous struggle. Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy reflects on the issues of our times. Answering the questions and guiding the changes of our times, Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is of great significance. Moreover, the CPC has remained true to socialism, and socialism has proved its worth to China. 展开更多
关键词 China the world Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought the change of the times
The Evolution of American “New Politics”
作者 ruan zongze Xing Haibing 《Contemporary International Relations》 2013年第4期123-134,1,共12页
Since the Presidential election in 2012, the "fiscal cliff" issue has plagued the United States. Although this issue relates to the economy, it reflects the unprecedented political polarization brought by the "New ... Since the Presidential election in 2012, the "fiscal cliff" issue has plagued the United States. Although this issue relates to the economy, it reflects the unprecedented political polarization brought by the "New Politics", an escalating conflict between "Red America" and "Blue America". The "New Politics" refers to the intensifying and increasingly ill-tempered rivalry between the Republicans and Democrats, which has seen a decline in presidential authority, a deepening of divisions in society, and a shrinking of the political middle ground. In the past, the tension between the two main political parties was regarded as the motive power of U.S. politics, a source of dynamism and innovation. Now, partisan conflict is preventing both sides from seeking common interests, and seems to have become a struggle only for party interests. 展开更多
关键词 国际关系 外交关系 外交行政 外交政策
Belt and Road Initiative: A New Frontier for Win-Win Cooperation
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2017年第4期78-85,共8页
President Xi Jinping's attendance of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing on May 14-15, 2017, and his keynote speech at the opening ceremony has drawn worldwide attention. The most... President Xi Jinping's attendance of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing on May 14-15, 2017, and his keynote speech at the opening ceremony has drawn worldwide attention. The most important diplomatic event hosted by China in 2017, the Forum has been the highest-level international conference since China put forward the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) more than three years ago, and it has received broad support from the international community. 展开更多
关键词 国际合作 国际会议 国际社会 习近平 开幕式 BRI 论坛 中国
Towards a New Type of Cooperative and Win-Win International Relations
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2016年第3期5-13,共9页
Building a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at the core is a major innovation and development of contemporary China’s outlook on the international order formed after the CPC Central Commit... Building a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at the core is a major innovation and development of contemporary China’s outlook on the international order formed after the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has coordinated both domestic and international situations since the 18th National Congress of the CPC.China has proved itself a 展开更多
关键词 国际关系 合作 当代中国 国际秩序 中国共产党 世界和平 中国特色 习近平
World War II Victory Allows No Distortion in the Interests of Justice and World Peace
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2015年第5期12-21,共10页
The year 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1937-45) and the World Anti-Fascist War.
关键词 第二次世界大战 世界和平 失真 利益 正义 抗日战争 法西斯 中国人
Toward a New Type of International Relations: Transcending History to Win the Future
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2015年第2期23-44,共22页
President Xi Jinping pointed out at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs held in November 2014: "We need to pursue win-win cooperation, promote a new type of international relations featuring w... President Xi Jinping pointed out at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs held in November 2014: "We need to pursue win-win cooperation, promote a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and continue to follow the win-win strategy of opening-up and a win-win approach in all aspects of our external relations including political, economic, security and cultural fields." 展开更多
关键词 国际关系 历史 类型 对外开放 习近平 合作 经济
What Kind of Neighborhood Will China Build?
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2014年第2期26-50,共25页
The new central leadership has highlighted the strategic importance of better relations with neighboring countries and the construction of a solid foundation for China's neighborhood strategy so as to create favorabl... The new central leadership has highlighted the strategic importance of better relations with neighboring countries and the construction of a solid foundation for China's neighborhood strategy so as to create favorable conditions for Chinese development. 1 China is strengthening top-level strategy in foreign relations, 展开更多
关键词 中国 邻居 基础建设 周边国家 外交关系 居委会
Trump's 'New Vision' and China's Diplomatic Options
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2017年第3期5-27,共23页
On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. In his inaugural address, he stressed that "from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land," and "from this day f... On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. In his inaugural address, he stressed that "from this day forward, a new vision will govern our land," and "from this day forward, it's going to be only America first." He also said that the United States "stands at the birth of a new millennium." Obviously, the essence of President Trump's"new vision"is to construct a new century in which the United States will be the leader and the country will be made great again. 展开更多
关键词 视野 中国 国家领导人 美国 总统
Forging a Community of Shared Destiny for Mankind: The "Global Dream" of China
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2016年第1期20-37,共18页
In his New Year Message for 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping said, "It's such a big world with so many problems. The international community expects to hear Chinas voice and see its proposals. We cannot be absent."
关键词 中国 共同体 人类 国际社会 习近平
Winning the Next Decade: Chinas Multi-pivot Diplomacy
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2013年第4期18-45,共28页
Since taking office three months ago, China's new central leadership has grasped the country's main trends and dealt with major issues, forging ahead with determination to win the next decade of development. Beijing... Since taking office three months ago, China's new central leadership has grasped the country's main trends and dealt with major issues, forging ahead with determination to win the next decade of development. Beijing has become one of the most dynamic diplomatic stages in the world, where the "going global" strategy and "inviting in" strategy are inter-woven, and where policies on all countries, whether big or small, near or far are developing and reaching far. China's new major-nation diplomacy has attracted all parties interested in decoding and understanding how China will interact with the outside world. 展开更多
关键词 中国 多支点 “走出去”战略 世界
A Historic Opportunity to Establish a New Type of Great Power Relationship between China and the United States
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2012年第6期39-44,共6页
Barack Obama’s re-election as President and the successful convention of the Chinese Communist Party’s eighteenth National Party Congress have provided an opportunity for China and the United States to open a new ch... Barack Obama’s re-election as President and the successful convention of the Chinese Communist Party’s eighteenth National Party Congress have provided an opportunity for China and the United States to open a new chapter and follow a new path in Sino-U.S.relations.The key for seizing this 展开更多
关键词 中国共产党 美国 历史 并发症
Significance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy in Combating COVID-19 with Solidarity
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2021年第1期22-49,共28页
The Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is a momentous achievement of epoch-making significance in the development of New China’s diplomatic theories.It is an important system of thought that is scientific,up to date,adv... The Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is a momentous achievement of epoch-making significance in the development of New China’s diplomatic theories.It is an important system of thought that is scientific,up to date,advanced and action-oriented.Nowadays,the once-ina-century pandemic and unprecedented changes are unfolding in parallel and impacting each other,catalyzing evolution of the international configuration of powers.This profoundly attests to Xi Jinping’s accurate judgment and insightful idea that the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century,and stresses the importance and urgency of building a community with a shared future for mankind. 展开更多
关键词 EPOCH PROFOUND mankind
One World,Two Orders
作者 ruan zongze 《China International Studies》 2020年第3期61-70,共10页
With the occurrence of today’s cataclysmic crisis,the world is witnessing such immense upheavals and extensive readjustments,that it is now standing at a crossroads of history.The COVID-19 pandemic,which has been ram... With the occurrence of today’s cataclysmic crisis,the world is witnessing such immense upheavals and extensive readjustments,that it is now standing at a crossroads of history.The COVID-19 pandemic,which has been rampaging across the globe,is catalyzing profound changes unseen in a century.As this unprecedented transformation interacts and clashes with the current international order,an escalating contention between two ordering principles is on the horizon.Since anyone may fall victim to the virus,only by sticking together through thick and thin can we triumph over this common enemy of ours.Global governance calls for global wisdom and global responsibility,but the fierce rivalry between a multilateral order and a unilateral order is only getting more intense.Cooperation among major powers is difficult to achieve,particularly as China and the United States,the world’s two largest economies,are increasingly going separate ways.Confronted with such a destructive pandemic as COVID-19,the most urgent action is the strengthening of international cooperation to safeguard human health and well-being.The international community expects the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to jointly initiate the needed global response to the pandemic and to bridge these difficult times together with the rest of the world. 展开更多
关键词 jointly strengthening URGENT
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