Acupuncture can promote the regeneration of tissues. That acupuncture therapy can be called “Regenerative Acupuncture”, which is based upon the idea that by the unlimited and universal power of qi the process of cre...Acupuncture can promote the regeneration of tissues. That acupuncture therapy can be called “Regenerative Acupuncture”, which is based upon the idea that by the unlimited and universal power of qi the process of creation can be triggered again, disabled or destroyed physiological functions of organs and tissues can be restored, and even the reconstruction and renewal of a physically disabled or destroyed organ or tissue might be possible. Regenerative Acupuncture, its point selection and its rationale are based on the ancient and modem Chinese acupuncture literature and clinical experiences of the authors. Now this acupuncture method was introduced by one case report.展开更多
文摘Acupuncture can promote the regeneration of tissues. That acupuncture therapy can be called “Regenerative Acupuncture”, which is based upon the idea that by the unlimited and universal power of qi the process of creation can be triggered again, disabled or destroyed physiological functions of organs and tissues can be restored, and even the reconstruction and renewal of a physically disabled or destroyed organ or tissue might be possible. Regenerative Acupuncture, its point selection and its rationale are based on the ancient and modem Chinese acupuncture literature and clinical experiences of the authors. Now this acupuncture method was introduced by one case report.