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作者 隋丹丹 索晓 丁晓 《科学技术创新》 2025年第3期15-18,共4页
针对德州市面临的水土流失、矿山生态破坏和黄河沿岸生态系统脆弱等主要生态问题,本文分析了利用黄河泥沙进行矿区生态修复的可行性和技术路径。研究了黄河泥沙与矿区生态环境协同治理的关键技术。结果表明,应用该技术进行采煤沉陷地复... 针对德州市面临的水土流失、矿山生态破坏和黄河沿岸生态系统脆弱等主要生态问题,本文分析了利用黄河泥沙进行矿区生态修复的可行性和技术路径。研究了黄河泥沙与矿区生态环境协同治理的关键技术。结果表明,应用该技术进行采煤沉陷地复垦可显著改善土壤结构,提高土地复垦率和农作物产量。案例研究显示,复垦后的土地土壤含水量提高39%,养分含量增加43%,坡面侵蚀系数降低55%,小麦和玉米产量分别提升21.9%和17.54%。这一创新技术为黄河流域生态保护和矿区修复的协同推进提供了新的思路和技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 生态保护修复工程 协同治理 黄河泥沙
寒潮过程和海洋锋面影响南海西北部大气波导演变的个例分析 被引量:2
作者 石睿 陈举 +2 位作者 何云开 隋丹丹 舒业强 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期29-42,共14页
文章利用2012年冬季南海西北部的航次探空资料,研究了寒潮过程和海洋锋面对大气波导特征演变的共同影响。文中观测发现,航次期间的大气波导以悬空波导为主,平均波底高度约738.64m,平均厚度约185.17m,平均强度10.21M单位。观测前期,天气... 文章利用2012年冬季南海西北部的航次探空资料,研究了寒潮过程和海洋锋面对大气波导特征演变的共同影响。文中观测发现,航次期间的大气波导以悬空波导为主,平均波底高度约738.64m,平均厚度约185.17m,平均强度10.21M单位。观测前期,天气形势稳定,东北季风较弱,在锋面暖水区一侧的悬空波导较为深厚,且高度较低。其主要成因是大气边界层顶部925hPa至850hPa高度左右存在深厚的逆温层,且具有显著的日变化特征。航次中期的寒潮过程导致东北季风大幅增强,使得大气边界层顶部的逆温层被破坏,从而导致悬空波导显著变薄变弱。而锋面冷水区一侧,低水温抑制湍流发展导致大气修正折射率(M)的负梯度扰动较弱,较难形成稳定且有一定强度的波导层,且无显著日变化。但当东南暖湿气流覆盖锋面冷水区上空时,容易形成较稳定的表面波导。 展开更多
关键词 南海 大气波导 海洋锋面 寒潮 探空 大气边界层 日变化
东印度洋海洋学综合科学考察航次概况 被引量:4
作者 梁湛林 何云开 +5 位作者 李健 陈荣裕 隋丹丹 张镇秋 谢强 陈举 《南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2018年第3期257-263,共7页
赤道东印度洋海域是西半球暖池的重要组成部分,对我国季风系统乃至全球气候变化研究意义重大.印度洋作为海上丝绸之路的交通要道,开展东印度洋海洋调查也是保障海上丝绸之路安全的重要一环.自2010年起,国家自然科学基金委为贯彻落实《... 赤道东印度洋海域是西半球暖池的重要组成部分,对我国季风系统乃至全球气候变化研究意义重大.印度洋作为海上丝绸之路的交通要道,开展东印度洋海洋调查也是保障海上丝绸之路安全的重要一环.自2010年起,国家自然科学基金委为贯彻落实《国家自然科学基金"十一五"发展规划》的战略部署而设立的"国家自然科学基金委印度洋综合航次",极大地促进了海洋学科多学科交叉和融合,丰富了该海域的海洋观测数据,取得了丰硕的科研成果.本文介绍了2010年起至今的东印度洋海洋学综合科学航次考察的内容、进展和成果,并展望了东印度洋海洋学综合科学考察航次今后的主要方向. 展开更多
关键词 东印度洋 水文观测 综合科学考察
基于柔性基的高灵敏度无损光纤压力传感器 被引量:5
作者 隋丹丹 张会新 +4 位作者 洪应平 崔凯 胡彦君 安国文 张利平 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第3期590-594,共5页
为了简化光纤压力传感器的制作方法,降低制作成本,提出了一种柔性基应变式无损光纤压力传器。将未进行过任何处理的单模光纤嵌入在两片柔性的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)薄膜中,制作成"三明治"结构压力传感器。采用光频域反射计(OF... 为了简化光纤压力传感器的制作方法,降低制作成本,提出了一种柔性基应变式无损光纤压力传器。将未进行过任何处理的单模光纤嵌入在两片柔性的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)薄膜中,制作成"三明治"结构压力传感器。采用光频域反射计(OFDR)技术进行解调,测试传感器在不同压力下的光谱漂移与光纤的微应变的关系。实验结果表明:在受力面积为2.375 mm^2,压力范围0~5 kgf(0~20 MPa)时,传感器的灵敏度达到194/kgf,是裸单模光纤的6.47倍,同时压力测量范围提高5倍。在0~2 kgf(0~8 MPa)范围内传感器具有很高的重复性与线性度。另外进行了分布式压力测试,证实传感器输出响应明显,空间分辨率较高。 展开更多
关键词 光纤压力传感器 单模光纤 聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)基底 光频域反射计
柔性光纤压力传感器的制备工艺与参数研究 被引量:3
作者 林雅坤 洪明森 +2 位作者 隋丹丹 洪应平 张会新 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第5期1061-1065,共5页
为了提高柔性光纤压力传感器的灵敏度和稳定性,对压力传感器结构设计、结构参数及制作工艺进行了研究。制作了基于不同浓度配比和不同固化时间的PDMS柔性光纤压力传感器,对比了不同参数下传感器的性能,得出了最佳的配比和固化参数,最后... 为了提高柔性光纤压力传感器的灵敏度和稳定性,对压力传感器结构设计、结构参数及制作工艺进行了研究。制作了基于不同浓度配比和不同固化时间的PDMS柔性光纤压力传感器,对比了不同参数下传感器的性能,得出了最佳的配比和固化参数,最后利用光频域反射计(OFDR)测量了光纤应变变化。结果表明,在PDMS基底厚度和固化温度恒定的情况下,浓度配比和固化时间均对柔性光纤压力传感器的灵敏度有影响,并验证了当施加压力的范围为0~276.2 kPa,加压的步长为27.6 kPa时,PDMS配比为8∶1,固化时间为2 h的传感器灵敏度最高,可达6.250 59με/kPa。同时,柔性压力传感器具有柔韧、轻薄、可测量复杂曲面等优点,为航天航海领域弧形物体表面压力测量提供了可靠的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 PDMS 光纤压力传感器 灵敏度 光频域反射计
Contrasting dynamic characteristics of shear turbulence and Langmuir circulation in the surface mixed layer 被引量:3
作者 LI Guojing WANG Dongxiao +4 位作者 CHEN Ju YAO Jinglong ZENG Lili SHU Yeqiang sui dandan 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1-11,共11页
Large eddy simulation (LES) is used to investigate contrasting dynamic characteristics of shear turbulence (ST) and Langmuir circulation (LC) in the surface mixed layer (SML). ST is usually induced by wind for... Large eddy simulation (LES) is used to investigate contrasting dynamic characteristics of shear turbulence (ST) and Langmuir circulation (LC) in the surface mixed layer (SML). ST is usually induced by wind forcing in SML. LC can be driven by wave-current interaction that includes the roles of wind, wave and vortex forcing. The LES results show that LC suppresses the horizontal velocity and greatly modifies the downwind velocity profile, but increases the vertical velocity. The strong downweUing jets of LC accelerate and increase the downward transport of energy as compared to ST. The vertical eddy viscosity Km of LC is much larger than that of ST. Strong mixing induced by LC has two locations. They are located in the 26s-36s (Stokes depth scale) and the lower layer of the SML, respectively. Its value and position change periodically with time. In contrast, maximum Km induced by ST is located in the middle depth of the SML. The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) generated by LC is larger than that by ST. The differences in vertical distributions of TKE and Krn are evident. Therefore, the parameterization of LC cannot be solely based on TKE. For deep SML, the convection of large-scale eddies in LC plays a main role in downward transport of energy and LC can induce stronger velocity shear (S2) near the SML base. In addition, the large-scale eddies and Sz induced by LC is changing all the time, which needs to be fully considered in the parameterization of LC. 展开更多
关键词 surface mixed layer Langmuir circulation shear turbulence large eddy simulation
Synoptic-scale disturbances over the northern South China Sea and their responses to El Nio 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Lili LI Xixi +4 位作者 DU Yan SHI Rui YAO Jinglong WANG Dongxiao sui dandan 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期69-78,共10页
Using surface and aerological meteorological observations obtained at the Xisha Automatic Weather Station and three moored buoys along the continental slope, characteristics of the synoptic-scale disturbances over the... Using surface and aerological meteorological observations obtained at the Xisha Automatic Weather Station and three moored buoys along the continental slope, characteristics of the synoptic-scale disturbances over the northern South China Sea (NSCS) are extensively studied. The power spectra of surface and aerological observations suggest a synoptic feature with a pronounced energy peak at a period of 5–8 d and a weak peak at 3–4 d. The standard deviation of the synoptic temperature component derived at Xisha Station from 1976 to 2011 indicates that the strongest variability normally exists in August all through the whole troposphere. At the interannual scale, it is found that El Nin o plays an important role in regulating the synoptic disturbances of atmosphere. The vertical synoptic disturbances have a double active peak following El Nin o condition. The first peak usually occurs during the mature phase of El Nin o, and the second one occurs in the summer of decay year. Comparing with the summer of developing years, the summer of the decaying year of El Nin o has more active and stronger synoptic disturbances, especially for the 5–8 d period variations. 展开更多
关键词 northern South China Sea synoptic-scale disturbances El Nin o aerological meteorological observation
作者 李佳音 郭明钢 +5 位作者 隋丹丹 白春梅 赵文迪 蒋伟健 黄胜强 郭霞丽 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期996-1007,共12页
为探究广西壮族自治区凭祥市人工纯林马尾松(Pinus massoniana)木质部的年内生长动态及其对气候的响应规律,本研究利用微树芯采样法对9棵马尾松的木质部进行连续两年监测(2022~2023年),采用Gompertz模型拟合木质部细胞年内生长动态,并... 为探究广西壮族自治区凭祥市人工纯林马尾松(Pinus massoniana)木质部的年内生长动态及其对气候的响应规律,本研究利用微树芯采样法对9棵马尾松的木质部进行连续两年监测(2022~2023年),采用Gompertz模型拟合木质部细胞年内生长动态,并利用线性混合模型分析木质部生长速率与气候因子,包括温度(最高温、最低温和平均温)、降雨量、相对湿度、光合有效辐射和日照时长的相关关系。结果表明:1)广西南部马尾松木质部细胞在3月初期开始生长,于5月底达到生长速率峰值,之后细胞生长速率逐渐下降,在12月仍旧保持低速缓慢的生长;2)马尾松木质部生长速率与采样前7天、10天、15天的最高温、最低温和平均温和采样当天日照时长均呈极显著的正相关关系(p<0.001),与采样前7天、10天、15天的光合有效辐射总量均呈显著的正相关关系(p<0.05),与采样前7天、10天、15天的相对湿度和降雨量的相关关系不显著(p>0.05)。研究结果揭示了温度、光合有效辐射以及日照时长对广西南部马尾松的木质部年内生长有促进作用,为未来气候变化背景下马尾松的经营管理提供了一定的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 南亚热带 马尾松 形成层 木质部 气候因子
Progress of regional oceanography study associated with western boundary current in the South China Sea 被引量:11
作者 WANG DongXiao LIU QinYan +7 位作者 XIE Qiang HE ZhiGang ZHUANG Wei SHU YeQiang XIAO XianJun HONG Bo WU XiangYu sui dandan 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1205-1215,共11页
Recent progress of physical oceanography in the South China Sea (SCS) associated with the western boundary current (WBC) and eddies is reviewed in this paper. It includes Argo observations of the WBC, eddy detection i... Recent progress of physical oceanography in the South China Sea (SCS) associated with the western boundary current (WBC) and eddies is reviewed in this paper. It includes Argo observations of the WBC, eddy detection in the WBC based on satellite images, cross-continental shelf exchange in the WBC, eddy-current interaction, interannual variability of the WBC, air-sea interaction, the SCS throughflow (SCSTF), among others. The WBC in the SCS is strong, and its structure, variability and dynamic processes on seasonal and interannual time scales are yet to be fully understood. In this paper, we summarize progresses on the variability of the WBC, eddy-current interaction, air-sea interaction, and the SCSTF achieved in the past few years. Firstly, using the drifting buoy observations, we point out that the WBC becomes stronger and narrower after it reaches the central Vietnam coast. The possible mechanisms influencing the ocean circulation in the northern SCS are discussed, and the dynamic mechanisms that induce the countercurrent in the region of northern branch of WBC in winter are also studied quantitatively using momentum balance. The geostropic component of the WBC was diagnosed using the ship observation along 18°N, and we found that the WBC changed significantly on interannual time scale. Secondly, using the ship observations, two anti-cyclonic eddies in the winter of 2003/2004 in the northern SCS, and three anti-cyclonic eddies in the summer of 2007 along 18°N were studied. The results show that the two anti-cyclonic eddies can propagate southwestward along the continental shelf at the speed of first Rossby wave (~0.1 ms-1 ) in winter, and the interaction between the three anti-cyclonic eddies in summer and the WBC in the SCS is preliminarily revealed. Eddies on the continental shelf of northern SCS propagated southeastward with a maximum speed of 0.09 ms-1 , and those to the east of Vietnam coast had the largest kinetic energy, both of which imply strong interaction between eddy activity and WBC in the SCS. Thirdly, strong intraseasonal variability (ISV) of sea surface temperature (SST) near the WBC regions was found, and the ISV signal of SST in winter weakens the ISV signal of latent heat flux by 20%. Fourthly, the long-term change of SCSTF volume transport and its connection with the ocean circulation in the Pacific were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 南海区域 物理海洋学 西边界流 中国南海 南海北部大陆架 海气相互作用 年际时间尺度 ROSSBY波
Two-dimensional copper metal-organic frameworks as antibacterial agents for biofilm treatment 被引量:3
作者 WANG ZhengYuan GUO Wei +5 位作者 ZHANG Kai YE YingMin WANG YanMin sui dandan ZHAO NaNa XU Fu-Jian 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1052-1058,共7页
Metal-organic frameworks(MOFs)composed of functional metal ions/clusters and suitable bridging ligands are highly designable,which have shown excellent catalytic activity as nanozymes and are promising for antibacteri... Metal-organic frameworks(MOFs)composed of functional metal ions/clusters and suitable bridging ligands are highly designable,which have shown excellent catalytic activity as nanozymes and are promising for antibacterial therapy.Herein,twodimensional(2D)copper MOF nanosheets(Cu-MOF NSs)as effective antibacterial agents were prepared through a simple onestep method.The 2D Cu-MOF NSs displayed a peroxidase-like activity toward H_(2)O_(2)decomposition into highly cytotoxic hydroxyl radicals(·OH).Notably,the 2D morphology of Cu-MOF NSs provides a high density of Cu^(2+)/Cu^(+)surface active sites,which could efficiently oxidize the proteins and lipids on the bacterial surface and induce the death of bacteria.It is found that the as-prepared 2D Cu-MOF NSs exhibited antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus(S.aureus)and could efficiently eradicate the biofilm of S.aureus.Up to 99.9%bacteria were killed at a Cu-MOF concentration of 4μg/m L.This study opens a new avenue for the design of MOF-based antibacterial agents to combat pathogenic bacterial infections. 展开更多
关键词 metal-organic frameworks reactive oxygen species antibacterial therapy nanozymes TWO-DIMENSIONAL
无支持电解质条件下连续流电化学合成三氟甲基化氧化吲哚 被引量:1
作者 岁丹丹 岑南楠 +2 位作者 龚若蕖 陈阳 陈文博 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期3239-3245,共7页
关键词 三氟甲基 电化学合成 连续流 氧化吲哚 绿色化学
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