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35CrMo合金钢螺纹连杆疲劳断裂分析 被引量:1
作者 孙明道 闫涛 曹丹 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期123-129,135,共8页
螺纹联接具有结构简单、拆装方便等特点,被广泛应用于高压开关驱动装置。通过材料成分分析、金相组织检验、机械性能试验、断口形貌分析和动态电阻应变试验等技术手段对工作运行7120次发生断裂的35CrMo合金钢螺纹连杆进行研究。结果表明... 螺纹联接具有结构简单、拆装方便等特点,被广泛应用于高压开关驱动装置。通过材料成分分析、金相组织检验、机械性能试验、断口形貌分析和动态电阻应变试验等技术手段对工作运行7120次发生断裂的35CrMo合金钢螺纹连杆进行研究。结果表明,35CrMo合金钢螺纹连杆的断口形貌呈疲劳断裂特征,其材料内部存在夹杂物缺陷;根据试验应力值进行螺纹连杆强度校核和疲劳寿命计算,其设计能够满足设备运行疲劳性能要求。35CrMo材料的夹杂物缺陷和螺纹根部表面缺口协同作用是导致螺纹连杆疲劳寿命缩短最终断裂的原因。 展开更多
关键词 螺纹连杆 动态应变 疲劳断裂 夹杂物 缺口
基于沿单层LYSO晶体阵列深度多层反射膜分布的深度编码PET探测器研究 被引量:2
作者 赵斌清 付春亮 +12 位作者 邝忠华 王晓辉 任宁 吴三 杨茜 孙明道 张春晖 章先鸣 高娟 桑子儒 胡战利 都军伟 杨永峰 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期533-541,共9页
本文提出了在单层LYSO晶体阵列中,采用沿晶体深度布局多层反射膜,并通过SiPM阵列单端读出,从而进行深度测量的PET探测器方法。制作了2个晶体大小为3 mm×3 mm×20 mm的2×2 LYSO晶体阵列,分别布局2层和4层反射膜,对该探测... 本文提出了在单层LYSO晶体阵列中,采用沿晶体深度布局多层反射膜,并通过SiPM阵列单端读出,从而进行深度测量的PET探测器方法。制作了2个晶体大小为3 mm×3 mm×20 mm的2×2 LYSO晶体阵列,分别布局2层和4层反射膜,对该探测器性能的实验测量结果表明,此探测器可清楚区分所有晶体单元。对于布局2层反射膜的探测器,上下两层事件平均正确指定的概率为85.1%,4个不同深度事件的平均正确指定概率为65.5%;对于布局4层反射膜的探测器,4个不同深度事件的平均正确指定概率为74.8%。布局4层反射膜的探测器的深度分辨率优于布局2层反射膜的探测器。两个探测器的平均能量分辨率分别为18.0%和12.2%。这种可分辨γ射线与晶体作用点深度的新型PET探测器,可用于今后研发高性能脑专用、全身和全景PET成像系统。 展开更多
关键词 PET探测器 深度编码 单层晶体阵列 反射膜 单端读出
隔离开关壳体有限元分析及力学性能测试 被引量:2
作者 曲鹏 王佳锐 +1 位作者 孙明道 张兵 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期86-91,共6页
为了验证金属绝缘开关壳体的力学性能,通过ANSYS有限元分析法和应变电测法分析了壳体在标准压力(0. 95Mpa)及以下应力分布情况,并对最大应力点进行应力线性分析。最大应力点位于拔口右侧相贯线处,约为117Mpa,与电测法实验值112. 9Mpa相... 为了验证金属绝缘开关壳体的力学性能,通过ANSYS有限元分析法和应变电测法分析了壳体在标准压力(0. 95Mpa)及以下应力分布情况,并对最大应力点进行应力线性分析。最大应力点位于拔口右侧相贯线处,约为117Mpa,与电测法实验值112. 9Mpa相近。在标准压力下壳体升压降压时应变均在弹性形变之内,没有发生塑性变形。应力线性分析结果显示筒体设计合理可靠。实验结果与有限元分析值相符。 展开更多
关键词 金属壳体 应力应变 有限元 应力线性化
252 kV三相共箱盆式绝缘子应力测试与分析 被引量:5
作者 徐鹏飞 田金涛 +8 位作者 孙明道 张垒 董保莹 侯亚峰 陈拴成 王宁 卢银花 王亶 陈春辉 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期120-126,共7页
通过水压试验和仿真分析,研究了252 kV三相共箱盆式绝缘子的机械特性,得到了三相共箱盆式绝缘子的应力分布及薄弱位置。在水压试验中实时测量了盆式绝缘子的应变,得到了绝缘子的应力分布和变化;对绝缘子水压过程进行了仿真分析,仿真结... 通过水压试验和仿真分析,研究了252 kV三相共箱盆式绝缘子的机械特性,得到了三相共箱盆式绝缘子的应力分布及薄弱位置。在水压试验中实时测量了盆式绝缘子的应变,得到了绝缘子的应力分布和变化;对绝缘子水压过程进行了仿真分析,仿真结果与试验结果一致。研究结果表明:三相共箱盆式绝缘子破坏压力值为2.6 MPa,对应的最大破坏应力为78.28 MPa;水压破坏呈脆性破坏;绝缘子的薄弱位置是弧面曲率变化最大处。 展开更多
关键词 盆式绝缘子 环氧树脂 水压试验 应力 仿真计算
基于等效热路和有限元分析的GIS温升研究 被引量:4
作者 骆常璐 杨姣龙 +3 位作者 李松磊 龚咪咪 孙明道 高振奎 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期67-76,共10页
针对长期运行在大电流下的开关设备,其温升的考虑及试验是产品开发过程中的关键环节之一。由于GIS产品零部件多、空间结构复杂,理论计算无法体现温度分布,而有限元分析中,结合气流场的多物理场耦合计算,注重定性的理论分析,其涉及参数多... 针对长期运行在大电流下的开关设备,其温升的考虑及试验是产品开发过程中的关键环节之一。由于GIS产品零部件多、空间结构复杂,理论计算无法体现温度分布,而有限元分析中,结合气流场的多物理场耦合计算,注重定性的理论分析,其涉及参数多,流体域分析占用资源大、计算不收敛等导致仿真结果不确定性大。文中以GIS中主要的发热设备母线及隔离开关为研究对象,结合传热学原理,研究等效热路及有限元分析,简化计算模型及方法,在等效热路分析中采用单一元件结合形状差异进行分割处理来提高计算精度,并提取等效热路法中的发热、散热等关键技术参数,最终结合有限元分析中的电磁—温度场耦合计算以替代传统包含流场的耦合计算,规避工程设计中,流体域参与计算带来的诸多缺点,并通过对比分析计算、仿真和试验测试数据,验证了简化方法的准确性与实用性,大幅提高计算效率的同时,满足工程设计便捷性的需求,为高压GIS设备可靠运行提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 GIS 温升 等效热路 有限元 温度场
ZL101A铝合金GIS铸件缺陷分析 被引量:3
作者 杨姣龙 骆常璐 +3 位作者 孙明道 史峰涛 龚咪咪 高振奎 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2021年第9期156-162,共7页
在GIS(气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备)铸件开发和应用过程中,ZL101A铝合金铸件出现缩松、冷隔、气孔等缺陷。缩松和冷隔缺陷严重劣化铸件的强度,影响GIS产品整体质量。本文结合GIS铝合金铸件开发试验及工程应用案例,对铸造铝合金含缺陷的断... 在GIS(气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备)铸件开发和应用过程中,ZL101A铝合金铸件出现缩松、冷隔、气孔等缺陷。缩松和冷隔缺陷严重劣化铸件的强度,影响GIS产品整体质量。本文结合GIS铝合金铸件开发试验及工程应用案例,对铸造铝合金含缺陷的断口、组织结构、强度进行分析与研究。结果表明:缩松和冷隔是诱发产品漏气和断裂的主要原因,尤其是海绵状缩松和大尺寸冷隔,极易造成应力集中,导致强度大幅度下降。缩松缺陷面积对抗拉强度的影响曲线可以分三个区域:快速下降区、平缓区和快速下降区,同时随缩松缺陷面积增大,伸长率呈线性下降趋势。局部弥散分布的芝麻状气孔(针孔)对铝合金壳体气密性和强度基本没有影响,通过应力(应变)电测试验进一步表明在水压试验的升降压过程中气孔对应力变化影响很小,铸件整体强度能够满足使用要求。 展开更多
关键词 ZL101A铸造铝合金 缩松缩孔 冷隔 气孔 强度 伸长率
控制图与因果图在GIS零部件硬度质量管理中的应用及分析 被引量:1
作者 孙明道 骆常璐 +2 位作者 王琼鹏 王亚鸽 王晓丹 《理化检验(物理分册)》 CAS 2019年第4期249-252,共4页
通过采用控制图对气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(GIS)零部件的硬度测试数据进行统计分析,以及采用因果图对GIS轴承杆划伤事故进行原因分析,分析了控制图与因果图在GIS零部件硬度质量管理中的应用。结果表明:控制图能够判断零部件硬度是否连... 通过采用控制图对气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(GIS)零部件的硬度测试数据进行统计分析,以及采用因果图对GIS轴承杆划伤事故进行原因分析,分析了控制图与因果图在GIS零部件硬度质量管理中的应用。结果表明:控制图能够判断零部件硬度是否连续处于受控状态,及时发现异常现象,并采取相应的有效措施,从而保证零部件硬度的稳定性;因果图可以全面系统地分析导致零部件硬度不合格的各个因素,查明主要原因,并给出改善对策;通过控制图和因果图的应用,能够有效地指导GIS零部件硬度质量管理水平的提升。 展开更多
关键词 控制图 因果图 GIS零部件 硬度 质量管理
GIS断路器罐体异种钢焊接的超声波检测研究 被引量:2
作者 王晓生 孙明道 刘晓锋 《河南科技》 2017年第11期92-95,共4页
GIS断路器罐体采用奥氏体不锈钢与碳钢异种金属焊接制造。断路器罐体异种钢焊接结构给超声波检测带来了很大难度。本文通过选用窄脉冲纵波斜探头、自制对比试块、建立DAC曲线等步骤,并选择合理的超声波检测工艺,从而有效检测罐体对接焊... GIS断路器罐体采用奥氏体不锈钢与碳钢异种金属焊接制造。断路器罐体异种钢焊接结构给超声波检测带来了很大难度。本文通过选用窄脉冲纵波斜探头、自制对比试块、建立DAC曲线等步骤,并选择合理的超声波检测工艺,从而有效检测罐体对接焊缝中未熔合、未焊透等严重缺陷。 展开更多
关键词 超声波检测 奥氏体不锈钢 窄脉冲纵波单斜探头 对比试块
作者 杨姣龙 马晓红 +3 位作者 史润军 张树成 孙明道 张田甜 《理化检验(物理分册)》 CAS 2019年第2期111-115,共5页
GIS用不锈钢板簧在进行200次操作试验时发生断裂,通过宏观分析、化学成分分析、断口分析、金相分析、力学性能试验等方法对板簧断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:板簧表面存在的微小缺陷、显微组织中的沟状组织及夹杂物、含有氯离子的腐蚀... GIS用不锈钢板簧在进行200次操作试验时发生断裂,通过宏观分析、化学成分分析、断口分析、金相分析、力学性能试验等方法对板簧断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:板簧表面存在的微小缺陷、显微组织中的沟状组织及夹杂物、含有氯离子的腐蚀环境以及应力共同作用,导致板簧发生了应力腐蚀开裂。最后针对板簧断裂原因提出了预防措施。 展开更多
关键词 板簧 断裂 不锈钢 应力腐蚀开裂
2-20α-decay Studies of 220Pa Using Digital Pulse Processing Technique
作者 Huang Tianheng sun mingdao +4 位作者 Liu Zhong Zhang Wenqiang Liu Xiaoyu Ding Bing Lu Hongyang 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期55-56,共2页
Theα-decay of neutron-deficient heavy nuclei far from stability is an indispensable spectroscopic tool to study their low-energy structure.220Pa,a trans-lead isotope near the shell closure N=126,its decay propertie... Theα-decay of neutron-deficient heavy nuclei far from stability is an indispensable spectroscopic tool to study their low-energy structure.220Pa,a trans-lead isotope near the shell closure N=126,its decay properties are still not well established,though it was studied in twoα-decay experiments 30 years ago[1,2].Recently,we applied successfully the modern digital pulse processing(DPP)technique[3,4]to the decay spectroscopy in the Z≥91 and N=128~131 region[5]and the decay chain of 220Pa was established at the first time. 展开更多
2-19 First Identification of theγh11/2 band in 117Ba
作者 Ding Bing Liu Zhong +4 位作者 Huang Tianheng sun mingdao Zhang Wenqiang Liu Xiaoyu Lu Hongyang 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期53-54,共2页
Taking advantage of the largeγ-detector array Gammasphere and the recoil mass separator FMA,highspin states in 117Ba were investigated through the recoil-β-delayed proton decay tagging technique via the heavy-ion in... Taking advantage of the largeγ-detector array Gammasphere and the recoil mass separator FMA,highspin states in 117Ba were investigated through the recoil-β-delayed proton decay tagging technique via the heavy-ion induced fusion-evaporation reaction 64Zn(58Ni,2p3n)117Ba,at a beam energy of 305 MeV.Promptγrays belonging to 117Ba have been identified furthermore,a rotational band has been identified for the first time and presented as band A in Fig.1. 展开更多
2-22 Fine Structure in theαDecay of 223U
作者 sun mingdao Liu Zhong +25 位作者 Huang Tianheng Zhang Wenqiang Wang Jianguo Liu Xiaoyu Ding Bing Gan Zaiguo Ma Long Yang Huabing Zhang Zhiyuan Yu Lin Jiang Jian Wang Kailong Wang Yongsheng Liu Minliang Li Zhihuan Li Jing Wang Xiang Lu Hongyang Lin Chenjian sun Lijie Ma Nanru Yuan Cenxi Zuo Wei Xu Hushan Zhou Xiaohong Xiao Guoqing 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2016年第1期58-59,共2页
Isotope 223U synthesized and identified[1;2].αenergy of 8 780(40)keV and a half-life of 55(10)μs.Theαenergy was calculated by subtracting knownαenergy of 219Th from measured decay sum energy of 223U and its daught... Isotope 223U synthesized and identified[1;2].αenergy of 8 780(40)keV and a half-life of 55(10)μs.Theαenergy was calculated by subtracting knownαenergy of 219Th from measured decay sum energy of 223U and its daughter 219Th.Based on the advanced digital pulse processing technique,a new measurement forα-particle energy and half-life of 223U was performed at the gas-filled recoil separator,Spectrometer for Heavy Atoms and Nuclear Structure(SHANS).The isotope 223U was produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction 187Re(40Ar,p3n)223U. 展开更多
关键词 PULSE was ITS
2-9 Research Progress in the Exotic Nuclei Group
作者 Liu Zhong Huang Tianheng +3 位作者 Ding Bing Zhang Wenqiang sun mingdao Liu Xiaoyu 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期62-63,共2页
We joined the SEASTAR (Shell Evolution And Search for 2+ energies At RIBF) collaboration at RIKEN and are analyzing the data of n-rich V and Mn isotopes with N 40. Three -rays in each of 63;65;67Mn are identified.The... We joined the SEASTAR (Shell Evolution And Search for 2+ energies At RIBF) collaboration at RIKEN and are analyzing the data of n-rich V and Mn isotopes with N 40. Three -rays in each of 63;65;67Mn are identified.The ?? coincidence relationships are being analyzed for establishing their level schemes. The progress in the data analysis is presented in Ref. [1]. 展开更多
2-12 In Beam r-ray Spectroscopy of 63,65,67Mn
作者 Liu Xiaoyu Liu Zhong +4 位作者 Ding Bing sun mingdao Zhang Yuyu Zhou Xiaohong The SEASTAR Collaboration 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期66-66,共1页
The neutron-rich isotopes with N  40 below 68Ni, in many ways behave similar to the “island of inversion” nuclei with N  20. We report on the measurements of excited states of 63;65;67Mn via in-beam -ray spectrosc... The neutron-rich isotopes with N  40 below 68Ni, in many ways behave similar to the “island of inversion” nuclei with N  20. We report on the measurements of excited states of 63;65;67Mn via in-beam -ray spectroscopy. The experiment was performed at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory, RIKEN. Analysis of data for 63;65;67Mn obtained in the SEASTAR campaign has been done. A few transitions have been identified in each of them providing a chance to study the systematic structure evolution of n-rich Mn isotopes near N 40. 展开更多
2-11 Decay Studies of 213Rn Using Implantation-r-a Correlation Method
作者 Huang Tianheng Liu Zhong +2 位作者 sun mingdao Ding Bing Zhang Wenqiang 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期65-65,共1页
The region around the double-closed shell nucleus 208Pb has been particularly useful in studying residual interactions. The low spin isomers of the isotopes in the N=127, Z=8387 region have been identified in lastfif... The region around the double-closed shell nucleus 208Pb has been particularly useful in studying residual interactions. The low spin isomers of the isotopes in the N=127, Z=8387 region have been identified in lastfifty years except 213Rn[1??4]. In our recent implantation–r-a correlation study of the isotopes around the N=126 shell closure, a new ray is observed between the implantations and the decays of 213Rn, which could be due to the depopulation of the isomer of 213Rn mentioned above. 展开更多
关键词 Implantation-r-a CORRELATION METHOD
2-14 Production of New Nuclides 216U and 215U
作者 Yang Huabin Gan Zaiguo +10 位作者 Zhang Zhiyuan Ma Long Yu Lin Jiang Jian Wang Jianguo Tian Yulin Wang Yongsheng Ding Bing sun mingdao Huang Tianheng Wang Kailong 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期68-69,共2页
The study on the decay properties of new isotopes located far from the beta stability line is current the focus of nuclear physics. For isotopes in the region Z >82 and N <126, -emission prevails as radioactive ... The study on the decay properties of new isotopes located far from the beta stability line is current the focus of nuclear physics. For isotopes in the region Z >82 and N <126, -emission prevails as radioactive decay mode and -spectroscopy is the most important tool to obtain information on the nuclear structure. In the heavy nuclei region with N=124 and 126 isotones, an intruder state (h9=2.f7=2)8+ based on the attractive interaction of f7=2 protons and f5=2 neutrons has been significantly observed, which increases the binding energy of this configuration with increasing proton number. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-nucleon TRANSFER REACTIONS
2-2 Lifetime Measurements of the Low-lying Excited States in 87 Zr and 87 Nb
作者 Qiang Yunhua Liu Minliang +11 位作者 Zhou Xiaohong Wang Jianguo Wang Kailong Lv Bingfeng Zheng Yong Gan Zaiguo Zhang Zhiyuan Ma Long Yang Huabin Yu Lin Jiang Jian sun mingdao 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期50-51,共2页
Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in 87Zr and 87Nb have been performed via and coincidences. The 124 MeV 32S beam was delivered from the Sector-Focusing Cyclotron (SFC) of the Heavy Ion R-esearch Facil... Lifetime measurements of low-lying excited states in 87Zr and 87Nb have been performed via and coincidences. The 124 MeV 32S beam was delivered from the Sector-Focusing Cyclotron (SFC) of the Heavy Ion R-esearch Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The parent nuclei 87Nb and 87Mo were produced by the respective reactions 58Ni (32S, 3p) and 58Ni (32S, 2p1n), at a beam energy 100 MeV through the 8 m Al degrader. 展开更多
2-10 Identi cation of a Positive-parity Band in 117Ba
作者 Ding Bing Liu Zhong +4 位作者 Huang Tianheng sun mingdao Zhang Wenqiang Liu Xiaoyu Lu Hongyang 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期63-64,共2页
The Z=56 barium nuclei represent one of the best example of an isotopic chain to explore the evolution of quadrupole deformation as the neutron number decreases. The neutron-deficient barium isotopes with mass number ... The Z=56 barium nuclei represent one of the best example of an isotopic chain to explore the evolution of quadrupole deformation as the neutron number decreases. The neutron-deficient barium isotopes with mass number A ranging from 120 to 130 could be easily produced by the heavy-ion fusionevaporation reactions, and thus have been well studied in ray spectroscopy experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Positive-parity BAND REACTION
2-13 Multi-nucleon Transfer Reactions of 20Ne+209Bi
作者 sun mingdao Liu Zhong +1 位作者 Huang Tianheng Ding Bing 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2015年第1期67-67,共1页
Multi-nucleon transfer reaction plays an important role in the synthesis of new nuclides[1]. In the reactions of 20Ne+209Bi, some short-lived nuclei produced by transferring 26 nucleons were discovered. The experimen... Multi-nucleon transfer reaction plays an important role in the synthesis of new nuclides[1]. In the reactions of 20Ne+209Bi, some short-lived nuclei produced by transferring 26 nucleons were discovered. The experiment of 20Ne+209Bi was performed at gas-filled recoil separator in Lanzhou[2]. A 400 g/cm2 thick 209Bi target was bombarded with 20Ne beam delivered by accelerator HIRFL. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-nucleon TRANSFER REACTIONS
2-19 Introduction to the SEASTAR Data Analysis
作者 Ding Bing Liu Zhong +6 位作者 Huang Tianheng sun mingdao Xu Zhengyu Lee Jenny Pieter Doornenbal Obertelli Alexandre the SEASTAR collaboration 《IMP & HIRFL Annual Report》 2014年第1期55-55,共1页
The first SEASTAR (Shell Evolution and Search for Two-plus energies At RIBF) campaign was carried out inMay 2014. We are analyzing the data for 58??63V and 63??66Mn.The experiment was performed at the Radioactive Isot... The first SEASTAR (Shell Evolution and Search for Two-plus energies At RIBF) campaign was carried out inMay 2014. We are analyzing the data for 58??63V and 63??66Mn.The experiment was performed at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory in RIKEN. A high-intensity 238U beamwas accelerated to bombard beryllium target to produce secondary beams. The B??ΔE??B method was applied toselect and purify secondary beams. An ionization chamber located at the focal point F7 (F11) measured the energyloss ΔE, yielding the fragments' element number Z in BigRIPS (ZDS)[1]. 展开更多
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