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作者 robert s.herman 《海外英语》 2003年第2期4-6,共3页
  Dear Friends,   I recently learned that February 14th is celebrated in China as qing ren jie. In America we call this Valentine's Day and dedicate it to romantic love. Because of this I have been asked to d...   Dear Friends,   I recently learned that February 14th is celebrated in China as qing ren jie. In America we call this Valentine's Day and dedicate it to romantic love. Because of this I have been asked to devote this month's column to Love. This is a very complicated subject, and not easy to write about. There are no experts. Terms are ambiguous, and there are wide cultural differences in our approach to the subject of Love.…… 展开更多
作者 robert s.herman 《海外英语》 2003年第5期4-5,共2页
  Welcome to our eleventh column. It is said that when Confucius was asked what his first deed would be if he were to be made Emperor of China, he replied, "I would re-establish the precise meaning of words.&qu...   Welcome to our eleventh column. It is said that when Confucius was asked what his first deed would be if he were to be made Emperor of China, he replied, "I would re-establish the precise meaning of words."…… 展开更多
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2007年第1期14-15,共2页
想和Bob交流你心中的想法吗?发电子邮件到contriprac@gmail.com (请在邮件主题栏里标明“与Bob对话”),或者写信到北京市东城区干面胡同51号《英语沙龙·实战版》“与Bob对话”栏目组收(邮编100010)。Bob已经是大家的老朋友了。这... 想和Bob交流你心中的想法吗?发电子邮件到contriprac@gmail.com (请在邮件主题栏里标明“与Bob对话”),或者写信到北京市东城区干面胡同51号《英语沙龙·实战版》“与Bob对话”栏目组收(邮编100010)。Bob已经是大家的老朋友了。这次他和我们探讨的话题是一个人的两个“世界”:内心世界和外部世界。也许你认为外部世界的某些方面不能让你满意,但是因此就选择逃避也未必是良策。Bob鼓励大学生朋友们一方面保持内心真正的自我,另一方面努力影响外部世界使其做出积极的改变。关于这个话题,您有什么看法,欢迎到本刊网站(www.es123.com)发表您的看法,我们已经设置了专门的版块恭候您。 展开更多
关键词 外部世界 两个世界 电子邮件 邮件主题 大学生 北京市 内心世界 东城区 英语 看法
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2007年第2期4-5,共2页
想和Bob交流你心中的想法吗?发电子邮件到contriprac@ gmail.com(请在邮件主题栏里标明“与Bob对话”),或者写信到北京市东城区干面胡同51号《英语沙龙·实战版》“与Bob对话”栏目组收(邮编100010)。中国古人讲究“阴阳平衡”,实... 想和Bob交流你心中的想法吗?发电子邮件到contriprac@ gmail.com(请在邮件主题栏里标明“与Bob对话”),或者写信到北京市东城区干面胡同51号《英语沙龙·实战版》“与Bob对话”栏目组收(邮编100010)。中国古人讲究“阴阳平衡”,实际反映了他们对和谐生活的追求。随着社会的发展,看起来人们的生活水平越来越高,但这种值得推崇的和谐境界却不知不觉被打破,读者不妨也自省一下“我的生活是否和谐呢?”关于这个话题,您有什么看法,欢迎到本刊网站(www.es123.com)发表您的看法,我们已经设置了专门的版块恭候您。 展开更多
关键词 和谐 电子邮件 邮件主题 阴阳平衡 北京市 东城区 生活水平 英语 实战 看法
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2005年第6期4-5,共2页
Dear Friends,I would like to begin this column with a story that tells ussomething about life.It is a story about a teacup.I don’t knowthe author.Here is the story.A customer in an expensive antique shop saw an unusu... Dear Friends,I would like to begin this column with a story that tells ussomething about life.It is a story about a teacup.I don’t knowthe author.Here is the story.A customer in an expensive antique shop saw an unusualteacup,and asked"May I see that?I have never seen such abeautiful teacup."As the proprietor handed it to him,the 展开更多
关键词 不正当手段 所有人 业主 手指 轻打 水分 轻拍 干透 扁平 权势
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2005年第6期6-7,共2页
Hi Bob:I am depressed and lost.I failed my examagain,and this was the third time.I’m ex-tremely disappointed in myself and have lostconfidence in studying English.I doubt my ca-pability.I lost my mind and direction.M... Hi Bob:I am depressed and lost.I failed my examagain,and this was the third time.I’m ex-tremely disappointed in myself and have lostconfidence in studying English.I doubt my ca-pability.I lost my mind and direction.My Dad told me:"Self accusation doesn’tsolve any problems.Failure is not terrible."Ifelt a little better.I know the main reason Ifailed this time is that I didn’t work hard. 展开更多
关键词 就业 失败 困扰 敲门砖 山花 指控 石工 控告 管子 装修
与Bob对话:Divorce We Learn and we Lough Together(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2005年第2期4-6,共3页
Dear Friends,This column was written in response to a question asked byAnn,a reader from Yanan,Shanxi.Ann asked my opinion about the increasing divorce rate inChina,and whether this is a symbol of social progress.This is
关键词 权力意志 超人哲学 意志论 商业注册 婚姻 尼采 调解 引诱 代用 遵从
与Bob对话:Mystery We Learn and We Laugh Together(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2005年第8期4-6,共3页
生活中充满了问题和谜团.而许多问题和谜团是无法一下就能说清楚的。"人为何会生、会死?","我们的梦想、希望与抱负从何而来?","我们周围的事物又该如何解释?"……当一些人困惑于不解的谜团中时,另一些... 生活中充满了问题和谜团.而许多问题和谜团是无法一下就能说清楚的。"人为何会生、会死?","我们的梦想、希望与抱负从何而来?","我们周围的事物又该如何解释?"……当一些人困惑于不解的谜团中时,另一些人或许正在不断地寻找和探索着答案。撩揭神秘的面纱,或许要经历痛苦的过程,然而,回头看去,这一过程又何尝不给我们平淡的生活增添了一番色彩呢? 展开更多
关键词 困惑 回头看 生活中 立体主义画派 萨满教 原始宗教 作品 唯美主义 王尔德 深远影响
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2005年第7期4-5,共2页
我们在2005年第3期的 Bob 专栏中刊登了一位对生活失去希望的大一新生 Sally 给 Bob 的一封信。收到回信后,Sally重新找到了直面人生的勇气与信念。在 Bob 的眼中,生活是上天的礼物,有一种信仰可以永远拯救我们,那就是——希望! Sally ... 我们在2005年第3期的 Bob 专栏中刊登了一位对生活失去希望的大一新生 Sally 给 Bob 的一封信。收到回信后,Sally重新找到了直面人生的勇气与信念。在 Bob 的眼中,生活是上天的礼物,有一种信仰可以永远拯救我们,那就是——希望! Sally 与 Bob的对话让我们看到了一位失落彷徨者走向希望的心路历程。 展开更多
关键词 直面人生 大一新生 心路历程 生活 作品 变形记 美国现实主义 信念 小说作者 信仰
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第9期6-7,共2页
关键词 失败 中国学生 死亡 读者 刊登 回应 对话 引发 本期 意义
与Bob对话:We Learn and We Laugh Together(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第11期4-6,共3页
Dear Friends,I have written about several serious topicsin our columns.This month we will explore var-ious aspects of humor.This is not something tobe taken lightly.Humor is a serious matter
关键词 有益于健康 健身法 倾斜 增氧 意见 斜面 抽彩 尿布 水坑 泥潭
与Bob对话:We Learn And We Laugh Together(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第1期58-60,共3页
为了使《英语沙龙》(实战版)的读者有机会与外国专家进行书面沟通,我们特请大洋彼岸的美国学者Robert Herman(Bob)博士来主持"CONVERSATIONS WITH BOB"专栏。Bob本人有着丰富的职业和文化背景,擅用简短的幽默和寓言故事来阐... 为了使《英语沙龙》(实战版)的读者有机会与外国专家进行书面沟通,我们特请大洋彼岸的美国学者Robert Herman(Bob)博士来主持"CONVERSATIONS WITH BOB"专栏。Bob本人有着丰富的职业和文化背景,擅用简短的幽默和寓言故事来阐释关于世界和人生的种种话题。本期是CONVERSATIONSWITH BOB的首次亮相,Bob向沙龙读者表达了真挚的分享和交流的愿望,而Bob的助手张晓红女士(MahyaZhang)亦介绍了有关Bob的背景。Mahya是多年前由大陆赴美的一位出版界资深人士,她将担任本栏目的客座主持,即日后读者与Bob间的沟通桥梁。与Bob通信的有关事项请见Mahya在本文末尾处的说明。 展开更多
关键词 读者 沟通 沙龙 文化背景 栏目 外国专家 寓言故事 美国学者 英语 出版界
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第12期6-6,共1页
Dear Bob,The girl in my dreams came to borrow mybadminton racket one day,but I couldn’t find it.Then I borrowed one from others and sent it toher in person.Why did she come to me far theracket?I do not know.Could you... Dear Bob,The girl in my dreams came to borrow mybadminton racket one day,but I couldn’t find it.Then I borrowed one from others and sent it toher in person.Why did she come to me far theracket?I do not know.Could you help me,Bob?When she sees me alone,she talks to mewarmly;when she sees me with others nearby, 展开更多
关键词 交往 男生 中国 来信 收件人 所在城市 栏目 附件 全名 真名
与Bob对话:We Learn and We Laugh Together Childhood(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第6期7-9,共3页
Dear Friends:I was told that in China peoplecelebrate International Children’s Dayon June 1 st every year.Many readers have written to meabout various aspects of childhood.Thisis a condition that we have all shared a... Dear Friends:I was told that in China peoplecelebrate International Children’s Dayon June 1 st every year.Many readers have written to meabout various aspects of childhood.Thisis a condition that we have all shared at some- 展开更多
关键词 被动语态 非暴力抵抗 不列颠百科全书 学习成绩 分裂 印度 遗忘 探究 长颈鹿 民族
与Bob对话:We learn and We Laugh Together(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第2期61-62,共2页
Dear Bob,I’m a 24-year-old boy, ambitious andaggressive with a bad temper. I usually quarrelwith others and reget it later. I always sethigh goals for myself and strive to achieve themone by one. I found myself dissa... Dear Bob,I’m a 24-year-old boy, ambitious andaggressive with a bad temper. I usually quarrelwith others and reget it later. I always sethigh goals for myself and strive to achieve themone by one. I found myself dissatisfied withmy job, my position as well as my employers,so I changed jobs frequently: 5 jobs in 3 citiesin 2 years. Maybe I’m too scrutinizing^1 of bothothers and myself. I don’t know when I will 展开更多
关键词 详细检查 来信 收件人 所在城市 协调 栏目 附件 全名 注明 适合
与Bob对话:Change We Learn and We Laugh Together(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第12期4-5,共2页
Dear Friends,It is change which confronts every one ofus every minute of our lives.Change is swirling^1around us whether we like it or not.Change isour constant companion.With modern technolo-gy,the rate of change see... Dear Friends,It is change which confronts every one ofus every minute of our lives.Change is swirling^1around us whether we like it or not.Change isour constant companion.With modern technolo-gy,the rate of change seems to be acceleratingto a pace that is difficult to comprehend.Wehave gone from cow dung^2 to nuclear energy ina few short centuries.We have gone from 展开更多
关键词 现实主义 规定性 基督教 神学家 涨落 不道德 粪肥 盛衰 牲畜 灵感
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第6期10-10,共1页
DearBob,It is a pity that I only read your articles inEnglish Salon yesterday.I was deeply movedand impressed.Because of the SA RS,we stu-dents have to stay on the campuss.It is the firsttime I feel bored in the same ... DearBob,It is a pity that I only read your articles inEnglish Salon yesterday.I was deeply movedand impressed.Because of the SA RS,we stu-dents have to stay on the campuss.It is the firsttime I feel bored in the same place.Sometimes Ifeel a little upset.Study?I know.But I do notwant to study all day long.How can I make 展开更多
关键词 非典型性肺炎 中国大学生 来信 收件人 所在城市 进砂 栏目 附件 全名 真名
与Bob对话:We Learn and We Laugh Together Poetry(英文)
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2003年第9期4-5,共2页
Adventures ofthe Mind:Wit^1and Wisdom with BobDear Friends,One of my favorite proverbs tells us that"The poet can reach where the sun cannot."Itis through poetry that we can let our imaginationsoar and we ca... Adventures ofthe Mind:Wit^1and Wisdom with BobDear Friends,One of my favorite proverbs tells us that"The poet can reach where the sun cannot."Itis through poetry that we can let our imaginationsoar and we can inspire ourselves as well asothers. I have learned much from reading 展开更多
关键词 白话文 用韵 难解 散文 雕刻 作品 神秘 杂草 加群 表达
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2004年第11期6-7,共2页
Dear Mr.Herman,I was brought up in a conservative family.In the course of my growing up,my parents of-ten told me many"shoulds and should nots".Iam very uncomfortable with this way of teach-ing,and I hate it... Dear Mr.Herman,I was brought up in a conservative family.In the course of my growing up,my parents of-ten told me many"shoulds and should nots".Iam very uncomfortable with this way of teach-ing,and I hate it.Although my parents are kindand honest,they don’t understand me at all.Iput a lot of efforts into communicating withthem before I turned 21,but I failed over andover again. They do not listen to me. Now I am24 and believe that it is impossible to talkfrankly with my father.I usually feel extremelysad about this.Why is it so difficult to 展开更多
关键词 沟通 父母 密配合 冲突 对抗 功能 无心 尊敬 协调
作者 robert s.herman 《英语沙龙(高中)》 2005年第8期7-7,共1页
本文是一位失去父亲的学生对 Bob 的倾诉。父亲的去世对这位学生的打击很大,以至于他久久不能从悲伤中解脱出来。Bob 告诉他要用积极、乐观的心态面对自己的生活并善待身边的每一个人。
关键词 悲痛 学生 父亲 学会 打击 悲伤 解脱 生活
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