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于田地区强震前加卸载响应比异常及强震复发间隔 被引量:1
作者 刘月 田勤俭 +2 位作者 张永仙 王辉 尹祥础 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期616-625,共10页
21世纪以来,于田地区发生了4次MS≥6.0地震,包括两次MS7.3地震,引起广泛关注.我们基于加卸载响应比方法 (Load-Unload Response Ratio, LURR),以地震目录(来自中国地震台网中心)为资料,对2008-2020年于田地区4次强震进行分析.结果显示,... 21世纪以来,于田地区发生了4次MS≥6.0地震,包括两次MS7.3地震,引起广泛关注.我们基于加卸载响应比方法 (Load-Unload Response Ratio, LURR),以地震目录(来自中国地震台网中心)为资料,对2008-2020年于田地区4次强震进行分析.结果显示,4次地震前,均在震源区及附近检测到LURR异常,且震前LURR异常空间分布随时间的变化过程类似.强震发生滞后于LURR异常峰值:2008年MS7.3、2014年MS7.3及2020年MS6.4地震,滞后于LURR异常峰值1~2 a;2012年MS6.2地震发生于LURR异常峰值后半年.相邻的民丰地区,1924年发生了MS7.3和MS7.2地震,于田-民丰地区强震较为活跃.我们基于地震导致的地壳介质损伤的平板模型,探索于田及周边地区的强震复发特征.得到于田-民丰地区长期的损伤-愈合速率为3.86×10^(-4)/a.基于单次M 7.5地震造成的损伤,估算这一区域7.5级左右地震的复发间隔约50 a.本文对于田地区强震前介质特征的变化,及区域强震复发间隔提出新的认识. 展开更多
关键词 于田地震 加卸载响应比 阿尔金断裂带 平板模型 损伤演化
作者 梁朋 田勤俭 +3 位作者 徐岳仁 周晓成 熊仁伟 李文巧 《震灾防御技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期483-494,共12页
2023年2月6日土耳其东南部连续发生2次7级以上破坏性地震,造成大量人员伤亡和建筑物损坏。基于高分辨率遥感系统解译了帕扎尔哲克7.8级地震地表破裂空间分布,结合野外科考验证、基于立体像对生成的高分辨率数字地表模型及余震精定位数据... 2023年2月6日土耳其东南部连续发生2次7级以上破坏性地震,造成大量人员伤亡和建筑物损坏。基于高分辨率遥感系统解译了帕扎尔哲克7.8级地震地表破裂空间分布,结合野外科考验证、基于立体像对生成的高分辨率数字地表模型及余震精定位数据,对帕扎尔哲克7.8级地震地表破裂特征进行分析。该次地震地表破裂主要沿先前断层迹线发育,总长度约为320 km。地表破裂位置地貌特征、野外典型位置调查结果及余震精定位结果均显示该次地震以左旋走滑运动为主,局部伴有小规模垂向运动。最大左旋位移位于东安纳托利亚断裂帕扎尔哲克段,蒂尔克奥卢以南地表破裂逐渐不连续,左旋位错不明显。 展开更多
关键词 帕扎尔哲克7.8级地震 东安纳托利亚断裂 地表破裂 高分辨率数字地表模型
1718年通渭M7.5地震滑坡特征分析——黄土高原历史强震触发滑坡数据库的应用 被引量:17
作者 徐岳仁 杜朋 +4 位作者 李文巧 张伟恒 田勤俭 熊仁伟 王林 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期1235-1248,I0003,共15页
利用新技术、新方法,研究历史强震的发震构造及震害,是修订历史强震震源参数的重要内容.本文以1718年通渭M 7.5地震滑坡为研究对象,采用地质学“将今论古”原理,基于历史文献分析、遥感解译、野外验证等方法获得通渭地震滑坡数据库.研... 利用新技术、新方法,研究历史强震的发震构造及震害,是修订历史强震震源参数的重要内容.本文以1718年通渭M 7.5地震滑坡为研究对象,采用地质学“将今论古”原理,基于历史文献分析、遥感解译、野外验证等方法获得通渭地震滑坡数据库.研究发现,(1)总解译滑坡数量5019处,总面积635 km^2,滑坡密集沿通渭断裂分布,与X度等震线吻合,但范围均向西、向北各扩展约20 km;(2)与2008年汶川M8地震滑坡相比,面积<10^3 m^2的滑坡大量缺失,面积10^3~10^4 m^2的滑坡部分缺失,面积>10^4 m^2的滑坡数量相当;(3)尽管通渭地震滑坡数据库并不完整,但是能够反映极震区中大型滑坡的总体特征,可据此确定极震区范围;(4)通渭地震极震区至少有27处以“泄山”等记录地震滑坡的地名,这些受滑坡影响的居民点集中在通渭断裂两侧,占比超过50%,是致7万人死亡的重要致灾因素.研究认为,在黄土高原地区,确认密集的中大型滑坡体可能由单次历史强震触发,且排除其他远场强震影响之后,可以利用现今多时相的高分辨率卫星影像解译获得“相对完整”的历史地震滑坡数据库,为历史强震震源参数的修订提供基础资料. 展开更多
关键词 1718年通渭M 7.5地震 地震滑坡 黄土高原 遥感解译 Google Earth
2017年西藏米林M_S6.9地震发震构造初探 被引量:5
作者 王林 田勤俭 +2 位作者 李文巧 赵妍 徐岳仁 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期2549-2566,共18页
2017年11月18日在西藏米林发生了MS6.9地震,目前尚未发现地表破裂带,发震构造尚不明确.震源机制解表明该次地震为逆冲型地震.精定位结果显示余震集中在加拉白垒东北坡上一个NW走向的长约36km、宽约8km的狭长条带之内.余震条带的走向及... 2017年11月18日在西藏米林发生了MS6.9地震,目前尚未发现地表破裂带,发震构造尚不明确.震源机制解表明该次地震为逆冲型地震.精定位结果显示余震集中在加拉白垒东北坡上一个NW走向的长约36km、宽约8km的狭长条带之内.余震条带的走向及长度严格受到派乡构造岩片NE边界走向及长度的控制,垂直于该条带的地震剖面清晰地揭示出一条倾向NE的低倾角逆冲断层面,结合震源机制解及GPS同震位移场的已有结果,初步推断它可能就是发震断层面.雅鲁藏布江大拐弯上游加拉-米林河段两岸的湖相基座阶地面和山脊线在南迦巴瓦、加拉白垒脚下都发生了倾向SW的翘起变形,发震断层面构成了其上盘加拉白垒、南迦巴瓦强烈隆升区与其下盘地貌发生翘起变形的弱隆升区的分界面,推断加拉白垒峰沿着这一断层面不断地逆冲、隆升,以此来调节其两侧的不均匀挤出,而下盘近断层处的褶皱、拖曳等作用逐渐造成了阶地面、山脊线的翘起、弯曲变形.基于夷平面的区域变形分析,认为雅江缝合带作为主干断裂带从整体上控制着印度板块与欧亚板块在东构造结地区的碰撞-挤压格局.印度板块东北犄角的强烈顶撞引起了东构造结附近强烈的断块运动,嘉黎断裂带北侧的地壳显著增厚,主夷平面随之发生裂解.与此同时,由于碰撞带来的强烈挤压,派乡构造岩片、多雄拉变质穹隆沿着缝合带大拐弯内侧不均匀地挤出,南迦巴瓦、加拉白垒随之隆升.此次的米林地震仅仅是该不均匀挤出过程所引发的一次具体的事件,是派乡构造岩片内部的一条次级断层发生的一次逆冲运动造成的.此外,紧邻此次余震条带的南迦巴瓦NEE边界以及SE边界是一个潜在的地震空区,其未来地震危险性值得关注. 展开更多
关键词 米林地震 逆冲断层 河流阶地 夷平面 构造变形 发震构造
色尔腾山山前断裂东段与西段转折处构造演化特征 被引量:1
作者 梁宽 马保起 +1 位作者 田勤俭 刘韶 《震灾防御技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期600-616,共17页
色尔腾山山前断裂位于鄂尔多斯块体西北角,控制着临河凹陷(河套盆地西部)的持续沉降。对色尔腾山山前断裂东段与西段转折处构造演化模式的研究,有助于提高对正断层演化规律和区域地震风险的认识。本文在研究区大比例尺活动断裂填图的基... 色尔腾山山前断裂位于鄂尔多斯块体西北角,控制着临河凹陷(河套盆地西部)的持续沉降。对色尔腾山山前断裂东段与西段转折处构造演化模式的研究,有助于提高对正断层演化规律和区域地震风险的认识。本文在研究区大比例尺活动断裂填图的基础上,通过对重点区域进行无人机微地貌的测量、探槽开挖、钻孔资料与第四纪测年等方法获取数据,并运用构造地质学、地貌学和沉积地层学等理论,综合探讨断层转折处的构造演化模式及地震危险性。通过研究认为,近东西走向的色尔腾山山前断裂西段与北西走向的东段间以三角状的转换斜坡相连。现今的转折点为应力的积累区,具有较高的地震风险。水平拉伸力的持续作用使断层不断向盆地一侧迁移,同时使断裂转折部位更加平滑。 展开更多
关键词 河套盆地 色尔腾山山前断裂 正断层转折点 多级地貌面 转换斜坡
基于高分7号立体像对和无人机航测影像的闹中断裂几何展布和活动特征研究 被引量:2
作者 张达 胡朝忠 +11 位作者 田勤俭 杨攀新 梁朋 崔腾发 魏文薪 张彦博 黄峰 赵峥 吕晓健 黄振伟 刘大庆 蒲进 《地震地磁观测与研究》 2022年第S01期79-82,共4页
1研究背景澜沧江断裂、怒江断裂、金沙江断裂、德钦-中甸断裂相互交接的芒康、盐井、碧土地区(图1)最新活动的断裂展布位置和活动特征,对研究青藏高原东南部区域的构造变形模式和保障滇藏铁路、川藏铁路、梯级水电站等重大工程的安全具... 1研究背景澜沧江断裂、怒江断裂、金沙江断裂、德钦-中甸断裂相互交接的芒康、盐井、碧土地区(图1)最新活动的断裂展布位置和活动特征,对研究青藏高原东南部区域的构造变形模式和保障滇藏铁路、川藏铁路、梯级水电站等重大工程的安全具有重要意义(钟康惠等,2004)。然而,由于该区域位于三江并流地区,山高谷深,野外考察研究难度大,活动断裂研究程度低。 展开更多
关键词 高分七号 闹中断裂 三维影像 活动构造解译 青藏高原
Fault-Growth Pattern of the South Margin Normal Fault of the Yuguang Basin in Northwest Beijing and its Influencing Factors 被引量:5
作者 WANG Lin tian qinjian +1 位作者 LI Dewen ZHANG Xiaoliang 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期707-719,共13页
Based on high-resolution remote sensing image interpretation, digital elevation model 3-D analysis, field geologic field investigation, trenching engineering, and ground-penetrating radar, synthetic research on the ev... Based on high-resolution remote sensing image interpretation, digital elevation model 3-D analysis, field geologic field investigation, trenching engineering, and ground-penetrating radar, synthetic research on the evolution of the Yuguang Basin South Margin Fault (YBSMF) in northwest Beijing was carried out. We found that the propagation and growth of faults most often occurred often at two locations: the fault overlapping zone and the uneven or rough fault segment. Through detailed observation and analysis of all cropouts of faults along the YBSMF from zone a to zone i, we identified three major factors that dominate or affect fault propagation and growth. First, the irregularity of fault geometry determine the propagation and growth of the fault, and therefore, the faults always propagate and grow at such irregular fault segments. The fault finally cuts off and eliminates its irregularity, making the fault geometry and fault plane smoother than before, which contributes to the slipping movement of the half-graben block in the basin. Second, the scale of the irregularity of the fault geometry affects the result of fault propagation and growth, that is, the degree of the cutting off of fault irregularity. The degree of cutting off decreases as irregularity scale increases. Third, the maximum possible slip displacement of the fault segment influences the duration of fault propagation and growth. The duration at the central segments with a large slip displacement is longer than that at the end segments with a smaller slippage value. 展开更多
关键词 normal fault fault propagation and growth fault overlapping zone irregular fault segment
The Spatial Distribution and Attribute Parameter Statistics of Landslides Triggered by the May 12th,2008,MW7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:4
作者 DU Peng XU Yueren +2 位作者 tian qinjian ZHANG Weiheng LIU Shuang 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2020年第1期29-49,共21页
A complete landslide inventory and attribute database is the importantly fundamental for the study of the earthquake-induced landslide.Substantial landslides were triggered by the MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12th... A complete landslide inventory and attribute database is the importantly fundamental for the study of the earthquake-induced landslide.Substantial landslides were triggered by the MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12th,2008.Google Earth images of preand post-earthquakes show that 52194 co-seismic landslides were recognized and mapped,with a total landslides area of 1021 km2.Based on the statistics,we assigned all landslide parameters and established the co-seismic landslides database,which includes area,length,and width of landslides,elevation of the scarp top and foot edge,and the top and bottom elevations of each located slope.Finally,the spatial distribution and the above attribute parameters of landslides were analyzed.The results show that the spatial distribution of the co-seismic landslides is extremely uneven.The landslides that mainly occur in a rectangular area(a width of 30 km of the hanging wall of the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault and a length of 120 km between Yingxiu and Beichuan)are obviously controlled by surface rupture,terrain,and peak ground acceleration.Meanwhile,a large number of small landslides(individual landslide area less than 10000 m2)contribute less to the total landslides area.The number of landslides larger than 10000 m2 accounts for 38.7%of the total number of co-seismic landslides,while the area of those landslides account for 88%of the total landslides area.The 52194 co-seismic landslides are caused by bedrock collapse that usually consists of three parts:source area,transport area,and accumulation area.However,based on the area-volume power-law relationship,the resulting regional landslide volume may be much larger than the true landslide volume if the landslide volume is calculated using the influenced area from each landslide. 展开更多
关键词 WENCHUAN MW7.9 EARTHQUAKE Earthquake-induced LANDSLIDE Inventories database LANDSLIDE parameters LANDSLIDE area
西藏昌都玉曲河源区冰川构造的性质、特征与演化 被引量:2
作者 李德文 马保起 +2 位作者 田勤俭 史嘉骥 赵杰 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1370-1381,共12页
冰川构造是冰川“侵蚀-堆积-变形”三位一体的重要组成部分,比单纯的冰川地貌与沉积记录分布范围更广、保存能力更强,但中低纬地区研究程度较低。本文利用地貌学、运动地层学和释光年代学方法,对西藏东部玉曲河源地区冰川构造进行研究... 冰川构造是冰川“侵蚀-堆积-变形”三位一体的重要组成部分,比单纯的冰川地貌与沉积记录分布范围更广、保存能力更强,但中低纬地区研究程度较低。本文利用地貌学、运动地层学和释光年代学方法,对西藏东部玉曲河源地区冰川构造进行研究的结果表明,区内存在两期具有不同运动性质和运动方向的冰川构造作用,其性质特征具有显著的时空分异,在时间上主要与冰川规模及其派生的冰川动力条件差异有关,在空间上主要与冰床下伏基岩性质、区域和局部地貌条件以及排水条件的差异有关;根据上覆地层年代资料,推测其形成年代不晚于倒数第二次冰期。综合区域资料认为,约自中更新世晚期以来,河源区先后经历了分别由冰原过程、山谷冰川过程、泛冰过程和河流过程主导的四个阶段。本研究有助于区域较老冰川作用的识别与重建,也可为传统地质构造和冰川构造的甄别,区域变形特征解释和历史重建,以及断层活动性的有效鉴别提供理论与方法上的支持。 展开更多
关键词 冰川构造地貌 冰川构造岩 丘洼对 冰川构造作用 玉曲河源
Strong paleoearthquakes along the Talas-Fergana Fault,Kyrgyzstan 被引量:2
作者 Korzhenkov A M Rogozhin E A +2 位作者 Shen Xuhui tian qinjian Xu Yueren 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2014年第1期11-19,共9页
The Talas-Fergana Fault, the largest strike-slip structure in Central Asia, forms an obliquely orien- ted boundary between the northeastern and southwestern parts of the Tianshan mountain belt. The fault under- went a... The Talas-Fergana Fault, the largest strike-slip structure in Central Asia, forms an obliquely orien- ted boundary between the northeastern and southwestern parts of the Tianshan mountain belt. The fault under- went active right-lateral strike-slip during the Paleozoic, with right-lateral movements being rejuvenated in the Late Cenozoic. Tectonic movements along the intracontinental strike-slip faults contribute to absorb part of the regional crustal shortening linked to the India-Eurasia collision; knowledge of strike-slip motions along the Ta- las-Fergana Fault are necessary for a complete assessment of the active deformation of the Tianshan orogen. To improve our understanding of the intracontinental deformation of the Tianshan mountain belt and the occurrence of strong earthquakes along the whole length of the Talas-Fergana Fault, we identify features of relief arising during strong paleoearthquakes along the Talas-Fergana Fault, fault segmentation, the length of seismogenic ruptures, and the energy and age of ancient catastrophes. We show that during neotectonic time the fault devel- oped as a dextral strike-slip fault, with possible dextral displacements spreading to secondary fault planes north of the main fault trace. We determine rates of Holocene and Late Pleistocene dextral movements, and our radi- ocarbon dating indicates tens of strong earthquakes occurring along the fault zone during and interval of 15800 years. The reoccurrence of strong earthquakes along the Talas-Fergana Fault zone during the second half of the Holocene is about 300 years. The next strong earthquake along the fault will most probably occur along its southeastern chain during the next several decades. Seismotectonic deformation parameters indicate that M〉7 earthquakes with oscillation intensity I〉IX have occurred. 展开更多
关键词 Tianshan region Talas-Fergana fault ancient earthquake palaeoseismology earthquake reoc-currence
The Volume Calculation Method of Rock Collapses and Loess Landslides Triggered by the 1556 AD Huaxian M81/2 Earthquake in Shaanxi Province, China 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Yanbo XU Yueren +3 位作者 DU Peng LI Wenqiao CHEN Lize tian qinjian 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2020年第4期599-616,共18页
Accurate volume calculation of each individual landslide triggered by strong historical earthquakes can help understand the characteristics of the typical earthquake-induced landslides,thus providing significant infor... Accurate volume calculation of each individual landslide triggered by strong historical earthquakes can help understand the characteristics of the typical earthquake-induced landslides,thus providing significant information for the modification of the focal parameters of historical earthquakes.In this study,we select one rock fall and three loess landslides triggered by the 1556 AD Huaxian M8⅟􀄟earthquake,compute their volumes using the low-altitude high-precision Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)photogrammetry and landslide profile restoration methods.The results show that:①the whole influencing area of the Huangjiagou Rock Fall is approximately 3.03×105 m2 and the area of the collapsed rock accumulated at the slope foot is 3.33×104 m2,accounting for approximately 10%of the entire influencing range.However,the estimated volume of the collapsed rock is only 0.699×106 m3,indicating a rock fall with large influencing range but limited collapsed rock;②the geological form of thethree loess landslides are preserved intactly,with volumes of 0.283×108 m3,0.074×108 m3,and 0.377×108 m3.These important geological hazard relics reflect the strong vibrations and severe casualties in the meizoseismal area;③loess landslides are the key reason of the serious death toll in the hilly-gully loess area.Our new method can be used to estimate the influencing area and the actual volume of each individual landslide,and rationally evaluate the role of earthquake landslides in the disaster.In addition,quantitative research on secondary disasters triggered by strong historical earthquakes is beneficial for understanding the surface process and focal parameters of the earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 1556 AD Huaxian earthquake Rock fall Loess landslide Volume calculation
The Calculation Method for the Volume of Landslides and Dammed Lake Sediments Triggered by a Strong Historical Earthquake in the Loess Plateau:A Case Study of Qiuzigou, Gansu Province, Northwest China 被引量:1
作者 DU Peng XU Yueren +2 位作者 LI Wenqiao tian qinjian CHEN Lize 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2020年第4期580-598,共19页
The quantitative calculation of the volume of large earthquake-triggered landslides and related dammed lake sediments is of great significance in the study of secondary disasters and focal parameters of strong histori... The quantitative calculation of the volume of large earthquake-triggered landslides and related dammed lake sediments is of great significance in the study of secondary disasters and focal parameters of strong historical earthquakes.In this study,the dammed lake induced by Qishan M7 earthquake(Lingtai County,Gansu Province,Northwest China)is selected as the research object.Based on the information collected from the 4 boreholes in the dammed lake area,we further take advantage of the lowlevel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)photogrammetry and the morphology recovery method,to calculate the volume of the dammed lake and landslides,respectively.Finally,major conclusions are obtained as follows:①the AMS-14C age at the bottom of the Qiuzigou Dammed Lake sediments is 2890±30 BP,which coincides with the 780 BC Qishan earthquake;furthermore,the Qiuzigou Landslides seem to have been triggered by the earthquake,forming an enclosed dammed lake deposition environment after the upstream sediments accumulate;②the Qiuzigou landslides are opposite-sliding landslides that have blocked the river valley;in detail,landslide volumes at the right and left banks are 235×104 m3 and 229×104 m3,respectively.The length of the dammed lake is 2.6 km,with a thickness of approximately 43 m near the landslides,and the total sedimentary volume is 573×104 m3;③the erosion rate of Qiuzigou Landslide Dammed Lake is 0.44 mm/a,the accumulation rate is 15.05 mm/a,and the soil erosion modulus is 593 t/(km2/a),characterized as slight erosion.Quantitative research on the formation of landslides and dammed lakes from strong historical earthquakes is vital for increasing our understanding of the vibrational characteristics and surface action processes of these types of earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-triggered landslides Earthquake dammed lake sediments 780 BC Qishan earthquake Qiuzigou Loess Plateau
Relationship between the Landslides Triggered by the Tongwei M71/2 Earthquake in 1718 AD and the Disappearance of Yongning Ancient Town 被引量:1
作者 XU Yueren DU Peng +2 位作者 LI Wenqiao tian qinjian CHEN Lize 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2020年第4期546-559,共14页
Although China’s historical earthquake documentation is relatively rich,it is not all based on scientific records.Therefore,the verification of the seismic information in historical records can effectively avoid exag... Although China’s historical earthquake documentation is relatively rich,it is not all based on scientific records.Therefore,the verification of the seismic information in historical records can effectively avoid exaggerating or underestimating the damage they produced.In this paper,we analyze the detailed information of the 1718 AD Tongwei M7⅟􀄟earthquake through field surveys,document sorting,and manual visual interpretation of UAV images.Major conclusions are listed as follows:①The low-level terraces of Weihe River between Gangu and Wushan are fully developed with flatted surface,and the residents here are mostly killed by house collapses.In addition,the disappearance of Yongning Ancient Town is not directly related to the earthquakeinduced landslides;②In fact,“Yongning Town is entirely buried by the earthquake”in the historical records describes the phenomenon that loess dust has pervaded the entire Weihe Valley.These dust grains are produced by the sliding of earthquakeinduced landslides.Thus,there is no possibility that large-scale landslides have slipped over Weihe bedrock and buried Yongning Town;③After the earthquake,survivors abandoned the ruins and selected a new site to live.They built a new town named“Pan’an(means always peaceful in the future)”.earthquake-induced landslides may be the reason of burying the residential areas on valley-side slopes,while those locations inside the valley are associated with the amplification effect of ground vibration.On the basis of compiling historical seismic data,scientific methods are used to explore the real meaning of these documents,for the purpose of providing basic data for the risk evaluation of strong historical earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 1718 AD Tongwei M71/2 earthquake Yongning Ancient Town Earthquake-triggered landslides Loess Plateau
A Preliminary Study on the Datong Fault Belt 被引量:2
作者 Li Zhimin tian qinjian +4 位作者 Yao Shenghai Li Wenqiao Chen Youshun Zou Haining Gao Zhanwu 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第3期348-355,共8页
The Datong fault belt is a NE trending fault in the northern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and controls the boundary of the Xining Basin and Datong Basin. It consists of the Maziying-Miaogou (F_1) fault and the Laoye... The Datong fault belt is a NE trending fault in the northern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and controls the boundary of the Xining Basin and Datong Basin. It consists of the Maziying-Miaogou (F_1) fault and the Laoye Mountain-Nanmenxia fault (F_2). There is obvious displacement in vertical direction along the belt. The field investigation results show that this belt has long-term activity. There are several meters long crushed zones and veins along the fault side in the basement rock. On the fault section,the Cambria system thrusts over the red-brick-colored Quaternary Period gravel,and there is a fault gouge of several centimeters thick developed on the fault plane. The fault gouge date (ESR) on the fault plane is 610±61ka. The covering deluvial loess is not dislocated,and the OSL result is 14.6±1.5ka. So it can be concluded that the fault belt was active in the middle Pleistocene,but inactive in the late Pleistocene according to the age data and geomorphologic features. Interior formations of the Datong basin features fold with the major axis orienting northwest. According to the relation of fault and fold deformation,Datong fault is a transversal tear,which is due to uneven compression of the folds in different parts and NNE trending regional compressive stress. It is common among the NE trending faults in the northeast of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. These NE trending faults aren't large,and most are located in the active plate. They are all nearly vertical to the axis of the folds and compressive basins. 展开更多
关键词 地震 地震带 西藏 西部地区 中国
Interpretation of the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of the Co-seismic Landslides Induced by the 1920 Haiyuan M81/2 Earthquake Using Remote Sensing Images 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Weiheng XU Yueren +3 位作者 DU Peng LI Wenqiao tian qinjian CHEN Lize 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2020年第4期523-545,共23页
Analyzing the spatial distribution characteristics of earthquake-induced secondary disasters based on advanced techniques is significantly important,especially in understanding the process of strong earthquakes in the... Analyzing the spatial distribution characteristics of earthquake-induced secondary disasters based on advanced techniques is significantly important,especially in understanding the process of strong earthquakes in the Loess Pateau.Using ArcGIS,this study interprets multi-temporal high-resolution satellite images,field investigation data,and historical seismic records.Major conclusions are obtained as follows:①Landslides induced by the Haiyuan earthquake are mainly distributed in the intersection area of the end of the Haiyuan fault and Liupanshan fault,as indicated by multiple dense distribution centers;②The landslide distribution of the Haiyuan Earthquake is determined by the distance to the fault,topographic relief,slope,lithology,and other factors.In detail,the closer the distance to the fault,the greater the density of the landslide.The greater the slope and relief of the terrain,the greater the density and the smaller the average area of a landslide.Compared with tertiary strata,Quaternary strata has a larger average area,and the density of the landslides is smaller;③The density curve of the death toll in the Haiyuan earthquake can be used as a reference for the distribution of co-seismic landslides.Several Haiyuan co-seismic landslides are distributed in the Tongwei landslide area;however,the major landslides here are induced by the 1718 Tongwei earthquake rather than the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake;④The co-seismic landslides of the Haiyuan earthquake exhibits the“slope effect”in the south-west plate of Haiyuan fault,presenting the dominant sliding direction towards the fault and epicenter;however,the“slope effect”is not evident in the northeast plate of the fault. 展开更多
关键词 1920 Haiyuan earthquake Earthquake-induced landslide Slope effect
A Preliminary Study on a Seismotectonic Model for the Active Faults in the Xining Urban Area 被引量:2
作者 tian qinjian Li Zhimin +1 位作者 Zhang Junlong Ren Zhikun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第1期15-23,共9页
On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey,we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation.The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fau... On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey,we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation.The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fault on the northern bank of the Huangshuihe River are tensional faults on top of an anticline,the Nanchuanhe fault is a transverse tear fault resulting from differential folding on two sides of the fault,the east bank of the Beichuanhe River fault is a compressional fault developed on the core or climb of a syncline.By balance profile analysis of fold deformation and inversion of gravity anomaly data,we obtained the depth of the detachment plane and established the seismotectonic model of the Xining urban area.Based on the seismotectonic model,we analyzed the earthquake potential of the active urban fault. 展开更多
关键词 西宁 活动层 地震构造 断层移动
The Research of the Activity of the Piedmont Fault on the Tangshankou Segment of the Yuguang Basin Southern Marginal Fault
作者 Wang Lin tian qinjian +1 位作者 Li Dewen Zhang Xiaoliang 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2017年第4期527-537,共11页
The Yuguang basin is a half-graben basin in the basin-range tectonic zone in northwest Beijing,located at the northern end of the Shanxi graben system,and the Yuguang basin southern marginal fault( YBSMF) controls the... The Yuguang basin is a half-graben basin in the basin-range tectonic zone in northwest Beijing,located at the northern end of the Shanxi graben system,and the Yuguang basin southern marginal fault( YBSMF) controls the formation of this basin. A linear fault escarpment has formed in the proluvial fan on the piedmont fault zone of the Tangshankou segment of YBSMF. A trench across this escarpment reveals three paleo-earthquake events on two active faults. One fault ruptured at about 9 ka for the first time,and then faulted again at about 7. 3 ka,causing the formation and synchronous activity of another fault.Finally,they faulted for the third time,but we cannot determine the faulting time due to the lack of relevant surface deposition. The accumulative vertical displacement of these three events is about 8. 1 m. We estimate that the average recurrence period of the piedmont fault is about 1. 7 ka,and the average slip rate of the piedmont fault is about1. 6 mm/a. We also estimate the reference magnitude of each event according to the empirical formula. 展开更多
Research of the Differential Uplifting in the Palongzangbu Region Based on the Synthesis of the Watershed Index and Seismic Data
作者 Wang Lin Zhao Yan +2 位作者 tian qinjian Li Wenqiao Xu Yueren 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2018年第1期64-79,共16页
Research on the differential uplifting in the Palongzangbu region is crucial to understanding the tectonic deformation mechanism and establishing the model of the faulted blocks in the region of the east structural kn... Research on the differential uplifting in the Palongzangbu region is crucial to understanding the tectonic deformation mechanism and establishing the model of the faulted blocks in the region of the east structural knot.In this paper,based on the ASTER-30m DEM,we calculate the hypsometry index(HI)of 19 watersheds in the Palongzangbu region,and study the differential uplifting in this region combining with seismic data,the ground deposition and erosion process.The result shows that the spatial distribution of the HI value can reflect the differential uplifting in the study area.Differential uplifting exists within different zones,and there are 2 relative strong uplifting centers.One center is near the east structural knot,and the other lies between the Lhari fault and Nujiang fault at their converging segment.Also,the watershed evolution,seismic activity,and ground deposition and erosion process are closely related to each other,and they constitute a chain of evidence which reveals the whole process from the tectonic movement underground to the landform evolution on the surface. 展开更多
Occurrence Probability Evaluation of the Maximum Potential Earthquake on the Faults in Zhengzhou City
作者 Wang Ji tian qinjian Gao Zhanwu 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第3期358-369,共12页
According to the results of estimation of the maximum potential earthquake in the project of "The Active Fault Detection and Seismic Risk Evaluation( Phase II) of Zhengzhou City",the near east-west trending ... According to the results of estimation of the maximum potential earthquake in the project of "The Active Fault Detection and Seismic Risk Evaluation( Phase II) of Zhengzhou City",the near east-west trending Laoyachen fault and Shangjie fault are developed in the urban area.The Laoyachen fault was not active in the Quaternary,but the Shangjie fault may have the potential of generating M5.0~5.5 earthquakes.In order to get the probability of occurrence of maximum potential earthquakes,we delineate the statistical areas and the potential source areas and calculate the seismicity parameters and the space distribution functions.Our study shows that the probability of occurrence of an earthquake with M≥5.0 on the faults in Zhengzhou city is 6% in the next 50 years and 11% in the next 100years. 展开更多
关键词 最大潜在地震 概率评估 断层探测 郑州市 地震危险性评价 空间分布函数 地震参数 故障
The Emergency Scientific Investigation on the Surface Rupture Zone of the M_S 7.1 Yushu Earthquake
作者 Wang Ji Chen Lichun +3 位作者 tian qinjian Li Zhimin Sun Xinzhe Zhang Xiaoqing 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第4期521-524,共4页
The coseismic surface rupture zone of the seismogenic fault of the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake includes three left-stepping main ruptures, striking 300°~320°, in general. An approximately 2km-long en echelon ten... The coseismic surface rupture zone of the seismogenic fault of the MS7.1 Yushu earthquake includes three left-stepping main ruptures, striking 300°~320°, in general. An approximately 2km-long en echelon tension fissure zone was found at Longbao town. The main rupture in the northern part is about 16km long, about 9km long in the middle part, and about 7km long in the southern part, with a total length of 34km. Each of the main ruptures consists of a series of en echelon sub-ruptures represented by a series of compression bulges alternating with tension fissures or by en echelon fissures. The rupture at Changusi, the southernmost of the ruptures, is characterized by vertical displacement, with a value of 50cm. The rupture zone shows left-lateral strike-slip characteristics. The maximal horizontal slip is on the northern main rupture, with a value of 1.8m. 展开更多
关键词 地表破裂带 科学考察 地震 玉树 主破裂 发震断层 垂直位移 左旋走滑
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