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我国烟草青枯菌的种下多样性及统一用名问题商榷 被引量:2
作者 刘颖 谭万忠 丁伟 《植物医生》 2019年第6期12-17,共6页
烟草青枯病在我国许多烟区普遍发生,17个主要烟草种植区中有14个发生了青枯病,近年来,该病的危害范围有逐渐向北和冷凉地区扩展蔓延之势,造成了严重的经济损失.在传统分类中烟草青枯菌属于生理小种1号;在生化变种及演化型分类中,我国大... 烟草青枯病在我国许多烟区普遍发生,17个主要烟草种植区中有14个发生了青枯病,近年来,该病的危害范围有逐渐向北和冷凉地区扩展蔓延之势,造成了严重的经济损失.在传统分类中烟草青枯菌属于生理小种1号;在生化变种及演化型分类中,我国大多数烟草菌株为生化变种3(但也有部分为生化变种4),演化型Ⅰ,而美洲的烟草青枯菌则属于生化变种1,演化型Ⅱ;烟草青枯菌具有序列变种多样性,美洲菌株可聚类为序列变种7和25等,中国烟草青枯菌则属于序列变种13,14,15,17,34,44,54和55.学者们基于DNA-DNA杂交、基因组、蛋白质组及代谢组等证据提议将青枯菌这一复合种重新划分为3个新的种,即Ralstonia solanacearumsp.nov.(原本的演化型Ⅱ菌株),R.syzygii sp.nov.(原本的演化型IV菌株,包括苏门答腊病的病原及香蕉血液病细菌),R.pseudosolanacearumsp.nov.(原本的演化型Ⅰ和演化型Ⅲ菌株).基于此,美洲烟草青枯菌菌株为R.solanacearum,而我国的烟草青枯菌菌株为R.pseudosolanacearum,建议将我国烟草青枯病菌的中文名称为:假茄科雷尔氏菌. 展开更多
关键词 烟草青枯菌 分类地位 种下多样性 新分类及命名
Analyses of the Temporal Development and Yield Losses due to Sheath Blight of Rice (Rhizoctonia solani AG1.1a) 被引量:7
作者 tan wan-zhong ZHANG Wei +4 位作者 OU Zeng-qi LI Cheng-wen ZHOU Guan-jun WANG Zhi-kun YIN Li-li 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1074-1081,共8页
Sheath blight of rice, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 1. 1a, has become the most important disease and caused serious yield losses in some major rice-growing regions in China in recent years. In the present study, fi... Sheath blight of rice, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 1. 1a, has become the most important disease and caused serious yield losses in some major rice-growing regions in China in recent years. In the present study, field plot experiment was conducted to examine the relationships between disease intensity and inoculum density (ID), the seasonal disease epidemic dynamics, and yield reductions due to disease damages. Results from the experiment demonstrated that the areas under progress curves of disease severity and those of percent rice tillers diseased were positively and closely related to the relative initial ID of the pathogen. The inoculum density-disease (IDD) relationships were simulated and the impractical linear models were obtained. Both logistic and Gompertz functions could be used to simulate the disease progress dynamics in time, but the progress curves of the disease severity were modeled better by the Gompertz than by logistic function. However, the Richards function was found to be the best in simulating the disease progress curves when a most appropriate value was chosen for the shape parameter m by using the computer software Epitimulator. Sheath blight infection decreased rice yield very significantly and a yield reduction of 40% was recorded in rice crop with the highest inoculum density. Rice yield was linearly and negatively correlated with the disease severity and the percent tillers affected. The simulated models for all these relationships were computed through executing Epitimulator software and were presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 rice sheath blight inoculum potential development dynamics yield losses simulated models
A Computer Software-Epitimulator~ for Simulating Temporal Dynamics of Plant Disease Epidemic Progress 被引量:2
作者 tan wan-zhong LI Cheng-wen +1 位作者 BI Chao-wei SUN Xian-chao 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2010年第2期242-248,共7页
The objective of the present study was to develop a computer software for simulating the temporal development of plant disease epidemics using Richards, logistic, Gompertz, monomolecular, and exponential functions, re... The objective of the present study was to develop a computer software for simulating the temporal development of plant disease epidemics using Richards, logistic, Gompertz, monomolecular, and exponential functions, respectively, and for predicting disease with a fitted model. The software was programmed using Visual Basic (VB6.0) and packaged with the Wise Installation System. The Fibonacci ('0.618') section strategy was used to find out the most appropriate value for the shape parameter (m) in Richards function simulation through looping procedures. The software program was repeatedly tested, debugged and edited until it was run through favorably and produced ideal outputs. It was named Epitimulator based on the phrase 'epidemic time simulator' and has been registered by the National Copyright Department of China (Reg. no. 2007SR18489). It can be installed and run on personal computers with all versions of Windows operational systems. Data of disease index and survey time are keyed in or imported from Access files. The output of fitted models and related data of parameters can be pasted into Microsoft Excel worksheet or into Word document for editing as required and the simulated disease progress curves can be stored in separate graphic files. After being finally tested and completed, Epitimulator was applied to simulate the epidemic progress of corn northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) with recorded data from field surveys of corn crops and the fitted models were output. Comparison of the simulation results showed that the disease progress was always best described by Richards function, which resulted in the most accurate simulation model. Result also showed that forecast of northern leaf blight development was highly accurate by using the computed progress model from Richards function. 展开更多
关键词 plant disease dynamics Richards function Epitimulator fitted model output epidemic forecast
作者 何雨航 何鹏搏 +9 位作者 张珊 何鹏飞 陈倩 赵正龙 吴毅歆 刘迎龙 Shahzad Munir 孔宝华 谭万忠 何月秋 《玉米科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期120-126,共7页
为评估玉米白斑病在我国发生流行的风险,对疑似白斑病病样进行分离,采用抗病性鉴定以及气象数据对白斑病病原菌流行进行评估,经形态学特征观察和分子鉴定确定山东滕州玉米白斑病病原菌的分类地位。结果表明,引致山东滕州玉米白斑病的病... 为评估玉米白斑病在我国发生流行的风险,对疑似白斑病病样进行分离,采用抗病性鉴定以及气象数据对白斑病病原菌流行进行评估,经形态学特征观察和分子鉴定确定山东滕州玉米白斑病病原菌的分类地位。结果表明,引致山东滕州玉米白斑病的病原菌ST-1与云南白斑病病原菌WS-191同为宽胫附球孢(Epicoccum latusicol⁃lum)。两个菌株最适生长温度均为25~28℃,pH值为5~7。气象数据分析表明,我国8个玉米主产区4-9月平均温度为10~30℃,适合白斑病发生流行。在645个西南玉米区试新品种抗病性鉴定中,中抗-高抗377个,占58.44%;感病-高感品种268个,占41.56%。综上所述,我国主要玉米产区均有白斑病发生条件,存在大面积流行的风险。 展开更多
关键词 玉米 白斑病 病原鉴定 宽胫附球菌 风险分析
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