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秋天山清水秀风景(英文) 被引量:1
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第12期80-80,共1页
Once November arrives in Beijing,the landscape changes.Beautiful golden秋叶(qiū yè),autumn leaves fringe the streets.It is秋天(qiū tiān),autumn,the season of burning straw in the fields after the harvest.This ... Once November arrives in Beijing,the landscape changes.Beautiful golden秋叶(qiū yè),autumn leaves fringe the streets.It is秋天(qiū tiān),autumn,the season of burning straw in the fields after the harvest.This explains why秋has two parts–禾(hé),standing grain,and火(hu),i re.In northwestern Beijing香山(Xiāng shān),literally Fragrant Hill,is robed in flam- 展开更多
关键词 风景 中国 景观变化 西北部 北京 香山
Four Seasons Salad
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2015年第4期80-80,共1页
China certainly has四季(sìjì),four seasons.Another way of expressing"four seasons"in Chinese is春夏秋冬(chūn xiàqiūdōng),spring,summer,autumn and winter.In addition,the Chinese use the time... China certainly has四季(sìjì),four seasons.Another way of expressing"four seasons"in Chinese is春夏秋冬(chūn xiàqiūdōng),spring,summer,autumn and winter.In addition,the Chinese use the time-honored二十四节气(èr shísìjiéqì),24 solar terms,in farming.The 24 solar terms can be regarded as subdivided seasons that include立春(lìchūn),Start of Spring,立夏(lìxià),Start of Summer,立秋(lìqiū),Start of Autumn,立冬(lìdōng),Start of Winter。 展开更多
关键词 沙拉 二十四节气 中国人 24节气 种植业 季节 气血 芒种
Gardeners’ Eden
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第5期80-80,共1页
Sometimes,our first impression of Chinese cities is one of grey concrete.However,in spring we find streets lined with abundant flowerbeds and trees.Gardening is truly an art form in China,which would never be denied b... Sometimes,our first impression of Chinese cities is one of grey concrete.However,in spring we find streets lined with abundant flowerbeds and trees.Gardening is truly an art form in China,which would never be denied by professional garden designers and amateur botanists.The gardens of southern China are well known,especially the famous gardens of Suzhou.There are many ways to say"garden"in Chinese.园林(yuan lin)is one of them. 展开更多
关键词 EDEN 中国城市 园林设计师 艺术形式 植物学家 混凝土 街道 园艺
An International Chinese Contest for Peace
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第11期72-74,共3页
关键词 中国 国际 湖南省 闭幕式 大学生 省政府 比赛 学院
Good Medicine Tastes Bitter
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2015年第7期80-80,共1页
Feeling peaky?Let’s learn some words on medicine in Chinese.Compared to西医(xī yī),Western medicine,中医(zhōng yī),traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),and Chinese herbs seem a little bit mysterious.The character fo... Feeling peaky?Let’s learn some words on medicine in Chinese.Compared to西医(xī yī),Western medicine,中医(zhōng yī),traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),and Chinese herbs seem a little bit mysterious.The character for"medicine"in Chinese has a radical 展开更多
关键词 基本元素 中药学 中医 TCM 中草药 西医 西药
I Will Show You Some Colors
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2013年第6期82-82,共1页
WORDS for colors often have social and cultural implica- tions. In France blue is reserved for the king, but travel abroad to other cultures and this is not the case. We have an expression in French "I am turning... WORDS for colors often have social and cultural implica- tions. In France blue is reserved for the king, but travel abroad to other cultures and this is not the case. We have an expression in French "I am turning black," an equivalence of "seeing red" in English. In Japan inexperience is described as having a "blue butt" 展开更多
关键词 颜色 出国旅游 蒙古斑 文化 蓝色 法国 英语
ESA Plays Its Part in Protecting China’s Environment
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2016年第6期32-33,共2页
ENVIRONEMENT S.A.(ESA)is a French company specializing in continuous environmental monitoring.Founded in 1978 by company CEO Fran?ois Gourdon,and listed in 2006,ESA has established branches in65 countries,and is thriv... ENVIRONEMENT S.A.(ESA)is a French company specializing in continuous environmental monitoring.Founded in 1978 by company CEO Fran?ois Gourdon,and listed in 2006,ESA has established branches in65 countries,and is thriving."China’s huge growth potential prompted us to set up a branch here,Environement China Ltd.,at the end of 2009,although we launched our China operations in the late 1990s,with the 展开更多
关键词 中国环境 ESA 保护 首席执行官 环境监测 法国公司
A traditional Chinese House
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2015年第6期80-80,共1页
Let’s go through the keyhole!You step into a房地产公司(fáng dìchǎn gōng sī),a real estate company,or meet with a中介(zhōng jiè),a housing agent,because you plan to买房子(mǎi fáng zi),purchase... Let’s go through the keyhole!You step into a房地产公司(fáng dìchǎn gōng sī),a real estate company,or meet with a中介(zhōng jiè),a housing agent,because you plan to买房子(mǎi fáng zi),purchase a house.Before arriving,you looked up some房屋信息(fáng wūxìn xī),housing information,hoping to find the ideal自己的家(zìjǐde jiā),house of your own.However,the massive amounts of infor- 展开更多
关键词 家庭 中国 传统 房地产公司 MAI SI
Bazaar Day!
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第2期82-82,共1页
The集市(jíshì),bazaar,is a customary weekly event in rural China,when locals go to buy蔬菜(sh cài),vegetables,水果(shu gu),fruits,肉(ròu),meat,and household equipment.The term热闹(rènao),loud ... The集市(jíshì),bazaar,is a customary weekly event in rural China,when locals go to buy蔬菜(sh cài),vegetables,水果(shu gu),fruits,肉(ròu),meat,and household equipment.The term热闹(rènao),loud and lively,best describes this heaving scenario where vendors叫卖(jiào mài),shout their wares amid throngs 展开更多
关键词 中国农村 家用设备 供应商 水果 购物
Joёl Bellassen: Sinology on the French Fast Track
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第1期78-80,共3页
RECALLING his decision in the 1970s to learn Chinese,considered perhaps unusual at that time,Jo l Bellassen,now Inspector-General of Chinese Language Teaching at France’s Ministrof Education(Inspecteur géné... RECALLING his decision in the 1970s to learn Chinese,considered perhaps unusual at that time,Jo l Bellassen,now Inspector-General of Chinese Language Teaching at France’s Ministrof Education(Inspecteur général de chinois),remarks that many people were astonished by his choice,since it was not out of selfinterest but out of conviction.Jo l Bellassen’s legendary life parallels the progress in bilateral relations between China and France.He was among the first batch of students sent to China after the establishment of diplomatic relations. 展开更多
关键词 法国 INSPEC 语文教学 外交部 中国
Numerical Linguistics (Ⅱ)
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2013年第3期82-82,共1页
LAST issue we explored the rich fabric of meaning behind th numbers one through five in traditional Chinese culture. Thi issue we look at six through 10, and find them popping up in Chinese idioms and expressions no l... LAST issue we explored the rich fabric of meaning behind th numbers one through five in traditional Chinese culture. Thi issue we look at six through 10, and find them popping up in Chinese idioms and expressions no less frequently than thei five smaller siblings. 六 (liù), six, in Mandarin is pronounced similar to 流 (liú), fluid Swift, running water and fluidity connote business success. In China six also symbolizes luck, health and the family. 展开更多
关键词 语言学 中国传统文化 LIB 普通话 自来水 成语
Appreciator of Tea,Lover of Life
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2013年第10期82-82,共1页
茶(chá)is a drink worthy of appreciation;tea drinking,therefore,is an art.In France,the pastime is known as tea ceremony茶仪式(cháyíshì).In China it is known both as tea ceremony茶道(chádà... 茶(chá)is a drink worthy of appreciation;tea drinking,therefore,is an art.In France,the pastime is known as tea ceremony茶仪式(cháyíshì).In China it is known both as tea ceremony茶道(chádào)and tea art,茶艺(cháyì).Despite these formal appellations,Chinese tea drinkers treat both tea art茶艺(cháyì)and tea ceremony茶道(chádào)simply as modes of tea appreciation. 展开更多
关键词 喝茶 生命 CHA 茶道 饮料 茶艺
Everything Is Collectable!
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2015年第1期76-77,共2页
DOES the French word "chiner" (antiqu- ing) come from the Chinese love for flea markets and antiques? Perhaps not. But it is certain that the Chinese are serious collectors and this love didn't come from nowhere!
关键词 中国经济 经济增长 国民收入 经济建设 改革开放
An Office Story
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2015年第1期80-80,共1页
This is what happens when you decide to find a job. You see a 招聘广告(zhāo pin guǎ.ng gào), job advertisement, on the Inter- net or in a publication, and send your 简历(jiǎn 1ì), CV. Someone replies,... This is what happens when you decide to find a job. You see a 招聘广告(zhāo pin guǎ.ng gào), job advertisement, on the Inter- net or in a publication, and send your 简历(jiǎn 1ì), CV. Someone replies, and invites you to an 面试 (miàn shì)), interview, or more literally, "face to face test." If you pass it, you 入职(rù zhí), "enter the job" and start work. 展开更多
关键词 中国经济 经济增长 国民收入 经济建设 改革开放
Cast the Net Wide
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第3期71-71,共1页
Since its introduction to China 20-plus years ago,the Internet has flourished like mushrooms after a spring rain.Its users now top 600million and there are around three million Chinese websites.The Chinese word for In... Since its introduction to China 20-plus years ago,the Internet has flourished like mushrooms after a spring rain.Its users now top 600million and there are around three million Chinese websites.The Chinese word for Internet is互联网(hùlián w ng)–interconnected network–very close to its English equivalent. 展开更多
关键词 改革开放 经济建设 经济发展 国民收入 中国
Leisure in China
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第9期80-80,共1页
New arrivals in China often get the impression that Chinese are工作狂(gōng zuòkuáng),workaholics.Yet,there is quite a bit of空闲(kòng xián),leisure,in China.Surprisingly,the Chinese love to休闲(xi... New arrivals in China often get the impression that Chinese are工作狂(gōng zuòkuáng),workaholics.Yet,there is quite a bit of空闲(kòng xián),leisure,in China.Surprisingly,the Chinese love to休闲(xiūxián),relax,perhaps even more than we do.They love to spend their time养花(y ng huā),tending l owers,养鸟(y ng ni o),raising birds,or even养蛐蛐儿(y ng qūqur),keeping crickets.Chinese people are also fond of休闲活动(xiūxián huódòng),leisure games,notably麻将(májiàng),mahjong,whose pronunciation comes directly from the Chinese.The Chinese 展开更多
关键词 中国 经济建设 经济增长 国民收入 改革开放
A Banquet Is Incomplete without Liquor
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2013年第11期82-82,共1页
The image of a scholar raising a glass of wine to the moon features in many Chinese paintings.In ancient times alcohol was lauded as the fountain of inspiration for men of letters,and is credited for many immortal wor... The image of a scholar raising a glass of wine to the moon features in many Chinese paintings.In ancient times alcohol was lauded as the fountain of inspiration for men of letters,and is credited for many immortal works by some of the greatest names in China’s history of literature,such as Li Bai and Li Qingzhao.The character酒(jiǔ),alcohol,is composed of two parts。 展开更多
关键词 宴会 中国历史 中国画 李清照 酒精
The Art of Chinese Calligraphy
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2013年第12期82-82,共1页
Chinese书法(shu fa),calligraphy,is the ancient art of Chinese handwriting.No publication on Chinese culture could ever omit mention of Chinese characters and calligraphy.For foreigners,汉字(han zi),Chinese characters,... Chinese书法(shu fa),calligraphy,is the ancient art of Chinese handwriting.No publication on Chinese culture could ever omit mention of Chinese characters and calligraphy.For foreigners,汉字(han zi),Chinese characters,are hard to master,and calligraphy is even more difficult.Calligraphy in France refers to writing with a quill pen,but it has a different connotation in Chinese.书(shu)means写字(xie zi),writing,and its original complex form書refers to holding 展开更多
关键词 书法艺术 中国艺术 中国文化 外国人 文字
Numerical Linguistics (Ⅰ)
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2013年第2期82-82,共1页
MY French fellowmen often marvel at the Chinese people’s aptitude for mathematics. Certainly, I have friends from China who love numbers with the kind of passion usually reserved for the sacred. Numbers and the Chine... MY French fellowmen often marvel at the Chinese people’s aptitude for mathematics. Certainly, I have friends from China who love numbers with the kind of passion usually reserved for the sacred. Numbers and the Chinese characters that represent them occupy a unique place in Chinese culture. Numbers have rich linguistic connotations, and their 展开更多
关键词 数字语言 中国人 英文摘要 编辑工作 期刊
Everything Is Negotiable!
作者 sebastien roussillat 《China Today》 2014年第10期80-80,共1页
In China,金钱(jīn qián),money,made from the characters金(jīn),gold,and钱(qián),coins,is not a taboo.To the contrary,it is a symbol of社会地位(shèhuìdìwèi),social status,and成功(ché... In China,金钱(jīn qián),money,made from the characters金(jīn),gold,and钱(qián),coins,is not a taboo.To the contrary,it is a symbol of社会地位(shèhuìdìwèi),social status,and成功(chéng gōng),success.Throughout history,财富(cái fù),wealth,has always been an important part of Chinese culture.物质生活(wùzhìshēng huó),material well- 展开更多
关键词 中国 经济发展 经济建设 改革开放
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