AIM: To define the sub site distribution of upper gastrointestinal cancers in three provinces of Iran. METHODS: The study was carried out in three provinces in Iran: Ardabil, Golestan, and Tehran. In Arbabil and Go...AIM: To define the sub site distribution of upper gastrointestinal cancers in three provinces of Iran. METHODS: The study was carried out in three provinces in Iran: Ardabil, Golestan, and Tehran. In Arbabil and Golestan, the data was collected from the sole referral center for gastrointestinal cancers and the local cancer registry. For Tehran province, data from two major private hospitals were used. All gastric and esophageal cancer patients diagnosed during the period from September 2000 and April 2002 were included in the study.RESULTS: A total of 761 patients with upper gastrointestinal cancers were identified, 314 from Ardabil, 261 from Golestan, and 186 from Tehran. In Tehran, the relative rate of cancer increased from the upper esophagus to the distal stomach. In Golestan, the reverse pattern was observed. In Ardabil, the mid portion (distal esophagus and proximal stomach) was involved most frequently.CONCLUSION: There were considerable variations in the sub site of upper gastrointestinal cancers in the three provinces studied, We cannot provide any explanation for this variation, Further research aimed at explaining the discrepancies in sub site distribution of upper gastrointestinal cancers may help identify important risk factors.展开更多
文摘AIM: To define the sub site distribution of upper gastrointestinal cancers in three provinces of Iran. METHODS: The study was carried out in three provinces in Iran: Ardabil, Golestan, and Tehran. In Arbabil and Golestan, the data was collected from the sole referral center for gastrointestinal cancers and the local cancer registry. For Tehran province, data from two major private hospitals were used. All gastric and esophageal cancer patients diagnosed during the period from September 2000 and April 2002 were included in the study.RESULTS: A total of 761 patients with upper gastrointestinal cancers were identified, 314 from Ardabil, 261 from Golestan, and 186 from Tehran. In Tehran, the relative rate of cancer increased from the upper esophagus to the distal stomach. In Golestan, the reverse pattern was observed. In Ardabil, the mid portion (distal esophagus and proximal stomach) was involved most frequently.CONCLUSION: There were considerable variations in the sub site of upper gastrointestinal cancers in the three provinces studied, We cannot provide any explanation for this variation, Further research aimed at explaining the discrepancies in sub site distribution of upper gastrointestinal cancers may help identify important risk factors.